Resettlement Plan

Document Stage: Draft January 2021

IND: Industrial Connectivity Project

Kumbakonam to (SH64)

Prepared by Project Implementation Unit (PIU), Kanyakumari Industrial Corridor, Highways Department, for the Asian Development Bank.

CURRENCY EQUIVALENTS (as of 7 January 2021)

Currency unit – Indian rupee/s (₹) ₹1.00 = $0. 01367 $1.00 = ₹73.1347

ABBREVIATIONS ADB – Asian Development Bank AH – Affected Household AP – Affected Person BPL – Below Poverty Line CKICP – Chennai Kanyakumari Industrial Corridor Project DC – District Collector DE – Divisional Engineer (Highways) DH – Displaced Household DP – Displaced Person SDRO – Special District Revenue Officer (Competent Authority for Land Acquisition) GOI – Government of GRC – Grievance Redressal Committee IAY – Indira Awaas Yojana LA – Land Acquisition LARRU – Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation and Resettlement Unit LARRIC – Land Acquisition Rehabilitation & Resettlement Implementation Consultant LARRMC – Land Acquisition Rehabilitation & Resettlement Monitoring Consultant PIU – Project implementation Unit PRoW – Proposed Right-of-Way RFCTLARR – The Right to Fair Compensation and Transparency in Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation and Resettlement Act, 2013 R&R – Rehabilitation and Resettlement RF – Resettlement Framework RSO – Resettlement Officer RoW – Right-of-Way RP – Resettlement Plan SC – Scheduled Caste SH – State Highway SPS – Safeguard Policy Statement SoR – Schedule of Rate ST – Scheduled Tribe


(i) The fiscal year (FY) of the Government of India ends on 31 March. FY before a calendar year denotes the year in which the fiscal year ends, e.g., FY2021 ends on 31 March 2021.

(ii) In this report, "$" refers to US dollars.

This draft resettlement plan is a document of the borrower. The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent those of ADB's Board of Directors, Management, or staff, and may be preliminary in nature. Your attention is directed to the “terms of use” section on ADB’s website.

In preparing any country program or strategy, financing any project, or by making any designation of or reference to a particular territory or geographic area in this document, the Asian Development Bank does not intend to make any judgments as to the legal or other status of any territory or area.

TABLE OF CONTENTS EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ...... i I. PROJECT DESCRIPTION ...... 1 A. Background ...... 1 B. to Sirkazhi (SH 64) ...... 1 C. Profile of the Project Area ...... 3 D. Project Impacts ...... 4 E. Minimizing Involuntary Resettlement ...... 5 F. Impact to Indigenous Peoples ...... 6 II. SCOPE OF LAND ACQUISITION AND RESETTLEMENT ...... 7 A. Introduction ...... 7 B. Scope of Land Acquisition ...... 7 C. Impact on Structures ...... 8 D. Loss of Private Structures ...... 8 E. Magnitude of Impact on Structures ...... 9 F. Loss of Livelihood ...... 9 G. Loss of Trees ...... 10 H. Loss of Common Property Resources ...... 10 III. SOCIO-ECONOMIC INFORMATION PROFILE ...... 11 A. Involuntary Resettlement Impacts ...... 11 B. Methodology Adopted ...... 11 C. Demographic Profile of Project Displaced Households ...... 12 D. Socio-economic Profile ...... 14 E. Key Socio-economic Indicators ...... 19 F. Resettlement Preferences ...... 19 G. Profile of Women Headed Household (WHH) ...... 20 IV. CONSULTATION, PARTICIPATION AND DISCLOSURE ...... 21 A. Consultation in the Project ...... 21 B. Methods of Consultation ...... 21 C. Outcome of the Consultations ...... 22 D. Information Dissemination During Census & Socio -economic Survey Revalidation ...23 E. Plan for further Consultation in the Project ...... 25 F. Disclosure ...... 27 V. POLICY AND LEGAL FRAMEWORK ...... 28 A. Background ...... 28 B. National Legislations, Policies and ADB Policy ...... 28 C. Legal and Policy Frameworks of Tamil Nadu ...... 29 D. ADB’s Safeguard Policy Statement (SPS), 2009 ...... 29 E. Comparison of Government and ADB Policies ...... 29 F. Involuntary Resettlement Safeguard Principles for the Project ...... 30 G. Valuation of land and assets ...... 30 H. Updating Units of Entitlement ...... 32 I. Rehabilitation and Resettlement Award ...... 32 VI. ENTITLEMENTS, ASSISTANCE AND BENEFITS ...... 33 A. Introduction ...... 33 B. Eligibility Criteria ...... 33 C. Entitlement Matrix ...... 33 VII. RELOCATION OF HOUSING AND SETTLEMENTS ...... 43 A. Physically displaced households ...... 43 B. Physical Relocation Allowances Provided by the Project ...... 43 C. Relocation Strategy ...... 43 D. Physical Relocation Allowances Provided by the Project ...... 44 VIII. INCOME RESTORATION AND REHABILITATION ...... 45 A. Loss of Livelihood in this project ...... 45 B. Entitlements for Loss of Livelihood ...... 45 C. Special Measures to Support Vulnerable Groups ...... 46 D. Income Restoration Measures ...... 46 IX. RESETTLEMENT BUDGET AND FINANCING PLAN ...... 48 A. Introduction ...... 48 B. Compensation ...... 48 C. Assistances ...... 48 D. Compensation for Community Assets and Government Structures...... 48 E. RP Implementation Cost ...... 48 F. Source of Funding and Fund Flow ...... 49 G. Resettlement Budget Estimates ...... 49 H. Disbursement of Compensation and Assistances ...... 49 X. GRIEVANCE REDRESSAL MECHANISM ...... 53 A. Introduction ...... 53 B. Grievance Redressal Committee ...... 53 C. Functions of Local-Level GRC ...... 54 D. Costs ...... 55 XI. INSTITUTIONAL ARRANGEMENT AND IMPLEMENTATION ...... 56 A. Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation and Resettlement Units (LARRU) ...... 56 B. Project Implementation Unit ...... 56 C. Competent Authorities ...... 59 D. LARRIC/Agency for RP Implementation Support ...... 60 E. External Monitoring ...... 61 F. Land acquisition and Resettlement process: ...... 61 XII. IMPLEMENTATION SCHEDULE ...... 63 A. Introduction ...... 63 B. Schedule for Project Implementation ...... 63 C. RP Implementation Schedule ...... 63 XIII. MONITORING AND REPORTING ...... 66 A. Introduction ...... 66 B. Internal Monitoring ...... 66 C. External Monitoring ...... 66 D. Indicative Indicators ...... 66 E. Reporting Requirements ...... 68

APPENDIXES Appendix 1: Summary of APS and CPR ...... 70 Appendix 2: Summary of Common Property Resources in SH 64 ...... 138 Appendix 3: Participants in Consultation ...... 141 Appendix 4: Comparison Between ADB IR Policy Requirements and RFCTLARR Act 2013 with Gap Filling Measures ...... 151 Appendix 5: Outline Semi-Annual Social Monitoring Report ...... 157 Appendix 6: Terms of Reference (TOR) for the LARRIC/Agency to Assist LARRU in Resettlement Plan Implementation...... 159 Appendix 7: Various Welfare Schemes being Implemented by the Government of Tamil Nadu for Vulnerable Community ...... 170

LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1: Key Plan ...... 2 Figure 2: Project Road ...... 2 Figure 3: Grievance Redressal Process ...... 54

LIST OF TABLES Table 1: List of projects proposed under CKICP ...... 1 Table 2: Summary of Involuntary Resettlement Impacts ...... 4 Table 3: Impact to Vulnerable Category (mutually exclusive) ...... 5 Table 4: Category of Land being Acquired ...... 7 Table 5: Classification of Loss of Private Land and Impacts ...... 7 Table 6: Intensity of Land Impact ...... 8 Table 7: Ownership of Private Structures ...... 8 Table 8: Type of Construction of the Affected Structures ...... 9 Table 9: Use by Extent of loss to the Affected Structures ...... 9 Table 10: Loss of Livelihood ...... 10 Table 11: Loss of Community Structures ...... 10 Table 12: Household by Religion ...... 12 Table 13: Household by Social Category ...... 13 Table 14: Size of the household ...... 13 Table 15: Age Group of DPs ...... 13 Table 16: Educational level of DPs ...... 14 Table 17: Occupation of DPs...... 14 Table 18: Monthly Household Income of DHs ...... 15 Table 19: Indebtedness of DHs ...... 15 Table 20: Extent of Loan taken - Bank ...... 16 Table 21: Purpose of Loan - Bank ...... 16 Table 22: Extent of Loan taken - Money Lenders ...... 16 Table 23: Purpose of Loan - Money Lenders ...... 17 Table 24: Place of Treatment ...... 17 Table 25: Awareness to HIV/AIDS ...... 17 Table 26: Level of HIV/AIDS Awareness ...... 17 Table 27: Source of HIV/AIDS Information ...... 18 Table 28: Child Delivery ...... 18 Table 29: Vulnerable (mutually exclusive) ...... 18 Table 30: Key Socio-economic Indicators...... 19 Table 31: Resettlement Preferences ...... 19 Table 32: Project Assisted House/Shop - Location Preferences ...... 19 Table 33: Women Headed Household - Significance of Impact ...... 20 Table 34: WHH - Use of the Affected Structures ...... 20 Table 35: Monthly Household Income of WHH ...... 20 Table 36: Consultation Methods ...... 21 Table 37: Place of Consultation and Number of Participants ...... 21 Table 38: Summary of Consultation Outcome ...... 22 Table 39: Public Consultation and Disclosure Plan ...... 26 Table 40: Entitlement Matrix ...... 34 Table 41. Relocation assistance for physically displaced ...... 43 Table 42: Loss of Livelihood ...... 45 Table 43: Entitlement for Loss of Livelihood ...... 45 Table 44: Budget Estimate ...... 50 Table 45: Administrative Roles and Financial Powers of LARRU ...... 56 Table 46: Competent Authority for Approvals ...... 59 Table 47: RP Implementation Work Plan ...... 65 Table 48: Indicative Indicators for Monitoring ...... 67 Table 49: Reporting Requirements ...... 68 Table A50: Road stretches taken up for improvement ...... 159 Table A51: Key tasks and time for completion ...... 166 Table A52: Milestone Payments ...... 167 Table A53: Key Staff ...... 169


A. Scope of the Project

1. The Government of Tamil Nadu has proposed to upgrade its road network under Chennai Kanyakumari Industrial Corridor Project (CKICP) that aims at improving the transport infrastructure, such as connectivity of industrial nodes to ports, urban areas, other nodes and critical hinterland areas, with financial assistance from the Asian Development Bank, as the Tamil Nadu Industrial Connectivity Project. As part of the current project, the Highways Department of Tamil Nadu has been mandated to undertake improvement and upgradation of various State Highways at different locations in the State under this project.

2. The proposed project will support upgradation and improvement of the identified 16 road projects totalling of about 587 kilometers (km) spread across the State.The Project Implementation Unit (PIU) of CKICP of the Highways Department has prepared this Resettlement Plan (RP) for the Kumbakonam to Sirkazhi (SH 64) being one of the 16 road proposed for improvements under CKICP. This RP assesses the involuntary resettlement impacts resulting from the acquisition of private land and impacts on squatters and encroachers occupying the Right of Way (RoW). It outlines mitigation measures in line with ADB's Safeguard Policy Statement, 2009 and Right to Fair Compensation and Transparency in Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation and Resettlement Act, 2013.

B. Project Road Description

3. The Kumbakonam to Sirkazhi road, involves improvements to 36.779 km of the State Highway- (SH-64). The entire stretch along the existing two-lane corridor on SH-64, is proposed to be improved toa two-lane corridor with paved shoulders, paver block and drains. This project roadis located in and districts and spreads across Taluks of , , Kumbakonam, and Sirkazhi.

C. Scope of the Land Acquisition and Resettlement Impacts

4. The objective of this Resettlement Plan (RP) is to assist the affected people to improve or at least restore their living standards to the pre-project level. This RP captures the involuntary resettlement impacts arising out of the proposed improvements to the proposed project road under CKICP. The document describes the magnitude of impact, mitigation measures proposed, method of valuation of land, structures and other assets, eligibility criteria for availing benefits, baseline socio-economic characteristics, entitlements based on type of loss and tenure, the institutional arrangements for delivering the entitlements and the mechanism for resolving grievances and monitoring.

5. The land plan schedules based on the detailed design have been prepared for this project stretch and the number of titleholders based on the revenue records has been captured. The proposed project road will involve the acquisition of 15.9882 ha of private land belonging to 627 landowners, the transfer of 2.03 Ha of government and HR&CE lands.

6. The improvements proposed will cause impact to 740 private structures. The impact to 740 private structures will cause the physical displacement of 108 households, of economic displacement of 83 households, of physical and economic displacement of 31 households and of 60 tenant households and non-significant impact on 518 households. There are 219 landowners losing 10 percent and more land who would also face economic displacement. ii

Inaddition, 58 common property resources will also be affected. In all, the project will cause impact to households 942 comprising of 3862 persons.

7. Out of 740 Private Structure, 222 are significantly affected. Out of 222 significantly affected structures 108 are residential structures and 83 are commercial structures, the 31 are residential cum commercial structures. Out of the total affected structures 39.73% are permanent structures, 30.95% are semi – permanent structures, 13.51% of the structures are temporary in nature and 15.81% are other category structures. The affected structures include 114 owners of business, 52 Commercial tenants.

8. In addition to the 485 affected title holders, 102 encroachers, 153 squatters, 60 tenants also would be affected. In all, the project will cause impact to 942 households comprising of 3,862 persons.

D. Information Disclosure, Consultation, and Participation

9. During the census and socio-economic survey, focus groups discussions (FGDs) were conducted along the project road in settlements and sections where there were impacts to private assets. All relevant aspects of the road improvement design, land requirements and impact to private property were discussed with the affected communities. Further, consultation meetings with affected persons, owners of commercial establishment along the project road, officials of the district administration and elected members of the local Panchayat were held in five locations.

10. Information will be disseminated to DPs at various stages. Information including magnitude of loss, detailed asset valuations, entitlements and special provisions, grievance procedures, timing of payments, displacement schedule, civil works schedule will be disclosed by the Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation and Resettlement Unit (LARRU) with the assistance from the agency hired for implementing the RP. The translated gist of the EM would provide details of the project, magnitude of impact to land and assets, eligibility and entitlement, institutional arrangement and grievance redressal process. Hardcopies of the gist of the EM in Tamil will be distributed to the DPs by the LARRIC as per the ADB guidelines.

E. Legislative Framework, Entitlements, Assistance and Benefits

11. The entitlements for the Chennai Kanyakumari Industrial Corridor Project (CKICP) is based on national law: The Right to Fair Compensation and Transparency in Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation and Resettlement Act, 2013, State laws and regulations and ADB’s Safeguard Policy Statement (SPS), 2009.

12. For title holders, the date of preliminary land acquisition notification will be treated as the cut-off date, and for non-title holders, the cut-off date will be the census revalidation date as in this project the original census survey was done in September 2015.The census revalidation has been carried started on 15 September 2019. The date of commencement of census revalidation (i.e) 15 September 2019 will be the cut-off date for non-titled holders for this Project.

13. The Entitlement Matrix (EM) for the Chennai Kanyakumari Industrial Corridor Project summarizes the types of losses and the corresponding nature and scope of entitlements is in compliance with National/State Laws, in particular the Right to Fair Compensation and Transparency in Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation and Resettlement Act, 2013 and Asian iii

Development Bank’s Safeguards Policy Statement, 2009. The total resettlement cost for the project is INR. 509.414 million.

F. Grievance Redress Mechanism

14. Grievance Redressal Committee (GRC) will be established at two-levels, one at the Regional level and another at the Project level, to receive, evaluate and facilitate the resolution of affected persons concerns, complaints and grievances.

G. Implementation Arrangements

15. To expedite land acquisition and implement the provisions of the RPs, four regional level Land Acquisition Rehabilitation and Resettlement Units (LARRU) have been constituted and all the four units are operational. This road comes under the jurisdiction of Kumbakonamregion LARRU. LARR units are headed by Special District Revenue Officer, Kumbakonam (Spl DRO) and is supported by a Resettlement Officer (RSO), Kumbakonam and Special Tahsildars of Sirkazhi and Kumbakonam.

16. The CKICP Division, Highways Department, Government of Tamil Nadu is the Project Implementation Unit (PIU) and responsible for overall in charge of coordination between the six Divisional Engineers (H) and the four Land Acquisition Rehabilitation and Resettlement Units (LARRU). The PIU is headed by a Project Director (PD) and supported by a Chief Engineer with a full-fledged unit under him. A Special District Revenue Officer (Spl DRO) has been posted at the PIU to coordinate with the 4-LARRU and assist PD, PIU in land acquisition, Rehabilitation and resettlement matters.

17. In view of the significance of resettlement impacts in this project, the monitoring Mechanism for this project will have both monitoring by LARRU and monitoring by an external agency / expert.


A. Background

1. The Government of Tamil Nadu proposes to upgrade its road network under the Chennai Kanyakumari Industrial Corridor Project (CKICP), which aims at improving the transport infrastructure, such as the connectivity of industrial nodes to ports, urban areas and critical hinterland areas. The Highways Department of Tamil Nadu has been mandated to undertake improvement and upgradation of various State Highways at different locations in the State under this project. The project will improve16 road projects totalling about 587 kilometers (km) spread across the State and financed through a loan from the Asian Development Bank (ADB). The project roads proposed under CKICP and their packaging details is given below.

Table 1: List of projects proposed under CKICP SNo Road No Road Name Length 1 SH-40-I to via Palayamkottai 50.590 2 SH-191 to 30.485 3 SH-63 Thanjavur to 27.585 4 SH-66 Kumbakonam to Mannargudi 14.900 5 SH-64 Kumbakonam to Sirkazhi 36.779 6 SH-23 Mayiladuthurai to 29.882 7 SH-95 Mohanur––Senthamangalam– 31.500 8 SH-79 to 11.153 9 SH-142 to Permabalur 30.057 Omalur to Tiruchengodevia Sankakiri including 10 SH-86 51.715 Tiruchengode Bypass 11 SH-58-I 39.786 12 SH-58-II Kanchipuram to Tiruthani 41.779 13 SH-115 Cheyyur (ECR) to Polur including ECR link 109.273 14 SH-09 to Madapattu 37.360 15 SH-69 Vridhachalam to Ulundurpet 22.855 16 SH-40-II Tiruchendur to Ambasamudram via Palayamkottai 21.400 Total Length 587.099

2. The Project Implementation Unit (PIU) of the Highways Department has prepared this Resettlement Plan (RP) for the project Kumbakonam to Sirkazhi (SH 64), being one of the 16 road projects proposed under CKICP. This RP assesses the involuntary resettlement impacts resulting from the acquisition of private land and impacts on squatters and encroachers occupying the Right of Way (RoW). It outlines mitigation measures in line with ADB's Safeguard Policy Statement, 2009 and Right to Fair Compensation and Transparency in Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation and Resettlement Act, 2013.

B. Kumbakonam to Sirkazhi (SH 64)

3. The project, Kumbakonam to Sirkazhi road, involves improvements to about 36.779 km of the State Highway-64 (SH-64). The existing 2-lane corridor along SH-64 will be improved to a two-lane corridor with paved shoulders and drains. This project corridor is located in Nagapattinam and Tanjavur districts and spreads across Mayiladuthurai, Kuthalam, 2

Kumbakonam, Thiruvidaimarudur and Sirkazhi Taluks.The key plan of the project road is presented below.

Figure 1: Key Plan Kumbakonam to Sirkazhi Road (SH 64)

4. In rural sections, the proposed cross section design is 16.00m consists of 7.00m carriage way, 2x1.5m paved shoulders, 2x1.00m earthen shoulders, 2x4.00m utility corridors are 2x1.5m embankment and drain. In urban sections, the cross-section design is 16.00m that consists 7.00m carriageway, 2x1.5m paved shoulders, 2x1.5 Utility corridors and 2x1.5 footpath cum drains and 30m in bypass.

5. The project road connects Kumbakonam, Mayiladuthurai, Sirkazhi. The project road is the shortest route from Kumbakonam to Sirkazhi. The start of the project road is Kumbakonami, which connects famous pilgrim centersfor , Christians and in Nagapattinam and it attracts the tourist traffic and Thiruvarur connects to and of , extending upto , the eastern tip ending at the . Besides, the road connects the Union Territory of and . The map of the project road is presented below.

Figure 2: Project Road 3

C. Profile of the Project Area

6. This project corridor is located in Thanjavur and Nagapatinam districts and spreads across the taluks of Kumbakonam and Thiruvidaimarudur in and Mayiladuthurai, Kuthalam and Sirkazhi in Nagapattinam District.

7. Thanjavur is located at 10.8°N 79.15°E. The tributaries of river Cauvery, namely, the Grand Anaicut canal (Pudhaaru), Vadavaaru and Vennaaru rivers flow through the city. Thanjavur is situated in the Cauvery delta, at a distance of 314 km (195 m) south-west of Chennai and 56 km (35 mi) east of .Thanjavur is an important center of South Indian religion, art, and architecture. Most of the Great Living Chola Temples, which are UNESCO World Heritage Monuments, are located in and around Thanjavur. The foremost among these, the Brihadeeswara Temple, is located in the centre of the city. Thanjavur is also home to Tanjore painting, a painting style unique to the region.

8. As per the Census of India (2011) Thanjavur district had a population of 2,405,890 with a sex-ratio of 1,035 females for every 1,000 males, much above the national average of 929. A total of 238,598 were under the age of six, constituting 121,949 males and 116,649 females. Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes accounted for 18.91% and .15% of the population respectively. The average literacy of the district was 74.44%, compared to the national average of 72.99%. The district had a total of 605,363 households. There were a total of 974,079 workers, comprising 117,321 cultivators, 327,673 main agricultural labourers, 26,430 in house hold industries, 363,060 other workers, 139,595 marginal workers, 12,592 marginal cultivators, 87,688 marginal agricultural labourers, 4,770 marginal workers in household industries and 34,545 other marginal workers.

9. Nagapattinam is a coastal district of Tamil Nadu state in southern India. Nagapattinam district was carved out by bifurcating the erstwhile composite Thanjavur district on October 19, 1991. Nagapattinam District was formerly a part of Thanjavur District. The district boundary is shared by Tiruvarur, Karaikal, Tanjore and Cuddalore districts. The town of Nagapattinam is the district headquarters. As of 2011, the district had a population of 1,616,450 with a sex-ratio of 1,025 females for every 1,000 males. It is the only discontiguous district in Tamil Nadu. The district of Nagapattinam lies on the shores of the Bay of Bengal between latitude 10.7906°N and Longitude 79.8428°E an area of 2,715 square kilometres (1,048 sq mi). The District capital, Nagapattinam lies on the eastern coast, 350 kilometers down south of the State capital Chennai and of Tiruchirappalli. It has an average elevation of 9 metres. The district has a coastline of 187 kilometres. The district has 8 taluks, 2 revenue divisions, 4 municipalities, 11 panchayath unions and 8 town panchayaths. The district has 53 costal villages and 29 costal panchayaths. Nagapattinam district has seven taluks, eleven administrative blocks, eight town panchayats, and four municipalities. Five of the talukas are coastal, and all are named after their main , which are their administrative centres. From north to south, they are Sirkazhi, , Mayiladuthurai (non-coastal), Nagapattinam, Kilvelur, Thirukkuvalai (noncoastal), and Vedaranyam. It is bordered on the east by the Bay of Bengal and on the south by the Palk Strait. On the coast between Tharamgambadi and Nagapattinam lies the small district of Karaikal, an enclave belonging administratively to the Puducherry Union Territory.

10. A majority of the people of Nagapattinam are employed in sea-borne trading, fishing, agriculture and tourism. Kayarohanaswami Temple and Soundararajaperumal Temple, Nagapattinam are the major Hindu pilgrimage sites. Nagapattinam is the base for tourism for Sikkal, , Poompuhar, Kodiakkarai, Vedaranyam, and Tharangambadi. Roadways is the major mode of transport to Nagapattinam, while the city also has rail and sea transport. The 4 average literacy of the district was 75.04%, compared to the national average of 72.99%.The district had a total of 413,837 households. There were a total of 671,994 workers, comprising 54,329 cultivators, 216,353 main agricultural labourers, 7,925 in household industries, 207,721 other workers, 185,666 marginal workers, 13,153 marginal cultivators, 128,704 marginal agricultural labourers, 3,630 marginal workers in household industries and 40,179 other marginal workers. The birth rate on a scale of one thousand in rural areas of the district is 19.9, urban is 17.8 and the combined birth rate is 18.85. The death rate on a scale of one thousand in rural areas of the district is 8.2, urban is 6.7 and the combined rate is 7.45.

D. Project Impacts

11. The towns and villages along the project road will improve connectivity with the National Highways (NH-45) via Thanjavur, the section of Chennai to Kanyakumari Industrial Corridor. This will lead to industrial growth along the project road that will result in employment generation. Further, the improvements and designs proposed under this road will improve connectivity for the local community living in the vicinity, to markets, health care facilities, and educational institutions. However, the improvements will involve the acquisition of private land for widening and geometric improvements. Moreover, it will also have impacts on non-titled holders using the Right of Way (ROW).

12. The involuntary resettlement impacts are summarized in Table 2. The proposed project road will involve the acquisition of 15.9882 Ha of private land belonging to 627 landowners, the transfer of 2.03 Ha of Government land and will impact 740 private structures. Among these, 108 HHs will lose residence and have to be physically displaced; 83 household economically displaced through loss of shops; 31 households will lose both their residence and shops. A total of 60 tenants (which includes 52 commercial and 08 residential structures) will be affected by the project. The number of total affected persons is 3862, of which 2571 are titled APs and 1,291 non-titled APs, and 46 Vulnerable Households. A total of 740 structures will be affected and 788 trees on private land will have to be removed. A total of 58 Common Property Resources (CPRs) like bus shelters and other public infrastructure will be affected. The involuntary resettlement impacts are summarised in Table 2.

Table 2: Summary of Involuntary Resettlement Impacts S.No Impact Extent / Numbers 1 Private Land Acquisition (Ha) – Wet 0.9827 2 Private Land Acquisition (Ha) – Dry 15.0055 3 Government / HR&CE Land Required (Ha) 2.03 4 Forest Land Diversion (Ha) Nil 5 Temporary Land Acquisition (Ha) Nil 6 Total Affected Households (AHHs) 942 7 Total affected TH households 627 7a Titleholders Losing only strip of land 46 7b Titleholders losing land (significant) 219 7c Title holders losing land and building 362 8 Total affected non-title holders (without titleship) 315 8a Encroachers 102 8b Squatters 153 8c Kiosks 0 8d Tenants 60 8e Employees 0 5

S.No Impact Extent / Numbers 9 Physically Displaced Households (Loss of Residence) 108 10 Economically Displaced Households (Loss of Shop including kiosks) 83 11 Economically Displaced Titleholders losing land 1 219 Physically and Economically Displaced Households (Loss of Residence 12 31 cum Shop) 13 Non-Significant Impact on the structure affected household2 518 14 Total Affected Persons (APs) 3862 15 Titled APs 2571 16 Non-titled APs 1291 17 Vulnerable Households3 46 18 Affected Structures 740 19 Affected Private Trees 788 20 Affected Common Property Resources (CPRs) 58

13. Based on the census survey, 46 vulnerable households were identified as significantly affected irrespective of title or non-title holders, 05 women-headed households, 18 scheduled caste households, 06 households were below poverty line and 17 households of elderly people. The households available at project site during the survey period only covered in the survey. However, the HHs those who are not staying in the project area will also be surveyed during award enquiry, which is in progress. The vulnerability assessment will be done for all the project affected families/members.Government of Tamil Nadu, government is implementing various welfare schemes for upliftment of vulnerable people of the state. Hence project will provide additional benefits for the affected vulnerable Households as per EM. Non-significantly affected PAFs would be compensated for loss of structure or land affected by the project.

Table 3: Impact to Vulnerable Category (mutually exclusive) S.No Number of HH Vulnerable Category impacted 1 Women Headed Household 5 2 Scheduled Caste 18 3 Scheduled tribes 0 4 Below poverty line 6 5 Disabled persons in the Household 0 6 Elderly 17 7 Minor Children below 14 years 0 Total 46 Source: Census and Social Survey, September to October 2019.

E. Minimizing Involuntary Resettlement

14. Measures were taken to minimise adverse involuntary resettlement impacts by adopting concentric widening in built-up sections and reducing the proposed right-of-way to 16m. The available right-of-way (RoW) was utilised to the maximum, thereby reducing additional land

1 Agricultural landowners who lose 10% or more of their land. 2 Where the impact to asset / structure is less than 10% of the total area, then such impacts are categorized as non- significant impacts as the DP is neither physically nor economically displaced. 3 Amongst significantly affected household. 6 requirements for the proposed widening. Quantitative analysis will be provided after finalizing the award enquiry.

F. Impact to Indigenous Peoples

15. The census and socio-economic survey and consultations conducted along the project road confirm that there are no affected indigenous people. 7


A. Introduction

16. The project involves improvements to 36.779 km of the Kumbakonam to Sirkazhi (SH 64) two lanes with paved shoulders. The improvement works include geometric improvements, junction improvements, provision of drains and foot paths in built up locations.

B. Scope of Land Acquisition

17. The available right-of-way (RoW) was fully optimized for the proposed improvements. The exact alignment of the RoW was determined using village maps and verified in the field. In many areas, the existing RoW is not sufficient to meet the design requirements of the cross sections. The highways department confirms that, the existing right of way belongs to highways department and there are no legacy issues in any of the project stretches. The private land required for the proposed improvements is 15.9882 Ha, comprising of 0.9827 Ha of wet land and 15.0055 Ha of dry land. The private land proposed for acquisition is mostly strips of land. Further, 2.03 Ha of government land and HR&CE will also be required to be transferred for the proposed improvements. The land plan schedules (LPS) have been prepared and the precise number of titleholders and extent of land lost will be updated once the LPS is completed and the preliminarynotification is issued.

Table 4: Category of Land being Acquired S.I. No. Type of Ownership Extent (in hectare) 1 Private Wet 0.9827 2 Private Dry 15.0055 3 Government 0.95 4 HR&CE 1.08 Total 18.0182 Source: LPS prepared by DPR Consultants, November 2018

The details of the types of private land proposed for acquisition are presented in Table 4&5.

Table 5: Classification of Loss of Private Land and Impacts SNo Project Component Area in Hectare Govt & Total Wet Dry HR&CE 1 Land along the road for widening 0.0345 3.7877 2.03 5.8522

2 Bypass 0.9482 11.2178 0 12.1660 Total 0.9827 15.0055 2.03 18.0182 Source: LPS prepared by DPR Consultants, September 2018

18. The extent of land lost and the scale of impact to titleholders is presented in the Table below. Around 65.08% of households (408 HH out of 627 total land affected HH) will lose up to 10% of their land holdings. A total of 117 households will be affected above 10% and 25% impact; 31 HHs above 25% and below 33.3% impact; 35 HHs above 33.3% and below 50% impact; 22 HHs above 50% and below 75% and 14 HHs above 75%. Survey covered all the affected households including the HHs losing only strip of land. During revalidation survey 8

(September 2019) the study team could not contact most of the land only affected households as they are staying away from the project site and no proper contact details are available with the land acquisition offices. However, most of such households would be attending the award enquiry meetings, being conducted by respective land acquisition officer. Census survey/validation is also being done during the award enquiry. All the affected households attending award enquiry will be covered in census survey and assessment will be done. On completion of award enquiries the list of PAHs would be finalized and the same shall be provided in the updated RP. The compensation will be paid as per the entitlement matrix. As per the approved EM, all the land only affected will be eligible for replacement cost and those who are losing livelihood is eligible for Rs 5 lakh in lieu with annuity policy under clause 1(b),2(h) and 3(g)

Table 6: Intensity of Land Impact Number of Affected Percent SNo Scale of Impact Household 1 Up to 10% 408 65.08 2 Above 10% and Below 25% 117 18.66 3 Above 25% and Below 33.3% 31 4.94 4 Above 33.3% and Below 50% 35 5.58 5 Above 50% and Below 75% 22 3.51 6 Above 75% 14 2.24 Total 627 100.00 Source: LPS prepared by DPR Consultants, November 2018

C. Impact on Structures

19. The improvements proposed will cause impact to 740 private structures and 89 common property resources. Further, there are 60 tenants who will be affected. The exact number of affected sstrcutures could be finalized after completion of revalidation of assets in the project road. However, only 30% (222 out of 740) of the structures are significantly affected and require to be rebuilt, while for the remaining 70%, structures will bear non-significant impacts. Among the significantly affected structures, 37.39% of the structures are being used for commercial purpose, 48.65% are used as residences, and 13.96 % are used for both residence and commercial purpose.

D. Loss of Private Structures

20. 65.54% of the affected structures are owned by title-holders, 13.78% are owned by encroachers and 20.68% are owned by squatters and no kiosks found in the entire stretch. The ownership details of the affected private structures are presented in Table 7.

Table 7: Ownership of Private Structures Residential Cum Number of Tenure Residential Commercial Commercial Others Structures Percentage Titled-holders 265 157 58 5 485 65.54 Encroachers 71 19 11 1 102 13.78 Squatters 90 53 7 3 153 20.68 9

Total 426 229 76 9 740 100.00 Source: Census and Social Survey, Sep- Oct 2019 593.

21. 13.51% structures that are temporary in nature and 30.95% of the structures are semipermanent and 39.73% are permanent structures and others constitute 15.81%. The type of construction of the affected structures is presented in Table 8.

Table 8: Type of Construction of the Affected Structures Type of Structure Number of Structures Percentage Permanent 294 39.73 Semi-permanent 229 30.95 Temporary 100 13.51 Others (CW, lean to roof, toilet, etc) 117 15.81 Total 740 100.00 Source: Census and Social Survey, Sep- Oct 2019.

E. Magnitude of Impact on Structures

22. The project will impact 740 structures and the structures have been assessed for the significance of impact, with loss of less than 10 percent being considered as non-significant and loss of 10 percent and above as significant. Of course, during the RP implementation, a proper assessment on the structure’s viability will be conducted in consultation with its owner to determine whether the house is fully affected – even in case of less than 10% impact by a qualified engineer in consultation with the affected HH. The information in Table 9 will be updated after the completion of the joint verification and on completion of structure valuation.

23. The extent of loss to structure and its use is presented in Table 9. Of 630 HHs affected, 408 HHs will face 10% impact; the extent of loss faced by 38 HHs would be between 10%-20%; for 104 HHs between 20 – 50%; 61 HHs between 50 – 99% and for 19 HH impacted upto 100% impact. Of 630 affected structures 355 are residential, 210 are commercial and 65 are residential cum commercial structures.

Table 9: Use by Extent of loss to the Affected Structures Residence cum Residence Commercial (No. Total (No. Of Impact Commercial (No. of HH) Of HH) (No. Of HH) HH)

Less than 10% 247 127 34 408 ≥ 10% and < 20% 20 13 5 38 ≥20% and < 50% 46 42 16 104 ≥50% and ≤ 99% 31 21 9 61 100% 11 7 1 19 Total 355 210 65 630 Source: Census and Social Survey, Sep- Oct 2019.

F. Loss of Livelihood

24. The Project causes significant impact to 83 commercial establishments and 31 residence cum commercial establishments to a total of 114 [Table 10]. Further there are 52 10

commercial tenants and 219 landowners who would also face economic displacement resulting in total loss of livelihood to about 1567 displaced or significantly affected persons (PAPs). The category of impacts causing loss of livelihood is presented Table 10.

Table 10: Loss of Livelihood Number of Displaced Number of Displaced Category of Loss Households Persons Owners of Business 114 464 Commercial Tenants 52 212 Employees 00 0 Significantly affected land owners 219 891 Total 385 1567 Source: Census and Social Survey, Sep- Oct 2019

G. Loss of Trees

25. The Project will require removal of 788 private trees belonging to the AHs. All other trees getting affected in this project belong to the government and the re-planting of government trees will be done in accordance with the State norms and regulations. Further, the Land Plan Schedule (LPS) prepared will be taken up for scrutiny by the revenue authorities and at that time if there are trees in the land being acquired, they will be compensated in accordance with the provisions contained in the EM.

H. Loss of Common Property Resources

26. The project will affect 89 common property resources as per the survey undertaken and the number of CPRs will increase after completion of revalidation. Out of these, 58 are compound walls, government buildings and portion of government buildings, 16 of which will be fully affected. The LARRU, with the support of RP implementation consultant, will consult the trustees of the places of worship, institutions and local Panchayat, will facilitate in the relocation of these for the affected 29 places of worship. The common property resource that is getting affected in the project is presented in Table 11.

Table 11: Loss of Community Structures Number of Partially Fully Type of Community Asset Percentage Structures affected affected Place of worship 28 11 17 48.28 CW, Government buildings, etc 24 8 16 41.38 Statue 6 4 2 10.34 Total 58 23 35 100.00 Source: Census and Social Survey, Sep- Oct 2019



A. Involuntary Resettlement Impacts

27. This RP is based on the census and socio-economic survey carried out on 15.09.2019 based on final and detailed design of the road project. The RP is based on the final engineering design, and the information provided in the RP is based on the preliminary notification. The physical and economic displacement shall be confirmed during award enquiry by the land acquisition officer. RP will be updated on completion of ‘Award Enquiry’ as per land acquisition procedure. The census survey identified 740 households losing their structure and the salient findings are presented in the following sections. Compensation for loss of assets based on the extent and type have been worked out following Entitlement matrix, joint verification and valuation of assets for both physical and economic displacement. The information about the affected persons and compensation will be finalized during award enquiry for both eligible title and non-title holders (including vulnerable households)

B. Methodology Adopted

28. The census survey enumerated all private assets/properties and common property resources within the proposed right-of-way (PRoW) 16m in urban and rural sections, and 30m in by-pass sections. For every affected household, a pretested structured questionnaire was administered during the census survey. The survey recorded details of: (i) identity of the Project Affected Household (AH); (ii) tenure; and (iii) type, use and extent of loss to the DH.

29. In addition to recording the above information, detailed socio-economic characteristics, including demographic profile of members of the household, standards of living, inventory of physical assets, vulnerability characteristics, indebtedness level, health and sanitation, and ascertaining perceptions about project, resettlement options and compensation, was collected from all main building affected households. All structures were photographed and numbered for reference and record. Details of common property resources within the PRoW were also recorded.

30. The affected households were categorised based on the severity of impact as significant (loss of 10 percent and above of the productive asset or structure) and non-significant (loss of less than 10 percent of the productive asset or structure). The summary of Affected Households and the summary of Affected Common Property Resources arepresented in Appendix-1.

31. The census survey identified 740 households and 60 tenants who would be affected and 89 common property resources are affected and required to be relocated or compensated. Of the 740 households, 222 structures are significantly affected households. 108 residential households will have significant impact on their buildings and 83 households on economic displacement, 31 HHs on residential cum commercial structures are covered in socio economic survey. The households available at project site during the survey period only covered in the survey. However, the HHs those who are not staying in the project area will also be surveyed during award enquiry, which is in progress. The vulnerability assessment will be done for all the project affected families/members.Government of Tamil Nadu, government is implementing various welfare schemes for upliftment of vulnerable people of the state. Hence project will provide additional benefits for the affected vulnerable Households as per EM.Non-significantly affected PAFs would be compensated for loss of structure or land affected by the project.The survey details are analyzed and presented in the following sections. Out of 222 significantly affected HHs, 203 were responded to the survey. 12

32. Further, as per the land-plan-schedule (LPS) that has been prepared, there are 627 land parcels which would involve at least that many number of landowners who would be losing a strip of their land due to widening or bypass or curve improvement. Among these 627 landowners, 219 landowners will be significantly affected with a loss of 10 percent or more of their land holding and the remaining 408 landowners will face non-significant impact as their loss is less than 10 percent.

33. The RP is based on the final engineering design, the information provided in the RP is based on the preliminary notification. The physical and economic displacement shall be confirmed during award enquiry by the land acquisition officer. RP will be updated on completion of ‘Award Enquiry’ as per land acquisition procedure. Socio economic survey has been conducted for all the physically and economically displaced affected households. The economic displacement of land only affected households can be assessed only during award enquiry. This section of the RP will be updated on completion of award enquiry. The socio- economic survey was carried out amongst 203 out of 222 significantly affected households (includes both physical and economic displacement) losing either their place of residence or place of business or both; 19 households were not available despite multiple visits. The details are provided in Tables 15 & 17 based on the current survey data. This section of the RP will be updated on completion of award enquiry Besides, around 400 households are yet to furnish their data as they either delayed in providing their data or absent during revalidation of census survey by the investigators, hence there will be a chance of increase in number of DPs. The survey details are analyzed and presented in the following sections.

C. Demographic Profile of Project Displaced Households

(i) Household by Sex

34. Out of 203 DHs, 5 households are headed by female and the remaining 198 households headed by male. Male account for 97.5% and female account for 2.5%.

(ii) Household by Religion

35. The majority of 170 displaced households in SH 64 are Hindus (83.74%), followed by Muslims (15.76%) (32 HHs) (Table 12).

Table 12: Household by Religion Religion Number Percentage Hindu 170 83.74 Muslim 32 15.76 Christian 1 0.49 Total 203 100.00 Source: Census and Social Survey, Sep- Oct 2019

(iii) Household by Social Group

36. Of 203 displaced HHs, 114 HHs (56.16%) belong to the backward caste category, 6 HHs (2.96%) belonged to the Scheduled Caste category (Table 13). There were 76 households most backward caste and none of the households belong to scheduled tribe affected by the project.


Table 13: Household by Social Category Social Category Number Percentage General 7 3.45 Backward caste 114 56.16 Most Backward caste 76 37.44 Scheduled caste 6 2.96 Scheduled Tribes 0 0 Total 203 100.00 Source: Census and Social Survey, Sep- Oct 2019

(iv) Household by Size of Family

37. Amongst the 203 DHs, family of size 3 to 4 members constituted to 52.22%, followed by upto 2 members constituting 19.70% (40 HHs), 45 households constituting 22.17% having 5 to 6 members and 12 households have above 6 members (5.91%) (Table 14).

