QFZA Chairman Stroll upstages showcases Qatar’s title-chasing investment Hamilton to climate in Los take maiden Angeles event pole Business | 01 Sport | 08

SUNDAY 15 NOVEMBER 2020 29 RABIA I - 1442 VOLUME 25 NUMBER 8442 www.thepeninsula.qa 2 RIYALS

Top global health experts to Tunisian President arrives in Doha address WISH 2020 today THE PENINSULA — DOHA about how he thinks the coro- sessions are open for all to navirus pandemic will end. attend, giving the public the The 2020 edition of the World He will further talk about opportunity to watch first-hand Innovation Summit for Health the importance of flexibility some important conversations (WISH), under the banner ‘One with adopting new approaches, shaping the future of World Our Health’, begins based on data, to address the healthcare. More than 300 today, presenting ‘In Conver- pandemic, as well as the dis- comprise the full line-up of sation’ sessions with some of parity among different ethnic confirmed speakers at WISH the world’s leading healthcare groups with respect to con- 2020. figures facing the pressures of tracting the virus. These include the World fighting COVID-19 and other Executive Director of the Health Organization (WHO) epidemics. Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Director-General, Dr. Tedros Attendees will be able to Tuberculosis (TB) and Malaria, Adhanom Ghebreyesus; Eng- hear Dr. Anthony Fauci — Peter Sands — in conversation land’s former Chief Medical Director of the National with BBC broadcaster Mishal Officer (until 2019), Prof. Dame Institute of Allergy and Infec- Husain — will reflect on the Sally Davies; WHO Special tious Diseases in the US and a impact of resources being Envoy on COVID-19, Dr. David member of the White House pulled from diseases like Nabarro; and Sweden’s chief coronavirus task force — speak malaria, TB and AIDS to address epidemiologist, Dr. Anders Tunisian President, H E Kais Saied, being received by Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of State for with Fiona Godlee of the BMJ, COVID-19. ‘In Conversation’ Tegnell among others. Defence Affairs, H E Dr. Khalid bin Mohammed Al Attiyah; Minister of Culture and Sports, H E Salah bin Actor, activist and philan- thropist Eva Longoria will add Ghanem Al Ali; and other officials upon his arrival at Doha International Airport, yesterday. her voice to the discussions around the impact of the pan- QNA — DOHA H E Saad bin Nasser Al Hamidi, visit also reflects the impor- Top US infectious disease expert Dr. Anthony Fauci will demic and global health ine- and Ambassador of the tance of the role that Qatar and speak about how he thinks the pandemic will end. qualities experienced by President of the Republic of Republic of Tunisia to the State its wise leadership play in its women and girls of colour Tunisia, H E Kais Saied, arrived of Qatar, H E Sami Al Saadi. Arab and international sur- Qatar Foundation's flagship global health summit will while iconic Oscar-winning in Doha on a state visit Amir H H Sheikh Tamim bin roundings at all levels, espe- also feature WHO chief, WHO special envoy on COVID-19 actor and humanitarian, yesterday. Hamad Al Thani and H E the cially political and economic. and Sweden's chief epidemiologist. Morgan Freeman will give a Upon their arrival at Doha Tunisian President will discuss It reaffirms that the State of keynote speech around the International Airport, H E the at the Amiri Diwan today the Qatar has successfully Actor and activist Eva Longoria will talk about global topic of the need to focus on Tunisian President and the bilateral relations and the overcome all the obstacles that health inequalities experienced by women and girls of early childhood health in a accompanying delegation were means of enhancing and devel- aimed to isolate it and cut the colour, while Oscar-winning actor Morgan Freeman will world struggling to combat greeted by Deputy Prime Min- oping them, in addition to lines of communication global warming and conflict. ister and Minister of State for issues of joint interest. between it and its Arab friends. highlight importance of early childhood health in a The summit will conclude Defence Affairs, H E Dr. Khalid The Tunisian President’s The visit shows that addressing world facing global warming and conflict. on November 19. Global inno- bin Mohammed Al Attiyah; Min- visit reflects Qatar’s position on the coronavirus pandemic does vators and health entrepre- ister of Culture and Sports, H E the Tunisian diplomacy map, not prevent Qatar from carrying neurs will be showcased in an Salah bin Ghanem Al Ali; as it was his first visit to the out its national and humani- expansive ‘Innovation Hub’ Ambassador of the State of State of Qatar since he took tarian role towards friends at exhibition space. `P2 Qatar to the Republic of Tunisia, office in October last year. The all times and everywhere.

HMC plans new clinic for diabetes reversal Ministry of Justice launches FAZEENA SALEEM motivated to treat their diabetes intensive lifestyle intervention Association (QDA), WCM-Q, and mobile notary service THE PENINSULA through lifestyle modification. on bodyweight and glycaemia was funded by the Qatar “Through the new clinic we in early type 2 diabetes National Research Fund QNA — DOHA Hamad Medical Corporation could see more people reverse (DIADEM-I): an open-label, (QNRF). Initiative brings the (HMC) will open a clinic that diabetes, removing the need for parallel-group, randomised According to Dr. Taheri, the ministry's services to could revolutionise the way lifelong medical care and other controlled trial’ was conducted study included participants The Ministry of Justice has people's doorsteps. type 2 diabetes is treated in complications due to diabetics,” by teams from HMC’s QMI, aged between 18 and 50 years launched ‘Absher’ car Qatar. said Dr. Taheri. Primary Health Care Corpo- and diagnosed with type 2 dia- service to serve the public. Vehicle is fully Based on a recent research The study titled ‘Effect of ration (PHCC), Qatar Diabetes betes within 3 years. `P2 The car is a mobile office in equipped to facilitate study on people with Type 2 which a legal notary is real estate registration diabetes, the new diabetes present as well as the office and documentation reversal clinic is set to open at and technical requirements services. HMC, said Chair of HMC’s Qatar to facilitate transactions and Metabolic Institute’s (QMI) take signatures for citizens Mobile service staff Research Committee, Dr. in their whereabouts includes male and Shahrad Taheri. without the need to visit the female, taking into “A recent study has found ministry or its branches. account privacy of that Type 2 diabetes could be Governmental and reversed in more than 60 private entities and institu- customers. percent of participants through tions can also benefit from dietary change, physical the service in cases that The service staff includes activity, and behaviour change,” require this, according to the male and female employees, said Dr. Taheri while speaking controls and procedures taking into account the at a webinar held as part of the regulating the movement of privacy of customers. The WISH Doha Healthcare Week the car and its locations. vehicle is fully equipped to yesterday. The new service is a provide various real estate “We are now going to take qualitative leap in the min- registration and documen- the findings from the research istry’s efforts to bring trans- tation services, including study into the clinic,” said Dr. actions closer to the public transactions that are sub- Taheri, who is also a Senior and facilitate access, and it mitted electronically. The Consultant at HMC, and a Pro- is available to all segments car service is offered to the fessor at Weill Cornell Med- of society, especially the public for a set fee in icine-Qatar (WCM-Q). elderly, people with special accordance with legal Diabetes Reversal Clinics The building of the Ministry of Interior was lit up in blue to mark the World Diabetes Day yesterday. needs, and other cases. controls. would register patients who are The move is aimed to create public awareness of diabetes prevention and care. Education Ministry assesses students’ motivation to learn

CITY THE PENINSULA — DOHA Sunday 15 November 2020 was 78 percent, and in interna- recorded at 82 percent in public all academic levels were targeted, The smart green city of the future tional schools 89 percent. schools, 60 percent in international representing 42 percent of the total THE PENINSULA most enjoyable ways to get The School Evaluation Department The results were released schools and 62 percent in private number of students in public and around the city. usail City is the largest One of Lusail City’s major single sustainable assets is its strategic location on development being Al Khor highway, with fast undertaken in the access to the Qetaifan lagoon, of the Ministry of Education and during a seminar organised by the Arab schools. private schools, and the percentage State of Qatar. Lusail Doha City and Hamad Interna- LCity embodies Qatar’s National tional Airport. Inside the city, a Vision 2030 in the field of real carefully planned road network estate development. Lusail City has been developed with goes beyond the usual concept Our aim was to highway entrances, crossroads Higher Education has announced Department at the headquarters of The comprehensive educa- of responses among the target of a modern city by encom- create the and numerous bridges, all of passing innovative ideas that hospitality icon of which connect Lusail City with take the sustainability principles the 21st Century the Al Khor highway and into the core of the city's master that is within one beyond. plan. Lusail will provide a the results of the comprehensive the ministry in Al Qatifiya. The tional survey targeted 178,106 groups was low due to COVID-19 of the world’s most Located just over 20km switched on, high-technology from Doha, Lusail City has been exciting urban environment comprising both designed to offer residents and developments. wired and wireless communi- visitors an enhanced quality of H E Sheikh Nawaf bin Jassim cation networks to offer educational survey for 2019-20 seminar was entitled ‘The Most parents and received response in the second semester of last year. life. It is also home to the bin Jabor Al Thani advanced services. Lusail City’s 80,000-capacity Lusail Chairman of Katara Hospitality residents, business community Stadium. The stadium will host and visitors will have a variety the final of the FIFA World Cup of communication facilities Qatar 2022. Assessment System (GSAS) understood the significance of milestone in the country’s various districts. The network which will allow them to access academic year. Important Results and Recommen- from 5,632 parents from public Director of School Evaluation Lusail City extends across Design & Build 5 Stars rating at the project, our aim was to development, this new property is composed of four main tram any network from any place anan area ofof 38 ssquarequare kilkilometresometres thethe ddesignesign sstage.tage. ccreatereate ththee hhospitalityospitality iiconcon ooff inin LLusailusail wwillill aalsolso occupy a ffocalocal lineslines extendingextending over 3838.5.5 kilo-kilo- andand aatt any titime.me. andand includes four exclusive SymbolicallySymbolically intertwined the 21st CenturCenturyy that is within pointpoint for residents and travtrav-- metresmetres both underundergroundground and LusailLusail CityCity offers a broad islands and 19 multi-purposemulti-purpose with Qatar’s heritage, tthehe oonene of the world’s most ellers duringduring the FIFA WWorldorld over ground, with 36 passengerpassenger range of ententertainmentertainment venues. residential,residential, mixemixedd useuse,, enterenter-- IconicIconic Towers in LusaiLusaill are an exciting ururbanban ddevelopments.evelopments. Cup.Cup. We bbelieveelieve tthathat tthishis is our stations.stations. In thethe near ffuture,uture, tthehe TheThe major concentration fforor As per the survey, the per- dations of School Performance schools and 2,014 parents from Department, Muna Al Kuwari, tainmenttainment aandnd cocommercialmmercial ddis-is- architecturalarchitectural ttranslationranslation ofof OuOurr vivisionsion iiss to set nnewew opportunity to showcase a railrail nnetworketwork will coconnectnnect to publicpublic attractions is in the tricts.tricts. TheThe city aalsolso incincludesludes Qatar’s nationalnational seaseal,l, reprrepre-e- sstandardstandards tthathat go bbeyondeyond tthehe countrycountry thatthat hhasas grown iintonto an Doha’s Metro network intinter-er- EntertainmentEntertainment City which is numerous residential units, senting the traditional scimitar bbordersorders of tthehe hospitalihospitalityty international destinationdestination and changes locatedlocated on Al Khor planned as thethe premier wworld-orld- officeoffice bbuildingsuildings ooff various sizes swords.swords. Raising gracefullygracefully iindustryndustry and provide a KataraKatara HospitalityHospitality willwill create highway and at the Southern classclass ddestinationestination in QQatar.atar. OtOtherher andand 22 hotelshotels wiwithth ddifferentifferent fromfrom the ppodiumodium level, the lalandmarkndmark llocationocation tthathat iiss thethe landmark to underpin Boundary. districts that will be uniqueunique dedes-s- centage of teachers’ satisfaction Assessment Processes for 2019-20 private schools. chaired the seminar. A group of international star ratings. arched towerstowers will host a five- iinstantlynstantly recognised intinterna-erna- lifetime memmemories,"ories," SheiSheikhkh Lusail City’s 30 kilometres tinations includeinclude EntertEntertainmentainment KataraKatara Towers’ devedevel-l- star hotel with 361 rooms and ttionally,”ionally,” said His Excellency NawafNawaf added. of waterfront develodevelopmentpment will Island, QQetaifanetaifan Islands, Lusail opmentopment at Lusail has become suites to cater to discerning Sheikh Nawaf bin JJassimassim bin LusailLusail City has a comprcompre-e- makemake water taxis the ppreferredreferred Plaza,Plaza, Seef Lusail and the thethe firstfirst hospitalityhospitality project in businessbusiness travetravellers,llers, anandd more. JJaborabor AAll Thani,Thani, ChaChairmanirman ooff hensivehensive pplanlan fforor estaestablishingblishing a transportation forfor many resi-resi- variousvarious WaWadi,di, Crescent, AAll KKhorhor with students’ motivation to learn Academic Year’. The survey targeted 22,183 consultants, directors and heads of Qatar to receivereceive certificate for “Katara HospitalityHospitality is oonene Katara HospiHospitalitytality network of lightlight trains, which dents and visitors. Water taxis ParksParks and ththee promenades GlobalGlobal Sustainability of the first investors that “While we regard 2022 as a will connect the willwill be one of the fastest and alongalong Marina DistrictDistrict.. WelcomeWe Includedlcome HHomeome toto thethwithe SuiteSiSuite LifeL today’sife if edition is a was higher in private and interna- The survey showed that school teachers. However, it received departments participated in the tional schools than in the gov- principals are satisfied with the response from 6,489 teachers in event. special supplement ernment schools. Teacher’s satis- quality of training courses which government schools and 2,828 The panellists discussed results faction in public schools was 68 they attended during the academic teachers in private schools. of the comprehensive educational percent, while in private schools it year. The satisfaction rate was A total of 126,352 students from survey. `P2 02 HOME SUNDAY 15 NOVEMBER 2020

Amiri Guard concludes infantry competition for 2020 OFFICIAL NEWS QNA — DOHA Amir condoles with The Chairman of the President of The Amiri Guard celebrated the conclusion of the 7th edition of Infantry Contest Mozambique the infantry competition for the Committee Captain year 2020, and the graduation Mubarak Ali Al Nuaimi, DOHA: Amir H H Sheikh Tamim of four foundation courses with bin Hamad Al Thani and Dep- the presence of the Commander pointed out that the uty Amir H H Sheikh Abdullah of the Amiri Guard, Major distinguished level at bin Hamad Al Thani sent yes- General Hazza bin Khalil Al which the competitions terday cables of condolences Shahwani, the Deputy to President of the Republic of Commander of the Amiri Guard, of the 7th edition Mozambique H E Filipe Jacinto the Inspector General, the appeared, reflected the Nyusi on the victims of the armed assistants of the Commander of attack that targeted several vil- the Amiri Guard, and a number level of competence and lages and a football stadium in of department and group readiness enjoyed by the northern Mozambique, wishing leaders, officers from the Qatar different groups of the the injured a speedy recovery. Armed Forces, and the Internal In the cable, His Highness Security Force of Lekhwiya. Amiri Guard. affirmed the State of Qatar's At the beginning of the cer- firm position rejecting violence emony, the general report of the and terrorism, regardless of the competition in which seven fac- He pointed out that the key motives and reasons. Prime Min- tions took part and lasted for two to success always comes from ister and Minister of Interior weeks was presented, and the teamwork, cooperation of all H E Sheikh Khalid bin Khalifa bin results were as follows: the Pro- elements and diligence in Abdulaziz Al Thani sent a cable of tocols Group won the first place training in order to achieve the condolences to Prime Minister of as the best faction, and the first desired goal. the Republic of Mozambique H E place was awarded as the best He added that the compe- Commander of the Amiri Guard Major General Hazza bin Khalil Al Shahwani honoured the winners Carlos Agostinho on the victims factions leaders to Lieutenant tition aims primarily to in various branches of the competition. of the armed attack, wishing the Muhammad Saafq Al Anzi. emphasise the importance of injured a speedy recovery. -QNA On this occasion, the Com- infantry training as one of the competence and readiness School Colonel Ali Arahma Al tactical dilemmas, and it was mander of the Protocols Group basic and important pillars of enjoyed by the different groups Muraikhi said that through the divided into two parts, the first Brigadier General Hitmi military control and linkage as of the Amiri Guard. directives of the Amiri Guard of which was a planning aspect Muhammad Al Hitmi, expressed well as the fact that it promotes He explained that this year Command, the focus has been and was assigned to the minor his happiness at achieving first teamwork, and contributes to the competition was attended on enhancing training outputs staff session, and the other was Chief of Staff of place in the competition reaching the highest levels of by seven factions from different and keeping abreast of modern an executive aspect that was organised annually in which the readiness. groups and departments, and it and advanced developments in assigned to the two founding Qatari Armed various departments and groups For his part, the Chairman consisted of five committees that the training process in order to qualifying sessions of officers of the Amiri Guard take part. of the Infantry Contest Com- oversee the accurate tests that reach the highest levels of and agents. Forces visits US Al Hitmi explained that the mittee Captain Mubarak Ali Al all participants are subject to. readiness. In conclusion, the Com- Central Command competition is a preparation to Nuaimi, pointed out that the dis- Regarding the graduation of Al Muraikhi added that the mander of the Amiri Guard participate in the national march tinguished level at which the a number of foundational and participants carried out a joint crowned the winners in various to celebrate the country’s competitions of the 7th edition qualifying courses, the Acting exercise at the conclusion of the branches of the competition, and QNA — FLORIDA national day. appeared, reflected the level of Commander of the Amiri Guard sessions, which included many honoured course graduates. Chief of Staff of the Qatari Armed Forces, H E Lieu- tenant-General (Pilot) Social Responsibility Award to be held in first quarter of 2021 Ghanem bin Shaheen Al Ghanem visited the US THE PENINSULA — DOHA Responsibility Award had members agreed that the event Central Air Force Command gained popularity since its would be launched in the first in the state of Florida, the The Social Responsibility Award launch. quarter of 2021. They also sug- United States of America. Committee has announced it “It is deserving to honour gested that a conference be held During the visit, he met will present this year’s award to sectors and individuals that have in the morning for winners to with Commander of the US companies and organisations had a positive role in addressing highlight their achievements and Central Command General that have contributed to efforts the coronavirus pandemic and managing COVID-19. At the H E Kenneth McKenzie. against the coronavirus that have played great comple- same time, the evening is des- During the meeting, they (COVID-19) pandemic from a mentary roles,” he said. ignated for the award reviewed the bilateral mil- social responsibility perspective. For his part, Jaber Al ceremony. itary relations between the In its new session for 2020- Harami, Deputy CEO of Dar Al The Social Responsibility two countries and ways to 2021, the first meeting of the Sharq, said that Dar Al Sharq Award was launched in 2014. enhance them. Lieutenant- award committee was chaired would continue to sponsor this Since that time, it has held seven General (Pilot) Ghanem bin by Sheikh Dr. Thani bin Ali bin award and provide its com- sessions, awards won by dozens Shaheen Al Ghanem visited Saud Al Thani. During the mittee with all the capabilities of government and private Boeing Company in the state meeting, the members agreed to help communicate with the entities, and its committee has of Missouri, the US. that this award’s winners would community and the relevant arranged awareness seminars During the visit, he was be honoured in a ceremony to authorities to achieve the at many places. briefed on the production be held in the first quarter of award’s desired goals. The award committee progress for the F-15 aircraft, 2021. A later discussion of the Dr. Mohammad Saif Al members include Chairman, which will be delivered later. committee will determine the Kuwari — known for his intel- Sheikh Dr. Thani bin Ali bin Saud He also met during that visit deadline and the award’s venue. lectual contributions — joined Al Thani. Others are Dr. the Qatari trainees from the Commenting on this, Sheikh the award committee in its new Mohammad Saif Al Kuwari, Dr. Qatari Armed Forces at the Dr. Thani bin Ali bin Saud Al session. Mansour Al Saadi, and Dr. Latifa A session of Social Responsibility Award Committee chaired by Boeing Company and urged Thani said that the Social As for the award’s date, the Al Maghasib. Sheikh Dr. Thani bin Ali bin Saud Al Thani. them to make more effort in the service of the nation. He was accompanied Second batch of Qatari real during the two visits and Education Ministry assesses meetings, Military Attache of Qatar to the US Brigadier estate brokers licensed General Staff (Engineer/Air) Ali Mohammed Al Kuwari students’ motivation to learn QNA — DOHA regulatory procedures specified and President of the Inter- in accordance with the provi- national Military Cooper- The second batch of licensed sions of the law, which include ation Authority Brigadier Qatari real estate brokers took interviewing applicants for the General Abdulaziz Saleh Al the legal oath in front of the Real profession, inspecting their Sulaiti. Estate Brokers Affairs Committee offices and ensuring that they at the Ministry of Justice. comply with the requirements The licensing of this batch of practicing the profession, and 94 people referred comes within the framework of participating in specialised the implementation of proce- training courses at the Centre for to prosecution for dures of the provisions of the Legal and Judicial Studies, from not wearing masks law, and the push for real estate which more than 67 real estate brokerage work towards an brokers have so far benefited. Director of School Evaluation Department Muna Al Kuwari is addressing the seminar along with other officials. organised legal environment The licensed real estate THE PENINSULA — DOHA FROM PAGE 1 prepared to keep pace with the brokers group represents the which revolve around the extent the number of schools that were economic and urban renaissance second batch in new batches The competent authorities at They also discussed regular of the target groups’ satisfaction evaluated in 2019-18 was iden- witnessed by the country and the that are being prepared for the Ministry of Interior evaluation of government with teaching practices and the tified, which amounted to 49 expansion of the real estate licensing after the completion yesterday referred 94 people schools, and the results of the quality of the performance of public schools and 12 kinder- sector, with what this entails in of the legal arrangements and to the Public Prosecution for national school accreditation for public and private schools and gartens, while the percentage terms of re-configuring and requirements, and the Real non-compliance with private schools for the academic kindergartens. decreased in 2019-20 due to the organising the real estate system Estate Brokerage Department wearing masks in places year 2019-20. Then the second axis of the coronavirus pandemic, where to achieve the goals of Qatar has begun organising spe- where they are mandatory. The axes and areas of the seminar was reviewed, which 38 government schools and 9 National Vision 2030. cialised courses for brokers The Ministry has asked comprehensive educational was the ‘regular evaluation of kindergartens were The licence for this batch applying to practice the people to adhere to the nec- survey were also reviewed, public schools’, and through it, evaluated. came after completing the profession. essary safety measures to prevent the coronavirus espe- cially wearing a face mask while mingling with others. Top global health experts to HMC plans new clinic for diabetes reversal On its social media plat- FROM PAGE 1 forms, the Ministry said, address WISH 2020 today prevention in Qatar’ coincided of Operations at PHCC, Dr. “Implementation of the The randomly chosen group with World Diabetic Day Samya Al Abdulla; and Con- cabinet decision and law No. FROM PAGE 1 participation, covering the of people has undergone the observes yesterday. sultant and Head of the Endo- 17 of 1990 regarding infec- core topics that are at the top best medical care for diabetes It highlighted diabetes crinology, Diabetes and Metab- tious diseases, and the pre- The exhibition will also of the global healthcare with intensive lifestyle inter- screening, referral to diabetes olism Department of Medicine venting and precautionary feature organisations com- agenda today. vention therapy that included prevention programmes, and at HMC, Dr. Mahmoud A. Zirie. measures in place to limit the mitted to building a healthier As in previous years, WISH dietary change, physical successful participation in these They highlighted the impor- spread of the coronavirus, the world, including the US-based forum reports will form the activity, and behaviour change programmes as proven strat- tance of prevention, early competent authorities The Carter Center, UK charity basis of panel discussions for 12 months. egies for preventing or delaying detection and management of referred 94 people to the Save The Children, and hosted by leading regional and Among the participants, the onset of type 2 diabetes in diabetics. The discussion also Public Prosecution, as they Unicef. international experts, focusing some 61% have seen their blood people at high risk for devel- shed light on the strategies, did not comply with wearing WISH, Qatar Foundation’s on global best practices and sugars were no longer in the oping the disease. facilities and services available masks in places where they global health initiative, has available innovations to tackle diabetes range. The webinar featured Head in Qatar related to diabetes. are mandatory. curated a packed programme the issues. Among the subjects “The study has shown that of the Non-Communicable Dis- Dr Al Mutawa highlighted The competent authorities for the conference with each being discussed this year are early intervention with life style eases Department at the Min- that MoPH in collaboration with call on the public to adhere day featuring a strong line up impact of climate change on changes can help people istry of Public Health (MoPH), the Ministry of Education and to the precautionary and pre- of policy-driven content health, cybersecurity and reverse the condition in people Dr. Kholoud Al Mutawa; Higher Education is working to ventive decisions in force to through panel sessions, policy healthcare systems, immuno- diagnosed with type 2 dia- Director QMI, Professor Abdul implement policies which protect themselves and briefings and roundtable therapy and the role of schools betes,” said Dr. Taheri. Badi Abou Samra; Senior Con- promote healthy lifestyle others from the events that invite active in children’s health. The webinar on ‘Diabetes sultant and Executive Director among students. coronavirus. SUNDAY 15 NOVEMBER 2020 HOME 03

