Present: Cllr S. Batters (Chair) Cllr T. Hargreaves Cllr M. Weedall Cllr K O’Donoghue

In attendance: Mrs L. Sandison (Stand in Clerk to the Council)

Also in attendance: 1 member of the public and 2 Clerk applicants.

1. Procedural Matters

A) Apologies – it was RESOLVED to accept apologies from Cllr J. Platt, Cllr P. Richardson and Cllr M. Stocks. It was noted that Cllr J. Nixon was absent.

B) Declarations of Interest - Cllr O’Donoghue declared an interest in any matters relating to Mid Against HS2 (MCSHS2) and Birches Crematorium and Memorial Park.

C) Minutes – Confirmation of the minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of the Council held on 12th November 2019. It was proposed by Cllr T Hargreaves and seconded by Cllr M Weedall to accept the minutes as a true record of the meeting.

D) New Parish Clerk – LS will provide temporary Clerk cover until 31/1/2020. Several applications have now been received. Interviews will commence shortly.

2. Community Engagement / Communications

A) Visiting Officers – PCSO Suzie Wardsinski sent the following report: -


●No reports received.

Theft (including shoplifting)

●No reports received.


●No reports received

Vehicle / bicycle theft

●No reports received.

Parking/Highway disruptions

●16/11/19 – Penny’s Lane at 16.29, one vehicle road traffic collision, no injuries

●19/11/19 – Road at 18.14, one vehicle road traffic collision, no injuries

●09/12/19 – Penny’s Lane at 09.43, two vehicle road traffic collision, minor damage o nly .


●03/12/19 – Common Lane at 15.52, suspicious person going door to door selling items, patrol attended and dealt with

●12/11/19 – Speed enforcement done on Common Lane at 16.30 to 17.30 with two vehicles captured doing 46mph or over

●21/11/19 at 16.20 to 17.20 with five vehicles captured

●20/12/19 at 12.17 to 12.37 with one vehicle captured

-Cllrs noted that the PCSO’S report did not include a slurry spillage on Pennys Lane and an RTC which resulted in a damaged telegraph pole. -PCSO Nicola Smith has gained funding for SelectaDNA. She will be in the area on Friday 17th January to mark up horse tack.

B) Visiting Members- Angela McPake has advised that she needs to speak with the PC with regards to a matter. Further details required.

C) Correspondence from members of the public-

-Correspondence received from a resident on Common Lane with regards to persistent speeding. Cllr M Weedall has responded.

-Correspondence received from a resident on Birches Lane, enquiring about defibrillators for the parish. Chairman S Batters has responded along with the Clerk.

-Correspondence received with regards to village green (grass verge) damage. The Clerk will write to the farmer whose tractor overturned to ask him to make good the grassed area where there are now deep ruts. The Clerk will also update the correspondent. The Clerk has made the correspondent aware that the PC is not responsible for the village green area as this is CWAC owned.

-Update from CHAIN received – Cllrs spoke about incinerators and the lack of true information available and more support was needed form the local MP. The PC discussed writing to Zak Goldsmith who is the Environmental Minister.

D) Members of the public speaking time –

Ros Todhunter raised the following points, A556 fly tipping on lay-bye, Birches Lane/Lostock Hollow overgrown hedges and grass verge, beer drinker discarding cans in hedge between train station and Lostock Green, overflowing dog waste bin over the Christmas period, 50 bottles containing urine found at the flooded roadside from Pennys Lane to A556 and fly tipping in Crowder’s lane.

Cllrs gave the following response:

-Cllr M Weedall has requested a bigger dog waste bin. The dog waste bin has been emptied.

-Cllr T Hargreaves has received a very concerning letter from a local farmer informing him that 38 lambs sent to slaughter had been contaminated by dog waste and therefore condemned. Dog’s are being allowed to run freely over the Octel fields when they should be on leads. Cllr Hargreaves advised that new signage is required and that many of the dog walkers are driving to the area to exercise their dogs. Chairman S Batters agreed to contact INOVYN and PCSO Nicola Smith with regards to the matter.

