Legislative Assembly Hansard 1952
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Queensland Parliamentary Debates [Hansard] Legislative Assembly THURSDAY, 9 OCTOBER 1952 Electronic reproduction of original hardcopy Industrial, &c., Bill (No. 2). [9 OCTOBER.] Questions. 617 THT.TRSDAY. 9 OCTOBER, 1952. Mr. SPEAKER (Hon . .J. H. Manu, Bris bane) took the chair at 11 a. m. QUESTIONS. STNrE HOUSES, EDITH STREET, ENOGGERA. lUr. ~!ORRIS (Mt. Coot-tha) asked the Secretary for Public ·works and Housing- " In regard to Houses Nos. 1248, 1249, and 1252, of Edith Street Enoggera, will he please supply the following partic ul~ns:-(a) size; (b) type of construction; (c) date of signature on agreement to purchase~'' Hon. P. J. R. IHLTON (Carnarvon) replied- " (a) 900 square feet. (b) 'J' type, cavity wall brick construction, two bed rooms. (c) I do not propose to make this information available.'' AIR-CONDITIONING OF TRAINS. n'Ir. CHALK (Lockyer) asked the Minister for Transport- '' 1. ·what has been the cost of equipment and materials purchased for the air conditioning of Queensland trains~ '' 2. How much of this equipment and material has been used, and what is i!l' value~ '' 3. Will there be a surplus of equipment and materials after air-conditioning of the new trains has been carried out, and what is the value of such surplus and to what purpose will it be put~" '618 Questions. [ASSEMBLY.] Questions. Hon. J. E. DUGGAN (Toowoomba) Hon. W. POWER (Baroona) replied- >replied- '' The hon. member is apparently " 1, 2, and 3. As eight of the nine air annoyed by reason of the fact that, at the ·eonditioned trains being built for the Perth Prices Conference, I was able not Queensland railways are being constructed only to stop the increase in the price of; by Commonwealth Engineering Company, petrol being applied to North and Central a private firm, it is not possible to Queensland, but also to have the bulk secure the information asked for without petrol terminal ports of Cairns, Towns requesting that firm to have a dissection ville, and Gladstone placed on the same made of the relevant costs. This would bowser price as Brisbane. In addition to involve an expenditure which is not these ports, I was able to have petrol prices justified. As there will be no surplus of at 50 centres reduced. As indicated in my any air-conditioning equipment after the previous replies, the question of a uniform air-conditioning of the new trains has been petrol price throughout the State is impos carried out, and as responsible officers of sible without the assistance of the Common the Department and I are satisfied with wealth Government. At the Perth Prices the work being performed by Common Conference I was also able to obtain agree wealth Engineering Company and in our ment whereby each State would determine own workshops, I do not propose to its country freight differentials, and, in authorise the expenditure entailed in satis consequence, the Commissioner of Prices fying the inquisitiveness of the hon. mem will investigate this position as early as ber, as laxity, inefficiency, or public practicable. In these circumstances, I do interest is not involved.'' not propose to have him committed in any way as to the manner in which he may determine petrol prices at any particular CACTUS IN COLLINSVILLE DISTRICT. centre or centres. ' ' Mr. COBURN (Burdekin) asked the Secretary for Public Lands and Irrigation- HEALTH CONDITIONS, MACHAN 'S BEACH, '' 1. From what acreage in the Collinsville SCHOOL. district is it proposed to eradicate Harrisia ll'Ir. WORD<SWORTH (Cook) asked the Martini cactus~ Secretary for Public Instruction- '' 2. How many men are now employed ' 'In reference to my request about ten on such eradication~ weeks ago on behalf of the Machan 's Beach State school committee that immediate '' 3. What amount has been spent to date attention should be given to the danger on such work?" ously unhygienic condition of the soil underneath that school, will he kindly advise Hon. H. H. COLLINS (Tablelands what action, if any, has been taken or is Secretary for Agriculture and Stock), for proposed by his departmenH" Hon. T. A. FOLK¥ (Belyando), replied- " 1. Approximately 7,700 acres of thick Hon. G. H. DEVRIES (Gregory) to dense infestation is being cleared by replied- the Government. Action is being taken to ''My department arranged for an enforce eradication of the balance of examination of and report upon the con infestation by the land holders concerned. dition of the ground under the school at Machan 's Beach, and has now asked the '' 2., '!'hree gangs are employed, each Department of Public Works to effect the compnsmg a foreman-driver and two necessarv improvement to the area con sprayers, equip_Ped with truck, poison tank, cerned.'' and two spraymg plants. "3. £10,981 has been