Basel Secretariat Ministry okays reopening of 44 education centres congratulates Qatar SANAULLAH ATAULLAH Gharrafat Al Rayan, Al Gharrafa, and training centre licences, the for commitment to THE PENINSULA Al Kharaitiyat, Umm Lakhba, Al The approved list of education and training centres, Ministry of Education and Laqta, Madinat Khalifa, Al Salta Higher Education (MOEHE) sets Convention on The Ministry of Education and Al Jadida, Al Mahmoura, Madinat posted on the website of the Ministry, includes 19 tuition strict standards and require- Higher Education has approved Khalifa Al Janubia, Al Waab, centres, 12 centres for education and training for people ments to ensure the quality of Hazardous Wastes to reopen 44 education and Nuaijah, Al Rayan Al Jadeed, Ain with disability, six centres for administrative training, four education services. QNA — DOHA training centres offering tuition, Khalid, Al Khisa and Muaither. The MOEHE’s Education computer and other training The twelve centres offering centres for computer training, two centres for teaching Centres Department is respon- The Secretariat of the Basel, courses for 2020-21 academic education and training for languages and one centre for educational training. sible for the oversight of the edu- Rotterdam and Stockholm year under gradual lifting of people with disability are located cational and training centres Conventions, through its official COVID-19 restrictions on at Al Duhail, Al Mamoura, operating in the country. It pro- website and its Twitter account, education facilities. Madinat Khalifa Al Jabubia, Al vides effective support and congratulated the State of Qatar The approved list of edu- Markhiya, Al Dafna, Umm centres are offering their management training, foreign guidance to private education for its 25th anniversary as an cation and training centres, Lakhba, Al Kharaitiyat, Al services in Al Aziziya and Al languages, remedial classes, ICT, sector investors at all business active international party for posted on the website of the Thumama, Al Waab and Al Wakra. An educational training programmes for people with stages to help them operate working and adhering to the Ministry, includes 19 tuition Aziziya. centre is operating in Abu special needs, visual arts, and smoothly. provisions of the Basel centres, 12 centres for education Six centres for adminis- Hamour. mental games classes. Also, it explains all business Convention on the Control of and training for people with dis- trative training are operating in Private Education Centres The Ministry sets strict requirements to the investors, Transboundary Movements of ability, six centres for adminis- Al Wakra, Al Mirqab Al Jadeed, are those that offer a wide array standards for those centres to be offers consultation and facilitate Hazardous Wastes and their trative training, four centres for Bin Omran, Al Laqta and of educational training to followed to ensure the delivery correspondence with the con- Disposal since its accession to computer training, two centres Nuaijah. support students with their aca- of high-quality education cerned authorities. The the Convention on November for teaching languages and one Four computer centres are demic learning, said the Ministry services. department spares no effort to 7, 1995. centre for educational training. located at Al Matar Al Qadim, Al on its website. There is many As per the ministerial laws help the investors offer high- The Ministry of Municipality The 19 tuition centres are Waab, Al Mahmoura and private education centres across and decisions regulating the quality education services to the and Environment in the State of operating in Al Mashaf, Mushaireb. Two language Qatar. They mainly offer process of granting educational Qatari community. Qatar joins the periodic meetings and conferences related to these agreements through the Department of QF launches podcast to support mental health Radiation and Chemicals Pro- tection, and it is the national THE PENINSULA — DOHA the misconceptions and the point of contact between the stigma surrounding this topic. State and the Secretariat. The topic of mental health is “The idea came from the The Basel Convention was everywhere these days — on experiences of people around adopted in Basel, Switzerland social media, in seminars us, which vary from mental dis- on March 22, 1989, and entered delivered by psychologists, in orders, anxiety, depression, into force on May 5, 1992. It is workshops offered by life panic attacks, or other psycho- an international multilateral coaches, in lectures given by logical challenges that appear agreement (188 parties) based celebrities sharing their expe- due to the environment in our in Geneva, Switzerland. riences. But why are we houses and among our family It was prepared and witnessing an increase in members. Individuals find it dif- Mahmoud El Achi approved to reduce the move- discussions around these issues, ficult and embarrassing to talk ments of hazardous wastes especially in the Arab world? about these issues and express summit. Topics include miscon- between countries and specif- The World Health Organi- how they feel, which in turn ceptions about mental health, ically to prevent the transfer of sation (WHO) defines health as causes more anxiety for those striking a balance between per- hazardous wastes from “a state of complete physical, who need help. sonal and professional lives, developed countries to the least mental, and social safety, not “Many misconceptions sur- digital mental health, and developed countries. This merely the absence of disease WISH, QF’s global health initiative, attracted more than 2,000 round mental health as the indi- anxiety disorder. agreement is part of the United or infirmity.” This indicates the participants from 160 countries two years ago and will take place vidual is often advised by those El Achi noted, “The podcast Nations Environment Program importance of mental health as virtually this year from November 15 to 19. around him to seek help from aims to motivate all community (UNEP) to protect human health an integral part of our general non-specialists and settle for members, including adoles- and the environment from the health and well-being. from an anxiety disorder, podcast will comprise four to traditional folk practices, cence and youth to take care of harmful effects associated with The World Innovation globally. six episodes, with various inter- instead of seeking professional their mental health, not just for the production and trans- Summit for Health (WISH), The report indicated that national experts from Qatar, the help. Through this podcast, we a temporary period, but as boundary movement of haz- Qatar Foundation’s global the complex and debilitating region, and the world, who will aim to narrow the gap between something to do on a con- ardous wastes and their man- health initiative, attracted more impact of anxiety and share their knowledge and community members and tinuous and permanent basis. agement through the regulation than 2,000 participants from depression is worsened by spread awareness on how lis- mental health specialists and For this reason, we stress the of international trade in haz- 160 countries two years ago and stigma and discrimination, teners can maintain their break the psychological barriers need to take care of children’s ardous wastes. will take place virtually this affecting many aspects of peo- mental health. that hinder individuals from mental health at an early age The export of hazardous year from November 15 to 19. It ple’s lives, and asking for timely Speaking about the role of receiving the help they need. and monitor for early signs. The wastes across borders is carried will discuss mental health, help. this podcast, Mahmoud El Achi, We also hope to increase role of the family and the sur- out within prior procedures, including mental health chal- To facilitate that help, WISH Head of Innovation at WISH, awareness of the social, psycho- rounding environment as well whereby notifications of the lenges facing children and teen- has launched Qatar’s first said: “The idea of this podcast logical, and biological factors as other factors can highly affect Basel Convention are issued, in agers in particular. language health-focused came after the outcomes of the that determine the status of our children’s decisions that shape accordance with the approved According to the report of podcast to coincide with World WISH 2018 report. The report mental health, and to know their personalities and ways of classification and according to the WISH Anxiety and Mental Health Day as well as the highlighted anxiety and when is the right time to seek thinking in the future.” which the countries through Depression Forum 2018 titled launch of a report titled ‘Digital depression issues at that time, help and accept the reality,” El Through the Omnia Seheya which these wastes will be ‘Addressing anxiety and Mental Health Revolution: in addition to the results of Achi added. podcast series, the WISH aims passed in addition to the depression: a whole system Transforming Care Through WISH’s previous reports that During WISH 2020, which to urge people in the Arab importing countries are notified. approach’, statistics and estima- Innovation And Scale-Up’ at have always emphasised is being held under the banner world, from all age groups and In Qatar, no hazardous tions over the past three years WISH 2020. mental health. We were looking of ‘One World Our Health,’ cultures, to talk about their psy- waste is exported as there are show that more than 322 The series is called ‘Omnia at ways to promote mental ‘Omnia Seheya’ will release chological distress and be cou- facilities for treatment and recy- million people have depression, Seheya’ (meaning: a healthy health messages to the Arab three episodes and three more rageous enough to seek psy- cling of any type of hazardous and 264 million people suffer wish), and each season of the audience without tapping into episodes immediately after the chologists’ help when needed. waste. 203 new virus cases, 221 Moe Al Thani becomes first Qatari recoveries: MoPH to climb Ama Dablam mountain THE PENINSULA — DOHA THE PENINSULA — DOHA top of Mount Everest and reach three weeks became a five-week the world’s Seven Summits. trip, with COVID-19 policies The Ministry of Public Health Mountaineer and philanthropist Ama Dablam is one of the changing last minute in Nepal. (MoPH) yesterday announced Moe Al Thani is the first Qatari most beautiful peaks in the This particular climb is moti- the registration of 203 new to summit Ama Dablam world and is the first mountain vated by his passion for inspiring confirmed COVID-19 cases. mountain, despite COVID-19 that took Moe’s breath away. others. He hopes this climb will According to the Ministry obstacles. Since 2009, he knew that he encourage people to step out of among them 46 were trav- Moe Al Thani was joined by would be ready for the climb to the mental prison this pandemic Moe Al Thani raises ellers returning from abroad. Garrett Madison (Madison the top when the opportunity has put us in and follow their the Qatari flag on Another 221 people have Mountaineering) lead guide, Elia presented itself. Although passions and dreams respon- Ama Summit. recovered from the virus, Saikaly (award-winning film- COVID-19 cancelled his much- sibly. Furthermore, he hopes this bringing the total number of maker), Jen Drummon (moun- anticipated expedition to the expedition will encourage the recovered cases in Qatar to taineer), and Pasang Kaji Sherpa North Pole and 2020 did not local Nepali people, who have 132,577. (mountaineer guide) to reach the look like the year for expedi- not seen tourists in nearly eight All new cases have been Ama Dablam summit on tions, there is always a will months. introduced to isolation and are November 11. among high-level sportsmen Before his arrival and during expedition guides, shop owners, their experiences and unique receiving necessary healthcare Moe is a Qatari philan- and sportswomen. COVID-19, his time at Sagarmatha National and business owners affected by challenges during this unprec- according to their health thropist, mountaineer, entre- however, still presented its chal- Park, home to Ama Dablam, Moe the travel restrictions due to edented global epidemic with an status. preneur, and sportsman. He is lenges in planning this expe- and his team interviewed and COVID-19. He plans to tell their upcoming documentary to be The Ministry further said the first Qatari to climb to the dition. A trip that usually takes spoke to the cab drivers, porters, stories to the world and share released on YouTube. that measures to tackle COVID-19 in Qatar have suc- ceeded in flattening the curve and limiting the spread of the International Fashion Innovation Conclave attracts over 300 participants virus. Also, Qatar’s proactive and THE PENINSULA — DOHA ecommerce, and Claire Blumenthal practices. Speakers reiterated on extensive testing of suspected — the founder of Atelier the importance of knowing how cases has enabled the Ministry The second edition of the Inter- Blumenthal. a brand fits into the space of sus- to identify a high number of national Fashion Innovation Others were Parthip Thyaga- tainability and how what the positive cases in the Conclave was successfully held rajan, the CEO of Wedding Sutra - brand offers is imperative to cre- community. on October 31 with over 300 the leading Wedding Portal Media ating a coherent ideology, among The Ministry further said attendees from different parts of Platform, Orhan Genceli, Chairman others. that Qatar has one of the the globe participating in the of Tourism Investment Society of The session was moderated lowest COVID-19 death rates much-anticipated webinar. Turkey, Firas Issa, the CEO of Occa- by Sakala Debrass from Mavericks in the world as a result of the International Fashion Inno- sions Qatar – Qatar’s leading Qatari 365. The latest trends and current country’s young population, vation Conclave, the fashion and custom-made wedding and Events challenges within the sector were proactive testing to identify lifestyle Innovation series, explore Company, and Vandana Mohan, also highlighted during the cases early and expanding new and exciting innovations and Participants attending the webinar virtually. celebrity wedding planner and session. hospital capacity, especially entrepreneurial endeavours that XPLUS, a global business media other issues affecting the industry founder of The Wedding Design “The fashion and event man- intensive care, to ensure all are transforming the industry eco- and events company, Qatar-based as well as the impacts of the Company – pioneers of Big Fat agement industry, like every other patients receive the medical system especially beyond 2020, Address Business Management COVID 19 pandemic on the sector. Indian Weddings. sector, is experiencing lots of chal- care they need and pro- including designers, ecommerce, and Turkey’s Qanaq Business Speakers included Ayse Brav, The first session, a Masterclass lenges due to the COVID 19 pan- tecting the elderly and those fashion tech, textiles, education, consultancy. Turkish fashion designer and on Building Sustainable Fashion demic. That is why we believe with chronic diseases. jewellery and other lifestyle The event brought together founder of the fashion brand — Brands which was moderated by there is a need for us to start The Ministry asked people ventures. several leading industry-experts, Ayse Brav, Roni Helou, Fashion Harmeet Bajaj — a Fashion strat- looking at more innovations that to be careful and protect the The US-based international fashionistas, seasoned event man- Trust Arabia champion in Qatar egist, highlighted the increasing could help sustain the industry at most vulnerable, while innovation platform, Mav- agers and fashion entrepreneurs and emerging sustainable fashion global focus on sustainability and this period and even beyond,” said COVID-19 restrictions are ericks365, hosted the event who gave deep insights into the champion, Marco Bester, the CEO why brands no longer have the Vineet Nambiar, founder of being lifted. together with its strategic partners latest trends, innovations and App Tajer — leading Lifestyle luxury of ignoring sustainable Mavericks365. 04 HOME SUNDAY 15 NOVEMBER 2020 CIS at HBKU launches Design Qatar Biobank to take part in WISH 2020 Post-COVID Humanity program — DOHA THE PENINSULA This year’s event will be held THE PENINSULA — DOHA Qatar Biobank will take part in virtually in a unique and the WISH 2020 World fully immersive 3D platform Efforts to design a fairer, more inclusive and Healthcare Innovation under the banner of ‘One sustainable post-COVID humanity provide Conference. This year’s event World, Our Health’, from the foundations for a new program launched will be held virtually in a unique by the College of Islamic Studies (CIS) at and fully immersive 3D platform November 15 to 19, via a Hamad Bin Khalifa University (HBKU). under the banner of ‘One World, virtual interactive booth, Design Post-COVID Humanity: Taaruf, Our Health’, from November 15 sharing information about Taawun, Tarahum (DPCH-3T) is an innovative, to 19, via a virtual interactive Qatar Biobank and enabling blended and multiplex educational space for booth, sharing information about participants to communicate the generation of fresh thinking and new ideas Qatar Biobank and enabling for living with and within the new normal participants to communicate and and enquire directly. awaiting societies. The six-month program enquire directly. will take motivated and inspired youths from Furthermore, Qatar around the world on an educational journey Biobank will organize a dis- and Historian and Interim Co- to unleash their transformative potential. In cussion panel on the second day Director General of the Research doing so, DPCH-3T will focus on the philo- of the conference about Infrastructure for Biobanks and sophical, spiritual and interdisciplinary dimen- “Ethical, legal and social impli- Biomolecular Resources sions of the post-COVID humanity and the Organisers, sponsors, partners, and dignitaries during online event. cations (ELSI) in research with (BBMRI-ERIC). Other panelists key virtues of Taaruf (Acquaintance), Taawun vulnerable populations”, in col- are Dr. Sofie Bekaert, a trained (Cooperation) and Tarahum (Mercifulness). Assistant Dean for Innovation and Com- From start to finish, DPCH-3T will be laboration with its international doctor in Applied Biological The College of Public Policy and Qatar munity Engagement and Associate Professor, informed by a dynamic mix of talks, net- partners BBMRI-ERIC Engineering and Valorization Environment and Energy Research Institute, CIS, said: “While the future shape and tra- working events and interactive sessions (Biobanking and Biological and and Innovation Manager at both part of HBKU, are collaborating partners jectory of our post-COVID humanity remains designed specifically to help put ideas gen- molecular Research Infra- Ghent University, and the panel of the program, which was officially launched uncertain, it is safe to assume that innovative erated into practice. structure resources - European moderator, Dr. Reem Al on November 2 at an opening ceremony thinking, leadership and ethics should inform Training and development opportunities Union research infrastructure), Sulaiman, a consultant oncol- attended by organizers, sponsors and partners, our responses to the new reality. It is imper- include classes on the Human-Centered Isber (International Society for ogist at the National Centre for and high-level dignitaries. ative that future generations are part of key Design approach to problem solving and col- Biological and environmental Treatment and Research. Notable guests included: Dr. Hamad bin decision-making processes, including here laborative digital concept mapping. repositories), and ESBB During this panel, the Abdulaziz Al Kawari, Minister of State and in the Middle East and North Africa. Accord- Participants will also be able to seek (European, Middle East & members will discuss the ethics President of Qatar National Library; His ingly, a global reset of humanity and society advice and support to overcome challenges, African Society for Biopreser- and regulations in biobanking Excellency Taha Ayhan, President of the should be defined by inclusive, creative and and work with collaborating partners and vation and Biobanking). and research while using the Islamic Cooperation Youth Forum (ICYF); Dr. ethically-focused problem solving mindsets stakeholders to develop human-centered The panel members are Pro- data and samples, the challenges Hamad Al Fayyad, Executive Director of the that help to build stronger and more-inclusive designs that reflect Taaruf, Taawun and fessor Dan Catchpoole, head of and risks in practice, privacy, Media Center for Youth; “Stars of Science” communities. We’re determined to provide Tarahum. DPCH-3T concludes with a 30-day the Tumour Bank at the Chil- confidentiality, and discrimi- winner Abdulrahman Al Khamis; and Syrian participants in this unique and highly- summit during Ramadan 2021 where partic- dren’s Hospital at Westmead nation, and linking all these astronaut Muhammed Faris. dynamic program with the know-how and ipants will share experiences and reflect on Sydney Australia, Michael Th. points to the national vision of Speaking after the launch, Dr. Evren Tok, skills to make this happen.” lessons learned. Mayrhofer, Political Scientist, precision medicine in Qatar. YouGo pay way teasers launched WCM-Q students develop minimally invasive breast reconstruction surgery THE PENINSULA —DOHA THE PENINSULA YouGo Online Services e-commerce — DOHA has launched English and Arabic teasers at a ceremony held recently. Student researchers President of Yougo pay way, Sheikh at Weill Cornell Hassan bin Hamad Al Thani and Vice Medicine - Qatar President, Sheikh Abdulla bin Suood (WCM-Q) have Al Thani, launched the teasers. contributed to Managing Director, Dr. Abdul better under- Rahman Karinchola chaired the standing a mini- function. mally invasive General Manager, Kennath John breast recon- FROM LEFT: Gabriala Andrews, Dr. Jeremie Arash Tabrizi and Clark elaborated on the strides made struction surgery for Danyal Ahsan by the team. YouGo pay way is an recovering breast exciting new mobile payment appli- cancer patients. cation being launched in Qatar. Sheikh Hassan bin Hamad Al Thani, President of Yougo pay way and Sheikh Abdulla The highly innovative new surgical Following two years of devel- Bin Suood Al Thani, Vice President along with Dr. Abdulrahiman Karichola, Managing technique involves taking fat tissue from The highly innovative new surgical opment in Qatar, we are launching a Director and Kennath John Clark, General Manager at the teaser launching function. the hip or abdominal area and injecting technique involves taking fat tissue safe, secure and user-friendly appli- it into the breast throughout a series of cation. As one of the leaders in this customers are currently reliant on can then be used for an increasing short operations, each lasting less than from the hip or abdominal area and field, we have been working closely cash as they do not have full bank variety of services including Scan & one hour. injecting it into the breast with Qatar Central Bank to ensure accounts or access to debit and credit Pay at our network of merchants or, While it has been used for several throughout a series of short our product meets all their Fintech cards. YouGo payway reduces the for the purchase of mobile phone re- years for many patients, it is not yet con- requirements. We are already need for them to carry cash and is a charges or flight tickets. sidered a gold standard protocol. Dr. operations, each lasting less than THEQA Certified by the Ministry of contactless solution, satisfying the To meet customer demand, we Jeremie Arash Tabrizi, WCM-Q’s Pro- one hour. Transport and Communications and preference of most retail outlets these are adding more services in the near fessor of Genetic Medicine, Obstetrics we are awaiting SSQA Certification. days. Cash can be lost or stolen but it future like event and cinema tickets and Gynecology, and Dr. Kaïs Razzouk, YouGo pay way is a mobile is rarer that people lose their mobile and more travel options. We will Gynecologist/Oncological Surgeon at the payment application accessible phones. also encourage customers to Santa Maria Breast Institute in Nice, significant scarring, have a long recovery through your mobile phone or online, Our customers can re-charge download the application and re- have set-up a specific research pro- time, and usually require a stay of several that can be used to make payments their YouGo Wallets by cash, via our charge their YouGo Wallets by gramme aimed at demonstrating the nights in hospital. In contrast, the new in a simple, contactless, fast and growing number of agents in Qatar offering incentives such as cash technique’s efficiency, called an autol- approach causes minimal scarring and secure way for a variety of services. or, directly through debit and credit backs, referral bonuses and compe- ogous fat graft. can be performed daily, allowing patients Many of YouGo pay way’s cards. The funds in the YouGo Wallet titions with YouGo Wallet refill Fourth-year medical students Gab- to have the surgery and go home the same prizes. The function was riala Andrews and Danyal Ahsan, ana- day. attended by YouGo team and lyzed thousands of data points to provide The process also helps repair tissue a number of well wishers. valuable information to Drs. Tabrizi and damaged by radiation treatment, making Razzouk, allowing insertion of a prosthesis more likely to JOB VACANCY them to adjust the pro- succeed, should the patient wish to pursue cedure to maximize its that option. effectiveness, minimize Dr. Tabrizi said that the students the risk of complica- analyzed various data points, such as tions, and safeguard the volume of fat that was transferred A LEADING PUBLISHING HOUSE IS LOOKING patients’ mental health. from the hips to the breast in each pro- Dr. Tabrizi said: cedure. The students compared this with FOR AN EXPERIENCED “The students did fan- the procedure’s outcomes based on tastic work in analyzing factors such as patient satisfaction, cos- a substantial amount of metic appearance, and incidence of data to give Dr. complications such as bleeding or GRAPHIC DESIGNER Razzouk and me pre- infection. This analysis allowed the sur- cious guidance. Their geons to fine-tune the volume of fat they input has been transferred to achieve the best overall QUALIFICATIONS remarkably useful to results. our work to refine and The students also found out that the optimize this new mode of communication with the patient procedure.” is essential. Because the process is based Reconstruction of on a gradual reconstruction, patients the breast or breasts sometimes felt disappointed or under- after a mastectomy and whelmed by the results of the first pro- radiotherapy treatment cedure, the students found. !" is an essential part of To counter this, Dr. Tabrizi and Dr. the recovery process Razzouk developed a new communica- $ for many women who tions protocol to help patients under- have had breast cancer, stand that the process takes a little helping to provide psy- longer than conventional surgery. It chological ‘closure’ on achieves equal or better cosmetic results DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES : a distressing while being far less invasive and car-  experience. rying less risk of complications with The new approach time. This small innovation in the com- & is far less invasive than munications strategy significantly the two most common improved levels of patient satisfaction. $ surgical breast recon- Dr. Tabrizi and Dr. Razzouk have now &' struction procedures, in performed the new procedure approx- which a flap of tissue imately 300 times between them at two and muscle is taken facilities in France, one in Nice and one from either the back or in Paris. ()*+ the abdomen and Student Gabriala said: “It was grafted into the breast. enriching to be able to contribute to such [email protected] These operations an exciting and worthwhile innovation in can take up to five reconstructive surgery for recovering hours or more, inflict breast cancer patients.” SUNDAY 15 NOVEMBER 2020 HOME 05 Katara Towers, Lusail Marina District receives certificate for GSAS Design & Build 5 Stars rating THE PENINSULA — DOHA Dr. Yousef Alhorr said, “GSAS- well as the associated costs. As D&B has been implemented on Katara Hospitality is one of the first investors recommended by GSAS, the Katara Towers’ Development a range of public and private that understood the significance of the project will follow sub-metering at Lusail have become the first projects in Lusail City but the project, our aim was to create the hospitality approach whereby all major hospitality project in Qatar to iconic twin towers stand out in types of energy loads will be receive certificate for GSAS more ways than one. As the first icon of the 21st Century that is within one of recorded separately to evaluate Design & Build 5 Stars rating at GSAS-D&B 5-Star hotel project, the world’s most exciting urban develop- and improve energy per- the design stage. The Global Katara Towers will be a pio- ments. Our vision is to set new standards that formance. When it comes to Sustainability Assessment neering name in Qatar’s sus- go beyond the borders of the hospitality energy conservation and effi- System (GSAS) is MENA region’s tainable hospitality sector. The ciency, the project is imple- first performance based green provisional certificate marks industry and provide a landmark location menting many additional building certification system the continuity of Katara Hospi- that is instantly recognised internationally, measures, anticipating an utilized by buildings, districts tality’s journey towards sus- overall 40 percent less energy and infrastructure projects to tainable built environment.” Sheikh Nawaf bin Jassim bin Jabor Al Thani, consumption. assess their environmental “Katara Hospitality is one of Chairman of Katara Hospitality To achieve the water con- impact. With the project design the first investors that under- servation standards set forth by assessed by sustainability stood the significance of the GSAS, Katara Towers will make experts at the Gulf Organisation project, our aim was to create instantly recognised interna- activities to reduce negative Towers in Lusail are an archi- use of water efficient plumbing for Research & Development the hospitality icon of the 21st tionally,” said Sheikh Nawaf bin environmental impacts tectural translation of Qatar’s fixtures and appliances. Water (GORD), the awarded provi- Century that is within one of the Jassim bin Jabor Al Thani, resulting from our activities by national seal, representing the used in hotel facilities is planned sional certificate reflects the world’s most exciting urban Chairman of Katara adopting environmentally pref- traditional scimitar swords. to be treated and reused expected level of green creden- developments. Our vision is to Hospitality. erable business practices and Raising gracefully from the alongside the stormwater col- tials to be achieved by Katara set new standards that go “We have put in place a innovative technologies,” He podium level, the arched towers lected over time. Similar to Towers upon completion. beyond the borders of the hos- comprehensive, integrated added. will host a five-star hotel with energy submetering, advance Speaking about the project, pitality industry and provide a approach to sustainability as we “While we regard 2022 as a 361 rooms and suites to cater to water metering solutions will Founding Chairman of GORD, landmark location that is are strong believers that travel, milestone in the country’s discerning business travellers, help keep a tab on overcon- and tourism are development, this new property all suites five-hotel with 132 keys sumption and water leakage The Global Sustainability one of the world’s in Lusail will also occupy a focal to meet the needs of those across all facilities within the Assessment System (GSAS) is largest economic point for residents and trav- seeking sophisticated luxury twin towers. MENA region’s first performance and employment ellers during the FIFA World accommodation and 49 apart- Focusing on the human based green building sectors and conse- Cup. We believe that this is our ments to become home to per- wellbeing as addressed in GSAS, quently has a huge opportunity to showcase a manent residents. Under the the twin towers will achieve certification system utilized by global influence on country that has grown into an scope of GSAS-D&B certification healthy indoor environment by buildings, districts and the environment. international destination and for the towers, the project will maintaining optimum levels of infrastructure projects to assess Sustainability is an Katara Hospitality will create feature a range of features aimed air quality, acoustics, lighting their environmental impact. important element the landmark to underpin at minimizing negative environ- and thermal comfort. in shaping how we lifetime memories.” mental impacts linked with The twin towers project has better manage our Sheikh Nawaf concluded: building and construction. gone an extra mile by ensuring costs and revenue. “As Qatar National Vision 2030 To conserve energy con- sufficient waste management Being responsible creates the perfect framework sumption, all interior spaces procedures and facility man- reduces our for us, we will continue to with dense occupancy loads are agement operations and expenditure, espe- develop peerless hospitality at proposed to be complemented engaging an independent com- cially on energy. home and abroad that are not with demand control venti- missioning agent prior to the We have increased only jewels in our portfolio but lation. By using lighting control installation of equipment and our focus on are emblematic for Qatar as system and energy-efficient systems. A sustainable design understanding the well.” HVAC, fixtures and appliances, will eventually give way to Lusail Marina District environmental Symbolically intertwined the project is expected to further realize sustainable operations impact of our with Qatar’s heritage, the Iconic reduce its energy footprint as of the project in the long run. HBKU webinar discusses Ooredoo Ride of Champions 2020 a huge success global responses to COVID-19 THE PENINSULA — DOHA THE PENINSULA - DOHA the Yale School of Medicine, and Dr. Mark Ooredoo, Qatar’s leading telecommu- Smolinksi, President of Ending Epidemics. nications operator, announced the Ongoing efforts to tackle COVID-19 set the A local perspective was provided by Dr. popular Ooredoo Ride of Champions scene for a webinar organized by Hamad Laith Abu Raddad, Professor of 2020 event was successfully held after Bin Khalifa University (HBKU) in part- Healthcare Policy and Research, Assistant a hiatus in 2019 due to the COVID-19 nership with the US National Academies Dean for Extramural Research Funding, pandemic. of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine and Director of the Biostatistics, Epide- The Ooredoo Ride of Champions (NASEM) and Arab-American Frontiers. miology, and Biomathematics Research 2020 took place at Ceremonial Court, ‘COVID-19: US, Arab and Global Per- Core at Weill Cornell Medicine – Qatar. Qatar Foundation, on November 13, spectives’ took stock of how the world The webinar was moderated by Dr. with current government health and has so far responded to the pandemic and Ellie Graeden, Founder and CEO of Talus safety guidelines strictly enforced to measures for confronting further spikes Analytics. protect all participants. in infection rates. From there, discussions Speaking after the webinar, HBKU’s The annual event – organised by turned to dealing with global travel College of Science and Engineering and Qatar Cyclists Center – was designed Children during the Ooredoo Ride of Champions 2020. restrictions, the opening and closing of co-chair of the webinar, Dr. Dena Ahmed to promote cycling as part of a healthy, workspaces, and plans for the rapid and S. Al Thani, Assistant Professor, said, active lifestyle. The 2020 ride, the confident could enjoy their day, while enjoying the fresh air and our beau- equitable distribution of potential vac- “Shared global concerns require shared fourth edition of the event, included a the kids’ ride took place at Green Spine. tiful environment was refreshing and cines. Due consideration was also given global responses, and COVID-19 is no number of different distances from Proficient cyclists challenging encouraging. We’re committed to to how societies and research commu- exception to the rule. That said, there are 1km for little ones to a full 137.5km ride themselves with the longer distances supporting events such as Ride of nities can be better prepared to face numerous subtle differences as to how for seasoned riders, to ensure cyclists headed further out into the sur- Champions that promote a healthy, future pandemics. states and regions confront the corona- of all ages and abilities could get rounding areas to take in some of active lifestyle, both as part of our COVID-19: US, Arab and Global Per- virus, some more effective than others. involved. Doha’s beautiful scenery as they corporate social responsibility spectives featured contributions from an “In this respect, this webinar was a Family, beginners and youth rides rode. strategy and in line with our com- esteemed panel of globally-renowned useful vehicle for tying Arab responses were held in a secure, sheltered area Sabah Rabiah Al Kuwari, Director mitment to the United Nations Sus- experts. The United States was repre- to COVID-19 with other parts of the around the Qatar Foundation and the PR at Ooredoo, said: “We’ve had a dif- tainability Goals, and we’re delighted sented by Dr. Saad Omer, Director of the world. Doing so benefits the coordination Al Shaqab Arabian horse breeding ficult year with sporting events, due to be able to hold such events once Yale Institute for Global Health and Asso- of activities and sharing of best practices area, providing a safe place in which to the ongoing pandemic situation, so again. We hope everyone enjoyed it ciate Dean (Global Health Research) at at a time when both are needed the most." those new to the sport and those less to see so many riders out there as much as we did.” Qatari projects invited to display products at LuLu free of charge