-Cllr Hargreaves also commented that he’d seen a wheelchair user on the road due to the overgrown unusable pavements along Birches Lane/Lostock Hollow. A meeting with the CWAC CEO is needed and more support from Cllr Mark Stocks as complaints are being ignored.

-Fly tipping is a matter for CWAC and should be reported directly to them.

-Overgrown bushes are blocking the street light at Robin Hood House.

-Flooding and urine in bottles are a matters for the Environment agency.

E) Website- LS has updated the website.

3. Planning

(a) New/Recent Applications

19/04057/FUL Proposal:The development of an underground electrical connection between the Lostock Sustainable Energy Plant (LSEP) and the Scottish Power Energy Networks 132kV distribution system in Lostock Gralam Location: Lostock Gralam

-Comments by 16/12/2019 -No Objection sent to CWAC 28/11/19

(b) New CWAC Planning Decisions

19/01915/OUT Proposal: Demolition of the existing bungalow and the construction of four detached residential dwellings Location: 12 Birches Lane Lostock Green CW9 7SN

Withdrawn 19/11/2019

Appeal A: Land at Birches Lane, Lach Dennis, Northwich CW9 7SU APP/A0665/C/3202115 Following discussions at the Hearing both main parties accepted that the allegation for Appeal A should be a breach of conditions 2, 10 and 11 of planning permission 12/02679/FUL and not an operational development allegation. Neither the Council nor the appellant considered that such a correction would result in any prejudice or injustice.

Appeal Ref B: Land at Birches Lane, Lach Dennis, Northwich CW9 7SU APP/A0665/W/3208631 The conditions the subject of Appeal B, conditions 2 and 11, were breached before the planning application was made. Therefore, the appeal will be dealt with under section 73A of the Act. The appellant requested in the letter of the 24 April 2019 that the appeal be dealt with on the basis that it seeks a variation of Conditions 2 and 11 in order to facilitate amendments to the building and hard and soft landscaping.

Land at Birches Lane, Lach Dennis, Northwich CW9 7SU Appeal Ref C: At the Hearing the appellant withdrew Appeal C. This was confirmed in APP/A0665/W/3208634 writing by letter dated 24 April 2019. I will therefore take no further action on this appeal.

19/01225/LDC Robin Hood House Birches Lane Lostock Green Northwich CW9 7SN Continued use of land as part of residential curtilage

Refusal - Tues 10th Dec 2019

19/01784/FUL Land At Grid Ref 369077 374550 Birches Lane Lostock Green Northwich CW9 7SL Relocate an 11kV feeder for Inovyn's Holford Site from a buried service to a new overhead line route

Approved 14/1/2020

19/02672/FUL Land At Lostock Works Griffiths Road Lostock Gralam Northwich Proposed development of a 'Tank Farm' for the relocated Water Purification Plant and associated infrastructure.

Approved 14/1/2020

(c) Awaiting CWAC Planning Decision

18/04735/FUL Land Off Cookes Lane Northwich Proposed partial removal of furnace bottom ash (FBA) bunding comprising of two bunds of lime bed 4 and the temporary manufacture of clinker blocks (utilising the extracted FBA) and associate works, including removal of lime (calcium carbonate) from lime bed 4 to lime bed 5, provision of a concrete working platform, temporary access routes, drainage, erection of hoarding's and landscape restoration over a 2 year period and the restoration of lime bed 5 over a 3 year period Comments by 10th October 2019

Awaiting Decision – Cwac awaiting further reports and responses. 19/02682/FUL Land At Lostock Works Griffiths Road Lostock Gralam km Northwich Erection of Distribution Network Operator (DNO) substation, Waste To Energy (WTE) electrical room, 2no. switchgear, 6no. car parking spaces, security fencing and associated hardstanding Comments by 10th October

