The weekly report (4th week of Jun 2015)


Tension in Parliament, KDP rejects bill to change presidential system to parliamentary

Rega TV

(23rd of June, 2015)

Erbil: ’s Kurdistan parliaments hold its session in tensed atmosphere to discuss and read a number of draft laws, especially the draft amendment of the regional presidency law. The meeting came after the submission of a number of Kurdish political blocs for a bill that would turn the presidential system in to parliamentary, something rejected by Kurdistan Democratic Party KDP and made them boycott the session. A member of Kurdistan parliament of the Islamic group m Soran Omar said, that the Speaker of Parliament asked the diplomatic missions in the region to attend Tuesday’s meeting to be informed on its events and supervise it.

PUK and Islamic Union met in Erbil to discuss significant issues

Yakgrto TV

(24th of June, 2015)

Erbil: A senior delegations of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK) and Islamic Union convened in Erbil on Tuesday, to discuss a few crucial subjects to do with Kurdistan Region, Iraq and the area especially PUK’s new bill to elect Kurdistan region president through parliament. PUK officials stated that “we have come to meet our brothers in Islamic Union Party and inform them about PUK perspective about the topics at issue in Kurdistan Region and Iraq so as to reach agreement and collective voice in a way that best serve the interest of our nation,” PUK keeps on holding talks with every party and attempts to find solutions to the pending problems. Extending the term of Kurdistan region presidency, was one of the key issues debated in the meeting.

Gorran deputy refutes Iran’s mediation in Erbil-Baghdad disputes


(24th of June, 2015)

Erbil: A member of Change (Gorran) Movement, second party in , denied reports that the Islamic Republic of Iran is mediating to settle differences between Erbil and Baghdad. Shrin Reza called this kind of news as baseless reports, Reza told this to media and said Iraqi’s must solve their problem by themselves.

Parties in Iraqi Kurdistan oppose extending Barzani’s term: deputy


(25th of June, 2015)

1 Erbil: A parliament deputy from Change (Gorran) Movement, one of the main parties in Kurdistan region, stated that political parties in the region are against prolonging the region’s President Massoud Barzani’s term for a second time. Tavga Mirza told media that the parties are against prolonging the term of Barzani and they are putting their efforts into changing the region’s presidency system to a parliament system. She added that these parties are against prolonging Barzani’s term as they believe he has done nothing to the autonomous region despite being president for years. Wondering why Barzani stresses on remaining as region’s president while there are capable politicians which they can take his position.

KDP explains the fact of its withdrawal from the Constitution Committee

KDP info

(25th of June, 2015)

Erbil: Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) led by Massoud Barzani, President of Kurdistan region confirmed on Thursday, that it is with the national consensus and joint action in all the issues on the Kurdish scene, denying its withdrawal from the membership of the Committee of redrafting Kurdistan constitution. The member of Kurdistan Parliament, Ferst Sofi said that the rumors on the withdrawal of his party from re-drafting the constitution committee are “untrue. it is further to mentioned that some local Kurdish news reported that KDP’s members in re-drafting Kurdistan constitution committee declared their withdrawal after Kurdistan parliament hold a session for the first reading of the draft law of amending the presidency law of Kurdistan region.

Kurdistan Parliament questioned ministers in the current cabinet more than 700 times!

(25th of June, 2015)

Erbil: Iraq’s Kurdistan parliament revealed that they questioned the ministers of the current cabinet more than 700 times so far regarding the crises and different issues, mainly the ministers of natural resources, finance, interior and are the most questioned ones. Mawlud Bawa Murad, Kurdistan regional government KRG Minister for Parliament Affairs, stated that large numbers of questions were asked from the cabinet due to having many issues within this year.

Kurdistan president condemns Islamic State attack on Kobani

Rudaw media network

(26th of June, 2015)

Erbil: Iraqi Kurdistan region president Massoud Barzani condemned the Islamic State (IS) group’s attack on the Kurdish town of Kobani in Syrian Kurdistan. In a statement on Thursday, Barzani called on the international community to stand by Kobani and asked the US-led coalition to support Kurdish fighters in their fight against IS. Barzani described IS attack as inhumane and cruel. He also added that the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) is ready to support and aid the Kurds in Kobani and the rest of Syrian Kurdistan. It is further to mentioned that least than 180 Kurdish civilians and fighters were killed when the IS made a surprise return to Kobani on Thursday.

