Ceylon Government Gazette
CEYLON GOVERNMENT GAZETTE No. 10,123 — FRID AY, JULY 14, 1950 A. Published by Authority PART VI-LIST OF JURORS AND ASSESSORS (Separate paging ie given to each Part in order that it may be filed separately ) SOUTHERN CIRCUIT 38 De Vaas Gunasekera, Don Cyril, trader, Elpitiya 89 SOUTHERN PROVINCE— Balapitiya Circuit 17 .. 40 Do Zoysa, Manimeldura Piyadasa, teacher, Akurala, LIST of persons in the Judicial District of Balapitiya, Ambalangoda Southern Province, qualified to serve as Jurors and Assessors at 41 De Zoysa, Norman Siriwardana, superintendent, Kohila- Balapitiya under the provisions of the Criminal Procedure Code wagura Estate, Ambalangoda ' (Cap. 16 of the Legislative Enactments of Ceylon) for the year 18.. 42 Dias Bandaianayaka, Reginald Eelton, proprietary July 1, 1950, to June 30, 1951. planter, Pusselbokka, Bentota N.B .—The Jurors numbered m separate series in italics are 43 44 qualified to serve as Special Jurors. ' 21.. 45' Ecriiandp, Kuruwegc Hendrick, teacher, Dharmasoka The mark (*) prefixed to a name denotes that it is a new College, Ambalangoda name added. 22 . 46 Fernando, Thusew Thomas, teacher, DJiarmasoka College, Jurors and Assessors who are resident within the Galle Ambalangoda Judicial District, whose names appear m the list of Jurors and 47 Assessors published by the Deputy Fiscal, Galle, are also eligible 48 Gunawardens, John Surasena Amarasiri, teacher, to serve as Jurors and Assessors at this station. Kahawa 49 Gunawardana, Julian Pujitha, principal, Gamini College, Bentota EN GLISH-SPEAKING JURORS 1950-51 50 Gunawardana, Robert Jayasuriya, superintendent, Mara- 1.. 1 Abdul Sarny, Ismail Marikkar, planter, Brahamana- wila Estate, Uragasmanhandiya watugoda, Balapitiya 51 Gurusingha, Daniel, pensioner, Godagama, Telwatta 2 52 3 Abeysekera, Appuwahandi, planter, Seenigama, Hik- 24.
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