DARK ADVENTURE RADIO THEATRE: DAGON - WAR OF WORLDS Written by Sean Branney & Andrew Leman Based on "Dagon" & "The Shadow Over Innsmouth" By H. P. Lovecraft NOTICE: This script is provided as a convenience only to DART listeners to follow along with the recorded show. It is not licensed for professional or amateur performance or publicaion of any kind. Inquiries regarding performance rights should be sent to
[email protected] 1 OPENING 1 SFX: static, radio tuning, snippet of ‘30s song, more tuning, static dissolves to: Dark Adventure Radio THEME MUSIC. ANNOUNCER Tales of intrigue, adventure, and the mysterious occult that will stir your imagination and make your very blood run cold. MUSIC CRESCENDO. ANNOUNCER (CONT’D) This is Dark Adventure Radio Theatre, with your host Erskine Blackwell. Today’s episode: H.P. Lovecraft’s “Dagon”. THEME MUSIC DIMINISHES. The sound of OCEAN DEPTHS, perhaps a SONAR PING or the MOURNFUL SONG OF A WHALE. ERSKINE BLACKWELL (ominously) The ocean’s imponderable depths contain mysteries far beyond the grasp of mortal men. From the adventurous mariners of ancient times, to simple fishermen of our own New England of yesteryear, mankind has found the seven seas to be both the source of life, and a watery grave. When man seeks to delve too deeply into that abyss, what appalling secrets will rise to the surface? And what will mankind do when faced with the unnamed horrors of the deep? A few piano notes and the HISS of a soda pop opening introduce BUB-L-PEP. ERSKINE BLACKWELL (CONT’D) (brightly) My friends, in child or adult, a disposition that is easily and often upset, even just slightly, can make everyone feel out of sorts all over.