C urrent Data on the Indonesian M ilitary Elite September 1 ,1993-September 30,1995

The Editors

The present listing of the holders of key military positions shows that the twenty-five months since the terminal date of our last complete listing, September 1,1994 ( 56 [October 1994]), particularly the last eight months since February 1995, has been a period of tumultuous change, both at the Armed Forces Headquarters and the Army central and regional commands. We note, to underscore the volatility of the situation, that ninety-four transfers took place in our listing in the first nine months of 1995, while fifty-three, eighty- one, and fifty-one transfers took place in 1992, 1993, and 1994 respectively. These changes are directly related to the replacement of the Presidential brother-in-law, Army Chief of Staff Gen. Wismoyo Arismunandar, in February 1995, by Gen. R. Hartono, and more importantly, to the rise of a new generation of officers to key positions. Armed Forces' Commander-in-Chief Gen. Feisal Tanjung publicly referred to this in August 1994 as a "regenerasi." '1 Before turning to the military politics of the last twenty-five months, however, it is useful, in accordance with our past practice, to consider the structural aspects of the changes in terms of ethnic backgrounds, military specialization, graduating class at the Military Academy, and age. Ethnic Background In terms of ethnic background, no significant change can be observed in a long-standing pattern by which about two-thirds of the listed office holders are Javanese. Of the officers of whose ethnic identity we are reasonably sure, thirty-six out of sixty-two officers (58 percent) at the supra-Korem level are Javanese, while the Sundanese, five officers in total (8 percent), are a distant second. Given the conscious recruitment policy of achieving ethnic diversity at the Military Academy, it is not surprising to find a fairly wide, if numerically thin,

1 See The Editors, "Current Data on the Indonesian Military Elite: September 1 ,1993-Aug. 31,1994," in Indonesia 58 (October 1994): 86. 102 The Editors distribution of other ethnicities, and in fact the first Irianese officer, graduate of the Naval Academy Class 1971, was recently promoted to the general officer's rank in the navy as the most recent addition to the ethnic diversity of the Indonesian military.2 The actual distributions of officers at the supra-Korem level are as follows:

Javanese 36 Balinese 2 Indo 1 Sundanese 5 Madurese 2 Karo 1 Buginese 3 Sipirok Batak 2 Menadonese 1 Mandailing Batak 3 Acehnese 13 Siak Malay 1 Minangkabau 3 Bolang-Mongondouw 1 unknown 13

Military Specialization As we often noted in previous listings, officers with backgrounds in intelligence and the special forces (RPKAD) are salient in this listing, too. It is no doubt because of the career opportunities created by the long counter-insurgency campaigns in Irian Jaya, , and Aceh and the central importance of intelligence officers for internal security and social and political affairs on behalf of Soeharto's Pancasila democracy. It is often said that the assistants for intelligence and social and political affairs, along with the assistant for oper­ ations, are three most important among assistants to the Kodam chief-of-staff. Though the information is quite incomplete, we can identify nine from the RPKAD and seven officers with intelligence backgrounds at the supra-Korem level, while three from the RPKAD and four with intelligence backgrounds are identified at the Korem level. Class Membership The available data offer the following pattern:

Class Supra- Korem Total Previous Listing Korem 2 (1961) i 0 i i 3 (1962) i 0 i 8 4 (1963) i 0 i 4 5 (1964) 2 0 2 2 6 (1965) 22 0 22 12 7 (1966) 11 1 12 15 8 (1967) 3 0 3 4 9 (1968) 2 2 4 3 10 (1969) 0 0 0 0 11 (1970) 4 1 5 0 12 (1971) 3 3 6 0 13 (1972) 0 1 1 0 14 (1973) 0 3 3 0 15 (1974) 0 2 2 0 unknown 11 46 57 -

The data show that Class 6 now dominates both the Armed Forces Headquarters (eight officers) and the Army central command (nine officers), while Classes 6 and 7 share control

2 Freddy Numberi, bom in Serui, Irian Jaya, on October 15,1947, was promoted to first admiral on October 3, 1995. Angkatan Bersenjata, October 5,1995. Military Data 103 of the Army Regional Commands (five Class 6 officers and seven Class 7 officers). The data at the Korem level are too incomplete to say anything meaningful, but given the fact that Classes 11 and 12 produced their first brigadier generals and Class 15 its first Korem commanders early this year, it is safe to say that the majority of Korem commanders are now from Classes 11-14.3 Age Distribution The information, quite incomplete, is as follows.

Birth Year Supra-Korem Korem Total Previous Listing 1937 0 0 0 i 1938 0 0 0 0 1939 1 0 1 4 1940 0 0 0 7 1941 2 0 2 8 1942 11 1 12 3 1943 10 0 10 11 1944 4 0 4 4 1945 2 0 2 4 1946 1 0 1 0 1947 1 1 2 1 1948 0 0 0 0 1949 0 1 1 0 1950 0 0 0 0 1951 0 2 2 0

The great majority of officers at the supra-Korem level were thus born during the Japanese occupation; were newly commissioned officers or cadets at the Military Academy when Soeharto came to power in March 1966; and were in their mid-thirties at the invasion of East Timor in late 1975. The majority of Korem commanders, on the other hand, were most likely bom in 1947-1950 during the revolutionary period; were at high school or at the Military Academy at ages sixsteen to nineteen when Soeharto came to power; and were twenty-five to twenty-eight years old at the time of invasion of East Timor. The two truly post-independence generation officers, bom in 1951 and from Class 15 (1974), are classmates of Col. Prabowo, presidential son-in-law and deputy commander of . Transfer Timing The timing of transfers at the Supra-Korem and Korem levels is as follows:

