45 Down Reduce Your Monthly Cash Outlay Cash Back Furniturb Loan

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45 Down Reduce Your Monthly Cash Outlay Cash Back Furniturb Loan WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 4. 1»«S PKtSS-MtHALD D-10 W " ' PREM.JOU«NAU * HARBOR MAIL Automotive Automotive Automotive Automotive Automotive ' Automotive Automotive Automotive AUTOMOBILES AUTOMOBILES AUTOMOBILES AUTOMOBILES AUTOMOBILES AUTOMOBILES AUTOMOBILES 190 For Sal* IvO For Sal* 190 For Sale 190 For Sol* 190 For Sol* 190 Salt 190 For Sal* DICK WILSON FORD MUSTANG HEADQUARTERS SO. PACIFIC COAST HWY. SO. PACIFIC COAST HWY. 730 (6 blk. S. Torrance Blvd.) BEACH 234 (V2 blk. N. Torrance Blvd.) FR 6-8793 SP 2-5526 FR 6-8793 SP 2-5526 $ LOWER PAYMENTS $ MONTHLY $ VACATION BUY YOUR NEW OR USED CAR AND REDUCE YOUR PAYMENTS WITH THE HELP OF OUR CREDIT COUNSELORS! 45 DOWN REDUCE YOUR MONTHLY CASH OUTLAY CASH BACK FURNITURB LOAN ............................$m........... .. ....... 43 M MO. DELIVERS ANY NEW, USED CAR, TRUCK OR APPLIANCES ..................................|1N............... ...... 33.»1 MO. TAKE ADVANTAGE OF OUR HIGH ALLOWANCE ON YOUR TRADE-IN TO VOUR PRESENT CAN ........................ JM1...........*!"""" ...... M.ia MO. MUSTANG LOANS, PERSONAL ...........................IW........... ...... ta.11 MO. MAKE YOUR DOWN PAYMENT AND WE WILL RETURN TO YOU THE DIF­ DOCTOR BILLS ................................|1«........... .!..!". ...... Z2.&7 MO. PRESENT OUTLAY ................ .,.............'....'..'."'.'.""."". PLUS TAX A LICENSE ON APPROVED CREDIT ......itgi'.re MO. FERENCE IN CASH FOR YOUR VACATION. BUY NOW AND SAVE. MONTHLY OUTLAY INCLUDING YOUR BRAND NEW FORD '.'.'.'.. ........J7S.40 NEW CARS & TRUCKS TRANSPORTATION SPECIALS SUPER SPECIAL USED CARS BRAND NEW 1965 FULL PRICE QQC 1962 CALAXIE 500. V4. Automatic, powtr ilttr.ng, $$w28 mo WWW radio, h*at*r. All vinyl inltrior. Sfk. 1060 1965 RANCHERO $95 MO. PYMT. 15.00 1954 CHEVROLET S*dan, automatic, radio and h*at*r STK 1079 V8, 6 cylinder, 4-*p**d, 3-«p«*d auto­ 1955 BUICK Sedan V8, automatic, radio and h*at*r STK 1112 7QR 196° FORO ' ' Ton P'«kup Truck. Lot. of hard work i/2-TON PICKUP matic, radio, h*al*r. I 9V (aft jn Ihii on*. Stk. 107J. Cuitom Trim PRICED FROM $1788 $195 MO. PMT. 15.00 CHIOS mj MERCURY S.d.o. V4. aulemailc tranimiuion, *33W 36 MOS IP I U9W radio, htatar, powtr ttttring. Slk. 814. *•"• m FULL PRICE $1650 AT S39.95 1956 FORD Club Victoria, V8, automatic STK 1122 1959 FORO Cuitom. Summemr Special STK 1016 36 MOS. 1965 1957 MERCURY SEDAN. VI, automatic, radio A heater STK 756 70K "*' FORD Vl Tudor Sedan. Automatic, powtr iteer *2540 i«0 in«. Stk. III. a«w m AT J37.77 1958 FORD Country Sedan. VI, automatic, radio 4 heat STK 946 ECONOLINE VAN 1957 FORD Wagon, summer special STK 1010 Rear door glati. 