Awaiting Decision

19/03447/FUL The Old Smithy Holmes Chapel Road Lach Dennis Northwich CW9 7SZ Demolition of exiting outbuilding and replacement with new garage building, including associated hard landscaping to the front of the existing dwelling. The location of the new garage building will match the existing line of building along the street and not be closer to the main road than the existing outbuilding. Comments by 11th November 2019

Awaiting Decision

19/01856/FUL Lostock Works Griffiths Road Lostock Gralam Northwich Cheshire CW9 7NU Replacement Coke Store

Awaiting Decision

19/02719/FUL Land Off Cookes Lane Rudheath Northwich Cheshire Construction of a temporary compound for a period of up to 3 years, landscaping and associated works, and reinstatement of the site following cessation of the temporary use.

Awaiting Decision

19/02758/FUL King Street Farm King Street Rudheath Northwich Cheshire CW9 7SE Storage building for vintage tractors

Awaiting Decision

(d) Birches Crematorium- Cllr O’Donoghue gave a verbal update advising that CWAC Planning has agreed to the buildings but none of the landscaping which will all need taking out. Since Christmas there doesn’t appear to have been any progress on site which is surprising as they only have until 19/11/2020 to complete works otherwise the whole planning application will be in jeopardy. 4. Leisure Services

(a) Playing field/Play Area

-Mid Cheshire Ltd has now carried out the roundabout repairs. INOVYN has agreed to pay for the repairs.

-The football nets need removing from the goal posts due to Health and Safety.

(b) Grass cutting and planters

-Mid Cheshire Ltd has applied a £200 discount to the 2019/20 grass cutting contract on the assumption that the PC want a two-year contract. Should the PC not continue with Mid-Cheshire then PC should assume that an additional £200 charge may be requested.

The Clerk has requested quotes from Mid Cheshire, WAP Lawtons and CG Services.

Mid-Cheshire had previously communicated that a two-year deal would be £1150.00 (Net) per Annum.

CG Services Cheshire Ltd came in at £2800 + vat for cut and spread grass or £3100 + vat for cut and collect grass.

The PC RESOLVED to continue with Mid-Cheshire Ltd for grass cutting in 2020/21. The PC may however enquire about an improved service for an additional sum.

(c.) Defibrillator

-INOVYN has agreed to pay the Nick Jones Electrical installation costs of the defibrillators.

-The PC RESOLVED to accept the Cardiac Science quote of £430.00 (net) for a replacement AED Cabinet for the Lostock Green Chapel.

-Chairman S Batters agreed that she would carry out the weekly AED checks for Lostock Green once the new cabinet had been installed and registered with the Ambulance service. A volunteer should be sought to carry out weekly checks for the Lach Dennis AED.

-Chairman S Batters also reminded those present about the AED training courses which will be on offer for both Lach Dennis and Lostock Green residents. The training courses will be advertised on the noticeboard.

-S Batters also informed the PC that INOVYN has a number of AED’s and trained members of staff should they be needed in an emergency.

5. Highways

Cllr M Weedall will be attending the Lach Dennis Coffee Morning on the 8th February at 10.30am to gather support for an action group to tackle the current speeding problems in the parish.

An update has been received from CWAC David Reeves to say that the 20mph zones will go ahead.

6. Manchester Airport

Cllr T Hargreaves raised concerns about a recent news article advising that Liverpool John Lennon Airport are to launch a three month consultation opening at 12 noon on 9th April into possible route changes. If Liverpool Airport operate below the Manchester Airport flight traffic, flight noise could increase dependant on the new flight paths. Further research into the matter is required.

7. HS2

Cllr O’Donoghue and Ros Todhunter have been working on Mid-Cheshire Against HS2 with new press releases going out. Cllr O’Donoghue is hopeful that CWAC will refuse the Green-field site at Cookes Lane. HS2 is unable to carry its surveys without a compound, it is hoped planning will stipulate a brown field site be used. HS2 John Atkinson is pushing for a February Planning Committee hearing. Cllr T Hargreaves advised that he has written to Prime Minster Boris Johnson about his changing position on HS2.

