Dennis M. Fisher, M.D., Editor

Anesthesiology 1999; 91:1090–121 © 1999 American Society of Anesthesiologists, Inc. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Inc.

Inhaled Downloaded from http://pubs.asahq.org/anesthesiology/article-pdf/91/4/1090/398065/0000542-199910000-00030.pdf by guest on 30 September 2021 Basic Biology and Clinical Applications Wolfgang Steudel, M.D.,* William E. Hurford, M.D.,† Warren M. Zapol, M.D.‡

A REMARKABLY exciting field of research has developed applicability of inhaled NO. In subgroups of severely ill since nitric oxide (NO) was identified in 1987 as a key and hypoxic children and adults, inhaled NO improves endothelium-derived relaxing factor (EDRF).1,2 The arterial oxygenation and selectively decreases pulmo- awarding of the 1998 Nobel prize in physiology or med- nary arterial hypertension (PAH). NO inhalation therapy, icine to three seminal researchers in the field of NO in combination with conventional6,7 or high-frequency biology provided the most recent evidence for the oscillatory ventilation,8 can reduce the need for extra- emerging prominence of this area of study.3 The under- corporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO), an expen- standing of the roles of NO in the cardiovascular, im- sive and invasive procedure in newborn patients with mune, and nervous systems; the isolation and localiza- hypoxic respiratory failure.6,7 However, it remains un- tion of NO synthases (NOS); the manipulation of the certain whether NO inhalation improves survival rates in genes for NOS, including their cloning and selective adults or children with severe lung injury. transfer or knock-out; and the therapeutic use of inhaled New applications for NO inhalation have been discov- NO gas have revolutionized many fields of physiologic ered. Recent studies indicate that inhaled NO may de- research and are influencing clinical therapy. crease intestinal ischemia–reperfusion injury9 and may Many insights into the mechanisms of action of NO be useful to treat thrombotic disorders.10,11 By increas- have been gained. Since the reported applications of ing the oxygen affinity of sickle cell hemoglobin,12 in- inhaled NO in the laboratory4 and in adult patients with haled NO may prevent or treat sickle cell crisis. This primary pulmonary hypertension in 1991,5 hundreds of article reviews the relevant physiologic effects, thera- studies have been conducted to determine the clinical peutic uses, side-effects, and toxicity of NO inhalation. The first portion of this article concentrates on the chemistry, biochemistry, toxicology, and biology of NO; * Research Fellow in Anaesthesia and Critical Care. the second portion summarizes the results of NO inha- † Associate Professor of Anaesthesia; Director, Critical Care. lation studies to date in experimental settings and the ‡ Reginald Jenney Professor of Anaesthesia, Anesthetist-in-Chief. results of clinical studies in newborns, children, and adults. Received from the Department of Anesthesia and Critical Care, Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston, Mas- sachusetts. Submitted for publication June 9, 1998. Accepted for pub- Chemistry, Biochemistry, and Toxicology of lication May 4, 1999. Supported by grant no. HL-42397 from the United Nitric Oxide States Public Health Service, Bethesda, Maryland (Dr. Zapol and Dr. Nitric oxide is a colorless, almost odorless gas that is Hurford), and by grant no. STE 835/1-2 from the Deutsche Forschungs- 13 gemeinschaft, Bonn, Germany (German Research Association; Dr. Steu- slightly soluble in (2 or 3 mM). Environmental del). The Massachusetts General Hospital has licensed a patent cover- NO arises from combustion processes (e.g., fossil fuel ing the use of nitric oxide inhalation to AGA Inc., Stockholm, Sweden, combustion and tobacco smoke) and lightning.14 Atmo- and the authors have rights to receive royalties. spheric concentrations of NO usually range between 10 Address reprint requests to Dr. Zapol: Department of Anesthesia and and 500 parts per billion (ppb), but can exceed 1.5 parts Critical Care, Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School, per million (ppm) in areas of heavy traffic.15 Concentra- 32 Fruit Street, Boston, Massachusetts 02114. Address electronic mail to: [email protected] tions of NO produced in the hot cone of a glowing 16 Key words: Adult respiratory distress syndrome; lung; primary pul- cigarette can reach 1,000 ppm in a 40-ml puff. The monary hypertension of the newborn; pulmonary hypertension; re- Occupational Safety and Health Administration has set view. 8-h time-weighted average exposure limits in the work-

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place at 25 ppm for NO breathing and at 5 ppm for tant molecules (e.g., lipids, proteins, DNA; for review 17 31,32 dioxide (NO2). Commercially, NO is manufac- articles see Szabo et al. ). The cytotoxic effects of tured from the reaction of sulfur dioxide with nitric acid, ϪOONO provide protective functions if they are di- from the reaction of sodium and sulfuric acid, or rected by inflammatory cells against invading microor- by the oxidation of ammonia over a platinum catalyst at ganisms or tumor cells. a high temperature (Ͼ 500°C).18 In an anaerobic envi- An important example of a reaction caused by ϪOONO

ronment (i.e., in highly purified nitrogen), NO can be is the nitration of tyrosine. Tyrosine nitration inhibits Downloaded from http://pubs.asahq.org/anesthesiology/article-pdf/91/4/1090/398065/0000542-199910000-00030.pdf by guest on 30 September 2021 stored for several years. tyrosine phosphorylation, alters the dynamics of assem- bly and disassembly of cytoskeletal proteins, and inhibits Reaction of Nitric Oxide with Oxygen tyrosine hydroxylase, thereby reducing dopamine pro- In the gaseous phase, NO reacts with molecular oxy- duction by neurons and inhibiting cytoskeletal move- gen to form NO2. The conversion rate of NO to NO2 can ments of endothelial cells.31 Nitrotyrosine has been de- be described by the relation tected in lung tissue sections from patients with lung injury,33,34 in atherosclerotic lesions,35,36 and in lungs Ϫ d͓NO͔/dtϭk ⅐ ͓NO͔ ⅐ ͓O2͔19,20 2 after ischemia–reperfusion injury.37 where k is the rate constant for conversion of NO to Exposure of surfactant to high concentrations of Ϫ 38 NO2. The rate constant has been reported to be between OONO in vitro reduced its minimum surface tension. 0.79 ϫ 10Ϫ9 to 2.26 ϫ 10Ϫ9 ⅐ ppmϪ2 ⅐ minϪ1, dependent Peroxynitrite exposure impaired pulmonary surfactant on experimental conditions.19 Approximately half of a function, because of peroxidation of surfactant lipids,

10,000-ppm NO mixture in air is converted into NO2 and decreased the ability of the major hydrophilic sur- within 24 s, whereas 50% of a 10-ppm NO mixture in air factant, protein A, to aggregate lipids and act synergisti- 21 is converted into NO2 within7hat20°C. In aqueous cally with other surfactant proteins to reduce the mini- 39,40 solution, NO2 decomposes to give equal amounts of mum surface tension. These changes of surfactant Ϫ Ϫ 13 nitrite (NO2 ) and (NO3 ). protein A were associated with nitrotyrosine forma- 39 The pathologic effects of NO2 inhalation have been tion. A mixture of surfactant proteins B and C exposed studied in various animal species. High levels of inhaled to ϪOONO was incapable of reducing phospholipid min- Ͼ 41 NO2 ( 10 ppm) induce pulmonary edema, alveolar imum surface tension during dynamic compression. hemorrhage, changes in the surface tension activities of Peroxynitrite can cause cell apoptosis by DNA strand surfactant, hyperplasia of type 2 alveolar epithelial cells, breakage, activation of poly-adenosine-diphosphate-ribo- intrapulmonary accumulation of fibrin, neutrophils, and syltransferase and by inhibition of mitochondrial respi- 22,23 31,32 macrophages, and death. Lower inhaled NO2 con- ratory . Peroxynitrite rapidly reacts with centrations (Ͻ 2 ppm) can alter surfactant function, carbon dioxide to form an adduct that participates in produce alveolar cell hyperplasia, and alter the epithe- nitration and oxidation reactions.42 Interestingly, in a 24 lium of the terminal bronchioles. Inhalation of 2 ppm model of thrombin or hydrogen peroxide (H2O2)–in- 25 NO2 in humans increases alveolar permeability and duced vascular injury of the rat mesenteric endothelium 26–28 airway reactivity. Inhalation of 0.5–1.5 ppm NO2 for and in an ischemia–reperfusion model of the rat heart, 9 weeks caused focal degeneration of pulmonary inter- infusion of ϪOONO significantly reduced neutrophil ad- stitial cells, with mild emphysematous changes, in rats.29 hesion to the endothelium and expression of adhesion molecules, suggesting that ϪOONO exerts inhibitory ef- Reaction of Nitric Oxide with Superoxide fects on neutrophil adhesion in inflammatory processes.43 Ϫ Ϫ Nitric oxide and superoxide (O2 ) readily react to In summary, OONO is more cytotoxic than NO in a form peroxynitrite (ϪOONO) at nearly a diffusion-lim- variety of experimental systems,32 and the balance of 13 Ϫ Ϫ Ϫ Ϫ ited rate. During physiologic conditions, O2 is scav- NO, O2 , and O2 – OONO scavenging systems deter- Ϫ Ϫ enged by endogenous O2 scavengers (e.g., superoxide mines whether biologically relevant OONO concentra- dismutase) and formation of ϪOONO is minimal. During tions will occur in tissues.30 pathologic conditions, such as in the presence of in- Ϫ Ϫ creased concentrations of O2 or after O2 scavengers Reaction of Nitric Oxide with Proteins and are exhausted, significant concentrations of ϪOONO Metals may be produced.30 Peroxynitrite directly causes oxida- Nitric oxide binds to intracellular iron and heme-con- tion, peroxidation, and nitration of biologically impor- taining proteins. Examples of heme proteins that are

