Speaker of the Assembly Carl Heastie Meets With

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Speaker of the Assembly Carl Heastie Meets With MARCH 2018 THE STUDENT NEWSPAPER OF SUNY OLD WESTBURY #561 Free T H E [email protected]“IGNITING THE MIND” OldWestburyCatalyst.org DELAYED RESPONSE BY SPEAKER OF THE ASSEMBLY UNIVERSITY CARL HEASTIE MEETS WITH POLICE? By Arlyn Sorto PRESIDENT CALVIN BUTTS hat should you do if someone is By Ricardo Morales feeling really sick on campus? If Wthey can walk, go to the Student he Speaker of the New York Health Center in the I-Wing of Campus Center (down the hall from the Registrar.) State Assembly, Carl Heastie If you can’t walk: call the University Tcame to Old Westbury on Police! Officers are trained to help stu- Wednesday, February 21st to meet dents in distress. with our president, Dr. Calvin Butts. A sick student at SUNY Old Westbury allegedly received delayed assistance After the meeting, the President took after vomiting in the G-Wing on January the Speaker on a tour of the OWTV 30th. The mess in the hallway was not studios in the G-Wing of Campus cleaned up until sometime the next day. “After throwing up a few times, I Center. managed to get enough energy to walk OWTV’s new Station Manager on my own,” said the junior, who wishes Jing Wang and Professor Lisa Payton to remain anonymous. This is the stu- introduced the visitors to the stu- dent’s second semester at SUNY College at Old Westbury. The student claims she dents at the station. The tour show- was not feeling well that day. During her cased a newly reorganized equip- Video Production course with Professor ment room, Studio A and B and the Jing Wang, she felt the need to walk out. editing rooms. “One of my interns went to the health The Speaker & The President at OWTV: Samuel Ariyibi, Joseph Boscia, Dr. Butts and Speaker Heastie center to try and get a nurse for help,” Carl Heastie, Calvin Butts, Lauren DeLeon, Terry Phebe, Joseph Boomer. said Professor Wang. However, the school Photo by Jing Wang for The Catalyst. spoke with students taking a produc- protocols state that in case of an emer- tion course and several professors gency the University Police must be con- tacted first. including Director of OWTV, Laura Professor Wang was in the middle of Crunch Time in the Parking Lot? Chipley, and Samara Smith who gave teaching her 3:50 p.m. class when the By Marcy Mendonca a presentation on the future of student was not feeling well. “I couldn’t OW T V. just leave,” said Professor Wang. “There ake a stroll through the parking lots. were students in my class. While the See many spots? It comes as no sur- The G-Wing is becoming a center interns ran to the health center to find Tprise that parking is not exactly for emerging media as well as stu- idyllic. someone to help the student, the student dent TV and video production. Sev- was waiting on a sofa outside of TV studio Last semester’s dramatic increase in eral interns from OWTV helped show A. It wasn’t until 45-minutes to an hour enrollment and the PGA’s occupation of when University Police arrived,” said Pro- the Clark Center parking field for most of off the equipment and projects they fessor Wang. The University Police should September caused a lot of stress for stu- are working on this semester. dents rushing to class. have been contacted first because they According to OWTV intern Brian decide whether a student or faculty The college is trying learn from its member must be escorted to the Health mistakes. This semester there is an Vignola, “I think it’s great that Presi- Center or an ambulance should be con- attempt to ensure an easier, more tran- dent Butts with the Speaker of the tacted. “The two police officers helped quil parking experience for new and Assembly came to check out what returning students. Has it been success- guide me to the Health Office,” said the we’re doing. We have a lot of ideas student. ful? “University Police is our campus’ It certainly has not been easy. “Park- and can’t wait to execute them!” 911,” said Registered Nurse Adele Gutier- ing continues to be a challenge,” stated Steven Siena, Chief of Police at SUNY Old ing space.” rez. Gutierrez is a one of the registered Many students do agree that this (Cont. on page 3.) Westbury. “I think that with the supply that we have, we were better able to semester’s search for parking has respond to the demand in the spring improved. based upon what we learned in the fall.” “I definitely feel that the parking sit- On January 17th, President Calvin uation has gotten better,” said Amanda SPORTS Butts emailed that there would be “suffi- Seguna, a senior Media and Communica- REVIEW cient parking for all campus constituents” tions major. “I don’t understand why they PAGES this