8. Finance

(a) Income Received.

Credit -of £18.00 from Lach Dennis Village Hall 23/12/2019. Credit -of £181.04 from INOVYN

(b) The Parish Council RESOLVED to accept the following payments: -

Elizabeth Platt -100596- 26/11/19 £6.82

Lach Dennis Village Hall -100597 - 30/11 £54.00

INOVYN- Revised Rent Charge £63.00

Mid-Cheshire Grounds Maintenance - Nov 2019 + Dec 2019 £216.00

Cardiac Science £528.00

(c ) Balances / Bank statements/Payment schedule cash book- no bank

No bank statements have been received due to them being returned to sender by the previous Clerk. It was RESOLVED that a new letter advising the bank to send all correspondence to Chairman Susan Batters be signed by the cheque signatories.

Note:- Mid Cheshire Grounds Maintenance invoice received for the sum of £396.00 for the roundabout repair however this invoice will be paid by re-raise and sent to INOVYN for payment.

(d) Precept and Budget for 2020/21

On Tuesday 10th December it was RESOLVED that the precept for 2020/21 would be set at £7933.00 which would result in a band D charge of £25.92 a 3.89% reduction.

The Chairman signed the Parish Precept Form for 2020/21.

Budget attached - See Appendix 1.

(e) The PC considered the Asset Register in preparation for the year end. Confirmation of how to treat gifted items is required before agreeing to the Asset Register for 2019/20. - See Appendix 2.

9. CWAC and other organisations

(a) correspondence – Cheshire West and - Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan Consultation - Further details on PC website.

Details about our proposals and an online questionnaire can be found using the link below - http://inside.cheshirewestandchester.gov.uk/get_involved/consultations/local_cycling_and_walking_i nfrastructure_plan_consultation



10. Community Events

-Jumble Sale 21st March 2020. -Coffee Morning at 10.30am on 8th February 2020. -Village Walk, first Saturday of every month from Lostock Green Chapel to Plumley Chapel.

11. Date and Time of next meeting: Parish Council Meeting on Tuesday 10th March 2020 at Lach Dennis Village Hall at 7.30pm.

The meeting closed at 9.17pm.

Appendix 1.



FOR YEAR 2019/2020 & 2020/21

2019/20 Actual to Est Dec- Budget Vs Proposed Budget Expenditure Budget Date Mar Total Actual 20/21


Payroll Costs - Net Pay 2,600.00 1,662.25 1,209.60 2,871.85 271.85 3,300.00

HMRC 398.40 398.40 398.40

Pension Contribution 0.00 0.00

STAFF COSTS TOTAL 2,600.00 2,060.65 1,209.60 3,270.25 670.25 3,300.00


Insurance annual policy 610.00 414.43 414.43 (195.57) 425.00

Annual Audit fee 100.00 0.00 (100.00) 100.00

0.00 0.00

Stationery 60.00 87.38 87.38 27.38 120.00

Training 100.00 0.00 (100.00) 100.00

ICO 0.00 35.00 35.00 35.00 35.00

Election Fee 181.00 181.00 181.00

Website cost 300.00 72.00 72.00 (228.00) 100.00

Legal advice 0.00 0.00

Newsletter 0.00 0.00

Payroll Services 72.00 72.00 72.00 72.00

Chairmans Allowance 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00

ADMINISTRATION COSTS TOTAL 1,170.00 911.81 0.00 911.81 (380.19) 880.00


ChALC Membership subscription 200.00 189.72 189.72 (10.28) 200.00

Cheshire Community Action subs 20.00 20.00 20.00 0.00 20.00

SUBSCRIPTION TOTAL 220.00 209.72 0.00 209.72 (10.28) 220.00


ROSPA annual inspection of play area 90.00 90.00 90.00 0.00 90.00

Grass cutting 2,300.00 948.00 202.00 1,150.00 (1,150.00) 2,300.00

INEOS annual rent for play area 63.00 181.04 (118.04) 63.00 (0.00) 63.00

Lostock Green park hedge cut 0.00 0.00

Park contingencey 0.00 0.00 350.00 PLAY AREA TOTAL 2,453.00 1,129.04 173.96 1,303.00 (1,150.00) 2,803.00