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directly affected by NO are oxyhemoglobin, soluble Such localized release of NO permits vasodilation and (sGC), cyclooxygenase, and cyto- increased oxygen delivery to occur in tissues with re- 57 chrome p450. Guanylate cyclase is stimulated by NO; duced PO2. cyclooxygenase is stimulated by low NO concentra- tions44 and inhibited by high NO concentrations.45 The Effect of Nitric Oxide on DNA cytochrome p450 system is inhibited by NO.46,47 The Nitric oxide can alter DNA by the formation of muta- genic ,58,59 by direct modification and ratio of rates of uptake and release of NO for ferrous Downloaded from http://pubs.asahq.org/anesthesiology/article-pdf/91/4/1090/398065/0000542-199910000-00030.pdf by guest on 30 September 2021 (Fe2ϩ) hemoglobin is 105–106 times larger than for oxy- strand breakage of DNA from the formation of radical Ϫ 60–62 gen.48 Different from other iron–heme ligands, such as nitrogen oxide species (e.g., OONO), and by inhi- carbon monoxide or oxygen, NO can bind with the bition of systems that are necessary to repair 63–65 ferric (Fe3ϩ) and Fe2ϩ oxidation state of hemoglobin. DNA lesions. NO deaminates desoxynucleosides The vasodilating effects of NO in vivo are limited by its and desoxynucleotides in mammalian cell preparations 66 rapid reaction with oxyhemoglobin or oxymyoglobin to and in aerobic solutions of nucleic acids and causes 67 form nitrosylhemoglobin or nitrosylmyoglobin. Methe- dose-dependent DNA strand breakage. In contrast, NO moglobin (Fe3ϩ hemoglobin) is produced when the can abate DNA damage caused by xanthine oxidase and 2ϩ 3ϩ Ϫ H O .68–70 heme iron is oxidized from Fe to Fe and NO3 is 2 2 released.49 Most of the methemoglobin is reduced back Tumoricidal and tumor-promoting effects of NO have 2ϩ been reported.65 Nitric oxide derived from the inducible to Fe hemoglobin by NADH-cytochrome b5/cyto- NOS (iNOS) of macrophages, Kupffer cells, natural killer chrome b5 methemoglobin reductase within erythro- cytes. In addition, reduced glutathione reduces methe- cells, and endothelial cells produces tumoricidal effects 71–79 moglobin.50 against many types of tumors, reduces the viability of several tumor cell lines,80 and inhibits angiogenesis, 81 Reaction of Nitric Oxide with Thiols tumor growth, and metastasis. Transfection of iNOS Nitric oxide can nitrosate thiol groups to form S-nitro- into metastatic melanoma cells reduces their potential 82 83 sothiols. Common, naturally occurring S-nitrosothiols in- for metastasis. NO inhibits tumor cell adhesion and 84 clude S-nitrosocysteine, S-nitrosohomocysteine, and S- decreases the metastatic activity of colon cancer cells. nitrosoglutathione.51 S-nitrosothiols have similar platelet- In other studies, NO mediates tumor growth through inhibitory and vasorelaxant activities to NO, which are NO-mediated control of angiogenesis and of growth fac- 65,85,86 65 mediated through guanylate cyclase activation,52 but tors. Wink et al. recently concluded that the role which differ in other important physiologic characteris- of NO in carcinogenesis is multidimensional. Tissues that tics from gaseous NO.53–55 are exposed for prolonged durations to high NO con- In addition to binding to the iron–heme center of centrations in combination with long-term inflammation hemoglobin, NO participates in transnitrosation reac- and production of reactive oxygen species may accumu- tions with the sulfhydryl group of hemoglobin to form late mutations caused by the direct or indirect effects of S-nitrosohemoglobin. Such reactions may serve as impor- NO. As a tumor develops, NO produced from iNOS can tant steps in the uptake and distribution of NO in the kill tumor cells through cytostatic and cytotoxic activity. systemic circulation. In vivo analysis reveals that arterial As the tumor progresses, NO may inhibit or support blood samples from normal rats contained larger con- angiogenesis, may limit leukocyte infiltration, and may centrations of S-nitrosohemoglobin than did venous sam- limit metastasis or kill tumor cells through the induction 65 ples,56 suggesting that S- is regulated by he- of apoptosis. moglobin oxygenation and changes with erythrocyte transit through the lungs. Stamler et al.57 demonstrated Effect of Nitric Oxide on Lipids that hemoglobin cysteines (Cys␤93) participate in the Nitric oxide has contrasting effects on lipids, particu- binding and release of NO. When deoxygenated hemo- larly on the oxidation of low-density lipoproteins in the globin with a high oxygen affinity enters the pulmonary pathogenesis of atherosclerotic lesions (for review see circulation, the affinity of the hemoglobin thiol groups Rubbo et al.87). NO inhibits lipid peroxidation by inhib- for NO is high and NO uptake occurs. In the peripheral iting radical chain propagation reactions via radical– circulation, where oxygenated hemoglobin with a low radical reaction with lipid peroxyl and alkoxyl oxygen affinity releases oxygen to tissues at a low partial groups.87,88 As a ligand to iron (and other transition pressure of oxygen (PO2), release of NO is enhanced. metals), NO modulates the prooxidant effects of iron

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and thereby limits the formation of hydroxyl radicals and testinal, urogenital, and respiratory tracts via nonadren- iron-dependent electron-transfer reactions.87 NO inhib- ergic noncholinergic nerves containing nNOS.114 its cell and ϪOONO-mediated lipoprotein oxidation in Neuronal NOS expression is also present in vasodilator macrophage and endothelial cell systems.89 However, nerves that innervate large cerebral vessels.117 In the NO-induced ϪOONO formation can oxidize low-density central nervous system, NO is essential in neuronal plas- lipoproteins to potentially atherogenic species.90,91 The ticity to modulate information storage in the brain118 and

antioxidant versus prooxidant outcome of these reac- has effects on brain development, memory function, Downloaded from http://pubs.asahq.org/anesthesiology/article-pdf/91/4/1090/398065/0000542-199910000-00030.pdf by guest on 30 September 2021 tions appears to depend on the relative concentration of behavior, and pain perception.114 In human skeletal the various reactive molecules.88,92 muscle, nNOS modulates contractile force, myocyte de- velopment, myofiber differentiation, and myotube inner- Endogenous Nitric Oxide Synthesis vation.114 Other nNOS expression sites include cardiac catalyzes a partially tetrahydro- nerve terminals that regulate the release of cat- biopterin-dependent five-electron oxidation of the termi- echolamines in the heart,119 and the retina, where nNOS 93 nal guanidino nitrogen of L-. The reaction sto- is involved in NO production in photoreceptors and ichiometrically consumes oxygen and nicotinamide bipolar cells.120 adenine dinucelotide hydrogen phosphate (NADPH), re- Inducible NOS. Inflammatory cells (e.g., macrophages quires the cofactors flavin adenine dinucleotide, flavin and granulocytes), among many other cell types, express mononucleotide, and , and produces L-citrul- iNOS in response to a variety of infectious and inflam- line and NO. NOS does not produce detectable levels of matory stimuli. Inducible NOS produces effects that are NO unless superoxide dismutase is present.94 During beneficial and critical for survival during important bac- conditions of L-arginine depletion, NOS generates terial and parasitic infections (e.g., Mycobacterium tu- Ϫ 95,96 O2 . NOS is homologous to the cytochrome p450 berculosis, Toxoplasma gondii) and in the response to reductase enzyme containing iron–protoporphyrin IX.97,98 inflammation (e.g., decrease of neutrophil adhesion in Three NOS isoforms have been identified and classified endotoxemia, increase of wound closure, and neovascu- based on the tissue in which they were first identified, larization of wounds), as shown in murine models of the regulation of their activity, and their substrate–in- congenital iNOS deficiency.115 In contrast, increased hibitor profile. Constitutive neuronal NOS (nNOS, iNOS expression has been associated with the worsen- NOS1) initially was discovered in nerve tissue. Inducible ing of other infectious diseases (e.g., influenza pneumo- NOS (iNOS, NOS2), a cytokine-inducible isoform, is ex- nitis) and inflammatory states (e.g., endotoxin-induced pressed in a variety of inflammatory cells. Constitutive hypotension, autoimmune vasculitis).115 Enhanced ex- endothelial NOS (eNOS, NOS3) was originally described pression of iNOS and increased vascular NO synthesis in vascular endothelial cells. More recent studies have and release have been associated with systemic arterial shown that expression of the constitutive NOS isoforms vasodilation and the “low-tone state” in sepsis.121 (nNOS and eNOS) is regulated,99–102 and that the induc- Endothelial NOS. The 1998 Nobel prize in physiology ible isoform (iNOS2) is constitutively present without or medicine was awarded to three researchers who dis- previous stimulation.103 NOS isoforms are expressed in covered endothelium-derived relaxing factor and dem- many different cell types and intracellular organelles, onstrated that NO, generated from eNOS in vascular and most cells are able to synthesize NO.104,105 Altered endothelial cells, is endothelium-derived relaxing fac- NOS expression and endogenous NO synthesis have tor.1,2,122 Endothelial NOS activity is increased by acetyl- been reported in a large variety of ischemic, traumatic, choline, bradykinin, and other mediators that increase neoplastic, inflammatory, and infectious diseases.106–115 intracellular calcium concentrations.122 Endothelial NOS In addition to enzymatic generation of NO by NOS iso- activity modulates systemic122 and pulmonary vascular forms, nonenzymatic formation of NO in vivo during tone123 and plays important roles in lung development reduced and acidotic conditions (e.g., organ ischemia) and disease. Endothelial NOS expression in the fetal lung has been reported116 and can contribute to NO produc- changes with lung maturation.124,125 NO production and tion during pathologic conditions. eNOS expression by endothelial cells is increased by Neuronal NOS. Neuronal NOS fulfills a myriad of vascular shear stress.126,127 For example, pulmonary vas- disparate functions in a wide variety of tissues. In the cular eNOS expression is reduced in patients with peripheral nervous system, NO acts as a neurotransmit- chronic pulmonary hypertension.128 Congenital absence ter, regulating smooth muscle relaxation in the gastroin- of eNOS in mice results in pulmonary hypertension and

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increased right ventricular remodeling if the mouse is stressed by long-term hypoxic breathing.129 Endothelial NOS can be reversibly inhibited by NO130 and eNOS expression can be upregulated by cyclic guanosine monophosphate (cGMP).102 In cardiac endothelial cells, eNOS activity inhibits contractile tone and proliferation

of the underlying vascular smooth muscle cells, reduces Downloaded from http://pubs.asahq.org/anesthesiology/article-pdf/91/4/1090/398065/0000542-199910000-00030.pdf by guest on 30 September 2021 platelet aggregation and monocyte adhesion, promotes diastolic relaxation, and decreases the oxygen consump- tion rate of cardiac muscle.119 Endothelial NOS is con- stitutively expressed in cardiac myocytes, where its ac- tivity opposes the inotropic action of catecholamines after muscarinic cholinergic or ␤-adrenergic receptor stimulation.119

Smooth Muscle Relaxation by Inhaled NO Soluble guanylate cyclase (sGC) mediates many of the biologic effects of NO and is responsible for conversion of guanosine-5’-triphosphate to cGMP (fig. 1). Cyclic 3’:5’ GMP is an important second messenger in a variety of cell types and is found in the cytosol of almost all mammalian cells. A variety of (e.g., ni- troglycerin, ) stimulate cGMP syn- thesis, which, in turn, is responsible for the smooth muscle relaxation mediated by these drugs.131 The com- mon mechanism of action of these drugs is attributed to the release of NO.132 Soluble guanylate cyclase is a heme-containing protein composed of an ␣ and ␤ subunit. The heme moiety in sGC is essential for activation of the enzyme. The pres- ence of heme results in a 100-fold increase of enzyme Fig. 1. Nitric oxide (NO)–cyclic guanosine monophosphate activity after stimulation with NO, whereas basal enzyme (cGMP) signal transduction pathway. NO, formed by endothe- activity is low without heme and does not change with lial cells (left) or administered by inhalation (right), diffuses to the addition of NO.133 Effects of cGMP on vascular tone, vascular smooth muscle cells (lower). NO activates soluble guanylate cyclase, which in turn catalyzes the production of cardiac function, and intestinal water and ion transport cGMP. Through cGMP-dependent protein kinase mediated ef- by protein kinase-dependent and -independent mecha- fects, increased intracellular concentration of cGMP relaxes nisms have been reviewed in detail by others.134,135 smooth muscle and inhibits leukocyte adhesion, platelet adhe- sion, and cellular proliferation. The action of cGMP is limited by The physiologic action of cGMP is limited by its hy- phosphodiesterases, which convert cGMP to GMP. drolysis to GMP by a family of cyclic nucleotide phos- phodiesterases. Of the seven known phosphodiesterase dependent vasorelaxation, reduces pulmonary vascular isozymes, phosphodiesterases 1 and 5 hydrolyze cGMP. tone, and enhances the hypotensive effects of nitrovaso- Phosphodiesterase 1 catalyzes cyclic adenosine mono- dilators.136,137 phosphate and cGMP hydrolysis and is found in high concentrations in the brain, the heart, the lung, and the testis. Phosphodiesterase 5 is cGMP specific and has Physiology of Inhaled Nitric Oxide Therapy been found in lung tissue, platelets, vascular smooth muscle, and the kidney. It has a high affinity for cGMP Selective Pulmonary Vasodilation and can be inhibited by the selective phosphodiesterase Alveolar Hypoxia. The ability of NO to selectively 5 inhibitors zaprinast, sildenafil, and dipyridamole. Inhi- dilate the pulmonary vasculature was evaluated in an bition of phosphodiesterase 5 enhances endothelium- awake lamb model of alveolar hypoxia. Alveolar hypoxia

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NITRIC OXIDE INHALATION Downloaded from http://pubs.asahq.org/anesthesiology/article-pdf/91/4/1090/398065/0000542-199910000-00030.pdf by guest on 30 September 2021