spring. He encouraged “those com- block off the first entrance to the parking PAGES muting to campus to consider all of these lot by the Student Union, that’s the only lots as you arrive on campus,” and to thing that’s kind of annoying. Otherwise, 6-7 11-12 “allow for additional time to find a park- if you give yourself enough time to find (Cont. on page 3.) THE CATALYST Executive Editor: Eve-Christie Layout Design: Laura DeMarzo Clerval Joseph Wood SUNY Dreamer is Managing Editor: Shatasia Fields- Faculty Advisors: Marcy Mendonca White John S. Friedman Straight-A Student Senior Writer: Kimberly Garnier (on Sabbatical) Keya Rice Lyric Morton Kirsti Itämeri By Kirstin Brave Contributors: Christian Priczak Andrew Mattson Kristin Brave Arlyn Sorto SUNY Old Westbury student Manu- Thomas Buckley Photographers: ela Hurtado has been fighting for an equal right to education since she was Miguel Castro Miguel Castro Michael Ross in kindergarten. Hurtado and her family came to the United States from Colum- bia to escape the violence and drugs only to fear being punished for having arrived without the proper papers. There are fewer opportunities for a TABLE OF CONTENTS undocumented family to live the Amer- ican dream. Hurtado and many other dreamers wish to contribute through CAMPUS NEWS hard work and perseverance but the negative portrayal of the undocument- PAGES 1-4 ed makes it difficult. Hurtado doesn’t blame people for thinking that she is a DELAYED RESPONSE BY UNIVERSITY POLICE? bad person, “because the media and SPEAKER OF THE ASSEMBLY CARL HEASTIE MEETS WITH the government have associated being PRESIDENT CALVIN BUTTS undocumented with that meaning that you are a ‘criminal.’” CRUNCH TIME IN THE PARKING LOT? Hurtado stresses that undocu- SUNY DREAMER IS STRAIGHT-A STUDENT mented immigrants are misrepresented WELCOME, JING WANG in the media. Most people do not know that Deferred Action for Childhood News 12 reported Manuela Hurta- “SAY MY NAME” Arrivals (DACA) recipients must have a do’s story in their coverage of Governor clean criminal background and pay THE SWITCH Cuomo’s proposal to offer free tuition to taxes. WHAT DOES VICTORY LOOK LIKE? the Dreamers. The News 12 report Raised with a strong work ethic, includes interviews from several SUNY Hurtado’s father was granted a work Old Westbury students. Hurtado says visa in the United States leading Manu- this story accurately represented her REVIEWS ela and her mother to cross the border views but that another Dreamer, Prisci- and meet him three years later. Her la Ortega, was misrepresented. Accord- PAGES 6-7 mother began working as soon as they ing to Hurtado, Priscila Ortega believes arrived in the country. Hurtado’s par- that everyone should be able to afford MGMT’S: LITTLE DARK AGE ents had to work the “worst, most dehu- an education regardless of whether they THE RISE OF THE BLACK PANTHER manizing jobs due to their status.” This are DACA recipients or not. undocumented status makes it much VIOLATED BODIES: Governor Cuomo’s proposal would more difficult to move forward in this give Dreamers a free college education NEW LANGUAGES FOR JUSTICE AND HUMANITY country. if they met certain requirements such as working in the state of New York fol- lowing graduation. Manuela Hurtado OPINION believes that Cuomo’s plan would offer many students an equal opportunity for PAGE 8 a college education. Undocumented immigrants in MAKEUP BRANDS EXCLUDE WOMEN OF COLOR Hurtado’s community work twice as WE NEED A CHANGE hard to receive equal treatment. They aren’t criminals, “None of us are here to WOMEN VS. WOMEN do wrong,” said Hurtado. “We are here FAKE APPS, REAL CONSEQUENCESNYC RAPPERS JOIN FORCES because we love America and we want to contribute to this American dream.” The Hurtado family contribute to their East Hampton community but Hurtado was only three when she there are not many groups for them SPORTS came to the United States with her join. Although there is a strong Hispan- mother. She vaguely remembers an PAGES 11-12 ic presence in East Hampton, there are encounter with the Venezuelan police few opportunities for the Hurtado’s to while crossing the border. These cor- A HEALTHY REGIME IS IMPORTANT FOR COLLEGIATE ATHLETES participate because of their undocu- rupt officers robbed them but didn’t mented status. physically harm the two women. MO GOALS FOR MO SALAH Hurtado contributes to her com- Hurtado has shared her story with munity and school. She recently TREUMAN’S SEVEN GOALS PACE @OW_PANTHERS WOMEN’S many people. “I have changed minds became the Public Relations chair of and I have heard other sides,” she said. LACROSSE AT BARD the new Undocumented Student Alli- “But regardless, I am representing a ance.
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