expended to date RADIOGRAM, MIALLO STATE SCHOOL. on wages, plant, and equipment. In addi tion, £6,663 has been expended on arsenic Mr. WORDSWORTH (Cook) asked the pentoxide for the project.'' Secretary for Public Instruction- '' In reference to the radiogram which PETROL PRICES, CAIRNS. was promised for delivery to the :Miallo State School, via Mossman, over two lUr. WATSON (Mulgrave) asked the months ago, what is the reason for non Attorney-General- delivery of such instrumenU'' " I_n reference to his answer to my questwn on 20 March last, in which he lion. G. H. DEVRIES (Gregory) stated that because of rejection of requests replied- by the Commonwealth Government it was ''The radiogram for Miallo State not possible to establish uniform prices School, with a quantity of similar material for petrol at Queensland ports and his for other schools, has been packed and answer on 3rd instant to the ho;1. member awaits despatch. It is expected that it for Hinchinbrook, will he now kindly give will go forward within a few days. The further consideration to my request on 2 volume of work which has to be handled ~eptember last that uniform petrol prices by the ~ections of the department con m zones should be instituted in Queens cerned >nth supply of this equipment has land~··' prevented any earlier delivery.'' Government's Hospital Policy. [9 OcTonE:tt. Government;s Hospital Policy. 6Hf PAPERS. Last year I was privileged to visit Cunnamulla and to inspect many fine The following paper was laid on the table, hospitals in the West, and I was very pleased and ordered to be printed- to learn what this Government had done for Report of the State Government Insurance the people in those areas. We were privileged Office for the Year 1951-1952. to be able to attend the opening of new nurses' quarters at the Roma Hospital, which The following papers were laid on the this State may well be very proud of. It is table- our nim to provide similar quarters at othe1· Order in Council under the Labour and hospitals. Hospitals boards throughout the Industry Acts, 1946 to 1952 (2 October). State are ver.r eager to have such provision Regulation under the Traffic Acts, 1949 made for their nurses, because they realise to 1952 (2 October). ihat thev must have contented nursing staff if they arc to continue to give the very fine service that is at present being given through GOVERNMENT'S HOSPITAL POLICY. out Queensland. However, because of the failure of the Federal Government to provide RESUMPTION OF DEBATE. the necessary loan moneys, some ~ospitals Debate resumed from 2 October (see p. boards that have already had therr loans 532) on Mr. Wood's motion- approved are unable to find any institutions that will give them the necessary :finance to '' 1. That this Parliament emphatically complete their buildings. It is a very sad protests against the proposal of the Com state of affairs in a young country such as monwealth Government to withhold moneys this-a country that must progress and that rightly due to Queensland for hospital pur desires to have fine buildings erected-that poses, unless the State Government aban the Federal Government, by adopting such a dons free treatment in public hospitals. financial policy should deprive us of our '' 2. That this Parliament approves the rights. I contend that the sooner the Government's policy of provision of free Government in the Federal sphere are treatment for patients in public wards of changed, the better it will be for this State public hospitals and supports the existing generally. system whereby payment is made by the As a result of this Government's hospital Commonwealth Social Services Department system, we have been able to establish of eight shillings per day per patient, or hospitals in many small centres. Dy appoint such greater amount as may be justified ing to those hospitals resident medical officers, by the expenditure of the State on hospital we have given to people in the smaller centres provision. medical services that they would not other '' 3. That this Parliament also strongly vvise have enjoyed. The fact that the doctors protests against the proposal of the have been able to obtain the nucleus of what Commonwealth Government to make pay they consider a reasonable living from the ment of the cost of lifesaving drugs used Government through the services they render in the treatment of patients in public at the hospitals, which can be added to by wards conditional on the State's entering private practice, has induced them to go to into an agreement which would mean the the country and to remain there and give reintroduction of the means test and pay valuable service to our people. ment for treatment by public patients in I admit, of course, that there are still" some public wards.'' centres that would be delighted to have the Mr.