Fig. 2. Physiologic effects of inhaled NO (40 ppm) during hypoxia in nine healthy volunteers. Note the decrease of mean pulmonary left ventricular stroke ؍ artery pressure and pulmonary vascular resistance achieved by NO inhalation. Values are mean ؎ SE. LVSWI ؍ ؍ ؍ work index; PaO2 arterial partial pressure of oxygen, PaCO2 arterial partial pressure of carbon dioxide; PCWP pulmonary right ventricular ؍ pulmonary vascular resistance; RVSWI ؍ mean pulmonary artery pressure; PVR ؍ capillary wedge pressure; PPA stroke work index. Reprinted with permission from Frostell et al.139 produces reversible pulmonary vasoconstriction medi- (fig. 2), and in volunteers at high altitude (at 4,559 m, ated by an unknown mechanism. During normoxia, in- hypobaric hypoxia).140 halation of 80 ppm NO did not alter the normally low mean pulmonary artery pressure (MPAP) and pulmonary Pulmonary Selectivity and Vascular Sites of vascular resistance (PVR). With alveolar hypoxia (in- Vasodilation spired fraction of oxygen [FI ], 0.1), pulmonary vaso- O2 The pulmonary selectivity of inhaled NO and its rapid constriction increased MPAP from 17 mmHg to 28 inactivation by hemoglobin was first evaluated in an mmHg. With NO inhalation (40 ppm), MPAP decreased isolated perfused rabbit lung model. The effluent of the to 20 mmHg and further to 18 mmHg (80 ppm NO) perfused lung was conducted to an isolated, pharmaco- within 3 min of NO breathing.4 Cardiac output and logically preconstricted segment of aorta. The pulmo- systemic arterial pressure were not affected by NO inha- nary vasculature was then preconstricted with U46619, lation. These results were confirmed in mechanically a thromboxane analog. When the perfusate was a hemo- ventilated sheep,138 in awake healthy volunteers breath- globin-free aqueous buffer, inhalation of NO first de- ing low oxygen concentrations at ambient pressure139 creased MPAP and subsequently the tone of the sequen-

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tially perfused aorta. When erythrocytes were added to model of acute hypoxia. Because they studied general- the perfusate, inhaled NO still caused pulmonary vaso- ized alveolar hypoxia, no improvement of Pa during O2 dilation, but its vasodilatory effect on the effluent-per- NO inhalation was expected. However, they demon- fused aorta was abolished,141 suggesting that inhaled NO strated increased blood flow to better ventilated (but still was inactivated by contact with hemoglobin. The pul- hypoxic) lung areas and a stable Pa during NO inhala- O2 monary vascular selectivity of NO inhalation (i.e., pulmo- tion.

nary vasodilation in the absence of systemic arterial The effects of NO inhalation on gas exchange have Downloaded from http://pubs.asahq.org/anesthesiology/article-pdf/91/4/1090/398065/0000542-199910000-00030.pdf by guest on 30 September 2021 vasodilation) has been confirmed in numerous subse- been assessed using lung injury models that induce mis- quent studies.142–147 match. The mismatch induced by oleic acid injury in The longitudinal effects of inhaled NO within the pul- sheep was significantly improved by inhalation of 40 monary vasculature are important because increases of ppm NO153 and was augmented by the simultaneous use arterial or venous vascular tone differentially influence of continuous positive airway pressure to open col- hydrostatic fluid exchange within the lung. Pulmonary lapsed alveoli.154 Hopkins et al.155 studied the effects of venoconstriction increases pulmonary capillary pressure inhaled NO on gas exchange in dogs by selectively cre- and promotes edema formation.148,149 If venous and ating areas of shunt or areas with a low ratio. NO (80 arteriolar constriction both contribute to increased PVR, ppm) decreased blood flow to shunting regions. In areas a vasodilator selectively acting on arterial tone may with a mismatch, NO produced an inconsistent re- worsen edema formation by increasing mean pulmonary sponse. When the PVR of the partially obstructed airway vascular surface area and pressure. Lindeborg et al.150 regions was decreased by NO inhalation, inequality was reported that inhalation of 5, 20, and 80 ppm NO de- increased because blood flow to the relatively poorly creased arterial, microvascular, and venous resistances ventilated areas was increased by vasodilation. When NO to the same extent in an isolated rabbit lung model. did not reach the lung regions distal to the partial ob- Shirai et al.151 used an X-ray television system to visualize struction, and thus did not reduce local PVR, matching the in vivo effects of NO inhalation on the internal was improved. diameter of pulmonary arteries and veins in a feline model. Inhaling 5–40 ppm NO caused a dose-dependent Bronchodilator Action increase of the diameter of small arteries and veins dur- Nitric oxide synthase inhibitors suppress the broncho- ing normoxic conditions. After induction of hypoxic dilator actions of nonadrenergic noncholinergic–medi- vasoconstriction by lobar anoxia, NO inhalation dilated ated bronchodilation, suggesting that endogenous NO smaller constricted and larger nonconstricted arteries, as synthesis is involved in the control of bronchial well as veins. These results suggest that the pulmonary tone.156,157 The expression of various NOS isoforms in vasodilator response to inhaled NO is similar in pulmo- peripheral nonadrenergic noncholinergic nerve end- nary arteries and veins. ings158 and in human bronchial epithelium159 supports this finding. Dupuy et al.160 demonstrated that inhaled Selective Vasodilation of Ventilated Areas NO decreased airway resistance after bronchoconstric- The intrapulmonary distribution of blood flow and tion with methacholine in guinea pigs, later confirmed in ventilation (ventilation–perfusion [V˙/Q˙ ] distribution) is a various experimental models using rabbits,161,162 major determinant of transpulmonary oxygenation effec- dogs,163–165 and pigs.166,167 In human volunteers, how- tiveness, and the resulting partial pressure of oxygen in ever, inhaled NO only reduced airway resistance mini- arterial blood (Pa ). In a normal, healthy lung, venti- mally after a methacholine challenge.168 Large airways O2 lated areas are well perfused. The shunt from the right to appeared to be preferentially dilated by inhaled NO.169 the left side of the circulation is mainly extrapulmonary (e.g., bronchial veins) and is less than 5–8% of cardiac Pulmonary Surfactant output.152 Local alveolar hypoxia constricts the vascular Surfactant synthesized by type 2 alveolar epithelial bed adjacent to hypoxic regions and redistributes blood cells affects lung mechanics by reducing surface tension, flow to lung regions with better ventilation and a higher modifies pulmonary gas exchange, and has antimicrobial 40 intraalveolar PO2. It has been proposed that inhaled NO functions. Isolated type 2 alveolar epithelial cells ex- amplifies this mechanism by increasing blood flow posed to NO (generated by the NO donor drugs S- through well-ventilated lung areas. Pison et al.138 studied -N-penicillamine, spermine NONOate, or 3-mor- the effects of inhaled NO on distribution in an ovine pholino-sydnonimine) in the presence of superoxide

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dismutase reduced their surfactant synthesis by approx- ence of a marked respiratory acidosis. Similar results imately 60%.170 Exposure of surfactant to NO ex vivo were obtained in hypoxic, mechanically ventilated late- was not associated with changes of surface activity.38 In gestation ovine fetuses.178 In an experimental model of vivo, a combination of high inspired oxygen concentra- persistent pulmonary hypertension of the newborn tions and high inspired NO concentrations (100 ppm) (PPHN) in lambs (induced by ductal ligation), inhaled inhaled by newborn piglets for 48 h significantly de- NO decreased PVR and markedly increased survival 179,180 creased the minimum surface tension of surfactant re- rates. Downloaded from http://pubs.asahq.org/anesthesiology/article-pdf/91/4/1090/398065/0000542-199910000-00030.pdf by guest on 30 September 2021 covered by bronchoalveolar lavage.38 The responsiveness of the premature lung to inhaled In lambs, high inhaled NO concentrations (80–200 NO depends on gestational age and the maturity of the ppm) resulted in abnormal surface activities and inhibi- pulmonary vasculature. In the immature lung of the tion of surfactant protein A lipid aggregation.171 In addi- ovine fetus at 0.78 of term, initiation of mechanical tion, NO (from NO donor drugs) can decrease surfactant ventilation caused maximal pulmonary vasodilation and protein A gene expression by distal respiratory epithelial the addition of NO (20 ppm) or 100% oxygen did not cells.172 In contrast, in an experimental model of acute increase vasodilation further. If surfactant was adminis- lung injury, combining exogenous surfactant therapy tered and mechanical ventilation at 0.78 term continued with inhaled NO improved ventilation–perfusion match- with 100% oxygen for 2 h, PVR continued to increase ing and arterial oxygenation.173 Other interactions of NO and the initial beneficial effect of mechanical ventilation and surfactant were recently summarized by Hallman on PVR and oxygenation decreased. With initiation of and Bry.40 NO inhalation 2 h after commencing mechanical venti- lation, PVR was again decreased and oxygenation im- Metabolic Fate of Inhaled Nitric Oxide proved.181 At 0.86 of term, initiation of mechanical ven- Nitric oxide is inactivated by reaction with its biologic tilation caused pulmonary vasodilation, which was target molecules. The half-life of NO in vivo is only a few further increased by NO inhalation but not by 100% seconds. The main metabolic pathways are the binding oxygen. Near term (0.96), NO inhalation and 100% ox-

Ϫ of NO to O2 and to the heme iron of hemoglobin with ygen administration both further increased the pulmo- 182 Ϫ the subsequent release of NO3 . The binding and release nary vasodilation caused by mechanical ventilation. of NO to thiols presents another important metabolic pathway. Approximately 90% of NO is absorbed during a Models of Acute Pulmonary Artery Hypertension steady state inhalation. Almost 70% of the inhaled gas and Lung Injury in Adult Animals

Ϫ 174 appears within 48 h as NO3 in the urine. The remain- Selective pulmonary vasodilation during NO inhalation Ϫ ing 30% of inhaled NO is recovered as NO2 in the oral has been shown in numerous animal models: after phar- Ϫ cavity through secretion from salivary glands. NO2 is macologic preconstriction of the pulmonary vasculature also partly converted to nitrogen gas in the stomach and with U46619, a synthetic thromboxane analog4; after a

Ϫ some NO2 in the intestine is reduced to ammonia, heparin–protamine reaction that induces thromboxane- reabsorbed, and converted to urea.175,176 mediated pulmonary vasoconstriction183; after pulmo- nary oleic acid instillation, which induces endothelial and alveolar edema, cell necrosis, and PAH184,185; and NO Inhalation in Experimental Acute Lung after bilateral lung lavage, which depletes surfactant.186 Injury and Pulmonary Artery Hypertension Inhaled NO is also an effective pulmonary vasodilator in endotoxin-induced PAH187–189 and after smoke inhala- Models of Persistent Pulmonary Hypertension of the tion injury.190 Newborn and Respiratory Distress Syndrome Hypoxia in the preterm and term newborn is usually Lung Injury Induced by Neutrophil-derived characterized by severe PAH, extrapulmonary right-to- Oxidants and by Molecular Oxygen

177 Ϫ left shunting, hypoxemia, and acidosis. Roberts et al. Reactive oxygen species (e.g.,H2O2,O2 ) promote studied the effects of inhaled NO in hypoxic and acidotic lung injury in various clinical settings.191–194 The use of term newborn lambs delivered by cesarean section. Hyp- high inspired concentrations of oxygen is sometimes oxia associated with hypercapnia doubled PVR. In this necessary during the treatment of acute lung injury, but model, inhaling 20 ppm NO during hypoxia completely these high oxygen concentrations may cause or worsen abolished pulmonary vasoconstriction, despite the pres- lung injury.195,196 Thus, the effects of NO inhalation