Table 14: Size of the household Size of the Family Number Percentage Up to 2 40 19.70 3 to 4 106 52.22 5 to 6 45 22.17 Above 6 12 5.91 Total 203 100.00 Source: Census and Social Survey, Sep- Oct 2019

(v) Age group of DPs

38. Of the 203 displaced households, comprising a total of 835 persons (Men: 422 and Women: 413) will be affected by the road. The majority of them, numbering 263 persons belong to the age group up to 21 years [31.50% (Male 32.46 and female 30.51)], 155 persons belong to the age group of > 21 and ≤ 35 category [18.56% (Men:75 and Women:80)], followed by 117 persons belonging to the age group > 50 and ≤ 65 [14.01% (Men:58 and Women:59)]; 221 persons (Men:106 and Women: 115) belonging to the age group > 35 and ≤ 50 and 79 person among the displaced belonged to the > 65 group(Table 15).

Table 15: Age Group of DPs Male Female Total Age Group Number Percentage Number Percentage Number Percentage Up to 21 137 32.46 126 30.51 263 31.50 > 21 and ≤ 35 75 17.77 80 19.37 155 18.56 > 35 and ≤ 50 106 25.12 115 27.85 221 26.47 > 50 and ≤ 65 58 13.74 59 14.29 117 14.01 Above 65 46 10.90 33 7.99 79 9.46 Total 422 100.00 413 100.00 835 100.00 Source: Census and Social Survey, Sep- Oct 2019


D. Socio-economic Profile

(i) Educational level of DPs

39. The educational level of about 12.46% of the displaced persons is between 9th and 10th Class (12.80% Men and 12.11% Women), 22.40% belonging to the categories between 6th and 8th constituting majority among the displaced. Uneducated constituted 18.68% of the displaced (63 Men and 93 Women). Of the total, 15.21% of them have studied up to primary education.

Table 16: Educational level of DPs Male Female Total Educational level Number Percentage Number Percentage Number Percentage Up to 5th 56 13.27 71 17.19 127 15.21

6th to 8th 92 21.80 95 23.00 187 22.40

9th to 10th 54 12.80 50 12.11 104 12.46

11th and 12th 48 11.37 45 10.90 93 11.14

Diploma 35 8.29 11 2.66 46 5.51 Graduate 53 12.56 34 8.23 87 10.42 Post Graduate 21 4.98 14 3.39 35 4.19 Uneducated 63 14.93 93 22.52 156 18.68 Total 422 100.00 413 100.00 835 100.00 Source: Census and Social Survey, Sep- Oct 2019

(ii) Occupation of DPs

40. Amongst 835 PAPs,32.70% of men and 44.07% of women are not in the work force, comprising largely of children, students, elderly, housewives and women who do not work outside home. Among the workforce, majority of the PAFs were engaged as Agricultural Labourers, constitute 18.32% about 8.14% are casual labourers, 4.43% of cultivators, 5.03% involved in business/trade, about 4.79% each operating petty / tea shops and eatery shops, another 2.63% are either salaried or pensioners, 4.91% are self employed, With regard to men, 13.27% are agricultural labourers 9% are self employed; 7.58% and 4.27% each operating petty / tea shops and eatery respectively. The table depicts that the majority of the PAPs (38.32%) are in the category of not in workforce as the household members were engaged in education and elderly PAPs.

Table 17: Occupation of DPs S.No Male Female Total Occupation Number Percentage Number Percentage Number Percentage 1 Petty / Tea shop 32 7.58 8 1.94 40 4.79 2 Eatery 18 4.27 4 0.97 22 2.63 3 Repair / Spare part 3 0.71 0 0.00 3 0.36 4 Business/Trade 37 8.77 5 1.21 42 5.03 5 Self employed 38 9.00 3 0.73 41 4.91 6 Salaried/Pension 17 4.03 5 1.21 22 2.63 15

S.No Male Female Total Occupation Number Percentage Number Percentage Number Percentage 7 Professional 4 0.95 4 0.97 8 0.96 8 Industrial worker 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 9 Casual labourer 27 6.40 41 9.93 68 8.14 10 Cultivator 37 8.77 0 0.00 37 4.43 11 Agri labourer 56 13.27 97 23.49 153 18.32 12 Livestock/dairy 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 13 Unemployed 15 3.55 64 15.50 79 9.46 14 Not in workforce 138 32.70 182 44.07 320 38.32 Total 422 100.00 413 100.00 835 100.00 Source: Census and Social Survey, Sep- Oct 2019

(iii) Income of Household

41. The pattern of monthly family income range of DHs was as follows: 2.46% of the DHs earned between Rs.1501-6188; 42.86% between Rs.6,189 to 10,000; about 23.15% between Rs.10,000 to 15,000; and 8.37% above Rs.20,000.

42. Those earning below Rs.1477/- per capita per month (for the average family size of 4.3) will be treated as belonging to below poverty line as per Dr.C. Rangarajan Committee's revised methodology for measurement of poverty*. The average monthly family income of DPs was reported as Rs.7326.

(*The state specific poverty line for rural Tamil Nadu for the year 2011-12, as per Dr. C. Rangarajan committee's (constituted by Planning Commission of India) revised methodology for measurement of poverty, is Rs.1081.94 per capita per month. The same has been updated to September 2015 based on CPIRL and accordingly BPL families have been identified. The BPL cut-off income is Rs.1,477/- per capita per month for September 2015).

Table 18: Monthly Household Income of DHs Monthly Family Income Range Number Percentage Up to 1,500 1 0.49 1,501 to 6,188 5 2.46 6,189 to 10,000 87 42.86 10,001 to 15,000 47 23.15 15,001 to 20,000 12 5.91 >20,000 17 8.37 Not disclosed 34 16.75 Total 203 100.00 The average monthly family income is Rs. 9115 Source: Census and Social Survey, Sep- Oct 2019

(iv) Indebtedness of Household

43. Among 203 displaced households, 29 HHs (14.29%) had borrowed from banking institutions, 10 (4.93%) from money lenders. 164 HH (80.79%) had not made any borrowings.

Table 19: Indebtedness of DHs Indebtedness Number Percentage Banking Institutions 29 14.29 Money Lenders 10 4.93 16

Indebtedness Number Percentage None 164 80.79 Total 203 100.00 Source: Census and Social Survey, Sep- Oct 2019

44. Among those who had borrowed from banks, 72.41% (21 HHs) have borrowed a sum above above a sum of Rs.1,00,000.

Table 20: Extent of Loan taken - Bank Amount Borrowed Number Percentage ≤ 10,000 0 0.00 > 10,000 and ≤ 25,000 0 0.00 > 25,000 and ≤ 50,000 2 6.90 > 50,000 and ≤ 1,00,000 06 20.69 > 1,00,000 21 72.41 Total 29 100.00 Source: Census and Social Survey, Sep- Oct 2019

45. With regard to the purpose of borrowings from the bank, 24.14% (7 HHs) reported that they had borrowed for purpose of business investment; and another 3.45% (1 HHs) for agriculture and 27.59% (8 HHs) of the households for house construction / repair

Table 21: Purpose of Loan - Bank Borrower Number Percentage Agriculture 1 3.45 Business investment 7 24.14 Medical expenses 0 0.00 Wedding / Family function 3 10.34 House Construction / Repair 8 27.59 Educational Loan 3 10.34 Others 07 24.14 Total 29 100.00 Source: Census and Social Survey, Sep- Oct 2019

46. Among those who had borrowed from money lenders, 8 households had borrowed sums ranging above Rs. 1,00,000 and 2 households > 50,000 and ≤ 1,00,000.

Table 22: Extent of Loan taken - Money Lenders Amount Borrowed Number Percentage ≤ 10,000 0 0.00 > 10,000 and ≤ 25,000 0 0.00 > 25,000 and ≤ 50,000 0 0.00 > 50,000 and ≤ 1,00,000 2 20.00 > 1,00,000 8 80.00 Total 10 100.00 Source: Census and Social Survey, Sep- Oct 2019

47. Ten households had borrowed from money lenders, of them 2 households for business (20%) and 2 for construction and repairing of their houses (20.00%). 17

Table 23: Purpose of Loan - Money Lenders Borrower Number Percentage Agriculture 1 10.00 Business investment 2 20.00 House Construction / Repair 2 20.00 Others 5 50.00 Total 10 100.00 Source: Census and Social Survey, Sep- Oct 2019

(v) Health and Sanitation

48. 16 households surveyed on the project road reported of having taken treatment, of them 10 from government hospitals and 6 households form private hospitals for ailments for the past one year.

Table 24: Place of Treatment Place of treatment Number Percentage Government Hospital 10 62.5 Private Clinic 6 37.5 Traditional healing 0 0 Medical shop 0 0 Treatment not taken 0 0 Total 16 100.00 Source: Census and Social Survey, Sep- Oct 2019

49. Most of the DHs (97.54%) reported that they were aware of HIV/AIDS and 2.46% (5 HHs) reporting not being aware of HIV/AIDS.

Table 25: Awareness to HIV/AIDS Awareness Number Percentage Aware 198 97.54 Not aware 05 2.46 Total 203 100.00 Source: Census and Social Survey, Sep- Oct 2019

50. Among those who were aware of HIV/AIDS, 97.54% reported that they are aware on how it spreads and 97.54% had knowledge about its prevention methods.

Table 26: Level of HIV/AIDS Awareness Number Percentage Awareness to mode of 198 97.54 HIV AIDS spread Awareness to prevention 198 97.54 methods Source: Census and Social Survey, Sep- Oct 2019

51. 68.69% percent of DPs reported that the source of information about HIV/AIDs was television broadcasting,21.21% through campaign by the Government.


Table 27: Source of HIV/AIDS Information Source Number Percentage Print Media 7 3.54 Radio 2 1.01 Television 136 68.69 Govt Campaign 42 21.21 NGO Campaign 5 2.53 Not disclosed 6 3.03 Total 198 100.00 Source: Census and Social Survey, Sep- Oct 2019

52. Regarding child delivery, 70.44% reported that the last delivery of child in their household took place in Government Hospital and 16.75% in Private Hospital.

Table 28: Child Delivery Number Percentage Government Hospital 143 70.44 Private Hospital 34 16.75 Midwife at Home 0 0.00 Village elder at Home 0 0.00 No response 26 12.81 Total 203 100.00 Source: Census and Social Survey, Sep- Oct 2019

(vi) Impact to Vulnerable HH

53. The vulnerability amongst the significantly impacted DHs account for 46 households. Among the vulnerable constitute 5 women headed households (10.87%), None disabled headed household, 18 belong to scheduled caste (39.13%), 17 PAPs belong to elderly constitute 36.96%, 06 of them are below poverty line. The vulnerable status of significantly impacted DHs in the project, which is mutually exclusive in the order of priority as presented in Table 29. However, the number of vulnerable households would be finalized during award enquiry and explained in Para no. 27. The actual number shall be finalized during the Award Enquiry. The status of being landless will be confirmed through Village Administrative Officer (VAO) during Award Enquiry and the table revised accordingly.

Table 29: Vulnerable (mutually exclusive) Vulnerability Type Number of HH impacted Percentage Women Headed Household 5 10.87 Scheduled Caste 18 39.13 Scheduled tribes 0 0.00 Below poverty line 6 13.04 Disabled persons in the Household 0 0.00 Elderly 17 36.96 Minor Children with no support below 14 years 0 0.00 Total Vulnerable 46 100.00 Source: Census and Social Survey, Sep- Oct 2019


E. Key Socio-economic Indicators

54. The key socio-economic indicators established based on the census and socioeconomic survey carried out amongst the AHs in September to October 2019 are presented below. These indicators would form the baseline indicators that would be compared with the evaluation carried out by the independent external evaluation agency.

Table 30: Key Socio-economic Indicators S.No Indicator Unit Value/Figure a) Income (N =203) 1 Monthly family income Average 9115 2 Number of earners Average 1.76 b) Business establishment Significant Impact Nos. 113 b) Housing/Shop Characteristics (N=203) 4 Permanent % 54.05 5 Semi-permanent % 37.39 6 Temporary % 8.56 c) Standard of Living 7 Owned % 81.98 8 Squatter % 18.02 9 Having separate kitchen % 89.25 10 Having separate toilet % 87.44 11 Having separate bath % 86.65 12 Houses electrified % 95.00 13 Access to piped water supply (HSC/PT) % 71.65 14 LPG as fuel for cooking % 92.00 c) Family Characteristics 15 Family size Average 4.1 16 Women headed household % 1.97 Source: Census and Social Survey, Sep- Oct 2019

F. Resettlement Preferences

55. The DHs were asked to indicate their choice in resettlement and Rehabilitation option of self-managed - cash assistance or project supported housing/livelihood assistance. The majority of 95.07% preferred cash assistance, followed by 4.93% being undecided. Ten PAPs did not decide to where to relocate. All 10 households have not decided about their resettlement option

Table 31: Resettlement Preferences Preference Number Percentage Self-managed - Cash assistance 193 95.07 Project assisted - House / shop 0 0 Undecided 10 4.93 Total 203 100.00 Source: Census and Social Survey, Sep- Oct 2019

Table 32: Project Assisted House/Shop - Location Preferences Preference Number Percentage Same settlement 0 0 Any where 0 0 Undecided 10 100.00 Total 10 100 Source: Census and Social Survey, Sep- Oct 2019 20

G. Profile of Women Headed Household (WHH)

56. The Project will impact 5 WHHs, of which 2 of them is title holders, 3 are nontitle holders.

Table 33: Women Headed Household - Significance of Impact Women Headed Affected Total Physically Type of Impact Household Number displaced Title-holders Land with Structure 2 Squatters 3 Encroachers Non-Titled Holders Tenants Employees Source: Census and Social Survey, Sep- Oct 2019

57. A total of 5 structures belonging to WHHs will be affected by the road, of which 2 belong to residential category, 3 commercial category.

Table 34: WHH - Use of the Affected Structures Use of Structure Number Percentage Residential 2 40.0 Commercial 3 60.0 Residence cum Commercial 0 Kiosks - 0 Others (CW, lean to roof, toilet, etc) - 0 Total 5 100 Source: Census and Social Survey, Sep- Oct 2019

58. Of the 5 women headed households, the monthly household income of two households each (40%) are Rs. 1501 to 6188 and Rs.6189 to 10,000 respectively, and the other one reported earning above Rs.20,001.

Table 35: Monthly Household Income of WHH Monthly Family Income Range Number Percentage Up to 1,500 0 0 1,501 to 6,188 2 40.00 6,189 to 10,000 2 40.00 10,001 to 15,000 0 0 15,001-20,000 0 0 >20,001 1 20.00 Total 5 100 Source: Census and Social Survey, Sep- Oct 2019



A. Consultation in the Project

59. In order to engage with the community and enhance public understanding about the Project and address the concerns and issues pertaining to compensation, Rehabilitation and resettlement, individual interviews, focus group discussions (FGD) and meetings were undertaken amongst the various sections of Affected Persons (APs) andother stakeholders. These consultations were undertaken during the census and socio-economic survey that was carried out as part of the detailed project report (DPR) for the Project. The opinions of the APs, stakeholders and their perceptions were obtained during these consultations. The consultations with the APs and other stakeholders will continue throughout the RP implementation period.

B. Methods of Consultation

60. Consultations and discussions were held during the census and socio-economic survey with project affected persons (APs), project beneficiaries, officials of the Highways Department, the implementing agency, the officials of the Revenue Department and the elected members of the local self-government.

61. During the census and socio-economic survey consultations were held with affected households, commercial establishment owners along the Project road, officials of the district administration and elected members of the local Panchayat. In order to hear and address the concerns of women, women were encouraged to participate and express their concern during consultations. The consultation methods aredetailed in the following table.

Table 36: Consultation Methods Stakeholders Consultation Method Affected Persons Census and Socio-economic Survey Affected Persons Focus Group Discussions Local Communities Focus Group Discussions Local Body Elected Members Individual interview, discussion Highways and Revenue Department Officials Individual meeting/interview, discussion APs and General Public Consultation Meetings

62. During the census and socio-economic survey, 2 FGDs were conducted in Andipandhal and Kollumangudi villages in the subproject road, giving priority to settlements and sections where impacts to private assets and property are most significant. Consultations addressedall relevant aspects of the proposed road design, details of the private and public land required and impact to private property. Further, public consultation meetings were held on 28.01.2016with affected persons, owners of commercial establishment along the subproject road, officials of the district administration and elected members of the local panchayat.

Table 37: Place of Consultation and Number of Participants

SNo Place Date Number of participants

SH-64 Kumbakonam – Sirkazhi Road 1 Thirubuvanam 25.01.2016 94 (including 9 women) 2 Thiruvalangadu 25.01.2016 71 (including 5 women) 22

SNo Place Date Number of participants

3 Govindhapuram 19.02.2020 27 (including 4 women) 4 Taluk Office- Kuthalam 18.08.2020 10 5 Kannan Primary School- 20.10.2020 09 Kathiramangalam 6 Taluk Office – Mayiladuthurai 22.07.2020 25

1. Outcome of the Consultations

63. People were aware about the improvements proposed for the road Projects but were not aware about specific details of the PRoW, shift in centreline and the method of valuation for land and building, payment of compensation and other Rehabilitation and resettlement measures. The salient points of the consultations are summarised in the following Table 38. Dissemination of Entitlement matrix through printed material in the vernacular language (Tamil) were distributed to all PAFs and clarifications regarding their doubts were also explained by LARRIC. Signed attendance are being prepared and samples are attached in the RP as Appendix 3.

Table 38: Summary of Consultation Outcome Concern Design change / Mitigation measures proposed / Explanation Could you inform us the time when our assets Would be informed wel in advance and compensation be removed? will be paid before vacating assets Will you compensate affected crops and trees Yes, crops and trees will be valued by the line while Agricultural lands acquired? departments and value will be fixed. Compensataion will be provided. Why numbering on the assets Numbered assets would be affected by the project

Any arrangements for shifting Pipelines Pipelines will be shifted or kept safely by the line abutting road departments. What would you do for the CPRs Compensation will be given the body/Committee. School buildings and other Government structures will be reconstructed what will be remedial measure ifthe temple Cash as the compensation will be provided based on the gets affected in the widening of existing road? valuation

What are all the facilities provided through this Facilities like bus shelters, rest rooms, pavements, project and to whom should we approach? drains etc would be provided. Officers such as Divisional engineers, DROs could be approached for grievances. there are frequent accidents occur in the Speed brakers would be constructed wherever required existing road; hence widening of road with and road will be laid with all safety features. speed control would help reducing accidents.

What would be the width of the road from the 8 meters in the built up area and 11.5 meter in rural area centre line? Why structures in Vitheeswarankoil and Bypasses were planned for those towns Mayiladuthurai were not measured? 23

Concern Design change / Mitigation measures proposed / Explanation How the compensation for affected structures Structures are valued by the qualified engineers and are determined? aompensations are worked out on the basis of PWD schedule of rates without depreciation Would you provide drinking water facilities Yes, necessary actions will be taken to provide water each side of the road, so that the women need both the sides. ot cross the road for fetching water

2. Information Dissemination During Census & Socio -economic Survey Revalidation

64. In Kumbakonam to Sirkazhi road (SH 64), census survey was started in 15 September 2019 by LARRIC. The officers of field implementation unit and LARR unit were attended the revalidation activity. The PAPs were briefed about the project, entitlement matrix, tentative timeline of project implementation etc., during census revalidation. All the assets (buildings/structures) falling within the proposed ROW based on the final design were numbered in blue colour. The snapshots of the activity are shown below.



3. Plan for further Consultation in the Project

65. The extent and level of involvement of stakeholders at various stages of the project from design stage and through the RP implementation will open up the line of communication between the various stakeholders and the project implementing authorities, thereby aiding the process of resolving conflicts at the early stages of the project rather than letting it escalate into conflicts resulting in implementation delays and cost overrun. Participation of the local community in decision-making will help mitigate adverse impacts.


66. Further, successful implementation of the RP is directly related to the degree of involvement of those affected by the Project road. Consultations with DPs will be conducted regularly during the RP implementation. The Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation and Resettlement Unit (LARRU), the jurisdictional DE (H), and the RP implementing support LARRIC will be responsible for conducting these consultations. The proposed consultation plan will include the following.

i) In case of any change in the project design, the DPs and other stakeholders will be consulted regarding the factors that necessitate the change, efforts taken to minimize resettlement impacts and mitigation measures available. ii) The LARRU, with the assistance of the LARRIC, will carry out information dissemination sessions in the project area. iii) During the implementation of the RP, the LARRIC will organize public meetings, and will appraise the communities about the schedule/progress in the RP and civil works implementation, including awareness regarding road safety and HIV AIDS prevention. iv) Consultations and focus group discussions will be conducted with vulnerable groups like women headed households, ST and SC to ensure that the vulnerable groups understand the process and that their needs are specifically taken into consideration.

67. A Public Consultation and Disclosure Plan will be finalised by the PIU in consultation with the Project LARRU as per the tentative schedule given in the following table.

Table 39: Public Consultation and Disclosure Plan Activity Task Period Agencies Remarks Screening of Project Identifying built-up sections DPR and stakeholder and assessment of likely September 2015 Completed Consultants Identification impact Identifying DPs and collected socioeconomic Census and information on DP’s. DPR Carrying out consultations September2015 Completed Socioeconomic survey Consultants to capture issues and concerns of people and incorporate in the design. Revalidation of Revalidation of Census and May - August Census and Socio-economic survey and LARRU/LARRIC Completed 2019 Socioeconomic survey updating RP Publish list of affected Public Notification for As per lands/sites in a local October 2019 LARRU LA State Act newspaper Web disclosure RP posted on Highways November 2020 PIU / ADB oftheRP and ADB website RP disclosure Carryout consultations with LARRU / After RP is December 2020 meetings DPs on significance LARRIC approved Project commencement Project information Jurisdictional DE details and scheduling of December 2020 Dissemination / LARRIC civil works 27

Activity Task Period Agencies Remarks Throughout RP implementation and formal Throughout RP LARRU / Consultation with DPs consultation meetings to be implementation LARRIC held at least once in every quarter Internal and external monitoring reports will be Dissemination of uploaded in the website of Throughout RP PIU monitoring reports Highways along with implementation corrective actions taken, if any. Summary of complaints Dissemination of GRC received and action taken Throughout RP PIU actions will be uploaded in the implementation website of Highways

4. Disclosure

68. The RP will be disclosed by the PIU and ADB upon its review and approval, and uploaded in the CKICP website along with a summary version with the entitlement matrix translated in local language. The translated summary of the EM would provide details of the eligibility and entitlement, institutional arrangement and grievance redressal process. Hardcopies of the EM was prepared, printed in and distributed to all the PAPs and same is available at the office of the PIU, jurisdictional DE, LARRU and distributed to the DPs by the LARRIC. PAPs were explained about the compensation during house visits by LARRIC staff and in the public disclosure and award enquiry meetings.

69. Information will be disseminated to DPs at various stages. Information including magnitude of loss, detailed asset valuations, entitlements and special provisions, grievance procedures, timing of payments, displacement schedule, civil works schedule will be disclosed by the LARRU with assistance from the LARRIC hired for assisting in RP implementation and this will be done through public consultation. Entitlement booklets have been issued to PAFs and other stakeholders of the project, hence, accessing to booklet becomes much easier.

70. Hard copies of the full resettlement plan will also be made available at: (i) the offices of the LARRU; (ii) office of the District Collectors; (iii) Taluk Offices; and (iv) Offices of the Panchayat / Union / Municipality / Corporation, as soon as the plans are available.

71. Electronic version of the RP will be placed on the official website of the project. In addition, all safeguard documents including the list of eligible DPs will be made available in the website throughout the life of the project.



A. Background

72. The Chennai Kanyakumari Industrial Corridor Project (CKICP) has prepared an Entitlement Matrix (EM) to mitigate the involuntary resettlement impacts that can arise in this project and is line with the EM of the Second Tamil Nadu Road Sector Project (TNRSP-II) which is currently being implemented. The EM complies with the provisions of the Right to Fair Compensation and Transparency in Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation and Resettlement Act, 2013 (RFCTLARR), State Laws and PoliciesandtheADB Safeguards Policy Statement, 2009 (SPS)).

B. National Legislations, Policies and ADB Policy

73. The entitlements for the Chennai Kanyakumari Industrial Corridor Project (CKICP) is based on national law: The Right to Fair Compensation and Transparency in Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation and Resettlement Act, 2013, State laws and regulations and the ADB’s Safeguard Policy Statement (SPS), 2009.

74. The Right to Fair Compensation and Transparency in Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation and Resettlement (RFCTLARR) Act, 2013, provides for a transparent process and just and fair compensation to the affected families whose land is acquired or proposed to be acquired or are affected by such acquisition and provides for Rehabilitation and resettlement assistance of the affected families. The basic principle of the RFCTLARR Act is to ensure that the cumulative outcome of compulsory land acquisition should be such that, the affected persons become partners in development, leading to an improvement in the standard of living after acquisition. This act came into effect on January 01, 2014 and the Land Acquisition Act, 1894 stands repealed.

75. The Land Acquisition Officer while determining the market value of the land has to consider the higher value of the land arrived at by 3-methods of valuation viz: (i) market value as per Indian Stamp Act, 1899 for the registration of sale deed or agreements to sell, in the area where land is situated; or (ii) average sale price for similar type of land, situated in the nearest village or nearest vicinity area, ascertained from the highest 50% of sale deeds of the preceding 3 years; or (iii) consented amount paid for PPPs or private companies. In case of rural areas, the market value of land so determined is multiplied by a factor, as per the GO Ms No. 300 of Revenue and Disaster Management (LA-I1(1)) dated 21.09.2017. A solatium of 100% is payable on the market value of land multiplied by the factor and all immovable properties or assets, trees and plants.

Relevance: In this project, land will be acquired invoking the Tamil Nadu Highways Act, 2001 and compensation, rehabilitation and resettlement will be determined in accordance with the provisions of the Right to Fair Compensation and Transparency in Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation and Resettlement Act, 2013 (RFCTLARR). To enable use of TN Highways Act, Sec 105A was inserted in the RFCTLARR Act through an amendment.

76. A Resettlement and Rehabilitation award detailing the entitlements to be provided as per the Second Schedule of Act is passed by the Land Acquisition Officer after getting approval from the Project Director. Possession of land can be taken only after payment of compensation and Rehabilitation and resettlement entitlements as detailed in Second Schedule. The details of amenities to be provided in a resettlement site is detailed in the Third Schedule. 29

C. Legal and Policy Frameworks of Tamil Nadu

77. The legislations and policy concerning the land acquisition and resettlement for road project includes (i) Tamil Nadu Highways Act, 2001 and (ii) The Tamil Nadu Right to Fair Compensation and Transparency in Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation and Resettlement Rules, 2017 (iii) GO Ms No. 300 of Revenue and Disaster Management (LA-I(1)) dated 21.09.2017. The factor by which the market value of land shall be multiplied in case the project is situated in rural areas in accordance with Section 26(2) of RFCTLARR Act read with the provisions contained in Serial Number 2 of the First Schedule of RFCTLARR Act has been notified vide this government order. The multiplication factor of 1.25 for projects that are within 30km from the urban area, a factor of 1.5 for projects beyond 30km and within 50km and a factor of 2.0 for projects beyond 50km.

D. ADB’s Safeguard Policy Statement (SPS), 2009

78. The ADB’s Safeguard Policy Statement (SPS) 2009 describes the policy objective, its scope and triggers and principles of (i) environmental safeguards; (ii) involuntary resettlement safeguards; and (iii) indigenous people’s safeguards. The objectives of involuntary resettlement safeguards are: (i) avoid involuntary resettlement where possible; (ii) if avoidance is not possible, minimize involuntary resettlement by exploring project and design alternatives; (iii) enhance, or at least restore, the livelihoods of all displaced persons in real terms relative to preproject levels; and (iv) improve the standards of living of the displaced poor and other vulnerable groups.

79. The involuntary resettlement safeguards policy covers physical displacement (relocation, loss of residential land, or loss of shelter) and economic displacement (loss of land, assets, access to assets, income sources, or means of livelihoods) as a result of; (i) involuntary acquisition of land, or (ii) involuntary restrictions on land use or on access to legally designated parks and protected areas. It covers them whether such losses and involuntary restrictions are full or partial, permanent or temporary.

80. The three important elements of involuntary resettlement safeguards are: (i) compensation at replacement cost for lost assets, livelihood, and income prior to displacement; (ii) assistance for relocation, including provision of relocation sites with appropriate facilities and services; and (iii) assistance for Rehabilitation to enhance, or at least restore, the livelihoods of all displaced persons relative to pre-project levels and to improve the standard of living of displaced poor and other vulnerable groups.

81. Replacement cost is defined as(i) fair market value; (ii) transaction costs; (iii) interest accrued, (iv) transitional and restoration costs; and (v) other applicable payments, if any.

E. Comparison of Government and ADB Policies

82. Overall, the new Act now bridges the gaps between the GoI policy and ADB's SPS, 2009. In particular, the Act requires social impact assessments for projects involving land acquisition, although it sets a minimum threshold of 3 years for affected non-titled holders for this provision to apply, while this is not required in the SPS. The Act also expands compensation coverage by a solatium of 100 percent of all compensation amounts. Overall, the RFCTLARR Act, 2013 brings the value of compensations for land and structures higher than replacement cost, which is the principle on which compensations are calculated under SPS. The 30

Act furthermore is in line with ADB requirement that compensation be paid prior to project taking possession of any land.

83. The outstanding differences between the government and ADB policy is the establishment of a cut-off date for compensation or entitlements to non-title holders. The RFCTLARR Act, 2013 specifies that only non-titleholders residing on any land for the preceding three years or more will be entitled for compensation and assistance as per this Act. This gap has been bridged by incorporating the cut-off date for non-titleholders will be the start date of census survey which is provided in the Resettelment plan. Moreover, unlike SPS the new Land Act does not have special provisions for vulnerable households but only for scheduled castes and scheduled tribes. Special measures for vulnerable households have been included in this RP.

84. A significant development in Government statute is the notification of ‘The Right to Fair Compensation and Transparency in Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation and Resettlement Act, 2013’, which has repealed the Land Acquisition Act of 1894 (as amended in 1984). This Act decreases significantly the gap between the LA Act 1894 and ADB’s SPS. The Act also provides for value of structures, trees, plants, or standing crops affected to be compensated at market value along with a solatium of 100 percent. The Act furthermore meets ADB requirement as Section 38(1) of RFCTLARR Act mandates payment of compensation and Rehabilitation and resettlement entitlements prior to project taking possession of the land.

F. Involuntary Resettlement Safeguard Principles for the Project

85. Based on the above analysis of the government provisions and ADB policy, the following resettlement principles have been adopted for this Project: (i) land acquisition, and other involuntary resettlement impacts will be avoided or minimized exploring all viable alternative sub-project designs; (ii) where unavoidable, time-bound resettlement plans (RPs) will be prepared and APs will be assisted in improving or at least regaining their pre-program standard of living; (iii) consultation with APs on compensation, disclosure of resettlement information to APs, and participation of APs in planning and implementing sub-projects will be ensured; (iv) vulnerable and severely affected households will be provided special assistance; (v) payment of compensation to APs including non-titled persons (e.g., informal dwellers/squatters, and encroachers) for acquired assets at replacement rates; (vi) payment of compensation and resettlement assistance prior to the contractor taking physical acquisition of the land and prior to the commencement of any construction activities; (vii) provision of income restoration and Rehabilitation; (viii) Establishment of appropriate grievance redressal Mechanism.

G. Valuation of land and assets

(i) Compensation for Land

86. Land will be acquired upon payment of compensation as per the provisions of RFCTLARR act 2013, as detailed below: 1. Compensation rates will be, Higher of (i) market value as per Indian Stamp Act, 1899 for the registration of sale deed or agreements to sell, in the area where land is situated; or (ii) average sale price for similar type of land, situated in the 31

nearest village or nearest vicinity area ascertained from the highest 50% of sale deeds of the preceding 3 years; or (iii) consented amount paid for PPPs or private companies (2) The market value in Rural areas shall be multiplied by a factor4 ranging from 1.25 to 2.00 as notified by GoTN. (3) Plus 100% solatium and 12% additional market value from date of 15(2) notification to award. This calculation will satisfy the replacement cost requirements of SPS. In addition to land, valuation to structures and tress if any will be compensated. Additionally the project will provide 25% of the total amount for those who accepted for negotiated purchase, in addition to the compensation as per RFCTLARR act 2013,vide G.O.(D).No.195, Highways and Minor Ports (HS2) Department, Dated: 26.11.2019.

87. Where land owners refuse to accept the compensation or where there is a dispute to the title of the property, the Spl DRO will remit such amount with the LARR authority and in all other cases, where compensation cannot be paid, the compensation amount will be kept in an interest bearing account with the project for a period of three years and paid to land owners as and when they come forward to accept the compensation.

(ii) Compensation for Structures

88. All affected households losing structures, regardless of legal title, will be paid compensation equivalent to the replacement cost of the structure, or in the case of titled holders, compensations based on PWD rates in the area plus 100% solatium according to the RFCTLARR Act 2013. Replacement cost is the rate determined based on the prevailing scheduled of rates, updated by a panel of competent engineers every year. If the RFCTLARR Act 2013 rates are higher than replacement cost, they will be maintained for the project. If these rates are lower than replacement cost, then replacement cost for the structure will be provided to titled-holders also. In addition, physically displaced titled and non-titled holders will receive additional resettlement and subsistence allowances. All PAPs irrespective of their title will be compensated based on the Entitlement Matrix (EM).

89. Compensation for properties belonging to the community or common places of worship will be provided to enable construction of the same at new places through the department owning it or the local self-governing bodies like Village Panchayath/Village council or the trust/body managing the places of worship, in accordance with the modalities determined by such bodies to ensure correct use of the amount of compensation. Further, all compensation and assistance will be paid to DPs at least 1 month prior to displacement or dispossession of assets.

90. Upon payment of compensation, the APs will be given 1-month time to take away the materials salvaged from their dismantled houses or shops or other building, and no charges will be levied upon them for the same. A notice to that effect will be issued intimating that APs can take away the materials so salvaged within 30 days of receipt of compensation; or otherwise, the structure would be demolished and material disposed of by the project authority without giving any further notice.

(iii) Compensation for Trees

91. Compensation for trees will be based on their market value. Loss of timber trees, compensation for fruit bearing trees, perennial trees, loss of crops, will be compensated at their

4 As per G.O.Ms. No 300 of Revenue and Disaster Management (LA-I(1)) dated 21.09.2017 32 replacement cost for titled-holders either compensated as replacement cost or as per the rates assessed by the Departments of Forest or Horticulture or Agriculture along with 100% solatium in line with the provision of RFCTLARR Act 2013, whichever is higher. For non-title holders compensation for fruit bearing trees will be paid without solatium (as per EM). The replacement cost of fruit trees will take into account the productive life of the tree. Prior to taking possession of the land or assets attached to the land, the compensation will be fully paid and APs will have the opportunity to harvest crops/trees within 1-month from the date of payment of compensation.

H. Updating Units of Entitlement

92. All units of entitlement and assistances will be revised by PIU, based on Consumer Price Index for Agricultural Labourers (CPIAL) and communicated to all LARRU for making payment as per the revised rates. The unit rates contained in the EM of this RP will be applicable until March 31, 2019. The updating will be done annually in the month of March and will become effective from the 1st day of April of that year. The unit rates will not be downgraded and the rate increased will be communicated to ADB.

I. Rehabilitation and Resettlement Award

93. The Spl DRO, LARRU will pass a separate Rehabilitation and Resettlement Award after getting approval from the Project Director, listing the names of displaced persons and their entitlements in accordance with approved EM for this project. The same will be displayed in prominent places such as the office of the local body concerned, office of the DE, Highways, LAARU and individual awards will be issued to the APs.



A. Introduction

94. The project will have two types of affected persons i.e.: (i) persons with formal legal rights to land lost in its entirety or in part; and (ii) persons who have neither formal legal rights nor recognized or recognizable claims to such land. The involuntary resettlement requirements apply to both these types of affected persons.

B. Eligibility Criteria

95. In accordance with the involuntary resettlement policy principles of this project, the affected persons falling in any of the following three categories will be eligible for compensation and resettlement assistance: a) those who have formal legal rights to land lost in its entirety or in part (title holders / pattadars); b) those who lost the land they occupy in its entirety or in part and Have no formal legal rights to such land, but who Have claims to such lands that are recognized or recognizable under national/state laws (forest dwellers); and c) those who lost the land they occupy in its entirety or in part and Have neither formal legal rights nor recognized or recognizable claims to such land (non-titled holders such as squatters and encroachers).

96. Cut-off Date: For title holders, the date of preliminary notification of intended acquisition as per the provisions of State Laws will be treated as the cut-off date.

97. The cut-off date for census survey for non-titled holders was March and May 2015 and the implementation of the RP was delayed for around four years. LAARIC has undertaken a census and socio-economic data on 15 September 2019 and the cut-off date for eligibility and entitlement of non-titled holders will be the start date of the census survey by LARRIC. This updated survey will record all non-title holders affected by the project. The cut-off date for non- title holders will be maintained as start date of the census to avoid new occupants in the EROW. Video coverage has also been done to capture all the structures and PAPs within the corridor of impact on the cut-off date.

98. There will be adequate notification and dissemination of the cut-off date and measures will be taken to prevent encroachments/squatting after the cut-off date is established. Non-title holders who settle in the affected areas after the cut-off datewill not be eligible for compensation. They however will be given sufficient advance notice (60 days) to vacate the premises and dismantle affected structures prior to project implementation. The project will recognize both licensed and non-licensed vendors, and titled and non-titled households.

C. Entitlement Matrix

99. The Entitlement Matrix (EM) for the Chennai Kanyakumari Industrial Corridor Project summarises the types of losses and the corresponding nature and scope of entitlements andis in compliance with National/State Laws, in particular the Right to Fair Compensation and Transparency in Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation and Resettlement Act, 2013 and the Requirements II on Involuntary Resettlement of the Safeguard Policy Statement of the Asian Development Bank, 2009. The entitlement matrix presents the entitlements corresponding to the tenure of the affected persons in the following order: 34

a) Impact to private property (title holders) consisting of: (i) loss of private land; (ii) loss of private residential structure; (iii) loss of private commercial structure; (iv) loss of private other structures; (v) impact to tenants (residential / commercial / agricultural) of title holders; and (vi) impact to trees, standing crops, etc; b) Impact to Non-title holders consisting of: (i) impact to squatters; and (ii) impact to encroachers; c) Loss of employment to agricultural and non-agricultural workers/employees; d) Additional assistance to vulnerable affected persons; and e) Unforeseen impacts

100. The following is the approved entitlement matrix for the project (the EM has been approved Vide letter No. Highways and Minor Ports (HS2) Departments, Secretariat Chennai- 9, letter (D) No. 280/HS2/2018-1 dated 13.11.2018).

Table 40: Entitlement Matrix SNo Impact Category Entitlements Implementation Guidelines

Section I. TITLE HOLDERS - Loss of Private Property 1 Loss of Land a Compensation for land Land will be acquired upon payment (agricultural, of compensation as per the provisions homestead, of RFCTLARR Act, 2013 commercial or otherwise) Compensation rates will be,

Higher of (i) market value as per Indian Stamp Act, 1899 for the registration of sale deed or agreements to sell, in the area where land is situated; or (ii) average sale price for similar type of land, situated in the nearest village or nearest vicinity area ascertained from the highest 50% of sale deeds of the preceding 3 years; or (iii) consented amount paid for PPPs or private companies

The market value in Rural areas shall be multiplied by a factor as notified by GoTN5.

Plus 100% solatium and 12% additional market value from date of 15(2) notification to award.

Title holders whose land is severed, will have the option ofsurrendering the

5 G.O.(Ms) No.300, Revenue &Disaster Management (LA-I(1)), dated 20.09.2017. [Factor by which the market value to be multiplied based on the distance of the Project Area from Urban Areas is as follows: Within 30 Kilometres - by 1.25, Beyond 30 Kilometres and within 50 Kilometres - by 1.50 and Beyond 50 Kilometres - by 2.00] 35

SNo Impact Category Entitlements Implementation Guidelines

severed portion of the remaining unviable land6 b Agricultural landowners Any affected family7 whose livelihood whose primary source of is primarily dependent (loses onethird livelihood is lost due to the of the annual family income due to the land acquired will be acquisition of the said agricultural entitled for Rs.5,00,000 as land) on the agricultural land acquired onetime payment in lieu of alone will be treated as livelihood lost, annuity policy will be entitled for Rs. 5,00,000/- as onetime payment in lieu of annuity policy

Registered tenants in private land, registered tenant cultivators in HR&CE land and registered BhoodanLand occupiers, who loses 1/3rd of annual family income due to the acquisition of the said agricultural land will also be eligible to receive this entitlement, provided they had submitted a self- sworn affidavit thatthey have been tenants for 3- years prior to the date of notification. 2 Loss of residential In addition to Replacement cost is the rate structure Compensation for land and determined based on the prevailing Assistances listed above schedule of rates updated by the under S.No.1 panel of competent engineers every a year. Cash compensation at replacement cost with In case of partly affected house,

100% solatium. manufactory or other building, as per Section 94 (1), the whole structure may be acquired, if the owner so desires

The affected person has the option of surrendering the full house or the building when the impact is partial. In the event of the affected person not wanting to surrender the remaining portion of the building, she/he may be asked to provide her/his decision inwriting to the jurisdictional Special DRO. In the event the person has opted to surrender the full house or the building, when the impact is partial, the whole building has to be demolished by the affected person without fail, failing which, the whole

6 Inserted vide amendment GO (D) No.174 of Highways and Minor Ports (HN2) Department dated 25.07.2017 7 Family is defined as per section 3(m) of RFCTLARR Act 2013. 36

SNo Impact Category Entitlements Implementation Guidelines

building will be demolished by the department at the risk and cost of the affected person8. b Right to salvage affected materials without cost c One-time assistance of Rs.25,000 for each affected family of an artisan or self- employed and who has to relocate. d An alternative house as per Stamp duty and registration charges IAY specifications in rural will be borne by the project in case of areas and a constructed new houses or sites. house/flat of minimum 50 sq.m. in urban areas or Patta will be issued in the name of the cash in lieu of house if wife/women10 of the household opted (the cash in lieu of house will be Rs.1,20,000/- 9 in line with GoI IAY standards in rural areas and Rs.1,50,000 in case of urban areas), for those who have to relocate. e One time transitional / subsistence allowance of Rs.36,000 for affected households who require to relocate due to the project

f Shifting assistance of Rs.50,000 for those who have to relocate g One-time Resettlement Allowance of Rs.50,000 for those who have to relocate h Residential structure Any affected family whose livelihood owners, who are deriving is primarily dependent (loses onethird rental income from the of the annual family income due to affected structure in the the acquisitionof the said residential land acquired and whose structure) on the rental income from livelihood is lost will be the acquired residential building will entitled for Rs. 5,00,000/- be treated as livelihood lost, will be as onetime payment in lieu entitled for Rs. 5,00,000/- as onetime of annuity policy payment in lieu of annuity policy

8 Inserted vide amendment GO (D) No.174 of Highways and Minor Ports (HN2) Department dated 25.07.2017 9 Revised in accordance with GoI revised norms for PMAY-G (restructured IAY) vide GoTN amendment GO (D) No.174 ofHighways and Minor Ports (HN2) Department dated 25.07.2017 10 In accordance with GO Ms.No.1763 of Revenue Department dated 19.11.1987 37

SNo Impact Category Entitlements Implementation Guidelines

3 Loss of In addition to Replacement cost is the rate Commercial Compensation for land and determined based on the prevailing structure Assistances listed above schedule of rates updated by the under S.No.1 panel of competent engineers every a year Cash Compensation at replacement cost with In case of partly affected house,

100% solatium. manufactory or other building, as per Section 94 (1), the whole structure may be acquired, if the owner so desires

The affected person has the option of surrendering the full house or the building when the impact is partial. In the event of the affected person not wanting to surrender the remaining portion of the building, she/he may be asked to provide her/his decision inwriting to the jurisdictional Special DRO. In the event the person has opted to surrender the full house or the building, when the impact is partial, the whole building has to be demolished by the affected person without fail, failing which, the whole building will be demolished by the department at the risk and cost of the affected person11. b Right to salvage affected materials without cost c One-time grant of If the business owner is different from Rs.25,000 for loss of the structure owner, the onetime trade/self-employment for grant for loss of the business owner trade/selfemployment, will be paid to the business owner.

d One-time transitional livelihood and subsistence allowance of Rs.36,000 for affected households who require to relocate due to the project

e Shifting assistance of Rs.50,000 for those who have to relocate

11 Inserted vide amendment GO (D) No.174 of Highways and Minor Ports (HN2) Department dated 25.07.2017 38

SNo Impact Category Entitlements Implementation Guidelines

f One-time Resettlement Allowance of Rs.50,000 for those who have to relocate g Commercial structure Any affected family, whose livelihood owners, who are deriving is primarily dependent (loses onethird business income and/or of the annual family income due to rental income from the loss of business operation carried out affected structure on the from the acquired commercial land acquired, and whose structure) on the business income primary source of livelihood derived from the acquired commercial is lost due to the land structure will be treated as livelihood acquired will be entitled for lost. Rs.5,00,000/- as onetime payment in lieu of annuity Any affected family, whose livelihood policy. is primarily dependent (loses onethird of the annual family income due to loss of the acquired commercial structure) on the rental income derived from the acquired commercial structure will be treated as livelihood lost.