THE PENINSULA — DOHA owners of small, medium and home businesses. The workshops Bedaya Center for Entrepre- were highly informative as it pro- neurship and Career Devel- vided all the necessary details to opment (Bedaya Center), a joint those who wish to develop their initiative by Qatar Development projects and educate them about Bank and Silatech, in collabo- the requirements needed to par- ration with Lulu Hypermarket has ticipate in retail platforms. All revealed its latest initiatives to these initiatives are a continu- support local entrepreneurs and ation of the center’s efforts to enhance their role in the society. spread the culture of entrepre- Under the new agreement, neurship and the role of youth in Qatari startup businesses will should not be operating for society”. have the opportunity to display more than three years, partic- “Today we culminate this and promote their products free ipating projects must be constructive cooperation by of charge in one of Doha’s most licensed, and the product must providing opportunity for appealing retail stores. have an appropriate design and Qatari entrepreneurs to display The agreement facilitates packaging should be of high their products at no cost in one Qatari projects specialized in quality. of the most acclaimed retailers food products such as juices, Speaking about the initiative, in the country. This initiative is cheeses, dry food, spices, coffee, Abdulla Faleh Al Saeed (pic- in line with the Bedaya’s nuts, chocolate and dates to tured) - Board Member and relentless quest to enrich and display their products in Lulu Acting General Manager of enhance the capabilities of Hypermarket outlets for a Bedaya Center said,” We are entrepreneurs in all directions period of three months. thrilled to join hands again with with the aim of advancing them All entrepreneurs wishing LuLu Hypermarket to support and putting them on the right to be part in this initiative can our local entrepreneurs. This path to start their first steps in submit their applications via agreement follows our successful the world of success. We are Bedaya Center’s website, and partnership with LuLu Hyper- confident that this partnership they can view the terms and market whereby we held edu- will enable the participating conditions necessary to partic- cational workshops on the entrepreneurs to expand their ipate in this initiative. This requirements of retail platforms, customer base and achieve a opportunity is only for Qatari with the aim of raising awareness wider reach of their products,” businesses and the business among entrepreneurs and he concluded. 06 HOME SUNDAY 15 NOVEMBER 2020 SUNDAY 15 NOVEMBER 2020 MIDDLE EAST / AFRICA 07 Lebanon begins 2-week lockdown to curb virus AP — BEIRUT three days a week each to limit traffic. In Beirut’s commercial Lebanese police yesterday A nighttime curfew has Hamra street, most shops were patrolled the streets of the closed except for those allowed capital Beirut, ordering shops been extended during the to remain open such as gro- to close as the country began lockdown lasting from ceries, pharmacies and bak- a two-week lockdown to limit sunset to sunrise while eries. Other businesses that the spread of the coronavirus driving will be completely violated the closure were that has killed dozens of people banned around the ordered to close down by over the past days in the small police patrols. Mediterranean country. country on Sundays. Also on the streets were The number of cases Vehicles with odd and police checkpoints that fined increased sharply in recent even number plates will vehicles that violated the odd weeks around Lebanon be allowed to drive three or even number plates car bans. straining the country’s medical days a week each to limit “Despite all its disadvan- sector where intensive care tages, a short lockdown can units are almost full. traffic. help slow the spread of the The lockdown comes as virus,” tweeted Firass Abiad, Lebanon is passing through its director general of Rafik Hariri Shops along the usually bustling Hamra street in Beirut remain shut a day after the country went worst economic and financial the highest debt ratios in the University Hospital, the public into lockdown in a bid to stem the spread of the novel coronavirus. crisis in decades, leading to world. hospital leading the corona- criticism of the closure by A nighttime curfew has virus fight. the early days of the virus. death tolls for the country. The situation worsened over business owners who cannot been extended during the “A little discomfort now Lebanon has registered The virus case numbers the next weeks as many people afford the loss of revenue. lockdown lasting from sunset can save much sorrow later,” 102,607 cases and 796 deaths began rising quickly following did not abide by social dis- Over the past year, the local to sunrise while driving will be Abiad said. since the first case was a massive August 4 blast at Bei- tancing or wear masks. currency shed 80% of its value completely banned around the The latest lockdown is the reported in late February. On rut’s port that killed and The World Health Organi- and tens of thousands lost country on Sundays. Vehicles second in Lebanon after it Friday, Lebanon recorded 21 wounded many and caused zation says 1,560 Lebanese their jobs in a population of with odd and even number imposed closures and limits deaths over 24 hours, making damage worth billions of dollars health workers have tested pos- some 5 million that has one of plates will be allowed to drive on public gatherings during it one of the highest daily across the city. itive since February. Iran to impose stricter COVID-19 restrictions: Rouhani Iran denies report Al Qaeda