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protein transfer, and type I alveolar epithelial cell injury were attenuated by inhalation of 20 ppm NO.201 In vitro, however, using isolated microvascular endothelial cells and alveolar epithelial cells, simultaneous exposure to a NO donor drug and hyperoxia was associated with earlier cell death, as compared to hyperoxia alone. These

in vitro findings have been related to an increased pro- Downloaded from http://pubs.asahq.org/anesthesiology/article-pdf/91/4/1090/398065/0000542-199910000-00030.pdf by guest on 30 September 2021 duction of ϪOONO.202

Inhibition of Neutrophil Adhesion by NO Inhalation Migration and adherence of neutrophils to the pulmo- nary vasculature and the local release of their oxidants are believed to be key events in oxidant lung injury.203,204 The effects of inhaled NO on neutrophil activity and neutrophil–endothelium interactions, in addition to di- rect effects of their oxidizing products, have been studied extensively. NO inhalation reduced pulmonary neutrophil accumulation after intestinal ischemia–reper- fusion injury in rats205 and after dialysis in pigs.206 In an isolated rat lung model perfused with a mixture of hu- man neutrophils and either N-formyl-L-methionyl-L- leucyl-L-phenylalanine207 or interleukin 1,208 inhalation of 50 ppm NO markedly decreased lung edema forma- Fig. 3. Effects of 100% oxygen exposure with or without inha- tion, neutrophil accumulation and neutrophil migration lation of nitric oxide (NO; 10 and 100 ppm) on pulmonary from the vascular into the alveolar space. Similarly, in- edema in rats. (Upper) After 40 h of oxygen exposure, the increase of the wet to dry ratio (QW/QD) was prevented by haled NO reduced pulmonary leukocyte sequestration in inhalation of 10 ppm NO, but not by 100 ppm NO. (Lower) The premature lambs with severe respiratory distress.209 In increase of the alveolar–arterial oxygen difference was also an in vivo porcine model of Pseudomonas aeroginosa prevented by inhalation of 10 ppm NO, but not by 100 ppm NO. Data are mean ؎ SD of six rats in each group. Reprinted with sepsis, inhalation of NO (20 ppm) for 5 h after bacterial permission from Garat et al.200 infusion had significant beneficial effects on pulmonary neutrophil sequestration and neutrophil oxidant activity. during lung injury caused by neutrophil oxidants or Inhaled NO reduced protein and neutrophil sequestra- oxygen are of particular interest. Reaction of NO with tion into the alveolar space. Neutrophil oxidant activity Ϫ Ϫ Ϫ oxygen or O2 results in NO2 or OONO formation, (stimulated O2 production) and alveolar structural dam- which may damage the lung.33,34,96 In contrast, NO may age (assessed by electron microscopy) were also re- 210 also protect against the cellular toxicity of H2O2, duced in these septic lungs treated with inhaled NO. Ϫ 197 peroxides, and O2 . However, opposing effects also have been reported. Ϫ Data from isolated lung studies suggest that the net Increased oxidant activity (production of O2 and physiologic effects of NO inhalation protects against ϪOONO) from intraalveolar neutrophils and increased tissue injury by typical neutrophil oxidants. In buffer- protein sequestration into the alveolar space after NO perfused isolated rabbit lungs, NO inhalation decreased inhalation have been observed.211 In a rat model of

H2O2-induced pulmonary edema, pulmonary vascular intratracheally administered endotoxin, inhaled NO (15 permeability,198 and edema formation after injury with ppm) failed to prevent neutrophil sequestration and ac-

Ϫ O2 (generated by the reaction of purine with xanthine tivation when inhalation was commenced 8 h after en- oxidase).199 In hyperoxic lung injury, low-dose (10 ppm) dotoxin challenge.212 One important difference in these but not high-dose (100 ppm) inhaled NO completely studies was the time point when NO inhalation was prevented pulmonary edema caused by inhalation of begun; early NO inhalation (with respect to bacterial or 100% oxygen for 40 h (fig. 3).200 In rats exposed for 60 h endotoxin challenge) appeared to be associated with to 95% oxygen, pulmonary endothelial permeability, more effective inhibition of neutrophil activation and

Anesthesiology, V 91, No 4, Oct 1999 1099


sequestration than did NO inhalation begun at a later Models of Pulmonary Embolism and Thrombosis time. Because inhaled NO can reduce reactivity and adhe- The effects of inhaled NO on pulmonary neutrophil sion of circulating blood cells (e.g., leukocytes, throm- sequestration may be mediated by modification of adhe- bocytes), it has been hypothesized that thrombus forma- sion molecule expression and inhibition of the adher- tion may be decreased by inhaled NO. In a rat model of ence of stimulated neutrophils to the endothelium and collagen-induced pulmonary thrombosis, inhalation of their migration through endothelial cell layers. In vitro 80 ppm NO reduced the MPAP increase associated with Downloaded from http://pubs.asahq.org/anesthesiology/article-pdf/91/4/1090/398065/0000542-199910000-00030.pdf by guest on 30 September 2021 studies report that expression of a variety of endothelial collagen injection and inhibited ex vivo collagen-in- and neutrophil adhesion molecules in response to in- duced platelet aggregation. Rats treated with inhaled NO showed fewer platelet thrombi in small pulmonary ves- flammatory stimuli or ischemia–reperfusion injury is 11 modified by molecular NO, NO donor drugs, or the sels and a higher residual circulating platelet count. In an in vivo porcine model of microsphere-induced pul- inhibition of endogenous NO synthesis.213–217 NO also monary embolism, inhaled NO (5–80 ppm) reduced the scavenges O Ϫ released from migrating neutrophils and 2 increase of MPAP and increased the end-tidal carbon thereby reduces neutrophil oxidant activity after adher- dioxide concentration. Platelet aggregation was in- ence.218,219 Recent in vitro data showed a dose-depen- creased with pulmonary embolism in control animals. dent effect of NO on neutrophils: exposure of isolated Inhaled NO decreased the initial and maximum platelet human neutrophils to an environment of 80% oxygen aggregation.227 and 20 ppm NO increased cell death by DNA inhibition, whereas 5 ppm NO did not induce significant DNA 220 Experimental Models of Lung Transplantation fragmentation. Whether this apoptotic effect is signif- A beneficial effect of NO inhalation on ischemia–reper- icant in vivo is unknown. fusion injury, graft function, PAH, and oxygenation after lung transplantation has been reported in various exper- imental studies.228–232 The shortage of suitable donor High-altitude Pulmonary Edema lungs allows only a small percentage of potential recip- Severe (hypoxic) pulmonary vasoconstriction and hy- ients to receive a lung transplant.233,234 It has been pertension characterize high-altitude pulmonary edema suggested to harvest donor lungs from non–heart-beat- (HAPE). Scherrer et al.140 hypothesized that inhalation of ing donors to increase the number of lungs available for NO would reduce MPAP and thus the severity of HAPE. transplantation.235,236 Bacha et al. studied whether NO NO (40 ppm), inhaled at high altitude (4,559 m), de- inhalation can improve the function of lungs harvested creased MPAP both in subjects prone to HAPE and those after cardiac arrest in the donor. In pig and rat models, with HAPE, but not in HAPE-resistant control subjects. In they treated the donor (after cardiac arrest) and recipi- subjects with HAPE, perfusion scintigraphy showed that ent with inhaled NO (30 ppm) and demonstrated a inhaled NO redistributed pulmonary blood flow from significant improvement of oxygenation and short-term edematous to nonedematous lung regions. This was as- graft survival after transplantation, as well as reduction sociated with an improved Pa . O2 of PAH and decreased pulmonary neutrophil accumula- tion.237,238 Models of Prolonged Hypoxia Prolonged exposure to hypoxia induces PAH, pulmo- Systemic Effects of Nitric Oxide Inhalation nary vascular wall remodeling with neomuscularization, 221,222 and right ventricular hypertrophy. Inhaled NO Bleeding Time (10–20 ppm), added while breathing at FI 0.1 for 2–3 O2 Nitric oxide stimulates cGMP formation in platelets weeks, effectively prevented PAH, pulmonary vascular and, thus, NO inhalation may inhibit platelet function remodeling, and right ventricular hypertrophy in adult and augment a bleeding tendency in some species. Ho¨g- 223,224 225 rats, in newborn rats, and in wild-type and man et al.239 reported that the bleeding time increased eNOS-deficient mice.129 These salutary effects of inhaled after rabbits inhaled NO. They noted that breathing 30 NO may be mediated by direct vasodilatory mechanisms ppm NO for 15 min increased the bleeding time from in the pulmonary vasculature and antiproliferative ef- 51 Ϯ 5to72Ϯ 7 s (mean Ϯ SE), and breathing 300 ppm fects of NO on smooth muscle cells.226 NO for 15 min increased the bleeding time from 48 Ϯ 12

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STEUDEL ET AL. Downloaded from http://pubs.asahq.org/anesthesiology/article-pdf/91/4/1090/398065/0000542-199910000-00030.pdf by guest on 30 September 2021

Fig. 4. Effects of nitric oxide (NO) on oxygen affinity of erythrocytes. Exposure to NO (80 ppm for 15 min) shifted the oxygen dissociation curve of hemoglobin S erythrocytes to the left (left). The effect of NO exposure on P50 of hemoglobin S erythrocytes was dose-dependent (right). Values are mean ؎ SE. Reprinted with permission from Head et al.12 by copyright permission of The American Society for Clinical Investigation. to 78 Ϯ 17 s. However, bleeding time was not altered in reduction of perfusion, increase of leukocyte rolling, rats breathing 80 ppm NO for 1 h240 or in dogs breathing adhesion and migration, and endothelial dysfunction. 20–200 ppm NO for 45 min.10 The reason for these Changes in leukocyte activity and vessel size were di- differences among species is unknown. rectly visualized by in vivo microscopy and were in- duced by inhalation of 80 ppm but not 20 ppm NO. Vascular Injury in the Systemic Circulation These effects were independent of intrapulmonary mod- Inhaled NO may affect the systemic vasculature and ification of leukocyte adhesion molecules, suggesting that inhaled NO was bound to transport molecules and cells circulating within the systemic circulation, possibly 9 by reversibly binding to hemoglobin57 or other proteins, was released in the peripheral circulation. with subsequent transport and release of NO at distant sites, or by modification of leukocytes and platelets dur- Sickle Cell Hemoglobin ing their transit through the lung. In a rat model of Homozygous sickle cell anemia is a genetic disease carotid injury, which is associated with migration and characterized by severe hemolytic anemia, frequent va- proliferation of smooth muscle cells in the arterial in- soocclusive events, and a reduced life expectancy. A tima, inhalation of 80 ppm for 2 weeks decreased the single amino acid substitution from valine to glutamic degree of neointimal formation.240 In a canine model of acid of the hemoglobin ␤ chain results in hemoglobin S coronary artery thrombosis and lysis, NO inhalation de- (HbS) formation. At deoxygenation, an erythrocyte con- creased the cyclic flow variation frequency and in- taining HbS changes its shape from a biconcave disk to a creased the duration of periods of coronary artery pa- crescent sickle cell because of intracellular hemoglobin tency. In the latter model, inhaled NO had no polymerization. Sickle cells can occlude the microcircu- vasodilatory effects on the pharmacologically precon- lation.241–243 stricted coronary artery segment and did not change the Hemoglobin S has a markedly decreased oxygen affin- bleeding time. Therefore, coronary patency after throm- ity, measured as a markedly increased P50 (partial pres- bolysis was increased by NO inhalation, independent of sure of oxygen at half saturation of hemoglobin), com- direct vasodilatory activity or increased bleeding time.10 pared with adult hemoglobin. In studies by Head et al.,12 In contrast to pulmonary vasodilation, these actions of inhalation of 80 ppm NO for 45 min by patients with inhaled NO cannot be mediated by any direct effects of homozygous sickle cell disease shifted the oxygen disso- gaseous NO on smooth muscle cell relaxation. ciation curve of their erythrocytes 4.6 Ϯ 2.0 mmHg to