3-tp**d ttandord duty 7QC Its* VW Karmerm Ghia. Our economy tp*cial. *25*° BRAND NEW 650x13, 4-ft. Cloted *miition system. l*W stk. 1114. •»" m Ice retlectorj $295 MO. PMT. 15.00 1959 RAMBLER Station Wagon STK 1011 1965 FULL PRICE $1895 CIIQK I«e3 CHEV MONZA. 4 tp*ed, radio, h*at*r, bucket 1960 FALCON 2-Door, stick thift, radio and heat STK 603 91 199 Matt. Stk. 1034. 36 MOS. 1960 RAMBLER Custom, automatic, radio and heater STK 111 CUSTOM SPECIAL AT '43.13 2 DOOR SEDAN ftQR "°° VALIANT Station Wa»on. Automatic, radio and O9U htattr. Slk. Mil. BRAND NEW 1965 $395 MO. PYMT. 15.00 Cruitomatic trannnimon, whit* tidewall 1960 PLYMOUTH Hardtop, automatic, radio and heater STK 117 tir*«, dalux* wh**l covert, all vinyl in FORD GALAXIE 500 £AC 19*0 FORD VI Hardtop. Automatic, radle, heater, *22 10 1960 FORD Cuitom, stick shift STK 171 U33 powar tt**rina. Stk. 106S. mo. Cruitomatic tranimistion, back-up lightf, 1959 CHEVROLET Impale VI, automatic, radio and heat STK 911 clock, self regulating frcth air htatar, dtlux* cloth and vinyl interior. Color CAC 196? FALCON Sedan. Summer Spocial. $22 10 FULL PRICE $2095 cod* carpal* front and rear. $495 MO. PYMT. 17.00 WWW B. tint on thit on*. mo. FULL PRICE $2388 1960 FORD Calaxie Convertible VI, automatic, radio 36 MOS and heater STK 1061 1961 FALCON Station Wagon. Radio and healar. $46.95 AT S53.67 1961 FALCON Sedan, stick ihift STK 129 stk. 1015. A USED CAR LOW OVERHEAD GIVES BEST DEAL AT Thot CHRYSLER - PLYMOUTH - VALIANT - IMPERIAL DOESN'T EAT GAS? GIGANTIC REMODELING SALE! No Such Animal STOCK MUST BE REDUCED SAVE $$$ AS NEVER BEFORE! 1200 N. AVALON BLVD., WILMINGTON TE 5-3131 Better Get a Bug! 7 DAYS A WEEK 9 A.M. TO 9 P.M. On oPP '...d < * With n.imol 4«wn .n o»a>i*»«d < *'' OPEN '60 VW '62 VW CARL'S USED CARS f.Door ladan. Coral fimth. Camptr (tun dial). Mad>o 4 USED CARS BRAND NEW 1965's dio. n.attr. CBCOii.nt tranip Ution car. '62 PLYMOUTH V-8 '63 PONTIAC '62 MERCURY 37 CHRYSIER '64 PLYMOUTH V-8 65 VALIANT '65 PLYMOUTH 4 Dour Mjxll II k ». Auto- Fury 4 door Hardtop. Auto­ onntvill. 2. door Hardtop. indlK. ud.o. n.at«r. po«**r 4. door todan. Radio. h.al.i.,rur« tonv«rtibl« AulomaliC. matic, pow.r i I . r I n g, Automatic. radio, hoat.r, tK.nnti 4 brak.t, air con. automatic, oow.r itaaring 4 radio. Iwalar. pewnir it«.ring, braktt. window., whiuwallt. powor alaoring 4 braka*. $899 brak.t. whil.wallt. *DM2l. ttill In warranty. «P«77t. f-door Sadait. ayllndtr. 