Yogapoint Guide to Yoga Practices

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Yogapoint Guide to Yoga Practices Yogapoint Guide to Yoga Practices 1 Contents Asanas & Yogic Movements Beginners ................................................................................................................................................ 7 Movement & Series ............................................................................................................................ 7 Hasta Sanchalan - Arm Movements – 1, 2, 3 ,4, 5 .......................................................................... 7 Pada Sanchalan – Leg Movements ................................................................................................. 9 Janu Sanchalan – Knee Movements ............................................................................................. 11 Skandha Sanchalan – Shoulder Movements ................................................................................. 13 Kantha Sanchalan – Neck Movements ......................................................................................... 16 Individual Toe Bending ................................................................................................................. 17 Rocking the Baby Movement ........................................................................................................ 18 Manibandha Sanchalan – Wrist Movements ................................................................................ 18 Standing Joint Freeing Movements .............................................................................................. 20 Preparatory Movements 1-12 and variations ............................................................................... 21 Vajrasan Series with Variations .................................................................................................... 25 Pawanmuktasan Series 1 – Anti-Rheumatic Group ...................................................................... 28 Titaliasan, ArdhaTitaliasan – Butterfly Pose, Half Butterfly Pose ................................................. 31 Shroni Chakra – Hip Rotation ........................................................................................................ 32 Mushtika Bandhan – Hand Clenching ........................................................................................... 33 Kehuni Chakra – Elbow Rotation .................................................................................................. 33 Pawanmuktasan Series 2 – Digestive/Abdominal Group ............................................................. 34 Jhulana Lurhakanasana - Rocking and Rolling .............................................................................. 34 Shava Udarkarshanasana - Universal Spinal Twist ....................................................................... 35 Pawanmuktasan Series 3 – Shakti Bandhas – Energy Blocks ........................................................ 36 RajjuKarshanasan – Pulling the Rope ............................................................................................ 36 Gatyatmak Meru Vakrasan – Dynamic Spinal Twist ..................................................................... 37 ChakkiChalan – Grinding the Mill .................................................................................................. 37 Naukasanchalan – Rowing the Boat ............................................................................................. 38 Kashtha Takshanasana – Chopping Wood .................................................................................... 39 Namaskarasan – Salutation Pose .................................................................................................. 39 Vayu Nishkasan –Wind Releasing Pose ........................................................................................ 40 Kauva Chalasana – Crow Walking ................................................................................................. 41 Udarakarshanasana – Abdominal Stretch Pose ............................................................................ 42 Supine ............................................................................................................................................... 43 Anantasan – Lord Vishnu Pose ...................................................................................................... 43 Ardha Chakrasana Type 1, 2, 3 – Half Wheel Pose ....................................................................... 45 Matsya Kreedasan – Flapping Fish Pose ....................................................................................... 48 Shavasana - Corpse Pose .............................................................................................................. 50 Pawanmuktasana – Gas Release Pose .......................................................................................... 53 Supta Pawanmuktasan – Reclining Gas Release Pose .................................................................. 55 Supta Ugrasan – Reclining Ferocious Pose ................................................................................... 57 Supta Titaliasan – Reclining Butterfly Pose ................................................................................... 59 Supta Uttanpadasan – Reclining Raised Leg Pose ........................................................................ 61 2 Tadagasana – Pond Pose .............................................................................................................. 62 Uttanpadasana – Raised Leg Pose ................................................................................................ 64 Prone ................................................................................................................................................. 67 Adhvasana – Downward Face Pose .............................................................................................. 67 Ardha Naukasan (Half Boat Pose) ................................................................................................. 68 Jyestikasan – Superior Pose .......................................................................................................... 70 Makarasana – Crocodile Pose ....................................................................................................... 71 Sahaj Shalabhasan (Easy Locust Pose) .......................................................................................... 73 Sahajahasta Bhujangasan – Easy Arm Cobra Pose ....................................................................... 75 Shalabhasana (Ardha) – Locust Pose ............................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. Sphinx Pose ................................................................................................................................... 77 Sitting ................................................................................................................................................ 81 Marjariasan - Cat Pose .................................................................................................................. 81 Parvatasan – Mountain Pose ........................................................................................................ 83 Saithalyasan – Animal Relaxation Pose ........................................................................................ 85 Shashankasan – Child’s Pose, Hare Pose ...................................................................................... 87 Sukhasan - Cross Leg Position ....................................................................................................... 88 Swastikasana – Auspicious Pose ................................................................................................... 90 Utthan Pristhasan – Lizard Pose ................................................................................................... 92 Vajrasan – Thunderbolt Pose ........................................................................................................ 93 Vyaghrasan - Tiger Pose ................................................................................................................ 95 Standing ............................................................................................................................................ 98 Ardha Chandrasan – Half Moon Pose ........................................................................................... 98 Ek Pad Vrikshasan – One Leg Tree Pose ....................................................................................... 99 Kati Chakrasan – Waist Rotating Pose ........................................................................................ 101 Right Angle Stretch ..................................................................................................................... 103 Sahaja Veerasan – Easy Warrior ................................................................................................. 105 Sulabh Trikonasan – Simple Triangle Pose .................................................................................. 106 Sulabh Veerasan – Simple Warrior Pose ..................................................................................... 108 Tadasan – Palm Tree Pose .......................................................................................................... 109 Tiryak Tadasan – Swaying Palm Tree Pose ................................................................................. 111 Vrikshasana - Tree Pose .............................................................................................................
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