4 Loss of other a Cash Compensation for the Replacement cost is the rate structure structure at replacement determined based on the prevailing cost with 100% solatium. schedule of rates updated by the panel of competent engineers every year

b One-time assistance of Rs.25,000 to all households who lose cattle shed

c Right to salvage material without cost 5 Impact to tenants 5.1 a Residential (residential / 1-month notice to vacate commercial the rental premises /agricultural) b Rental allowance at Rs.3,000 per month in rural areas and Rs.4,000 per month in urban areas, for six months

c Shifting assistance of Rs.10,000 5.2 a Commercial 1-month notice to vacate the rental premises 39

SNo Impact Category Entitlements Implementation Guidelines

b Rental allowance at Rs.4,000 per month in rural areas and Rs.6,000 per month in urban areas, for six months c Shifting assistance of Rs.10,000 d Commercial tenants will receive the one-time grant of Rs.25,000 for loss of trade/self-employment provided under 3(c) above in lieu to the owner 5.3 a Agricultural Tenants In case of agricultural tenants advance notice to harvest crops or compensation for lost crop at market value of the yield determined by the Agricultural Department 6 Impact to trees, a Three months (90 days) standing crops, advance notification for the other properties, harvesting of standing perennial and non- crops (or) lump sum equal perennial crops: to the market value of the yield of the standing crop

lost determined by the Agricultural Department b Compensation for trees based on timber value at market price to be determined by the Forest Department for timber trees and for other trees (perennial and fruit trees) by the Agriculture/ Horticultural Department, which includes value of productive life of fruit trees, with 100% solatium

c Loss of other properties such as irrigation wells will be compensated at replacement cost with 100% solatium.


SNo Impact Category Entitlements Implementation Guidelines

Section II. Additional Assistance for Women (Title and Nontitle holders)

7 Loss of Land / a Reimbursement of stamp The property should be purchased in house / shop duty and registration the name of a women in the charges, for purchase of household and registered either in her property out of the name or jointly with one or more compensation/R&R member of the household. The assistance. registration shall be done within

3years from LA award/R&R award.

Section III. NON-TITLE HOLDERS - Impact to squatters / Encroachers

8 Impact to 8.1 a Loss of House Replacement cost is the rate Squatters Compensation at determined based on the prevailing replacement cost. schedule of rates updated by the panel of competent engineers every year. b Right to salvage the affected materials without cost c House construction grant of Rs.70,000 for all those who have to relocate and who do not have another house.

Additional house site grant of Rs.50,000 to those who do not have a house site, d One-time subsistence allowance of Rs.18,000 e Shifting assistance of Rs.10,000 8.2 a Loss of shop Compensation Replacement cost is the rate at replacement cost determined based on the prevailing schedule of rates updated by the panel of competent engineers every year

b Right to salvage the affected materials without cost c One-time rehabilitation grant of Rs.20,000 for reconstruction of affected shop

d One-time subsistence allowance of Rs.18,000 for loss of business income 41

SNo Impact Category Entitlements Implementation Guidelines

e Shifting assistance of Rs.10,000 8.3 Loss of Kiosk One-time rehabilitation grant of Rs.18,000 for Kiosks affected significantly and having to relocate

8.4 Loss of other structure Replacement cost is the rate a Compensation at determined based on the prevailing replacement cost schedule of rates updated by the panel of competent engineers every b Right to salvage material year without cost 8.5 a Cultivation 2-month notice to harvest standing crops or market value of compensation for standing crops

b Fruit bearing trees Market value of compensation for fruit bearing trees 9 Impact to 9.1 a Cultivation Replacement cost for the loss of Encroachers 2-month notice to harvest standing crops will be decided by the standing crops or market Spl. DRO in consultation with the value of compensation for Agriculture or Horticulture standing crops, if notice is Department. not given. b Fruit bearing trees Market value of compensation for fruit bearing trees 9.2 a Structure 1-month notice to demolish the encroached structure b Compensation at Replacement cost is the rate replacement cost for the determined based on the prevailing affected portion of the schedule of rates updated by the structure panel of competent engineers every year. c Right to salvage material without cost Section IV. Loss of other Livelihood Opportunities 10 Loss of a Subsistence allowance Only agricultural or non-agricultural employment in equivalent to minimum labourers who are in fulltime / agricultural or non- agricultural wages for 3 permanent employment of the agricultural months landowner, or full-time employees of activities or other the affected business, will be eligible wage workers for this assistance. Seasonal agricultural labourers will not be entitled for this assistance. 42

SNo Impact Category Entitlements Implementation Guidelines

Section V. Impact to Vulnerable affffected Persons 11 Vulnerable a Training for skill One adult member of the vulnerable Households12 development to one households whose livelihood is member of each vulnerable affected, will be entitled for skill households. development.

This assistance includes The LARRU with support from the cost of training and financial LARRIC will identify the number of

assistance for eligible vulnerable persons based on

travel/conveyance and the 100% census of the displaced food. persons and will conduct training need assessment in consultations with the displaced persons so as to develop appropriate training b One-time assistance of programmes suitable to the skill and Rs.8,000 for physically the region. displaced residential and economically Suitable trainers or local resources displacedcommercial will be identified by LARRU and vulnerable households. LARRIC in consultation with local training institutes. c Displaced Vulnerable households will be linked to the government welfare schemes, if found eligible and not having availed the scheme benefit till date.

Section VI. Unforeseen Impacts Unforeseen impacts encountered during implementation will be addressed in accordance with the principles of RFCTLARR Act and ADB’s Safeguards Policy Statement.

Foot Note: The replacement cost principles are confirmed to be achieved by implementing the RFCTLARR Act 2013. In addition to the compensation as per PFCTLARR Act 2013, CKICP will provide 25% of the total amount for those who accepted for negotiated purchase.

101. Compensation for land and structure, in accordance with the eligibility and entitlement, will be paid prior to physical and economic displacement. One-time rehabilitation assistances and shifting assistances paid as cash will also be disbursed prior to physical and economic displacement. However, any long-term rehabilitation measures like training for skill development and annuity for life, if any, will continue for a longer period and such rehabilitation measures will not be a bar to commence civil works.

12 Vulnerable Group includes but is not limited to the following categories; (i) DPs falling under Below Poverty Line (BPL), (ii) landless people (iii) persons who belongs to Scheduled Caste (SC) and Scheduled Tribes (ST), (iv) women headed households (v), children (PAPs upto 14 years have been considered as children) and elderly people (PAP over 60 years of age have ben considered as elderly people in the project (viii) including orphans and destitute and Physically and mentally challenged /disabled people. 43


A. Physically displaced households

102. Among all the surveyed 740 affected structures, 108 households and 8 tenant households will require physical relocation as their residential or commercial structure will no longer be viable (Please refer Table 2). This section discusses about the residential impacted households. As per the census survey, all the PAPs have opted for cash compensation. All the displaced families will get one-month time to relocate to a new location on receipt of total compensation. Time extension for relocation can also be granted on a case to case based on the situation. RP will be updated on completion of ‘Award Enquiry’ as per land acquisition procedure.

B. Physical Relocation Allowances Provided by the Project

103. In addition to the replacement cost of structure, any affected household who is physically displaced from his/her residence or commercial structure as a result of the project will receive the following relocation allowances. Landless residential squatters will get house site grant (for purchasing house site). All residential squatters will be validated by the respective Village Administrative Office. All residential squatters are eligible for house construction grant as per Entitlement Matrix.

Table 41. Relocation assistance for physically displaced (in addition to replacement cost for structure) Titled-holders No. Non-titled holders No.HH HH

● An alternative house as per IAY specifications 85 ● House construction grant of 23 in rural areas and a constructed house/flat of Rs.70,000 for all those who have minimum 50 sq.m. in urban areas or cash in to relocate and who do not have lieu of house if opted (the cash in lieu of house another house. 13 will be Rs.1,20,000/- in line with GoI IAY standards in rural areas and Rs.1,50,000 in ● Additional house site grant of 23 case of urban areas), for those who have to Rs.50,000 to those who do not relocate. have a house site,

● Subsistence grant of Rs. 36,000 for 85 ● Subsistence grant of Rs. 18,000 23 titledholders for non-titled holders

● Rs. 50,000 Resettlement grant 85 ● N/A 0 ● Rs.50,000 Shifting assistance 85 ● Shifting assistance of Rs.10,000 23

C. Relocation Strategy

104. The residential displaced titleholder households are entitled for a built houses or cash in lieu of house in addition to compensation at replacement cost and other R&R assistances.

13 Revised in accordance with GoI revised norms for PMAY-G (restructured IAY) vide GoTN amendment GO (D) No.174 of Highways and Minor Ports (HN2) Department dated 25.07.2017. 44

D. Physical Relocation Allowances Provided by the Project

105. As part of the implementation activity, the LARRU with the help of the RP implementation support LARRIC will consult each and every DPs to obtain their choice based on the options available to them. If any of the displaced family finds difficulty in self resettlement, LARRIC shall facilitate those PAPs to resettle in coordination with LARRU, including provision of individual house sites. This project does not expect development of resettlement sites for residential displaced households.



A. Loss of Livelihood in this project

106. The project road will cause the loss of livelihood of 385households, Details are summarized in below table.

Table 42: Loss of Livelihood Type of livelihood impact No. HH No. HH losing commercial structures or rent from commercial structures 83 No. HH losing commercial cum residential structures 31 No. tenants losing rented commercial structures 52 No. employees of affected commercial structures 00 No. of titled-holders losing agricultural land 219 Total 385

B. Entitlements for Loss of Livelihood

107. This resettlement plan includes measures to improve or at least restore income and livelihood of affected persons to pre-project levels. The entitlement matrix includes the following measures for the temporary or permanent loss of livelihood:

Table 43: Entitlement for Loss of Livelihood Number Category of Impact of APs Provisions Agricultural landowners whose primary 10* Rs.5,00,000 as onetime payment in lieu of source of livelihood is lost due to the land annuity policy acquired (Reduction in income) Titleholder: losing commercial structures 97 Rs.5,00,000 as onetime payment in lieu of or rent from commercial structures annuity policy

One-time grant of Rs.25,000 for loss of

trade/self-employment for the business owner One-time transitional livelihood and subsistence allowance of Rs.36,000 for affected households who require to relocate due to the project Shifting assistance of Rs.50,000 for those who have to relocate One-time Resettlement Allowance of Rs.50,000 for those who have to relocate Squatter: loss of commercial 17 One-time subsistence allowance of Building Rs.18,000 for loss of business income Shifting assistance of Rs.10,000

One-time rehabilitation grant of Rs.20,000 for reconstruction of affected shop Tenants: Loss of business 52 Rental allowance at Rs.4,000 per month in rural areas and Rs.6,000 per month in 46

Number Category of Impact of APs Provisions Category of Impact Number Provisions of APs urban areas, for six months

Shifting assistance of Rs.10,000

one time grant of Rs.25,000 for loss of trade/self- employment

Employees: Loss of Income 0 Subsistence allowance equivalent to minimum agricultural wages for 3 months *Number will be ascertained after award enquiry.

108. Effort will be made by the LARRU with the support of the LARRIC to assist the DP in their effort to restore their income. If the DP so desires, the R&R assistances can be utilised to deliver suitable income restoration activities in order to leverage on the existing skills of the DP.

C. Special Measures to Support Vulnerable Groups

109. As per the Census Survey 46 vulnerable households are affected by the Project road.

110. The following special assistance measures will be provided to physically displaced vulnerable households:

111. 46 HH will be eligible to participate to the income improvement program (see description below). All vulnerable HHs based on footnote 8 of the Entitlement Matrix shall be assessed. All vulnerable HHs are getting assistance from various ongoing government schemes (Attached as Appendix. 7). The project has provided additional assistance of Rs.8000/- and training assistance to significantly affected HHs.

D. Income Restoration Measures

112. The entitlement proposed under this project (CKICP) has adequate provisions for restoration of livelihood of the affectedpersons. Wherever feasible and if the DP so desires, income restoration schemes will be identified and implemented by the LARRU with the assistance of the implementing LARRIC.

113. Towards this the DP will be guided and assisted by the LARRU with the support of the LARRIC, in effectively using the compensation and R&R assistances towards establishing an income generating activity and re-establishing the shop/kiosk or utilising the amount for buying land or taking land on lease. The compensation for land and assets and the R&R assistances arrived at in accordance with the provisions of the RFCTLARR Act are adequate to restore the income levels. Further, the subsistence allowance and cash in lieu of annuity policy are aimed at providing long term support to the affected households and will ensure that the income levels are restored. Further, efforts will be made to provide employment to the DPs during the construction phase by facilitating their engagement by the civil works contractor. The LARRU in consultation with the jurisdictional DE, should ensure that local people and in particular the willing DPs are engaged by the contractor in suitable civil work as stipulated in the contract.


114. Further, the LARRU with the assistance of the implementing LARRIC will make the training need assessment and will impart training to the eligible DPs, in particular to the vulnerable DPs, for income restoration and skill up-gradation as necessary.



A. Introduction

115. The resettlement cost estimate for the project include compensation for private land determined in accordance with RFCTLARR Act and by adopting the multiplying factor adopted in accordance with the State specific multiplication factor [1]. Budgetary provisions have been made for the compensation for structure at replacement cost without depreciation, resettlement and rehabilitation assistances to titleholders in accordance with the RFCTLARR Act and to non title holders in accordance with the provisions of the EMof CKICP and the cost of RP implementation, including the cost of resolving grievances. The total resettlement cost for the project is INR 509.414 million. The major heads of budget items are listed below. [1] G.O.Ms. No 300 of Revenue and Disaster Management (LA-I(1)) dated 21.09.2017

B. Compensation

116. Private Land: The compensation for private land has been calculated as an average of replacement cost of land in rural and semi-urban area adjoining the road corridor. The replacement cost was gathered during census survey in discussion with local community and the elected local body representatives and compared with guideline value from the registration department. For budgetary purposes, the replacement cost for land has been taken as Rs.653 per sq.m. being the average rate for rural land from the guideline value. The multiplying factor as per State rules is 1.25, being the maximum that can be applied to any land parcel, and is based on the distance from the nearest urban centre. With a 100% solatium and 25% additional value the land cost works out to be Rs.2041 per sq.m.

117. Structure: The compensation for structures have been arrived at based on prevailing (year 2018 -19) market rate (the rate shall be updated every year by a panel of engineers in public works department, Govt of Tamil Nadu) for building works, material and labour. Rate fixed for each category along with the quantity is given in Table 44. However, at the time of disbursement of the compensation, the competent authority will value each structure to arrive at the replacement cost as per the current rate. The solatium of 100% on structure rate is adopted for titleholders.

C. Assistances

118. All other unit rates are as per the minimum provisions contained in RFCTLARR Act and as per the approved EM. For budgeting purposes, the onetime grant of Rs.5,00,000 has been provided for significantly impacted titleholders who would lose one-third of their family income.

D. Compensation for Community Assets and Government Structures

119. The unit cost for the place of worship will budgeted as a lumpsum Rs.3,00,000 to cover the cost of reconstruction. However, the actual cost will be assessed by the Highways Engineer at the time of implementation.

E. RP Implementation Cost

120. The cost of hiring LARRIC for assisting LARRU in RP implementation has been provided with a budget of Rs.67,00,000, for intermittent inputs and the RP implementation is expected to be completed in 24 months including disbursement of compensation and Rehabilitation and 49 resettlement assistance for land acquired under RFCTLARR Act. A budgetary cost for external monitoring and evaluation has also been envisaged, as this Project is a Category-A for IR, a budgetary provision of Rs.19,00,000 has been made available for hiring of a consultant for the same. The budgetary provision for meeting administrative expenses is included as part of the project cost. A lumpsum provision of Rs.5,00,000 towards grievance redressal Mechanism related expenses has been budgeted. Further, a lump sum provision of Rs.50,000 to meet disclosure expenses and a lump sum provision of Rs.2,00,000/- for staff training, in particular the LARRU and LARRIC staff involved in RP implementation, has also been budgeted.

F. Source of Funding and Fund Flow

121. The Government will provide adequate budget for all land acquisition compensations, R&R assistances and RP implementation costs from the counterpart funding. The funds as estimated in the budget for a financial year and additional fund required based on revised estimates, shall be available at the disposal of the jurisdictional Divisional Engineer (Highways)at the beginning of the financial year and from whom LARRU will draw the required funds. The PD, Chennai Kanyakumari Industrial Corridor Project (CKICP), Highways Department being the EA for this project, will provide necessary funds for compensation for land and structure and the cost of resettlement assistance in a timely manner to the jurisdictional Divisional Engineer (Highways). The DE(H) will ensure timely availability of funds with the LARRU for smooth implementation of the RP. The LARRIC under the LARRU will facilitate disbursements, but the responsibility of ensuring full and timely payment to displaced persons will be that of LARRU.

G. Resettlement Budget Estimates

122. The budget for this project is based on data and information collected during census and socio-economic surveys conducted during April - August 2019. The unit rates for structure has been worked out from the PWD plinth area rates for 2018-19. The total budget for LA, RR and implementation cost is estimated at INR 509.414 million. A detailed budget estimate for the Project is given along with item wise cost break-up in the following table.

H. Disbursement of Compensation and Assistances

123. In order to ensure that: (i) the DP need not make frequent visits to his/her bank for depositing the physical paper instruments; (ii) s/he need not apprehend loss of instrument and fraudulent encashment; and (iii) the delay in realization of proceeds after receipt of paper instrument is obviated, all disbursement of compensation for land and structure and R&R assistances shall be done only through Electronic Clearing Service (ECS) Mechanism and charges for ECS, if any, will be borne by LARRU. If the DPs destination branch does not have the facility to receive ECS (Credit), then the disbursement shall be done through respective lead banks’ IFSC (Indian Financial System Code). Payment through account payee cheques will be made only if payment trough ECS is not possible and no cash payment will be made.

124. The LARRIC and LARRU, while collecting bank particulars from the APs, will also check with the respective bank branches if the branch has ECS (Credit) Mechanism, and if not, details of lead bank offering the facility will be collected to facilitate ECS transfer. Wherever new accounts are to be opened, preference will be given to bank’s having ECS (Credit) facility. The LARRIC will check the type of APs bank account and help the AP to convert the bank account to a regular savings bank account, if it is of Jan Dhan type, to enable receive compensation, Rehabilitation and resettlement assistances. The bank account particulars of the AP as part of 50 the micro plan will be submitted to the jurisdictional Resettlement Officer (RSO) for disbursement.

Table 44: Budget Estimate Input Unit Amount Item No Item Rate Quantity (in INR) 1 Compensation 1.1 Land CostI (Including Private and HR&CE Sq.m 2041 170682 348361962 Lands) (Multiplying Factor 1.25, Solatium 100% and 25% additional value) 1.2 Temporary Structures and Solatium 100% Sq.m 8310 619.44 5147546.4 (Titleholder) 1.3 Semi-permanent Structures and Solatium Sq.m 7970 908.64 7241860.8 100% (Titleholder) 1.4 Permanent Structures and Solatium 100% Sq.m 11670 264.36 3085081.2 (Titleholder) 1.5 Temporary Structures without Solatium Sq.m 4155 2006.732 8337971.46 (Non-Titleholder) 1.6 Semi-permanent Structures without Solatium Sq.m 3985 602.15 2399567.75 (Non-Titleholder) 1.7 Permanent Structures without Solatium Sq.m 5835 375 2188125 (Non-Titleholder) 1.8 Private well and Solatium 100% Units 500000 7 3500000 1.9 Loss of trees with 100% solatium LS 788 2000000 Sub total Compensation (A) 382262114.6 2 R&R Assistance 2.1 One time grant for land owners & loss of One Time 500000 10 5000000 income (commercial building) 2.2 One time resettlement allowance for Major One Time 50000 222 11100000 Owner Res / Com 2.3 Subsistence allowance for Major Res / One Time 36000 222 7992000 Com Owners 2.4 Shifting allowance major owners One time 50000 222 11100000

2.5 Alternate house for Major Impacted Owner One Time 120000 45 5400000 Residences (R) 2.6 Alternate house for Major Impacted Owner One Time 150000 40 6000000 Residences (U) 2.7 One time assistance for cattle shed (Major One Time 25000 5 125000 Owner) 2.8 One time assistance for loss of trade / One Time 25000 97 2425000 selfemployment (Major owner/tenant) 2.9 Rental allowance for Res tenants - Rural One Time 18000 2 36000 (Major) 2.10 Rental allowance for Res tenants - Urban One Time 24000 6 144000 (Major) 2.11 Rental allowance for Commercial/ One Time 24000 10 240000 Res+Comm tenants - Rural (Major) 51

Input Unit Amount Item No Item Rate Quantity (in INR) 2.12 Rental allowance for Commercial/ One Time 36000 42 1512000 Res+Comm tenants - Urban (Major) 2.13 Shifting allowance major Tenants One Time 10000 60 600000

2.14 Housing and site grant to Residential One Time 120000 23 2760000 squatters (Major) 2.15 Rehabilitation grant for Comm squatters One Time 20000 17 340000

Input Unit Amount Item No Item Rate Quantity (in INR) 2.16 Subsistence allowance for Res/Com One Time 18000 40 720000 Squatters (Major) 2.17 Shifting assistance for squatters (Major) One Time 10000 40 400000

2.18 Subsistence allowance for employees One Time 20160 0 0 (Major) 2.19 Subsistene allowance for Kiosk (Major) One Time 18000 0 0

2.20 Vulnerable Household assistance One Time 8000 46 368000

2.21 Training for Vulnerable household One Time 5,000 46 230000

Subtotal R&R Assistance (B) 56492000 3 Community Assets 3.1 Bus Shelter * Unit 0 0 0 3.2 Bore well * Unit 0 0 0 3.3 Handpump 0 0 0 3.4 Water Tank Syntex 0 0 0 3.5 Pump House 0 0 0 3.6 Canal Shutter 0 0 0 3.7 Open well 0 0 0 3.8 Statue 300000 6 1800000 3.9 Memorial 300000 0 0 3.10 School 300000 0 0 3.11 Places of Worship Unit 300000 28 8400000 3.12 Other and government buildings Unit 200000 24 4800000 Subtotal Community Assets (C) 58 15000000 4 Administrative Expenses 4.1 Training for staff LS - 200000 4.2 NGO for RP Implementation LS - 6700000 4.3 Monitoring and Evaluation consultants LS - 1900000 4.4 GRC Expenses LS - 500000 52

Input Unit Amount Item No Item Rate Quantity (in INR) 4.5 Disclosure LS - 50000 Subtotal Administrative expenses (D) 9350000 Total (INR) (A+B+C+D) 463104114 Contingency @ 10% 46310411.4 Total (In INR) 509414525 Total in Million INR 509.414

Note The Structure cost is based on the valuation given by the HD. The CPR relocation cost is based on the local market rates , based on discussion with local people during survey. The R&R Assistance derived based on the Entitlement Matrix of CKICP.



A. Introduction

125. A project-specific grievance redress Mechanism (GRM) will be established to receive, evaluate and facilitate the resolution of affected people’s concerns, complaints and grievances about the social and environmental performance at different levels of the project. The GRM will aim to provide a time-bound and transparent Mechanism to voice and resolve social and environmental concerns linked to the project. The project-specific GRM is not intended to bypass the government’s own redress process, rather it is intended to address affected people's concerns and complaints promptly, making it readily accessible to all segments of the affected people and is scaled to the risks and impacts of the project. The PAPs are free to approach the judicial system at any time.

B. Grievance Redressal Committee

126. The Grievance Redressal Mechanism (GRM) will be composed of two Grievance Redress Committees (GRCs), one at the Project level (Project-Level GRC), and the other at the local level (local-level GRC). The GRCs’ role is to receive, evaluate and facilitate the resolution of affected persons concerns, complaints and grievances. The GRMwill provide an opportunity to the PAPs to have their grievances redressed prior to approaching the State level LARR Authority14, constituted by Government of Tamil Nadu in accordance with Section 51(1) of the RFCTLARR Act, 2013. The GRMis aimed to provide a trusted way to voice and resolve concerns linked to the project, and to be an effective way to address affected person’s concerns without allowing it to escalate resulting in delays in project implementation.

127. The GRM will continue to function, for the benefit of the APs, during the entire life of the project including the defects liability period. The response time prescribed for the GRCs would be three weeks. Since the entire resettlement component of the project has to be completed before the construction starts, to resolve the pending grievances, the GRC, at regional level, will meet at least once every month in the first year of the RP implementation and once in three months thereafter. Other than disputes relating to ownership rights and apportionment issues on which the LARR Authority has jurisdiction, the GRCs will review grievances involving eligibility, valuation, all resettlement and Rehabilitation benefits, relocation and payment of assistances. Grievances received by the Special DRO, LARRU will be resolved at his/her level, if possible, else it will be placed before the GRC.

128. Local-level: The local levels GRCs will function out of Thanjavurand Thiruvarur Districts. The 4-member local GRCs will be chaired by (i) a retired District Revenue Officer (DRO) or equivalent rank officer, the (ii) Divisional Engineer, Highways, CKICP acting as its member secretary and a (iii)Revenue Divisional Officer of division concerned iv) local person of repute and standing in the society, nominated by the Project Director, CKICP based on the recommendations made by the respective District Collector. Grievances/concerns can be lodged directly to the DE, Highways, CKICPor submitted to the LARRIC/agency appointed for implementation support, either in person or through post or through email.

14 G.O.(Ms) No.305, Revenue & Disaster Management (LA-I(1)), dated 20th September 2017. 54

129. Project-Level GRC: The Project Director, CKICP, Highways Department will be the appellate authority who will be supported by the Superintending Engineer, PIU. The grievance redressal procedure is shown in the following figure.

Figure 3: Grievance Redressal Process

C. Functions of Local-Level GRC

130. The main functions of the GRCs will be: (a) To provide support to PAPs on problems arising out of eligibility for entitlements and R&R assistance as per the Entitlement Matrix; (b) To record the grievances of the PAPs, categorize and prioritize the grievance that needs to be resolved by the GRC and solve them within 3 weeks; (c) To inform the PIU (and Project-Level GRC) regarding serious cases within one week; and (d) To report to the aggrieved parties about the developments regarding their grievances and decisions of the PIU, within 3weeks.

131. The GRC should meet at least once a month in the respective office of the jurisdictional Divisional Engineer (H). Petitions received from APs of any concerns or complaints or grievances should be taken up in the GRC. The member secretary should maintain a register of all petitions received with details of date of receipt of the petition, date of hearing, if any, date when it was considered by the committee, along with nature of complaint/concern, action taken and date of communication sent to petitioner. Communication, in writing should be sent to the aggrieved person about the date, time and venue of the GRC sitting and make it known that s/he is entitled for personal hearing and that representation through proxy will not be entertained. Communication will also be sent through implementation support LARRIC so as to ensure that the petitioner is informed about the date of GRC sitting. 55

132. Copies of petitions received 1-week prior to the committee’s sitting should be sent to Chairman and the member along with an explanatory note from appropriate authority and/or RP implementation support LARRIC, as the case may be, to enable the Chairman and member to scrutinize the petitions in detail. Petitions received in the week of the committee’s sitting, shall be taken up during the sitting and resolved.

133. Decision of the committee will be final unless an appeal is preferred with the Project Director, PIU. If the committee is unable to arrive at a decision through consensus, the matter will be referred to the appellate authority with a note on the opinion of the committee members. The complaint/concern will be redressed in three-week time and written communication should be sent to the complainant about the decision taken.

134. The RP implementation support LARRIC will assist displaced persons in registering their grievances and being heard. The complaint / grievance will be redressed in 3weeks time and written communication will be sent to the complainant. A complaint register will be maintained at Jurisdictional Des office (member secretary of GRC)/LARRU/PIU level with details of complaint lodged, date of personal hearing, action taken and date of communication sent to complainant. If the complainant is still not satisfied s/he can approach the appellate authority and/or the jurisdictional LARR Authority. The complainant can access the appropriate LARR Authority at any time and not necessarily go through the GRC.

D. Costs

135. All costs involved in resolving the complaints (meetings, consultations, communication and reporting / information dissemination) will be borne by the Project.



A. Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation and Resettlement Units (LARRU)

136. To expedite land acquisition and implement the provisions of the road-project RPs, one Land Acquisition and Rehabilitation and Resettlement Unit (LARRU) at the PIU Head Quarters, Chennai and four LARRU Field Units have been formed for carrying out land acquisition and RP implementation. four regional levels Land Acquisition Rehabilitation and Resettlement Units (LARRU) have been constituted. These units will be headed by a Special District Revenue Officers (Spl DRO) and will be supported by a Resettlement Officer (RSO)and Tahsildars for support in land acquisition. A separate Government Order15 has been issued nominating Spl DRO as competent authority under TNH Act for land acquisition and award pronouncement. The Project Director, CKICPwill be overall in charge of land acquisition and R&R implementation and will coordinate with the four Spl DROs in RP implementation and LA. The Chief Engineer, working under the Project Director, will be supported by domain experts in the areas of land acquisition and Social Development/R&R. The Chief Engineer will report to the Project Director. These units will be entrusted with responsibilities of implementation of the RP involving: (i) acquisition of land and assets; (ii) payment of compensation for land and assets; (iii) disbursement of resettlement assistances including development of resettlement sites. The LARRU in each region will be supported with clerical staff. The members of these units, their roles, responsibilities and functions are outlined below.

B. Project Implementation Unit

137. The office of the Project Director, CKICP, Chennai, Highways Department, Government of Tamil Nadu will be the Project Implementation Unit (PIU) and will be overall in charge of coordination between the six Division Engineers (H) and the four Special DROs (LA).The PIU will be headed by the Project Director and supported by the Chief Engineer with a full-fledged unit under him. A Special District Revenue Officer (Spl DRO), Resettlement Officer (RSO) have been posted at the PIU to coordinate with the 4-LARRU and assist PD, PIU in land acquisition, rehabilitation and resettlement matters.

Table 45: Administrative Roles and Financial Powers of LARRU Officers Roles and Powers Project Director Overall in charge of LA and R&R Reporting to Asian Development Bank on progress and submission of quarterly progress report Approve payment to LARRIC / external monitoring agency According financial approval for all payments pertaining to LA and R&R Approval of the R and R entitlements for TH and NTH Obtaining necessary budgetary allocation from GoTN Decision on the report of Spl DRO of claims for inclusion as APs

15 GO (MS) No.99 Highways and Minor Port (HF1) Department dated 01.09.2014 (enclosed as Appendix-III). 57

Officers Roles and Powers Chief Engineer, Overall responsible for LA and R&R implementation. CKICP Monitoring the progress of LA and R&R activities and reporting to Project Director

Special District Competent authority for LA under TNHA 2001 Revenue Approve valuation of land and structure as per RFCTLARR 2013 Officer(s) Hear objections vide Sec 15(2), determine compensation amount in agreement with DP vide Sec 19(2) or in case of disagreement vide Sec 19(3), hear APs on the compensation amount vide Sec 19(5), refer disagreement on compensation to LARR Authority for adjudication vide Sec 20 and apportionment issues vide Sec 21(2) Pronounce award for compensation of land and structures as per TNHA 2001 Financial powers of up to Rs.10 crores Above Rs.10 crores, will obtain CLA permission and pass award Liaison with District Administration to update the land records and notify the guideline values. . Monitor the progress of LA carried out by Special Tahsildar Co-ordinate the implementation of R&R activities through resettlement officer, field staff, highway, forest, agricultural department, horticulture department and revenue officials Approval of Individual Entitlement Plan (micro plan) prepared for implementing RP. Monitor the progress of resettlement activities carried out by the LARRIC. Certify work of LARRIC for payment to PD, PIU Hold fortnightly meetings on RP implementation and report to the PD, CKICPthrough CE, CKICP Liaison with district administration and line departments to dovetail Aps with government schemes. Monitor the progress of Resettlement Site development and liaison with district administration and line departments for providing necessary amenities and facilities Participate in meetings to facilitate LA and R&R activities Review of Monthly and Quarterly reports Issue milestone wise encumbrance free certificate to concerned field DE(H), CKICPfor commencement of civil works Authorise bank for disbursement of compensation and resettlement assistances to APs through ECS Review report submitted by RSO on claims for inclusion as DPs and forward to CE, CKICP with recommendations 58

Officers Roles and Powers Resettlement Responsible for the implementation of R&R activities through field staff, Officer (RSO) highway, forest, agricultural department, horticulture department and revenue officials Review of individual entitlement plans prepared for implementing RP and submit to DRO for approval. Identify suitable land for Resettlement in coordination with District administration and initiate alienation/acquisition process Supervise the LARRIC involved in RP implementation Assist DRO in disbursement of compensation and resettlement assistances Holding periodical consultations with the affected people on implementation of LA and R&R activities with the support of the LARRIC. Prepare monthly physical and financial progress reports Update payment of compensation, disbursement of resettlement assistances, Aps socio-economic data in the database with the support of the LARRIC Verify claims for inclusion as Aps and submit report to Spl DRO for onward transmission to CE, CKICP Superintending Undertake internal monitoring of RP implementation based on monthly Engineer progress report submitted by LARRU and submit report to PD, CKICP Divisional Coordinate with line department and ensure relocation of utilities, in Engineer particular water supply, prior to civil works Coordinate with forest department and revenue officials for tree cutting in RoW Valuation of Structures Conduct GRC meetings Undertaken the reconstruction of affected common facilities including temples. Issue clearance to contractor to commence civil works after obtaining milestone wise clearance from LARRU

Tahsildar(s) Approve sub-division sketch, award statement and valuation statement Approve valuation of assets, trees and crops submitted by concerned department officials Assist RSO in identifying suitable land for Resettlement in coordination with District administration and initiate alienation/acquisition process Coordinate with district administration and line departments and provide necessary amenities and facilities in the resettlement site Coordinate the relocation of Aps to resettlement site Oversee the relocation / shifting of CPRs Submit milestone wise encumbrance free certification to DRO Issue of identity cards to the Aps 59

Officers Roles and Powers Surveyor(s) Verify LPS prepared by DPR consultants and carryout necessary corrections after survey and measurement Prepare sub-division sketch, statement for award and valuation statement for LA After LA award, coordinate with concerned Revenue officials and carryout changes in revenue record After LA, provide corrected FMB sketch and updated RoW details to concerned Highway Divisional office Issuance of LA notifications to Aps and other stakeholders

MIS Specialist Maintain and update AP data Update periodically disbursement of compensation and assistances Generate information and data for monthly and quarterly progress reporting

Revenue Assisting in the field verification for LA and R&R activities Coordinate Inspector and monitor the service of LA notice . Collection of sales statistics, guide line value from SR office Coordination to collect tree value from forest, agriculture and horticulture department.

Obtaining NOC from HR&CE and land reforms departments Coordinate between various departments Land Records Works relating to scrutinyof sub division records Draughts Man Preparation of eye value sketch for PV proposal Coordinate with sub inspector of survey in preparing enjoyment sketch before award enquiry Activities related to post award

C. Competent Authorities

138. The implementation of land acquisition and resettlement impacts will require approvals and clearance at various stages. The following officers will act as competent authorities for certain key activities.

Table 46: Competent Authority for Approvals Approvals Required Competent Authority Approval for LA awards Special DRO, CKICP Approval for LA awards exceeding Rs.10 crore Commissioner of Land Administration

Approval of RPs including Budget provisions Project Director, CKICP Changes in Policy provisions, entitlements Empowered Committee, CKICP Unit rate updation of entitle matrix Project Director, CKICP 60

Approvals Required Competent Authority Staff requirements, Consultants/LARRICs Project Director, CKICP Appointments Approval for issue of ID cards Special DRO, CKICP Approval of R&R Assistance Project Director, CKICP Disbursement of R&R Assistance Special DRO, CKICP Approval for structure valuation Divisional Engineer (H), CKICP Approval for shifting and relocation of community Special DRO, CKICP assets Approval of Resettlement sites, House site, Issue Special DRO, CKICP of titles etc. Resolution of disputes GRC / LARR Authority Committee formed by the Project Director, consisting of the Chief Engineer, Implementation Guidelines Superintending Engineer and Spl. District Revenue Officer.

D. LARRIC/Agency for RP Implementation Support

139. The implementation of the R&R provisions will be carried out by LARRU with the support of LARRICs who have had experience in similar development projects. The LARRICs to be engaged will have proven experience in carrying out resettlement and rehabilitation activities and community development and consultations in projects of similar nature in Tamil Nadu.

140. The LARRIC will play a key role in the implementation of the RP. Their tasks will include the final verification of DPs, consultations, establishment of support mechanisms and facilitate the delivery of the rehabilitation assistances as per the RP provisions and to ensure that the DPs receive all the entitlements as per the R&R policy of the project.

141. Key activities of the LARRIC in relation to resettlement planning and implementation include: (i) assist LARRU in verification and updating, if required, the detailed census and socioeconomic survey of displaced persons carried out during DPR preparation based on detailed design, and verify the identity of below poverty line, female-headed, and other vulnerable households affected by land acquisition and involuntary resettlement and issue ID cards; (ii) prepare micro plan and get vetted by LARRU; (iii) facilitate the process of disbursement of compensation to the DPs – coordinating with the LARRU and informing the displaced persons of the compensation disbursement process and timeline; (iv) assist DPs in opening bank accounts explaining the implications, the rules and the obligations in having a bank account, process of disbursement adopted by CKICP and how s/he can access the resources s/he is entitled to; (v) assist the DPs in ensuring a smooth transition (during the part or full relocation of the affected persons), helping them to take salvaged materials and shift; (vi) in consultation with the DPs, inform the LARRU about the shifting dates agreed with DPs in writing and the arrangements they desire with respect to their entitlements; (vii) organize training programs to the vulnerable for income restoration; (viii) conduct meaningful consultations throughout the RP implementation and ensure disclosure of resettlement plans in an accessible manner to the displaced persons; (ix) assist DPs in grievance redressal process; (x) assist LARRUs in keeping detailed records of progress and establish monitoring and 61 reporting system of RP implementation; and (xi) act as the information resource center for community interaction with the project and maintain liaison between community, contractors and project management and implementing units during the execution of the works. Terms of reference for the recruitment of a LARRIC/agency for RP implementation support is given in Appendix-6.

E. External Monitoring

142. A third-party monitoring agency will be recruited to monitor and evaluate the implementation of all the resettlement plans of the Tamil Nadu Industrial Corridor Improvement Project. The objectives of the external monitoring are to: a. Assess the implementation progress of RP as per the RPF provisions and processes and its compliance with ADB’s Safeguard Policy Statement (SPS) 2009.; b. Monitor the schedules and the implementation targets; c. Evaluate whether the objectives and outcomes of RP are met the project roads.The External Monitoring Team will have at least 1 team leader, 3 key experts and several field staff.

F. Land acquisition and Resettlement process:

(i) Rehabilitation and Resettlement Award

143. In accordance with the provisions of the RFCTLARR Act [Sec31(1)], the competent authority will pass a Rehabilitation and Resettlement (R&R) Award. All the affected titleholders who are eligible for R&R assistance will be notified along with details of eligible assistance as per the provisions of RFCTLARR Act. Initially a draft list will be notified by giving minimum of 15 days’ time inviting objections, if any, regarding discrepancies on the nature and quantum of assistance. The final list will be notified after taking into account the objections, if any. Similarly, the list of those affected non- title holders will also be notified along with the details of R&R assistance and a separate R&R award enquiry will be conducted for the non-titleholders.

(ii) Micro plan

144. The implementation support LARRIC will prepare the draft micro plan, village wise for the project road detailing the type of loss, tenure of the AP, vulnerability status and the entitlements as per the provisions of the Entitlement Matrix (EM) and beneficiary bank details. The draft micro plan will be disclosed in the jurisdictional village panchayat where the APs are living/having business, and 7-days after the disclosure, the R&R award enquiry will be held by the jurisdictional Special District Revenue Officer Spl DRO).