1-Ooor tatfan. cyhi $1599 J,I.on,no. DUil. D6M7. Factory tquippad. *4»*, Fully tqulppml. »«OJ. 63 VW '58 FIAT MO. '55 MO. $38 - $51 «o '1499 Down OAC With Normal W.in N..imal Down OAC. With Normal Down OAC. '60 OLDSMOBILE '56 CHRYSLER '59 PLYMOUTH V-I S1859 $1999 '51 CADILLAC j '62 PLYMOUTH olvtdrto ttation wagon. V Sun.r U 4-door &.din Auto *. door Hardtop Automatic. I Btlvtdtrt 4 door Sodan. Au 4 door Hardtop. Automatic.! radio, htaltr, powtr »t««i ing lomatic. radio, haatir, powtr radio, h.al.r. power .tearing | automatic, radio, h'.ai.r ntatic. pOMtor Hearing aiM Drak.t. wh.l.walli. pow.r ttttring *PMI4. $1299 199 brako. wtiit.walli. «OU4t. 4 brakti. »S7tl ttttnng *OM7I. 4 '65 VALIANT '65 BARRACUDA MO. V4 Callback. Factory .quip- MO. $39 MO. '55 VW '62 VW $15-0 $10 - VI 4. dear Sadan. Faatary With Normal Down OAC. With Nor,,r.l Down OAC._ OAC. Daluit Slation Wagon. R... D«lu». 2 Door tadan. Hadio «. With No.,,..,I D,,»n OAC die. htattr. EnctMtnt trant- htaUr. Ch.rry rtd fmlih. '62 CHRYSLER 'SI OLDSMOKILE '59 BUICK 'SI CHEVROLET '60 FORO VS. auto inv.cla tiation wagon. Full' Station Wauon 4.door Hardtop. Madia, mal­ >M" 4-dooi Hardtop. Auto pow.r, fMtory air. ra d I 0, | SIM,on Wagon. VI. auto itatrmo. DV»». untie, radio, h.al.i pOM.r ar, automatic, powtr tun $1999 $2599 haalar. automatic. ODM'4. 599 $1199 tlMrmg A brak.a DMM. ing 4 brak.i. «D»7n. *12«<> '199 MO. MO. '19 6S CHRYSLER Wnn Normal Down OAC. IXCISI TAX CUT NOW IN kFflCI . TAKI ADVANTACI $29 IMPERIALS S899 OAC. OF OUI NIW CAI ELECTION AND SAVI t } » '61 CHRYSIER '63 BUICK 'S3 CHEVROLET Nowport 4-door todan. V-i. AH Fully Bfluipp laclra 1 door Haidtop. Au '62 PONTIAC '60 FORD N.w Yorktr 4 door Auto- lomatic. radio, h.at.r, powrai See our selection of station wagons and campers ,.Ton pickup. * eylind.r, automatic, pawar atoonng * malic. pow.r itMrmg and atMring. brafcw A window. T.IIIP.W nation wagon. Au Falcon Station Wagon. S cyl- .undard IranamiMion, radio, brakaa. radio 4 haalar. »M7. Draktt. radio, haator, whit.. tomatic, radio, htattr, whitt md.r. automatic, radio, haat- haator. »D647» factory air. #OO*40. will.. .D677V or. whit.walli. DMW { SAVE $13 - MO. RUSS THOR Down OAC S14 $899 Wnh Noimal Down OAC. INC. Authorized Volkswagen Dealer Press-Herald Automobile Dealers Have the Car 20410 HAWTHORNE BLVD. 370-5771 Open Evenings & Sundays That You Desire. Shop These Pages! TORRANCE MESS-HERALD MESS JOURNAL AND HARBOR MAIL Easy-to-Read and Logically Arranged For Your Convenience! CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING I.
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