REUTERS — TEHRAN Non-essential businesses are rated “orange” or level 2, he COVID-19 deaths over the past operative killed in Iran and services will be shut and said. 24 hours to tale its total to Iran will impose stricter restric- cars will not be allowed to leave In these, one-third of 41,034, health ministry spokes- AFP — TEHRAN Abdullah had been in Iran’s tions from next Saturday, Pres- or enter, Deputy Health Min- employees can go to work woman Sima Sadat Lari told “custody” since 2003, but he ident Hassan Rouhani said on ister Alireza Raisi said in a tel- whereas in 155 towns where the state TV yesterday, while its total Iran yesterday dismissed a US had been living freely in the state television, as the Middle evised media briefing. rating is “yellow” or level 1 two- cases rose by 11,203 to 749,525. newspaper report that Al Pasdaran district of Tehran, an East country hardest hit by the Iranian health officials have thirds of the workforce can Senior ministry official Iraj Qaeda’s second-in-command upscale suburb, since at least virus battles a third wave of devised a colour-coding system work from their workplaces. Harirchi warned the number of was killed in Tehran by Israeli 2015. COVID-19. that denotes the severity of the “Shutdowns are not limited infected and fatalities will agents as “made-up infor- On August 7, he was driving The toughest measures — coronavirus outbreak in the to jobs, but also include univer- double in the coming two weeks. mation” and denied the a white Renault L90 sedan with classified by health officials as country. sities, schools and training The government on Tuesday presence of any of the Sunni his daughter near his home “red” or level 3 — will be “The goal is not to shut down centres,” Rouhani said. imposed restrictions for one militant group’s members in the when two gunmen on a imposed in the capital Tehran people’s businesses, but we have “In the red and orange cities, month in major cities requiring Islamic republic. motorbike shot five times at and about 100 other towns and to set limits,” Raisi said. training will take place all non-essential businesses to The New York Times said them with a pistol fitted with a cities. Some 150 towns and cities remotely.” Iran reported 452 close at 6pm. Abdullah Ahmad Abdullah, silencer, it said. indicted in the United States for Iran’s state news IRNA and 1998 bombings of its embassies Mehr news agency at the time Istanbul mayor wants in Tanzania and Kenya, was reported a similar incident and secretly shot and killed in identified the victims as Habib lockdown to restrain Tehran by Israeli operatives on Dawoud, a 58-year-old Leb- a motorcycle at Washington’s anese history teacher, and his second virus wave behest. daughter Maryam, 27, without The senior Al Qaeda leader, giving further details. whose nom de guerre was Abu They said the “individual on REUTERS — ISTANBUL Muhammad Al Masri, was killed the motorbike shot from the along with his daughter, Miriam, sidewalk and fled” the scene Istanbul’s mayor called yesterday for a the widow of Osama bin Laden’s and that police investigations lockdown of at least two weeks to contain son Hamza, the Times reported were ongoing. There have since an “out of control” rise in coronavirus cases, on Friday, citing intelligence been no updates. and said virus-related deaths in the city sources. US federal authorities have alone outstrip reported nationwide figures. The attack took place on offered a $10m reward for Mayor Ekrem Imamoglu, a leading pol- August 7 on the anniversary of information leading to Abdul- itician in Turkey’s main opposition Repub- the Africa bombings, according lah’s capture. lican People’s Party (CHP), said the coun- to the paper. He was the “most experi- try’s largest city must act fast and provide Iran’s foes, the United States enced and capable operational a clear picture of how the pandemic’s and Israel, “try to shift the planner not in US or allied second wave is emerging. responsiblity for the criminal custody”, according to a highly “This job is not like it was in the March- acts of (Al Qaeda) and other ter- classified document provided April-May period (during the first wave). rorist groups in the region and by the US National Counterter- People wearing protective masks walk over the Galata Bridge, amid the spread of coronavirus The circle is getting narrower,” he said at link Iran to such groups with lies rorism Center in 2008, the disease, in Istanbul, Turkey. the opening of a water treatment plant. and by leaking made-up infor- Times said. “Especially in the last week... there is at mation to the media”, foreign The bombings of the US least 50 more deaths in Istanbul alone than Earlier yesterday, Erdogan said Turkish criticism from opposition lawmakers and ministry spokesman Saeed embassies in Kenya and Tan- the number reported in the whole of hospitals were not overwhelmed for now medical groups. Some new measures have Khatibzadeh said in a statement. zania in 1998 left 224 people Turkey,” added Imamoglu, who was elected but things could worsen if people did not been adopted in recent weeks including Khatibzadeh accused the US dead and more than 5,000 last year in a shock defeat for President follow rules such as wearing masks and closing businesses early and, in Istanbul, itself and “its allies in the region” injured. Abdullah was indicted Tayyip Erdogan’s ruling AK Party (AKP). social distancing. dedicated hours for those 65 and older to of having created Al Qaeda by a US federal grand jury later Seen as a possible future presidential The COVID-19 disease has killed more leave home. A partial nationwide lockdown through their “wrong policies” that year for his role. contender, the mayor - who himself had than 11,300 in Turkey. Daily deaths and new and sweeping intercity travel ban was lifted and advised US media to “not Washington accused Iran of COVID-19 last month - said he endorsed a cases — at 93 and 3,045 respectively on in June. fall into the trap of American harbouring Al Qaeda members local committee’s proposal for an imme- Friday — have risen to levels last seen in Health Minister Fahrettin Koca said last and Zionist officials’ Hollywood and allowing them to pass diate 2-3 week lockdown followed by a late April, just after the initial peak. month a risky spike in the outbreak was scenarios”. through its territory in 2016, an controlled opening and robust contact- The government only reports sympto- emerging in Istanbul but another lockdown American intelligence offi- accusation denied by Tehran tracing period. matic cases, a policy that has drawn was not being considered at the time. cials told the Times that officials at the time. Nigerian army Lebanese official ‘visits’ Syria Tunisia-Libya border reopens after seven months denies killing RAS JEDIR over missing American reporter AFP — was lifted. A Tunisian diplomatic peaceful protesters The closure at the end of source said 20,000 Tunisians AP — BEIRUT Washington Post, McClatchy Travellers began to cross March had a severe impact on were currently in Libya. Newspapers, CBS and other between Tunisia and Libya trade between the two coun- Dozens of travellers began AFP — LAGOS A top Lebanese security official outlets, and disappeared shortly again yesterday after a seven- tries and left Libyans and Tuni- to cross when the frontier said yesterday that he visited Syria after his 31st birthday. month border closure due to sians stranded on either side of opened at midday yesterday, a The Nigerian army has denied for two days to speak with offi- Ibrahim’s comments came as novel coronavirus restrictions the frontier. witness at the border said. shooting live rounds at cials there about American jour- the Lebanese daily Al Akhbar peaceful protesters, telling a nalist Austin Tice, who has been reported yesterday that the US judicial panel yesterday that missing in the war-torn country Congress could impose sanctions only blank bullets were fired since 2012. on him, under a new bill being at crowds in Lagos gathered Maj Gen Abbas Ibrahim did considered. Ibrahim in recent despite a curfew. not give further details in an years has helped to facilitate the Youth-led demonstrations interview with the local Al-Jadeed release of a US citizen held in across Africa’s most populous television channel, but his com- Syria, and a Lebanese-American country began on October 8, ments came two weeks after his who was held in Iran. targeting a hated police unit, return from Washington where The US has imposed sanc- the Special Anti-Robbery he is believed to have discussed tions in recent months on Leb- Squad (SARS), that the author- Tice’s case with US officials. anese politicians including allies ities promised to disband as “After my visit to Washington, of the militant Hezbollah group. pressure mounted. I went to Syria for two days and Washington has listed Hezbollah Anger turned into unrest, discussions over this matter are as a terrorist organization since culminating on October 20 continuing and will continue,” 1997 and sees the group as a when security forces shot at a Ibrahim said, referring to Tice’s proxy for its archenemy Iran in thousand demonstrators in the disappearance. the region. economic hub Lagos — killing Tice, of Houston, Texas, dis- Ibrahim said that US sanc- 12 people, according to appeared at a checkpoint in the tions wouldn’t stop him from Amnesty International. contested western Damascus working on Tice’s case. A panel of inquiry set up to suburb of Daraya on Aug. 14, 2012. “I have promised Austin investigate the bloodshed and A video released a month later Tice’s mother whom I met in wider allegations of abuses by showed him blindfolded and held Washington and speak with her Iraq-Iran diplomacy SARS resumed yesterday, fea- by armed men. He has not been by telephone on a daily basis that Iran’s Defence Minister Brigadier General Amir Hatami (right) stands with his Iraqi counterpart Jumaa turing testimony from the army heard from since. neither sanctions nor anything Inad during the welcoming ceremony in Tehran, yesterday. that presented graphic videos Tice is a former US Marine else will affect work over the case to back its claims. who has reported for The of her son,” he added. 08 VIEWS SUNDAY 15 NOVEMBER 2020 Qatar, Tunisia enjoy close fraternal Established in 1996 CHAIRMAN ties, common goals and aspirations DR. KHALID BIN THANI AL THANI QNA

EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Under the framework of the DR. KHALID BIN MUBARAK AL-SHAFI distinguished relations [email protected] between Qatar and Tunisia, President of the sisterly Republic of Tunisia H E Kais ACTING MANAGING EDITOR Saied began a state visit to the MOHAMMED SALIM MOHAMED country yesterday, at the invi- [email protected] tation of Amir H H Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani. H H the Amir and H E the DEPUTY MANAGING EDITOR Tunisian President will MOHAMMED OSMAN ALI discuss at the Amiri Diwan [email protected] today bilateral relations and the means of enhancing and developing them, in addition to issues of joint interest. EDITORIAL The Tunisian President’s visit reflects Qatar’s position on the Tunisian diplomacy map, as it was his first visit to the Top show from Doha State of Qatar since he took office in October last year. The DOHA is known to deliver a grand, good show when visit also reflects the impor- it comes to sports. It did exactly that last week from tance of the role that the State November 11 to 13 for the Olympic Council of Asia’s of Qatar and its wise leadership (OCA) Evaluation Committee. A four-member OCA play in its Arab and interna- delegation was in the Qatari capital to evaluate Doha’s tional surroundings at all levels, H E Kais Saied, President of Tunisia, being received by Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of State 2030 Asian Games bid pledges. The Committee — especially political and eco- for Defence Affairs, H E Dr. Khalid bin Mohammed Al Attiyah; Minister of Culture and Sports, H E headed by Andrey Kryukov — arrived to a grand nomic. It reaffirms that the Salah bin Ghanem Al Ali; and other officials upon his arrival at Doha International Airport, yesterday. welcome and left the Doha shores saying it had seen State of Qatar has successfully ‘enough’ to realise that the 2006 Asiad hosts had done overcome all the obstacles that goals. H H the Amir was the exchanges between the two economic, industrial, com- a ‘massive job’ to deliver a ‘comprehensive plan’ for aimed to isolate it and cut the second leader to visit Tunisia countries and Tunisian agri- mercial, banking, health, agri- the 2030 edition. lines of communication since Kais Saied assuming his cultural exports to the Qatari cultural, technical, media, The fact that Doha which has already established between it and its Arab friends. duty as President, and that market have doubled, and the cultural, tourism, air transport the infrastructure to host FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022 The visit shows that addressing was the fourth visit of the H H Qatari private sector partici- sectors, the prevention of raises its chances to win the bid to host 2030 Asian the coronavirus pandemic, the Amir to Tunisia in four pates in the Tunisian eco- double taxation, the judiciary, Games. What’s more, the OCA delegation arrived in which is a concern of various years. nomic cycle through large endowments and Islamic Doha 13 months after the Qatari capital delivered the countries of the world, does not The State of Qatar has investments in vital sectors. affairs sectors, public works, ‘most memorable’ IAAF World Athletics Champion- prevent the State of Qatar from maintained its position as one The Qatar Friendship environmental protection, ships that were hosted from September 27 to Oct 6, carrying out its national and of the most important Fund (QFF), the Qatar Fund pollution control, information 2019 at the iconic Khalifa International Stadium. The humanitarian role towards investors in Tunisia and as one for Development, and Silatech technology and vocational OCA team landed in Doha two years after the same friends at all times and of its most important financial Foundation contribute to training fields, oil refining, city put together a jazzy show when it hosted the 2018 everywhere. and economic partners, as financing many development real estate investment, and FIG World Artistic Championships. It is certain that the Tunisia hosted an interna- projects in Tunisia, especially the employment of Tunisian After arriving in Doha, the OCA team were taken meeting is a good opportunity tional investment conference those that employ the youth. workers in the State of Qatar. around to some of the world’s best sporting venues to review what the two coun- “Tunisia 2020”, which came at It is not a coincidence that The State of Qatar attracts and destinations. The OCA team visited the Aspire tries have accomplished and the initiative of the H H the the only office of the Tunisian thousands of Tunisian talents Academy, the world’s largest indoor sports facility what they aspire to in the way Amir. H H the Amir attendance Foreign Investment Agency in and provides them with job that was inaugurated in the presence of sports icons of upgrading cooperation and of this important event had a the Arab world is open in opportunities in all fields and like Pele, Diego Maradona and Nadia Comaneci in coordination in all fields to great impact on giving a new Doha, because the State of economic, educational, social 2005. The OCA officials also visited the Aspetar Sports serve the interests and aspira- impetus to the relations Qatar is considered one of the and sports sectors. The Medicine Hospital that lies in the neighbourhood of tions of their peoples. The between the two countries, most important investors in number of the Tunisian com- the Aspire Academy. Kryuokov and his team also meeting will constitute a shift especially on the economic Tunisia, as it ranks second in munity in the State of Qatar stopped by the beIN sports channel’s headquarters and add to the balance of the and investment side. The Amir terms of the volume of foreign exceeds 27,000. and the Lusail Sports Arena that is located in Lusail strong fraternal relations announced before the opening direct investments. Since his ascension to the City which is home to the stadium that will stage the existing between the two session of the conference, that In November 2019, it was presidency in October 2019, final of the 2022 FIFA World Cup to be held in Qatar. countries and enhance coor- the State of Qatar would direct announced that a Qatar visa Tunisian President Kais Saied During their inspection trip to Doha, the OCA del- dination and mutual under- an amount of $1,250,000,000 center would be established has sought to implement egates also spent time at Qatar Foundation where standing between the leader- in support of the Tunisian in Tunisia, the first of its kind investment projects in the visiting guests were shown the Education City ships towards the future and economy, and to strengthen in the Arab world and Africa. Tunisian governorates with Stadium before making their way to Al Shaqab Arena, prospects of bilateral rela- and to consolidate its devel- The State of Qatar ranks foreign partnerships, and his a show jumping fan’s paradise venue. The Evaluation tions and their advancement, opment path. first in the Arab world and country pursues clear Committee members also visited the Al Bidda Tower, and towards various current The State of Qatar also second internationally in diplomacy on its economic the home of football in Qatar. The Al Bidda Tower visit Arab, regional and interna- provided a deposit of $500m terms of the volume of direct path based on exploiting all included stop at the headquarters of the Supreme tional issues, in a way that to support Tunisia’s hard cur- investment in Tunisia, with the communication channels Committee for Delivery & Legacy, the body tasked contributes to supporting rency reserves, preceded by a investments estimated at and frameworks offered by with planning, preparing and delivering the 2022 FIFA Arab issues and rights, loan of $500m, through sub- more than $3bn distributed in diplomacy with foreign World Cup. strengthening joint Arab scribing to bonds to help the the telecommunications, countries to serve the coun- Kryukov after winding up the inspection tour said: action, and maintaining government achieve devel- banking and tourism and try’s economy. “The committee is satisfied with what we saw and security, peace and stability in opment in the interior regions. other sectors, which is evi- Tunisia is full of prom- believes Doha’s existing infrastructure and sustainable the region, especially since Last May, Tunisia received dence of the depth of the ising economic and concept has lot to offer for a successful Asian Games Tunisia is the only Arab medical aid from Qatar to deep-rooted relations investment opportunities, in 2030.” That line adds sheen to Doha’s standing as member currently at the UN confront coronavirus pan- between the two countries. and it has everything a sports hub of Asia. Security Council. demic, including a field hos- The number of agree- attracting foreign invest- The State of Qatar and the pital equipped with 100 beds, ments and memoranda of ments due to the availability Republic of Tunisia have close and a shipment of medical aid understanding signed of infrastructure, adminis- historical relations distin- weighing 10 tonnes. between the two countries trative facilities, tax exemp- guished in many fields. Qatar The economic relations exceeds more than 80 agree- tions, and the Tunisian gov- stood by the Tunisian people between the two countries ments, including 10 agree- ernment support for basic D-RING ROAD, POST BOX: 3488, DOHA - QATAR and their revolution since the have witnessed a great boom ments signed in 2019, cov- materials such as water, in recent years, as trade ering the political, diplomatic, electricity and gas. EMAIL: [email protected] beginning until it achieved its

EDITOR-IN-CHIEF OFFICE: TEL: 4455 7741 / 767 FAX: +974 4455 7758 Schools should use digital texts to supplement paper books JAPAN NEWS-YOMIURI the 2019 school year. By law, about securing a telecommu- textbooks are not suitable for MANAGING EDITOR: TEL: 4462 7505 they are classified as nications environment, careful reading and deep Paper and digital textbooks “learning materials” and can dealing with technical break- thinking. A study by the DEPUTY MANAGING EDITOR: TEL: 4455 7769 have different characteristics be used in conjunction with downs, and effects on health, Organization for Economic and each has its own advan- paper textbooks. Unlike paper including deterioration of Cooperation and Devel- LOCAL NEWS SECTION: TEL: 4455 7743 tages. The textbooks children textbooks, they are not eyesight. It is natural that opment (OECD) found that learn from should be based on subject to free distribution, so Education, Culture, Sports, students who read books on BUSINESS NEWS SECTION: TEL: 4462 7535 paper, while digital textbooks only fewer than 10% of ele- Science and Technology Min- paper scored higher in should be used as supple- mentary, junior high and high ister Koichi Hagiuda has reading comprehension than SPORT NEWS SECTION: TEL: 4455 7745 mentary materials to increase schools have introduced taken a cautious stance those who read them on the effectiveness of learning. them. toward a full transition to digital devices. The same is ONLINE SECTION: TEL: 4462 7501 Takuya Hirai, minister for There are almost no calls digital textbooks, arguing that likely to be true for textbooks. email: [email protected] digital transformation, has from schools for the digiti- “paper has its advantages to a Linguistic activities such argued that textbooks used in zation of textbooks. Many certain extent.” as reading, writing and PUBLIC RELATIONS: TEL: 4455 7613 elementary and junior high teachers and parents are Digital technology makes thinking require opportunities email: [email protected] schools should be digitized in obviously concerned that it possible to search for infor- to face printed text on paper. principle. The minister plans children, some of whom these mation quickly and to use In South Korea and ADVERTISING DEPARTMENT: TEL: 4455 7837 / 780 to provide each child with a days spend problematically audio and video. If used well Taiwan, digital textbooks FAX: 4455 7870, email: [email protected] digital device by the end of long periods of time on their in the classroom, digital tech- have not been fully intro- this school year, in response smartphones, will be forced to nology can help students to duced due to such factors as CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT: TEL: 4455 7857 to the novel coronavirus look at screens continuously, understand paper textbooks doubts about their learning email: [email protected] pandemic. even while at school. more deeply. effectiveness and poor tele- The use of digital text- In the case of digital text- On the other hand, it has communications SUBSCRIPTION & DISTRIBUTION: TEL: 4455 7809 / 839 books has been allowed since books, there are also concerns been pointed out that digital connections. FAX: 44557819, email: [email protected]

www.thepeninsula.qa Quote of the day /PeninsulaQatar

/ThePeninsulaQatar Progress on developing a COVID-19 vaccine will bolster business confidence and an economic /Peninsula_Qatar recovery by showing the pandemic can be /ThePeninsulaNewspaper controlled. Nadia Calvino, Economy Minister of Spain +974 6698 6188 SUNDAY 15 NOVEMBER 2020 AFRICA 09 Libyans to hold national elections in December 2021

AFP — TUNIS services and preparing for Friday’s announcement national polls, as well as Libyans at UN-led talks agreed tackling an economic crisis on Friday to hold national came on the fifth day of and a coronavirus outbreak elections in December next political talks in Tunisia, that has killed over 900 year, the United Nations said, involving 75 delegates people. raising hopes for an end to a from existing state The Tunisia talks are held brutal decade-old conflict. bodies and groups from in parallel with military dis- Libya has been gripped by cussions in the coastal Libya chaos and violence since the across Libya’s political city of Sirte to fill in the details 2011 ouster and killing of and social spectrum. of a ceasefire deal struck in longtime dictator Muammar October. Gaddafi in a Nato-backed The ceasefire formally popular uprising. ended more than a year of Rival administrations in renew the legitimacy of their fighting between forces of the the east and west, both backed institutions.” UN-recognised Government by multiple armed groups and She said Libyans feared an of National Accord based in foreign powers, have since entrenched foreign presence Tripoli and those of eastern vied for control of the Medi- in their country and “very strongman Khalifa Haftar. terranean country. much want to reclaim their The 75 delegates meeting Friday’s announcement sovereignty”. in Tunisia were selected by the came on the fifth day of “You can restore it through United Nations, but some political talks in Tunisia, the ballot box,” she said. Libyans have questioned their involving 75 delegates from The announcement legitimacy and criticised they existing state bodies and marked the first concrete way they were chosen. groups from across Libya’s decision at the Tunisia talks, Analysts also fear a gov- political and social spectrum. and the elections announced ernment resulting from the Participants at the UN-led Libyan Political Dialogue Forum take a selfie at the opening of the talks Participants at the talks for December next year would talks could struggle to gain hosted in Gammarth, on the outskirts of Tunisia capital. agreed that national elections be the first polls in Libya since legitimacy and face pushback should take place on 2014. from members of existing community has tools at its dis- the road map that leads to the launched an offensive in April December 24, 2021, acting UN The talks near Tunis are institutions. posal to prevent spoilers, vote would not need a vote of 2019 to seize Tripoli from the envoy Stephanie Williams told aimed at hammering out a But Williams said the including through the use of confidence from Libya’s House GNA. journalists in a virtual news deal for a new transitional momentum was against sanctions,” she said. of Representatives, unlike the Pro-unity government conference. government for the oil-rich “status quo” actors “trying to The Centre for Humani- new government. forces ended a bloody months- “It’s a very important date North African country. maintain their current tarian Dialogue, which is The HoR, elected in 2014, long stalemate in June by for Libyans,” she said. “It will The administration would privileges”. helping to facilitate the talks, is based in Libya’s east and pushing Haftar’s forces back be a day when they can... be charged with providing “The international said the date of elections and allied with Haftar, who eastwards.