145. Based on the R&R award enquiry outcome, the LARRIC will submit the final micro plan to RSO, LARRU for verification and onward transmission to Project Director, PIU through the Spl DRO, LARRU. The Project Director, PIU, after scrutiny of the micro plan will accord approval for the disbursement of the R&R entitlements.

(iii) R&R Award Process

146. The Spl DRO, LARRU will hold R&R award enquiry in the project area and will send prior intimation to all concerned APs through the jurisdictional Village administrative Officer (VAOs) and the LARRIC. 62

147. During the R&R award enquiry, each AP will be informed about the type of loss and tenure as recorded during census and socio-economic survey and verified subsequently, and the entitlements due to the AP as per the provisions contained in the EM. All the APs will be given an opportunity to be heard and concerns if any, will be addressed. The R&R proceedings will be recorded and copy of the R&R award will be issued to the AP then and there.

(iv) Establishment of a Management Information System (MIS)

148. A well-designed MIS will be created and will be maintained at PIU and LARRU level. The MIS will be supported with approved software and will be used for maintaining the APs baseline socio-economic characteristics, developing pre-defined reports, algorithms and calculations based on the available data and updating tables/fields for finding compensation and assistances, tracking the land acquisition and resettlement progress. The individual entitlements, compensation calculations, structure valuation, etc. will be updated using MIS software. In addition, land acquisition notices, identity cards will also be generated thorough MIS. All quires will be generated and the baseline data will also be maintained and updated as needed. The data and information required for periodical progress reports will be generated using MIS database. The required computer terminals and software will be established at LARRU level in order to feed the data to be maintained in the web with backup at PIU.

(v) Capacity Building of PIU/LARRU

149. The staff of LARRU, LARRIC and the staff of PIU, who are involved in LA and R&R will require to be familiar with land acquisition procedures and ADB Social Safeguards policy requirements. In order to build the capacity of the LARRU and the PIU, an orientation and training in resettlement management at the beginning of the project will be undertaken. The training activities will focus on issues concerning (i) principles and procedures of land acquisition, (ii) public consultation and participation, (iii) entitlements and compensation disbursement mechanisms, (iv) Grievance redressal, and (v) monitoring of resettlement operation.



A. Introduction

150. Resettlement activities will be coordinated with the timing of civil works. The required coordination has contractual implications, and will be considered in procurement and bidding schedules, award of contracts, and release of cleared sections to project contractors. The project will provide adequate notification, counseling and assistance to affected people through the RP implementing agencies/LARRICs so that they are able to move or give up their assets without undue hardship before commencement of civil works and after receiving the compensation.

151. The RP implementing agencies/LARRICs staff will provide project LA and R&R related information to the PAPs, provide details of entitlements and procedures for getting compensations and availing R&R assistance. The agencies/LARRICs will also provide assistance in updating the RP particularly with PAP and their asset details, facilitating issue of ID cards, opening of bank accounts, facilitate implementation of livelihood and income restoration program, coordinate with other various agencies, conduct awareness program for HIV/AIDS, health and hygiene, road safety, gender and human trafficking. All other activities related to implementation and land acquisition will be undertaken simultaneously.

B. Schedule for Project Implementation

152. The proposed RP implementation activities are divided into three broad phases viz. project preparation phase, RP implementation phase, and monitoring and reporting phase, and the activities envisaged in each phase is discussed below.

153. Project Preparation Phase: The activities to be performed in this phase include: (i) the formation and staffing of the LARRUs; (ii) submission of the RP to ADB for approval; (iii) the appointment of the RP implementation LARRIC/agency; and (iv) the establishment of GRCs. The information dissemination and stakeholder consultations will commence in this stage and continue untill the end of the project.

154. RP Implementation Phase: In this phase, the key activities to be carried out include: (i) joint verification; (ii) valuation of structures; (iii) LA notification; (iv) preparation of micro plan; (v) LA and R&R award enquiry; (vi) approval of final micro plan; (vii) identification and development of resettlement site; (viii) payment of compensation for land and structure; (ix) payment of other Rehabilitation assistances; (x) relocation of DPs to resettlement site; and (xi) issuing site clearance certificate to enable commencement of civil works.

155. Monitoring and Reporting PHase: Internal monitoring will commence as soon as RP implementation begins and continue till end of RP implementation. External monitoring will also commence from the beginning of RP implementation.

C. RP Implementation Schedule

156. An implementation schedule for land acquisition, payment of compensation and resettlement and Rehabilitation activities in the project including various sub tasks and time line matching with civil work schedule is provided in the work plan. The following are the key implementation activities that are presented in the work plan. a) Updating of RP based on design changes, if any 64

b) Approval of RP and Disclosure c) Appointment of LARRICs and External Monitoring consultants d) Constitution and notification of GRCs e) LA Notification f) Verification of APs and Notification of AP list g) Obtaining options for resettlement and choice of resettlement site location h) MIS in operational for tracking LA and R&R Implementation progress i) Structure Valuation j) Disclosure of Microplan (list of eligible APs and their entitlements) k) Issue of Identity cards l) R&R Award including assistance for non-title holders m) Relocation of CPRs n) Payment of R&R assistance o) Allotment of house sites or development of Resettlement sites p) Shifting of DPs of alternative resettlement sites q) LA Award and disbursement of compensation r) R&R Award including assistance for title holders s) Certification of payment of LA and R&R assistance for first milestone t) Certification of payment of LA and R&R assistance for second milestone u) Impact Evaluation

157. Coordination with Civil Works: The land acquisition and resettlement implementation will be co-coordinated with the timing of procurement and commencement of civil works. The required co-ordination has contractual implications, and will be linked to procurement and bidding schedules, award of contracts, and release of encumbrance free land to the contractors. The project will provide adequate notification, counselling and assistance to APs so that they are able to move or give up their assets without undue hardship before commencement of civil works and after receiving the compensation and R&R assistances.

158. The relocation of common property resources will be linked to handing over of encumbrance free land to the contractors. The handing over of land to the contractor will be organised in two sections. Sections having no IR impact and non-significant impacts will be in the first-milestone and will be handing over after signing of the contract and by the financial closure date, and the rest within one year/one and half years of contract signing as spelled out in the respective civil work contracts.


Table 47: RP Implementation Work Plan



A. Introduction

159. The objective of monitoring is to provide the PIU and LARRU with an effective tool for assessing Rehabilitation progress, identifying potential difficulties and problems areas and provide an early warning system for areas that need correction. Continuous supervision and periodic monitoring are an integral part of successful implementation. Monitoring is a warning system for project managers and a channel for the APs to express their needs and reactions to the programme.

B. Internal Monitoring

160. The Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation and Resettlement Unit (LARRU) will carry out concurrent monitoring of RP implementation through the RSO, LARRUand prepare monthly and quarterly progress report in terms of physical and financial progress. In addition, the monitoring process will also look into: the communication and reactions of APs; use of grievance procedures; information dissemination to APs on benefits; and implementation time table. The monthly internal monitoring reports based on the outcome of consultations and feedback with displaced people who Have received assistance and compensation and review of progress of other implementation activates including complains/concerns/issues raised by the APs, will be submitted to PIU by the end of 1st week of the subsequent calendar month. The progress report will be reviewed by the CE, PIU and comments if any, will be communicated to LARRU for immediate action.

161. A copy of the quarterly report will be made available to ADB. In view the significance of resettlement impacts, the monitoring Mechanism for this project will Have both monitoring by LARRU and monitoring by an external agency / expert.

C. External Monitoring

162. An external monitoring agency will be recruited by the EA under ADB financing. The team will be composed of a team leader experienced in resettlement and land acquisition, and three key experts, in additional to support and field staff. The external monitoring will include but not limited to: (i) assess the RPs’ implementation and compliance with ADB’s Safeguard Policy Statement (2009); (ii) review and verify the monitoring reports prepared by LARRU; (iii) monitor the work carried out by LARRIC and provide training and guidance on implementation; (vi) review the grievance redressal Mechanism and report on its working; (v) mid-term impact assessment through sample surveys amongst displaced persons for midterm corrective action; (vi) consultation with APs, officials, community leaders for preparing review report; (vii) assess the resettlement efficiency, effectiveness and efficiency of LARRU, impact and sustainability, and drawing lessons for future resettlement policy formulation and planning. Some of the important task of external monitoring is the feedback of the APs who receives compensation and assistance and also alerts on the risks, non-compliances and early warnings in the implementing.

D. Indicative Indicators

163. Indicators will be developed for internal monitoring and external monitoring purposes and integrated in the MIS. The Table 47 below shows indicative indicators for monitoring.


Table 48: Indicative Indicators for Monitoring Monitoring Issues Monitoring Indicators Budget and time frame ● Have all resettlement staff been appointed and mobilized for field and office work on schedule? ● Have capacity building and training activities been completed on schedule? ● Are resettlement implementation activities being achieved according to agreed implementation plan? ● Are funds for resettlement being allocated to resettlement agencies on time? have resettlementofficesreceivedthescheduled funds? ● Have funds been disbursed according to RF? ● Has the land been made encumbrance-free and handed over to the contract or in time for project implementation? Delivery of entitlements ● Have all affected persons received entitlements according to numbers and categories of loss set out in the entitlement matrix? ● How many affected households have relocated and built their new structures at new locations? ● Are income and livelihood restoration activities being implemented as planned? have affected businesses received entitlements? ● Have the community structures (e.g. mosque, club, etc.) been compensated and rebuilt at new sites? ● Have all processes been documented? ● Are there discrepancies between the estimated number of affected persons as per the RP/RP addendum and actual numbers ● Share of CCL disbursement vs total TH affected ● SHare of TH who have received “top ups” ● Share of TH who have received entitlement benefits ● Share of NTH who have been compensated market value for loss of structure, tree or crops ● Share of NTH who have received entitlement benefits Relocation assistance ● Has LARRIC prepared a list of alternative places to rent/buy? ● Have affected households benefitted from support of LARRIC to find alternative place to rent/buy? If so, how many and what services were provided? Consultation, grievances, ● Have resettlement information brochures/leaf lets been prepared and special issues and distributed? have consultations taken place as scheduled, including meetings, groups, and community activities? ● Have any affected persons used the grievance redress procedures? What grievances were raised? What were the Monitoring Issues Monitoring Indicators outcomes? 68

Monitoring Issues Monitoring Indicators ● Have conflicts been resolved? ● Have grievances and resolutions been documented? have any cases been taken to court? Resettlement ● What changes have occurred in patterns of occupation compared Benefit/Impacts to the pre-project situation? ● What changes have occurred in income, expenditure and livelihood patterns compared to pre-project situation? ● How many physically displaced households have relocated? Where are they relocated (i.e. remaining plot of land, newly purchased plot, rented plot/structure) ● How many household have purchased plot? ● What was compensations/resettlement benefits spent on? ● Have the participants of the livelihood training program used their new skills? What was the seed grant spent on?

E. Reporting Requirements The following reports will be prepared and submitted to the PIU, EA or project team at the Asian Development Bank.

Table 49: Reporting Requirements Type of Submitted Content Frequency Responsibility Report to RP update Provide the updated list of Till the end of LARRIC / PIU/EA/ADB affected persons after the Project PIU/LARRMC joint verification survey Addendum(s) Detail the land acquisition To be LARRIC/PIU/ PIU/EA/ADB and resettlement impacts, prepared LARRMC socioeconomic survey of when either affected persons, mitigation conditions and Rehabilitation measures, below is met: budgetary requirements and (i) for sections timeline for implementation of project where design is not final (ii) for unforeseen activities with resettlement impacts Monthly Progress on land acquisition Monthly LARRIC/ PIU progress and resettlement activities, LARRMC report progress on indicators, results, issues affecting performance, constraints, variation from RP (if any) and Type of Submitted Content Frequency Responsibility Report to 69

Type of Submitted Content Frequency Responsibility Report to reason for the same and corrections recommended

Semi-annual Progress on land acquisition Semiannually PIU ADB resettlement and resettlement activities, monitoring indicators, variations if any report with explanation and outcome, recommended corrective actions.. External Progress on land acquisition Semiannually External Monitor PIU/EA/ADB monitoring and resettlement activities, report indicators, variations if any with explanation and outcome, affected person’s satisfaction with process, compliance with ADB’s SPS, corrective actions recommended Resettlement Overall narrative of the land Once PIU ADB completion acquisition and resettlement report process, outputs and outcomes of indicators from baseline, key variations/changes, lessons learned Resettlement Overall assessment of the Once External Monitor PIU/EA/ADB evaluation land acquisition and report resettlement process, compliance with ADB’s SPS, indicators achievement when compared to baseline, lessons learned

70 Appendix 1

APPENDIX 1: SUMMARY OF APS AND CPR Summary of Private Structures

Highwa y Chaina ge Sl. Name of Head of Type of Asset No Village name Side Use of structure Tenure Overall Impact No. Household structur e

Residenti Semi- Encroache r 1 UL-8, 9 KUMBAKONAM INDIRA 3.26 LEFT al Perm Non-Sig

Residenti Semi- Encroache r 2 UL-10 KUMBAKONAM GOWRI 3.27 LEFT al Perm Non-Sig

THEPPERUMA NALLUR RIGH Residenti Semi- Encroache r 3 TPR-1 MANGALAM 3.31 T al Perm Non-Sig

THEPPERUMA NALLUR RIGH Residenti Encroache r 4 TPR-2 M.SAMINATHAN 3.315 T al Others Non-Sig

THEPPERUMA NALLUR G.CHANDRA RIGH Residenti Semi- Significa nt 5 TPR-3 SEKARAN 3.325 T al Perm Squatter

THEPPERUMA NALLUR RIGH Residenti Semi- Significa nt 6 TPR-4 BASKARAN 3.335 T al Perm Owner

THEPPERUMA NALLUR RIGH Residenti Semi- 7 TPR-5 ACHAKUMAR 3.34 T al Perm Owner Non-Sig

THEPPERUMA NALLUR Residenti Permane 8 TPL-2 VASIKARAN 3.34 LEFT al nt Owner Non-Sig

THEPPERUMA NALLUR Resi + Tempora Encroache r 9 TPR-6 3.35 Com ry Non-Sig

THEPPERUMA NALLUR Residenti Semi- Significa nt 10 TPL-3 BALA MURUGAN 3.4 LEFT al Perm Owner

THEPPERUMA NALLUR Commerc Tempora Encroache r 11 TPL-4 SADIQ BATCH 3.41 LEFT ial ry Non-Sig Appendix 1 71

Highwa y Chaina ge Sl. Name of Head of Type of Asset No Village name Side Use of structure Tenure Overall Impact No. Household structur e

THEPPERUMA NALLUR RIGH Residenti 12 TPR-8 KIRANKUMAR 3.42 T al Others Owner Non-Sig

THEPPERUMA NALLUR RIGH Resi + Permane Significa nt 13 TPR-9 KASTHURI 3.435 T Com nt Owner

TPR- THEPPERUMA NALLUR RIGH Commerc Encroache r 14 10 JAGABARALI 3.45 T ial Others Non-Sig

TPR- THEPPERUMA NALLUR RIGH Residenti 15 12 ELANGOVAN 3.5 T al Others Owner Non-Sig

TPR- THEPPERUMA NALLUR RIGH Resi + Semi- 16 13 M.SARASWATHI 3.51 T Com Perm Owner Non-Sig

THEPPERUMANA LLUR Commerc Semi- TPR- RIGH 17 JANAGI RAMAN 3.535 ial Perm Owner Non-Sig 14 T

THEPPERUMANA LLUR Commercial Temporary Significa nt 18 TPL-5 IYAPPAN 3.54 LEFT Owner

THEPPERUMANA LLUR Resi + Permanent 19 TPL-6 VIJI 3.55 LEFT Com Owner Non-Sig

TPR- THEPPERUMANA LLUR RIGH Commercial Temporary Significa nt 20 15 JANAGIRAMAN 3.55 T Owner

THEPPERUMANA LLUR Commercial Permanent Significa nt 21 TPL-8 JAYAPAAL 3.57 LEFT Owner

THEPPERUMANA LLUR Residential Semi- 22 TPL-7 ARUMBU 3.57 LEFT Perm Owner Non-Sig

THEPPERUMANA LLUR Commerc Tempora 23 TPL-9 S.LEENA 3.58 LEFT ial ry Owner Non-Sig 72 Appendix 1

Highwa y Chaina ge Sl. Name of Head of Type of Asset No Village name Side Use of structure Tenure Overall Impact No. Household structur e

THEPPERUMANA R.GUNA SEKARAN Commerc Tempora Significa nt 24 TPL-10 3.59 LEFT ial ry Owner LLUR THEPPERUMANA SHAHUL HAMEED Commerc Semi- 25 TPL-11 3.6 LEFT ial Perm Owner Non-Sig LLUR THEPPERUMANA Residenti Permane Significa nt 26 TPL-13 L.GEORGE 3.62 LEFT al nt Owner LLUR THEPPERUMANA Commerc Semi- 27 TPL-14 JAIYASEELAN 3.62 LEFT ial Perm Owner Non-Sig LLUR THEPPERUMANA HARILAL PATEL.V Commerc 28 TPL-15 3.68 LEFT ial Others Owner Non-Sig LLUR THEPPERUMANA Residenti Semi- Significa nt 29 TPL-16 SUBRA MANIYAN 3.69 LEFT al Perm Owner LLUR THEPPERUMANA Residenti Permane 30 TPL-17 SAROJA 3.7 LEFT al nt Owner Non-Sig LLUR THEPPERUMANA Resi + Permane Significa nt 31 TPL-18 ANJAMMAL 3.71 LEFT Com nt Owner LLUR THEPPERUMANA Residenti Permane 32 TPL-19 PALANIVEL 3.75 LEFT al nt Owner Non-Sig LLUR THEPPERUMANA Residenti Permane 33 TPL-20 SAMSUDEEN 3.76 LEFT al nt Owner Non-Sig LLUR THEPPERUMANA Residenti Permane 34 TPL-21 MANI 3.765 LEFT al nt Owner Non-Sig LLUR THEPPERUMANA Residenti Semi- Significa nt 35 TPL-22 RAJADURAI 3.77 LEFT al Perm Owner LLUR Appendix 1 73

Highwa y Chaina ge Sl. Name of Head of Type of Asset No Village name Side Use of structure Tenure Overall Impact No. Household structur e

36 THEPPERUMANA RAJADURAI Residenti Semi- Owner Significa nt TPL-23 3.78 LEFT al Perm LLUR THEPPERUMANA Resi + Permane 37 TPL-24 K.MURUGESAN 3.79 LEFT Com nt Owner Non-Sig LLUR THEPPERUMANA Residenti Permane 38 TPL-27 N.NATARAJAN 3.82 LEFT al nt Owner Non-Sig LLUR THEPPERUMANA Residenti 39 TPL-29 SUDHAKARAN 3.855 LEFT al Others Owner Non-Sig LLUR TPR- THEPPERUMANA LLUR RIGH Residenti Semi- 40 17 G.MAHALINGAM 3.885 T al Perm Owner Non-Sig

THEPPERUMANA Residenti Tempora Significa nt 41 TPL-30 MURUGAN.S 3.885 LEFT al ry Owner LLUR THEPPERUMANA Residenti Semi- 42 TPL-31 SELVAM 3.9 LEFT al Perm Owner Non-Sig LLUR THEPPERUMANA Commerc Semi- Significa nt 43 TPL-32 SELVI 3.91 LEFT ial Perm Owner LLUR THEPPERUMANA Residenti Semi- Significa nt 44 TPL-33 SEMBIYAN 3.92 LEFT al Perm Owner LLUR THEPPERUMANA Resi + 45 TPL-34 R.VIMALA 3.94 LEFT Com Others Owner Non-Sig LLUR THEPPERUMANA Residential Semi- Significa nt 46 TPL-37 KANNAKI 4.03 LEFT Perm Squatter LLUR TPR- THEPPERUMANA LLUR RIGH Residential Tempora Significa nt 47 19 RAMA KRISHNAN 4.36 T ry Owner 74 Appendix 1

Highwa y Chaina ge Sl. Name of Head of Type of Asset No Village name Side Use of structure Tenure Overall Impact No. Household structur e

TPR- THEPPERUMANA LLUR RIGH Residential Tempora 48 20 V.UMA 4.365 T ry Owner Non-Sig

THEPPERUMANA Residential Encroache r 49 TPL-40 SELVI 4.445 LEFT Others Non-Sig LLUR THEPPERUMANA Residential Semi- Significa nt 50 TPL-38 R.SAMPBATH 4.46 LEFT Perm Owner LLUR THEPPERUMA Residential Permane 51 TPL-39 VEMBU 4.46 LEFT nt Owner Non-Sig NALLUR TPR- THEPPERUMANA LLUR RIGH Residential Semi- 52 23 CHINNAPILLAI 4.485 T Perm Owner Non-Sig

TPR- THEPPERUMANA LLUR RIGH 53 26 SAMBANDAM.S 4.88 T Others Others Owner Non-Sig

AMMA CHATHIRAM VISWA NATHAN.N Resi + Semi- 54 ACL-1 5.07 LEFT Com Perm Squatter Non-Sig

55 0 AMMA SAMPATH.K Residential Semi- Owner ACL-2 CHATHIRAM 5.14 LEFT 0000 Perm Non-Sig

AMMA CHATHIRAM Residential Permane Significa nt 56 ACL-3 SELVAM 5.15 LEFT nt Owner

AMMA CHATHIRAM Commerc Permane Significa nt 57 ACL-4 K.SEKAR 5.155 LEFT ial nt Owner

AMMA CHATHIRAM MURUGA Commerc Permane 58 ACL-5 NANTHAM.K 5.17 LEFT ial nt Owner Non-Sig

AMMA CHATHIRAM Commerc Semi- Encroache r 59 ACL-6 .K 5.175 LEFT ial Perm Non-Sig Appendix 1 75

Highwa y Chaina ge Sl. Name of Head of Type of Asset No Village name Side Use of structure Tenure Overall Impact No. Household structur e

AMMA CHATHIRAM Resi + Permane 60 ACL-7 RAVI 5.18 LEFT Com nt Owner Non-Sig

AMMA CHATHIRAM Residenti Semi- Significa nt 61 ACL-8 SELVAM.N 5.19 LEFT al Perm Owner

ACL- AMMA CHATHIRAM Resi + Permane Significa nt 62 10 RAJALAKSHMI.M 5.21 LEFT Com nt Owner

ACL- AMMA CHATHIRAM Residenti Semi- Significa nt 63 13 KALAIARASAN.K 5.235 LEFT al Perm Owner

ACL- AMMA CHATHIRAM Residenti Semi- Significa nt 64 15 VISALATCHI.M 5.25 LEFT al Perm Squatter

ACL- AMMA CHATHIRAM Residenti Semi- Encroache r 65 18 KARTHIK 5.26 LEFT al Perm Non-Sig

ACL- AMMA CHATHIRAM Residenti Semi- Significa nt 66 17 SUBRA MANIYAN 5.26 LEFT al Perm Owner

ACL- AMMA CHATHIRAM Residenti Semi- Encroache r 67 20 PUSHPAVALLI.B 5.27 LEFT al Perm Non-Sig

ACL- AMMA CHATHIRAM Residenti Permane Significa nt 68 21 SELVARAJ 5.3 LEFT al nt Owner

ACL- AMMA CHATHIRAM Residenti Semi- Encroache r 69 24 THANGAVEL.M 5.64 LEFT al Perm Non-Sig

ACL- AMMA CHATHIRAM Residenti Semi- Significa nt 70 25 GURUNATHAN 5.66 LEFT al Perm Owner

ACL- AMMA CHATHIRAM Commerc Semi- 71 27 RAJENDRAN.S 5.715 LEFT ial Perm Owner Non-Sig 76 Appendix 1

Highwa y Chaina ge Sl. Name of Head of Type of Asset No Village name Side Use of structure Tenure Overall Impact No. Household structur e

ACL- AMMA CHATHIRAM Resi + Semi- Encroache r 72 28 RAJENDRAN.S 5.72 LEFT Com Perm Non-Sig

ACL- AMMA CHATHIRAM Resi + Permane 73 29 RAJENDRAN.A.M 5.73 LEFT Com nt Owner Non-Sig

74 ACL- AMMA SANKARA Resi + Semi- Encroache 30 CHATHIRAM VADIVEL.N 5.74 LEFT Com Perm r Non-Sig

ACL- AMMA CHATHIRAM KRISHNA Residenti 75 31 MURTHY.G 5.75 LEFT al Others Owner Non-Sig

ACL- AMMA CHATHIRAM GNANA SUBRA Commerc Permane Significa nt 76 32 MANIYAN.S 5.79 LEFT ial nt Owner

ACL- AMMA CHATHIRAM SANKARA Residenti Permane 77 33 VADIVEL.N 5.8 LEFT al nt Owner Non-Sig

ACL- AMMA CHATHIRAM Residenti Semi- 78 34 MANI.S 5.805 LEFT al Perm Owner Non-Sig

ACL- AMMA CHATHIRAM Residenti 79 35 MOHAN.M 5.81 LEFT al Others Owner Non-Sig

ACL- AMMA CHATHIRAM A.KALIYA Residenti Permane 80 36 MOORTHY 5.815 LEFT al nt Owner Non-Sig

ACL- AMMA CHATHIRAM Residenti Semi- 81 37 SARAVANAN.B 5.82 LEFT al Perm Owner Non-Sig

ACL- AMMA CHATHIRAM Commerc Semi- 82 38 T.UTHIRAPATHI 5.83 LEFT ial Perm Owner Non-Sig

ACL- AMMA CHATHIRAM PUSHPAM G Residenti Permane Significa nt 83 39 RAAMDOSS 5.85 LEFT al nt Owner Appendix 1 77

Highwa y Chaina ge Sl. Name of Head of Type of Asset No Village name Side Use of structure Tenure Overall Impact No. Household structur e

ACL- AMMA CHATHIRAM Residenti Permane Significa nt 84 41 KALAVATHY.P 5.87 LEFT al nt Owner

VISHALAKSHI.S ACL- Residenti Permane 85 AMMA CHATHIRAM SADHEESH 5.88 LEFT Owner Significa nt 42 KUMAR al nt

PANNEER ACL- Resi + Permane 86 AMMA CHATHIRAM SELVAM.S, 5.89 LEFT Owner Significa nt 43 MANIMALA.P Com nt

ACL- AMMA CHATHIRAM Residenti Semi- 87 44 M.KUMAR 5.9 LEFT al Perm Owner Non-Sig

ACL- AMMA CHATHIRAM Resi + Semi- Significa nt 88 50 C.BANUMATHI 5.92 LEFT Com Perm Owner

ACL- AMMA CHATHIRAM VAITHIYA Residenti Permane Significa nt 89 45 NATHAN.M 5.92 LEFT al nt Owner

ACL- AMMA CHATHIRAM Commerc Semi- Significa nt 90 49 GUNASEKARAN 5.94 LEFT ial Perm Owner

ACL- AMMA CHATHIRAM M.SELVA Residenti Semi- Significa nt 91 52 KUMARAN 5.95 LEFT al Perm Owner

92 ACL- AMMA Residenti Semi- Owner 54 CHATHIRAM M.SELVA 5.97 LEFT al Perm Non-Sig KUMARAN ACL- AMMA CHATHIRAM Residenti Semi- 93 55 BANUMATHI 5.99 LEFT al Perm Owner Non-Sig

ACL597 AMMA CHATHIRAM Residenti Semi- 94 SELVAM 6 LEFT al Perm Owner Non-Sig 78 Appendix 1

Highwa y Chaina ge Sl. Name of Head of Type of Asset No Village name Side Use of structure Tenure Overall Impact No. Household structur e

THIRUPPUVANA M Resi + Semi- 95 TVL-1 KUMARESAN 6.07 LEFT Com Perm Squatter Non-Sig

THIRUPPUVANA M Commerc 96 TVL-3 RAJESH 6.44 LEFT ial Others Owner Non-Sig

THIRUPPUVANA M RIGH Residenti Semi- Significa nt 97 TVR-5 MUTHU LAKSHMI 6.67 T al Perm Squatter

THIRUPPUVANA M R.UDHAYA KUMAR RIGH Residenti Semi- 98 TVR-1 6.68 T al Perm Owner Non-Sig

THIRUPPU VANAM KALYANA RIGH Resi + Semi- Encroache r 99 TVR-2 SUNDARAM 6.685 T Com Perm Non-Sig

THIRUPPU VANAM RIGH Commerc Permane Significa nt 100 TVR-3 6.69 T ial nt Owner

THIRUPPU VANAM RADHA KRISHNAN RIGH Residenti Semi- Significa nt 101 TVR-4 6.7 T al Perm Squatter

THIRUPPU VANAM Residenti Semi- 102 TVL-7 R.JAYAM 6.78 LEFT al Perm Owner Non-Sig

THIRUPPU VANAM Residenti Permane 103 TVL-8 MAHESHWARI 6.785 LEFT al nt Owner Non-Sig

THIRUPPU VANAM Resi + Semi- 104 TVL-9 RB.KAVITHA 6.8 LEFT Com Perm Owner Non-Sig

THIRUPPU Commerc Semi- Significa nt 105 TVL-10 INDIRA NEHRU.C 6.815 LEFT ial Perm Owner VANAM THIRUPPU Commerc Semi- 106 TVL-11 INDIRANEHRU.C 6.82 LEFT ial Perm Owner Non-Sig VANAM Appendix 1 79

Highwa y Chaina ge Sl. Name of Head of Type of Asset No Village name Side Use of structure Tenure Overall Impact No. Household structur e

THIRUPPU BALASUBRA Commerc Permane Encroache r 107 TVL-13 MANIAN.V 6.86 LEFT ial nt Non-Sig VANAM THIRUPPU DESIYA Residenti Semi- Significa nt 108 TVL-14 VINAYAGAM 6.89 LEFT al Perm Owner VANAM THIRUPPU Residenti Permane Significa nt 109 TVL-15 REKHA 6.895 LEFT al nt Owner VANAM THIRUPPU Residenti Semi- Significa nt 110 TVL-16 KARTHIKEYAN.S 6.9 LEFT al Perm Owner VANAM 111 THIRUPPU SIVAKUMAR Residenti Permane Owner Significa nt TVL-17 6.91 LEFT al nt VANAM THIRUPPU Residenti 112 TVL-18 6.915 LEFT al Others Owner Non-Sig VANAM THIRUPPU Residenti Semi- Encroache r 113 TVL-19 JAYALAKSHMI 6.92 LEFT al Perm Non-Sig VANAM THIRUPPU Residenti 114 TVL-20 6.94 LEFT al Others Owner Non-Sig VANAM THIRUPPU Residenti Semi- Significa nt 115 TVL-21 BOOPATHY 6.95 LEFT al Perm Owner VANAM THIRUPPU Resi + Permane 116 TVL-22 KANDASAMY 6.955 LEFT Com nt Owner Non-Sig VANAM THIRUPPU Commerc Permane Significa nt 117 TVL-25 H.BRUNDHA 6.97 LEFT ial nt Owner VANAM THIRUPPU Resi + Tempora 118 TVL-26 R.CHANDRA 6.98 LEFT Com ry Owner Non-Sig VANAM 80 Appendix 1

Highwa y Chaina ge Sl. Name of Head of Type of Asset No Village name Side Use of structure Tenure Overall Impact No. Household structur e

THIRUPPU VANAM RIGH Resi + Permane Encroache r 119 TVR-8 VAUDEVAN 7.3 T Com nt Non-Sig

THIRUPPU VANAM RIGH Residenti Permane Encroache r 120 TVR-9 KRISHNAVENI 7.32 T al nt Non-Sig

THIRUPPU Residenti Semi- Significa nt 121 TVL-33 K.PARTHIBAN 7.51 LEFT al Perm Owner VANAM TVR- THIRUPPU VANAM RIGH Commerc Permane Encroache r 122 SELVARAJ.G 7.52 T ial nt Non-Sig 10 THIRUPPU Residenti Permane Significa nt 123 TVL-34 DHAMO DHARAN 7.52 LEFT al nt Owner VANAM THIRUPPU Residenti Permane Significa nt 124 TVL-52 FATHIMA BEEVI.J 7.52 LEFT al nt Owner VANAM TVR- THIRUPPUVA NAM J.SUNDARA RAJAN RIGH Resi + Permane Encroache r 125 7.535 T Com nt Non-Sig 11 TVR- THIRUPPUVA NAM RIGH Residenti Permane Encroache r 126 JEEVAN.G 7.547 T al nt Non-Sig 12 TVR- THIRUPPU VANAM JEEVAN RIGH Resi + Encroache r 127 MANICKAM 7.58 T Com Others Non-Sig 13 THIRUPPU Commerc Semi- Encroache r 128 TVL-36 JABARULLA 7.605 LEFT ial Perm Non-Sig VANAM TVR- THIRUPPU VANAM RAVISHANKAR.M RIGH Resi + Permane 129 .R 7.61 T Com nt Owner Non-Sig 14

Appendix 1 81

Highwa y Name of Head of Sl. Chaina ge Use of Type of Overall Asset No Household Side No. structure structur e Impact Village name Tenure

130 THIRUPPU DAMODHARAN Residenti Permane TVL-37 7.62 LEFT al nt Owner Non-Sig VANAM TVR- THIRUPPU VANAM RIGH Resi + Permane 131 SESHASTHRI 7.625 T Com nt Owner Non-Sig 16 HABEEB THIRUPPU AMMAL.M, Commerc Permane 132 TVL-38 7.625 LEFT Owner Non-Sig MOHAMED ial nt VANAM IQBAL.M

THIRUPPU SUSILA.K/KALIM UTHU Commerc Permane 133 TVL-39 7.63 LEFT ial nt Owner Non-Sig VANAM TVR- GOWBATH NISHA RIGH Commerc Permane 134 THIRUPPU VANAM 7.64 Owner Non-Sig SAPRUDHEEN T ial nt 18 THIRUPPU Commerc Semi- 135 TVL-40 7.64 LEFT ial Perm Owner Non-Sig VANAM THIRUPPU Commerc Permane Significa nt 136 TVL-41 MUNIYASAMY.P 7.645 LEFT ial nt Owner VANAM TVR- THIRUPPU VANAM RIGH Commerc Permane 137 7.645 T ial nt Owner Non-Sig 19 THIRUPPU HAMEES SULTAN.A Commerc Permane Significa nt 138 TVL-42 7.65 LEFT ial nt Owner VANAM TVR- THIRUPPU VANAM AHAMED NACHIA M RIGH Commerc Semi- Significa nt 139 7.66 T ial Perm Owner 21 TVR- THIRUPPU VANAM KAMAL BATCHA. A RIGH Commerc Permane Significa nt 140 7.67 T ial nt Owner 22 82 Appendix 1

Highwa y Name of Head of Sl. Chaina ge Use of Type of Overall Asset No Household Side No. structure structur e Impact Village name Tenure

THIRUPPU SATHIYA NARAYANAN.S Commerc Permane Significa nt 141 TVL-44 7.67 LEFT ial nt Owner VANAM SAMEERA TVR- FARHANA.M RIGH Commerc Permane 142 THIRUPPU VANAM 7.675 Owner Significa nt A.M.MOHAMED T ial nt 23 PAISAL

THIRUPPU Commerc Semi- Significa nt 143 TVL-45 LATHA.K 7.675 LEFT ial Perm Owner VANAM THIRUPPU AHAMED Commerc Permane Significa nt 144 TVL-46 NACHIA.S 7.675 LEFT ial nt Owner VANAM THIRUPPU SHANMUGA Commerc Permane Significa nt 145 TVL-47 VALLI.G 7.68 LEFT ial nt Owner VANAM TVL- THIRUPPU VANAM Resi + Permane Significa nt 146 ABDUL JABBAR 7.685 LEFT Com nt Owner 49.2 147 THIRUPPU ABDUL JABBAR Commerc Permane Owner Significa nt TVL-49 7.685 LEFT ial nt VANAM TVR- THIRUPPU VANAM RIGH Commerc Permane Significa nt 148 7.69 T ial nt Owner 25 TVR- THIRUPPU VANAM RIGH Commerc Permane Significa nt 149 THAZUDEEN 7.695 T ial nt Owner 26 TVR- THIRUPPU VANAM MOHAMED RIGH Resi + Permane 150 YASIN.S 7.7 T Com nt Owner Non-Sig 27 TVR- THIRUPPU VANAM MOHAMED ZIRAZUDEEN RIGH Commerc Permane 151 7.704 T ial nt Owner Non-Sig 28 Appendix 1 83

Highwa y Name of Head of Sl. Chaina ge Use of Type of Overall Asset No Household Side No. structure structur e Impact Village name Tenure

NOORUDEEN.M, THIRUPPU JAMESH Resi + Permane 152 TVL-50 7.705 LEFT Owner Significa nt AHAMED Com nt VANAM

THIRUPPU JANNATHUL FIRTHOUS Residenti Tempora Encroache r 153 TVL-51 7.71 LEFT al ry Non-Sig VANAM TVR- THIRUPPU VANAM RIGH Residenti Permane 154 RAHMED NISHA 7.72 T al nt Owner Non-Sig 29 TVR- THIRUPPU VANAM SAMSUTHEEN.A, RIGH Commerc Semi- 155 HABIBMUNISA 7.722 T ial Perm Squatter Non-Sig 30 TVR- THIRUPPU VANAM RIGH Commerc Permane Significa nt 156 JOHNBEEVI.A 7.73 T ial nt Squatter 31 THIRUPPU SHEIK ALAUDEEN Residenti Permane Significa nt 157 TVL-53 7.73 LEFT al nt Owner VANAM THIRUPPU Residenti Tempora Encroache r 158 TVL-54 KADARBEEVI.P 7.735 LEFT al ry Non-Sig VANAM THIRUPPU Residenti Permane Encroache r 159 TVL-55 KADARBEEVI.P 7.737 LEFT al nt Non-Sig VANAM THIRUPPU Residenti Encroache r 160 TVL-56 NOORDEEN.M 7.737 LEFT al Others Non-Sig VANAM THIRUPPU VANAM ABDUL KAMAL BATCHA RIGH Commerc Tempora Encroache r 161 TVR-3 7.742 T ial ry Non-Sig

THIRUPPU MUMTAJ BEGUM.S Residenti Semi- Encroache r 162 TVL-57 7.8 LEFT al Perm Non-Sig VANAM 84 Appendix 1

Highwa y Name of Head of Sl. Chaina ge Use of Type of Overall Asset No Household Side No. structure structur e Impact Village name Tenure

THIRUPPU MOHAMED Residenti Permane 163 TVL-59 ASHIKULLAH.M 7.82 LEFT al nt Owner Non-Sig VANAM THIRUPPU Commerc Semi- 164 TVL-60 K.ANSARI 7.825 LEFT ial Perm Owner Non-Sig VANAM

Highwa y Sl. Name of Head of Chaina ge Use of Type of Overall No. Asset No Household Side structure structur e Impact Village name Tenure

165 THIRUPPU A.RAVI Residenti Encroache TVL-61 7.835 LEFT al Others r Non-Sig VANAM TVR- THIRUPPU VANAM GOWBATH RIGH Commerc Permane Significa nt 166 NISHA.S 7.84 T ial nt Owner 33 TVR- THIRUPPU VANAM RIGH Residenti Permane Significa nt 167 SULIKA BEEVI 7.85 T al nt Owner 34, 35 THIRUPPU Residenti Permane Significa nt 168 TVL-63 SIRAJUDEEN.A 7.86 LEFT al nt Owner VANAM TVR- THIRUPPU VANAM ABDUL KAMAL BATCHA RIGH Commerc Permane Significa nt 169 7.86 T ial nt Owner 36 THIRUPPU Resi + Permane Significa nt 170 TVL-65 BABEETHA.K 7.88 LEFT Com nt Owner VANAM THIRUPPU Commerc Permane 171 TVL-66 RAJIYA BEGAM 7.88 LEFT ial nt Owner Non-Sig VANAM TVR- THIRUPPU VANAM RIGH Residenti Encroache r 172 SAMINATHAN.M 7.884 T al Others Non-Sig 38 Appendix 1 85

Highwa y Sl. Name of Head of Chaina ge Use of Type of Overall No. Asset No Household Side structure structur e Impact Village name Tenure

THIRUPPU Commerc Tempora Encroache r 173 TVL-67 RAVI.M 7.89 LEFT ial ry Non-Sig VANAM THIRUPPU Residenti Permane Encroache r 174 TVL-68 RAVI.M 7.89 LEFT al nt Non-Sig VANAM THIRUPPU MEHARAJ GANI.M Residenti Permane Significa nt 175 TVL-69 7.92 LEFT al nt Owner VANAM TVR- THIRUPPU VANAM MOHAMED RIGH Residenti Permane Encroache r 176 ZACHARIA.S 7.92 T al nt Non-Sig 39 THIRUPPU Residenti Permane Significa nt 177 TVL-70 SIVAPERUMAL 7.92 LEFT al nt Owner VANAM TVR- THIRUPPU VANAM HAJJI RIGH Residenti Permane 178 MOHAMED.A 7.935 T al nt Owner Non-Sig 40 THIRUPPU Residenti Permane Significa nt 179 TVL-71 RASOOL BEEVI.A 7.94 LEFT al nt Owner VANAM THIRUPPU SAMBANDHAM.T. Residenti Permane Significa nt 180 TVL-72 K.N 7.95 LEFT al nt Owner VANAM THIRUPPU JEENATH Residenti 181 TVL-74 BEGAM.L 8.04 LEFT al Others Owner Non-Sig VANAM THIRUPPU MANJU SOUNDA RAJAN Residenti Semi- Encroache r 182 TVL-77 8.22 LEFT al Perm Non-Sig VANAM THIRUVIDAI MARUTHUR RIGH Residenti Semi- 183 TMR-2 PRANAN.K 8.27 T al Perm Squatter Non-Sig

184 THIRUVIDAI MIJAKUNISHA RIGH Residenti Encroache TMR-5 MARUTHUR 8.36 T al Others r Non-Sig 86 Appendix 1

Highwa y Sl. Name of Head of Chaina ge Use of Type of Overall No. Asset No Household Side structure structur e Impact Village name Tenure

THIRUVIDAI MARUTHUR ARVINTHAN.T&S RIDEVI.V Residenti Semi- Significa nt 185 TML-2 8.64 LEFT al Perm Owner

THIRUVIDAI MARUTHUR Residenti 186 TML-3 LATHA.S 8.65 LEFT al Others Owner Non-Sig

