ALMAGUIN FORESTER, Thursday, June 5, 2008 PAGE 14 PHONE 1-877-444-4940 • (705) 382-9996 • FAX (705) 382-9997 • MONDAY TO FRIDAY 8:30 A.M. TO 5 P.M. ® E-mail:
[email protected] “®TM owned by JTH Tax, Inc., used under license” Income Tax Courses Available Some conditions apply Peter Lupton, Franchise Owner Place your classified ad 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. 4 Centre St. South, Huntsville Phone: 705-788-0200 Log onto HOW TO PLACE AN AD: By phone or fax: Phone 705-382-9996 Monday to Friday between HOW TO WRITE AN EFFECTIVE AD: Begin your ad by identifying the item you are selling by its 8:30 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. or fax 705-382-9997. In Person: 59 Ontario Street (Heritage House), Burk’s Falls. most commonly known name, description of its best features, condition, colour, model and other We accept: Visa, Mastercard, Interac and cash information to help the reader determine interest before calling. The more you tell, the faster it sells. Avoid DEADLINE: Tuesday NOON (except before holiday) abbreviations: they’re confusing. State price. Include your phone number, name and the best time to call. CLASSIFIED RATES Articles Articles 310 For Sale 310 For Sale USE YOUR BRIGHT 3 bedroom FURNISHED bedrooms, FREE ONLINE DATING 2 tent trailers for sale. STEEL roofi ng -siding. FEMALE Poodle puppy, LICENSED Electrician HIGH Defi nition Satellite Viceroy home on 5 acre year round. Large com- Make a connection in 1-2004 Flagstaff, 10ft 29 gauge Galvalume $64 crate trained, shots, wanted.