Further insights into the mechanisms of the systemic the left, significantly decreasing the P50 (fig. 4). Methe- effects of NO inhalation were recently provided by Fox- moglobin concentrations did not increase substantially. Robichaub et al.9 In a cat model of intestinal ischemia In five of seven volunteers with sickle cell disease, the and reperfusion, inhalation of 80 ppm attenuated the effect persisted for at least 60 min after discontinuing

Anesthesiology, V 91, No 4, Oct 1999 1101


Table 1. Multicenter Trials of Inhaled Nitric Oxide in Patients With PPHN

No. of Reference Year Patients Inclusion Criteria Treatment Protocol Length Outcome

6 1997 58 PPHN (by echo) 80 ppm at FI 0.9 vs. Up to 14 days Responders: 53% in NO O2 Pa Ͻ 55 mmHg on FI 0.9 (control) group; 7% in control O2 O2 2 consecutive group

measurements Need for ECMO: 40% NO Downloaded from http://pubs.asahq.org/anesthesiology/article-pdf/91/4/1090/398065/0000542-199910000-00030.pdf by guest on 30 September 2021 group; 70% control group Survival: 93% in NO and control groups 7 1997 235 Hypoxic respiratory 20 and 80 ppm NO Up to 14 days Responders: 51% 20 ppm failure, PPHN vs. control (FI 1.0) NO; 15% (control) O2 Requiring mechanical Need for ECMO: 39% NO ventilation group; 55% control OI Ͼ 25 on 2 group consecutive Survival: 86% NO group; measurements 84% control group 249 1997 53 Congenital 20 and 80 ppm NO Up to 14 days Responders: 48% 20 ppm diaphragmatic vs. control (FI 1.0) NO; 19% control O2 hernia (PPHN in 51 Need for ECMO: 80% NO of 53 patients) group; 54% control OI Ͼ 25 on 2 group consecutive Survival: 52% NO group; measurements 57% control group 8 1997 205 PPHN (by echo) NO (20, 40 ppm) vs. 24 h reported Overall response rate 60% Pa Ͻ 80 mmHg at HFOV All responders survived O2 FI 1.0 Crossover and 72% of nonresponders O2 combination treated with ECMO survived Overall survival 86%

PPHN ϭ persistent pulmonary hypertension of the newborn; OI ϭ oxygenation index; NO ϭ nitric oxide; HFOV ϭ high-frequency oscillatory ventilation; ECMO ϭ extracorporeal membrane oxygenation.

12 NO. In normal volunteers, the P50 was not affected by Respiratory Failure of the Newborn breathing NO.12 Precisely how inhaled NO alters sickle PPHN and Hypoxic Respiratory Failure. Persistent hemoglobin is unknown. One hypothesis is that the pulmonary hypertension of the newborn is a clinical Cys␤93 residue of HbS is modified by NO, increasing syndrome characterized by sustained pulmonary hyper- HbS solubility and decreasing the tendency to polymer- tension and severe hypoxemia, resulting in cyanosis un- ize during deoxygenation.244,245 responsive to oxygen therapy. Persistent pulmonary hy- pertension of the newborn may be caused by a variety of etiologies (e.g., aspiration) or can be idiopathic.246 Diag- Clinical Studies of Nitric Oxide Inhalation nostic confirmation of PPHN includes echocardio- The first clinical studies of inhaled NO focused on graphic observation of a right-to-left shunt through the whether the physiologic effects measured in animal ductus arteriosus or foramen ovale, caused by increased models were reproducible in patients. Acute respiratory PVR, in the absence of congenital heart disease. Conven- distress syndrome (ARDS) and persistent PPHN have tional treatment strategies include breathing high in- been the most commonly studied clinical syndromes. spired concentrations of oxygen, hyperventilation, and The results of large multicenter studies of NO inhalation infusion of bicarbonate to produce alkalosis, inhalation in the treatment of critically ill newborns and adults treatments with bovine surfactant, and intravenous va- recently have been reported. Inhaled NO also has been sodilator therapy. ECMO may be used to treat hypox- tested clinically in other conditions, including chronic emia. However, the anticoagulation and cannulation of PAH, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), large vessels required for ECMO is associated with hem- and lung transplantation and heart surgery. orrhagic complications.

Anesthesiology, V 91, No 4, Oct 1999 1102


Table 2. Short-term Effects of Inhaled Nitric Oxide on formations and mechanically ventilated at FI Ͼ 0.5). O2 Systemic Oxygenation in Infants with Severe Hypoxemia and They demonstrated that arterial oxygenation improved Persistent Pulmonary Hypertension and systemic arterial blood pressure was unaffected dur- Control* Nitric Oxide† ing a 15 min NO inhalation trial. The conclusions of this study were limited, however, because MPAP was not Postductal Pa (mmHg) O2 Baseline 38 Ϯ 941Ϯ 9 measured, and only 7% of the initially evaluated prema-

Treatment 40 Ϯ 889Ϯ 70‡ ture infants were included in the study. Downloaded from http://pubs.asahq.org/anesthesiology/article-pdf/91/4/1090/398065/0000542-199910000-00030.pdf by guest on 30 September 2021

Values are mean Ϯ SD. Acute Lung Injury and Acute Respiratory Distress * Nitrogen at FI 0.9, n ϭ 28. O2 Syndrome † 80 ppm at FI 0.9 for 20 min, n ϭ 30. O2 Selective Pulmonary Vasodilation. In severe ARDS, ‡ P Ͻ 0.001 vs. baseline. Data reprinted with permission from Roberts et al.6 PAH augments pulmonary edema and may impede right ventricular function and decrease cardiac output. Ros- In 1992, Roberts et al.247 and Kinsella et al.248 re- saint et al.144 demonstrated in patients with severe ARDS ported that 80 ppm247 or 6–20 ppm248 inhaled NO that inhaled NO produced selective pulmonary vasodila- improved oxygenation in patients with PPHN. Several tion. This was later confirmed by larger studies.142,147 large controlled, randomized multicenter trials of the Occasionally, the NO-induced pulmonary vasodilation effects of inhaled NO in near-term and term hypoxic has been associated with improved right ventricular per- newborn patients were reported in 1997 (tables 1 and formance, as indicated by improvements in right ventric- 2).6–8,249,250 In the majority of patients with PPHN and ular ejection fraction and decreased right ventricular hypoxic respiratory failure (in whom the decision to end-diastolic and end-systolic volumes.255 In children initiate ECMO were made by the clinical team on the with ARDS, inhaled NO (20 ppm) decreased MPAP by basis of center-specific ECMO entry criteria and without 25% and increased cardiac index by 14%.256 Inhaled NO knowledge of assignment of the patient to the treatment also effectively decreased MPAP associated with the use group or placebo), NO improved oxygenation and de- of permissive hypercapnia in patients with ARDS.257 creased the requirement for ECMO. Kinsella et al. re- Pulmonary Capillary Pressure. Inhaled NO (40 ported that NO inhalation and high-frequency oscillatory ppm) has been reported to decrease pulmonary capillary ventilation were an effective combination that may in- pressure258 and pulmonary transvascular albumin crease the rate of responsiveness to inhaled NO.8 Ina1- flux,259 partly caused by its effect on venous PVR in to 2-yr follow-up study of children who received inhaled patients with acute lung injury.258 Such reductions of NO treatment for PPHN, neurodevelopment scores, pulmonary venous and pulmonary capillary pressure growth rates (growth percentiles for weight, length, and should promote resolution of pulmonary edema, an im- occipitofrontal circumference), the frequency of airway portant component of ARDS. disease, and the need for supplemental oxygen were Arterial Oxygenation. Severe hypoxemia caused by comparable to conventionally ventilated or ECMO- extensive intrapulmonary right-to-left shunting is charac- treated patients.251 In summary, NO improved oxygen- teristic of ARDS. Common current strategies of manage- ation in many newborns and, although it did not change ment include lung recruitment by high levels of positive overall survival, it reduced the need for ECMO (P Ͻ end-expiratory pressure, prone positioning, and ventila- 6,7 0.05). Inhaled NO therapy did not appear to impart tion with a high FI . Therapies that permit lower airway O2 any benefits, however, to newborns with congenital pressures and FI might reduce the risk of barotrauma O2 diaphragmatic hernia.249 and oxidant injury to the lung. Inhaling 18 ppm NO for Preterm Neonates with Respiratory Distress Syn- 40 min reduced the shunt fraction by 5% and increased 144 drome. Respiratory distress syndrome (RDS), or hyaline the Pa /FI ratio by 30% in patients with ARDS. In a O2 O2 membrane disease, of the premature newborn is charac- dose-ranging study of ARDS patients breathing NO, the terized by deficiency or dysfunction of surfactant and is ED50 (the dose producing 50% of maximal effect) for often associated with acute PAH.181 After promising pre- increasing Pa (10–100 ppb) was markedly less than O2 liminary studies of inhaled NO in the premature new- the ED50 producing pulmonary vasodilation (1–10 ppm, born with RDS,252,253 Skimming et al.254 studied the fig. 5).260 effect of inhaled NO at 5 and 20 ppm in preterm neo- In a phase 2 multicenter trial, the effects of NO inha- nates (without systemic hypotension or congenital mal- lation on oxygenation were studied in 177 patients who

Anesthesiology, V 91, No 4, Oct 1999 1103


of 8–34 patients. Mortality rates in the subgroups were 32% (7 of 22 patients) in the 1.25 ppm group, 24% (8 of 24 patients) in the 5 ppm group, 31% (9 of 29 patients) in the 20 ppm group, 30% (8 of 27 patients) in the 40 ppm group, and 38% (3 of 8 patients) in the 80 ppm group. A prospective randomized study reported by 262 Troncy et al. similarly found no significant difference Downloaded from http://pubs.asahq.org/anesthesiology/article-pdf/91/4/1090/398065/0000542-199910000-00030.pdf by guest on 30 September 2021 between ARDS patients receiving inhaled NO and con- trols with regard to 30-day mortality or days of mechan- ical ventilation. Several hypotheses should be addressed in the interpretation of these data and should be kept in mind for the design of future studies: 1. The beneficial effects of NO inhalation (e.g., improve- ment of gas exchange) may not alter the overall out- come because the survival of patients with ARDS may Fig. 5. Dose–response of inhaled nitric oxide (NO) for PaO2 (upper) and mean pulmonary arterial pressure (lower)in12 not be primarily dependent on gas exchange. The patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome. The esti- majority of patients dying with ARDS also have severe mated ED for Pa increase was 110 ppb and the estimated 50 O2 sepsis or multiple organ failure. The incidence of ED50 for mean pulmonary artery pressure (PPA) decrease was ppm. Values are mean ؎ SD. Reprinted with permission death primarily because of respiratory failure varies 1.2 260 from Gerlach et al. among studies. In a study by Montgomery et al. pub- met the criteria of ARDS (Pa /FI Ͻ 200 mmHg within lished in 1985, the percentage of ARDS deaths spe- O2 O2 the last 72 h, bilateral chest infiltrates, pulmonary capil- cifically because of hypoxemia and respiratory failure 263 lary wedge pressure (PCWP) Ͻ 18 mmHg, positive end- was reported to be 16%. A study of patients treated expiratory pressure requirement Ͼ 8cmHO and FI at the LDS Hospital in Salt Lake City reported that 40% 2 O2 requirement Ͼ 0.5). Sixty-five percent of the patients of deaths in ARDS patients were caused by respiratory 264 who received inhaled NO (pooled results of patients failure. It is unknown whether this subgroup of receiving 1.25, 5, 20, 40, 40, or 80 ppm NO) had a patients would benefit from inhaled NO because such significant (P ϭ 0.0002 vs. placebo) improvement in severely hypoxemic patients have been excluded Pa (defined as a 20% increase of Pa after4hof from prospective studies. O2 O2 therapy). Only 24% of the patients receiving placebo (nitrogen) responded similarly (fig. 6).142 The improved oxygenation induced by NO allowed physicians to re- duce FI and positive end-expiratory pressure and O2 thereby decreased the oxygenation index (FI ϫ mean O2 airway pressure ϫ 100)/Pa ) for the first 4 days of O2 therapy. The MPAP was slightly lower in the inhaled NO group, compared with placebo, for 2 days. Similar tran- sient improvements of Pa /FI during inhaled NO ther- O2 O2 apy in patients with ARDS have been shown in prospec- tive studies conducted by Michael et al.261 and Troncy et al.262 The reasons for such transient effects remain un- clear. Outcome. The phase 2 U.S. multicenter study of the effects of inhaled NO on ARDS patients (discussed pre- viously) reported a mortality rate of 30% in NO- (all doses Fig. 6. Percentage of patients with acute respiratory distress 142 pooled) and placebo-treated patients both. The pa- syndrome who respond with a PaO2 increase of 20% or more tients were assigned randomly to receive 1.25, 5, 20, 40, while receiving 0–40 ppm nitric oxide during a 4-h inhalation period. Bars from left to right within each dose group indicate or 80 ppm NO or nitrogen placebo. Subgroups receiving progressive exposure periods of 30 min, 1 h, 2 h, and 4 h. the same dose of NO for the treatment period consisted Reprinted with permission from Dellinger et al.142