THIRUVIDAI MARUTHUR Residenti Permane 187 TML-4 PANDIAN.R 8.655 LEFT al nt Owner Non-Sig

THIRUVIDAI MARUTHUR KAMATCHI Residenti Semi- Significa nt 188 TML-6 NADHAN.V 8.68 LEFT al Perm Owner

THIRUVIDAI MARUTHUR Residenti 189 TML-8 RAVI.T.S 8.695 LEFT al Others Owner Non-Sig

THIRUVIDAI MARUTHUR PACKIRIY AMMAL.M Residenti Semi- Significa nt 190 TML-9 8.705 LEFT al Perm Owner

TML- THIRUVIDAI MARUTHUR Residenti Semi- Significa nt 191 VIJAYAKUMAR.P 8.715 LEFT al Perm Owner 10 TML- THIRUVIDAI MARUTHUR Residenti Encroache r 192 THARAJATH 8.73 LEFT al Others Non-Sig 11 TML- THIRUVIDAI MARUTHUR KRISHNA MURTHY.N Residenti Tempora Encroache r 193 8.745 LEFT al ry Non-Sig 13 TML- THIRUVIDAI MARUTHUR SAMSUTHEEN.A Residenti Permane 194 &HABIBMUNISA 8.78 LEFT al nt Owner Non-Sig 14 TML- THIRUVIDAI MARUTHUR PARANI THARAN.P Residenti Encroache r 195 8.805 LEFT al Others Non-Sig 15 TML- THIRUVIDAI MARUTHUR Residenti Semi- Encroache r 196 S.RANGAN 8.815 LEFT al Perm Non-Sig 16 Appendix 1 87

Highwa y Sl. Name of Head of Chaina ge Use of Type of Overall No. Asset No Household Side structure structur e Impact Village name Tenure

TML- THIRUVIDAI MARUTHUR JANAKI.S/P.SIVA RAJAN Residenti Permane Significa nt 197 8.82 LEFT al nt Squatter 17 TML- THIRUVIDAI MARUTHUR Residenti Permane 198 SARASWATHI.M 8.84 LEFT al nt Owner Non-Sig 19 TMR- THIRUVIDAI MARUTHUR RIGH Residenti 199 LAKSHMI.V 8.84 T al Others Owner Non-Sig 10 TMR- THIRUVIDAI MARUTHUR RIGH Residenti Semi- Significa nt 200 JANAKI.S 8.85 T al Perm Owner 12 TMR- THIRUVIDAI MARUTHUR S.ANANDA KUMAR RIGH Residenti Semi- 201 8.85 T al Perm Owner Non-Sig 15 TMR- THIRUVIDAI MARUTHUR SUNDARA MURTHY.K.N RIGH Residenti Semi- Significa nt 202 8.85 T al Perm Owner 11 203 TML- THIRUVIDAI Residenti Permane Owner Significa nt MARUTHUR KARUNAKARAN. 8.86 LEFT al nt 20 K TMR- THIRUVIDAI MARUTHUR RAMA CHANDRAN.S RIGH Residenti Semi- Encroache r 204 8.87 T al Perm Non-Sig 14 TML- THIRUVIDAI MARUTHUR Residenti Permane 205 KAMALAKARAN 8.88 LEFT al nt Owner Non-Sig 21 TMR- THIRUVIDAI MARUTHUR RIGH Residenti Encroache r 206 BABU.V 8.895 T al Others Non-Sig 16 TMR- THIRUVIDAI MARUTHUR THATHER RAMASAMY RIGH Residenti 207 8.91 T al Others Owner Non-Sig 18 TML- THIRUVIDAI MARUTHUR Residenti Semi- 208 SELVAKUMAR.A 8.94 LEFT al Perm Owner Non-Sig 24 88 Appendix 1

Highwa y Sl. Name of Head of Chaina ge Use of Type of Overall No. Asset No Household Side structure structur e Impact Village name Tenure

TML- THIRUVIDAI MARUTHUR Residenti Tempora Encroache r 209 RAJESWARI.G 8.95 LEFT al ry Non-Sig 25 TMR- P.BATHARUL RIGH Residenti Permane 210 THIRUVIDAI MARUTHUR JAMAN& 8.96 Owner Significa nt T al nt 20 B.MARJAN BEEVI TML- THIRUVIDAI MARUTHUR D.GURU MOORTHY Residenti Permane Encroache r 211 8.96 LEFT al nt Non-Sig 26 TML- THIRUVIDAI MARUTHUR Residenti Semi- Encroache r 212 KASTHURI.S 8.97 LEFT al Perm Non-Sig 27 TML- THIRUVIDAI MARUTHUR Residenti Tempora Encroache r 213 NATARAJAN 8.975 LEFT al ry Non-Sig 22 TML- THIRUVIDAI MARUTHUR Residenti Semi- 214 PREMA.V 8.98 LEFT al Perm Owner Non-Sig 28 TML- THIRUVIDAI MARUTHUR Commerc Permane Significa nt 215 NARAYANAN.S 8.99 LEFT ial nt Owner 29 TML- THIRUVIDAI MARUTHUR MANIVANNAN Commerc Semi- Significa nt 216 MAHALINGAM 9.01 LEFT ial Perm Squatter 31 A TML- THIRUVIDAI MARUTHUR Residenti Encroache r 217 GEETHA.M 9.03 LEFT al Others Non-Sig 32 TML- THIRUVIDAI MARUTHUR MOHAMED Resi + Permane 218 ASIKALI.K 9.04 LEFT Com nt Owner Non-Sig 33 TMR- THIRUVIDAI MARUTHUR BALASUBRA MANIAN.P RIGH Residenti Semi- Significa nt 219 9.225 T al Perm Owner 22 TMR- THIRUVIDAI MARUTHUR RIGH Residenti Permane 220 RAZIA BEGUM 9.23 T al nt Owner Non-Sig 23 Appendix 1 89

Highwa y Sl. Name of Head of Chaina ge Use of Type of Overall No. Asset No Household Side structure structur e Impact Village name Tenure

221 TMR- THIRUVIDAI NEELAVATHI RIGH Residenti Permane Owner Significa nt MARUTHUR 9.26 T al nt 24 TMR- THIRUVIDAI MARUTHUR RIGH Residenti Permane Significa nt 222 NOORJAHAN.R 9.29 T al nt Owner 28 TMR- THIRUVIDAI MARUTHUR RIGH Commerc Semi- 223 L.V.RAJENDRAN 9.455 T ial Perm Owner Non-Sig 35 TMR- THIRUVIDAI MARUTHUR RIGH Commerc Semi- 224 SRIJOTHI.R 9.47 T ial Perm Owner Non-Sig 32 TMR- THIRUVIDAI MARUTHUR ANURADHA R RIGH Commerc Semi- 225 RAJASEKARAN 9.47 T ial Perm Owner Non-Sig 36 TMR- THIRUVIDAI MARUTHUR RIGH Commerc Permane 226 G.SRINIVASAN 9.48 T ial nt Owner Non-Sig 38 TMR- THIRUVIDAI MARUTHUR RIGH Commerc Permane 227 VALARMATHI.T 9.49 T ial nt Owner Non-Sig 39 TMR- THIRUVIDAI MARUTHUR RIGH Commerc Semi- Significa nt 228 S.AMSAVALLI 9.51 T ial Perm Owner 41 TML- THIRUVIDAI MARUTHUR JAYALAKSHMI.M Commerc Permane 229 &MOHAN.A 9.51 LEFT ial nt Owner Non-Sig 36 TMR- THIRUVIDAI MARUTHUR RIGH Commerc Permane Significa nt 230 S.AMSAVALLI 9.51 T ial nt Owner 40 TML- THIRUVIDAI MARUTHUR T.MARIPAND&M. Commerc Permane 231 VIMALADEVI 9.52 LEFT ial nt Owner Non-Sig 38 TMR- THIRUVIDAI MARUTHUR VASANTHA.D DURAISAMY RIGH Commerc Permane 232 9.52 T ial nt Owner Non-Sig 43 90 Appendix 1

Highwa y Sl. Name of Head of Chaina ge Use of Type of Overall No. Asset No Household Side structure structur e Impact Village name Tenure

TML- THIRUVIDAI MARUTHUR Commerc Permane 233 MAHA LINGAM.M 9.522 LEFT ial nt Owner Non-Sig 41 TMR- THIRUVIDAI MARUTHUR VASANTHA.D DURAISAMY RIGH Commerc Semi- 234 9.525 T ial Perm Owner Non-Sig 45 TML- THIRUVIDAI MARUTHUR Commerc Permane 235 SUNDARMANI 9.527 LEFT ial nt Owner Non-Sig 43 TML- THIRUVIDAI MARUTHUR Commerc Permane Significa nt 236 SASIKALA.S 9.53 LEFT ial nt Owner 44 TMR- THIRUVIDAI MARUTHUR RIGH Commerc Permane 237 SEVARKODIYAN 9.53 T ial nt Owner Non-Sig 44 TMR- SHEHANAZ RIGH 238 THIRUVIDAI MARUTHUR BEGAM, 9.535 Others Others Owner Non-Sig T 47 JEYAUDEEN.S 239 TMR- THIRUVIDAI A.FITHA AHAMED RIGH Residenti Permane Owner MARUTHUR 9.54 T al nt Non-Sig 48.1 TML- THIRUVIDAI MARUTHUR Commerc Semi- Significa nt 240 NIZAR BATCHA 9.54 LEFT ial Perm Owner 46 NASIBA TMR- BEGAM.K RIGH Commerc Permane 241 THIRUVIDAI MARUTHUR 9.54 Owner Non-Sig HABEEBULLAH T ial nt 48 TML- THIRUVIDAI MARUTHUR Residenti 242 DURAISAMY.S 9.54 LEFT al Others Owner Non-Sig 45 TMR- THIRUVIDAI MARUTHUR MOHAMAD YUNUS RIGH Resi + Permane 243 9.54 T Com nt Owner Non-Sig 49 Appendix 1 91

Highwa y Sl. Name of Head of Chaina ge Use of Type of Overall No. Asset No Household Side structure structur e Impact Village name Tenure

TML- THIRUVIDAI MARUTHUR SEVARKODIAN.S Residenti 244 MEENAKSHI.S 9.55 LEFT al Others Owner Non-Sig 48 THIRUVIDAI MARUTHUR KALEEL AHAMED.A Resi + Permane 245 TML49 9.55 LEFT Com nt Owner Non-Sig

TML- THIRUVIDAI MARUTHUR M.PUNITHAMAYIL Residenti 246 VAHANAN 9.56 LEFT al Others Owner Non-Sig 50 TMR- THIRUVIDAI MARUTHUR RIGH Resi + Semi- 247 P.SRINIVASAN 9.585 T Com Perm Owner Non-Sig 52 TMR- THIRUVIDAI MARUTHUR RIGH Residenti Permane 248 BAVANI.K 9.59 T al nt Owner Non-Sig 53 TML- THIRUVIDAI MARUTHUR Commerc Tempora 249 FARIDAGANI.M 9.615 LEFT ial ry Owner Non-Sig 51 TML- THIRUVIDAI MARUTHUR B.THIYAGARAJA Residenti 250 N 9.62 LEFT al Others Owner Non-Sig 52 TML- THIRUVIDAI MARUTHUR S.SHANMUGANA THAN Resi + Permane 251 9.625 LEFT Com nt Owner Non-Sig 53 TML- THIRUVIDAI MARUTHUR GOPALAKRISHN AN Residenti Permane Encroache r 252 9.63 LEFT al nt Non-Sig 54 TMR- THIRUVIDAI MARUTHUR RIGH Commerc Semi- 253 GUNAVATHI 9.63 T ial Perm Owner Non-Sig 55 TML- THIRUVIDAI MARUTHUR Residenti Tempora 254 RAJENDRAN 9.64 LEFT al ry Owner Non-Sig 55 TML- THIRUVIDAI MARUTHUR Residenti Encroache r 255 SRINIVASAN 9.645 LEFT al Others Non-Sig 56 92 Appendix 1

Highwa y Sl. Name of Head of Chaina ge Use of Type of Overall No. Asset No Household Side structure structur e Impact Village name Tenure

TML- THIRUVIDAI MARUTHUR Residenti Permane 256 ELANGOVAN.C 9.72 LEFT al nt Owner Non-Sig 63 257 TMR- THIRUVIDAI KALIYA RIGH Residenti Semi- Owner MARUTHUR PERUMAL.R 9.73 T al Perm Non-Sig 57 TMR- THIRUVIDAI MARUTHUR T.M.SWAMI NATHAN RIGH Residenti Semi- 258 9.74 T al Perm Owner Non-Sig 58 TMR- THIRUVIDAI MARUTHUR RIGH Resi + Permane Significa nt 259 LATHA.S 9.83 T Com nt Owner 59 TMR- THIRUVIDAI MARUTHUR NITHIYA RIGH Resi + Permane Encroache r 260 NANDHAM.S 9.835 T Com nt Non-Sig 60 TMR- THIRUVIDAI MARUTHUR RIGH Commerc Permane Significa nt 261 KAMALA.M 9.84 T ial nt Owner 62 TMR- THIRUVIDAI MARUTHUR CHANDRASEKAR RIGH Resi + Permane Significa nt 262 AN.M 9.84 T Com nt Owner 61 TMR- THIRUVIDAI MARUTHUR KALIYAPERUMAL RIGH Resi + Permane Significa nt 263 SADAIYAPPAN 9.85 T Com nt Owner 62 TMR- THIRUVIDAI MARUTHUR RIGH Commerc Permane Encroache r 264 REVATHI.G 9.855 T ial nt Non-Sig 63 TMR- THIRUVIDAI MARUTHUR SMT TAMIL SELVI.S RIGH Residenti Semi- Significa nt 265 9.865 T al Perm Owner 64 TMR- THIRUVIDAI MARUTHUR RIGH Commerc Semi- Significa nt 266 PALANIVEL.C 9.87 T ial Perm Owner 65 TMR- THIRUVIDAI MARUTHUR RIGH Commerc Semi- Significa nt 267 PALANIVEL.C 9.88 T ial Perm Owner 66 Appendix 1 93

Highwa y Sl. Name of Head of Chaina ge Use of Type of Overall No. Asset No Household Side structure structur e Impact Village name Tenure

TMR- THIRUVIDAI MARUTHUR RIGH Residenti 268 PALANIVEL.C 9.89 T al Others Owner Non-Sig 67 TML- THIRUVIDAI MARUTHUR Residenti 269 FAZRUDEEN.S 9.92 LEFT al Others Owner Non-Sig 68 TML- THIRUVIDAI MARUTHUR Residenti Semi- Significa nt 270 FAZRUDEEN.S 9.925 LEFT al Perm Owner 69 TMR- THIRUVIDAI MARUTHUR Residenti Semi- Significa nt 271 AZHAGIRI 9.935 LEFT al Perm Owner 69 TMR- THIRUVIDAI MARUTHUR RIGH Residenti Permane Significa nt 272 MAHALINGAM 9.94 T al nt Owner 71 TMR- THIRUVIDAI MARUTHUR RIGH Resi + Permane 273 R.MOHANAMBAL 9.94 T Com nt Owner Non-Sig 78 TMR- THIRUVIDAI MARUTHUR RIGH Residenti Permane Significa nt 274 M.GANESH 9.94 T al nt Owner 70 TMR- THIRUVIDAI MARUTHUR RIGH Commerc Permane Encroache r 275 N.MURUGESAN 9.96 T ial nt Non-Sig 72 276 TMR- THIRUVIDAI MOHAMED RIGH Resi + Semi- Squatter Significa nt MARUTHUR YASIN.A 9.965 T Com Perm 73 TMR- THIRUVIDAI MARUTHUR RIGH Commerc Semi- Significa nt 277 KOUSALYA.M 9.97 T ial Perm Squatter 74 TMR- THIRUVIDAI MARUTHUR RIGH Residenti Semi- Significa nt 278 MAHALINGAM.M 9.98 T al Perm Squatter 75 TMR- THIRUVIDAI MARUTHUR PANNEERSELVA M RIGH Resi + Permane 279 9.99 T Com nt Owner Non-Sig 76 94 Appendix 1

Highwa y Sl. Name of Head of Chaina ge Use of Type of Overall No. Asset No Household Side structure structur e Impact Village name Tenure

TML- THIRUVIDAI MARUTHUR Commerc Semi- Significa nt 280 RAMALINGAM.S 10.15 LEFT ial Perm Squatter 70 TML- THIRUVIDAI MARUTHUR RANJITHKUMAR MANI Commerc Permane Significa nt 281 10.15 LEFT ial nt Owner 70.1 TML- THIRUVIDAI MARUTHUR SRIPURUSHOTH AMAN.D Residenti Permane 282 10.18 LEFT al nt Owner Non-Sig 72 TMR- THIRUVIDAI MARUTHUR RIGH Residenti Tempora 283 MALATHI 10.28 T al ry Squatter Non-Sig 79 TML- THIRUVIDAI MARUTHUR Resi + Permane Significa nt 284 S.MANOHARAN 10.3 LEFT Com nt Owner 74 TML- THIRUVIDAI MARUTHUR Residenti Tempora Significa nt 285 SIVANESAN 10.4 LEFT al ry Owner 75 THIRUVIDAI MARUTHUR Residenti 286 TML77 RAMESH 10.41 LEFT al Others Owner Non-Sig

TML- THIRUVIDAI MARUTHUR 287 S.MANOHARAN 10.42 LEFT Others Others Owner Non-Sig 76 TML- THIRUVIDAI MARUTHUR Residenti 288 S.RAVI 10.45 LEFT al Others Owner Non-Sig 78 TML- THIRUVIDAI MARUTHUR Residenti 289 SUBBAIYAN.S 10.45 LEFT al Others Owner Non-Sig 79 TMR- THIRUVIDAI MARUTHUR RIGH Commerc Semi- 290 RAJKUMAR.R 10.53 T ial Perm Squatter Non-Sig 80 TML- THIRUVIDAI MARUTHUR Commerc Permane 291 BASKAR 10.54 LEFT ial nt Squatter Non-Sig 81 Appendix 1 95

Highwa y Sl. Name of Head of Chaina ge Use of Type of Overall No. Asset No Household Side structure structur e Impact Village name Tenure

TML- THIRUVIDAI MARUTHUR Commerc Permane 292 RAJKUMAR 10.54 LEFT ial nt Owner Non-Sig 81B TML- THIRUVIDAI MARUTHUR Commerc Permane 293 SARAVANAN 10.54 LEFT ial nt Squatter Non-Sig 81A TMR- THIRUVIDAI MARUTHUR RIGH Residenti Semi- 294 R.SARITHA 10.64 T al Perm Squatter Non-Sig 82 295 TML- THIRUVIDAI MUTHUKUMARA Residenti Permane Squatter Significa nt MARUTHUR SAMY 10.68 LEFT al nt 83 TML- THIRUVIDAI MARUTHUR Residenti 296 G.KANNAN 10.7 LEFT al Others Owner Non-Sig 82 TML- THIRUVIDAI MARUTHUR DHANALAKSHMI. M Residenti Permane 297 10.7 LEFT al nt Owner Non-Sig 85 TML- THIRUVIDAI MARUTHUR Residenti Tempora 298 BALAKRISHNAN 10.72 LEFT al ry Squatter Non-Sig 86 TML- THIRUVIDAI MARUTHUR Residenti Semi- Significa nt 299 ANBAZHAGAN 10.73 LEFT al Perm Squatter 87 TML- THIRUVIDAI MARUTHUR Residenti Tempora 300 SENTHIL.M 10.74 LEFT al ry Owner Non-Sig 88 TML- THIRUVIDAI MARUTHUR Residenti Semi- Significa nt 301 DURAI 10.77 LEFT al Perm Owner 92 TML- THIRUVIDAI MARUTHUR Residenti Semi- Significa nt 302 AMUTHA.A 10.79 LEFT al Perm Owner 94 TML- THIRUVIDAI MARUTHUR Residenti Tempora Significa nt 303 UMA.S 10.79 LEFT al ry Squatter 93 96 Appendix 1

Highwa y Sl. Name of Head of Chaina ge Use of Type of Overall No. Asset No Household Side structure structur e Impact Village name Tenure

TML- THIRUVIDAI MARUTHUR Commerc 304 M.KUMAR 10.8 LEFT ial Others Owner Non-Sig 95 TML- THIRUVIDAI MARUTHUR Resi + Permane Significa nt 305 ANANDAN 11.1 LEFT Com nt Owner 97 TML- THIRUVIDAI MARUTHUR Commerc Permane Significa nt 306 UPPILI 11.15 LEFT ial nt Owner 98 TML- THIRUVIDAI MARUTHUR Residenti 307 GANGADEVI.S 11.46 LEFT al Others Owner Non-Sig 100 TML- THIRUVIDAI MARUTHUR Residenti Permane 308 ANUSHKUMAR 11.505 LEFT al nt Owner Non-Sig 103 TML- THIRUVIDAI MARUTHUR Residenti 309 ANDAL.N 11.505 LEFT al Others Owner Non-Sig 104 TML- THIRUVIDAI MARUTHUR Residenti 310 VIJAYARANI.L 11.51 LEFT al Others Owner Non-Sig 105 GOVINDHA PURAM Residenti 311 GPL-1 11.52 LEFT al Others Owner Non-Sig

GOVINDHA PURAM K.SHANMUGASU NDARAM RIGH Resi + Tempora Significa nt 312 GPR-3 11.575 T Com ry Owner

GOVINDHA PURAM RIGH Commerc Permane Significa nt 313 GPR-5 RAMAR.U 11.595 T ial nt Owner

Highwa y Sl. Name of Head of Chaina ge Type of No. Asset No Household Side Use of structure Overall Impact structur e 314 Village name T.KUMAR Tenure GOVINDHA PURAM THANGARASU Owner Appendix 1 97

RIGH Resi + Permane Significa nt GPR-4 11.595 T Com nt

GOVINDHA PURAM RIGH Commerc Permane Significa nt 315 GPR-6 D.SENTILVEL 11.6 T ial nt Owner

GOVINDHA PURAM CHANDRASEKAR RIGH Commerc Permane 316 GPR-7 AN 11.62 T ial nt Owner Non-Sig

GOVINDHA PURAM RIGH Residenti 317 GPR-1 B.SUMATHI 11.625 T al Others Owner Non-Sig

GOVINDHA PURAM RIGH Commerc Tempora 318 GPR-8 AMUTHA.V 11.635 T ial ry Owner Non-Sig

GOVINDHA PURAM RIGH Residenti Encroache r 319 GPR-2 GANESAN.N 11.65 T al Others Non-Sig

GOVINDHA PURAM Residenti 320 GPL-2 MALLIKA 11.74 LEFT al Others Owner Non-Sig

GOVINDHA PURAM Residenti 321 GPL-3 MALLIKA 11.75 LEFT al Others Owner Non-Sig

GOVINDHA PURAM Residenti Tempora 322 GPL-3 S.RAJAMMAL 11.75 LEFT al ry Owner Non-Sig

GOVINDHA PURAM SEETHALAKSHMI RIGH Resi + Permane Significa nt 323 GPR-9 MURUGESAN 11.75 T Com nt Owner

GOVINDHA PURAM Residenti Permane Significa nt 324 GPL-4 MOHANDOSS.R 11.755 LEFT al nt Owner

GOVINDHA PURAM Commerc Tempora 325 GPL-5 IYYANAR.T 11.775 LEFT ial ry Squatter Non-Sig

GOVINDHA PURAM Resi + Permane 326 GPL-6 VIJALAKSHMI 11.78 LEFT Com nt Owner Non-Sig 98 Appendix 1

GPR- GOVINDHA PURAM SHANKARA NARAYANAN RIGH Residenti 327 11.78 T al Others Owner Non-Sig 10 GOVINDHA PURAM Residenti Semi- 328 GPL-7 GANESAN 11.79 LEFT al Perm Owner Non-Sig

GPR- GOVINDHA PURAM RIGH Encroache r 329 JAYABAL.K 11.8 T Others Others Non-Sig 11 GPR- GOVINDHA PURAM RIGH Residenti Semi- Significa nt 330 G.RAJENDRAN 11.81 T al Perm Owner 12 GPR- GOVINDHA PURAM KUMUDHAVALLI. RIGH Residenti Tempora Encroache r 331 S 11.82 T al ry Non-Sig 13 GOVINDHA PURAM Residenti Semi- 332 GPL-8 SIVAKUMAR.V 11.835 LEFT al Perm Squatter Non-Sig

Highwa y Chaina ge Type of Asset No Side Use of structure Overall Impact Sl. Name of Head of structur e No. Household 333 ARUL.D Residenti Semi- GPL-9 Village name 11.84 LEFT al Perm Non-Sig GOVINDHA PURAM Tenure Squatter GPR- GOVINDHA PURAM K.RAVICHANDIR AN RIGH Commerc Tempora 334 11.88 T ial ry Owner Non-Sig 15 GPR- GOVINDHA PURAM RIGH Residenti 335 LAKSHMI.T 11.9 T al Others Squatter Non-Sig 16 GPR- GOVINDHA PURAM RIGH Residenti Semi- 336 CHINNAPPA.S 11.96 T al Perm Owner Non-Sig 17 GPL- GOVINDHA PURAM Residenti Permane 337 JAYARAMAN.M 12 LEFT al nt Owner Non-Sig 17 Appendix 1 99

GPL- GOVINDHA PURAM Residenti Permane 338 K.BASKR 12.01 LEFT al nt Owner Non-Sig 18 GPL- GOVINDHA PURAM MUTHULAKSHMI. M Residenti Permane 339 12.02 LEFT al nt Owner Non-Sig 19 GPL- GOVINDHA PURAM Residenti Permane 340 MURUGAIYAN.G 12.04 LEFT al nt Owner Non-Sig 20 GPR- GOVINDHA PURAM RIGH Residenti 341 MAHALINGAM.S 12.095 T al Others Squatter Non-Sig 18 GPR- GOVINDHA PURAM RIGH Residenti 342 SAMBANDAM.R 12.12 T al Others Owner Non-Sig 19 GPL- GOVINDHA PURAM Residenti 343 KAVITHA.P 12.17 LEFT al Others Squatter Non-Sig 22 GPL- GOVINDHA PURAM GOVINDARAJAN. Residenti Permane 344 N 12.18 LEFT al nt Owner Non-Sig 23 GPL- GOVINDHA PURAM Residenti Permane 345 SHANMUGAM 12.185 LEFT al nt Owner Non-Sig 24 GPL- GOVINDHA PURAM Residenti 346 S.RAJAM 12.2 LEFT al Others Owner Non-Sig 25 GPL- GOVINDHA PURAM PATTABIRAMAN. Residenti Semi- 347 S 12.24 LEFT al Perm Owner Non-Sig 29 GPL- GOVINDHA PURAM VARADHARAJAN Residenti Permane 348 .M 12.25 LEFT al nt Owner Non-Sig 30 GPL- GOVINDHA PURAM Residenti Semi- Encroache r 349 SIVALINGAM.S 12.26 LEFT al Perm Non-Sig 31 GPL- GOVINDHA PURAM Residenti Semi- Significa nt 350 RAMESH.S 12.27 LEFT al Perm Owner 32 100 Appendix 1

GPL- GOVINDHA PURAM Residenti Semi- Significa nt 351 GOVINDASAMY 12.275 LEFT al Perm Owner 33

Highwa y Chaina ge Type of Asset No Side Use of structure Overall Impact Sl. structur e No. 352 GPL- Name of Head of Household Residenti Permane Significa nt Village name RADHAKRISHNA 12.29 LEFT al nt Tenure 34 GOVINDHA PURAM N Owner GPL- GOVINDHA PURAM VIJAYARANGAN. Residenti Permane 353 T 12.3 LEFT al nt Owner Non-Sig 35 GPL- GOVINDHA PURAM Residenti Permane 354 MAHESHWARI.S 12.305 LEFT al nt Owner Non-Sig 36 GPL- GOVINDHA PURAM Residenti 355 R.RAJU 12.32 LEFT al Others Owner Non-Sig 39 GPL- GOVINDHA PURAM Residenti Permane 356 JEYAVUDEEN 12.33 LEFT al nt Owner Non-Sig 40 GPL- GOVINDHA PURAM Tempora 357 M.SATHYA 12.36 LEFT Others ry Owner Non-Sig 42 DHARUMAMBAL. Residenti 358 ADL-3 ADUTHURAI R 12.75 LEFT al Others Owner Non-Sig

ADL- GOPALAKRISHN Commerc Permane 359 ADUTHURAI AN.P/BHUVANA.F 13.1 LEFT ial nt Owner Non-Sig 12 ADL- Residenti Semi- Significa nt 360 ADUTHURAI K.SARAVANAN 13.19 LEFT al Perm Owner 14 ADL- S.PRAKASH Commerc Permane Significa nt 361 ADUTHURAI SELVADURAI.K 13.195 LEFT ial nt Owner 15 Appendix 1 101

ADR- RIGH Commerc Tempora Encroache r 362 ADUTHURAI K.MURUGAN 13.2 T ial ry Non-Sig 12 ADR- RIGH Commerc Permane 363 ADUTHURAI S.NAGARAJAN 13.205 T ial nt Squatter Non-Sig 14 ADR- M.SATHIYASEEL AN RIGH Residenti Tempora Significa nt 364 ADUTHURAI 13.21 T al ry Owner 15 ADR- RIGH Commerc Permane 365 ADUTHURAI T.RAVI 13.215 T ial nt Owner Non-Sig 16 ADL- S.PRAKASH Commerc Semi- Significa nt 366 ADUTHURAI SELVADURAI.K 13.215 LEFT ial Perm Owner 17 ADR- RIGH Commerc Permane Significa nt 367 ADUTHURAI KALAIAZHAGI.M 13.225 T ial nt Squatter 19 ADL- S.PRAKASH Commerc Permane Significa nt 368 ADUTHURAI SELVADURAI.K 13.23 LEFT ial nt Owner 18 ADR- RIGH Commerc Permane Significa nt 369 ADUTHURAI G.RAJANDRAN 13.235 T ial nt Squatter 20 ADL- A.ZUBAIDA BEGUM Commerc Semi- 370 ADUTHURAI 13.237 LEFT ial Perm Owner Non-Sig 19

Highwa y Chaina ge Type of Asset No Side Use of structure Overall Impact Sl. structur e No. 371 ADR- RIGH Commerc Permane Village name Name of Head of Household 13.237 T ial nt Tenure Non-Sig 21 ADUTHURAI THAJUNISHA BEGUM.T Owner ADR- RIGH Commerc Permane 372 ADUTHURAI NIRMALA.V 13.24 T ial nt Owner Non-Sig 22 ADR- RIGH Resi + Permane 373 ADUTHURAI NAGESH.M 13.245 T Com nt Owner Non-Sig 23 102 Appendix 1

ADR- RIGH Residenti Permane 374 ADUTHURAI RAJESWARI 13.247 T al nt Owner Non-Sig 24 ADR- THAJUNNISHA BEGUM.T RIGH Commerc Permane 375 ADUTHURAI 13.25 T ial nt Owner Non-Sig 25 ADL- Commerc Permane Significa nt 376 ADUTHURAI VASUGI.N 13.255 LEFT ial nt Owner 21 ADR- RIGH Resi + Permane 377 ADUTHURAI SELVARAJ.R 13.263 T Com nt Owner Non-Sig 28 ADR- SWAMINATHAN.A RIGH Commerc Permane 378 ADUTHURAI R 13.27 T ial nt Owner Non-Sig 29 ADR- RIGH Commerc Tempora 379 ADUTHURAI ELANJIYAM.K 13.283 T ial ry Owner Non-Sig 32 ADR- RIGH Commerc Permane 380 ADUTHURAI MUGUNDAN.L 13.285 T ial nt Owner Non-Sig 34 ADR- RIGH Resi + Permane 381 ADUTHURAI SAMBANDAM.L 13.285 T Com nt Owner Non-Sig 34A ADL- SADIQ Commerc Permane 382 ADUTHURAI BATCHA.M.M/FIR DOUS 13.29 LEFT Owner Significa nt ial nt 25 BANU.S ADR- RIGH Commerc Permane Significa nt 383 ADUTHURAI RADHA BAI.S 13.29 T ial nt Owner 35 ADR- RIGH Commerc Permane 384 ADUTHURAI JAYAVEL.K 13.293 T ial nt Owner Non-Sig 36.1 ADR- RIGH Commerc Permane 385 ADUTHURAI .R 13.298 T ial nt Owner Non-Sig 36 ADR- SARAVANASIVA. RIGH Commerc Permane 386 ADUTHURAI R 13.298 T ial nt Owner Non-Sig 47 Appendix 1 103

ADR- RIGH Commerc Tempora 387 ADUTHURAI MANIVANNAN.M 13.3 T ial ry Owner Non-Sig 38 ADR- RIGH Commerc Tempora 388 ADUTHURAI P.SANGEETHA 13.3 T ial ry Owner Non-Sig 38 ADL- Commerc Permane Significa nt 389 ADUTHURAI CHANDRAN.M 13.315 LEFT ial nt Owner 28

Highwa y Chaina ge Type of Asset No Side Use of structure Overall Impact Sl. structur e No. 390 ADR- Name of Head of Household RIGH Commerc Permane Significa nt Village name M.GIRIJA&K.MAT 13.315 T ial nt Tenure 40 ADUTHURAI HIVANAN Owner ADR- RIGH Commerc Permane Significa nt 391 ADUTHURAI RAJATHI.N 13.32 T ial nt Owner 41 ADR- RIGH Commerc Tempora Encroache r 392 ADUTHURAI RAJATHI.S 13.335 T ial ry Non-Sig 42 ADL- HABEEB RAHMAN.A Commerc Permane 393 ADUTHURAI 13.335 LEFT ial nt Owner Non-Sig 32 ADR- RIGH Commerc Tempora 394 ADUTHURAI M.SELVARAJ 13.34 T ial ry Owner Non-Sig 33 ADL- Commerc Permane 395 ADUTHURAI S.SUMATHI 13.342 LEFT ial nt Owner Non-Sig 34 ADR- Commerc Permane 396 ADUTHURAI RAJATHI.S 13.345 LEFT ial nt Owner Non-Sig 42 ADR- RIGH Commerc Tempora Encroache r 397 ADUTHURAI P.AYYAPPAN 13.345 T ial ry Non-Sig 44 ADL- Commerc Permane Significa nt 398 ADUTHURAI PAKKIRISAMY 13.352 LEFT ial nt Owner 37 104 Appendix 1

ADL- Commerc Tempora Significa nt 399 ADUTHURAI MOHANDAS.N 13.36 LEFT ial ry Owner 39 ADL- AV.KALIYAPERU MAL Commerc Permane 400 ADUTHURAI 13.363 LEFT ial nt Owner Non-Sig 40 ADL- AV.KALIYAPERU MAL Commerc Permane 401 ADUTHURAI 13.363 LEFT ial nt Owner Non-Sig 40 ADL- SAA PAKEER Commerc Permane 402 ADUTHURAI MOHAMED 13.365 LEFT Owner Non-Sig ial nt 41 RAWTHER ADL- BUNIYAMIN ABDUL Commerc Semi- 403 ADUTHURAI KADAR.O 13.37 LEFT ial Perm Owner Non-Sig 42 ADL- Commerc Permane 404 ADUTHURAI M.ABDUL AZEEZ 13.37 LEFT ial nt Owner Non-Sig 42B ADL- MUMTAJ Commerc Permane 405 ADUTHURAI BEGUM.A 13.372 LEFT Owner Non-Sig ial nt 44 TAJUDEEN. MS ADL- VARISAI Commerc Permane 406 ADUTHURAI MOHAMED.O 13.375 LEFT ial nt Owner Non-Sig 43 ADR- RIGH Commerc Permane 407 ADUTHURAI GANESAN.P 13.385 T ial nt Owner Non-Sig 46

Highwa y Chaina ge Type of Asset No Side Use of structure Overall Impact Sl. structur e No. 408 ADL- Name of Head of Household Commerc Tempora Village name RAJU 13.392 LEFT ial ry Tenure Non-Sig 48 ADUTHURAI SAMINATHAN.S Owner ADL- B.VIJAYALAKSH Commerc Tempora Encroache r 409 ADUTHURAI MI 13.392 LEFT ial ry Non-Sig 48.1 Appendix 1 105

ADL- Commerc Tempora 410 ADUTHURAI DHARMARAJ.L.G 13.4 LEFT ial ry Squatter Non-Sig 50 ADL- BASHEER AHAMED.R Commerc Tempora 411 ADUTHURAI 13.42 LEFT ial ry Squatter Non-Sig 54 ADL- Commerc Tempora 412 ADUTHURAI RAMESH.D 13.42 LEFT ial ry Squatter Non-Sig 54.1 ADL- RATHAKRISHNA Commerc Permane 413 ADUTHURAI N.S 13.425 LEFT ial nt Squatter Non-Sig 55 ADL- Commerc Tempora 414 ADUTHURAI ELANGOVAN.S 13.425 LEFT ial ry Squatter Non-Sig 55.1 ADL- Commerc Tempora Significa nt 415 ADUTHURAI DURAIRAJ.S 13.435 LEFT ial ry Squatter 57 ADR- UMMUL SAKEERA.M RIGH Commerc Permane Significa nt 416 ADUTHURAI 13.437 T ial nt Owner 48 ADR- SMTSAMEEMUNI SHA.MN RIGH Commerc Permane Significa nt 417 ADUTHURAI 13.437 T ial nt Owner 48.1 ADR- UMMUL SAKEERA.M RIGH Commerc Permane Significa nt 418 ADUTHURAI 13.437 T ial nt Owner 49 ADL- A.MOHAMED RABEEK Commerc Tempora Significa nt 419 ADUTHURAI 13.445 LEFT ial ry Squatter 61 ADL- PAKKIRISAMY.N/ Commerc Permane 420 ADUTHURAI SANGEETHA.P 13.45 LEFT ial nt Squatter Non-Sig 62 ADL- Commerc Permane 421 ADUTHURAI SHAJAHAN.P 13.465 LEFT ial nt Squatter Non-Sig 63 ADR- RIGH Resi + Permane Significa nt 422 ADUTHURAI ALI IBUNU.J 13.48 T Com nt Owner 54 106 Appendix 1

ADR- SANTHANAMOO RTHY.AR RIGH Commerc Semi- 423 ADUTHURAI 13.49 T ial Perm Owner Non-Sig 56 ADL- Commerc Tempora 424 ADUTHURAI P.SANGEETHA 13.5 LEFT ial ry Squatter Non-Sig 68 ADL- Commerc Tempora 425 ADUTHURAI BABU.M 13.51 LEFT ial ry Squatter Non-Sig 69 ADL- Commerc Permane 426 ADUTHURAI MANIVANNAN.M 13.54 LEFT ial nt Squatter Non-Sig 71

Highwa y Chaina ge Type of Asset No Side Use of structure Overall Impact Sl. structur e Name of Head of Household No. M.PUGALENDHI 427 ADL- Commerc Permane Village name 13.545 LEFT ial nt Non-Sig 72 ADUTHURAI Tenure Squatter ADR- FIRDUOUS BANU.S RIGH 428 ADUTHURAI 13.56 T Others Others Owner Non-Sig 58 ADR- RIGH Commerc Permane Significa nt 429 ADUTHURAI K.GANESAN.K 13.64 T ial nt Owner 60 ADR- RIGH Resi + Permane Significa nt 430 ADUTHURAI S.SUKUMAR 13.66 T Com nt Owner 61 ADR- RIGH Residenti Tempora Significa nt 431 ADUTHURAI T.MURUGAN 13.68 T al ry Owner 62 ADR- R.GUNASEKARA RIGH Residenti Tempora Encroache r 432 ADUTHURAI N 13.79 T al ry Non-Sig 63 ADR- KRISHNAMOORT RIGH Commerc Permane 433 ADUTHURAI HY.R- 13.86 Owner Significa nt T ial nt 66 LOGANATHAN.R Appendix 1 107

ADL- SUSEELA.S SEKAR.K Residenti Tempora 434 ADUTHURAI 14.1 LEFT al ry Squatter Non-Sig 74 ADL- Commerc Permane 435 ADUTHURAI MALARVIZHI.N 14.12 LEFT ial nt Squatter Non-Sig 75 ADL- SHEIK MOHAIDEEN.A Commerc Permane 436 ADUTHURAI 14.12 LEFT ial nt Owner Non-Sig 75.1 ADL- T.SANTHANALAK SHMI Residenti Tempora Encroache r 437 ADUTHURAI 14.35 LEFT al ry Non-Sig 72 ADR- RANI.V- RIGH Residenti Tempora Encroache r 438 ADUTHURAI V.MURUGESAN 14.355 T al ry Non-Sig 73 ADR- RIGH Residenti Tempora Encroache r 439 ADUTHURAI SANGEETHA.M 14.357 T al ry Non-Sig 74 ADR- RIGH Residenti Tempora Encroache r 440 ADUTHURAI RAJARAMAN 14.36 T al ry Non-Sig 75 ADR- RIGH Residenti Tempora 441 ADUTHURAI RAMAKRISHNAN 14.365 T al ry Squatter Non-Sig 76 ADR- RIGH Residenti Tempora Encroache r 442 ADUTHURAI K.KANNAN 14.37 T al ry Non-Sig 77 ADR- RANJITH.S SELVADURAI.T RIGH Residenti Tempora Encroache r 443 ADUTHURAI 14.375 T al ry Non-Sig 79 ADR- RIGH Residenti Tempora Encroache r 444 ADUTHURAI R.VASANTHA 14.378 T al ry Non-Sig 80 ADR- RIGH Residenti Tempora Encroache r 445 ADUTHURAI BASKAR.C 14.385 T al ry Non-Sig 81

Highwa y Sl. Name of Head of Household Chaina ge Type of No. Asset No Side Use of structure Overall Impact SARAVANAN.M structur e 446 Village name Tenure ADUTHURAI Owner 108 Appendix 1

ADR- RIGH Residenti Semi- 14.405 T al Perm Non-Sig 84 ADR- SWAMINATHAN. M RIGH Permane 447 ADUTHURAI EASVARY.S 14.41 T Others nt Squatter Non-Sig 85 THIRUVALANGAD RIGH Residenti Permane 448 TGR-9 U K.SIVARAMAN 14.44 T al nt Owner Non-Sig