2 Democratic Union Party PYD in Iraqi Kurdistan accuses Turkey of harboring Islamic State

Millet press

(27th of June, 2015)

Slemani: Representative of the democratic union party PYD in Iraq’s Kurdistan region, Gharib Hissou, accused on Saturday the Turkish government of covering up Islamic state group (IS) militants within its territory, noting that Turkey is trying to hit the gains of the Kurdish people wherever found. Hissou told media “that the government of Turkey is responsible for what happened in the Kurdish town of Kobani” Hissou added that “Turkey insists on striking gains and the will of the Kurdish people wherever they are,” urging the international community to “arm people’s protection units of the party to fight IS”. People’s protection units are the military wing of the Kurdish democratic union party in Syrian Kurdistan, and it was founded in 2012.

Iraqi Kurdistan cities condemns Islamic State attack on Kobani

Hawler news paper

(28th of June, 2015)

Slemani: Erbil and Slemani residents gathered condemning Thursday’s deadly attacks in the Kurdish city of Kobani in Syrian Kurdistan by Islamic State (IS) group, the gatherings showed their support to Kobani residents. Elsewhere, Kurds across Europe reacted with anger and frustration at Thursday’s deadly attacks on Kobani, and many showed their support with spontaneous rallies.

Austria to open consulate office in Kurdistan Region: FM

(28th of June, 2015)

Erbil: The Austrian government revealed its plan to open its honorary Consulate General in Iraq’s Kurdistan region capital Erbil in a near future. On Saturday the Foreign Ministry of Austria announced Austria will open the Austrian honorary consulate in Kurdistan Region, stressing Austria’s commitment to provide humanitarian aid and support for displaced persons in the region.

Halabja mayor dismissed on corruption allegations


(30th of June, 2015)

3 Slemani: The mayor of the eastern Kurdish city of Halabja in Iraqi Kurdistan was dismissed from his post on Tuesday amid accusations of corruption while in office. Members of the Sulaimany provincial council voted 28 to one to dismiss Khider Karim, who had been summoned twice to answer to allegations of corruption before council members.

Threats and targeted physical attacks on KNN and Kurdsat journalists in Erbil


(30th of June, 2015)

Erbil: Metro center for journalist’s rights and advocacy condemned attacks on KNN and Kurdsat news channel journalists by Erbil security force. In the Past 24 hours, three KNN journalist were attacked physically, their camera broken and other reporting equipments seized by Zervani security force while reporting an issue in one of Erbil neighborhoods. Head of KNN channel in Erbil Shawqi Kanabi stated that the three journalists were beaten up and intimidated by a Zervani security force belonging and they were detained for three hours. In a separate incident, a Kurdsat channel journalist in Erbil was threatened by text messages. The Kurdsat channel journalist in Erbil Hawker Abdurrahman told Metro center for journalist’s rights and advocacy that after 23rd of June parliament meeting he got death threat messages from unknown person which he demanded investigation. After the Kurdistan Parliament session on 23rd of June, when other political parties except KDP demanded reducing the President executive powers and allowing Parliament to elect the President, tension rose between KDP and other parties. KKN belongs to and Kurdsat to PUK party.


Kurdistan to dig more trenches


(24th of June, 2015)

Erbil: Iraq’s Kurdistan Regional Government KRG announced a continuation of its trench digging operations on the frontlines against Islamic State (IS). Peshmerga and Iraqi security forces have previously disagreed over the subject. Peshmerga had planned to dig trenches on the Jalawla and Saadia frontlines in order to prevent possible infiltration of IS insurgents into areas under the control of Kurdish forces. However, the plan was suspended as the Iraqi central government expressed concerns, claiming that KRG was intending to separate the region from Iraq. Jafar Mustafa, a Peshmerga commander told the media that they would continue digging the trenches, “and we won’t consider Baghdad’s concerns because it is our duty to protect our region”.

Kurdish security arrests ‘masterminds’ behind January Kirkuk attacks

Rudaw media net work

(24th of June, 2015)

Erbil: Iraq’s Kurdistan Region Security Council (KRSC) announced that they arrested the masterminds beyond suicide attacks on January 31 in Kirkuk, when four IS suicide bombers broke into Kirkuk Palace hotel and killed multiple civilians and Peshmerga. “IS masterminds consisting of four have been arrested in Kirkuk in a security and

4 intelligence operation,” according to a KRSC statement. “With the help of people and the efforts of our tireless security personnel, the security forces successfully managed to capture the perpetrators of the Kirkuk Palace hotel bombing carried out by four suicide bombers,” the announcement stated. “Following the defeat of a major pre- dawn offensive against the Peshmerga frontlines in southern Kirkuk on January 31, IS cells launched the suicide attack inside Kirkuk on the same day,” also added in the statement.

