Minutes of a meeting of Council held at Village Hall on Wednesday 2nd January 2019 at 7.30 p.m.

1. Present: Chairman R.W.Jones, Councillors T.Rogers, G.W.Roberts, A.L.Williams, A.Roberts and Clerk P.G.Palmer. Two members of Council standards committee. (Julia Hughes, Peter Lamb) Guest speaker Mr Keith Moulsdale. 2. Apologies. County Councillor E.Williams, Councillor J.E.Williams. 3 Declaration of interest: None 4 Minutes of the Council: The minutes of the meetings held on7th November 2018 were approved as correct and signed by the Chairman. 5 Matters arising from minutes: None 5a. Urgent Matters: None 6. Public Participation No members of the public present. 7. Village Chronicle Mr Keith Moulsdale outlined his proposals for producing a 5 village chronicle for Llanfair DC, Graigfechan, , Pwllglas and . To be published every quarter. Initial start-up equipment cost approx. £2000. A general discussion took place. Council agreed to support the proposal. 8. Planning Applications 13/2018/1149 Egg Production Unit, Bron Parc, Galltegfa, Council has no objection to the proposal subject to the proposal complying with all relevant planning policies. 9. Community Council Translation Service The Council does not at present have an agreed rate for translations other than for minutes. Council agreed a rate for general translation of £7.50 per 100 words. 10. Possible Upgrade to Bus Shelters. Denbighshire Council transport department have offered that if the Community Council pays the full cost of refurbishing one shelter the County Council will pay for the other two. Based on previous quotes supplied this would cost the Community Council £1892. The firm that would carry out the refurbishment was previously reported as having gone into administration. Following discussion the Council decided not to take up the offer due to lack of sufficient funds at present. 11. Community Plan The Clerk has contacted Cadwyn Clwyd regarding preparing a Community Plan. All their grant funds are allocated for schemes already committed up to the end of 2021. Further funding may become available. Applicants for grants pay 30% of the total cost. Council can however register an expression of interest in future grant aid. Council agreed that the Clerk do so. 12. Highways, Footpaths. No further news on extending the 40 mph limit Pwllglas. Some of the highway matters reported to the County Council have been attended to. 13. Pwllglas Playing Field. Clerk reported on number of cuts carried out 2018. Clerk to obtain quotes for grass cutting 2019 from Ground Control. One as before the other to include removing grass cuttings. A tree inspection will be required during 2019.

14. John Williams Charity Deferred to the next meeting.


15. Report on Financial Position Details of expenditure to date against budget presented to Council together with details of the present financial position and the estimated year end position.

16. Budget / Determination of Precept 2019/20 The clerk supplied details of likely expenditure to 31/3/19 and the estimated year end balances. A list of likely expenditure for 2019/20 was provided. Following discussion a budget for 2019/20 was agreed. Council resolved that the precept be increased to £25 per dwelling giving a precept of £7625. 17. Schedule of payments Schedule presented to Council and cheques signed.

18. Welsh Government, Community and Town Council update. Presented to Council and contents noted. 19. Correspondence None 20. Date of next meeting March 6th 2019 Pwllglas Village Hall


Payments made since last meeting Date Cheque No Amount 28/11/2018 Mr Mike Kymko (Daffodils) 100043 £25.00 30/11/2018 Boyns Information (Antivirus) online payment £30.00

Payments made at this meeting.

02/01/2019 Mr D.P.Jones 100044 £45.00 02/01/2019 P.G.Palmer (Expenses) 100045 £69.96 02/01/2019 Krystal Hosting online payment £47.99 ______