ADR- RIGH 449 ADUTHURAI K.RAVI 14.46 T Others Others Squatter Non-Sig 86 ADR- DHANALAKSHMI RIGH Commerc Tempora 450 ADUTHURAI MAHALINGAM 14.48 T ial ry Owner Non-Sig 87 ADR- DHANALAKSHMI RIGH Commerc Tempora 451 ADUTHURAI MAHALINGAM 14.48 T ial ry Owner Non-Sig 87 ADR- RAJANAMICKAM. RIGH 452 ADUTHURAI S 14.485 T Others Others Squatter Non-Sig 89 ADR- RIGH Residenti 453 ADUTHURAI K.JAYAPAL 14.5 T al Others Squatter Non-Sig 90 ADR- P.MATHIYAZHAG AN RIGH Commerc Tempora 454 ADUTHURAI 14.54 T ial ry Squatter Non-Sig 91 ADR- RIGH Residenti Permane 455 ADUTHURAI C.RAJENDRAN 14.78 T al nt Squatter Non-Sig 92, 93 ADR- PARIMALA DEVI.N RIGH Residenti Permane 456 ADUTHURAI 14.86 T al nt Owner Non-Sig 96 ADR- RIGH Residenti Permane 457 ADUTHURAI SUDHEENTHAR.N 14.865 T al nt Owner Non-Sig 97 ADL- Residenti Permane 458 ADUTHURAI ANBURAJ.G 15.06 LEFT al nt Squatter Non-Sig 76 Appendix 1 109

ADL- Residenti Permane 459 ADUTHURAI RAMYA.S 15.095 LEFT al nt Squatter Non-Sig 77 ADL- Residenti Permane 460 ADUTHURAI DEIVANAI.B 15.135 LEFT al nt Squatter Non-Sig 81 ADL- Residenti Semi- 461 ADUTHURAI T.ANNADURAI 15.14 LEFT al Perm Squatter Non-Sig 82 ADL- Residenti Tempora Significa nt 462 ADUTHURAI R.KUMAR 15.15 LEFT al ry Squatter 83 ADL- Residenti Permane 463 ADUTHURAI SELVAMANI 15.16 LEFT al nt Squatter Non-Sig 84 ADL- Residenti Permane 464 ADUTHURAI KOWSALYA.S 15.18 LEFT al nt Squatter Non-Sig 85

Highwa y Chaina ge Type of Asset No Side Use of structure Overall Impact Sl. structur e No. 465 ADL- Name of Head of Household Residenti Village name P.SIVASANKARA 15.22 LEFT al Others Non-Sig 86 ADUTHURAI N.R Tenure Squatter NARASINGAM PETTAI S. Residenti 466 NPL-1 GANGANATHAN 15.26 LEFT al Others Squatter Non-Sig

NARASINGAM PETTAI A. Residenti Tempora Significa nt 467 NPL-2 KALIYAPERUMAL 15.33 LEFT al ry Owner

NARASINGAM PETTAI Residenti Semi- Significa nt 468 NPL-4 VANASUNDARI.M 15.35 LEFT al Perm Squatter

ANGAIYARKANNI Residenti Permane 469 NPL-5 NARASINGAM PETTAI CHANDIRAHASA 15.36 LEFT Squatter Non-Sig N al nt 110 Appendix 1

NARASINGAM PETTAI CHANDRAKASAN Residenti 470 NPL-7 .SMR 15.365 LEFT al Others Squatter Non-Sig

NARASINGAM PETTAI ARUMAIDURAI.S M R Residenti Tempora 471 NPL-6 15.365 LEFT al ry Owner Non-Sig

NARASINGAM PETTAI SIVASANKARAN. Residenti Semi- Significa nt 472 NPL-8 R 15.37 LEFT al Perm Squatter

NPL- NARASINGAM PETTAI Residenti Semi- Significa nt 473 M. RENUKA 15.38 LEFT al Perm Squatter 09 NPL- NARASINGAM PETTAI Residenti Semi- Significa nt 474 KANNAPAN 15.39 LEFT al Perm Owner 12 NPL- NARASINGAM PETTAI Residenti Tempora 475 H. RAJESH 15.4 LEFT al ry Owner Non-Sig 12 NPL- NARASINGAM PETTAI Residenti Semi- Significa nt 476 R. SANTHA 15.41 LEFT al Perm Owner 13 NPL- NARASINGAM PETTAI Residenti Permane 477 SIVAJI.U 15.42 LEFT al nt Owner Non-Sig 14 NPL- NARASINGAM PETTAI GUNASEKARAN. Residenti Permane 478 G 15.43 LEFT al nt Owner Non-Sig 15 NPL- NARASINGAM PETTAI Residenti Permane 479 MUNUSAMY.K 15.44 LEFT al nt Owner Non-Sig 16 NPL- NARASINGAM PETTAI Residenti Semi- 480 KALA.M 15.45 LEFT al Perm Owner Non-Sig 17 NPL- NARASINGAM PETTAI NARAYANASAMY Residenti Permane 481 .G 15.46 LEFT al nt Owner Non-Sig 19 NPL- NARASINGAM PETTAI Residenti Semi- Significa nt 482 S. SUMATHI 15.48 LEFT al Perm Owner 21 NPL- NARASINGAM PETTAI SHANMUGASUN DHRAM Residenti Permane Significa nt 483 15.49 LEFT al nt Owner 22 Appendix 1 111

Highwa y Chaina ge Type of Asset No Side Use of structure Overall Impact Sl. structur e No. 484 NPL- Name of Head of Household Residenti Permane Significa nt Village name A.SAMBANDAMO 15.5 LEFT al nt 25 NARASINGAM PETTAI ORTHY Tenure Squatter NPL- NARASINGAM PETTAI Residenti Semi- Significa nt 485 KAMALA.K 15.51 LEFT al Perm Owner 24 NPL- NARASINGAM PETTAI Residenti Permane Significa nt 486 RAJALAKSHMI.K 15.52 LEFT al nt Owner 31 NPL- NARASINGAM PETTAI DHANALAKSHMI Residenti Semi- Significa nt 487 MURUGESAN 15.52 LEFT al Perm Owner 26 NPL- NARASINGAM PETTAI Residenti Permane 488 THILAGAVATHI.K 15.53 LEFT al nt Owner Non-Sig 27 NPL- NARASINGAM PETTAI Resi + Tempora 489 PANDIYAN.R 15.58 LEFT Com ry Owner Non-Sig 32 NPL- NARASINGAM PETTAI RAMAMIRTHAM. M Residenti Semi- 490 15.6 LEFT al Perm Owner Non-Sig 33 NPL- NARASINGAM PETTAI Residenti Permane 491 KANNIGA.M 15.62 LEFT al nt Owner Non-Sig 34 NARASINGAM PETTAI KARPAGAVALLI. RIGH Residenti Semi- 492 NPR-2 B 15.625 T al Perm Owner Non-Sig

NARASINGAM PETTAI RIGH Residenti Semi- 493 NPR-3 JENAGAM.M 15.63 T al Perm Owner Non-Sig

NARASINGAM PETTAI RIGH Residenti 494 NPR-6 ASAITHAMBI 15.63 T al Others Owner Non-Sig 112 Appendix 1

NPL- NARASINGAM PETTAI Residenti Tempora 495 THILAGAM.S 15.64 LEFT al ry Squatter Non-Sig 35 NPL- NARASINGAM PETTAI P. Commerc Tempora 496 CHANDRASEKAR 15.665 LEFT ial ry Squatter Non-Sig 36 NARASINGAM PETTAI RIGH Residenti Semi- Encroache r 497 NPR-4 LAKSHMI.M 15.705 T al Perm Non-Sig

NARASINGAM PETTAI RIGH Residenti 498 NPR-7 MURUGAN.P 15.85 T al Others Owner Non-Sig

NPL- NARASINGAM PETTAI GANGADHARAN. Residenti 499 G 15.855 LEFT al Others Squatter Non-Sig 37 NPL- NARASINGAM PETTAI Residenti 500 RAMASAMY 15.865 LEFT al Others Owner Non-Sig 38 NARASINGAM PETTAI RIGH Residenti Tempora Encroache r 501 NPR-9 K. JAYAM 16.06 T al ry Non-Sig

NPL- NARASINGAM PETTAI Residenti 502 PALANISAMY.T 16.08 LEFT al Others Owner Non-Sig 40

Highwa y Chaina ge Type of Asset No Side Use of structure Overall Impact Sl. structur e No. 503 NPL- Name of Head of Household Residenti Village name BALASUBRAMAN 16.085 LEFT al Others Tenure Non-Sig 41 NARASINGAM PETTAI IAN-B.INDIRANI Owner NPL- NARASINGAM PETTAI Resi + Permane Significa nt 504 P. RAJA 16.11 LEFT Com nt Owner 42 NPL- NARASINGAM PETTAI Residenti Permane 505 SUDHAKAR 16.145 LEFT al nt Owner Non-Sig 43 Appendix 1 113

NPL- NARASINGAM PETTAI Residenti Semi- Significa nt 506 CHINNAPONNU 16.165 LEFT al Perm Squatter 45 NPL- NARASINGAM PETTAI Residenti Semi- 507 MALAR 16.17 LEFT al Perm Squatter Non-Sig 46 NPL- NARASINGAM PETTAI Residenti Semi- 508 MUTHULAKSHMI 16.265 LEFT al Perm Owner Non-Sig 50 NPL- NARASINGAM PETTAI Residenti Semi- 509 SELVI 16.27 LEFT al Perm Squatter Non-Sig 51 NPL- NARASINGAM PETTAI Residenti Semi- 510 RENGARASU 16.3 LEFT al Perm Owner Non-Sig 53 NPL- NARASINGAM PETTAI Residenti 511 SUDHA 16.34 LEFT al Others Squatter Non-Sig 49 NPR- NARASINGAM PETTAI RIGH Resi + Semi- 512 RAJENDRAN.K 16.405 T Com Perm Owner Non-Sig 13 NPL- NARASINGAM PETTAI Residenti Semi- 513 GOWRI.B 16.405 LEFT al Perm Owner Non-Sig 56 NPL- NARASINGAM PETTAI Resi + Semi- Encroache r 514 SELVAM.T 16.41 LEFT Com Perm Non-Sig 57 NPR- NARASINGAM PETTAI RIGH Residenti Semi- Encroache r 515 ANJAMMAL 16.435 T al Perm Non-Sig 15 NPR- NARASINGAM PETTAI RIGH Residenti Semi- Encroache r 516 TAMILARASI 16.44 T al Perm Non-Sig 18 NPR- NARASINGAM PETTAI RIGH Residenti Semi- Encroache r 517 VASANTHI.S 16.44 T al Perm Non-Sig 17 NPR- NARASINGAM PETTAI RIGH Residenti Semi- 518 RAJASEKAR.R 16.46 T al Perm Owner Non-Sig 20 114 Appendix 1

NPR- NARASINGAM PETTAI RIGH Residenti Permane Significa nt 519 N.SINGARAVELU 16.47 T al nt Owner 22 NPR- NARASINGAM PETTAI RIGH Residenti 520 VADIVU 16.52 T al Others Owner Non-Sig 25 NPR- NARASINGAM PETTAI RIGH Residenti Semi- Significa nt 521 RAJARAMAN 16.55 T al Perm Squatter 26

Highwa y Chaina ge Type of Asset No Side Use of structure Overall Impact Sl. structur e Name of Head of Household No. A. JANNATH 522 NPR- RIGH Residenti Permane Village name 16.58 T al nt Non-Sig 27 NARASINGAM PETTAI Tenure Squatter NPR- NARASINGAM PETTAI RIGH Commerc Semi- 523 SIVARANJANI 16.61 T ial Perm Squatter Non-Sig 28 NPR- NARASINGAM PETTAI RIGH Commerc Tempora 524 AMMAL 16.615 T ial ry Squatter Non-Sig 29 NPR- NARASINGAM PETTAI RIGH Commerc Tempora 525 KUMAR 16.62 T ial ry Squatter Non-Sig 30 NPR- NARASINGAM PETTAI RIGH Commerc 526 BASITH AHMED 16.625 T ial Others Owner Non-Sig 31 NPR- NARASINGAM PETTAI RIGH Resi + Tempora 527 VASU 16.63 T Com ry Squatter Non-Sig 32 NPR- NARASINGAM PETTAI RIGH Residenti Permane 528 MARIYAMMAL 16.635 T al nt Squatter Non-Sig 33 NPR- NARASINGAM PETTAI RIGH Commerc Tempora 529 NAGARAJAN 16.65 T ial ry Owner Non-Sig 35 Appendix 1 115

NPR- NARASINGAM PETTAI RIGH Commerc Semi- 530 PANNER SELVAM 16.675 T ial Perm Squatter Non-Sig 36 NPR- NARASINGAM PETTAI RIGH Commerc Tempora 531 LATHA 16.68 T ial ry Squatter Non-Sig 39 NPL- NARASINGAM PETTAI Residenti Semi- 532 HARIDOSS 16.685 LEFT al Perm Owner Non-Sig 59 NPL- NARASINGAM PETTAI Resi + Semi- Significa nt 533 SUBRAMANIYAN 16.695 LEFT Com Perm Owner 60 NPL- NARASINGAM PETTAI Residenti Permane Significa nt 534 KANNAN 16.705 LEFT al nt Owner 61 NPR- NARASINGAM PETTAI RIGH Residenti Semi- Significa nt 535 GURUMOORTHY 16.71 T al Perm Owner 41 NPR- NARASINGAM PETTAI SUNBRAMANIYA RIGH Residenti 536 N 16.72 T al Others Owner Non-Sig 42 NPR- NARASINGAM PETTAI RIGH Residenti Semi- 537 SAROJA 16.735 T al Perm Owner Non-Sig 44 NPL- NARASINGAM PETTAI Commerc Permane Significa nt 538 RAMASWAMY.S 16.735 LEFT ial nt Owner 62 NPR- NARASINGAM PETTAI RIGH Commerc Semi- 539 KALIYAPERUMAL 16.74 T ial Perm Squatter Non-Sig 45 NPL- NARASINGAM PETTAI Commerc Permane 540 VINAYAGAM 16.74 LEFT ial nt Owner Non-Sig 63

Highwa y Sl. Name of Head of Chaina ge Type of No. Asset No Household Side Use of structure Overall Impact structur e 541 Village name SELVI NARASINGAM PETTAI Tenure Squatter 116 Appendix 1

NPR- RIGH Commerc Semi- 16.745 T ial Perm Non-Sig 46 NPR- NARASINGAM PETTAI RIGH Commerc Semi- 542 JAYARAMAN 16.75 T ial Perm Squatter Non-Sig 47 NPR- NARASINGAM PETTAI RIGH Commerc Permane Significa nt 543 VASANTHA 16.755 T ial nt Squatter 48 NPL- NARASINGAM PETTAI MURUGANANDH Residenti Semi- Significa nt 544 AM.P 16.755 LEFT al Perm Owner 65 NPL- NARASINGAM PETTAI MOHAMED NISHA.M Resi + Permane Significa nt 545 16.765 LEFT Com nt Owner 66 NPL- NARASINGAM PETTAI Resi + Permane Significa nt 546 ABDULHAIYUM.Y 16.77 LEFT Com nt Owner 67 NPR- NARASINGAM PETTAI RIGH Commerc Permane 547 NARAYANASAMY 16.785 T ial nt Owner Non-Sig 51 NPL- NARASINGAM PETTAI Resi + Permane Significa nt 548 RAVI.R 16.79 LEFT Com nt Owner 69 NPR- NARASINGAM PETTAI RIGH Commerc Semi- Significa nt 549 KARUNANITHI 16.79 T ial Perm Owner 52 NPR- NARASINGAM PETTAI RIGH Resi + Semi- Significa nt 550 MANIKANDAN 16.8 T Com Perm Owner 53 NPR- NARASINGAM PETTAI RIGH Residenti Semi- 551 RAVIKUMAR 16.81 T al Perm Owner Non-Sig 54 NPL- NARASINGAM PETTAI Residenti Permane Significa nt 552 GOVINDHRAJAN 16.81 LEFT al nt Owner 70 NPR- NARASINGAM PETTAI MOHAMED ANSARI RIGH Commerc Permane Significa nt 553 16.815 T ial nt Squatter 55 Appendix 1 117

NPR- NARASINGAM PETTAI RIGH Commerc Permane Significa nt 554 MANOHARAN 16.82 T ial nt Owner 56 NPL- NARASINGAM PETTAI Residenti Permane 555 KANNAN 16.82 LEFT al nt Owner Non-Sig 71 NPL- NARASINGAM PETTAI Residenti Tempora 556 KAVITHA BALU 16.83 LEFT al ry Squatter Non-Sig 72 NPL- NARASINGAM PETTAI Commerc Permane 557 BALU.P 16.835 LEFT ial nt Squatter Non-Sig 73 NPR- NARASINGAM PETTAI RIGH Residenti Permane Significa nt 558 CHITHRA 16.835 T al nt Owner 58 NPL- NARASINGAM PETTAI Commerc Permane Significa nt 559 NATARAJAN 16.837 LEFT ial nt Squatter 74

Highwa y Chaina ge Type of Asset No Side Use of structure Overall Impact Sl. structur e Name of Head of Household No. RAJAMANIKAM 560 NPR- RIGH Residenti Semi- Village name 16.84 T al Perm Non-Sig 59 NARASINGAM PETTAI Tenure Squatter NPL- NARASINGAM PETTAI C.SELVAM&S.GE ETHA Resi + Semi- Significa nt 561 16.85 LEFT Com Perm Owner 76 NPL- NARASINGAM PETTAI Residenti Permane 562 R.KOWSALYA 16.855 LEFT al nt Owner Non-Sig 77 NPL- NARASINGAM PETTAI Residenti Semi- 563 RAMAN.S 16.86 LEFT al Perm Squatter Non-Sig 78 NPL- NARASINGAM PETTAI HABEEBUNISHA. M Residenti Semi- 564 16.87 LEFT al Perm Squatter Non-Sig 80 118 Appendix 1

NPR- NARASINGAM PETTAI RIGH Residenti Permane 565 KAKSHMANAN.S 16.87 T al nt Squatter Non-Sig 61 NPR- NARASINGAM PETTAI RIGH Residenti Semi- Significa nt 566 SHANTHI.K 16.875 T al Perm Squatter 62 NPR- NARASINGAM PETTAI THIRIBURASUND RIGH Residenti Permane Significa nt 567 ARI.V 16.88 T al nt Squatter 63 NPR- NARASINGAM PETTAI RIGH Residenti Semi- 568 RAMANI.N 16.885 T al Perm Squatter Non-Sig 64 NPL- NARASINGAM PETTAI LAKSHMIKANTH AN.G Residenti Permane Significa nt 569 16.885 LEFT al nt Squatter 82 NPR- NARASINGAM PETTAI RIGH Residenti Semi- 570 RAMASWAMY.S 16.89 T al Perm Owner Non-Sig 65 NPR- NARASINGAM PETTAI RIGH Residenti Semi- 571 PADMA 16.895 T al Perm Squatter Non-Sig 66 NPL- NARASINGAM PETTAI Resi + Semi- Significa nt 572 CHITHRA.M 16.895 LEFT Com Perm Squatter 83 NPR- NARASINGAM PETTAI RIGH Residenti Semi- Significa nt 573 VIJALAKSHMI 16.94 T al Perm Squatter 67 NPR- NARASINGAM PETTAI RIGH Residenti Semi- 574 SUJARTHA 16.96 T al Perm Squatter Non-Sig 68 NPL- NARASINGAM PETTAI Residenti 575 THAMILVANI.J 16.96 LEFT al Others Squatter Non-Sig 85 NPR- NARASINGAM PETTAI RIGH Residenti Permane 576 SADHIK ALI 16.97 T al nt Squatter Non-Sig 69 NPL- NARASINGAM PETTAI SUNDARAMOOR Residenti Permane 577 THY 16.975 LEFT al nt Squatter Non-Sig 86 Appendix 1 119

NPR- NARASINGAM PETTAI RIGH Residenti Semi- 578 SAMMANTHAM 16.98 T al Perm Squatter Non-Sig 70

Highwa y Chaina ge Type of Asset No Side Use of structure Overall Impact Sl. Name of Head of structur e No. Household 579 RANI.G NPR- RIGH Residenti Semi- Village name 16.985 T al Perm Non-Sig 71 NARASINGAM PETTAI Tenure Squatter NPR- NARASINGAM PETTAI RIGH Residenti Semi- 580 SUGUMAR.R 16.995 T al Perm Squatter Non-Sig 72 NPR- NARASINGAM PETTAI RIGH Residenti 581 SAMBANDHAM.V 17.02 T al Others Squatter Non-Sig 73 NPR- NARASINGAM PETTAI PUNITHA.M, RIGH Residenti 582 MATHIVANAN.U 17.04 T al Others Owner Non-Sig 74 NPL- NARASINGAM PETTAI Residenti Permane 583 DHANDAPANI.J 17.05 LEFT al nt Squatter Non-Sig 89 NPL- NARASINGAM PETTAI Residenti Semi- 584 JAYANTHI.M 17.06 LEFT al Perm Squatter Non-Sig 90 NPL- NARASINGAM PETTAI Residenti 585 R.RAMESH 17.085 LEFT al Others Owner Non-Sig 92 NPR- NARASINGAM PETTAI RIGH Residenti Semi- Significa nt 586 RAMASWAMY.S 17.09 T al Perm Owner 65 NPR- NARASINGAM PETTAI RIGH Residenti Semi- 587 BASKARAN.R 17.12 T al Perm Owner Non-Sig 76 NPR- NARASINGAM PETTAI RIGH Commerc 588 GURUSAMY.R 17.13 T ial Others Owner Non-Sig 77 120 Appendix 1

NPR- NARASINGAM PETTAI RIGH Residenti 589 P.BABU 17.15 T al Others Owner Non-Sig 79 NPL- NARASINGAM PETTAI MOHAMED RAFEEK Residenti 590 17.23 LEFT al Others Owner Non-Sig 94 NPR- NARASINGAM PETTAI RIGH Commerc Significa nt 591 GURUSAMY.R 17.23 T ial Others Owner 80 NPR- NARASINGAM PETTAI RIGH Resi + Semi- 592 JAYACHITRA.K 17.26 T Com Perm Owner Non-Sig 82 NPR- NARASINGAM PETTAI RIGH Resi + Permane 593 MADINA BEEVI 17.27 T Com nt Owner Non-Sig 84 NPR- NARASINGAM PETTAI RIGH Commerc Semi- Significa nt 594 G. JAYARAMAN 17.28 T ial Perm Owner 85 NPL- NARASINGAM PETTAI Residenti Semi- 595 BANUMATHI 17.28 LEFT al Perm Owner Non-Sig 97 NPL- NARASINGAM PETTAI Residenti Semi- 596 CHITRA.V 17.285 LEFT al Perm Owner Non-Sig 98 NPL- NARASINGAM PETTAI Commerc Permane Significa nt 597 DHANAPAL.G.S 17.29 LEFT ial nt Owner 99

Highwa y Chaina ge Type of Asset No Side Use of structure Overall Impact Sl. structur e Name of Head of Household No. SIVAKUMAR 598 NPL- Commerc Semi- Village name 17.325 LEFT ial Perm Tenure Non-Sig 103 NARASINGAM PETTAI Owner NPR- NARASINGAM PETTAI MURUGADASS.G RIGH Residenti Permane 599 S 17.36 T al nt Owner Non-Sig 90 Appendix 1 121

NPR- NARASINGAM PETTAI MURUGADASS.G RIGH Residenti Semi- 600 S 17.37 T al Perm Owner Non-Sig 91 NPL- NARASINGAM PETTAI Residenti 601 JEEVA.A 17.48 LEFT al Others Owner Non-Sig 104 NPR- NARASINGAM PETTAI RIGH Residenti 602 MAHALINGAM.K 17.48 T al Others Owner Non-Sig 93 NPR- NARASINGAM PETTAI RIGH Residenti Tempora 603 MOHANAMBAL.K 17.52 T al ry Squatter Non-Sig 95 NPL- NARASINGAM PETTAI Commerc Permane Significa nt 604 SELVI.S 17.72 LEFT ial nt Owner 96 TDR- THIRUVAVADU THURAI RIGH Residenti Permane 605 GURUMOORTHY 17.87 T al nt Squatter Non-Sig 03 TDR- THIRUVAVADU THURAI RIGH Residenti 606 PRABAKARAN.P 18.015 T al Others Squatter Non-Sig 07 TDR- THIRUVAVADU THURAI SENTHAMIL SELVI RIGH Residenti Encroache r 607 18.05 T al Others Non-Sig 08 TDR- THIRUVAVADU THURAI Commerc Encroache r 608 PUNITHA 18.06 LEFT ial Others Non-Sig 01 TDR- THIRUVAVADU THURAI RIGH Resi + Permane Significa nt 609 RAMESH 18.18 T Com nt Squatter 09 TDR- THIRUVAVADU THURAI RIGH Residenti Semi- 610 SELVI 18.2 T al Perm Squatter Non-Sig 10 TDR- THIRUVAVADU THURAI RIGH Residenti Semi- 611 SELVI 18.205 T al Perm Squatter Non-Sig 11 TDR- THIRUVAVADU THURAI RIGH Residenti Tempora 612 REVATHI.S 18.235 T al ry Squatter Non-Sig 13 122 Appendix 1

TDR- THIRUVAVADU THURAI RIGH Commerc Semi- 613 RAMESH.R 18.25 T ial Perm Squatter Non-Sig 14 TDR- THIRUVAVADU THURAI RIGH Residenti Semi- 614 MARIMUTHU 18.28 T al Perm Squatter Non-Sig 15 TDR- THIRUVAVADU THURAI RIGH Commerc Semi- 615 MARIMUTHU 18.285 T ial Perm Squatter Non-Sig 16 TDR- THIRUVAVADU THURAI RIGH Commerc Semi- 616 MURUGAN 18.29 T ial Perm Squatter Non-Sig 17

Highwa y Chaina ge Type of Asset No Side Use of structure Overall Impact Sl. structur e No. 617 TDR- Name of Head of Household RIGH Residenti Village name JUNITHA 18.66 T al Others Tenure Non-Sig 19 THIRUVAVADU THURAI BEGUM.A Owner TDR- THIRUVAVADU THURAI RIGH Residenti 618 C. POONGOTHAI 18.7 T al Others Owner Non-Sig 20 TDR- THIRUVAVADU THURAI RIGH Residenti Semi- 619 PERIYASAMY 18.78 T al Perm Squatter Non-Sig 22 TDR- THIRUVAVADU THURAI RIGH Residenti Tempora 620 DHANALAKSHMI 18.965 T al ry Squatter Non-Sig 27 TDR- THIRUVAVADU THURAI P.RAMAMOORTH RIGH Residenti 621 Y 19 T al Others Squatter Non-Sig 31 TDR- THIRUVAVADU THURAI RIGH Residenti 622 JESIMA.R 19.13 T al Others Owner Non-Sig 38 TDR- THIRUVAVADU THURAI RIGH Resi + Permane 623 BARAKATH HAQ 19.18 T Com nt Squatter Non-Sig 41 Appendix 1 123

THIRUVAVADU THURAI Residenti Semi- 624 TDL-5 MUNUSAMY 19.28 LEFT al Perm Squatter Non-Sig

THIRUVAVADU THURAI Residenti Permane 625 TDL-6 P.JOTHI 19.29 LEFT al nt Squatter Non-Sig

THIRUVALAN GADU RIGH Commerc Semi- 626 TGR-2 ASRAF ALI 19.335 T ial Perm Owner Non-Sig

THIRUVALAN GADU RIGH Commerc Permane Significa nt 627 TGR-7 SAMBANTHAM.S 19.43 T ial nt Owner

THIRUVALAN GADU Commerc Semi- 628 TGL-7 NAGALINGAM.S 19.435 LEFT ial Perm Squatter Non-Sig

THIRUVALAN GADU SENTHILKUMAR. RIGH Residenti Semi- 629 TGR-3 S 19.44 T al Perm Owner Non-Sig

THIRUVALAN GADU Commerc Semi- Significa nt 630 TGL-9 BALU.M 19.45 LEFT ial Perm Owner

TGL- THIRUVALAN GADU Commerc Semi- Significa nt 631 M.MAHESWARI 19.475 LEFT ial Perm Owner 15 TGL- THIRUVALAN GADU MOHAMED NASAR.R Commerc Permane Significa nt 632 19.485 LEFT ial nt Squatter 17 TGR- THIRUVALAN GADU RIGH Residenti Semi- Significa nt 633 S.NATARAJAN 19.495 T al Perm Owner 17 TGR- THIRUVALAN GADU RIGH Resi + Tempora Significa nt 634 S.AMMANI 19.5 T Com ry Owner 19 TGR- THIRUVALAN GADU S.DHAVASIAMMA RIGH Residenti Semi- 635 L 19.505 T al Perm Owner Non-Sig 20

124 Appendix 1

Highwa y Chaina ge Type of Asset No Side Use of structure Overall Impact Sl. Name of Head of structur e No. Household 636 PADMA.N TGL- Commerc Semi- Significa nt Village name 19.51 LEFT ial Perm Tenure 22 THIRUVALAN GADU Owner TGL- THIRUVALAN GADU Commerc Permane Significa nt 637 BAJIRIYAKANI 19.515 LEFT ial nt Owner 24 TGL- THIRUVALAN GADU Commerc Permane Significa nt 638 DESIKAN.K 19.532 LEFT ial nt Owner 27 TGR- THIRUVALAN GADU MARGIKABANU.A RIGH Resi + Permane Significa nt 639 J 19.535 T Com nt Owner 25 TGR- THIRUVALAN GADU SARANAGAPANI. RIGH Residenti Semi- Significa nt 640 R 19.537 T al Perm Owner 24 TGL- THIRUVALAN GADU BAJAR RAHUMAN.J Commerc Permane Encroache r 641 19.537 LEFT ial nt Non-Sig 28 TGL- THIRUVALAN GADU BAJAR RAHUMAN.J Residenti Permane Encroache r 642 19.537 LEFT al nt Non-Sig 29 THIRUVALAN GADU RIGH Commerc Permane 643 TGR-6 SHANTHI.P 19.538 T ial nt Owner Non-Sig

TGL- THIRUVALAN GADU Commerc Permane 644 RAMANATHAN.V 19.538 LEFT ial nt Owner Non-Sig 30 TGR- THIRUVALAN GADU RIGH Residenti Semi- 645 RAJATHI.T 19.538 T al Perm Owner Non-Sig 26 TGR- THIRUVALAN GADU RIGH Commerc Permane 646 SUMATHI.E 19.54 T ial nt Owner Non-Sig 27 TGL- THIRUVALAN GADU Commerc Permane 647 RAJAPPAN.T 19.54 LEFT ial nt Owner Non-Sig 30.1 Appendix 1 125

TGL- THIRUVALAN GADU MOHAMED JUBAIRUDEN Commerc Permane 648 19.54 LEFT ial nt Owner Non-Sig 31 TGR- THIRUVALAN GADU RIGH Resi + Tempora 649 R.SUGANYA 19.595 T Com ry Owner Non-Sig 32 TGR- THIRUVALAN GADU RIGH Residenti Semi- 650 S.VAIRAVAN 19.597 T al Perm Owner Non-Sig 33 TGL- THIRUVALAN GADU Residenti Permane 651 P.VENKATESAN 19.65 LEFT al nt Owner Non-Sig 40 TGR- THIRUVALAN GADU RIGH Residenti Tempora 652 RAJA.M 19.67 T al ry Owner Non-Sig 40 TGR- THIRUVALAN GADU RIGH Residenti Permane Significa nt 653 DURAI 19.7 T al nt Owner 43 TGL- THIRUVALAN GADU Commerc Semi- 654 MEHANATHAN.P 19.7 LEFT ial Perm Owner Non-Sig 46

Highwa y Chaina ge Type of Asset No Side Use of structure Overall Impact Sl. Name of Head of structur e No. Household 655 TGR- PANDIAN.S RIGH Residenti Semi- Village name 19.705 T al Perm Tenure Non-Sig 44 THIRUVALAN GADU Owner TGL- THIRUVALAN GADU Commerc Permane Significa nt 656 PANDIAN.S 19.71 LEFT ial nt Owner 47 TGL- THIRUVALAN GADU KALIYAPERUMAL Residenti Semi- 657 .N 19.715 LEFT al Perm Owner Non-Sig 48 TGL- THIRUVALAN GADU Commerc Semi- Significa nt 658 THANGARASU.P 19.725 LEFT ial Perm Owner 50 126 Appendix 1

TGL- THIRUVALAN GADU Residenti Tempora 659 KAROLIN.S 19.78 LEFT al ry Owner Non-Sig 52 TGL- THIRUVALAN GADU Commerc Tempora 660 IRUDHAYARAJ.C 19.8 LEFT ial ry Owner Non-Sig 53 TGR- THIRUVALAN GADU RIGH Residenti Permane 661 SAHAYARAJ.A 19.81 T al nt Owner Non-Sig 45 TGL- THIRUVALAN GADU Residenti Semi- 662 SELVAM.G 19.86 LEFT al Perm Squatter Non-Sig 54 TGL- THIRUVALAN GADU Residenti Permane Significa nt 663 SELVAMANI.T 19.88 LEFT al nt Owner 56 TGR- THIRUVALAN GADU RIGH Residenti Permane 664 V.KANNAN 19.88 T al nt Squatter Non-Sig 47 TGR- THIRUVALAN GADU RIGH Commerc Semi- 665 T.VENUGOPAL 20 T ial Perm Squatter Non-Sig 49 TGR- THIRUVALAN GADU RIGH Residenti 666 M.MURUGAN 20.01 T al Others Squatter Non-Sig 50 TGR- THIRUVALAN GADU C.VEDHANAYAG AM RIGH Residenti 667 20.02 T al Others Squatter Non-Sig 51 TGL- THIRUVALAN GADU Residenti Semi- Encroache r 668 AMUTHA.Y 20.32 LEFT al Perm Non-Sig 61 TGL- THIRUVALAN GADU Residenti Semi- Encroache r 669 ANTHONIDEVID.I 20.325 LEFT al Perm Non-Sig 62 TGL- THIRUVALAN GADU Residenti Semi- Encroache r 670 VINOLINMARI 20.33 LEFT al Perm Non-Sig 63 TGL- THIRUVALAN GADU Residenti Tempora 671 SELVI.S 20.33 LEFT al ry Squatter Non-Sig 64 Appendix 1 127

TGR- THIRUVALAN GADU RIGH Residenti Encroache r 672 ADAIKALAMARY 20.405 T al Others Non-Sig 53 TGR- THIRUVALAN GADU RIGH Residenti Encroache r 673 ALBONSA 20.42 T al Others Non-Sig 54

Highwa y Chaina ge Type of Asset No Side Use of structure Overall Impact Sl. structur e Name of Head of Household No. JULICHRISTY.A 674 TGL- Residenti Semi- Tenure Village name 20.43 LEFT al Perm Encroache Non-Sig 66 THIRUVALAN GADU r TGL- THIRUVALAN GADU Residenti Encroache r 675 ROSARAYO.S 20.45 LEFT al Others Non-Sig 67 TGL- THIRUVALAN GADU MURUGANANDA Residenti Tempora Encroache r 676 M.V 20.46 LEFT al ry Non-Sig 68 TGL- THIRUVALAN GADU Residenti Permane Encroache r 677 ANANTHI.P 20.48 LEFT al nt Non-Sig 69 TGL- THIRUVALAN GADU SANTHANASAMY Residenti Tempora Encroache r 678 .D 20.49 LEFT al ry Non-Sig 70 TGL- THIRUVALAN GADU Commerc Semi- Encroache r 679 DELPHY.D 20.5 LEFT ial Perm Non-Sig 71 TGL- THIRUVALAN GADU Residenti Semi- Encroache r 680 DURAISAMY 20.51 LEFT al Perm Non-Sig 72 TGL- THIRUVALAN GADU Residenti 681 G.RAJESH 20.52 LEFT al Others Squatter Non-Sig 73 TGL- THIRUVALAN GADU ACHIKANNU SAMINATHAN Residenti Permane 682 20.81 LEFT al nt Owner Non-Sig 74 128 Appendix 1

TGL- THIRUVALAN GADU Residenti Permane 683 RAMU.S 20.825 LEFT al nt Owner Non-Sig 75 TGL- THIRUVALAN GADU THIRUPURASUN Residenti Encroache r 684 DARI.S 20.85 LEFT al Others Non-Sig 76 MML- MATHIRI Residenti Tempora Encroache r 685 MANGALAM S. VEERAMANI 20.85 LEFT al ry Non-Sig 01 MML- MATHIRI Residenti Permane 686 MANGALAM M. MALLIGA 20.92 LEFT al nt Owner Non-Sig 02 MML- MATHIRI Residenti Semi- Significa nt 687 MANGALAM THIYAKARAJAN 21.22 LEFT al Perm Owner 04 MMR- MATHIRI RIGH Residenti Semi- 688 MANGALAM SARAVANAN 21.38 T al Perm Owner Non-Sig 01 MMR- MATHIRI RIGH Residenti Permane 689 MANGALAM DELVI 21.385 T al nt Owner Non-Sig 02 MMR- MATHIRI RIGH Residenti Encroache r 690 MANGALAM S. SABITHA 21.56 T al Others Non-Sig 05 MMR- MATHIRI RIGH Commerc 691 MANGALAM T. SEKAR 21.88 T ial Others Owner Non-Sig 06 MMR- MATHIRI RIGH Residenti Permane 692 MANGALAM NATARAJAN 21.96 T al nt Owner Non-Sig 08

Highwa y Chaina ge Type of Asset No Side Use of structure Overall Impact Sl. structur e Name of Head of Household No. R. DHANAPAL 693 MMR- Village name RIGH Residenti MATHIRI 21.98 T al Others Tenure Non-Sig 09 MANGALAM Owner Appendix 1 129

MMR- MATHIRI RIGH Residenti Tempora Encroache r 694 MANGALAM PAKKIRIAMY 22.27 T al ry Non-Sig 13 MMR- MATHIRI RIGH Commerc Semi- Encroache r 695 MANGALAM MAHENDRAN 22.285 T ial Perm Non-Sig 14 MMR- MATHIRI RIGH Residenti Tempora Encroache r 696 MANGALAM M. ANNADURAI 22.3 T al ry Non-Sig 15 MMR- MATHIRI RIGH Residenti Tempora Encroache r 697 MANGALAM M. RAMASAMY 22.305 T al ry Non-Sig 16 MMR- MATHIRI RIGH Residenti Permane 698 MANGALAM MANOKARAN 22.38 T al nt Owner Non-Sig 20 MMR- MATHIRI RIGH Commerc Permane 699 MANGALAM DURAIRAJAN 22.405 T ial nt Owner Non-Sig 21 MMR- MATHIRI RIGH Commerc 700 MANGALAM DURAI 22.42 T ial Others Owner Non-Sig 22 MMR- MATHIRI RIGH Commerc Semi- 701 MANGALAM A. SELVAM 22.44 T ial Perm Owner Non-Sig 23 MMR- MATHIRI RIGH Residenti Semi- 702 MANGALAM PANGARU 22.45 T al Perm Owner Non-Sig 24 MML- MATHIRI SUNDHARAMOO RTHY Resi + Semi- Encroache r 703 MANGALAM 22.47 LEFT Com Perm Non-Sig 22 MML- MATHIRI Residenti Semi- 704 MANGALAM RAJENDRAN 22.475 LEFT al Perm Owner Non-Sig 23 MML- MATHIRI Residenti Semi- 705 MANGALAM LAKSHMI 22.475 LEFT al Perm Owner Non-Sig 23A MML- MATHIRI Residenti Semi- 706 MANGALAM KAMALA 22.48 LEFT al Perm Owner Non-Sig 24 130 Appendix 1

MMR- MATHIRI RIGH Residenti Tempora 707 MANGALAM BASKER 22.48 T al ry Owner Non-Sig 25 MMR- MATHIRI RIGH Residenti Tempora 708 MANGALAM CHITRA 22.495 T al ry Owner Non-Sig 26 MMR- MATHIRI RIGH Residenti Permane 709 MANGALAM SELVAMANI 22.52 T al nt Owner Non-Sig 27 MMR- MATHIRI RIGH Residenti 710 MANGALAM PUGAZHENTHI 22.57 T al Others Owner Non-Sig 31 MMR- MATHIRI RIGH Residenti 711 MANGALAM K. KARUNANITHI 22.605 T al Others Owner Non-Sig 32

Highwa y Chaina ge Type of Asset No Side Use of structure Overall Impact Sl. structur e Name of Head of Household No. JAGADEESAN 712 MMR- Village name RIGH Residenti Semi- MATHIRI 22.62 T al Perm Tenure Non-Sig 33 MANGALAM Owner MMR- MATHIRI RIGH Residenti 713 MANGALAM PAKIRISAMY 22.655 T al Others Owner Non-Sig 34 MMR- MATHIRI RIGH Resi + Permane 714 MANGALAM KARTHIK 22.675 T Com nt Owner Non-Sig 36 MMR- MATHIRI RIGH Residenti 715 MANGALAM JAYALAKSHMI 22.7 T al Others Owner Non-Sig 38 MMR- MATHIRI GOVINDHARAJA RIGH Residenti 716 MANGALAM N 22.72 T al Others Owner Non-Sig 39 MMR- MATHIRI RIGH Residenti 717 MANGALAM NAGARAJAN 22.73 T al Others Owner Non-Sig 40 Appendix 1 131

MMR- MATHIRI RIGH Residenti 718 MANGALAM RAJANGAM 22.77 T al Others Owner Non-Sig 42 MMR- MATHIRI RIGH Residenti 719 MANGALAM BOOVIZHI 22.78 T al Others Owner Non-Sig 43 KTL- Commerc Tempora 720 KUTHALAM VARADHARAJAN 22.905 LEFT ial ry Owner Non-Sig 01 KTR- RIGH Residenti Permane Significa nt 721 KUTHALAM MALLIKA 23.18 T al nt Owner 05 KTR- MATHIYALAGAN. RIGH Resi + Permane Significa nt 722 KUTHALAM P 23.3 T Com nt Owner 10 KTR- GUNASEKARAN. RIGH Resi + Permane Encroache r 723 KUTHALAM P 23.315 T Com nt Non-Sig 13 KTR- RIGH Commerc Semi- 724 KUTHALAM VIJAYENDRAN 23.32 T ial Perm Squatter Non-Sig 14 KTR- BALA SUBRAMANIYAN RIGH Commerc Semi- Encroache r 725 KUTHALAM 23.325 T ial Perm Non-Sig 15 KTR- RIGH Residenti Permane 726 KUTHALAM MALLIKA.G 23.33 T al nt Squatter Non-Sig 16 KTR- RIGH Residenti 727 KUTHALAM RAJASEKAR 23.46 T al Others Owner Non-Sig 26 KTR- RIGH Residenti Semi- Significa nt 728 KUTHALAM POONGUZHALI 23.5 T al Perm Owner 28 KTR- KALIYAPERUMAL RIGH Resi + 729 KUTHALAM .G 23.585 T Com Others Owner Non-Sig 29 KTR- GOPALAKRISHN AN RIGH Commerc Permane Significa nt 730 KUTHALAM 23.6 T ial nt Owner 30