Islamic State launched rockets at town south of Kirkuk


(25th of June, 2015)

Kirkuk: Islamic State (IS) militants launched two rockets on Thursday towards the town of Taza Khurmatu, located 10 kilometers south of the outskirts of the oil-rich city of Kirkuk. Kirkuk’s Provincial Police Chief Brig. Sarhad Qadir told NRT, “Islamic State has targeted Taza town with rockets and the coalition fighter jets responded, destroying a military vehicle. It is further to mentioned that the militants reportedly dug tunnels west of Kirkuk, from where they launched mortars rounds at Kurdish positions on June 14. A Peshmerga commander in the area, Kemal Kirkuki, told NRT also that coalition warplanes responded, destroying the tunnels and killing a number of IS fighters.

Kurdish Peshmerga finish military training in Germany

Rudaw media net work

(27th of June, 2015)

Dusseldorf – Erbil: A group of Kurdish Peshmerga soldiers finished two weeks of training on anti-tank weapons in Germany on Friday. Further trainings will continue in Kurdistan Region, a German defense official told Rudaw. The Peshmerga and a group of Iraqi soldiers were trained on Milan anti-tank missiles at a military camp in Hammelburg in southern of Germany. Commenting on a statement by the German Defense Minister Ursula von der Leyen last week who said that Germany was training Yazidi fighters, the defense official told Rudaw that they had not been tasked with such training yet. It is further to mentioned that the German military advisors continue working with the Kurdish Peshmerga at a training camp set up by the coalition forces near Erbil last year. Kurdish authorities have praised the effectiveness of Milan anti-tank missiles provided by Germany in their fight against the Islamic State (IS).

Kurdish Peshmerga and PKK guerrillas forces reached centre of the Yazidi town of Shingal

Millet press

(28th of June, 2015)

Sinjar: Kurdish Peshmerga and PKK guerrilla’s forces liberated the center of the Kurdish Yazidi town of Sinjar (Shingal in Kurdish) in northwest Iraq from Islamic State (IS) militants on Friday. Patriotic Union of Kurdistan’s spokesperson in Mosul Ghias Surchi, told media that Peshmerga forces launched offensives on IS bases in the Kurdish Yazidi town of Shingal and cleared a large areas from the IS members, also he said Peshmerga force didn’t lose any member, while they killed(6) IS members and wounded dozen of them.

Son-in- law of Kurdistan Islamic Group leader arrested in Kurdistan

5 Payam TV

(25th of June, 2015)

Erbil: Counter-terrorism forces in Iraq’s Kurdistan region arrested on Monday, son-in- law of the Kurdistan Islamic Group KIG leader Ali Bapir in Erbil, after a court-ordered arrest. Tariq Nuri the director of Erbil security (Asayish in Kurdish) said that Counter-terrorism forces arrested Mohammed Keyfi after an order from the court, pointing that the detention was according to law and an official letter issued from the court on terrorism text.

Joint Kurdish Shi’ite force to be established in Diyala

Hawlati news paper

(29th of June, 2015)

Diyala: Kurdish and Shi’ite security forces in the eastern Iraqi province of Diyala will create a joint security unit in order to counter Islamic State (IS) militants more effectively. Kurdish Member of the Diyala Provincial Council Zahid Dalawi told media that Kurdish security forces and Shi’ite forces came to an agreement to secure the province against IS assaults. He explained, “We are intending to provide a suitable and stable situation for the displaced people of Diyala to return to their homes. “We are protecting all those who have been affected by IS attacks without considering their ethnicity or religion,” Dalawi stated .it is further to mentioned that in recent months there have been some clashes between Peshmerga forces and the Shiite militia groups in Diyala Province, over who controls the areas.

Peshmerga repulse Islamic State near Mosul, killing 19 militants and wounding scores

Hawler news paper

(29th of June, 2015)

Erbil: Kurdish Peshmerga forces repulsed an assault on their position near the extremist-held city of Mosul early Sunday, killing 19 Islamic State (IS) and wounding scores of others, a Kurdish military official said. “IS militants launched the attack in the village of Bihalan near Bashik front, but the attack was repelled right away,” said the Peshmerga source, speaking on condition of anonymity. He added that the militants had come with artillery and other heavy weapons.