Niger court blocks UN, AU recommend end of Darfur peacekeeping mission oppn presidential AFP — UNITED NATIONS Antonio Guterres and AU chief political transformation in subsided following the August formed UN mission created in Moussa Faki, who authored the Sudan on the protection of 2019 Juba peace talks, they had June to support Sudan’s candidate from African Union leaders and the report, estimated that a with- civilians in Darfur.” “escalated in 2020.” “Inter- political transition following running in election UN recommended ending their drawal of the mission from “It is further recommended communal conflict also last year’s ouster of president joint peacekeeping mission in Darfur will take six months, a that the international com- increased in 2019 and into Omar Al Bashir. AFP — NIAMEY Darfur on Friday, acknowl- timeframe that will also depend munity, especially the UN, the 2020,” the report said, noting According to diplomats, edging the “positive impact” on how COVID-19 and the AU and IGAD (Intergovern- that crime had “remained rel- Guterres may be inclined to Niger’s constitutional court on that the political transfor- region’s rainy season play out. mental Authority on Devel- atively unchanged in 2020.” choose a leader from Africa Friday blocked main oppo- mation in Sudan had on the UNAMID, which has been opment) continue to explore, “The recent spike in vio- particularly after the with- sition leader Hama Amadou region. in operation since 2007, is together with the Sudanese lence in Darfur, albeit not at the drawal of a French candidate from running in December’s In a joint report submitted comprised of some 8,000 authorities, appropriate scale of the early days of the who was blocked by Russia. presidential election, but gave to the UN Security Council, the peacekeepers though included support measures to sustain conflict, highlights the inherent The United Nations says the the green light to ruling party two bodies recommended that up to 16,000 at its peak. peace, security and devel- fragility of any major political conflict in the vast Darfur candidate Mohamed Bazoum. the mission, known as UNAMID, The report said that the two opment efforts,” they said. transition,” the report said. region of western Sudan killed “The Court declares ineli- cease as of December 31. bodies’ leaders “acknowledged The two acknowledged that Meanwhile a leader has yet 300,000 people and displaced gible for the presidential UN Secretary General the positive impact of the while armed clashes had to be appointed to a newly 2.5 million. election Hama Amadou du Moden” of the Nigerian Dem- ocratic Movement, court pres- ident Bouba Mahamane said Two missiles target without giving any reason during a hearing in Niamey. Amadou said last month he Ethiopian airports; considered there were no obstacles to his running again for the country’s presidency Tigray conflict widens despite his past conviction for infant smuggling. REUTERS — ADDIS ABABA attacking federal troops. Hun- President Mahamadou Iss- dreds of people have been killed. oufou, who was elected in 2011 Two airports in Ethiopia’s The prime minister has said and 2016, is barred by term Amhara state which neighbours government warplanes were limits from running for re- Tigray where federal troops are bombing military targets in election, and the ruling fighting local forces were Tigray, including arms depots Nigerien Party for Democracy targeted by rocket fire late on and equipment controlled by the and Socialism has nominated Friday, the government said, as Tigrayan forces. The government former interior minister an 11-day conflict widened. says its military operations are Bazoum to run to succeed him. The airport in Gondar in aimed at restoring the rule of law Amadou received a presi- Amhara state, which neighbours in the mountainous state of 5 dential pardon in March Tigray, was hit on Friday, while million people. because of the coronavirus another rocket aimed at the Bahir One of the rockets hit the pandemic, with less than three Dar airport missed the target, the airport in Gondar and partially months remaining to serve of government said. damaged it, said Awoke Worku, his one-year prison sentence. The ruling Tigray party, the spokesperson for Gondar central The former premier was Tigray People’s Liberation Front zone, while a second missile fired convicted along with one of his Ethiopians fleeing intense fighting in their homeland of Tigray, gather in the bordering Sudanese (TPLF), said the Tigray Defence simultaneously landed just wives in March 2017 for their village 8, east of the town of Gadaref, on Friday. Forces conducted missile strikes outside of the airport at Bahir alleged role in a child-traf- in military bases in Bahir Dar and Dar. ficking ring. Gondar in retaliation for air “The TPLF junta is utilising airport terminal building. The Africa region. what it said was evidence of mass The case — which he and strikes conducted by Prime Min- the last of the weaponry within area was sealed off and fire- More than 14,500 people killings. his supporters decried as a ister Abiy Ahmed’s forces in its arsenals,” the Ethiopian gov- fighting vehicles were parked have fled into neighbouring Amnesty International said political witch hunt — allegedly various parts of the state. ernment’s emergency task force outside, the resident added. Sudan, with the speed of new on Thursday scores and possibly involved smuggling of babies “As long as the attacks on the wrote on Twitter. An Ethiopian Airlines worker arrivals “overwhelming the hundreds of civilians were from Nigeria via Benin for people of Tigray do not stop, the The Amhara regional state’s who did not wish to be identified current capacity to provide aid”, stabbed and hacked to death in wealthy couples in Niger. attacks will intensify,” Getachew forces have been fighting said flights to both Gondar and the UN refugee agency said on the region on November 9, citing While the constitution is Reda, a spokesperson for the alongside their federal counter- Bahir Dar airports had been can- Friday. witnesses. It said it had not been silent on past convictions, the TPLF, said in a statement on the parts against Tigray’s fighters. celled after the attacks. The Ethiopia’s Human Rights able to independently confirm country’s electoral code can bar Facebook page of the Tigray Yohannes Ayele, a resident United Nations, the African Union Commission, appointed by the who was responsible, but said the candidates, although it is not state’s communications office. of Gondar, said he heard a loud and others are concerned that the government but independent, witnesses had blamed fighters automatic. Abiy sent the national explosion in the Azezo neigh- fighting could spread to other said it was sending a team of loyal to Tigray’s local leaders. “The government wants to defence force on an offensive bourhood of the city at 10.30pm. parts of Ethiopia, Africa’s second investigators to the town of Mai The Tigray state government bar me from being a candidate against local troops in Tigray last Another resident of the area most populous country, and Kadra in Tigray, where Amnesty denied involvement in the as it tried to do in 2016,” week, after accusing them of said the rocket had damaged the destabilise the wider Horn of International this week reported reported killings. Amadou said in October. African Union worried at threats to truce French forces kill militant AFP — ADDIS ABABA the situation in the Western escalation in Western Sahara, Africa’s Atlantic coast. commander in Mali Sahara, especially in the buffer and its chief Antonio Guterres The Polisario’s forces are The African Union yesterday zone of Guerguerat, and the has expressed “grave concern largely confined to the sparsely AFP — PARIS anniversary of the November expressed concern over a 1991 serious threats of breaching the regarding the possible conse- populated desert interior and 13, 2015 attacks in Paris by mil- ceasefire in the Western Sahara, ceasefire in force since 1991.” quences of the latest refugee camps in neighbouring France announced on Friday that itant gunmen and suicide disputed between and Morocco forces on Friday developments”. Algeria, the independence its anti-militant force in Mali had bombers that were France’s the pro-independence Polisaro launched an operation at Guer- Western Sahara’s former group’s main foreign backer. killed the military commander worst-ever peacetime atrocity. Front, after Rabat sent troops guerat, the last Moroccan-held colonial power Spain also called The Moroccan operation is of an Al Qaeda-aligned group French Defence Minister to a buffer zone. stop before the road enters a on “the parties to resume the aimed toward reopening the linked to attacks in the region, as Florence Parly hailed the oper- The AU chief’s statement buffer zone along the border negotiation process and move final section of the highway well as around 30 militants in a ation involving helicopters and came as the Polisario Front where the Polisario has main- towards a political, fair, lasting through Western Sahara to separate operation. ground troops that “neu- declared the ceasefire was a tained a periodic presence. and mutually acceptable by extending its The killing of Ba Ag Moussa tralised” Ba Ag Moussa, “thing of the past” after Morocco Faki also commended the solution.” network of defensive walls. is a major boost for the thou- described as the military com- launched an operation to efforts of the UN secretary- In a statement released on The defence ministry of the sands-strong French Barkhane mander of the Group to Support reopen the road to neigh- general and regional powers to Friday evening, the Spanish Polisario-declared Sahrawi force stationed in the Sahel Islam and Muslims (GSIM). bouring Mauritania, sparking urge “the parties to refrain from foreign ministry called for Arab Democratic Republic region of Africa for over half a Ag Moussa, alias clashes. any change of the status quo “responsibility and restraint” in (SADR) said its forces had decade in a grinding fight against “Bamoussa”, is “believed Chairman of the AU Com- and to return to the negotiating Western Sahara. carried out “massive attacks” multiple militant groups who are responsible for several attacks mission Moussa Faki Mahamat table, as soon as possible”. Morocco controls 80 on Friday at multiple points often also fighting each other. against Malian and interna- expressed his “deep concern The United Nations has for percent of the disputed region, along Morocco’s 2,700km Symbolically, the news was tional forces,” she said in a following the deterioration of days been trying to avoid an a vast swathe of desert on defensive wall. announced on the five-year statement. 10 ASIA SUNDAY 15 NOVEMBER 2020 Pandemic overshadows India’s festival of lights AFP — NEW DELHI The smog-shrouded Restaurants say they are strug- gling to get people to come in. Fear of the coronavirus, mixed capital New Delhi has Mahinder Kumar, who sells with chronic pollution, has banned firecrackers flowers outside the Jhandewala spoiled the party for hundreds temple, one of the oldest in of millions of Indians cele- because of sky-high Delhi, said that normally there brating the biggest holiday of pollution levels and, are huge queues for Diwali. the year yesterday. while people still “This year it’s nothing — almost Diwali is meant to be the empty.Our business has been festival of light, but the pan- thronged markets, affected badly. We have hardly demic has clouded the future traders said COVID- sold any flowers this year.” for many in the country of 1.3 The eight weeks up to billion. 19 had scared them Diwali can account for 40 The smog-shrouded capital off spending. With percent of some traders’ annual New Delhi has banned fire- business and it is considered an crackers because of sky-high 8.7 million cases, auspicious time to buy gold. pollution levels and, while India has the world’s But the lights were off at people still thronged markets, Vineet Garg’s gold and jewellery traders said COVID-19 had second-highest store near the central Con- scared them off spending. coronavirus infection naught Place, despite an “open” People buy decorations for Diwali, the Festival of Lights, from a stall in a market area in New Delhi, With 8.7 million cases, India count behind the sign on display. has the world’s second-highest “It is a waste of electricity to yesterday. coronavirus infection count United States. put the lights on,” he said. behind the United States. About “People are not buying in shops. peak now but this year, even sur- greetings. “May everyone be announced incentives worth 130,000 people have died from The business I am doing is vival has become tough.” prosperous and healthy,” Modi more than $35bn to boost COVID-19 in India since Feb- 27, said the throngs were “the online. They are too worried to Bank worker Sonam told his 63.5 million Twitter employment, consumer demand, ruary and Delhi is going through total opposite” of what he have fun.” Choudhary acknowledged that followers. agriculture and manufacturing. a new surge with nearly 8,000 expected to see when he In Mumbai, markets were people were “scared” of the But the government is strug- Since May, it has spent about new cases a day. returned from the United States. bustling with shoppers buying coronavirus and “adjusting to gling to kick-start an economy $300bn on stimulus measures. Experts have blamed the “There are major jams on lights and food but shopkeepers the new normal”. She said fam- that is expected to shrink by But Garg said there would rise on Diwali crowds, and — the street... and there are huge said sales were no better than on ilies would celebrate Diwali nearly 10 percent this year be no point putting the lights on although traditional revelry was crowds in markets,” he said. an average day. “It is a dull “with all the precautions”. because of the pandemic crisis. in his jewellery store until a muted — there was no sign that However, the crowds are Diwali,” said Raju Harijan, 35, who Prime Minister Narendra Millions across the country have coronavirus vaccine is available people were staying at home. being selective. Cinemas are has a food store in north Mumbai. Modi and most of his ministers lost their jobs. to all. “The new normal is all Engineer Rahul Randhawa, open but remain empty. “Usually every year, sales would put out traditional Diwali The government this week dark for now,” he said. Australia PM cancels PNG visit Biden’s possible India links spark genealogical frenzy AFP — CHENNAI The American vote has been great, great, great, something settled down in Madras,” which Rowena Biden, a family amid leadership under the spotlight in India or other worked for the East is now known as Chennai. member in Mumbai, insisted Already bursting with pride at because Biden’s running mate India Trading Company back in Despite the speculation, that they were not trying to challenge Kamala Harris’s ancestry, India is the daughter of a migrant the 1700s”. there has been no confirmation establish any relationship. has now started digging up from Tamil Nadu state. It sparked excitement in that the Biden brothers are “We wish Mr. Joe Biden all AFP — SYDNEY potential local roots for US The 56-year-old Harris has Chennai, capital of Tamil Nadu related to the 77-year-old the best for his new role as pres- President-elect Joe Biden. made much of her Indian con- state, which is also home to American. ident of the USA but we are not Australia’s prime minister The next leader of the nections and how she likes to Harris’s Indian relatives. If the president-elect does trying to establish any connec- cancelled a trip to Papua New United States has speculated eat “idli with a really good A plaque at St George’s have an Indian ancestor, Chris- tions or linkages,” she said. Guinea yesterday as political that he might have had relatives sambar” — typical food from the Cathedral in Chennai that cel- topher is considered the most “We share a last name and turmoil in the Pacific nation in colonial India. While there is south. ebrates Christopher Biden, born likely candidate, according to that’s about it,” she said. throws the ruling govern- no proof, the Biden name has Less attention has been paid in 1789, has suddenly become experts who have studied “All of us are well-to-do ment’s leadership into doubt. become a genealogical target to Biden, who has established a local tourist draw. family records. financially and have well- Scott Morrison was due to of investigation across the Irish links. But he spoke of pos- “We’ve come to know the There are also Bidens in settled lives so we don’t need meet with his PNG counterpart country. sible Indian connections on a records of two Bidens — Mumbai and Nagpur in Mahar- any gains — monetary or non- on Wednesday but agreed to A plaque commemorating trip to Mumbai in 2013 when he William Biden and Christopher ashtra state who could be monetary.” Rowena Biden said delay the trip after a request 19th-century British ship was vice president. Biden — who were brothers and descendants of Christopher, that after the first reports came from Prime Minister James captain Christopher Biden has Biden said in a speech that became captains of the East one of eight children of a John out about the possible links, Marape, a spokesman for Mor- been a popular selfie spot in the he had received a letter from an India Company on merchant Biden who could be the “people started tracking us to rison said. eastern city of Chennai since the Indian Biden after becoming a ships in the 19th century,” the common link. our house and everyone in the The decision comes after US election. senator in 1972, suggesting they Bishop of Madras, Reverend J The media attention has family had to bear the brunt of several senior PNG ministers, And a Biden family in could be related. George Stephen, said. been overwhelming, according it”. including the deputy prime western India says it has “One of the first letters I “While William Biden died to the Maharashtra Bidens. The “undue limelight” had minister, defected to the oppo- become “exhausted” by calls received and I regret I never fol- at an early age, Christopher Indian media has speculated cast a shadow over “the sition on Friday and voted to since their namesake staked his lowed up on it,” he said. Biden went on to captain that their late grandfather Leslie primacy of Mr. Biden’s win and suspend parliament -- flagging claim to the White House. The letter said their “mutual, several ships, and eventually wrote to the US politician. our privacy as well”, she said. a challenge to Marape’s lead- ership next month. Morrison had intended to Australia may visit the nation on his way Philippines in bid to rescue thousands after typhoon back from a visit with Japanese see first week of leader Yoshihide Suga next REUTERS — MANILA week. no local virus Since May last year, Philippine coast guard and Marape has governed through disaster agencies scrambled transmissions a fractious coalition. yesterday to rescue thousands Legislation blocks any in a northern province flooded REUTERS — MELBOURNE challenge to his government by Typhoon Vamco, the coun- for the first 18 months but that try’s deadliest cyclone this year. Australia’s three most period expires at the end of Dozens of towns in populous states yesterday November. Cagayan region north of the recorded at least a week with Following the suspension capital Manila remain sub- no local transmissions of the of parliament the nation’s merged, affecting thousands of new coronavirus, boding well opposition said they had families, some of whom fled to for the country’s recovery secured enough support to rooftops to escape two-storey from the pandemic after a move a vote of no confidence high floods, officials said. flare-up marred an impressive against Marape when par- The coast guard sent teams early response. liament resumes on December of rescue personnel, vehicles Victoria, the epicentre of the 1. and rubber boats to Tugue- resurgence of the virus in recent But the leader tried to talk garao early on Saturday, and months, recorded its 15th con- down the challenge on Friday will bring in more help from secutive day of no new infec- — labelling it “normal PNG nearby provinces, said coast tions and no related deaths, two style parliamentary business”. guard commandant George weeks after the state emerged He still had 52 members of Ursabia. from one of the world’s longest parliament in support and was Accumulated effects of pre- An aerial view of submerged houses in Cagayan province, north of Manila, yesterday, days after and strictest lockdowns. in negotiations to secure the vious weather disturbances, as Typhoon Vamco hit parts of the country bringing heavy rain and flooding. The second-most populous 56 needed for a majority well as water from a dam and state’s deputy chief health before the return of par- higher plains brought high Cagayan Valley is a region “We believe it would take roads, he said. officer, Allen Cheng, told a liament, he added. flooding to Cagayan province, of 1.2 million people com- more than a week before the Residents took to social news conference that the run Papua New Guinea’s pol- the disaster agency said. The prising five agricultural prov- floods subside” if there is no media, posting photos and of zero cases was “about as itics is extremely fluid and nearby Magat Dam released inces. Nearly 14,000 people are further rain, Tuguegarao City addresses with pleas for rescue. good as it can get”. since independence no single water on Friday equivalent to staying in evacuation centres Mayor Jefferson Soriano told The hashtag #CagayanNeed- Neighbouring New South party has ever held an outright two Olympic-size pools per after the floods affected DZMM radio station. Access to sHelp was the top trending Wales, the most populous majority, with parties instead second, government data 343,000, the disaster agency the city, home to 163,000 topic on Twitter with 2.03 state, saw seven days without relying on coalitions to govern. showed. said. people, was cut due to flooded million tweets. local transmissions, while Queensland has had no new community infections for two months. Both states saw a Thai protesters rally again, promoting a diversity of causes handful of new cases in managed quarantine among AP — BANGKOK women’s right advocates and session of Parliament for Tuesday protected by a law that makes key to establishing true travellers from overseas. LGBTQ activists were among and Wednesday to debate defaming the monarch pun- democracy. So they are under- This latest data may mean Pro-democracy protesters in them. changes to the constitution. ishable by up to 15 years in taking their unprecedented Australia can record its first Thailand rallied again The core demands of the The protest movement, prison. challenge even at the risk of week of no local transmissions yesterday, promoting a diversity student-led protest movement anticipating that the lawmakers The army, a major influence violent blowback from hardcore since the start of the pandemic of causes and taking an oppor- are that Prime Minister Prayuth will not take substantive action, in Thai politics, has declared royalists. as the rest of the country has tunity to display their rejection Chan-ocha step down, the con- has already called what it defense of the monarchy to be A crowd of several thousand not seen any cases for weeks of the country’s power structure stitution be amended to make expects will be its biggest march one of its main duties, and many protesters at Democracy Mon- or months. directly to the monarch. it more democratic, and the so far for November 21. ordinary citizens also regards ument on Saturday showed Australia’s swift closure of Some 20 groups called the monarchy be reformed to be The demand over the mon- it with devotion. their sentiment when a royal borders and strict, economi- rally at Bangkok’s Democracy made more accountable. archy is the most controversial The protest movement, motorcade with King Maha cally costly measures kept the Monument under the name The movement has put one because the royal insti- however, has prioritized the Vajiralongkorn passed by. They pandemic largely from “Mob Fest” as the latest in a pressure on Prayuth’s gov- tution is traditionally regarded issue of reforming the mon- turned their backs, put their spreading, but a resurgence in series of protests calling for sig- ernment, which after failing to as the heart and soul of the archy because it believes that hands in the air to display their July in Victoria sent the state nificant reforms in government. stop it through the use of police nation, and to be treated with the institution holds too much three-finger protest gesture and into a harsh 111-day lockdown Secondary school students, force has now scheduled a the utmost respect. It is power and that change is the sang the national anthem. that ended in late October. SUNDAY 15 NOVEMBER 2020 ASIA 11 Trump skips Asean summit; China set to expand influence