Anesthesiology, V 91, No 4, Oct 1999 1104


2. The beneficial effects of NO inhalation are offset by tive (e.g., tachyphylaxis or tolerance), lung transplanta- its toxic effects. As described previously, NO has tion remains as the last option to prolong life. several negative effects on biologic molecules and Evaluation. The determination of pulmonary vascular tissues, especially if ϪOONO is formed. This hypoth- responsiveness is essential for prognosis and long-term esis needs further testing in patients, e.g., by analyz- treatment. Drugs commonly used to assess pulmonary ing lung specimens for evidence of NO or ϪOONO vasodilatory responses include intravenous prostacyclin 267 toxicity after NO inhalation. (PGI2), adenosine, and calcium channel blockers. Af- Downloaded from http://pubs.asahq.org/anesthesiology/article-pdf/91/4/1090/398065/0000542-199910000-00030.pdf by guest on 30 September 2021 3. NO inhalation has a narrow therapeutic range. Small ter studying adult patients with inhaled NO and infused doses, e.g., 1–5 ppm, could be effective and improve prostacyclin, Sitbon et al. suggested using inhaled NO as survival, but smaller doses might be not effective, and the “gold-standard” to assess pulmonary vasoreactiv- larger doses could be toxic. The effective dose may ity268 because inhaled NO was reported to selectively change over time and vary among different patients reduce MPAP in patients with pulmonary hypertension.5 and different disease states.265 It is necessary to es- A recent survey of long-term vasodilator treatment in tablish improved dosing criteria. Larger patient approximately 800 patients with primary pulmonary hy- groups receiving similar doses are necessary to dis- pertension reported that inhaled NO was used as the cover statistically robust differences. Currently, a primary vasodilator to test pulmonary vascular respon- blinded, multicenter phase 3 study is being com- siveness by 32% of the participating U.S. tertiary hospi- pleted that investigated the effects of 5 ppm inhaled tals.269 NO, compared with placebo, in patients with ARDS. As opposed to commonly used intravenous vasodila- Such a protocol assumes that the dose–response re- tors, which can produce systemic hypotension, inhaled lation of inhaled NO is similar among ARDS patients NO does not significantly affect systemic vascular resis- and over time. This may not be true.265 tance. This permits the rapid and safe evaluation of changes of biventricular function during a brief trial of Performing such trials is difficult and expensive. The pulmonary vasodilation and, therefore, provides an im- incidence of ARDS is relatively low, and the precipitating portant diagnostic tool for the decision to begin medical events are often multifactorial. Usually a large number of treatment or to plan lung transplantation or combined centers must participate to recruit sufficient numbers of heart and lung transplantation.270 patients. There may be significant differences in re- Treatment. In chronic PAH, a positive response to a sponse rates and outcomes among different centers, as 8 short-term vasodilator trial usually results in long-term reported for PPHN patients by Kinsella et al. Different drug treatment that may include a wide spectrum of treatment strategies and the experiences of individual systemic vasodilator drugs (e.g., acetylcholine, ␣-adren- institutions and caregivers may provide confounding ergic agonists, direct-acting vasodilators, angiotensin- variables. As a result, conclusive studies evaluating the converting enzyme inhibitors, calcium channel blockers, effects of a drug such as inhaled NO, which at best has prostaglandins) and permanent anticoagulation.267 The a modest effect on the survival of a diverse population of effectiveness of current vasodilator treatment often is patients with ARDS, may not be economically viable. limited by systemic hypotension. Channick et al.271 tested an ambulatory NO delivery system consisting of Chronic Pulmonary Artery Hypertension an 80-ppm NO tank, a gas–pulsing device, and a nasal The pathophysiology of chronic PAH includes a par- cannula in eight PAH patients with a pulmonary artery tially reversible increase of MPAP in the early stages of catheter. They reported that this technique produced the disease, leading to a nonreactive and irreversibly effective pulmonary vasodilation without evidence of remodeled pulmonary vasculature after long-standing significant nitrogen dioxide formation. One of the eight PAH.266 Vascular remodeling is characterized by muscu- patients was discharged from the hospital and treated for larization of previously nonmuscular small resistance ar- 9 months with inhaled NO without any apparent adverse teries, medial hypertrophy of proximal pulmonary arter- events. Long-term domiciliary NO inhalation as an alter- ies, and a reduced number of arteries within the lung. native or a bridge to lung transplantation272 requires Diagnosis and medical treatment of chronic PAH relies investigation in larger patient groups, after consideration on vasodilator therapy. When medical treatment is no of the beneficial and toxic effects caused by long-term longer possible (e.g., no vasodilator response) or ineffec- NO inhalation.

Anesthesiology, V 91, No 4, Oct 1999 1105


Obstructive Airway Disease analyzed. Thirty-two patients had immediate severe graft Inhaled NO has been tested for use as a pulmonary dysfunction, as indicated by a Pa /FI ratio Ͻ 150 O2 O2 vasodilator in COPD and as a bronchodilator in COPD mmHg. Comparing patients in whom NO treatment was and asthma. COPD is characterized by irreversible air- not available with patients in whom NO treatment was way obstruction and is associated with irregular enlarge- begun after graft dysfunction was diagnosed, inhaled NO ment of alveoli and destruction of alveolar walls after reduced MPAP and increased the Pa /FI ratio within O2 O2 chronic inflammation. Hypoxia produces pulmonary va- the first hour of treatment. The requirement for ECMO Downloaded from http://pubs.asahq.org/anesthesiology/article-pdf/91/4/1090/398065/0000542-199910000-00030.pdf by guest on 30 September 2021 soconstriction, resulting in chronic PAH and right ven- was similar in both patient groups. The rate of airway tricular hypertrophy. Important characteristics of complications and hospital mortality (7% in NO group asthma include inflamed, hyperreactive airways with re- vs. 24% in control group) was markedly reduced in versible bronchoconstriction. patients receiving NO therapy. As in all retrospective Bronchodilator Action. Inhaled NO has been re- studies using historical controls, changes of treatment ported to be a bronchodilator in many experimental strategies and increased clinical experience over time animal models. Ho¨gman et al.169 evaluated inhalation of must be considered. Although this study suggests that 80 ppm NO in healthy volunteers, in patients with hy- inhaled NO may decrease post–lung transplant organ perreactive airways, bronchial asthma, and COPD. In- dysfunction, it should be confirmed in prospective con- haled NO caused mild bronchodilation in patients with trolled studies. asthma but not in patients with COPD. In other studies, however, the bronchodilator action of NO has been Congenital Heart Disease reported to be much weaker than commonly used in- The degree and reversibility of the increased PVR de- ␤ 168,273,274 haled 2-adrengeric agonists. termine the various treatment options and outcome in Pulmonary Vasodilation. Hypoxemia in COPD is children with congenital heart disease and PAH.280 Rob- primarily caused by a mismatch and not by intrapulmo- erts et al.281 demonstrated that inhaled NO (80 ppm for nary right-to-left shunting (as in ARDS). Hypoxic vaso- 10 min) decreased MPAP without causing systemic va- constriction augments blood flow to better ventilated sodilation in children between 3 months and 7 yr of age regions and improves oxygenation. Inhaled NO may op- with congenital cardiac lesions (e.g., atrioseptal defect, pose this physiologically useful mechanism by vasodilat- ventricular septal defect, atrioventricular canal). The ing poorly ventilated areas in the obstructed lung, and ability of inhaled NO to decrease the PVR of children thus increasing blood flow to these areas, as reported by with congenital cardiac defects has been confirmed by Hopkins et al.155 Indeed, transcutaneous arterial oxygen others.282,283 In preoperative patients with severe right- tension,275 Pa , and V˙/Q˙ distribution276 were worsened to-left shunting, inhaled NO increased pulmonary blood O2 by NO inhalation in air-breathing COPD patients. How- flow, decreased extrapulmonary shunt flow and im- ever, when NO was used in combination with modest proved oxygenation.284 Inhaled NO, therefore, might oxygen enrichment,277 Pa was improved to a greater provide a therapeutically useful tool for the acute non- O2 extent than with oxygen therapy alone. The combina- surgical treatment of these patients. tion also more effectively decreased MPAP. Thus, the combined use of supplemental oxygen and inhaled NO Cardiac Surgery (e.g., via an ambulatory inhalation device) may offer a Transient PAH is common after repair of congenital valuable therapeutic strategy for improving oxygenation cardiac lesions and has been related to damage to the and providing pulmonary vasodilation in selected COPD pulmonary vascular endothelium, probably induced by patients. the use of cardiopulmonary bypass.285 Inhaled NO has been reported to ameliorate the postoperative PAH of Lung Transplantation congenital heart disease286–291 and decrease the need Pulmonary artery hypertension frequently occurs in for postoperative ECMO.292 the immediate postoperative period after lung transplan- Patients with left ventricular valvular disease may have tation and has been effectively treated with inhaled preoperative PAH caused by an increased left atrial pres- NO.278 Inhaled NO has been reported to be effective in sure with retrograde transmission of pressure into the the treatment of post–lung transplant pulmonary dys- pulmonary arterial circulation. Pulmonary vascular re- function. In a retrospective study by Date et al.,279 243 modeling occurs as a result of chronic pulmonary ve- patients undergoing lung transplantation over 6 yr were nous hypertension and PAH. Pulmonary vascular remod-

Anesthesiology, V 91, No 4, Oct 1999 1106


eling and vasoconstriction may persist or slowly Table 3. Inhaled Nitric Oxide–stimulated Pulmonary cGMP decrease with time after valve replacement. Treatment Release in Control and Septic Isolated Perfused Rat Lungs with NO after repair of the valvular disease might relieve (treated with LPS) before and after Ventilation with 40 ppm Nitric Oxide the vasoconstrictor component of PAH in these patients. Fullerton et al.293 reported that 20–40 ppm inhaled Control LPS NO produced pulmonary vasodilation in patients after Total perfusate aortocoronary bypass. In patients after heart transplan- cGMP (pmol) Downloaded from http://pubs.asahq.org/anesthesiology/article-pdf/91/4/1090/398065/0000542-199910000-00030.pdf by guest on 30 September 2021 tation, inhalation of 20 ppm NO caused significant pul- Before NO 25 Ϯ 525Ϯ 3 monary vasodilation but also decreased systemic vascu- NO 190 Ϯ 67* 52 Ϯ 25*† 294 lar resistance. The decreased SVR was most likely Values are mean Ϯ SD. Data reprinted with permission from Holzmann et secondary to an improved cardiac output because sys- al.297 temic arterial pressure and PCWP remained unchanged. NO ϭ nitric oxide; cGMP ϭ cyclic guanosine monophosphate; LPS ϭ lipo- Intravenous administration of the phosphodiesterase in- polysaccharide. hibitor dipyridamole markedly augmented the pulmo- * P Ͻ 0.05 vs. before NO. Ͻ nary vasodilatory response to inhaled NO in some pa- † P 0.05 vs. control NO. tients after aortic or mitral valve replacement.295 that long-term nitrate treatment of rabbits resulted in