Ali Bapir’s son-in-law released in Erbil

Payam TV

(29th of June, 2015)

Erbil: The son-in-law of Kurdistan Islamic Group KIG leader Ali Bapir in Kurdistan Region has been released from detention in Erbil. Mohammed Keyfi, a 19 year-old university student and son-in-law of Ali Bapir, was taken into custody on Monday after a court-ordered arrest. He was arrested by counter-terror police in the Kurdish capital, Erbil. Ali Bapir is the head of the Kurdistan Islamic Group.

6 Asayish arrest 30 terrorist suspects in Slemani

PUK media

(30th of June, 2015)

Slemani: Asayish Directorate west of Slemani announced on Tuesday the arrest of 30 wanted terrorist suspects who went to Slemani (Sulaimaniyah) to hide there. Patriotic Union of Kurdistan site quoted Asayish manager west of Slemani, Brigadier General Ahmad Nader that his forces managed during the last period to arrest more than 30 wanted suspects after obtaining accurate information about them. He added that many of these suspects are wanted by Iraq’s federal security services and some of them confessed after detailed investigations by Asayish of joining Islamic State group (IS), pointing out that some others are wanted on terrorism charges in accordance with Article 4 and are still under investigation. He noted that these detainees were accompanied by their families to the borders of Slemani province to hide there.

Massoud Barzani orders Peshmerga to support YPG forces: commander

Kurdistan TV

(30th of June, 2015)

Erbil: Iraqi Kurdistan President Massoud Barzani ordered the Kurdish Peshmerga forces to go to the Kurdish cites of Kobani and Hasaka in Syrian Kurdistan to help the Kurdish fighters of the Peoples’ Protection Units (YPG).Barzani ordered Peshmerga forces to help Syrian Kurdish fighters who are on offensive against the Islamic State group (IS) militants, Brigadier General Jamal Muhammad told media that they took this order from Barzani and they are communicating with YPG to see what kind of help they need. This order from Barzani comes after the attack of IS on Kobani which killed about 200 civilians .it is further to mentioned that some groups of Peshmerga were deployed to Kobani months ago when the city was under the IS siege but the forces returned to Iraqi Kurdish region after IS was defeated.


KRG: Baghdad owe us 27 trillion and 500 billion dinars

Bas news

(27th of June, 2015)

Sulaimaniyah: The spokesman of the Ministry of Finance in Iraq’s Kurdistan Regional Government KRG, Ahmed Abdel Rahman said on Saturday, that Baghdad owe us 11 trillion and 500 billion dinars for Peshmerga forces and 16 trillion dinars for Kurdistan region as receivables of 2014. Abdul Rahman said in a press conference held in (Slemani in Kurdish) that the region is in a real financial crisis, noting that last year only witnessed a reduction in the operating budget by a trillion and 513 billion dinars. He added that the first priority of his ministry insuring the staff salaries and basic services. Abdul Rahman said that Iraqi government since 2007 till now owes t Ministry of Peshmerga an amount of 11 trillion and 513 billion dinars, as the Federal Government did not send them so far. He

7 pointed out that the Federal Government had send in 2014 a total of four installments, an installment in the first month by 566 billion dinars, the second installment in February by 548 billion dinars, the third installment in October by 583 billion dinars and the last installment in November by 583 billion dinars. It is further to mentioned that KRG is under a big internal pressure from its citizens to find a solution for the current financial crises.

Kurdistan govt sends delegation to Europe for loan


29th of June, 2015

Erbil: A high-ranking delegation from Iraq’s Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) has travelled to Europe to negotiate with banks and companies to receive loan. KRG Spokesman, Safeen Dizayee, told NRT TV that a high- level delegation has gone to some European states and negotiated with companies and banks to loan Kurdish region which is battling economic crisis. KRG PM Deputy, Qubad Talabani and Finance Minister, Ribaz Hamlan were among the officials in the delegation that has been sent to Europe after an approval by the region’s local parliament.

Iraqi Kurdistan govt reduces crude export levels

30th of June, 2015

Erbil: Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) reduced crude volume transfers to the Iraqi State Organization for Marketing of Oil (SOMO) since the beginning of June, according to a government official. KRG spokesman Safeen Dizayee told media on Saturday that, as it stands, the current oil-revenue sharing deal between Erbil and Baghdad is not in KRG’s interest, but declined to say by how much transfers had been reduced. It is further to mentioned that officials from KRG and central government signed an agreement to end a near year-long dispute in December 2014, under that deal; KRG must transfer 550,000 barrels of crude oil per day in exchange for 17 percent of the national budget.