AP — HANOI “At this time of fourth-largest trading partner global crisis, the for the US, with trade reaching President Donald Trump over $354bn last year. skipped summits with his Asian US-Asean strategic “We deeply appreciate Asean counterparts for the third year partnership has partners’ efforts to keep the key in a row yesterday, even as rival supply chains open, factories China is set to expand its become even more operating and PPE flowing,” influence with a massive free important as we work O’Brien said, referring to personal trade deal in the region. protective equipment used to National Security Adviser together to combat protect against the coronavirus. Robert O’Brien said Trump the coronavirus,” He noted that the US had regretted he was unable to contributed $87m to combat the attend the online summit with US National Security coronavirus in Southeast Asia, the 10 members of the Associ- Adviser said in including providing ventilators ation of Southeast Asian remarks at the and PPE. “The United States has Nations, but stressed the impor- your back and we know you tance of ties with the region. opening ceremony. have ours,” O’Brien said. “At this time of global crisis, At the East Asia summit later the US-Asean strategic part- yesterday, UN Secretary- nership has become even more well as Australia, China, India, General Antonio Gutteres said important as we work together Japan, South Korea, New the virus had infected at least to combat the coronavirus,” Zealand and Russia. 14 million people in Asia and O’Brien said in remarks at the Despite Trump’s absence, the killed more than a quarter opening ceremony, which was White House said in a statement million in the region. At least 39 livestreamed to Asean members that Asean remains central to his million people could revert to watching from their respective vision for a “free and open Indo- extreme poverty in East Asia countries. Pacific,” Washington’s strategy alone, he warned. Vietnam Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc (right) addresses counterparts at the ASEAN-Plus Three (APT) Trump attended the Asean to counter China’s growing The UN has urged countries meeting at the Association of Southeast Asian Nations summit being held online in Hanoi, yesterday. summit in 2017, but sent only influence in the region. to put together a stimulus representatives during the last China’s sway in the region is package amounting to at least two meetings. A special summit set to expand with a free trade 10 percent of global gross Earlier yesterday, China, mechanism to prepare to battle Japanese Prime Minister with Asean that he was supposed agreement that will be signed domestic product, Gutteres said. Japan and South Korea sought new infectious diseases. Yoshihide Suga said Tokyo has to host in Las Vegas in March was Sunday. The pact, which will cover With the global community deeper regional cooperation to He said the speed of global been engaged in boosting called off due to the pandemic. almost a third of the world facing its deepest recession battle the pandemic. “Facing a economic recovery will be very Asean’s economic resilience and Trump has been busy chal- economy, includes the Asean since the Second World War, possible second wave as winter uneven amid trade protec- remains committed to deep- lenging the results of the Nov. 3 nations, China, Japan, South the World Bank is on track to is setting in, we can work tionism and uncertainties in the ening ties with Southeast Asia. presidential election, insisting Korea, Australia and New Zealand. commit a record $160bn over together to mitigate the pandemic financial markets. An accel- Japan and South Korea have he was the victim of election India backed out of the plan 15 months, including grants and and to reopen the economy,” said erated transition to a digital committed $1m each to an fraud. Most countries have last year, and the agreement concessional financing, said its Chinese Premier Li Keqiang. economy could also widen the Asean COVID-19 fund, meant acknowledged Joe Biden’s also does not include the United president, David Malpass. South Korean President gap between social classes, to support member states in victory. States, despite America’s $2 Still, the pandemic remains Moon Jae-in said the region must Moon warned. “We must work securing medical equipment O’Brien also represented the trillion in trade with the coun- an enormous obstacle to devel- work together toward the devel- to strengthen the resilience of and finance research on drugs US at an East Asia virtual tries in the pact. opment and a successful vacci- opment and equitable supply of our economies and identify and vaccines against the summit later Saturday that In his remarks yesterday, nation program will be key to vaccines and treatments, and measures for inclusive, sus- coronavirus. included the Asean members as O’Brien touted Asean as the recovery, he said. establish an effective tainable growth,” he said. ‘Mastermind’ of Kabul University attack captured Virus deaths in Punjab

AFP — KABUL worsened in recent months to pressure, defame and make network, an affiliate of the despite the government holding the government look weak in Taliban, has long been accused at highest since July Afghan forces have captured peace talks with the Taliban in front of the people,” Saleh said. of carrying out brutal assaults the “mastermind” of a brutal Qatar. Adil, who had been a of Western forces and civilians, INTERNEWS — LAHORE with the people at their work- attack on Kabul University “The mastermind behind student of the Islamic sharia and has been branded a ter- places or educational institu- when militants stormed class- Kabul University attack has law, hailed from the province rorist group by Washington. Pakistani province of Punjab tions without preventive rooms and gunned down been arrested,” Vice President of Panjshir but his family lived Soon after the attack, Saleh has reported 601 coronavirus measures. dozens of students earlier this Amrullah Saleh announced on on the outskirts of Kabul, he and other top officials had fresh cases and 17 deaths Chief Minister Punjab month, a top official said his Facebook page. said. blamed the Taliban for the uni- during the last 24 hours taking Sardar Usman Buzdar said that yesterday. The attack, which had “Adil had been missing for versity attack. the provincial tally of cases to citizens will have to adopt com- At least 22 people were killed ended after the three attackers three years amid rumours that However, the attack was 108,822 and fatalities to 2,455 plete precautionary measures and another 27 wounded when were killed in fighting, was he had gone to receive training claimed by the Islamic State amid concerns expressed by to protect themselves from the three gunmen rampaged through planned by a militant called in war and fighting,” Saleh said. group. health professionals. COVID-19. the university on November 2, Adil, Saleh said. During his questioning, Adil Days before the university This is the highest death toll He said: “Number of corona spraying classrooms with bullets Adil was recruited by the revealed that he had received attack, IS had claimed another recorded in the province since affectees and death toll are for several hours. Haqqani network, Saleh said weapons from Haqqani deadly suicide bombing near an July this year. During the last increasing day by day; citizens The brazen daylight assault giving only one name of the network to carry out the attack, educational centre in a western 24 hours, 12,038 tests were should make wearing face came amid surging violence arrested man. Saleh added. district of Kabul that killed 24 conducted while with recovery mask habit. We have to learn across the country that has only “The attack was carried out The shadowy Haqqani people. of 12 more people and the total to survive with coronavirus,” number of recovered patients he said. The chief minister said has reached 97,692. that government has taken Pakistan-made As per data made available, every possible measure for the people belonging to the safeguarding the lives of the Alonna-Ventura 31-45 age group are more vul- citizens. nerable to the COVID-19 Governor Punjab Chaudhry respiratory infection, followed by 16-30 Mohammad Sarwar said that age group and 46-60 age the coronavirus is increasing device launched group. in Pakistan with each passing Out of total 108,822 day. In these circumstances, INTERNEWS — ISLAMABAD COVID-19 cases in Punjab, there is no option but to 32,345 are of age of 31-45 years, implement Corona SOPs as any The Ministry of Science and 30,106 of age group of 16-30 negligence by the public Technology of Pakistan years, 22,356 of age group of regarding SOPs can be very organised the national launch 46-60 years, 11107 of age group dangerous. of Alonna-Ventura, a UK-qual- of 61-75 years, 5,166 of age As per study of health ified sophisticated respiratory group of 1-15 years and 2027 department, the health profes- device, made in Pakistan by are of age group of over 75 sionals attending the Covid-19 the Alsons Group. years. patients in health facilities are Minister for Science and When asked about high most vulnerable to the corona- Technology Chaudhry Fawad ratio of infection among young virus due to their exposure to Hussain was the chief guest of population, health profes- it. the event which was attended sionals said one of the reasons The study shows 23 percent by SAPM on health Dr. Faisal given for more occurrence of positive cases ratio among the Sultan, among other gov- the virus in younger genera- health professionals attending the ernment officials and tions is that the people of these COVID-19 patients in hospitals, members of the medical two age groups get infected the highest ratio so far among any profession. more due to outdoor activities/ community in Punjab. As per details, the Alnno- movement. As per data, Lahore has Ventura respiratory device Smog in Lahore However, an official of the reported 54,247, the highest follows the designs and spec- health department said that the number of confirmed cases ifications of the UCL Ventura Motorists drive on a street amid heavy smoggy conditions in Lahore, Pakistan, yesterday. young people mostly interact among the 10 districts. and is manufactured under licence and instructions from UCL Institute of Healthcare Engineering in the United 4G Internet services, Naya Pakistan Housing Scheme in Balochistan soon Kingdom. Back in September, the INTERNEWS — ISLAMABAD segments. Chinese trade is around 2,000 South Balochistan. for the development of Balo- Drug Regulatory Authority of He said our objective to billion dollars and Pakistan, The Prime Minister inau- chistan and less developed Pakistan (DRAP) approved Pakistani Prime Minister Imran uplift Balochistan is not only especially Balochistan can gurated the Daar-ul-Ehsaas for areas of the country. the Alsons, becoming the Khan has announced to limited to mere announcements benefit from this. orphaned and poor children The Prime Minister said that second company for the pro- introduce 4G Internet services of projects. The Prime Minister said no where free shelter, food and incumbent government has duction of ventilators, as the and Naya Pakistan Housing He said we will fully focus loan in last four months was education would be taken various steps for the country seeks to make itself Scheme in Balochistan for the on the development and taken, while domestic market provided. development and prosperity of self-sufficient in the manu- benefit of common people. progress of Balochistan to bring witnessed record sale of The Prime Minister also Balochistan in real sense. facturing of PPEs and other Addressing notables of the province at par with other cement, iron, and automobiles, launched Ehsaas’ Educational He urged the students to related equipment required South Balochistan in Turbat, he parts of the country. which shows upward trajectory Scholarships for deserving focus on education and after to curb the COVID-19 said young people, especially The Prime Minister said he of country’s economy. primary school girls and under- completion of education they pandemic. students of the province, can is happy that Punjab Gov- During his day-long visit of graduates under Waseela-e- should come forward and play It is pertinent to mention take maximum benefit from fast ernment has made an Turbat, Prime Minister Imran Taleem programme. their pivotal role in progress that Alsons, a Karachi based Internet facilities in the age of investment in education and Khan performed laid foun- Earlier addressing the youth and prosperity of the province group specialising in the man- information technology. health sectors of Balochistan. dation stone for extension of in Turbat this afternoon, the and country. ufacturing of mechanical com- The Prime Minister said Highlighting importance of Turbat Airport, 200 Beds Prime Minister Imran Khan said The Prime Minister appre- ponents (from bars, plates, under the Naya Pakistan China-Pakistan Economic Cor- Makran Medical Teaching Hos- the government is focusing on ciated the Punjab Government forgings, and castings), CNC Housing Scheme poor people ridor for the development of pital, University of Turbat promotion of education and for enhancing scholarships for plastic injection moulding, can get loan from designated Balochistan, Imran Khan said Phase-II and Hoshab - Awaran health sectors in the province Balochistan students from 135 stamping, and assemblies in banks on five per cent interest Gwadar Port offers massive Section of M-8. as investment in the human to 360. the fields of hi-tech engi- to have their own house. connectivity to China, which is The Prime Minister was also capital is vital for national He said equal development neering, aerospace, auto- Imran Khan said it is part of the fastest progressing country briefed about the progress on development. of all the federating units is motive, oil and gas, and power his faith that no nation can in the world. Basima - Khuzdar Road N-30 He said PTI Government is essential for a stronger sector. progress unless it lifts its weaker He said current volume of and Development Package for providing unprecedented funds federation. 12 EUROPE SUNDAY 15 NOVEMBER 2020 Pompeo begins 7-nation tour, arrives in France

AP — PARIS After France, at slowing the spread of the Pompeo’s tour coronavirus. US Secretary of State Mike The French president, who Pompeo arrived yesterday in takes him to Turkey, spoke with Biden four days ago Paris, at the start of a seven- Georgia, Israel, the to offer congratulations, has had country tour of Europe and the a tense relationship with Trump. Middle East, travels that were United Arab Emirates, Both leaders initially worked to certain to be awkward since all Qatar and Saudi woo each other with gestures the nations on his schedule have of extravagance, such as Macron congratulated Joe Biden for his Arabia. making Trump the guest of victory in the US presidential honour at a Bastille Day military race. parade. Trump later pulled out The trip is aimed at shoring State Department official. of the Paris global climate up the priorities of the outgoing French Foreign Minister accord, a blow to Macron. administration of President Jean-Yves Le Drian noted on The United States also left Donald Trump. It will include Friday the “difficult subjects” on the hard-won Iran nuclear visits to Israeli settlements in the table, from the situation in accord, and Pompeo said in a the West Bank that have been Iraq and Iran, terrorism, the tweet before departing on his avoided by previous secretaries Middle East and China. trip that Iran would be among of state. The United States’ top ”For the moment, my coun- topics of discussion. US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo walks to a motorcade vehicle after stepping off a plane at Paris diplomat — as well as its pres- terpart is Mike Pompeo, until In an arrival tweet yes- Le Bourget Airport at the start of a 10-day trip to Europe and the Middle East, yesterday. ident and much of his Repub- January 20…,” Le Drian said on terday in France, Pompeo laid lican Party — have not accepted BFMTV, referring to the date out the standard diplomatic the results of the American when Trump’s term ends. “He’s groundwork for his Paris talks, terrorism were also among takes him to Turkey, Georgia, Trump administration, have election, and the unusual cir- coming to Paris. I receive him.” noting that France is the “oldest topics on the table during his Israel, the United Arab Emirates, denounced Pompeo’s plans to cumstances will likely over- That meeting will take place friend and Ally” of the United trip, he tweeted. Both issues are Qatar and Saudi Arabia. The visit the West Bank settlement shadow the issues. tomorrow (Monday), Le Drian States. “The strong relationship keenly relevant to France. There leaders of all of those countries of Psagot. Palestinian Prime Low-key meetings were set said, suggesting that Pompeo between our countries cannot have been three terror attacks have offered public congratu- Minister Mohammad Shtayyeh for yesterday with civil society, will also meet French President be overestimated,” he tweeted. in recent weeks in France that lations to Biden. tweeted on Friday that this was academia and the private Emmanuel Macron. Paris is in Promoting religious have killed four people. Palestinian officials, who a “dangerous precedent” that sector, according to a senior the midst of a lockdown aimed freedom and countering After France, Pompeo’s tour have been snubbed by the legalises settlements. Greece shuts schools, hospitals overwhelmed as cases rise UK to ban sale of new petrol AFP — ATHENS Kikilias. “Closing elementary April when they were shuttered nationwide on Friday 830 were imposed all over Greece. schools was the last thing we during the first lockdowns. occupied. “The coming weeks The country with a popu- and diesel cars Greece announced yesterday wanted to do. This is a measure The World Health Organi- will be extremely critical”, lation of 10.9 million people has the closure of its primary of how serious the situation is,” sation recommends that schools Greek Prime Minister, Kyriakos experienced 997 deaths and from 2030: FT schools, kindergartens and he added. only be shut as a last resort. Mitsotakis said on Thursday in 69,675 contaminations since the daycare centres amid a surge Secondary schools have Since late October, the daily the Greek Parliament where he beginning of the pandemic in REUTERS — LONDON in coronavirus cases that has already closed and all lessons number of deaths in Greece has was briefing MPs for the second late February, most of them in saturated the national health have taken place remotely since quadrupled with 50 deaths lockdown since March. the last four months. British Prime Minister Boris system. Monday. reported some days, while the This lockdown started on The most hard-hit area is Johnson plans to announce “The Greek government Most European countries number of infections has November 7 and is to last until the northern city of Thessal- next week a ban on the sale of decided the suspension of the have kept schools open during doubled to around 3,000 cases November 30, although experts oniki, the second largest city in new petrol and diesel cars functioning of schools until the second waves of cases that daily. suggest it might last longer. Greece. “The health system is from 2030, five years earlier November 30,” said a statement has hit the continent since Sep- Out of the 1,143 total Since Friday night a curfew in the red,” Health Minister than previously planned, the from Health Minister Vassilis tember, unlike in March and intensive care unit beds from 9 pm to 5am has been Kikilias has warned. Financial Times reported yesterday. Britain had originally planned to ban the sale of new Britain to pilot COVID-19 petrol and diesel-powered cars from 2040, as part of tests for care home visitors efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and in February REUTERS — LONDON many of whom will feel disori- Johnson brought this forward ented and confused by the sit- to 2035. Visitors to care homes in parts uation, but also their loved ones Citing unidentified of England will be able to get who aren’t able to simply hug industry and government tested for COVID-19 under a each other to support them in figures, the FT said Johnson new pilot scheme aimed at this difficult time,” health min- now intended to move the date reducing onerous restrictions in ister Matt Hancock said. forward again to 2030 in a time for Christmas, the health “Thanks to the expanding speech on environmental ministry said yesterday. testing capacity we have in place policy he is expected to give With England under we can now begin to trial a new next week. lockdown until December, care way to allow safer visits to take The BBC reported a similar home visits can still go ahead in place and prevent the spread of plan earlier yesterday, without certain circumstances, but COVID-19.” giving any sources. official guidance states that During the first wave of the A Downing Street spokes- screens, windows or “visiting pandemic, the government was woman declined to comment pods” should be used to reduce criticised for failing to stop a on the reports or the content the risk of COVID-19 deadly spread of the corona- of Johnson’s upcoming transmission. virus through care homes, and speech. “I know how heart-breaking for releasing people from hos- The FT said the new time- restricting visits to care homes pital into care homes without People gather outside St George’s Hall during a rally to protest against vaccination and government table was not expected to has been, not only for residents, testing them first. restrictions designed to control the spread of COVID-19, in Liverpool, UK, yesterday. apply to some hybrid cars which use a mixture of electric and fossil fuel pro- Poland reports pulsion and could still be sold Belgium announces measures for bird flu outbreak until 2035. 548 deaths from An end to the sale of new AFP — BRUSSELS khstan this summer. as well as individuals who keep such as protective netting to petrol and diesel cars would coronavirus “Three wild birds that birds in their homes, in a prevent contact with wild birds mark a huge shift in Britain’s Belgium has detected an stayed in a bird sanctuary in country where there is a strong that spread the disease, after the automotive market. REUTERS — WARSAW outbreak of bird flu, leading Ostend tested positive for the tradition of pigeon racing. country’s ministry of agriculture Industry figures show that authorities to order all poultry H5N8 virus,” AFSCA said in a “All gatherings of poultry warned that bird flu infections petrol and diesel powered cars Poland reported a record high farmers and individual bird statement yesterday, adding and birds are strictly pro- were on the rise in western accounted for 73.6% of new 548 new coronavirus-related owners to keep the animals that the outbreak was con- hibited,” the statement said, Europe. car sales so far this year, while deaths yesterday, the health confined, the country’s food firmed the day before by the adding that preventive In addition to cases declared just 5.5% of sales were for pure ministry said, taking the coun- safety agency AFSCA said Sciensano public health measures were imposed on in the Netherlands, the ministry electric vehicles, which are try’s total above 10,000. yesterday. institute. AFSCA said the new professional pigeon farms on pointed to “13 cases in wild typically more expensive. Poland reported 25,571 Avian influenza has recently measures would be effective November 1. birds in Germany” and an out- Hybrid vehicles of various new cases, lower than a record spread to western Europe after from today (Sunday) and would France this month ordered break on November 3 in the types made up the remaining 27,875 recorded on November outbreaks in Russia and Kaza- apply to private poultry houses measures for poultry farms northwest of England. sales. 7. The health ministry said that as of yesterday, COVID-19 patients occupied 22,320 hos- pital beds and were using 2,126 Germany to prioritise virus ventilators, out of 35,182 and 2,805 available, respectively. vaccinations in care homes The new record comes two days after the Prime Minister AP/REUTERS — BERLIN agency reported a further Mateusz Morawiecki said there 22,461 confirmed cases of was no need for a national German Chancellor Angela COVID-19 in the 24 hours to quarantine. Morawiecki on Merkel said nursing home yesterday, as well as 178 addi- Thursday said the number of workers and the people they tional deaths. cases earlier this week had are caring for will be among the Since the start of the pan- started to fall for the first time first to get access to corona- demic, Germany has recorded in two months. “We do not virus vaccines. 773,556 confirmed cases and have to introduce a national Merkel said yesterday in 12,378 deaths. quarantine,” the prime min- her weekly video address that Meanwhile, German police ister said on Facebook. staff and residents of nursing fired water cannon during an Poland has launched a homes will “receive priority” anti-lockdown rally in number of restrictions to curb as soon as a vaccine is Frankfurt yesterday and even- the spread of the pandemic. available. tually broke up the gathering It launched remote Almost 1 million people in as rules like wearing masks and teaching for all schools, closed Germany live in nursing and socially distancing were not restaurants and most shops in care homes. The country is observed. About 600 people shopping malls and banned seeking to buy 100 million from the loosely organised gatherings of more than five Second anniversary of ‘yellow vests’ doses of a vaccine being Querdenker movement that persons. The country has developed by German pharma- opposes the government’s "Yellow vests" protesters gather at the Trocadero near the Eiffel Tower during a demonstration for reported a total of 691,118 ceutical company BioNTech measures to halt the rise in the second anniversary of the movement in Paris, yesterday. coronavirus cases and 10,045 and US partner Pfizer. coronavirus infections took to deaths. Germany’s disease control the streets in Frankfurt. SUNDAY 15 NOVEMBER 2020 EUROPE 13