Church donations for litter picking 0.00 0.00

Christmas catering 100.00 50.00 50.00 (50.00) 100.00

Village Link Parish Council contribution 250.00 0.00 (250.00)

GRANTS & DONATION TOTAL 350.00 0.00 50.00 50.00 (300.00) 100.00


Birches Lane weight limit sign 0.00 0.00

Hedge LG 250.00 250.00 250.00 0.00 350.00

Signage replacement 250.00 0.00 (250.00)

Birches flashing speed sign 0.00 0.00

HIGHWAYS TOTAL 500.00 250.00 0.00 250.00 (250.00) 350.00

OTHER 0.00

Daffodils 0.00 0.00

Defibs? 0.00 0.00 50.00 Lostock Green Parish Council notice board 160.00 160.00 160.00

Christmas Tree lighting cost 140.00 31.33 6.82 38.15 (101.85) 50.00

POPPY WREATH 54.00 54.00 54.00 50.00

OTHER TOTAL 140.00 85.33 166.82 252.15 112.15 150.00


Total 7,433.00 4,646.55 1,600.38 6,246.93 (1,186.07) 7,803.00

Contingency 500.00 0.00 (500.00) 130.00

Total budget requirements 7,933.00 4,646.55 1,600.38 6,246.93 (1,686.07) 7,933.00

Local tax Base 294.14 306.10

Band D Precept Charge 26.97 25.92

2020 Precept will see a 3.89% reduction.

Appendix 2.

2019/20 Asset Register

Date of aquisition Description Location Cost Disposal Comments

November 2011 Kompan toddler play unit Birches Lane, Lostock Green 5,300.00

November 2011 Produlic roundabout Birches Lane, Lostock Green 2,500.00

November 2011 Kompan toddler rocker Birches Lane, Lostock Green 1,000.00

November 2011 Playdale cradle swings Birches Lane, Lostock Green 2,250.00

November 2011 Produlic toddler springer Birches Lane, Lostock Green 800.00

November 2011 Produlic springer seesaw Birches Lane, Lostock Green 1,200.00

November 2011 Produlic junior unit Birches Lane, Lostock Green 10,500.00

November 2011 Playdale team swing Birches Lane, Lostock Green 2,900.00

November 2011 Kompan junior spinners Birches Lane, Lostock Green 1,300.00

November 2011 Goal posts Birches Lane, Lostock Green 800.00

November 2011 Cycle stands x2 Birches Lane, Lostock Green 300.00

November 2011 Picnic table Birches Lane, Lostock Green 1,200.00

November 2011 Litter bins x 3 Birches Lane, Lostock Green 1,500.00

November 2011 Seat with arms and backs x 3 Birches Lane, Lostock Green 1,800.00

November 2011 Backless benches x 5 Birches Lane, Lostock Green 3,250.00

November 2011 Notice board Birches Lane, Lostock Green 200.00

November 2011 Notice board Lach Dennis 200.00

Unknown Village sign Pennys Lane, Lach Dennis 500.00

November 2014 Christmas tree Pennys Lane, Lach Dennis 1,200.00

2011 Adopted BT kiosk Holmes Chapel Road, Lach Dennis 1.00

Unknown 2 wooden seats Common Lane, Lach Dennis 500.00

April 2016 Lenovo Laptop + software Clerk's home address 420.00

April 2016 HP All in one printer Clerk's home address 63.00

Jan 20 Cardiac Science Defib Cabinet Lostock Green Chapel Hall 430.00

Jan 20 Cardiac Science Defibrillator Lostock Green Chapel Hall 1.00

Total 40,115.00

Approved by: Date: 14/1/2020