G.P. Schools Not As They Appear in Newspapers?

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G.P. Schools Not As They Appear in Newspapers? Park's Fox Creek sewer project placed on state funding list By Jim Stlckford ject hke the proposed Fox Creek Staff Writer Krajmak saId. "If we borrow the important for the city to receIve a project was the demand by some Grosse Pointe Park offic'-'- have sewer ~paration. The flrSt way is to money from the revolv1Ogfund, the high pnonty on the revolVIng fund DetrOIt reSIdents that public com- UW:l float a bond ISSueto raise the money. mterest rate we pay is 2.25 percent" Just receIved some good news to the The second way IS to borrow the hst" ment hearings on the Park's sewer tune of about $275,000 a year for the money from the state's revolving fund So If the project costs $10 ml1hon, The CItyattempted to be placed on separatIOn plan be held. next 20 years, sald Park CItymanager loan program" sald KrBJDlak, the Park WIll save the hst last year, sald Kr8Jmak, but By the bme those heanngs could be $275,000 a year for 20 years 10 mter- Dale KraJruak The revolv1Og fund method is the falled because the Fox Creek proJect, scheduled, the revolVIng fund list for 'We've receIved a hIgh pnonty on preferred way, sald KrBJrnak, for one est payments That's what a 2 75 per- as proposed by the CIty,had not yet 1995 was ISSUed the state's revolv1Og fund loan hst" sImple reason _ It's cheaper cent dIfference 10interest rates trans- receIved approval from the state's lates mto 'We expect to receIve the money 10 saId KrBJruak 'There are basIcally "Right now the average mterest Department of EnVIronmental October," saId Kr8Jmak "The next two ways for a cIty like the Park to rate on bonds floated by Cltles hke the "If the project costs more than $10 QualIty. step in the process is to actually bid pay for a $10 mllhon.$12 mIlhon pro- Park is about 5 to 55 percent," ffillhon, the saVIngs are even greater," Irorucally, one of the factors that Kr8JDlak Sald "That's why It was so delayed the state's approval of the See FOX CREEK. page 3A Your Community Newspaper Grosse News Vol. 57, No. 23 56 pages Grosse Pointe, Michigan Home Delivery 56-r • Newsstand 75-r June 6, 1996 WEEI( AHEAD Saturda}j June 8 G.P. schools not The 13th annual Art on the Pointe juried art show and family fun f8lr begms at as they appear 10 a.m. on the grounds of the Edsel & Eleanor Ford House. Admission is $4; children under 10 get in free. Hours in newspapers? are 10 a.m to 5 p.m. today and Sunday, June 9. By Shirley A. MCShane the real issue is that the dis- Staff Writer trict is spending too much on Sunday, June 9 Recent newspaper reports overhead. All graduating seniors that Grosse Pomte has a con- "I think there is an 'agenda' from local high schools are troversial, mud-slinging school and that If Taylor were board mVIted to attend the ecu- board campaign under way president, he'd have a different menical prayer service at prompted the school board on way of thinking - and that's 6.37 p.m. in St. Paul Catholic Monday night to publicly his right," Anderson replied. Church on Lakeshore in address the matter. But Mills pressed on. "Do Grosse Pointe Farms. The The candid discussion, initi- you think this board would service is sponsored by the Blooming ated by trustee John Mills, become a 'right-wing' board?" came at the end of the board's he asked. Grosse Pointe Ministenal Association. This year's prpject , regular meetmg held in the Konsler said that obviously theme is Is the Time." Wlcking Library at Grosse some people in the community ...-ms Qroue Pobl.e South Pointe South HIgh School and feel that way or it wouldn't be studeD.ta K:eDy 1Iakewen. one week before the Monday, m the newspaper. Monda}j June 10 left. and JIIgael Piecuch June 10 election. "It could be three people or a Polls are open from 7 a m. pIlUlt yellow :marigolda In Mills said he was alarmed by broad base," she said. "It's hard to S p.m today for the annu- , 0Ile Of the ID8DJ' 1lcrwu news reports that suggested to figure out sometimes." al Grosse Pointe school beds on their b1gh Grosse Pointe's school board board election. Five candi- scJaool'. ezpendve front campaign was "down and After further discussion, dates are running for two ...... PIb't Of the -.ctiv. dIrty," that the board was trustees seemed to agree that seats on the board. Grosse Wa of • newly "fonDed dlVlded, with the minority there are two philosophies on Pointe Park residents vote at "cIab" to maintain the be10g"far-right extremists who the board, but none felt eIther Pierce Middle School; City of ~. lNd-Ub ",0' want to slash the system's were reflective of a "Christian Grof,Be Powte l'ellldents cast "~~ -_.