Austria planning Protesters demand 3-week lockdown snap polls in Georgia from Tuesday AFP — TBILISI Opposition parties REUTERS — VIENNA Thousands of anti-government have refused to enter Austria is planning to move demonstrators rallied in the the new parliament from its current night-time capital of ex-Soviet Georgia curfew and partial shutdown yesterday demanding snap after disputed to a full lockdown from polls after the opposition said elections, in a boycott Tuesday until December 6, a parliament elections two draft and summary of the weeks ago were marred by that has undermined government decree seen by fraud. the ruling party’s Reuters showed yesterday. The ruling Georgian Dream The Austrian government party led by the country’s legitimacy. had so far used a lighter touch richest man and former prime in dealing with the second minister Bidzina Ivanishvili wave of coronavirus cases narrowly won the October 31 outside parliament yesterday than the first. A nighttime poll that opposition parties promising to keep up the curfew is in place from 8 pm denounced as rigged. protest movement until new to 6 am this month but shops Opposition parties have elections are called. are open; cafes and restau- A man waves the French flag during a Georgian opposition rally in central Tbilisi yesterday. refused to enter the new par- Georgia Dream has rejected rants are limited to take-away liament in a boycott that has the demand insisting the vote service; theatres and museums undermined the ruling party’s was free and fair. 45,000 protesters rallied results that showed Georgian popularity fall due to dis- are closed. legitimacy. “We will continue protests outside parliament before Dream won 48 percent of the content over its failure to Those measures have In an unprecedented show until our demand is met,” Nika marching towards the central votes against 46 percent for address economic stagnation failed to stop infections from of unity before the vote, the Melia, an UNM leader, told the election commission head- opposition parties, in a propor- and perceived backsliding on accelerating. Daily new cases main opposition party, exiled crowd, saying the October quarters, threatening to tional ballot that decides 120 commitments to democracy. hit a record of 9,586 on Friday, former president Mikheil Saa- ballot was “stolen.” Forty-year- blockade its entrances. of the legislature’s 150 seats. Critics accuse the country’s nine times higher than at the kashvili’s United National old baker Nukri Archvadze told Riot police dispersed the Owing to Georgia’s richest man Ivanishvili — who first wave’s peak. Movement (UNM), agreed with AFP at the protest that, “Ivan- protesters in the early hours of complex electoral system, the is widely seen to be calling the A summary and draft of a smaller opposition groups to ishvili and his Georgian Dream Monday with firing water parliament’s final makeup shots in Georgia — of perse- government decree obtained form a coalition government if have staged a coup by rigging cannon leaving several people might only become clear in late cuting political opponents and by Reuters showed the country elected. the elections.” “They must call injured. November. creating a corrupt system would switch to a full Thousands of demon- a fresh vote and leave power.” The electoral commission In power since 2012, where private interests per- lockdown as of Tuesday, with strators gathered Last Sunday, has yet to confirm provisional Georgian Dream has seen its meate politics. the public required to stay at home all day with only some exceptions such as for shopping or exercise. European climate forecaster lifts winter temperature outlook Non-essential shops will close, as will service providers BLOOMBERG possibility for a return to tem- industry billions of dollars in have a higher probability of receiving well-above average such as hairdressers. Sec- peratures that could buck a lost revenue. Producers from hotter weather. levels of precipitation through ondary schools have already A key European weather recent warming trend. Russia to Norway curtailed gas The Copernicus model com- February, according to the switched to distance learning, forecast closely watched by The November seasonal supplies because everyone from bines data from scientists in the Copernicus data. The Iberian but schools for younger ages energy traders showed swathes forecast is traditionally the most homeowners to heavy industry UK, France, Germany, Italy and Peninsula has a 40% to 50% that are still open will do the of the continent are more likely closely monitored by traders didn’t need as much heat as the US. The EU programme uses chance of receiving well-below same while providing to be warmer than previously who are on the lookout for usual. billions of measurements from average levels of rain this childcare when necessary. anticipated. areas in the northern hemi- This year’s forecast shows satellites, ships, aircraft and winter. People should work from That’s the conclusion of sphere where cooler tempera- that heating markets across weather stations around the Globally, Copernicus home where possible and if forecasters at the European tures could stoke demand for large parts of Belgium, France, world for its monthly and sea- reported with certainty that employer and employee can Union’s Copernicus Climate natural gas and power. Germany, Netherlands and the sonal forecasts and concluded states in the US southwest and agree on the modalities, the Change Service, who updated Last year Europe had its UK have just a 40% to 50% that 2019 was the continent’s along the Gulf Coast will expe- draft said. their long-term weather hottest winter on record, chance of having temperatures hottest year on record. rience hotter-than-normal Chancellor Sebastian Kurz outlook on Friday. The previous resulting in fewer heating days. well-above historical norms, Scandinavian countries, weather. New York and New is due to hold a news con- prospects for winter were more The abnormally high tempera- slightly lower than last year’s which get about half their England have a 60% to 70% ference outlining the new uncertain for key Atlantic tures in the last year curbed expectations. Parts of Italy, power from hydro plants, have probability of experiencing an restrictions at 4:30 pm (1530 energy markets, opening the energy demand, costing the Scandinavia and eastern Europe a 40% to 50% probability of unusually warm winter. GMT). Ukraine posts Czech Republic reports 7,357 record jump new cases; daily rise ebbs in new virus REUTERS — PRAGUE In total, 454,030 people infections have been infected since the AGENCIES — KIEV The Czech Republic reported pandemic started, including a 7,357 new coronavirus cases for three-fold increase just in the Ukraine registered a record November 13 as daily infections past month. Friday’s daily total 12,524 new COVID-19 cases in continued to hold below recent marked the first seven-day the past 24 hours, its health peaks after weeks of tightened period since the first half of minister said yesterday, up measures to combat the spread, October that the country went from 11,787 reported on Health Ministry data showed a week with daily infections November 13. yesterday. below 10,000. By Thursday, Maksym Stepanov said the The country of 10.7 million hospitalisations had dropped new cases had taken the total has faced one of Europe’s for a third straight day but number of confirmed infec- highest infection rates of remained above 7,000, data tions to 525,176, with 9,508 COVID-19. Hospitals have been showed. Health officials have deaths. under heavy strain. said patient numbers will stay “This is a war, every day Farmers protest in Denmark The ministry yesterday high for some time even as the the virus takes the lives of reported 171 new deaths, daily case rise ebbs, due to a Farmers on tractors gather in Aalborg, northwestern Denmark, during a rally against the government’s Ukrainians,” Stepanov told a including 104 on Friday and delay between positive tests order to cull all mink in the country due to a mutated COVID-19 virus and against the following televised briefing. revisions to previous days, to and a worsening of symptoms. The daily infection tally restrictions in seven municipalities in North Jutland. Denmark announced special restrictions for bring the total to 5,926 - a 25% The country has started began rising in September, more than 280,000 people in the country’s northwest after a mutated version of the new coronavirus increase in the last week and a looking at easing some restric- leading the government to linked to mink farms was found in humans. tenfold rise since September 25. tions put in place since October. decide to impose a national lockdown at weekends to try to curb the spread of the virus. But authorities in some Deja vu in North Macedonia as history row hinders EU future cities have said they would ignore the government’s order AFP — SKOPJE, REPUBLIC OF NORTH MACEDONIA A commission of experts from both countries has as they seek to avoid wors- been trying to work out various debates and harmonise ening the economic situation After changing its name last year to settle a decades- school textbooks. They had some successes, agreeing in the regions. old battle with Greece, the small Balkan state of North on recommendations that covered history books until Prime Minister Denys Macedonia was finally on a path to join the European the 6th grade. But the meetings broke down last year Shmygal said on Friday the Union. when they reached the 7th grade and the Ottoman-era government decision was Until Bulgaria stepped in. hero Goce Delchev appeared, according to Petar binding, and Stepanov said the Another neighbourly row is now encroaching on Todorov, a history professor in North Macedonia on new measures could help to Skopje’s dream once again as Bulgaria rekindles tussles the commission. Born in present-day Greece while the preserve the country’s medical around history, identity and language that have haunted region was under Ottoman rule, Delchev taught at a system. North Macedonia since its birth 30 years ago, threat- Bulgarian school in what today is North Macedonia. “If we reduce the spread ening to veto the start of the EU accession process. He made his name as a revolutionary leader strug- of the disease in these two For the poor, land-locked country home to some gling against the Ottomans at the turn of the 20th days (at weekends), we will two million people, the return of historical bickering century. Both Bulgaria and North Macedonia now claim significantly reduce the burden at a time when most want to focus on the future is him as their own, with cities, statues, schools and uni- on our medical system,” exhausting. versities named in his honour. Stepanov said. “It certainly feels like we’re going down the same Germany has been trying to broker an agreement Weekend lockdowns will road again,” lamented Bojan Dimevski, a 30-year-old in recent days to walk back Bulgaria’s threat to veto be in force from November 14 consultant in Skopje, the capital of North Macedonia. Skopje’s accession bid. to 30. They require the closing “In the 21st century, when globalisation is the main In the meantime, some independent historians or restricting of the activity of engine, we are discussing which nation, language or argue the commission’s framework for ironing out these most businesses, with the history originates from which,” instead of “celebrating differences is misguided. A statue of Goce Delchev, a revolutionary figure from exception of grocery stores, the things that unite us”. “It’s near impossible to arrive at a single story about early 20th century who is celebrated by both North pharmacies, hospitals and For decades, Greece blocked Skopje’s entry to NATO the past,” Dimitar Bechev, a Southeast Europe expert transport. and the EU in protest over its former name Macedonia, Macedonia and Bulgaria, stands in a park in Skopje. at the Vienna-based Institute for Human Sciences, said. Meanwhile, Russia which it viewed as an encroachment on its heritage He and other academics from both countries reported yesterday a record and a province that bears the same name. fact that the country is part of a broader geographical warned against “outdated and very restrictive concep- daily increase of 22,702 new Athens finally relented after Skopje agreed to add region known as Macedonia that historically spanned tions of national identity as something eternal and coronavirus infections, taking the qualifier “North” last year, a move that was hugely parts of present-day Bulgaria and Greece. immutable.” “All nations are constructed and even lit- the national tally to 1,903,253. unpopular but lifted the blockade. Sofia considers Macedonians to be Bulgarians who erally ‘artificial’”, they wrote in an open letter. Authorities also reported Now, Bulgaria has made a number of demands were merely persuaded to believe in a separate identity Analysts also point the finger at Sofia for an all-too- 391 coronavirus-related before it will give the okay to the EU accession talks, under an “ethnic engineering project” that took place familiar playbook in the Balkan region: reviving emotive deaths in the last 24 hours, like avoiding any mention of a “Macedonian language”, in the mid-20th Century when the territory was a historical conflicts to win points ahead of elections, taking the official death toll to which it considers a Bulgarian dialect. republic in communist Yugoslavia. which are set in Bulgaria for next year. 32,834. Moscow, the pan- While the disagreements may be baffling to out- The Macedonian language is a similarly false con- Furthermore, Skopje is especially vulnerable now demic’s epicenter in Russia, siders, notions of nationality are heavily fraught in a struct, argues Sofia, which is demanding EU documents with EU accession dangling in its future, said Bechev. has moved students to online region that has seen centuries of shifting frontiers and refer to the “official language of the Republic of North “The opening of membership talks is usually the lessons and told employers to power centres. Newer surges of nationalism have Macedonia”. Travelling down the annals of history, the point when a EU candidate is likely to make most keep most workers at home. helped fan the flames. Much of the trouble lies in the disputes get even thornier. concessions.” 14 AMERICAS SUNDAY 15 NOVEMBER 2020 Travel ban imposed on Peru’s ousted president

AFP — LIMA The Ombudsman’s The South America office of Office demanded the UN High Commissioner for A Peruvian judge banned Human Rights called on author- ousted president Martin security forces ities to guarantee the right of Vizcarra from leaving the “immediately cease Peruvians to protest, saying it country days after his dismissal had received “disturbing infor- by Congress as the nation’s the use of tear mation” about police behaviour. political crisis spilled over into gas and pellets The Ombudsman’s Office street clashes between demanded security forces protesters and police. against citizens who “immediately cease the use of The announcement came exercise their right tear gas and pellets against cit- after thousands of people took izens who exercise their right to the streets in the capital Lima to demonstrate.” to demonstrate.” Vizcarra said and cities across Peru late Vizcarra said protests protests must be allowed and Thursday to protest Vizcarra’s must be allowed and called on the people to express impeachment over corruption themselves peacefully. allegations. called on the people “We also appeal to the At least 14 protesters were to express themselves national police to respect the wounded in clashes with police, demonstrators,” he said. the National Human Rights peacefully. Interim president Merino Police prepare to enter the offices of gaming software developer Ubisoft during a police security Coordinator said. urged calm. “We are not going operation in Montreal, Quebec, Canada, on Friday. Judge Maria Alvarez said to put in place a brutal change,” she was imposing an 18-month Antero Flores-Araoz in Lima, he said, after installing his gov- travel ban on Vizcarra at the after the 78-year-old conserv- ernment with a conservative Police evacuate Ubisoft’s Montreal request of the Public Prosecu- ative challenged them to come majority. tor’s Office, investigating alle- to his house because he did not When he took office on gations that the 57-year-old understand their demands. Tuesday, Merino said he would office building after hoax hostage call received more than $600,000 With signs saying “Merino respect the calendar for the in kickbacks from developers is not my president” and “Rats next general elections, REUTERS — MONTREAL investigate the call which door to block it. while a regional governor. out of Congress!” they marched scheduled for April 11, 2021 and resulted in “important” force An Ubisoft employee, Eric “We have said that we will dozens of blocks to the house, would leave power on July 28, Police on Friday evacuated a deployment. Pope, tweeted a screen grab stay,” Vizcarra assured jour- where they were stopped by a 2021, the day when Vizcarra’s building housing French video Officers were sent to the from LCN’s footage of people nalists on Friday, once again police barricade. mandate was to end. game maker Ubisoft’s Montreal location after a 911 emergency gathered on a rooftop. rejecting the charges against In the capital Lima late Vizcarra had broad popular offices after receiving a hostage call, the police said earlier. “This is insane. This is my him and questioning the legality Thursday, police used tear gas support since succeeding Pedro call which turned out to be a The center of the police team on the roof,” Pope wrote of his removal. and pellets to disperse a group Pablo Kuczynski, the former hoax. operation was the building that in the tweet. “We have the truth and the trying to reach the Congress Wall Street banker who was The drama unfolded on houses Ubisoft’s Montreal According to his LinkedIn support that backs us up,” he building while protesters threw forced to resign under threat of Friday afternoon when police offices, among other profile, he is a senior com- said. sticks and stones at the officers. impeachment over corruption officers in combat gear, and companies. munity developer at Ubisoft Congress voted Monday to Those wounded in the allegations in 2018. armored vehicles and ambu- All Ubisoft Montreal staff Montreal. Pope did not impeach him, while Congress clashes included two young Some lawmakers had ques- lances, surrounded the red are safe and have been evac- respond to a request for Speaker Manuel Merino men hit “by firearms,” said tioned the wisdom of removing brick building in the Mile End uated, Ubisoft spokeswoman comment. assumed office as Peru’s third Jorge Amoros, a doctor at Vizcarra in the midst of the neighborhood north of Heather Steele said. Another Ubisoft employee president in four years. Almenara hospital in Lima coronavirus pandemic and a downtown. Aerial footage taken by told CTV News station in Tense protests that began where both are hospitalised. crippling recession, with the “The perimeter was quickly the Quebec French-news Canada that employees at the Tuesday continued into on A photographer was struck financial markets nervous secured and... no threat has chain LCN showed people office were instructed via a Friday, when hundreds of by pellets in his arm and leg about whether the new gov- been detected and no injuries gathered on the rooftop company memo to hide in an young people marched to the during the march in Plaza San ernment will maintain existing are reported,” the police said in terrace of the building, along area that locks and to keep residence of Prime Minister Martin. economic policies. a statement, adding that it will with heavy objects left at the quiet. New storm Iota expected to hit ‘Captain Chloroquine’ seeks superhero win in Brazil vote AFP — SAO PAULO under pseudonyms like Seque- my mark. I don’t work in pol- Natalia Aguiar, a political sci- “Cave Zefa,” with a Flintstones- Nicaragua ira’s, a phenomenon that has itics, I don’t have support, I entist at the Federal University inspired logo, criticizing what After losing eight elections, exploded despite complaints don’t have money. That’s why of Minas Gerais. she called the Stone Age level and Honduras Regina Bento Sequeira came up from critics that it detracts from I chose this path,” says Sequeira, “The phenomenon of irrev- of development in her with a plan to win a city council serious politics. 59, who is a lawyer in her day erent names could be seen as a hometown, Sao Joao de Meriti. AP — ST PETERSBURG seat in Brazil: She reinvented To Sequeira, it is the only job. symptom of a deeper problem: But it was as “Super Zefa” herself as a superhero, “Captain way candidates like her — But she says she has no illu- We overvalue individual can- in 2006 the she got 5,713 votes, Tropical Storm Iota was Chloroquine”. The name — regular Brazilians without deep sions about her chances. didates at the expense of party the most yet in her career. So brewing in the Caribbean Sea which will actually appear on pockets — can hope to get “Are you joking?” she says politics,” she said. this year she is trying her luck early yesterday, threatening a the ballot for the country’s local voters’ attention. when asked who she thinks will Sequeira first ran for public again as a superhero. second tropical strike for Nica- elections today — is a nod to her She has been crisscrossing win. office in 2004. “Chloroquine was the hot ragua and Honduras, countries political idol, far-right President Rio de Janeiro in a metallic “The same ones as always!” She has tried a series of topic of the day” during can- recently ransacked by a Jair Bolsonaro, who hails chlo- yellow convertible emblazoned Today’s ballots will also feature pseudonyms over the years, didate registration, she said. Category 4 Hurricane Eta. roquine as a wonder drug with the nickname and handing Superman, Batman, Wonder many of them drawn from her “Everyone was talking The National Hurricane against COVID-19 despite a out flyers with a picture of Woman, Bin Laden, Trump and real nickname, Zefa. about chloroquine, whether Center in Miami said Iota slate of studies finding it is inef- herself decked out in a Captain Obama among the 576,000 In 2016, the year the aug- negatively or positively. That’s could bring dangerous wind, fective. Marvel outfit, asking voters to candidates vying for some mented reality game Pokemon exactly what I wanted.” storm surge and as much as Almost as controversial as choose her for city council to 64,000 posts nationwide. Go came out, she was Political communication 30 inches of rainfall to the the hotly debated malaria drug fight both COVID-19 and “Because there are a lot of “PokeZefa.” In 2010, she was specialist Janaine Aires sees the two Central American coun- is Brazil’s peculiar practice of corruption. candidates, people try to use “Zefa White, fighting the budget trend as an extension of Brazil’s tries, approaching their allowing candidates to run “It’s the only way to make names that stand out,” says dwarves.” In 2008, she was culture of nicknames. coasts as early as tomorrow. The system formed Friday afternoon. The storm was located Chile hopes Biden victory early yesterday about 340 miles south-southeast of will help avoid vaccine war Kingston, Jamaica, and had maximum sustained winds of REUTERS — SANTIAGO between for several months up 40mph. There were no coastal to August — should prepare for warnings or watches in effect Joe Biden’s win in the US a second wave like the one as of Saturday morning. Iota election is raising hopes in current ravaging Europe. was moving to the west- Latin America that a war over “We should not think of southwest at 5mph. medical supplies at the start of ourselves as in a zone of sta- Iota could wreak more the COVID-19 outbreak will not bility,” he said. “We must not havoc in a region where be repeated once vaccines are lower our guard.” Chile has people are still grappling with approved for use, Chile’s health signed up for 7.6 million doses the aftermath of Eta. minister said on Friday. through the global vaccine dis- That system hit Nicaragua Enrique Paris said he tribution scheme COVAX, last week as a Category 4 hur- believed Biden’s leadership co-led by the GAVI vaccines ricane, killing at least 120 would allow for countries to alliance and the World Health people as torrential rains present a more “united” front Organization. brought flash floods and land- against the pandemic, avoiding Paris said Chile had paid slides to parts of Central the commercial battles by extra to be able to pick the vac- America and Mexico. nations including the United cines it received from COVAX. Then it meandered across States to secure ventilators, But he added that he had pro- Cuba, the Florida Keys and Unrest in Mexico City masks and personal protective posed, and received backing around the Gulf of Mexico equipment seen earlier this year. from his fellow Latin American before slogging ashore again Women confront riot police during a demonstration against the murder of Bianca Alejandrina “There was a trade war in and Caribbean health ministers, near Cedar Key, Florida, and Lorenzana Alvarado, who was found dead on November 8 in Cancun, and against police violence in which those who could pay to push for all countries to be dashing across Florida and the the same city, in Mexico City, on Friday. more got more and those who treated equally under COVAX. Carolinas. could take things out of or even “We proposed as ministers Iota is already a record- rupture distribution chains did that there should be just one setting system, being the 30th so,” Paris said in an interview in format... a more equitable way named storm of this year’s Two arrested in Mexico for scribe’s death his downtown Santiago office. for everyone to choose or for extraordinarily busy Atlantic He said Chile had to charter everyone to receive the vaccines hurricane season. AP — MEXICO CITY the Artistas Asesinos drug gang in a statement that suspects tes- or send military planes to pick that the WHO deems appro- Such activity has focused and have been linked to other tified the killing “occurred up supplies and keep flight priate for each country,” he said. attention on climate change, Authorities in Mexico’s border murders. because he happened to park plans secret. Paris said the Pfizer vaccine which scientists say is causing city of Ciudad Juarez, across He said they apparently at the scene of the attack, and “It was horrible and I hope represented one option for Chile’s wetter, stronger and more from El Paso, Texas said on killed television news presenter they mistook his vehicle.” it doesn’t happen again,” Paris vaccination campaign but that the destructive storms. Friday they have arrested two Arturo Alba Medina because Prosecutors said Alba said. “I believe that Mr. Biden country had sought to diversify Eta was the 28th named drug gang members in they mistook him for a rival. Medina worked as a TV has another vision of what is to assure a steady supply. storm of this year’s hurricane connection with the October 29 The two suspects were anchor and served as diplomacy and global under- Amid concerns about the season, tying the 2005 record murder of a local television among a group of five men spokesman for a local college, standing between countries.” cold storage required for for named storms. anchor. detained November 10 with the Instituto Tecnológico of Despite the “very good news” Pfizer’s vaccine, Paris said the Theta, the 29th, was But the governor of Chi- guns, fentanyl and meth. Sub- Ciudad Juárez. this week from Pfizer that its drugmaker had pledged to get weakening over the far huahua state said the killing sequent investigations linked Local media said he hosted vaccine had proved 90 percent the doses near to the locales eastern Atlantic Ocean. It was was not related to the victim’s them to the killing. It was the Telediario news show on effective in late-stage trials, where they would be adminis- expected to become a work as a journalist. unclear what charges they cur- Multimedios Televisión, and Paris said Latin America — tered, after which they could remnant low later Saturday, Governor Javier Corral said rently face. had reported on crime and which topped global charts for be stored in Chilean facilities forecasters said. the suspects were members of The state government said violence. COVID cases and deaths for up to four days. SUNDAY 15 NOVEMBER 2020 AMERICAS 15 Trump defiant, but says of his future: ‘Who knows’ During a short speech about the vaccine work, Trump said: “Hopefully, the, the whatever happens in the future, who knows which administration it will be, I guess time will tell.”