Ϫ increased O2 production by the aorta and hyporespon- Effectiveness of Nitric Oxide Inhalation siveness (tolerance) to acute administra- Therapy tion, related to an activated membrane-associated oxi- 299,300 Ϫ dase. Increased O2 production in the pulmonary vasculature may have similar effects. Hyporesponsiveness to Inhaled Nitric Oxide 301 A considerable number of patients who receive in- Lastly, Weimann et al. recently reported a linkage haled NO therapy do not respond by either pulmonary between ABO blood group distribution and hyporespon- vasodilation or improvement of systemic oxygenation. siveness to inhaled NO, demonstrating that ARDS pa- The reported rate of hyporesponders ranges from 30% to tients with the major blood groups A or O had a larger increase of Pa /FI in response to NO inhalation than 45%, depending on the threshold value chosen to define O2 O2 hyporesponsiveness.142,147 Several hypotheses have patients with blood groups B or AB. The underlying been raised to explain the mechanisms of hyporespon- mechanism of these results is unknown, but they indi- siveness. Manktelow et al.147 and Krafft et al.296 re- cate that the pulmonary vascular response to inhaled NO ported that ARDS patients with sepsis were less likely to may be determined or modified by genetic factors. respond to inhaled NO (60–70% of septic patients were hyporesponders). The presence of high levels of endog- Strategies to Increase Responsiveness enously produced NO and the opposing pulmonary va- Phosphodiesterase Inhibition. Because cGMP is hy- soconstrictor action of catecholamines used for the treat- drolyzed by phosphodiesterase, inhibition of phospho- ment of septic vasodilation have been suggested as diesterase may increase the effectiveness and duration of possible reasons for the decreased response to inhaled the action of inhaled NO. In awake lambs with U46619- NO. Holzmann et al.297 evaluated the effects of sepsis on induced PAH, intravenous infusion of zaprinast, a phos- NO responsiveness in an isolated rat lung model. They phodiesterase 5–specific inhibitor, increased the dura- reported that hyporesponsiveness was associated with tion of action of inhaled NO and accentuated the NO- decreased pulmonary cGMP release (table 3), suggesting induced reduction of PVR. With administration of that signal transduction in the NO response pathway is zaprinast, the half-time of pulmonary vasodilation after downregulated in sepsis. This was attributed to in- discontinuing a 4-min 40-ppm NO inhalation trial was creased phosphodiesterase activity and therefore in- increased from 1 or 2 min to 10–12 min (fig. 7).302 creased cGMP breakdown. Bigatello et al. reported that Potentiation of the effects of NO by another phosphodi- hyporesponsive patients with ARDS have a reduced ac- esterase inhibitor, dipyridamole, has been reported in cumulation of plasma cGMP during NO breathing.298 the ovine fetal pulmonary circulation.303,304

Ϫ Increased vascular production of O2 , as observed in Inhibition of Vascular Superoxide Production. No systemic nitrate tolerance, also may contribute to hypo- experimental or clinical studies have yet determined

Ϫ responsiveness to inhaled NO. Munzel et al. reported whether inhibition of pulmonary vascular O2 produc-

Anesthesiology, V 91, No 4, Oct 1999 1107


creases discharge of the carotid sinus nerve.305 Intrave- nous administration of low concentrations of almitrine has been reported to restore or enhance hypoxic vaso- constriction in the acutely injured lung. Inequalities and the Pa in ARDS patients usually are improved by almi- O2 trine administration, which augments hypoxic vasocon-

striction and redistributes pulmonary arterial blood flow Downloaded from http://pubs.asahq.org/anesthesiology/article-pdf/91/4/1090/398065/0000542-199910000-00030.pdf by guest on 30 September 2021 toward better ventilated areas with a higher PA . The O2 combination of almitrine infusion and NO inhalation, each having different mechanism, might synergistically reduce mismatch. Almitrine administration enhanced the oxygenation beneficial effects of inhaled NO on 306 oxygenation and allowed a further reduction of FI in O2 patients with ARDS.307 The relatively long in vivo half- life (mean tissue half-life, 12 h) and possible toxic side effects of almitrine (including a slowly reversible periph- eral sensory neuropathy) require careful investigation before this regimen can be recommended for routine clinical use. Partial Liquid Ventilation. Perfluorocarbons are in- ert liquids that lower surface tension in surfactant-de- pleted lungs and dissolve large concentrations of respi- ratory gases. Zobel et al.308 demonstrated that inhaled NO enhanced the effects of perfluorocarbons on pulmo- nary gas exchange in a piglet model of acute lung injury induced by repeated bilateral lung lavage. An additive effect of inhaled NO and perfluorocarbons on pulmo- nary gas exchange in acute lung injury has been con- firmed by others.309,310

Clinical Side Effects of Nitric Oxide Inhalation

Left Ventricular Function Fig. 7. Influence of continuous intravenous zaprinast infusion The risks of inhaled NO should be carefully considered ؊ ؊ (0.1 mg ⅐ kg 1 ⅐ min 1) on the magnitude of peak decreases of in patients with markedly impaired left ventricular func- mean pulmonary arterial pressure (A), percent changes of pul- monary vascular resistance (B), and half-times of vasodilating tion (e.g., heart transplant candidates). Inhalation of NO effects (C) in response to nitric oxide inhalation during pulmo- may vasodilate the pulmonary circulation and increase nary arterial hypertension induced by U46619 in awake lambs. blood flow to the left ventricle, thereby acutely increas- Values are mean ؎ SE. *Significantly different from control 311–313 value (P < 0.05). Reprinted with permission from Ichinose et ing left atrial pressure and PCWP and promoting 314 al.302 pulmonary edema formation. Cardiac output, left atrial pressure, or PCWP should be monitored if NO is tion may increase responsiveness to inhaled NO. Inhibi- administered to patients with severe left ventricular dys-

Ϫ tion of the O2 -generating membrane-associated oxidase function. Ϫ in rabbit aorta by hydralazine normalized vascular O2 production and restored the vasodilatory activity of ni- Discontinuation of Nitric Oxide Inhalation troglycerin.299,300 Rebound PAH, an increase of intrapulmonary right-to- Almitrine Infusion. Almitrine bismesylate acts as an left shunting and a decreased Pa after acute NO dis- O2 agonist at peripheral arterial chemoreceptors and in- continuation is well-described.144 Lavoie et al.315 re-

Anesthesiology, V 91, No 4, Oct 1999 1108


ported four patients with severe acute respiratory failure Blood methemoglobin concentrations and inspired in whom NO therapy was discontinued abruptly after a NO2 concentrations have been regularly monitored in decision to discontinue life-extending measures. A sus- clinical trials of inhaled NO in adults and neo- tained decrease of arterial oxygen saturation occurred nates.6,8,142,249 In the large number of patients studied in immediately after NO discontinuation, which was re- these trials (n ϭ 471) receiving inhaled NO therapy at versed by restarting NO therapy. All four patients died doses ranging from 1.25 to 80 ppm, significant methe- within 24 h after NO discontinuation. moglobinemia or NO2 formation was uncommon (table Downloaded from http://pubs.asahq.org/anesthesiology/article-pdf/91/4/1090/398065/0000542-199910000-00030.pdf by guest on 30 September 2021 It has been suggested that downregulation of endoge- 4). If methemoglobin or NO2 levels increased above nous NO synthesis by NO inhalation is responsible for predetermined limits, the inhaled NO concentration was rebound PAH.130,316–318 However, recent data obtained decreased. Discontinuation of NO administration be- in rats with hypoxic pulmonary hypertension suggest cause of NO2 or methemoglobin formation was only that inhibition of endogenous NO synthesis plays a mi- necessary in 3 of 471 patients (0.6%). nor role in rebound PAH: no changes of lung eNOS The most important requirements for safe NO inhala- protein levels, NOS activity, endothelium-dependent and tion therapy are (1) continuous analysis of NO and NO2 -independent vasodilation were reported after 3 weeks concentrations (using chemiluminescence or electro- inhaling 20 ppm NO. Lung GC activity was transiently chemical analyzers324,325); (2) frequent calibration of the decreased after 1 week of NO inhalation, but GC activity monitoring equipment; (3) frequent analysis of blood was normal after 3 weeks of NO inhalation.319 methemoglobin levels; (4) the use of certified tanks; and To avoid rebound PAH, a slow stepwise reduction of (5) administration of the lowest NO concentration re- the inhaled NO concentration with immediate control of quired. any adverse effects (e.g., reduced oxygen saturation or Little is known about the long-term sequalae of NO blood gas tensions, increased MPAP144) are important to inhalation in humans. In 12 newborns receiving NO safely wean the patient from inhaled NO. In addition, inhalation treatment (Ͻ 20 ppm) for up to 4 days, there administration of the phosphodiesterase 5 inhibitor di- were no signs of increased lipid peroxidation product, pyridamole has been reported to prevent rebound PAH impaired surfactant activity, or changed cytokine pro- in children after cardiac surgery.320 file.326 However, in two infants requiring prolonged ven- tilation with NO, nitrotyrosine residues were detected in 326 Bleeding Time airway specimens. The relative contribution of NO Inhaled NO can inhibit platelet function and increased inhalation and endogenous NO formation to nitroty- the bleeding time in rabbits. In ARDS patients receiving rosine formation in the lung is unclear because nitroty- inhaled NO (3–100 ppm), NO decreased platelet aggre- rosine formation has been demonstrated in acutely in- gation and agglutination in vitro. However, the in vivo jured lungs without the exogenous administration of 33,34 bleeding time (Ivy bleeding time) was not altered.321 In NO. Follow-up studies of adult patients 8 months neonates, a recent study reported that bleeding time after NO treatment for ARDS showed no obvious differ- doubled after 30 min of 40-ppm NO inhalation.322 How- ences in pulmonary function compared to ARDS patients 327 ever, in the multicenter studies in newborns, no differ- not treated with NO. ence in the frequency of bleeding events was observed in In summary, reported data of clinical NO toxicity are NO-treated compared with placebo-treated patients.6–8,249 sparse. Studies appropriately designed to detect long- lasting or irreversible pathologic effects of NO breathing will be necessary to predict the long-term effects of Toxicity of Nitric Oxide Inhalation inhaled NO and establish time and dose limits.