132 Appendix 1

Highwa y Chaina ge Type of Asset No Side Use of structure Overall Impact Sl. structur e Name of Head of Household No. ELANGOVAN 731 KTR- RIGH Commerc Permane Village name 24.02 T ial nt Non-Sig 37 KUTHALAM Tenure Squatter KTR- RIGH Residenti 732 KUTHALAM ANANDAVALLI 24.035 T al Others Squatter Non-Sig 38 KTL- Residenti Tempora Significa nt 733 KUTHALAM MARIYAMMAL 24.045 LEFT al ry Squatter 04 KTL- Residenti Tempora Significa nt 734 KUTHALAM ALLYAMMAL 24.05 LEFT al ry Squatter 05 KTR- RIGH Commerc Permane Significa nt 735 KUTHALAM REVATHI 24.055 T ial nt Squatter 41 KTL- Commerc Tempora Significa nt 736 KUTHALAM MURUGAN 24.07 LEFT ial ry Squatter 08 KTR- N.ABDUL KABEER RIGH Commerc Permane 737 KUTHALAM 24.09 T ial nt Squatter Non-Sig 46 KTL- Commerc Permane 738 KUTHALAM JAYALAKSHMI 24.1 LEFT ial nt Squatter Non-Sig 12 KTR- RIGH Commerc 739 KUTHALAM MATHIVANAN 24.165 T ial Others Squatter Non-Sig 53 KTL- Residenti 740 KUTHALAM SAVITHRI 24.675 LEFT al Others Owner Non-Sig 65 TPL- THEPPERUMANA LLUR MOHAMAD SADIQ Commerc Semi- 1 35.1 3.99 LEFT ial Perm Tenant Non-Sig

TPL- THEPPERUMANA LLUR SAMEENA PARVEEN Commerc Semi- 2 47.1 4.79 LEFT ial Perm Tenant Non-Sig Appendix 1 133

TVL- THIRUPPU VANAM Commerc Semi- 3 10.1 AYYAPPAN.J 6.815 LEFT ial Perm Tenant Non-Sig

THIRUPPU Commerc Semi- 4 TVL-12 VASUDEVAN 6.84 LEFT ial Perm Tenant Non-Sig VANAM THIRUPPU Commerc Tempora 5 TVL-29 R.MURUGAN 7.1 LEFT ial ry Tenant Non-Sig VANAM THIRUPPU Commerc Tempora 6 TVL-30 KOKILA R 7.195 LEFT ial ry Tenant Non-Sig VANAM TVR- THIRUPPU VANAM RIGH Commerc Permane 7 18.1 GANESAN 7.64 T ial nt Tenant Non-Sig

TVL- THIRUPPU VANAM Commerc Tempora 8 40.1 RAJENDRAN 7.64 LEFT ial ry Tenant Non-Sig

TVR- THIRUPPU VANAM RIGH Commerc Permane 9 22.1 KARUNAKARAN 7.67 T ial nt Tenant Non-Sig

TVR- THIRUPPU VANAM BHARATHI MOHAN.K RIGH Commerc Permane 10 23.1 7.675 T ial nt Tenant Non-Sig

TVL- THIRUPPU VANAM SENGAMMALAM. Commerc Semi- 11 45.1 V 7.675 LEFT ial Perm Tenant Non-Sig

TVL- THIRUPPU VANAM S.PAKKIRI Commerc Permane 12 46.1 MOHAMED 7.675 LEFT ial nt Tenant Non-Sig

TVL- THIRUPPUVANA M R.VENKATESHKU MAAR Commerc Permane 13 48.1 7.68 LEFT ial nt Tenant Non-Sig

TVL- THIRUPPUVANA M Commerc Permane 14 48.2 M.SALAVUDEEN 7.68 LEFT ial nt Tenant Non-Sig

TVL- THIRUPPU VANAM Commerc Permane 15 49.1 ABDUL HATHI.P 7.685 LEFT ial nt Tenant Non-Sig 134 Appendix 1

TVL- THIRUPPU VANAM Commerc Permane 16 49.3 KARUNAKARAN 7.685 LEFT ial nt Tenant Non-Sig

TVL- THIRUPPU VANAM K.SENTHILKUMA Commerc Permane 17 49.4 R 7.685 LEFT ial nt Tenant Non-Sig

TVR- THIRUPPU VANAM RIGH Commerc Permane 18 26.1 U.SEKARAN 7.695 T ial nt Tenant Non-Sig

TVR- THIRUPPU VANAM RIGH Commerc Permane 19 28.1 SHANMUGAM.P 7.704 T ial nt Tenant Non-Sig

TVL- THIRUPPU VANAM Resi + Permane 20 50.1 KARUNAKARAN 7.705 LEFT Com nt Tenant Non-Sig

TVR- THIRUPPU VANAM RIGH Commerc Semi- 21 30.1 HAHUL HAMEED 7.722 T ial Perm Tenant Non-Sig

TML- THIRUVIDAI MARUTHUR Commerc Permane 22 18.1 SANGEETHA.N 8.835 LEFT ial nt Tenant Non-Sig

TML- THIRUVIDAI MARUTHUR Commerc Semi- 23 31.1 SINTHUVIDYA.S 9.01 LEFT ial Perm Tenant Non-Sig

TMR- THIRUVIDAI MARUTHUR RIGH Commerc Permane 24 40.1 THIYAGARAJAN 9.5 T ial nt Tenant Non-Sig

TMR- THIRUVIDAI MARUTHUR RIGH Commerc Semi- 25 36.1 P.PITCHAI MANI 9.51 T ial Perm Tenant Non-Sig

TMR- THIRUVIDAI MARUTHUR SABARINATHAN. RIGH Commerc Semi- 26 41.1 S 9.51 T ial Perm Tenant Non-Sig

TMR- THIRUVIDAI MARUTHUR RIGH Commerc Permane 27 42.1 R.RAJENDRAN 9.52 T ial nt Tenant Non-Sig

TMR- THIRUVIDAI MARUTHUR RIGH Commerc Permane 28 44.1 D.GANESH 9.52 T ial nt Tenant Non-Sig Appendix 1 135

TMR- THIRUVIDAI MARUTHUR RIGH Commerc Permane 29 44.2 DHANALAKSHMI 9.52 T ial nt Tenant Non-Sig

TMR- THIRUVIDAI MARUTHUR RIGH Commerc Permane 30 46.1 NIYAZ AHAMED 9.53 T ial nt Tenant Non-Sig

TML- THIRUVIDAI MARUTHUR Commerc Permane 31 46.1 T.SELVAM 9.54 LEFT ial nt Tenant Non-Sig

TMR- THIRUVIDAI MARUTHUR RIGH Commerc Semi- 32 52.1 VIJAYARAMAN.R 9.585 T ial Perm Tenant Non-Sig

TMR- THIRUVIDAI MARUTHUR RIGH Commerc Semi- 33 52.2 M.MOORTHY 9.585 T ial Perm Tenant Non-Sig

TML- THIRUVIDAI MARUTHUR Commerc Semi- 34 64 THIRUMALAI.D 9.73 LEFT ial Perm Tenant Non-Sig

TML- THIRUVIDAI MARUTHUR Commerc Semi- 35 65 MANI KANDAN.R 9.735 LEFT ial Perm Tenant Non-Sig

TMR- THIRUVIDAI MARUTHUR RIGH Commerc Permane 36 59.1 SADHIKALI.M 9.83 T ial nt Tenant Non-Sig

TML- THIRUVIDAI MARUTHUR Residenti Semi- 37 69.1 S.SELVI 9.925 LEFT al Perm Tenant Non-Sig

TML- THIRUVIDAI MARUTHUR Residenti Semi- 38 69.2 S.SHANMUGAM 9.925 LEFT al Perm Tenant Non-Sig

TMR- THIRUVIDAI MARUTHUR RIGH Commerc Permane 39 72.1 VIMALRAJ 9.96 T ial nt Tenant Non-Sig

TMR- THIRUVIDAI MARUTHUR RIGH Residenti Semi- 40 73.1 VALLI 9.965 T al Perm Tenant Non-Sig

TMR- THIRUVIDAI MARUTHUR RIGH Commerc Semi- 41 74.1 RANI.R 9.97 T ial Perm Tenant Non-Sig 136 Appendix 1

TMR- THIRUVIDAI MARUTHUR RIGH Commerc Semi- 42 74.2 M.SIVAKUMAR 9.97 T ial Perm Tenant Non-Sig

TML- THIRUVIDAI MARUTHUR N.SENTHILKUMA Resi + Permane 43 97.1 R 11.1 LEFT Com nt Tenant Non-Sig

TML- THIRUVIDAI MARUTHUR KALIYAPERUMAL Commerc Permane 44 98.1 .R 11.15 LEFT ial nt Tenant Non-Sig

ADR- RIGH Commerc Permane 45 19.1 ADUTHURAI KESAVAN.S 13.225 T ial nt Tenant Non-Sig

Highwa y Sl. Chaina ge Use of Type of Overall Asset No Village name Name of Head of Household Side Tenure No. structure structur e Impact

ADL- PRABAVATHI Commerc Permane 46 21.1 ADUTHURAI THANGARASU 13.255 LEFT ial nt Tenant Non-Sig

ADR- BALAJI SELVARAJ RIGH Commerc Permane 47 34.1 ADUTHURAI 13.285 T ial nt Tenant Non-Sig

ADR- RIGH Commerc Permane 48 40.1 ADUTHURAI ARUNKUMAR.A 13.315 T ial nt Tenant Non-Sig

ADR- RIGH Commerc Tempora 49 45 ADUTHURAI V.MURALI 13.348 T ial ry Tenant Non-Sig

ADL- RAJENDRAN &R.SUNDARI Commerc Tempora 50 39.1 ADUTHURAI 13.36 LEFT ial ry Tenant Non-Sig

ADL- Commerc Permane 51 49 ADUTHURAI DHANABALAN.R 13.395 LEFT ial nt Tenant Non-Sig

ADL- RATHA KRISHNAN.S Commerc Tempora 52 49.1 ADUTHURAI 13.395 LEFT ial ry Tenant Non-Sig

NPL- NARASINGAM PETTAI RANJITHKUMAR. Resi + Semi- 53 60.1 N 16.695 LEFT Com Perm Tenant Non-Sig Appendix 1 137

NPL- NARASINGAM PETTAI Resi + Permane 54 66.1 ANANDARAJ 16.765 LEFT Com nt Tenant Non-Sig

NPR- NARASINGAM PETTAI CHANDRA SEKARAN RIGH Commerc Semi- 55 52.1 16.79 T ial Perm Tenant Non-Sig

NPR- NARASINGAM PETTAI RIGH Commerc Semi- 56 52.2 V. KANNAN 16.79 T ial Perm Tenant Non-Sig

NPR- NARASINGAM PETTAI RIGH Commerc Permane 57 55.1 SASIKALA 16.815 T ial nt Tenant Non-Sig

TGR- THIRUVALANGAD HABIBULLAH KHAN.M RIGH Commerc Tempora 58 22 U 19.52 T ial ry Tenant Non-Sig

TGL- THIRUVALANGAD VIJAYALAKSHMI. Commerc Permane 59 28.1 U S 19.537 LEFT ial nt Tenant Non-Sig

TGL- THIRUVALANGAD Resi + Permane 60 30.2 U K.M.MURUGAN 19.54 LEFT Com nt Tenant Non-Sig

138 Appendix 2

APPENDIX 2: SUMMARY OF COMMON PROPERTY RESOURCES IN SH 64 SL.N o Asset number R or L Highway Name of the village / Settlement District name Aaffected Portion (Increasing chainage chainage) 1 ADR-CPR-9 R 14.74 Aduthurai Thanjavur School compound

2 MMR-CPR-1 R 20.98 Matherimangalam Nagapattinam Anajaneyar kovil

Angala parameshwari aalayam 3 NPL-CPR-3 L 17.02 Narasingampettai Thanjavur 4 TDR-CPR-1 R 18.76 Thiruvavaduthurai Nagapattinam Arch

Arulmigu kattu ayyanar tharmasatha 5 KTR-CPR-3 R 23.78 Kuthalam Nagapattinam aalayam 6 TGR-CPR-1 R 19.76 Thiruvalangadu Nagapattinam Easanya vinayakar kovil

ADR-CPR- 7 10 R 14.76 Aduthurai Thanjavur JAI ANJANEYAR KOVIL 8 KTR-CPR-8 R 24.52 Kuthalam Nagapattinam Jamaiapallivasal

9 NPL-CPR-5 L 17.55 Narasingampettai Thanjavur Jayavera anjaneyar swamy

10 NPR-CPR-8 R 17.53 Narasingampettai Thanjavur Kasthuri amman alayam

11 NPL-CPR-2 L 16.6 Narasingampettai Thanjavur Maha mariyamman kovil

Mubarak Mosque fazlurahman 12 ADL-CPR-3 L 12.7 Aduthurai Thanjavur 13 NPR-CPR-6 R 16.78 Narasingampettai Thanjavur Palani aandavar kovil

14 TDR-CPR-2 R 19 Thiruvavaduthurai Nagapattinam Pallivasal arch

PARVATHI AMMAN PATHRAKALI 15 ADR-CPR-7 R 13.433 Aduthurai Thanjavur AALAYAM 16 TGL-CPR-7 R 20.37 Thiruvalangadu Nagapattinam Pillaiyar kovil

17 TPR-CPR-1 R 3.38 Thepperumanallur Thanjavur Pillayar Temple

18 GPR-CPR-2 R 11.65 Govindhapuram Thanjavur Pillayar Temple

Rajakampira vinayagar kovil 19 KTR-CPR-7 R 24.415 Kuthalam Nagapattinam 20 NPR-CPR-3 R 15.58 Narasingampettai Thanjavur Sri mahakaliyamman kovil Appendix 2 139

SL.N o Asset number R or L Highway Name of the village / Settlement District name Aaffected Portion (Increasing chainage chainage) 21 KTL-CPR-6 L 24.89 Kuthalam Nagapattinam Sri manmatheeswarar

Sri Marutha sundaa Moorthy Vinayagar 22 ACL-CPR-1 R 5.7 Ammachatttiram Thanjavur temple Sri muthumari amman temple 23 TPL-CPR-1 L 5.1 Thepperumanallur Thanjavur Sri panchatsara ganapathi aalayam 24 TGL-CPR-6 L 19.82 Thiruvalangadu Nagapattinam Sri prasanna maha ganapathi 25 MMR-CPR-2 R 22.02 Matherimangalam Nagapattinam 26 ADL-CPR-4 L 13 Aduthurai Thanjavur Sri Salai pillaiyar temple

27 NPR-CPR-5 R 16.34 Narasingampettai Thanjavur Sri vinayakar kovil

St Antony church compound wall 28 ADL-CPR-1 L 12.67 Aduthurai Thanjavur 29 TMR-CPR-2 R 8.92 Thiruvidaimaruthur Thanjavur Temple

30 TML-CPR-3 L 8.58 Thiruvidaimaruthur Thanjavur Vinayagar Temple

31 ADR-CPR-4 R 13.343 Aduthurai Thanjavur ANNA SILAI

32 MML-CPR-2 L 22.38 Matherimangalam Nagapattinam Anna silai

KTR-CPR- 33 10 R 24.62 Kuthalam Nagapattinam Bsnl office 34 TGL-CPR-2 L 19.38 Thiruvalangadu Nagapattinam Bsnl telephone office

35 ADR-CPR-3 R 13.33 Aduthurai Thanjavur Arch 2

36 ADR-CPR-2 R 13.17 Aduthurai Thanjavur Car Stand

37 TGL-CPR-9 L 20.58 Thiruvalangadu Nagapattinam Cemetry

38 TML-CPR-5 L 8.67 Thiruvidaimaruthur Thanjavur Co- Operative Socity

39 TVL-CPR-1 L 6.32 Tiruppuvanam Thanjavur CW

40 TML-CPR-1 L 8.49 Thiruvidaimaruthur Thanjavur CW 140 Appendix 2

SL.N o Asset number R or L Highway Name of the village / Settlement District name Aaffected Portion (Increasing chainage chainage) 41 TML-CPR-7 L 9.98 Thiruvidaimaruthur Thanjavur CW

42 TML-CPR-4 L 8.6 Thiruvidaimaruthur Thanjavur Dsp of Cw

43 MMR-CPR-3 R 22.36 Matherimangalam Nagapattinam Kannayan silai

KTR-CPR- 44 11 R 24.675 Kuthalam Nagapattinam Mla office compound 45 TGL-CPR-3 L 19.39 Thiruvalangadu Nagapattinam Motor room

46 TGL-CPR-5 L 19.4 Thiruvalangadu Nagapattinam Panchayat library

47 TGL-CPR-1 L 19.37 Thiruvalangadu Nagapattinam Panchayat office

48 NPR-CPR-7 R 17.315 Narasingampettai Thanjavur Periyar silai

49 MML-CPR-3 L 22.39 Matherimangalam Nagapattinam Periyar silai

50 ADR-CPR-5 R 13.365 Aduthurai Thanjavur Police Booth

51 KTR-CPR-4 R 23.84 Kuthalam Nagapattinam Police quarters

52 KTR-CPR-6 R 23.95 Kuthalam Nagapattinam Police station

53 NPR-CPR-1 R 15.33 Narasingampettai Thanjavur Public toilet

54 ADR-CPR-6 R 13.37 Aduthurai Thanjavur Pwd Office –Compund wall 55 TMR-CPR-3 R 8.94 Thiruvidaimaruthur Thanjavur Ri Office

56 TML-CPR-2 L 8.57 Thiruvidaimaruthur Thanjavur Sub Jail CW

57 MMR-CPR-4 R 22.4 Matherimangalam Nagapattinam Thiruvallur silai

58 KTR-CPR-1 R 23.14 Kuthalam Nagapattinam Tncsc office

Appendix 3 141


142 Appendix 3

Appendix 3 143

144 Appendix 3

Appendix 3 145

146 Appendix 3

Appendix 3 147

148 Appendix 3

Appendix 3 149

150 Appendix 3

Appendix 4 151

APPENDIX 4: COMPARISON BETWEEN ADB IR POLICY REQUIREMENTS AND RFCTLARR ACT 2013 WITH GAP FILLING MEASURES Asian Development Bank’s Involuntary Resettlement RFCTLARR Remarks and provisions in RFCTLARR Act S.No Policy Requirement Act 2013 2013 Measures to bridge the Gap Policy Objectives 1 Avoid involuntary resettlement Social Impact assessment (SIA) should include: (i) (IR) wherever feasible whether the extent of land proposed for acquisition is the absolute bare minimum extent ✔ needed for the project; (ii) whether land acquisition at an alternate place has been considered and found not feasible [Ref: Section 4 sub-section 4(d) and 4(e)] 2 If IR is unavoidable, minimise The principles of the project involuntary resettlement by address this requirement. exploring viable alternate x project design 3 DPs should be assisted in The cumulative outcome of compulsory - their efforts to enhance or at acquisition should be that affected persons least restore the livelihoods of become partners in development leading to an all displaced persons in real ✔ improvement in their post acquisition social and terms to preproject levels economic status and for matters connected therewith or incidental thereto [Ref: Preamble of the RFCTLARR ACT]

Scope of Application 4 Involuntary acquisition of land In the definition of affected family, it includes ‘a family whose land or other immovable property

✔ has been acquired’ [Ref: Section 3 sub-section c (i)] 152 Appendix 4

Asian Development Bank’s Involuntary Resettlement RFCTLARR Remarks and provisions in RFCTLARR Act S.No Policy Requirement Act 2013 2013 Measures to bridge the Gap 5 Involuntary restriction of land In the definition of affected family in includes use or on access to legally ‘family whose primary source of livelihood for designated parks and three years prior to the acquisition of the land is protected areas. dependent on forests or water bodies and ✔ includes gatherers of forest produce, hunters, fisher folk and boatmen and such livelihood is affected due to acquisition of land’ [Ref: Section 3 sub-section c (vi)] Eligibility Criteria

6 Those who have In the definition of affected family, it includes ‘a formal legal rights to land lost family whose land or other immovable property in its entirety or in part ✔ has been acquired’ [Ref: Section 3 sub-section c (i)]

7 Those who do not have formal In the definition of affected family, it includes ‘the legal rights to land lost but Scheduled Tribes and other traditional forest who have a claim to such land dwellers who have lost any of their forest rights that are recognized or recognised under the Scheduled Tribes and Other recognizable under national Traditional Forest laws Dwellers (Recognition of Forest Rights) Act, 2006 due to acquisition of land’; and also includes ‘a member of the family who has been assigned land by the State Government or the Central ✔ Government under any of its schemes and such land is under acquisition’. [Ref: Section 3 sub-section c(iii) and (v)] Appendix 4 153

Asian Development Bank’s Involuntary Resettlement RFCTLARR Remarks and provisions in RFCTLARR Act S.No Policy Requirement Act 2013 2013 Measures to bridge the Gap 8 Those who have In the RP, under neither formal legal rights nor eligibility criteria, this is x recognised or recognizable addressed. claim to land lost 9 Persons who encroach on the In the RP, the cut-off date has area after the cut-off date been defined. are not entitled to compensation or any x other form of resettlement assistance. Policy Princples 10 Carry out meaningful Whenever a SIA is required, the appropriate consultations with affected Government shall ensure that a public hearing is persons, host communities held at the affected area, after giving adequate and concerned ✔ publicity about the date, time and venue for the nongovernment originations public hearing, to ascertain the views of the affected families to be recorded and included in the SIA Report. [Ref: Section 5] 11 Establish a grievance redress For the purpose of providing speedy disposal of The RP provides for a regional Mechanism to disputes relating to land acquisition. level GRC to resolve receive and facilitate compensation, Rehabilitation and resettlement, grievances in the First Level resolution ofthe affected establish, by notification. one or more Authorities and the appellate authority at persons’ concerns. ✔ to be known as "the Land Acquisition, Project level as the Second Rehabilitation and Resettlement Authority" Level of grievance resolution [Ref: Section 51 sub-section 1] Mechanism, prior to referring/approaching the LARR authority 12 Preference to landbased Land for land is recommended in irrigation Land for land option, if resettlement strategies for projects and in projects where SC/ST is involved feasible, is provided in the displaced persons whose ✔ equivalent land. EM. If not feasible, then cash livelihoods are land-based. [Ref: Second Schedule S.No.2] compensation at replacement cost has been provided 154 Appendix 4

Asian Development Bank’s Involuntary Resettlement RFCTLARR Remarks and provisions in RFCTLARR Act S.No Policy Requirement Act 2013 2013 Measures to bridge the Gap 13 Provide physically and The Rehabilitation and economically displaced Resettlement Award shall include persons with needed all of the following:(c) particulars of house site assistance, including the and house to be allotted, in case of displaced following: (i) if there is families; (d) particulars of land allotted to the relocation, secured tenure to displaced families; (e) particulars of one time relocation land, better housing subsistence allowance and transportation at resettlement sites with allowance in case of displaced comparable access to families;...... employment and production [Ref: Section 31 sub-section 2(c), (d) and (e)] opportunities, integration of resettled persons

economically and socially into ✔ their host communities, and extension of project benefits to host communities; (ii) transitional support and development assistance, such as land development, credit facilities, training, or employment opportunities; and (iii) civic infrastructure and community services, as required 14 Improve the standards of living The act provides for special provisions and Special provision for of the displaced poor and assistance for scheduled caste and scheduled vulnerable have been other vulnerable groups, tribe in scheduled area. provided in including women, to at least [Ref: Section 41] Entitlement matrix. national minimum standards Further the act recognizes widows, divorcees and ✔ (partly) women deserted by families as separate families [Ref: Section sub-section (m)] The act does not recognize other vulnerable category and also SC/ST from non-scheduled areas. Appendix 4 155

Asian Development Bank’s Involuntary Resettlement RFCTLARR Remarks and provisions in RFCTLARR Act S.No Policy Requirement Act 2013 2013 Measures to bridge the Gap 15 Develop procedures in a Not explicitly stated Provided for in the transparent, consistent, and RP equitable manner if actuation x is through negotiated settlement. 16 Prepare a resettlement plan The Act provides for the preparation of elaborating on displaced Rehabilitation and Resettlement Scheme persons including time line for implementation [Ref: entitlements, the Section 16 - sub-section 2] income and livelihood restoration ✔ strategy, institutional arrangements, monitoring and reporting framework, budget and timebound implementation schedule 17 Disclose a draft resettlement The appropriate Government shall ensure that the plan, including documentation Social Impact Assessment study report and the of the consultation process in Social Impact Management Plan, are prepared a timely manner, before and made available in the local language to the project appraisal, in an Panchayat, Municipality or accessible place and a form Municipal Corporation, as the case may be, and and language(s) the offices of the District Collector, the understandable to affected SubDivisional Magistrate and the Tehsil, and persons and other shall be published in the affected areas, in such stakeholders. Disclose the manner as may be prescribed, and uploaded on final resettlement plan and its ✔ the website of the appropriate Government. updates to affected persons [Ref: Section 6 sub-section 1] and other stakeholders Further the commissioner shall cause the approved Rehabilitation and Resettlement Scheme to be made available in the local language to the Panchayat, Municipality or Municipal Corporation. As the case may be, and the offices of the district collector, the Sub-Divisional 156 Appendix 4

Asian Development Bank’s Involuntary Resettlement RFCTLARR Remarks and provisions in RFCTLARR Act S.No Policy Requirement Act 2013 2013 Measures to bridge the Gap Magistrate and Teshil, and shall be published in affected areas, in such manner as may be prescribed and uploaded on the website of the appropriate Government [Ref: Section 18] 18 Pay compensation and The Collector shall take possession of land after The RP stipulated that all provide other resettlement ensuring that full payment of compensation as compensation and assistance entitle before physical or well as Rehabilitation and resettlement will be paid to APs at least 1 economic displacement. entitlements are paid or tendered to the entitled month prior to displacement or Implant the resettlement plan persons within a period of three months for the dispossession of assets under close supervision ✔ compensation and a period of six months for throughout project monetary part of Rehabilitation and resettlement implementation entitlements listed in the Second Schedule commencing from the date of the award made under section 30. [Ref: Section 38 - sub-section 1] 19 Monitoring and assess The Central Government may, whenever The RP provides for internal resettlement outcomes, their necessary for national or inter-state projects, and external monitoring of impacts on the standard of constitute a National Monitoring Committee for LA,R&R living of displaced persons, reviewing and monitoring the implementation of and whether the objectives of Rehabilitation and resettlement schemes or plans the resettlement plan Have under this Act. ✔ been achieved by taking into [Ref: Section 48 - sub-section 1] account the baseline conditions and the results of resettlement monitoring. Disclose monitoring reports.

Appendix 5 157


Sample Outline of RP Monitoring Report

1. Following requirements of the ADB Safeguard Policy Statement (2009) and the Operations Manual section on safeguard policy (OM F1), borrowers/clients are required to establish and maintain procedures to monitor the status of implementation of safeguard plans and ensure progress is made toward the desired outcomes. For projects categorized as A or B in Involuntary Resettlement and/or Indigenous People, the Borrowers/clients are required to submit semiannual monitoring reports for ADB review. The level of detail and comprehensiveness of a monitoring report is commensurate with the complexity and significance of social safeguards impacts (IR and IP) and with the current status of project implementation phase. The RP monitoring report may include the following elements:

Executive Summary: This section provides a concise statement of project scope and impacts, key findings and recommended actions (as applicable).

Background of the Monitoring Report: This section provides: (i) Background/context of the monitoring report which includes information on the project, project components, safeguards categorizations and general scope of the social safeguards impacts; (ii) Information on the implementation progress of the project activities, scope of monitoring report and requirements, methodology used, reporting period; (iii) Changes in project scope, if any.

Scope of Impacts: This section outlines the detail of (i) Scale and scopes of the project impacts on involuntary resettlements or indigenous people as identified in the approved RP/IPP, (ii) Adjusted safeguard measures due to changes in project scope, if applicable (iii) Vulnerability status of the affected people, (iv) Entitlements matrix and other rehabilitation measures, as applicable, as described in the approved final RP(s) /IPP(s).

D. Status of RP/IPP Implementation: This section provides detail and progress for the implementation of the RP/IPP. This includes various activities and institutional arrangements required prior the finalization and implementation of the RP/IPP. This section should have descriptions on: (i) Institutional Arrangement and Capacity: This section describes the actual implementation or any adjustment made to the institutional arrangement for implementing and managing the social safeguards issues. This includes the establishment of safeguards unit/ team and appointment of staff in the EA/IA; implementation of the GRM and its committee; supervision and coordination between institutions involved in the management and monitoring of safeguards issues, the roles of NGO and women’s groups in the monitoring and implementation of the plan, if any; budget/fund availability for implementing the GRM, RP/IPP; adequacy of EA/IA capacity to manage safeguards issues; updated RP/IPP implementation schedule, etc. (ii) Compensation and Rehabilitation: This section describes the process and progress of the implementation of the land acquisition and resettlement (LAR) and/or indigenous people (IP) impacts mitigation activities as determined in the RP. This includes payment of the affected assets compensation, allowances, 158 Appendix 5

loss of incomes, etc. to the entitled persons; provisions of other types of entitlement as described in the matrix and implementation of livelihood rehabilitation activities as determined in the plan. Quantitative as well as qualitative results of the monitoring parameters, should be provided. (e.g., adequacy of compensation rates and timeliness of payments, adequacy and timeliness of IR rehabilitation measures including preparation of the replacement housing sites, house reconstruction, livelihood support measures, and training, etc.). Any discrepancies that may occur from the approved RP/IPP during the implementation should be explained. (iii) Disclosure and public consultation: This section describes public disclosure and consultations activities during the project’s implementation as agreed in the plan. This includes final consultations with APs during RP finalization after the completion of detail design and final DMS survey; the numbers of activities conducted; issues raised during consultations and responses provided by the project team, implementing NGOs, project supervision consultants, contractors; project reports posted on website, etc. (iv) Grievance Redress Mechanism (GRM): This section described the implementation of project GRM as design in the approved RP/IPP. The monitoring and evaluation include its readiness, effectiveness, procedures, complaints receive, timeliness to resolve issues/ complaints and adequacy of resources provided to solve the complaints. Special attentions should be given if there are complaints received from the affected people or communities.

E. Summary Monitoring Results and Key Findings: This section describes the summary and key findings of the monitoring activities. The results are compared against previously established benchmarks and compliance status or resolutions/follow up of previously identified issues. It also compared against the objectives of safeguards or desired outcomes (e.g. IR impacts avoided or minimized; livelihood restored or enhanced).

F. Compliance Status: This section summarizes the compliance status of the project activities with the loan covenants, ADB SPS (2009) on SR2.

G. Follow up Actions, Recommendation and Disclosure: This section describes recommendations and further actions or items to focus on for the remaining monitoring period. If noncompliance or any major gaps identified, include the recommendation of corrective action plan. It also includes lesson learned for improvement for future safeguards monitoring activities. Disclosure dates of the monitoring report to the affected communities should also be included and, as needed, a time-bound summary table for required actions.

H. Appendices: (i) List of Affected Persons and Entitlements; (ii) Summary of the survey results (from the external monitor); (iii) Copies of AP’s certification of payment (signed by the APs); (iv) Summary of minutes of meetings during public consultations; (v) Summary of complaints received and solution status; and (vi) Photographs of the affected areas, consultation meetings, housing reconstruction activities, etc.

Appendix 6 159


A. Project Background

1. Government of Tamil Nadu (GoTN) is implementing the Chennai – Kanyakumari Industrial Corridor Project (CKICP) that aims at improving 15 State Highways to a length of about 655 km.

2. The roads taken up under CKICP are proposed to be implemented in 9 packages under Engineering, Procurement Construction contract (EPC). The proposed improvements include widening and strengthening of some existing two-lane roads to two-lane with paved shoulders/ four lane, provision of drainage facility, road furniture and accessories. The project roads traverse across 18 Districts.

3. A Resettlement Plan (RP) for each EPC road stretches is being prepared separately based on census and baseline socio-economic surveys conducted in the field. The RP describes: (i) the project components that cause involuntary resettlement; (ii) initial inventory of losses and socio economic characteristics of the affected people; (iii) an entitlement matrix (i.e. R&R policy); (iv) a methodology for the valuation of assets;(iv) institutional and implementation arrangements required to mitigate adverse impacts; and (v) budget and time line for RP implementation.

4. One R&R Monitoring Unit at the PIU Head Quarters, Chennai and four Land Acquisition and Rehabilitation and Resettlement Field Units (LARRU) are being formed for carrying out private land acquisition and RP implementation. Chennai – Kanyakumari Industrial Corridor Project (CKICP) is the implementing agency of the project. Chennai – Kanyakumari Industrial Corridor Project (CKICP) proposes to appoint a consultant/ LARRIC experienced in carrying out such rehabilitation and resettlement activities at the grass root level to assist the PIU in RP implementation works.

5. The list of road stretches taken up for improvement under CKICP is tabulated below. The tentative extent of LA and the number of PAP is also indicated.

Table A50: Road stretches taken up for improvement Total LA PAP Package Sl. No. Road Length (in (in Ha) (*tentative) No. km) 1 Tiruchendur to Ambasamudram via Palayamkottai (SH 40) 74.9 21.7930 400 2 Melur to Karakikudi via Tirupattur, Kundrakudi(SH 191 & SH 191A) 46.9 8.0057 300 3 Thanjavur to Mannargudi(SH 63) 27.59 9.9116 350

4 Kumbakonam to Mannargudy (SH 66) 34.26 6.1396 850 CKIC/ 5 Kumbakonam to Sirkazhi(SH 64) 38.07 30.0350 2500 LARRIC/01 6 Mayiladuthurai to Thiruvarur (SH 23) 31.28 36.0450 900 7 Kumbakonam to Sirkazhi (SH 64) Junction (SH 9) 40.6 108.4000 700 160 Appendix 6

Total 293.6 220.3299 6000 Total LA (in Ha) PAP Package Sl. No. Road Length (in (*tentative) No. km) 1 Mohanur – Namakkal – Senthamangalam-Rasipuram Road (SH95) 46.44 59.2970 500 2 Tiruchengode to Erode(SH 79) 10.27 12.2900 800

3 Thuraiyur to (SH 142) 31.49 14.8370 300

Omalur to Tiruchengode via Sankakiri including 4 Tiruchengode Bypass (SH 86) 54.8 92.0470 1900

5 Chengalpattu – Kanchipuram Road (SH 47.31 62.7440 800 58) (60/037-107/350) CKIC/ 6 Chengelpet to Kancheepuram (SH 58) (30/0 - 39.75 26.9770 700 LARRIC/02 60/037) 7 Cheyyur (ECR) to Polur(SH115) including ECR link 110 19.5350 300 8 to (SH 69) 20.88 10.9240 700

Total 360.94 298.6510 6000

*PAP details given as above are tentative and exact numbers shall be decided based on final verification survey by the implementation consultants. No variation cost will be allowed upto 10% increase or decrease in number of PAPs.

B. Objectives of the Assignment

6. CKICP is recruiting RP implementing Consultants/LARRIC. The overall objective of the consultancy services is to assist the PIU in the updation& implementation of RPs for the Project Roads and shall be responsible for the following in accordance with the RP.

7. The consultants / LARRIC should Under Supervision of LARRU, CKICP, verify Project Affected Persons (PAPs) list and inventory of loss of assets. Submission of Microplans containing complete details of PAPs eligible and ineligible to receive R&R assistance, to the LARRU.

8. Under CKICP supervision, establish and maintain a Computerized Management Information System (CMIS) with details of all information related to the inventory of lost assets, completely collected PAP information, impact on community assets, PAP payments and relocation progress.

9. Support LARRU, CKICP in identifying the resettlement sites in consultation with PAPs

10. Support LARRU, CKICP in disbursement of compensations and relocation of affected community assets in close consultation with PAPs and in publishing of Microplans containing details of both eligible and ineligible PAPs to receive R&R entitlements

11. Assist PAPs in getting employment with contractors, for those interested, based on the skill of the PAPs. Identification of vulnerable PAPs/family members who can be provided with skill based training to improve their livelihood and employment opportunities Appendix 6 161

12. Helping PAPs in collecting their documentation as needed for receiving compensation and assistance, with LARRU and GRC.

13. Assisting PAPs in opening bank accounts, getting their benefits from the bank, attending the queries raised by the bank or IT department with respect to the compensation of LA & RR.

14. Disseminate project impacts and information on Entitlement Matrix (R&R Policy).

15. Conduct regular consultations with PAPs and ensure participation of women.

16. Supporting Project Implementation Unit (PIU) in social responsibilities of the subproject, such as compliance with labour laws and international core labour standards (i.e. prohibition of child labour, forced labour, no discrimination).

17. Conduct community awareness program for road safety for communities along all project roads, with the location and number of such programmes being identified by LARRU.

18. Conduct awareness program for HIV/AIDs, Health and Hygiene in worksites/labour camps.

19. Collect data and submit progress reports on a monthly and quarterly basis for PIEto monitor the progress of RP implementation and other social responsibilities.

20. Assist CKICP-LARR unit in sucessfull implementation of RP

C. Scope of Work

1. Supporting the PIU, LARRUs, FIU

21. Working in co-ordination with the Resettlement Officer (RSO) in the LARRU; and assist the RSO in carrying out the implementation of the RP for each road in the package.

22. Conduct verification survey of PAPs (titled and non-titled), of the inventory of lost assets and impacts on community structures based on actual limitations of works.

23. Consultant/LARRIC shall verify the information already contained in the RP and the individual losses of the PAPs. They should validate the data provided in the RP and report to CKICP –LARRU (PIU & FIU) on changes required, if any, along with documentary evidence.

24. Update the census survey and socio-economic survey records and collect additional information required for the preparation of the micro plan and for disbursement.

25. Preparing error free micro plan one in English and one in Tamil based on the field verified data separately for non-titleholders and titleholders as per the approved Entitlement

26. Matrix (R&R Policy). The microplans should be submitted for all PAPs who are found to be eligible and ineligible for R&R assistance, after confirmation through joint verification

27. Assisting the RSO in disclosure of microplans in Tamil & English version for both eligible and ineligible PAPs, in the offices of Town Panchayat / Village Panchayat and Village Administrative Officers office, conducting R&R award enquiries conducting public meetings, 162 Appendix 6 information campaigns during the RP implementation and give full information to the affected community. Prepare one-page leaflets with key impacts and entitlements and contact information for questions/grievances in English and Tamil to distribute to PAPs and post notices in key locations. Prepare brochure detailing all entitlements as per the Entitlement Matrix/R&R Policy in English and Tamil with project contact information.

2. Disclosing and disseminating the RP to PAPs

28. Under the supervision and guidance of CKICP, establish and maintain a Computerized Management Information System (CMIS) with information of all affected titled and non-titled persons, with appropriate km location, with inventory of losses as per the Entitlement Matrix/R&R Policy, information on affected community structures and information of payment and relocation progress.

29. Provide data, maintain data and generate reports of the information that PIU will require in the management of the data base of the PAPs. Maintenance will also include updating of data, correction of data and ensuring that error free data are submitted in Micro plans.

30. Assist CKICP-LARR Unit in providing training to PAPs, wherever required during the implementation of RP.

31. During or after LA award enquiry, the consultant / LARRIC should prepare census survey records for all title holders and socio-economic survey record wherever required, and enter the same in the web application. The consultant/LARRIC must monitor the payment progress of title-holders and reflect this in monitoring system that identifies location of title- holders on a linear, kilometre basis. Ensure CMIS contains information on vulnerable PAPs as prescribed in the RP. Assist the LARRU in disclosure of microplans of Title-

32. Holders both eligible and ineligible in the offices of Town Panchayat / Village Panchayat and Village Administrative Officers office

33. Based on the verification and update of the census and socio economic survey data and additional particulars collected for the preparation of the micro plan and for disbursement, the Consultant/LARRICs should update all the above particulars(viz. Data from all parts of the application/format) in the CMIS/web application.

34. Take photograph of the PAP & assets and upload the same in the CMIS/web application for generating identity cards and for identifying the assets.

35. Support in the timely distribution of identity and entitlement cards.

36. Assist the LARRU in award enquiry by providing necessary particulars. Assist the

37. LARRU in identification of absentee PAPs.

38. Assist LARRU - CKICP in payment of compensation / Assistance to non titled- holders.

39. Submit monthly and quarterly progress report to the RSO including both physical and financial progress in RP implementation. The report should also cover implementation issues, summary of grievances and summary of consultations.

Appendix 6 163

40. Assist LARRU, CKICP and the PAPs in documenting grievances received and resolution of Grievance Redressal Committees.

41. Assist LARRU, CKICP in conducting regular consultations with PAPs and ensuring women participation.

42. Prepare monthly action plans with targets in consultation with the RSO and LARRU.

3. Assistance to PAPs

43. The Consultants/LARRICs shall establish rapport with PAPs, consult and provide information to them about the respective entitlements as proposed under the RP, and

44. distribute Identity Cards to the eligible PAPs of the Roads. The identity card should include a photograph of the PAPs with address generated from web.

45. During the verification of the eligible PAPs, the Consultants/LARRICs shall ensure that each of the PAPs are contacted and consulted either in groups or individually. The Consultants/LARRICs shall specially ensure consultation with women from the affected families especially women headed households. Conduct Focus-Group Discussions with women to ensure their regular consultations. Documenting of all consultations to be done.

46. The Consultants/LARRICs shall develop rapport between the PAPs and the Project Authority, particularly the RSO. This will be achieved through regular interactions with both the RSO and the PAPs. Meetings with the RSO will be held at least fortnightly, and consultation meetings with the PAPs will be held monthly, during the entire duration of the assignment. All consultation meetings and decisions taken shall be documented by the Consultants/LARRIC.

47. The Consultants/LARRICs shall display the list of eligible and ineligible PAPs in prominent public places in villages and Panchayat offices.

48. Participatory methods should be adopted in assessing the needs of the PAPs of the roads, especially with regard to the vulnerable groups of PAPs / Selection of family members of vulnerable groups for skill development training. The methods of contact may include village level meetings, gender participation through group’s interactions, and individual meetings and interactions.