official business on his public schedule since the election. US President Donald Trump delivers an update on “Operation Warp But Trump did not take Speed” in the Rose Garden of the White House in Washington, questions after his Rose Garden US President-elect Joe Biden and his wife Jill Biden take a bike ride through Cape Henlopen State DC, on Friday. remarks. He hasn’t had any sort Park yesterday in Lewes, Delaware. Biden has been staying at a vacation home in Rehoboth Beach of press conference since the AFP — WASHINGTON which no evidence exists — election and his last public while working on his transition. robbed him of victory in the remarks were on November 5, Donald Trump said late on November 3 election. when he falsely claimed to have Friday that “time will tell” if Trump continues to block won. According to the website Biden wins White House with 306 he remains president, in a Biden’s ability to prepare his factba.se, which keeps track of momentary slip of his unprec- transition ahead of inaugu- Trump’s pronouncements, this edented refusal to concede his ration on January 20 and he has was the longest he’d gone electoral votes to Trump’s 232 election defeat and help Dem- filed numerous lawsuits — without speaking on camera ocrat Joe Biden prepare to unsuccessfully — to challenge since he became president. AFP & REUTERS — WASHINGTON presumptive winner of the Trump would need to change take power. vote counts around the country. Despite his own intelligence election since victory in Penn- the result. In North Carolina, a Trump broke his silence On Friday, a judge in Michigan officials’ declaration on President-elect Joe Biden has sylvania took him over the 270- drive to get out Black voters by after a week without on- issued another rejection of Thursday that the election was won 306 votes in the state-by- vote threshold on Saturday. Democrats was not enough to camera comments, speaking at Republican claims of fraud. “the most secure in American state Electoral College that Georgia, one of five states overcome Trump’s hugely loyal a Rose Garden event to herald Throughout the post- history”, Trump and his right- decides who wins the White flipped by Biden after going into base of white, non-college- the imminent authorization of election period, Trump has wing media allies show no sign House, against 232 for Donald Trump’s column last time educated men and rural voters. a coronavirus vaccine. been absent in public at least of giving up their quest to get Trump, US media projected. around, hadn’t been won by a With the election outcome During a short speech about from normal presidential the results overturned. Biden solidified his victory Democrat since Bill Clinton in becoming clearer, Trump has the vaccine work, Trump duties and notably silent about Biden, meanwhile, is over Trump in the US election 1992. Trump took a comfortable discussed with advisers pos- insisted that he would never the soaring coronavirus steadily preparing to take over with a victory in traditionally early lead in the state as the sible media ventures and again call for a lockdown to infection rates around the on January 20 and the list of Republican-leaning Georgia, largely rural vote was counted appearances that would keep curb the virus’ spread. Then he country and steadily rising world leaders accepting that he called in his favour by CNN, but it ended up being the closest him in the spotlight ahead of a added: “Hopefully, the, the deaths. He has only left the will be the new president keeps ABC and other networks. race in the nation as the cities possible 2024 White House bid, whatever happens in the future, White House to play golf twice lengthening. Trump — who also had 306 of Atlanta and Savannah began aides said. He is considering who knows which adminis- and to attend a brief Veterans’ Biden’s newly appointed Electoral College votes when he tabulating results. starting a television channel or tration it will be, I guess time Day ceremony at Arlington chief of staff, Ron Klain, told beat Hillary Clinton in 2016 — Biden is currently up by social media company to will tell.” National Cemetery. MSNBC that moves by Trump claimed victory in North some 14,000 votes, and a hand compete with those he felt The hint of doubt in Trump’s Earlier on Friday, Trump to block the incoming admin- Carolina, CNN and NBC pro- recount is expected to be com- betrayed him and stifled his mind came despite him con- attended a briefing in the Oval istration from access to confi- jected, putting his final tally this pleted next week. Audits of ability to communicate directly tinuing to push a conspiracy Office on the vaccine search — dential government briefings time around at 232. state-wide elections never with Americans, according to theory that mass fraud — for one of the first times he has had posed a growing risk. Biden has been the bring the kind of reversal that several advisers. Thousands of Trump supporters march in Washington New COVID-19 outbreak hits REUTERS — WASHINGTON closer to forming his Cabinet. Organizers have given the US Secret Thousands of President Donald pro-Trump rallies various Trump’s supporters marched in names, including the Million Service: Media Washington yesterday to back MAGA March, the March for his unsubstantiated claims of Trump and Stop the Steal. AFP – WASHINGTON election fraud as he pushes MAGA is an acronym for the ahead with a flurry of longshot Trump campaign slogan “Make The US Secret Service, which legal challenges to overturn America Great Again.” Trump guards President Donald President-elect Joe Biden’s has tweeted his support. Trump, President-elect Joe victory. Protesting against the Biden, and the White House, Flag-carrying Trump sup- marches, opponents on social has been struck by an out- porters, some chanting “Stop media sought to create con- break of COVID-19, US media the steal!” and “We are the fusion by flooding the hashtags reported on Friday. champions!”, streamed into a #MillionMAGAMarch and The Washington Post said rallying point at Freedom Plaza #MarchforTrump with photo- that more than 130 Secret near the White House in graphs of pancakes. Some left- Service agents were infected by downtown Washington and wing groups planned counter- coronavirus or in quarantine were heading toward the US demonstrations in Washington due to contact with infected Supreme Court building. and other cities. people. The outbreak came after The demonstrations in Wash- His supporters were fired up numerous agents travelled to ington and other cities featured yesterday. “It’s hard to believe campaign rallies with Trump a mix of the President’s backers, he wouldn’t have won,” Mike where many officials and most including conservative person- Seneca said and he echoed the of the attendees went maskless. alities as well as members of the Supporters of US President Donald Trump participate in a “Stop the Steal” protest in Lansing, President’s unfounded allega- It also follows several far-right Proud Boys group and Michigan, US, yesterday. tions that mail-in ballots that White House events in the past Oath Keepers militia in a public favoured Biden were fraud- three weeks led by Trump, display of support for his effort crowds on his way from the “USA!” and “Four more years!” signs including, “We voted - ulent. “There should be some including an election night to stay in power. White House to his golf course as the cars rolled by. You’re Fired”. As the marches type of way to verify that these party November 3, where most Trump’s motorcade briefly in Sterling, Virginia. Flag- Outside the course, anti- kicked off, Biden told reporters votes came from the people of those present did not wear drove slowly through the waving supporters chanted Trump demonstrators waved in Delaware that he was getting who mailed them,” he said. masks. Afterward a number of officials reported positive COVID-19 tests, including New US defence chief tells Trump’s chief of staff Mark US West Coast states advise Meadows. The New York Times said at troops ‘time to come home’ least 30 uniformed Secret against travel as virus surges Service officers had tested pos- AFP — WASHINGTON our all. Now, it’s time to come itive in recent weeks in a “sus- home.” Miller did not mention tained” outbreak, and some 60 Newly appointed Pentagon specific US troop deployments, REUTERS — WASHINGTON more than five people who do fatigue” might spark a backlash, have been told to quarantine. It chief Christopher Miller sig- but the reference to Al Qaeda not live in the same household, leading people to behave in was the latest of several waves naled yesterday that he could appeared to single out Afghan- There were no plans in US for along with a directive advising ways that are less safe. The of infection to hit the service accelerate the withdrawal of istan and Iraq, where US troops a nationwide lockdown to curb state residents to stay “in their advisory urges individuals since the pandemic struck US. US troops from Afghanistan were deployed after the Sep- the surging COVID-19 pan- homes for all but the most entering or returning to the Several Secret Service and the Middle East, saying, tember 11 attacks. demic, while three US West essential activities and services.” three states to self-quarantine agents were forced to self- “It’s time to come home”. The former US special forces Coast states jointly called for a That order also requires face for 14 days, the presumed incu- quarantine after a Trump rally “All wars must end,” Miller, officer and counterterrorism halt in non-essential travel. coverings be worn in public and bation period for the virus. in Tulsa, Oklahoma in June. named acting defence secretary expert was named to lead the The warning against unnec- mandates the closure of work- On Thursday, California The same happened again after by President Donald Trump on Department of Defence after essary transit came as the daily places not defined as “essential became only the second state, a July speech to sheriffs in Monday, said in his first Trump fired Mark Esper. Trump increase in COVID-19 cases in the businesses,” such as grocery after Texas, to see its tally of Tampa, Florida led to positive message to the US armed has been pressing to pull US United States rose to a record of stores, farms, childcare centers, infections top 1 million, with its COVID-19 tests. services. He said that the US is forces out of both countries since over 177,000 on Friday, the banks, “big-box” retailers, fac- daily average of new cases Secret service has around committed to defeating Al he came into office four years fourth straight day a new all-time tories and healthcare facilities. jumping nearly 50% in the first 7,000 employees, including Qaeda, 19 years after the Sep- ago. Any such action would have high has been set. Medical experts point to week of November. the uniformed agents who tember 11 attacks on the United to come in the 67 days before California, Oregon and increased indoor gatherings Illinois reported a record guard the White House and States, and is “on the verge of President -elect Biden takes Washington urged residents to with the onset of winter, along 15,433 new cases on Friday, the presidential events, and the defeating” the group. office on January 20. avoid venturing out of state. with lapses in social distancing most of any state in a 24-hour storied civilian suit-wearing “Many are weary of war — Esper cut US forces in Oregon Governor Kate and mask-wearing habits, as period, surpassing the previous bodyguards who stay close to I’m one of them,” he wrote in Afghanistan by nearly two- Brown took the additional step the main factors stoking an all-time high of 15,300 set by the President, Vice-President, the message, dated Friday but thirds in the wake of the Feb- of ordering social gatherings ominous nationwide surge in Florida in July. President-elect and others, posted early yesterday on the ruary 29 US-Taliban peace limited to no more than six coronavirus transmissions and Dr. Robert Kim-Farley, an pledging to “take a bullet” for Defence Department’s website. deal. Trump, however, has people, effective immediately, the rate of COVID-19 tests epidemiology professor at the their charge. “But this is the critical phase pushed for continued cuts, a restriction she said she was coming back positive. University of California, Los Secret Service spokesperson in which we transition our tweeting that he wants the prepared to enforce. Announcing the West Coast Angeles, attributed some of the Julie McMurray said they will efforts from a leadership to troops “home by Christmas”, Similarly, New Mexico’s travel advisory, California spikes to recent Halloween cel- not release any details on infec- supporting role,” he said. December 25. His national acting health secretary, Billy Health and Human Services ebrations. He warned of more tions “for privacy and opera- “Ending wars requires com- security advisor Robert O’Brien Jiminez, extended through the Secretary Dr. Mark Ghaly said to come if Americans let their tional security reasons.” “The promise and partnership. We has said the goal is to cut to end of November a three- a strict mandate was ruled out guard down for Thanksgiving health and safety of our work- met the challenge; we gave it 2,500 by February. week-old ban on gatherings of over concerns that “COVID-19 and Christmas. force is paramount,” she added. SUNDAY 15 NOVEMBER 2020 16

Astronomers spot ‘unexplained glow’ from colossal explosion

PRAYER IANS — NEW YORK Northwestern University in the of its host galaxy. TIMINGS US. “Distances are important in PRAYERPRAYRRAAAY TIMINGSMING Astronomers have discovered “It just reveals the diversity calculating the burst’s true the brightest infrared light from of explosions that the universe brightness as opposed to its a short gamma-ray burst ever is capable of producing, which apparent brightness as seen FAJR 04.30 am seen, with a bizarre glow that is very exciting.” from Earth,” said Fong. SUNRISE 05.51 am is much brighter than previ- Nasa’s Hubble Space Tele- “With Keck, we were able ously thought was possible. scope quickly captured the glow to determine the true brightness DHUHR 11.18 am It’s half-second flash of within just three days after the of the burst and thus the energy ASR 02.24 pm light, detected in May of this burst and determined its near- scale. We found it was to be MAGHRIB 04.48 pm year, came from a violent infrared emission was 10 times much more energetic than we ISHA 06.18 pm explosion of gamma rays bil- brighter than predicted, defying originally thought.” lions of light-years away that conventional models. Lasting less than two unleashed more energy in a “These observations do not seconds, short gamma-ray blink of an eye than the Sun will fit traditional explanations for bursts are among the most produce over its entire short gamma-ray bursts,” said energetic, explosive events 10-billion-year lifetime, Fong. known; they live fast and die according to a study accepted “Given what we know about hard. for publication in an upcoming the radio and X-rays from this Scientists think they are issue of The Astrophysical blast, it just doesn’t match up. caused by the merger of two Journal. The near-infrared emission that neutron stars, extremely dense WEATHER “It’s amazing to me that we’re finding with Hubble is objects about the mass of the Once the alert went out, the Las Cumbres Observatory TODAY after 10 years of studying the way too bright.” Sun compressed into the team quickly enlisted other tel- Global Telescope network, same type of phenomenon, we To zero in on this new phe- volume of a small city. escopes to conduct multi-wave- Hubble, and Keck Observatory, can discover unprecedented nomenon’s exact brightness, the The short gamma-ray burst length observations. and in radio wavelengths with behaviour like this,” said lead team used W. M. Keck Observ- detailed in this study was first They analysed the afterglow the Very Large Array radio author of the study Wen-fai atory on Maunakea in Hawaii detected with NASA’s Neil in X-ray with Swift Observatory, observatory. Fong, Assistant Professor at to pinpoint the precise distance Gehrels Swift Observatory. optical and near-infrared with 21oC 29oC Minimum Maximum Shoe of Marie-Antoinette on auction

Moderate temperature with REUTERS & AFP — PARIS French people are facing real uncertainties scattered clouds at times. regarding their values, and many of them are A silk shoe that belonged to Marie Antoinette, clinging onto the history of France,” said Osenat. W ALRUWAIS : 23o → 26o the last queen of France who was executed “Marie Antoinette is someone who arouses W ALKHOR : 18o → 28o during the French Revolution, will go up for the interest of the whole world.” W DUKHAN : 22o → 26o auction with a starting price of €10,000 Marie-Antoinette, who was born an Aus- W WAKRAH : 18o → 29o ($11,800). trian archduchess, was the wife of Louis XVI, The sale takes place in the Palace of Ver- who was deposed by the French Revolution of W MESAIEED : 18o → 29o sailles, where the queen — who has gone down 1789. W ABUSAMRA : 18o → 26o in history as a symbol of the excesses of the The royal couple was executed by guillotine French monarchy — and King Louis XVI held in 1793 but France continues to be fascinated HIGH TIDE court before they were guillotined in 1793. by Marie-Antoinette. 04:36 – 15:38 The shoe bears her name on its heel and Last year an exhibition at the Conciergerie, Jean-Pierre Osenat, of the auction house that the former Paris prison where she was incar- LOW TIDE 11:37 – 23:20 is conducting the sale, said she is thought to cerated before her execution, retraced changes Auctioneer Jean-Pierre Osenat displays a shoe made of goatskin that have worn it regularly during daily life at the in the representation of the last French queen belonged to late French queen Marie-Antoinette, before going under palace. through paintings, mangas, films and even the hammer, in Versailles, near Paris, yesterday. “This auction is coming at a time when Barbie dolls. Volunteers spend Sundays to help Singapore’s less fortunate PlayStation 5 suffering from AP — SINGAPORE Once the residents’ most-pressing needs were machines, hospital beds and online. identified, the volunteers acted immediately sofas. They were overjoyed to see download queue Fion Phua has been volun- One resident’s refrigerator their loved ones through the teering for so long, she is nick- — installing bicycle bells on wheelchairs, broke down a month ago. Vol- screen, even if they couldn’t bug, says report named Robin Hood for her trimming nails, cleaning bed bug-infested unteers verified her situation, hug, Phua recalled. “In this efforts helping the poor. Singa- then carted a new fridge digital world, it’s a new form of IANS — SAN FRANCISCO pore’s partial lockdown as the homes, and checking if household items need straight to her kitchen and pro- caring, a new form of love… It’s coronavirus was spreading in replacement. vided a stash of supermarket cyber love,” she said. Some PlayStation 5 owners are April left her fretting over how vouchers, garlic, onions and Phua hopes during a crisis reporting issues with their the blind, bedridden and elderly vegetables. As a gesture of like the coronavirus pandemic consoles being unable to living alone would cope. neighborhoods. Its model is homes, and checking if thanks, she made tea for the that people retain their sense of download games or freezing She had to stop her vol- built on people offering their household items need volunteers. empathy. entirely during rest mode. unteer activities for a month, time and unique skills rather replacement. “I felt happy and very “COVID-19 will not be over According to news portal but Phua decided to keep going than donating money. Trained hairdresser Mark appreciative as they helped me. in one, two days and not one, IGN, the bug can seemingly in May with visits every two They’ve resumed their Yuen, 65, is one of the volun- It is hard as I am the only person two months, even not one, two take two forms, either listing weeks. Her core team of volun- weekly visits now, and on a teers. “To some people, a working and my salary is 1,300 years. So we ought to adjust our the game/app as Queued for teers met urgent needs — recent Sunday morning, suited haircut is more than beauty and (Singapore dollars). I need to living lifestyle so that we look Download, or as having suf- plumbers, handymen and up in personal protective gear, hygiene, it also provides pay the house bills and my son after the weak, the poor, the fered a download error. Both people who could dispense masks and face shields despite comfort. It makes one feel that needs study materials,” sick, and people who are in will prompt the user to check medicine or tap on government the tropical heat. Then small they are not alone… that Sukkuriya Beevi, a 51-year old depression and are unable to the Downloads menu, which resources. teams fanned out to knock on someone cares,” he said. cleaner from India, said. find a solution to it. We ought then shows nothing. “We support social dis- doors at the Henderson rental An array of donated items During Singapore’s partial to be there for them.” “Started downloading Cold tancing, not social isolation,” flats. was arranged for distribution lockdown, senior centric-activ- “One Good Thing” is a series War on PS5 only to realise Phua said. Once the residents’ most- to the residents — rice, cooking ities were suspended to protect that highlights individuals there’s a specific PS5 version The informal network she pressing needs were identified, oil, eggs, boxes of fresh produce, vulnerable elderly. Phua’s whose actions provide and I was downloading the founded, Keeping Hope Alive, the volunteers acted immedi- vitamins, and children’s toys. network handed out donated glimmers of joy in hard times PS4 version. Tried to download has toiled tirelessly for over two ately — installing bicycle bells Residents eagerly queued to smartphones and taught the — stories of people who find a at the same time and now I can decades to reach Singapore’s on wheelchairs, trimming nails, stock up on essential or eyed recipients how to video call and way to make a difference, no only use the PS4 version as the less fortunate in different cleaning bed bug-infested big-ticket items like washing access government services matter how small. PS5 version says queued for download 0 percent,” a user said in a tweet. The issue happened with Slovenian perfume atomiser two copies of Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War, which has inventor Florjancic dies at 102 also been experiencing a bug that turns PlayStation con- AFP — LJUBLJANA trollers off. However, it is noted that this also happened Peter Florjancic (pictured), a with a copy of Godfall. Slovenian who invented the “Can’t download the PS5 perfume atomiser, has died version of Cold War. Simply aged 102, authorities of his says “queued for download”. hometown Bled said yesterday. Please help,” said another user. Born to a hotel owning The only known fix for this family in the lake resort city, issue appears to be a complete Florjancic first started as a factory reset of the PlayStation Yugoslav Olympic ski jumper 5 console. With no way to back but fled during World War II to up PlayStation 5 games to avoid being mobilised into the external storage at the time of German army. writing, this means players are After spending some time forced to redownload every- in Switzerland, where he reg- perfume atomiser. Perfume is thing all over again. Sony has istered one of his first succesful a devil’s product, very hard to yet to comment on these bugs, inventions — a loom designed vaporise the way the industry but at least these have been for use by disabled people — requires and it has many sub- caught sooner rather than later. he started a career as an stances that corrode many The PS5 has a solid-state inventor, innovator and even materials,” Florjancic said. drive customised for high-speed actor playing side roles. After spending most of his data streaming to enable signif- Despite having registered time living the high life in icant improvements in graphical over 400 patents, only 41 ended various European countries performance. It has a custom 'Magical Night' being produced including the such as Monaco, Switzerland AMD GPU capable of ray perfume atomiser, the plastic and Italy, Florjancic returned tracing, 4K resolution display at Hot air balloons light up during the “Magical Night”, a part of 18th International Hot Air Balloon slide frame and plastic injection to Slovenia in 1998 where he up to 120 frames per second, 3D Festival in Leon, Guanajuato state, Mexico, on Friday. This year’s audience can enjoy the festival moulding machines. published two books and pro- audio effects, and backward virtually due to the COVID-19 pandemic. “My best and most compli- moted invention and compatibility with most PS4 and cated invention ever was the innovation. PlayStation VR games.