Nitric oxide inhalation therapy should be instituted after careful consideration of potential acute and long- Alternatives to Nitric Oxide Inhalation term toxicity. The major concerns are (1) methemoglo- Therapy binemia, (2) NO2 formation, and (3) cellular toxicity. Acute inhaled NO overdose (Ͼ 500–1,000 ppm) leads to Inhaled Prostacyclin rapid NO2 formation, severe methemoglobinemia, pul- Prostacyclin is a natural product of the cyclooxygenase monary alveolar edema and hemorrhage, hypoxemia, pathway and a potent vasodilator. The initial clinical and death within minutes to hours.323 studies of NO inhalation in ARDS patients compared the

Anesthesiology, V 91, No 4, Oct 1999 nshsooy 1 o4 c 1999 Oct 4, No 91, V Anesthesiology, INHALATION OXIDE NITRIC

Table 4. Adverse Events in Multicenter Trials of Inhaled Nitric Oxide in Newborn and Adult Patients

Therapeutic Reference Year N N (NO) Diagnosis Time NO2 MetHb Adverse Events Consequence

142 1998 177 120 ARDS Up to 28 days Mean over study Mean over study period: • Myopathy/agitation in N/A period: 0.1 ppm 0.8% (1.25 ppm NO); one patient (1.25 ppm (1.25 ppm NO); up to 1.4% (40 ppm NO) up to 0.35 ppm NO) • Abnormal liver N/A (40 ppm NO) Max 5–7% in three enzymes in one Max 3–4 ppm in patients patient (1.25 ppm NO) three patients • Apnea, hemorrhage N/A and coagulation disorder in one patient (40 ppm NO) •NO2 Ͼ 3 ppm (one 3 NO discontinued patient) • MetHb Ͼ 5% (two 3 NO discontinued patients) 6 1997 58 30 PPHN Up to 8 days N/A Median Ͻ 4% • MetHb increased from 3 NO continued Max 18.2% 1% to 18% on first because 90% of patients Ͻ 10% day of treatment in oxygenation was one patient improved; MetHb then decreased 7 1997 235 114 HRF Up to 14 days Mean peak level: Mean peak level: 2.4% • Elevation of MetHb 3 reduction of NO 0.8 ppm between 5%–10% concentration • NO overdose: one 3 reduction of NO patient 100 ppm for concentration 36 min One patient: 101 ppm 3 reduction of NO for 60 min, MetHb: concentration 6%, NO2 5.1 ppm 8 1997 205 182 PPHN 24 hours N/A Mean (24 h): 1.3% (6 • None reported related ppm NO) to NO inhalation Max: 5.1% (20 ppm NO) 249 1997 53 25 Congenital Up to 14 days N/A N/A • No infant required diaphr. discontinuation of hernia treatment because of NO2 or MetHb elevations

ARDS ϭ acute respiratory distress syndrome; PPHN ϭ persistent pulmonary hypertension of the newborn; HRF ϭ hypoxic respiratory failure; N/A ϭ not available; MetHb ϭ methemoglobin; N ϭ total number of patients enrolled in study; N (NO) ϭ number of patients who received NO treatment.

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pulmonary vasoactive properties of intravenously admin- prolonged and pulmonary selective vasodilation.333 EP/ istered prostacyclin with inhaled NO.144 Although pros- NO, aerosolized or instilled, was less effective and the tacyclin infusion decreased MPAP to the same degree as effects were inconsistent.332,333 inhaled NO, prostacyclin decreased Pa , presumably by The intravenous infusion of ultra–short-acting NO O2 reducing hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction and donor agents might also be an alternative to inhaled caused systemic hypotension. Such adverse effects are NO for producing selective pulmonary vasodilation. In

commonly observered during intravenous infusion of awake, healthy sheep with pulmonary hypertension, Downloaded from http://pubs.asahq.org/anesthesiology/article-pdf/91/4/1090/398065/0000542-199910000-00030.pdf by guest on 30 September 2021 commonly used vasodilator drugs. the intravenous (systemic) infusion of PROLI/NO ⅐ It was hypothesized that the administration of prosta- (C5H7N3O4Na2 CH3OH), an ultra–short-acting nucleo- cyclin via aerosol would limit its hemodynamic effects phile/NO adduct that generates NO, produced selec- to the lung. This hypothesis was tested in ARDS patients, tive pulmonary vasodilation without affecting the sys- and the effectiveness of prostacyclin when used as a temic circulation. The selective effect of this short-term inhaled aerosol was compared with inhaled intravenous drug was caused by its short half-life in NO.328 Similar effects, namely decreased MPAP, de- vivo, which resulted in complete NO release during creased intrapulmonary right-to-left shunting, and in- transit of the pulmonary circulation and before reach- 334 creased Pa /FI were observed. Systemic vasodilation ing the systemic arterial circulation. Because such O2 O2 was not reported with either drug. These effects of drugs are intravenously administered, oxygenation inhaled prostacyclin have been confirmed in other stud- might be adversely affected in the injured lung ies.329,330 A disadvantage of aerosolized prostacyclin through indiscriminant release of hypoxic pulmonary therapy is that systemic absorption can occur, which vasoconstriction. Nevertheless, such newly designed makes it difficult to maintain pulmonary vasodilation NO donor drugs appear promising as a selective pul- without producing systemic vasodilation for periods last- monary vasodilator and provide an alternative to NO ing more than a few hours. Larger studies, including inhalation. randomized trials studying the effectiveness and respon- siveness to inhaled prostacyclin for longer time periods, Inhaled Phosphodiesterase Inhibitors are necessary to support a useful therapeutic role. The use of inhaled phosphodiesterase inhibitors has been investigated as an alternative or adjunct to NO Nitric Oxide Donor Drugs inhalation. Inhalation of nebulized zaprinast induced se- The use of inhaled NO donor drugs has been proposed lective pulmonary vasodilation and enhanced the effects as an alternative to NO inhalation. Administration of of inhaled NO in awake lambs.335 However, at a zapri- such drugs, which release a defined amount of NO over nast concentration (50 mg/ml) producing a similar de- a prolonged time period, might permit intermittent NO crease of MPAP to 20 ppm NO, significant systemic dosing. Adrie et al. compared the pulmonary vascular vasodilation was observed (fig. 8). effects of inhaled sodium 1-(N,N-diethylamino) diazen-1- ium-1,2-diolate (DEA/NO), which spontaneously gener- ates NO, with the inhalation of sodium nitroprusside and Summary NO gas in awake sheep with pharmacologically induced pulmonary hypertension.331 DEA/NO caused nonselec- Nitric oxide is produced by almost every healthy mam- tive vasodilation, and sodium nitroprusside was only malian tissue. In health, NO has a myriad of functions selective for the pulmonary circulation at low inhaled that are essential for life. In disease, NO has many effects concentrations, compared with the highly selective ef- that can be both helpful and deleterious. fect of NO gas.331 In a pig model of acute pulmonary Inhaled NO has made a rapid journey from the labora- hypertension, Brilli et al. compared the effects of the tory bench to the bedside because of its unique selective aerosolized NO donors ethylputreanine NONOate (EP/ pulmonary vasodilator activity and its ready availability. NO) and 2-(dimethylamino) ethylputreanine NONOate It is the first vasodilator described to provide truly selec- (DMAEP/NO).332 They reported that 3-min DMAEP/NO tive pulmonary vasodilation. A large number of basic and aerosolization caused selective pulmonary vasodilation, clinical research studies have made great steps in delin- which lasted for approximately 30–50 min without ef- eating its physiology, side effects, and clinical efficacy. fects on systemic arterial pressure or cardiac output.332 Nearly simultaneously, the clinical use of inhaled NO has Similarly, tracheal instillation of DMAEP/NO resulted in become widespread. During the past 8 yr, inhaled NO

Anesthesiology, V 91, No 4, Oct 1999 1111


Fig. 8. Percentage change of mean pulmo- nary arterial pressdure and systemic ar- terial pressure (SAP) during inhalation of nitric oxide (NO; 5 and 20 ppm), aerosol- ized zaprinast (ZAP, 10–50 mg/ml), or both, in awake lambs. *Significantly dif- Downloaded from http://pubs.asahq.org/anesthesiology/article-pdf/91/4/1090/398065/0000542-199910000-00030.pdf by guest on 30 September 2021 ferent from values at pulmonary arterial hypertension (P < 0.05). #Significantly different from the value at 5 ppm NO (P < 0.05) and from 10 mg/ml zaprinast -P < 0.01). Values are mean ؎ SD. Re) printed with permission from Ichinose et al.302

has been used to treat pulmonary hypertension and injury, and the common occurrence of sepsis and hypoxemia in thousands of patients worldwide. Inhaled multiple organ system failure. Current data from mul- NO is an effective pulmonary vasodilator in many disease ticenter trials suggest that the mortality rate in mod- states characterized by pulmonary hypertension. In ad- erate lung injury is not significantly changed by NO dition, inhaled NO decreases pulmonary venous admix- inhalation. Whether this is because of inappropriate ture in diffuse lung injury, and therefore increases sys- study design, the complex nature and spectrum of temic oxygenation in many patients. Most importantly, ARDS, inefficacy of NO, inappropriate dosing, or randomized multicenter studies of NO inhalation have counterbalancing toxic effects of NO is unknown. shown that this new therapy significantly reduces the 2. If available data suggest that survival is unchanged, necessity for ECMO in newborns with PPHN or hypoxic should clinicians continue to study NO inhalation? respiratory failure. NO inhalation has many additional effects that may be clinically beneficial. Inhaled NO has Researchers concentrating on the cellular and subcel- been reported to decrease pulmonary edema formation lular effects of NO properly express concerns that and lung injury. In the systemic circulation, NO inhala- NO inhalation may worsen lung injury and damage tion inhibits peripheral vascular restenosis in animal important structures. Initial clinical studies, however, models of arterial injury, augments the oxygen binding suggest that toxicity, if present, is extremely low. The of sickle erythrocytes, and reduces cyclic coronary oc- doses of NO now commonly used are less than those clusion in a model of coronary injury and thrombolysis. received with cigarette exposure and are nearly However, important questions remain: within the atmospheric background range of many urban areas. Many clinical scientists continue to eval- 1. Does the reduction of pulmonary artery pressure and uate inhaled NO and find it useful for short-term increased Pa caused by NO inhalation improve clin- O2 symptomatic treatment of hypoxemic respiratory fail- ical outcome for patients with acute lung injury? ure and pulmonary vasoconstriction. In a relatively uniform and well-defined population of patients, newborns with hypoxic respiratory failure, The pharmacologic and toxicologic profiles of NO NO inhalation effectively improves oxygenation and inhalation are incomplete. It is necessary to delineate significantly reduces the use of ECMO. Avoiding further (1) proper indications, (2) contraindications, (3) ECMO, a complicated and expensive invasive proce- sound dosing criteria, (4) organ disease from cellular and dure with limited availability, is an important clinical subcellular toxicity, and (5) the causes of NO hypore- endpoint and undoubtedly would justify the use of sponsiveness. Randomized clinical studies of patients inhaled NO.6,7 The clinical usefulness of inhaled NO with carefully defined specific disease states character- in adults remains unclear. Clinical studies of ARDS in ized by pulmonary hypertension or hypoxemia (e.g., adults are complicated by the diverse nature of the pulmonary embolism, severe PAH, postpneumonectomy patient population, the precipitating causes of lung pulmonary edema, acute rejection after lung transplan-

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tation) and in premature newborns with respiratory fail- ischemia/reperfusion injury of distal microvascular beds. J Clin Invest ure remain to be completed. If such trials are carefully 1998; 101:2497–505 designed and conducted, we may define additional 10. Adrie C, Bloch KD, Moreno PR, Hurford WE, Guerrero JL, Holt R, Zapol WM, Gold HK, Semigran MJ: Inhaled nitric oxide increases groups of patients that may benefit from, or may be coronary artery patency after thrombolysis. Circulation 1996; harmed by, inhaled NO. The use of inhaled NO contin- 94:1919–26 ues to be a unique and fascinating approach to studying 11. Nong Z, Hoyaerst M, Van Pelt N, Collen D, Janssens S: Nitric oxide inhalation inhibits platelet aggregation and platelet-mediated and treating diseases as diverse as acute rejection of the Downloaded from http://pubs.asahq.org/anesthesiology/article-pdf/91/4/1090/398065/0000542-199910000-00030.pdf by guest on 30 September 2021 transplanted lung and sickle cell crisis. In evaluating this pulmonary thrombosis in rats. Circ Res 1997; 81:865–9 12. Head CA, Brugnara C, Martinez-Ruiz R, Kacmarek RM, Bridges complex field, it is critical that our view does not be- KR, Kuter D, Bloch KD, Zapol WM: Low concentrations of nitric oxide come colored by a single study or effectiveness in a increase oxygen affinity of sickle erythrocytes in vitro and in vivo. particular disease state. As with most medical advances, J Clin Invest 1997; 100:1193–8 it is the evolution of a wide-ranging body of research that 13. Fukuto JM: Chemistry of nitric oxide: Biologically relevant as- will properly determine the place for NO inhalation pects, Nitric Oxide: Biochemistry, Molecular Biology and Therapeutic therapy in our armamentarium. Implications. Edited by Ignarro L, Murad F. San Diego, Academic Press, 1995, pp 1–13

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