49. The Consultants/LARRICs shall explain to the PAPs of the roads, the provisions of the policy and the entitlements under the RP. This shall include communication to the roadside squatters and encroachers about the need for the timely shifting, the timeframe for disbursement of their entitlement.

50. Assist the PAPs (Titled and Non-Titled) in collecting the proper documentation to obtain their awards (in case of titled affected person) and other entitlements (in case of titled and non- titled affected persons).Helping PAPs in documentation as needed for receiving compensation and assistance.

51. Obtaining of options and choices of displaced PAP’s in particular from those eligible for house site and housing assistance and record the same.

164 Appendix 6

52. Based on the options and choices obtained and assessment of major impacted residential / commercial PAPs, assess the requirement of resettlement site, its location in consultation with RSO and assist LARRU in identifying the resettlement sites in consultation with displaced PAP’s.

53. The Consultants/LARRICs shall disseminate information to the PAPs of the roads, on the possible consequences of the project on the communities’ livelihood systems and the options available, so that they do not remain ignorant.

54. The Consultants/LARRICs shall assist the PAPs in opening bank accounts explaining the implications, the rules and the obligations of a joint account and how she/he can access the resources she/he is entitled to.

55. Assist PAPs in getting employment with contractors, for those interested, based on the skill of the PAPs.

56. The Consultants/ LARRICs shall facilitate the PAPs in finding suitable economic investment options and help them in regaining the losses of land and other productive assets. 57. Assisting the PAPs in redressing their grievances through the GRCs;

58. The Consultants/LARRICs shall make the PAPs aware of the existence of Grievance Redressal Committee (GRCs) the process involved in submitting a representation and timeline for resolving grievances.

59. This will also include assisting PAPs in submitting their petitions and sufficient evidence to Grievance Redressal Cell, in coordination with LARRU.

60. Accompanying and Representing the PAPs at the Grievance Committee Meetings.

61. The Consultants/LARRICs shall help the PAPs in lodging their grievances and also in clearing their doubts about the procedure as well as the context of the GRC award.

62. To accompany the PAPs to the GRC meeting on the decided date, help the PAPs to express his/her grievance and again inform the PAPs of the decisions taken by the GRC within 3 days of receiving a copy of the decision from the GRC.

4. Other/ General responsibilities:

63. In all of these, the Consultants/ LARRIC’s shall consider women as a special focus group, and deal with them with care and sympathy.

64. The Consultants/LARRICs shall assist the project authorities in ensuring a smooth transition (during the part or full relocation of the PAPs), helping the PAPs to take salvaged materials and shift. In close consultation with the PAPs, the Consultants/ LARRICs shall inform the RSO about the shifting dates agreed with the PAPs in writing and the arrangements desired by the PAPs with respect to their entitlements.

65. The Consultants/LARRICs shall record the Grievance and bring it to the notice of the GRCs within seven days of receipt of the grievance from the PAPs, suggest multiple solutions, if possible, and deliberate on the same in the GRC meeting along with the PAPs concerned.

Appendix 6 165

66. Carry out Public consultation on regular interval, consult major impacted at least once in a month and document the discussions and outcome.

67. Should organize meetings and appraise the communities about the schedule / progress of civil works.

68. In additional to counselling and providing information to PAPs, the Consultants/ LARRICs will carry out periodic consultation with PAPs and other stakeholders.

69. All the consultations should be documented and if possible, photographs and attendance sheets should be compiled along with the list of participants and a summary of the consultation and outcome.

70. The RP includes provision for internal monitoring by PIU and quarterly, mid-term monitoring and evaluation by external agency. The Consultants/LARRICs involved n the implementation of the RP of the roads will be required to supply all information, documents to the PIU, Project Monitoring Consultant and external monitoring consultants.

71. Help LARRU, CKICP in identifying the resettlement sites in consultation with PAPs .

72. Help LARRU, CKICP in relocation of affected community assets in close consultation with PAPs.

73. Any other tasks in realising the objective.

74. Assisting the PIU with the Project’s other Social Responsibilities.

75. To assist the PIU in ensuring that the EPC Concessionaire comply with the applicable labour laws (including prohibition of child labour, bonded labour and gender requirements) as contained in the EPC Agreement.

76. To assist the PIU in ensuring compliance with safety, health and hygiene norms, and the conduct HIV/AIDS and Human Trafficking awareness/prevention campaigns for the labourers.

77. The Consultants/LARRICs shall assist the PIU to implement Community Road Safety awareness measures, including collaboration with the line agencies. These programmes should be a minimum of six in number per road and ensure it targets vulnerable groups (i.e. professional drivers, schoolchildren, etc.).

D. Reporting and Documentation

78. The Consultants/LARRICs selected for the assignments of the roads shall submit the following reports in the frequency indicated.

79. Submit an inception report within three weeks; in signing up of the contract including a work plan for the whole contract period, staffing and personnel deployment plan, and a withdrawal plan at the end of the period of contract. The withdrawal plan shall be detailed and reflect how the PAPs will maintain the assets created and transferred to the PAPs.

166 Appendix 6

80. Prepare monthly progress reports to be submitted to the Special DRO (LA), that details weekly progress and work charts as against the scheduled timeframe of RP implementation.

81. Prepare and submit quarterly reports on a regular basis, to be submitted to PIU, CKICP.

82. Submit a completion report at the end of the contract period summarizing the actions taken during the project, the methods and personnel used to carry out the assignment, a summary of support/ assistance given to the PAPs and lessons learnt and best practices.

83. Record minutes of all meetings and include in the respective reports.

84. Four copies of each report shall be submitted to PIU, CKICP together with one soft copy of each report in the CD.

E. Deliverables and Timeline

85. It is estimated that the LARRICs/Consultants services will be required for about 24 months to undertake the assignment of facilitating the implementation of the RP. The time schedule for completion of key tasks is given below.

Table A51: Key tasks and time for completion Sl.No Task Description Time for completion 1 Inception Report At the end of the 2nd week after commencement of services

2 Joint verification with CKICP Field team of the PAPs, and Priority roads, at the end of the 45 Providing required inputs for updating the Resettlement days and 75 days for other roads Plan for the Priority roads and Other roads as per the after commencement of services. requirement of ADB

Issue of identity card and submission of corrected data, if At the end of the 4th month after 3. any, including proposal for replacement and up gradation commencement of services of community assets, Collecting Additional and /or missing census survey records of PAPs (to be collected only after due approval of such cases by RSO in writing) including profiles of DP in such survey along with additional particulars required for preparation of micro plan for eligible and ineligible PAPS for R&R and disbursement, and updating the same in web application 4 Assist in identification of resettlement site and At the end of the 6th month after development of the same commencement of services 5 Monthly Progress Report /Quarterly Progress Report At the end of each month covering the activities in the scope of works and /quarter corresponding deliverables 6 Facilitating disbursement of the entitlements for 25% of At the end of the 6th month after total PAPs for whom micro plan is submitted and commencement of services compensation disbursed coinciding with the milestone fixed by CKIC Appendix 6 167

Sl.No Task Description Time for completion 7 Disbursement of the entitlements for another 25% of total At the end of the 9th month after PAPs for whom micro plan is submitted and commencement of services compensation disbursed coinciding with the milestone fixed by CKIC 8 Disbursement of the entitlements for another 25% of total At the end of the 12th month PAPs for whom micro plan is submitted and after commencement of services compensation disbursed coinciding with the milestone fixed by CKIC 9 Facilitate PAPs to relocate to resettlement site At the end of the 14th month after commencement of services 10 Disbursement of the entitlements for remaining 25% of At the end of the 15th month total PAPs for whom micro plan is submitted and after commencement of services compensation disbursed coinciding with the milestone fixed by CKIC 11 Draft Final Report summarizing the action taken and other One month before the service / resettlement works to be fulfilled by the LARRIC 23rd month after commencement of services 12 Final report summarizing the action taken and other At the end of the service / 24th resettlement works to be fulfilled by the LARRIC month after commencement of services incorporating suggestions of CKICP on the draft report.

F. Payment Schedule

86. The payment will be made on successful completion of key tasks is given below. Based on the recommendations of the DRO (LA), CKIC, the Divisional Engineer (H), CKIC will make payment to the Consultant/ LARRIC.

Table A52: Milestone Payments % payment Sl. No Task Description 1 Inception report & Mobilisation of all staff. . The particulars of all staff 10% mobilized must be furnished to concerned LARRU and the same w.r.t availability of personnel at the proposed office premise will be verified and approved by the Special DRO concerned. 2 Joint verification of the PAPs, and Providing required inputs for updating 7.5% the Resettlement Plan for the Priority roads

3 Joint verification of the PAPs, and Providing required inputs for updating 7.5% the Resettlement Plan for the Other roads

4 Issue of identity card and submission of corrected data, if any, including proposal for replacement and upgradation of community assets 5% Additional and /or missing census survey records of PAPs (to be collected only after due approval of such cases by RSO in writing) including profiles of DP in such survey and updating / entering all additional information in the web application 168 Appendix 6

5 Disbursement of the entitlements for 30% of total eligible PAPs (unique) for 15% whom micro plan is submitted and compensation disbursed.

6 Disbursement of the entitlements for 30% of total eligible PAPs 15% (Unique) for whom micro plan is submitted and compensation disbursed.

7 Disbursement of the entitlements for remaining 40% of total eligible 15% PAPs (Unique) for whom micro plan is submitted and compensation disbursed. 8 Approval of draft Final Report 15% 9 Approval of final report 10% **Unique –Multiple Entitlement to a PAP, shall be treated as one PAP only.

87. Penalty: The payment of R&R Implementation Consultant will be reduced in case of any fake / irrelevant / totally not connected person being identified as PAP and included in the micro plan submitted to the LARRU at double the rate of loss made to the Government. The above clause is also applicable if entitlement amount is not calculated in accordance with RPF and the actual eligibility of the PAP concerned, and higher amount is recommended when the actual entitlement is lower.

88. Invoices should be raised periodically and should be vetted with the concernedLARR Unit of FIU Data, Services and Facilities to be provided by the Client

89. The PIU will provide to the Consultants/ LARRICs the copies of the RP of the roads and list of PAPs with their profile along with Census survey records, the strip plan of final design, set-out table indicating the corridor-of-impact and right-of-way with respect to existing centreline and any other relevant reports/ data prepared by the DPR consultant of the roads.

90. All facilities required in the performance of the assignment, including office space, office stationery, transportation and accommodation for staff of the Consultant/ LARRIC, etc., shall be arranged by the Consultant/ LARRIC itself.

91. The Consultant/LARRIC should have an office in the town of the concerned Special District Revenue officer (LA) or approved location (One for each DRO) to have better co- ordination.

G. LARRIC/ Consultant Team

92. The Consultant/LARRICs teams should consist of the staff pattern as listed in Section 9. The core team should have a combined professional experience in the areas of social mobilization, community development, land acquisition and resettlement, census and socio economic surveys and participatory planning and consultations. Atleast one key staff and 1 field staff should be women. One field Staff should be employed for every 200 major impacts.

H. List of Key Positions

93. The suggested Key staff pattern for each LARRIC/ consultant for executing the work in the field is as below:

Appendix 6 169

Table A53: Key Staff Sl. No. of No. Key Professional Persons Experience 1 Team Leader / Project 1 (One) PG in social science/ psychology with a minimum of Coordinator 15years experience and 10 years in RR implementation (Input - continuous) and proficient in Tamil and English, and should not be a team lead for more than two projects. PG in social science/ psychology with a minimum of 10years experience and 8 years in RR implementation and proficient in Tamil and English. The experts on full time basis should relocate and mandatorily reside near the stretch of road under acquisition and in the District where

major acquisition takes place pertaining to the road. Experience in engaging with communities, managing involuntary resettlement activities and land acquisition R&R Experts projects in India at the field level. Capacity to understand 2 (Input - continuous) 4(Four) legal issues involved in land inheritance/mutation, engaging with community and support APs in collecting documentation. Experience in supervising field staff and dealing with grievances. PG in social science/ psychology with a minimum of 10 years experience and 8 years in RR implementation and proficient in Tamil and English. Experience in carrying out skill needs assessment and implementing livelihood improvement programs including HIV/AIDS and Human Social Improvement Trafficking awareness/promotion campaigns, community 3 Specialist 1(One) (Input - Intermittent) Road safety awareness programme based on liaising with existing governmental or non- governmental training initiatives Sub Key Staff Graduate with knowledge and experience in community *Based on consultation census and socio-economic surveys and 1 Field Staff the package proficient in Tamil. The field staff should relocate and mandatorily reside near the stretch of road under acquisition and in the area assigned to the field staff. Graduate with knowledge and experience in system *Based on management, data collection and entry. Working 2 Data entry specialist the package experience and knowledge of software that are commonly used in India, ideally managing CMIS for resettlement projects *Based on Graduate with knowledge and experience in census and 3 Enumerators the package socio-economic surveys and proficient in Tamil.

*Sufficient Sub-key staff are to be engaged based on the number of PAPs to complete the field works within the prescribed time frame given in clause 5 of the TOR

170 Appendix 7


Schemes for Backward Class and Most Backward Class BC/MBC 1. DISTRICT LEVEL PRIZES PUBLIC EXAMINATION 10th Standard and 12th Standard 2. FREE EDUCATION SCHEME 3. Free education scholarship for Professional Courses (Engineering, Medical, Agriculture, Veterinary and Law) 4. Free education scholarship for three year Diploma (Polytechnic Courses) 5. PERARIGNAR ANNA MEMORIAL AWARD 6. Postmatric Scholarship are sanctioned from 11th Standard to Research level as per the rates prescribed in the Scholarship Notitification 7. PRE-MATRIC SCHOLARSHIP SCHEME 8. Prize Schemes to the Students STATE LEVEL PRIZES 9. Scheme for Meritorious students to pursue Higher Secondary Education in the best schools of TamilNadu

Farmers 1. Agmark grading 2. Agricultural MechanisationProgramme 3. Agricultural producers Cooperative Marketing society 4. Agriculture input subsidy where crop loss is 50 percent and above 5. Agriculture Technology Management Agency - Training of farmers 6. APPLICATION OF GYPSUM IN GROUND NUT 7. APPLICATION OF ZINC SULPHATE IN RICE GROWING AREAS 8. Biological control of crop Pests 9. Bio- mass Planting Activities - (as per Forest Schedule of rates) 10. Cluster Development 11. Palm Insurance Scheme 12. Command Area Development and Water Management Programme 13. Compact Block Demonstration 14. Composting of Farm waste through Pleurotus 15. Construction of House 16. Consumer durables 17. Credit linked subsidy for establishment of pack house 18. Crop loans Sugarcane 19. CROP YIELD COMPETITION 20. DAP FOLIAR SPRAY IN PULSES 21. DAP spraying 22. Demonstration of Agricultural Machinery and Implements 23. Demonstrations - (Regular Activities) 24. Development of Agriculture Clusters 25. Distribution of Agricultural Implements - (Additional Activities) 26. Distribution of Agricultural Implements - (Regular Activities) 27. Distribution of Biofertilisers 28. Distribution of Bio Pesticides 29. Distribution of Blue Green Algae 30. Distribution of Certified Seeds 31. Distribution of Certified Seeds of maize Appendix 7 171

32. Distribution of Certified seeds - Oil Seeds 33. Distribution of Foundation / Certified seeds of Paddy, Millets, Pulses, and Oilseeds 34. Distribution of Gypsum 35. Distribution of Gypsum - Oil Seeds 36. Distribution of manually operated Plant Protection Equipment 37. Distribution of Micro Nutrient Mixture 38. Distribution of Minikits at free of cost 39. Distribution of Nuclear Poly Hedrosis Virus 40. Distribution of Rhizobium 41. Distribution of Rhizobium Packets - Oilseeds 42. Distribution of Soil Health card 43. FARMERS HUB (KISAN BHAVAN) 44. Farmers Interest Group (FIG) 45. Farmers Training 46. FARMERS TRAINING CENTRES ( FTC ) 47. Farm Production System and micro enterprises - Sponsored By State Govt 48. Focus technology revisiting crop demonstrations - (Additional Activities) 49. For Registered medical practioners and Engineering graduates 50. For two wheelers 51. House extension, renovation 52. Immediate payment to farmers at Regulated Markets 53. Infrastructure subsidy for Privately Developed Industrial Estates. 54. INITIATIVES FOR NUTRITIONAL SECURITY THROUGH INTENSIVE MILLETS PROMOTION (INSIMP) 55. INM Demonstrations – (Additional Activities) 56. INM Demonstrations - (Regular Activities) 57. INTEGRATED DEVELOPMENT OF PULSES VILLAGE 58. Integrated Farming in Coconut Holding for Productivity Improvement 59. Integrated Horticulture Development Scheme(SCP)-SC/ST 60. Integrated Pest Management Demonstration cum Training 61. INTENSIFICATION OF REDGRAM CULTIVATION THROUGH DEMONSTRATION 62. Jewel loan 63. Land Development Scheme 64. Livelihood activities for asset less persons-2012 65. Livelihood activities for asset less persons - Sponsored By State Govt 66. Loan on title deeds 67. Members Children Educational Loan 68. Micro Nutrient spray 69. MINI MISSION II – Technology Mission on Cotton 70. Minor Irrigation Scheme 71. Mobilization of different Farmers groups including Farmers’ Interest Groups, Commodity Interest Groups and Farmer Co-Operatives etc., 72. Modified National Agricultural Insurance Scheme 73. National Agricultural Insurance Scheme - Crop Insurance 74. National Agriculture Development Programme 75. National Agriculture Development Programme - Hi-Tech Productivity Enhancement Programme 76. National Bamboo Mission 77. National Horticulture Mission 78. OIL PALM AREA EXPANSION (OPAE) 79. Organic Certification 172 Appendix 7

80. Organizing Block Demonstration 81. Organizing Block demonstration on Polythene mulch Technology in Groundnut 82. Organizing Block Demonstration through Department and also through TNAU 83. Organizing Demonstrations 84. Organizing field days and KisanGosthis 85. Organizing Integrated Pest Management Demonstration 86. Organizing Integrated Pest Management Demonstration- Oil Seeds 87. Pipes carrying water from source to field 88. Pipes carrying water from source to field - Pulses ISPOM 89. Pledge loan to farmers 90. Pledge loan to traders 91. Popularizing System of Rice Intensification Technology on cluster basis 92. PRECISION FARMING 93. Price Preference for Micro and Small Enterprises in Government purchases 94. Primary Cooperative Agriculture and Rural Development Bank - For Animal Husbandry 95. Primary Cooperative Agriculture and Rural Development Bank - For Fishing Boats (Catamarans) 96. Primary Cooperative Agriculture and Rural Development Bank - For Handloom and other non farm sector activities 97. Primary Cooperative Agriculture and Rural Development Bank - For Horticulture 98. Primary Cooperative Agriculture and Rural Development Bank - For Inland fishing 99. Primary Cooperative Agriculture and Rural Development Bank - For Minor irrigation 100. Primary Cooperative Agriculture and Rural Development Bank - For Plantation (Tea) 101. Primary Cooperative Agriculture and Rural Development Bank - For Poultry development 102. Primary Cooperative Agriculture and Rural Development Bank - For Power tiller 103. Primary Cooperative Agriculture and Rural Development Bank - For Sericulture In irrigated area. 104. Primary Cooperative Agriculture and Rural Development Bank - For Tractor Purchase 105. Primary Cooperative Agriculture and Rural Development Bank - Jewel loans 106. oduce pledge loan 107. Production and Distribution of Green manure seeds 108. Production of Certified Seeds 109. Production of Certified Seeds of Maize 110. Production of Foundation and Certified Seeds 111. Production of Foundation Seeds 112. Professional Courses 113. Purchase of passenger bus, Mini lorry, Car, Jeep 114. Purchase Preference for Micro and Small Enterprises on Government purchases 115. Quality Paddy seed Distribution 116. Rain Water Harvesting and Runoff Management Programme 117. Reclamation of Saline and Alkaline soil 118. Revamped Micro Credit 119. Salary loan for government employee 120. Scheme for Artificial Recharge to Ground water 121. Seed Certification 122. Seed Multiplication Scheme of Paddy, Millets, Pulses and Oilseeds 123. Seed Multiplication Scheme of Paddy, Millets, Pulses, Oilseeds and Cotton 124. Seed Quality Control 125. Seed Testing 126. Seed Village Programme - (Additional Activities) Appendix 7 173

127. Seed Village Programme - (Regular Activities) 128. Self Help Group 129. Sericulture - Catalytic Development Programme - Bivoltine Training to farmers 130. Sericulture - Catalytic Development Programme - Construction of separate Rearing House 131. Sericulture - Catalytic Development Programme - Establishment of chawkie rearing center 132. Sericulture - Catalytic Development Programme - Installation of drip irrigation system 133. Sericulture - Catalytic Development Programme - Installation of Multiend reeling 134. Sericulture - Catalytic Development Programme - Procurement of improved Rearing Appliances 135. Sericulture - Catalytic Development Programme - Supply of quality Disinfectants 136. Sericulture - Hill Area Development Programme (HADP) - Construction of separate Rearing House 137. Sericulture - Hill Area Development Programme (HADP) - Plantation incentive 138. Sericulture - Hill Area Development Programme (HADP) - Procurement of improved Rearing Appliances 139. Sericulture - Western Ghats Development Programme -WGDP - Construction of separate Rearing House 140. Sericulture - Western Ghats Development Programme -WGDP - Procurement of improved Rearing Appliances 141. Site Purchase 142. Soil and Water Conservation under Hill Area Development Programme 143. Soil and Water Conservation under Western Ghats Development Programme 144. Soil and Water Samples Analysis 145. Soil Conservation in Tribal Areas under Integrated Tribal Development Programme 146. Sprinkler irrigation, drip irrigation, Laying pipe lines 147. SSI unit 148. Supply of Coconut seedlings 149. Tamil Nadu Farmers Development and Welfare Scheme 150. Tamil Nadu - Irrigated Agriculture Modernization and Water Bodies Restoration and Management (TN-IAMWARM) 151. Technology Business Incubators in the fields like Automobile, Machine Tools, Food Processing etc. in MSME Sector 152. Three Days Training on seed production technology 153. Training of Farmers on Pulses Production Technologies 154. Training to Farmers 155. Under Integrated Scheme for Maize 156. Under Integrated Scheme for Oilpalm 157. Under Integrated Scheme for Oilseeds, Oilpalm and Maize (ISOPOM) 158. Urban Cooperative Banks - House construction 159. Urban Cooperative Banks - Jewel loans 160. Urban Cooperative Banks - Purchase of two wheelers, T.V., Fridge, House hold articles articles 161. Urban Cooperative Banks - Renovation and repairs 162. Vermicomposting of Agricultural Waste 163. Visit of Contract Farming farmers to the Research Stations in Karnataka 164. Waiver of Earnest Money Deposit for participation in Tenders 165. Weather Based Crop Insurance Scheme (WBCIS) 166. Western Ghats Development Programme -WGDP - Plantation incentive

174 Appendix 7

Handloom Weavers 1. Awarding Scholarships under the M.G.R. Handloom Weavers Welfare Trust 2. Co-operative Handloom Weavers’ Family Pension Scheme 3. Co-operative Handloom Weavers’ Old Age Pension Scheme 4. Development Schemes - Free Power Supply to Handloom and Powerloom Weavers 5. Development Schemes - Free Supply of Dhothies and Sarees Scheme 6. Development Schemes - Rebate Subsidy Scheme 7. Handlooms and Textiles Department - Important Activities Prescribed In The TamilNadu CoOperative Socieites Act,1983 8. Handlooms and Textiles Department - Institutions Under The Control Of The Department And Their Activities - Co-operative Spinning Mills 9. Handlooms and Textiles Department - Institutions Under The Control Of The Department And Their Activities - Tamilnadu Co-operative Spinning Mills Federation Limited (TANSPIN), Chennai 10. Handlooms and Textiles Department -Institutions Under The Control Of The Department And Their Activities - Tamilnadu Co-operative Textile Processing Mills Limited, Erode 11. Handlooms and Textiles Department - Institutions Under The Control Of The Department And Their Activities - Tamilnadu Handloom Development Corporation Limited, Chennai 12. Handlooms and Textiles Department - Institutions Under The Control Of The Department And Their Activities - Tamilnadu Textile Corporation Limited, 13. Handlooms and Textiles Department - Institutions Under The Control Of The Department And Their Activities - Tamilnadu Zari Limited, Kancheepuram 14. Handlooms and Textiles Department - Payment of scholarship to students of Indian Institute of Handloom Technology, Salem 15. Handlooms and Textiles Department - Payment of scholarship under Shiksha Sahayog Yojana 16. Handlooms and Textiles Department - Prize Award Scheme for the Best Exporters 17. Handlooms and Textiles Department - Scheme for integrated textile parks(SITP) 18. Handlooms and Textiles Department - Scheme for integrated textile parks(SITP) Under the Scheme for setting up of Integrated Textile Parks 19. Handlooms and Textiles Department - Technology Upgradation Fund Scheme (TUFS) 20. Health Insurance Scheme for Weavers 21. Institutions Under The Control Of The Department And Their Activities - Tamilnadu Handloom Weavers Co-operative Society Limited (Co-optex),Chennai 22. Integrated Handlooms Development Scheme - Cluster Development Programme. 23. Integrated Handlooms Development Scheme - Group approach for development of Handlooms. 24. Mahathma Gandhi BunkarBima Yojana Scheme (Insurance Scheme for Handloom Weavers)

Manufacturers 1. Additional capital subsidy for women, SC / ST, differently abled and transgender entrepreneurs 2. Additional capital subsidy to promote cleaner and environment friendly technologies 3. Application for sanction of subsidy for the purchase of Generator Set 4. Application for Special Capital (Investment) Subsidy 5. Application for State Capital Subsidy Appendix 7 175

6. Capital subsidy - For Incentive 7. Capital subsidy - For Subsidy 8. Employment intensive subsidy 9. Generator subsidy 10. Low Tension power tariff subsidy 11. Mini Tool Rooms 12. Rebate on Stamp duty and registration charges for Privately Developed Industrial Estates 13. Rebate/ Reimbursement of Stamp duty & Registration charges for Micro and Small Enterprises 14. Reimbursement of hall rent for conducting exhibition by MSME Association 15. Reservation for Micro Enterprises in TANSIDCO Industrial Estates 16. Reservation for Micro , Small and Medium Enterprises in SIPCOT Industrial Estates 17. Skill Development Training Schemes and Skill Upgradation Training Schemes 18. Special capital subsidy for thrust sector enterprises 19. Stamp duty exemption on mortgaged and pledged documents 20. Subsidy on the assessed Value Added Tax (VAT) 21. Subsidy on the cost of Patent Registration in India or abroad 22. Subsidy on the cost of Trade Mark Registration in India or abroad 23. Technology Development Fund for evolving cleaner and / or energy efficient or IT enabled technologies for Micro, Small & Medium Manufacturing Sector. 23. Term loan obtained for ISO Certification/R&D under NSICTANSIDCO Consortium 24. Term loan obtained for Technology upgradation / modernisation schemes 25. Term loan obtained under Credit Guarantee Fund Trust Scheme 26. Term loan obtained under NEF scheme of TIIC (Renamed as Micro/Small Enterprises Funding Scheme) 27. Unemployed Youth Employment Generation Programme (UYEGP)

Pregnant Women 1. Assistance for delivery of a child 2. Assistance for miscarriage or Termination of Pregnancy 3. District central Cooperative Banks and through its branches - For Maternity Loan through Self help groups 4. Maternity loan through Self help group 5. NUTRITION - INTEGRATED CHILD DEVELOPMENT SERVICES SCHEME 6. Urban Cooperative Banks - Loan for Maternity Loan through Self help groups

SC/ST 117. 1. Abolition of Bonded Labour System 2. Admission of Adi Dravidar / Tribal students in plusone at reputed schools. 3. All India Service Examinations like I.A.S., I.P.S., I.R.S., etc. 4. Animal Husbandry 5. Annal Gandhi Memorial Award 6. Assistance for Funeral Rites 7. Burial Ground - Provision of Burial Grounds and pathway to Burial Grounds 8. Chief Minister Merit Award- Given Rs.3000/- per annum for 5 years 9. Community Halls 10. Construction of free houses for tribals 11. Development of Agricultural lands 176 Appendix 7

12. District Collector s Discretionery Fund 13. District Level award for XII std 14. District Level award for X std 15. Dr.Ambedkar National merit Scholarship 16. Drinking Water facility - Provision of drinking water facilities to AD and Tribal Habitations 17. Exemption of Examination Fees / Application Fees / Registration Fees 18. Exemption of Special fees and Examination Fees to the Post Graduate Girl students. 19. Exemption of Special Fees and Examination Fees to the Under Graduate students 20. Exemption of Tuition Fees 21. Government of India Post-Matric Scholarship Scheme 22. Government of India Pre-Matric Scholarship Scheme for the children of those engaged in unclean occupation 23. Higher Education Special Scholarship 24. Hill area development programme. 25. Housing and other schemes 26. Housing and other Schemes - Encroachments will be regularised for issue of pattas 27. Housing Scheme 28. Individual entrepreneur development scheme 29. Insurance scheme to the primitive tribal (janasreebeema yojana scheme) 30. Land Development Scheme 31. ink road - link roads are provided connecting the ad/tribal habitation with the main roads / villages 32. Merit-cum-Means Award 33. Note Books 34. NSKFDC 35. NSLRS 36. Overseas Scholarship 37. Providing interest free loan to tribals, provision of essential articles at reasonable price and marketing the minor forest produces to ensure better returns to the tribals through lamp societies. 38. Provision of link road facilities to the tribal village connecting with plains or main villages 39. Provision of Minor Irrigation 40. Provision of street lights to Tribal habitations. 41. Schemes of Tribal Welfare Department 42. Sericulture scheme 43. Special Assistance to Law Graduates 44. Special Fee concession 45. Special incentives to girl students 46. Special Prize Money scheme 47. State Government’s Special Post-Matric Scholarship (beyond X Std.) 48. State level Toppers Award 49. State level Toppers award for X Standard 50. Subamathi Self Help Group 51. Subject toppers award (25 Subjects) 52. Subject toppers award (5 Subjects) 53. Supply of 10 Beehives at free of cost for collecting honey

Students 1. Adi Dravidar and Tribal Welfare Department -Hostels - Special Guides Appendix 7 177

2. Adi Dravidar and Tribal Welfare Department -Incentive / Award of Prizes - District Level Prize plus2 Examination Rs.3000/- 10th Std First prize Rs.1000/- Second Prize Rs.500/- Third Prize Rs.300/. 3. Adi Dravidar and Tribal Welfare Department -Incentive / Award of Prizes - For each subjects (c) plus2 Examination Rs.2000/- (d)10th Std Examination Rs.1000/- 4. Adi Dravidar and Tribal Welfare Department -Scholarship - Free Education upto 12th Std. to all i.e. tuition fee will not be collected and the amount will be reimbursed by Government. 5. Adi Dravidar and Tribal Welfare Department -Scholarship - Public Examination fee for 10th and 12th Std. 6. Adi Dravidar and Tribal Welfare Department - Stationary - Text Books 7. Annal Gandhi Memorial Award - Two (One Boy and One Girl) Hindu AD Students in each district who have secured first rank in the 12th Std Public Examinations and continue their studies. 8. Assistance for Education 9. Awards to Bright Students 10. Book bank - books will be purchased for medical/ engineering/ law / m.b.a./veterinary / agri. and polytechnic/courses and placed in the library. 11. Book Bank - Books will be purchased for Medical/ Engineering/ Law / M.B.A./Veterinary / Agri. and Polytechnic / courses and placed in the Library. 12. CHIEF MINISTER’S AWARD - JOINT SPORTS DEVELOPMENT CENTRE 13. CHIEF MINISTER’S AWARD - JOINT SPORTS DEVELOPMENT CENTRE - KIT AND SPORTS EQUIPMENTS 14. CHIEF MINISTER’S AWARD - NATIONAL SERVICE SCHEME 15. CHIEF MINISTER’S AWARD - NATIONAL SERVICE SCHEME FOR SPECIAL CAMPING 16. CHIEF MINISTER’S AWARD -Sports School Hostel 17. Chief Minister s Merit Award 18. Development Schemes - Scheme of Free Supply of Uniforms to School Children 19. DIRECTORATE OF NON FORMAL AND ADULT EDUCATION - Continuing Education Programme 20. Distribution of Free House Site Patta 21. Educational Scholarship - Educational Scholarship to Children of Servicemen / Ex- Servicemen, Sri Lankan and other Refugees. 22. Educational Scholarship to Children of Scavengers / Sweepers - Educational Scholarship to Children of Scavengers / sweepers 23. Educational Scholarship to School Students - Adi Dravida, Tribal, Most Backward Denotified Communities. Backward Communities Welfare Scholarship 24. Examination fees - From 2007-08 academic year onwards Tamil Medium students are exempted from payment of examination fees. 25. Food Grant 26. Free Bus Pass - Providing Free Bus Pass to Students 27. Free Education (Degree) 28. Free Education - Granting of admission fees, Registration fees to ADs / Tribals / AD Converted to Girls students who join Degree, Post Graduate Degree, Professional Courses 29. Free Education Polytechnic 30. Free Education Professional Courses 31. Free Education - Special fee and Examination fee to students studying in B.A., B.Sc., B.Com., other degree courses and Girl Students of P.G. Courses. 178 Appendix 7

32. Free Education - Special fee and Examination fee to students studying in B.A., B.Sc., B.Com., other degree courses and Girl Students of P.G. Courses. Special fee and Examination fee to students studyi 33. Free supply of Bicycles 34. Grant-cum-loan scheme for small and medium farmers 35. Grant of States Overseas Scholarship - Scholarship to AD/Tribal students pursuing higher studies in abroad. 36. Grants to perform Funeral Rites 37. Higher Education Special Scholarship Scheme 38. Hostels - Free Boarding and lodging to student studying upto 12th standard 39. Hostels - mats and bed sheets 39. Hostels - Uniforms 40. IAS/IPS CIVIL SERVICE EXAMINATION TRAINING 41. Incentive / award of prizes - state level (a) plus2 public examination rs. 25,000/-(b)10th public examination rs. 10,000/- 42. Incentives scheme for rural girl students (MBC /DNC only) 43. Individual Term Loan Scheme 44. Integrated Education for the Disabled Children ( IEDC) - To enable the disabled children to mingle freely with normal children without barriers. 45. ob Oriented Training - 2.2 Typewriting and shorthand 46. Loans for Transport Sector 47. Maintenance Charges - Dayscholars 48. Maintenance charges - hostellers 49. Merit cum means award - conditions and prize amounts for grant of this award are as per the gandhi memorial award. this award is meant for tirbals and adidravidar converted to christianity. 50. Merit-cum-Means Scholarships to minority students 51. Milch animal loan schemes 52. National Cadet Crops - Scholarships 53. NUTRITION - PuratchiThalaivar MGR Nutritious Meal Programme 54. Post Matric Scholarship 55. Postmatric Scholarship - All compulsorily payable fees, Exam fees and maintenance charges payable to Schools and Colleges are sanctioned as scholarship. 56. Post matric scholarships to minority students 57. Pre Matric Scholarships 58. Schemes of BC, MBC, dept - Stationery - Free supply of Text Books 59. Schemes of BC, MBC, dept - Stationery - Note Books 60. chemes of BC, MBC, dept - Stationery - Supply of Slates 61. Scholarship - Assistance to the children of those engaged in unclean occupations 62. Scholarship - beyond 12th std. students studying in govt. / govt. aided institutions are exempted from payment of tuition fees. the amount will be reimbursed to the head of the institution by govt. 63. Scholarship - Granting of Special fee 64. Special Incentive Scheme for encouraging girls education 65. Special Prize Money Award - Grant of one time award to the Graduates and Post Graduate and Professional courses. 66. Stationery - Special Guides (Question and Answer) 67. Stationery - Uniforms 68. Supply of Free Bicycles 69. Supply of Iron Box 70. Supply of Sewing Machines Appendix 7 179

71. Tamil Nadu Agricultural Labourers Agriculturalists Social Security And Welfare Scheme 2006 - Educational Assistance to Children of whose father / mother died (Or) permanently incapacitated in accidents. 72. Tamil Nadu Agricultural Labourers Agriculturalists Social Security And Welfare Scheme 2006 - Provision of education Scholarship to the children of agricultural labourers who have passed 10th and 12th standards 73. Text Books From 1st to 12th std BC MBC DNC 74. Tuition Fees for English Medium Students 75. Welfare Schemes of the School Education Department - Distribution of Free Text Books 76. Welfare Schemes of the School Education Department - Distribution of Free Uniforms 77. Welfare Schemes of the School Education Department - Free Text Book - Supply of free text books 78. Welfare Schemes of the School Education Department - Free uniform - Supply of Free Uniform 79. Welfare Schemes of the School Education Department - Incentive to Girls Students 80. Welfare Schemes of the School Education Department - Parent Teacher Association - Parent Teacher Association 81. Welfare Schemes of the School Education Department - Supply of Free Bicycles 82. Welfare Schemes of the School Education Department - Talent Examination - National Talent Exam

Unemployed 1. Afforestation schemes providing incentives and providing employment to Tribals in Forest Operation. 2. Assistance to Lawyers for Starting their Practice 3. Award of Rs.20,000/- to Best Writers 4. Employment opportunities to Educated Tribal Youths 5. Issue of tools and appliances - sewing machines/carpentry things to the iti holders. (iron boxes will be supplied those who undertook ironing as a trade) 6. Land Purchase Scheme 7. Training in basket making, tailoring etc. for the women 8. Vocational Guidance center are functioning at Udhagamandalam to the guidance of Tribal youths for employment purpose 9. Vocational Training Programme 10. Welfare Schemes of the School Education Department - National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS)

Minorities 1. Urban Cooperative Banks - Loan for economically backward class citizen TABCEDCO / TAMCO, loan given to public belonging to Backward class, MBC and minorities at lower rate of interest. 2. Welfare Schemes of the School Education Department - Project for Residual Illiteracy (PRI) 3. Welfare Schemes of the School Education Department - Special Literacy Proramme for Women

Physically Challenged [Differently abled]

180 Appendix 7


37. REGISTRATION OF COMPLAINTS UNDER PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES ACT, 1995 38. Rehabilitation Of The Disabled - Distribution Of Pre-Recorded Cassettes and Tape Recorders To Visually Handicapped 39. Rehabilitation Of The Disabled - Readers Allowance To Visually Handicapped Persons 40. REHABILITATION OF THE DISABLED -RESERVATION OF TEACHING POSTS IN EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS FOR VISUALLY HANDICAPPED 41. Rehabilitation Of The Disabled - Scholarship 42. Rehabilitation Of The Disabled Scholarship - For Degree Course 43. Rehabilitation Of The Disabled - Starting Of Degree Courses For The Hearing Impaired Students 44. RESERVATION OF JOBS IN GOVERNMENT DEPARTMENTS / GOVERNMENT UNDERTAKINGS 45. RESERVATION OF NON TEACHING POSTS IN EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS FOR SPEECH AND HEARING IMPAIRED PERSONS 46. SCHOLARSHIP - For the age of 12 to 14 47. SCHOLARSHIP - For the age of 6 to 11 48. Scribe Assistance 49. SECONDARY GRADE TEACHERS TRAINING INSTITUTE FOR THE VISUALLY AND ORTHOPAEDICALLY HANDICAPPED PERSONS (DIPLOMA IN TEACHER EDUCATION) 50. Self Employment 51. Special Education 52. Training To The Adult Blind Women 53. Training To The Speech and Hearing Impaired (Male) 54. Training To The Visually Handicapped (Male) 55. TRICYCLES 56. Unemployment Allowance To The Visually Handicapped 57. WHEEL CHAIRS

Social Welfare and Nutritious Meal Programme Department

1. Accident Relief Scheme 2. Adoption 3. Annai Theresa Ninaivu Orphan girls Marriage Assistance Scheme 4. APPOINTMENT OF GUARDIANS TO SPECIAL CATEGORIES OF DISABLED PERSONS UNDER THE NATIONAL TRUST ACT, 1999 5. ASSISTANCE FOR CORRECTIVE SURGERY FOR POLIO AND SPINAL CORD INJURED PERSONS 6. Assistance To Law Graduates 7. Award For The Visually Handicapped Students 8. Award For The Visually Handicapped Students Of XII Standard Rank Holders District Level 9. AWARD FOR THE VISUALLY HANDICAPPED STUDENTS OF X STANDARD RANK HOLDERS DISTRICT LEVEL 10. Award For The Visually Handicapped Students Of x Standard Rank Holders State Level 11. Destitute Agricultural Labourer Pension Scheme 12. Destitute physically handicapped pension scheme 13. Destitute Widow Pension Scheme 14. Diploma in Medical Laboratory Technology Training 182 Appendix 7

15. Distress Relief Scheme 16. Dr. DharmambalAmmaiyarNinaivu Widow Remarriage Scheme 17. Dr.Muthulakshmi Reddy NinaivuIntercaste Scheme 18. EARLY INTERVENTION CENTRE FOR INFANT AND YOUNG CHILDREN WITH HEARING IMPAIRMENT 19. EARLY INTERVENTION CENTRE FOR THE MENTALLY RETARDED CHILDREN 20. E.V.R. ManiammaiyarNinaivu Poor Widow Daughter’s Marriage Assistance Scheme 21. Free Computer Training Course 22. FREE SUPPLY OF TEXT BOOKS AND NOTE BOOKS TO WIDOWS CHILDREN 23. MOOVALUR RAMAMIRTHAM AMMAIYAR NINAIVU MARRIAGE ASSISTANCE SCHEME 24. NATIONAL IDENTITY CARD FOR THE DISABLED PERSONS 25. NUTRITION - INTEGRATED CHILD DEVELOPMENT SERVICES SCHEME 26. NUTRITION - PuratchiThalaivar MGR Nutritious Meal Programme 27. OLD AGE HOME 28. Protection of women from domestic violence 29. Sathiyavani Muthu AmmaiyarNinaivu Free Supply Of Sewing Machine Scheme 30. Sathya AmmaiyarNinaivuGoverment Orphanages 31. Schemes of social welfare and nutritious meal programme. Annapurna Scheme 32. Schemes of social welfare and nutritious meal programme Destitute Deserted Wives Pension Scheme 33. Self Employment 34. SIVAGAMI AMMAIYAR MEMORIAL GIRL CHILD PROTECTION SCHEME 35. WORKING WOMEN’S HOSTEL