~.tmTon lillie budget." right fanatIC phIlosophy." ballots at Maire Elementary "Am I missing something RetIrmg trustee Frank School; Farms residents go here?" Mills asked the Sladen said the board has for- to Brownell Middle School; trustees. 'The only 'down and gotten Its purpose - the edu- Woods residents vote at dirty' campaign I Bee is in the cation of children. "I'm upset Parcells MIddle School; press." that (the bids for Defer/PIerce Shores residents go to the Woods council debates phone tower Mills said he has attended wmdow replacement) took up village municipal building; the candidate forums and has By Jim Stlc:kford radio towers in the Woods," so damn much time," he said, and Harper Woods voters go Staff Wnter Once the new antenna IS not seen or heard anything to prompting the majority of the to Poupard Elementary said Woods mayor Robert built, the city would take pos_ suggest the characterization of In an effort to obtain the Novitke. "The reason we're audience, some wearing yellow School. seSSIonof it, and get a $1,500 a Grosse Pointe depicted Grosse Pointe Community most advantageous conditions considering this offer seriously month fee from AT&T for use of for the city, the Grosse Pointe Monday in one of Detroit's Network lapel pins, to stand The Grosse Pointe Park is because AT&T is actually the antenna, Novitke said. daIly newspapers Woods City Council discussed proposing to give the city own- and deliver a hearty round of City Council meets at 7 p.m. "RIght now the city has its Retiring board member applause. with an AT&T representative ership of the tower once it's in the munIcipal court room own radIo antenna, which is Glona Konaler responded by The Grosse Pointe what changes would have to be complete. That's something used by the public safety at CIty hall, 15115 E. made in a proposed contract saying sbe doesn't think there Community Network is a new." department to communicate is a Christian nght-wing move- Jefferson. between the city and the tele- newly formed group of people The deal, as proposed by WIth our police and fire vehi- ment m the community, but phone company before a new AT&T, is simple, S8.ldNovitke. who want to maintain the cle," said Novitke said. "This that this election does have school district's high stan- Thursda}j June 13 communications tower could be The company would replace proposal calls for the new built. high stakes and that there dards, along with providing The Grosse Pointe school the city's current SO-foot tall antenna to replace the old one, have been "troublesome" and board conducts Its regular "In the past few years the other services to enhance the radio antenna, located in the whIch IS dIfferent from previ- "negatIve" things going on. community meeting at 7 p.m. at Grosse CIty has received a number of back of city hall, with a new, ous offers because those offers offers from various telecommu- Board Vlce preSident Tim The meeting took a turn Pomte South. modern antenna of the same Howlett agreed WIthKonsler. nications comparues to bwld height in the same locatIOn when several community mem- See TOWER, page 3A "Let's be honest," mterjected bers publicly thanked superin. board president Carl Anderson. tendent Ed ShIne for his VJBion INSIDE "(Trustee) Sears Taylor has and leadershIp and bade made some negative comments farewell to Konsler and Sladen, Opinion 6A in a (local newspaper) column prompting another round of that just are not truthful. The applause. Seniors 12A result of those comments made Shine characterized the Auros 18A by Sears and others are not board's diSCUSSIOnof recent Obztuaries lO-llA helpful toward our unity of events by reIterating part of purpose " Schools 22A lus resignatIon letter "A com- Taylor responded by saYIng munity 18 a place where con- Business 26A he would not be bullied or muz. flIct can exist without physical Entertainment. 7B zled by Anderson or anyone or emotIonal bloodshed and Sports .... _ 1C else on the board. Taylor also WIth WISdomand grace. Grosse said the religious right rhetonc Pointe 18 strugghng with what Classified ads 8C IS nothing but a ruse, and that It is to be a community." POINTER OF INTEREST Tom McAninch Home: Grosse Pointe Park Age: 37 News can appear one Family: Wife, LIsa, three day and be gone the Enjoying sons next But the poper news ISpllnted on can Occupation: Orthopedic and should live on the weather assistant lost year, more than one third of all U S Lauren Brayton, 5, of Claim to fame: Inventor of newspllnt was recyCled Groue PolDte Farma, pad for patients 10 And that number Is enjoyed lut 1'IrcInday'.
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