Brith Sholom Kneseth Israel 1107 E. Linden Ave. Richmond Heights, MO 63117 (314) 725-6230 May 2013 Shaare Zedek 829 North Hanley Rd. University City, MO 63130 (314) 727-1747 Iyar / Sivan 5773 “Kol Rinah embodies the new spirit of ConservativeTh Judaisme inV the Midwest.oice It radiates the joy of worship, learning and Jewish music both in and out – into our souls and out to the families, friends and community. Come pray, learn, sing and celebrate with us.” Let's all join our voices together to bring joy to our new congregation! Shavuot schedule on page 18 Happy This Month Shavuot 2 A Message from Rabbi Fasman 3 HazzaNotes 4 President, Sue Cort 5 President, Steve Keyser 6 Sisterhood 7 Men's Club 8 Chesed Committee 9 ECC Everyone Has A Story 10 Youth Programs 11 Adult Education Shaare Shalom 14 Legacy BSKI Tributes 15 Legacy SZ Tributes 17 Calendar 18 Shavuot 2013 20 Kol Rinah Leadership Share Your Voice 1 Todah Rabah! A Message from Rabbi Fasman April Haftarot Rabbi Mark Fasman
[email protected] Ivy & Jaime Befeler, Ella Engel, A Sermon delivered on Shabbat Chol HaMoed Pesach 2013/5773 Richard Iken, David Weinstein April Greeters Florence Cohn, Rhoda Grimsky, Sandy This morning we read some of Shir HaShirim, 85 years, divided into four periods: the first is Melnick, Laura Rainey the Song of Songs. It is a love poem, filled with the generation of the founders, full of energy, April Floor Gabbaim passion and joy and hope.