Hortsci455register 716..756
Register of New Fruit and Nut Cultivars List 45 John R. Clark, Co-editor Department of Horticulture, Plant Science 316 University of Arkansas Fayetteville, AR 72701 Chad E. Finn, Co-editor Horticultural Crops Research Laboratory U.S. Department of Agriculture–Agricultural Research Service 3420 NW Orchard Avenue Corvallis, OR 97330 Crop Listingsz: Almond Rootstock, Apple, Apricot and Apricot Hybrids, Banana, Blackberry, Blueberry, Cacao, Citrus, Citrus Rootstock, Cranberry, Genip (Quenepa, Spanish Lime), Grape, Grape rootstock, Macadamia, Mango, Nectarine, Passion Fruit, Peach, Peach Rootstock, Pecan, Persian Walnut, Persian Walnut Rootstock, Pineapple, Pistachio, Pitanga (Surinam Cherry), Plantain, Plum and Plum Hybrids, Plum Rootstock, Raspberry, Strawberry ALMOND ROOTSTOCK Alvina. Solid red whole tree mutation of Gala. Origin: Drouin, Victoria, Australia by G.E. Fankhauser. Selected 2000; USPP Thomas G. Beckman, USDA-ARS Southeastern Fruit and Tree 19,604; 30 Dec. 2008. Nut Research Laboratory, Byron, GA B. Thome McIntosh. Early coloring sport of Starling differing from Greenpac: Compatible with almond cultivar. Described under other McIntosh cultivars in greenish flesh coloration and red Peach Rootstock. coloration of blossom and leaf petiole. Origin: Comstock Park, MI, by B.J. Thome. selected 1999; USPP 19,891; 7 Apr. 2009. APPLE Banning Red Fuji. Red sport of Desert Rose Fuji. Origin: East James J. Luby and David S. Bedford, Department of Horticultural Wenatchee, WA, by B.L. Banning. selected 1999; USPP 16,624; 6 Science, University of Minnesota, St. Paul, MN June 2006. Apple sports are listed and described only in reference to the original apple cultivar. Please see the plant patent or other Beller. Attractively colored, late-season apple.
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