Supra-Korem Korem Total 1993 Sept. 3 i 4 Oct. - - - Nov. 1 i 2 Dec. - 5 5 1994 Jan. 10 1 11 Feb. 3 3 6 Mar. 1 1 2

3 See Angkatan Bersenjata, March 25,1995, and Suara Pembaharuan, April 11,1995. 104 The Editors

Apr.______3______2______5 Supra-Korem Korem Total May - - - June - 1 1 July i 4 5 Aug. 4 2 6 Sept. 7 1 8 Oct. - 2 2 Nov. 1 1 1 Dec. 3 1 4 1995 Jan. 1 1 2 Feb. 5 2 7 Mar. 25 4 29 Apr. 4 3 7 May 2 6 8 June 8 9 17 July 4 - 4 Aug. 6 3 9 Sept. 8 3 11

The data shows two interesting features. First, a wave of transfers took place at the supra-Korem level since the appointment of Gen. Feisal Tanjung as Armed Forces' Com- mander-in-Chief, every half a year in 1993 and 1994, and three times in the first nine months of 1995, in February-March, June, and August-September. These reshuffles were aimed at easing out Benny Murdani's men, to serve as palace countermeasures against Gen. Edy Sudradjat's strategic appointments in his brief glory days to safeguard "army institutional rationality," and more recently to ease out officers whom Wismoyo Arismunandar protected to assert his autonomy of the Armed Forces Headquarters under Feisal. As we noted in Indonesia 58 (October 1994), the institutional backbone of Benny Murdani's power in the army was broken with the liquidation of BAIS ABRI and its replacement by a less powerful military intelligence agency, BIA, in January 1994. Most of the officers Edy Sudradjat promoted to key positions in March and April 1993 are by now eased out or transferred to less important positions. Lt. Gen. Mantiri, Armed Forces' Chief of General Staff from May 1993 to February 1995, and Lt. Gen. Hariyoto, Armed Forces' Chief of Social and Political Staff from May 1993 to January 1994, are retired. Edi Sudradjat's Assistant for General Planning, Maj. Gen. I Made Sadha, is now his Director-General for Materiel, Facilities, and Services at the Department of Defense and Security. Maj. Gen. Haris Sudarno, Commander of Kodam 5 Brawijaya from March 1993 to March 1995, and Maj. Gen. Theo Syafei, Commander of Kodam 9 Udayana from March 1993 to February 1994, are sent to the DPR. Maj. Gen. Muzani Syukur, Commander of Kodam 3 Siliwangi from March 1993 to March 1995, is now Army Inspector-General, while Maj. Gen. A. Pranowo, Commander of Kodam 1 Bukit Barisan from April 1993 to April 1994, is Head, Armed Forces' Functional Group Upbuilding Boday (Babinkar). The departure of Army Chief of Staff Gen. Wismoyo Arismunandar in February 1995 offered more recent opportunities for palace offensive and Armed Forces' Commander Gen. Feisal Tanjung's consolidation of his constituency in the military. Wismoyo, once widely seen as Feisal's successor as Armed Forces' Commander, lost Presidential patronage not only because of his extra-marital affairs, but more importantly because he protected Benny Moerdani's men in the Army headquarters after they were kicked out of the Armed Forces headquarters, and because he Military Data 105

tried to protect army business interests against the encroachment of Presidential crony Mohammad (Bob) Hasan in order to show that he was not a puppet of Soeharto. It is thus the combination of palace officers and "Feisal's men" who now dominate the Armed Forces' Headquarters and the Army central and regional Commands. This should be clear if we look at two sets of key positions. If we look at the holders of the eight most politically sensitive positions in the military aside from the Armed Forces' Commander-in-Chief, the President has fared well. The roster is as follows: (1) R. Hartono, reportedly very close to Soeharto's daughter, Siti Hardijanti Rukmana (Mbak Tutut), as Army Chief of Staff, replacing Wismoyo Arismunandar; (2) Soeyono, former Presidential adjutant, as Armed Forces' Chief of General Staff, replacing Edy Sudradjat's man, Mantiri; (3) Mochammad Ma'ruf, who served as Korem Commander in East Timor in Murdani's days, as Chief of Social and Political Staff, replacing Hartono4; (4) Tarub, who Feisal Tanjung appointed Commander of Kodam 8, as Kostrad Commander, replacing Kuntara, Wismoyo's classmate; (5) , former Presidential adjutant, as Commander of Kodam 10 (), replacing another palace officer Hendro Prijono5; (6) Tayo Tarmadi, who would have retired without becoming Kodam commander if Feisal Tanjung had not appointed him Commander of Kodam 3 (West ), replacing Muzani Syukur, Edy Sudradjat's man; (7) Banurusman as Chief of Police; (8) Subagyo Hari Siswoyo, long-time palace guard, as Commander of the Special Forces (Kopassus), replacing Agum Gumelar, now Chief of Staff, Kodam 1 (). If we look at another set of positions, which are militarily as important as the above positions but politically less important, the roster is as follows: (1) as Assistant for General Planning to Armed Forces' Commander, Tamlicha Ali, a highly respected professional of Class 6 who served as deputy commander of the UN Forces in Cambodia in 1992-93 and was appointed Commander of Kodam 7 (Sulawesi) by Feisal Tanjung, replacing Edi Sudradjat's man, Sofian Effendi, now Governor of the National Defense Institute (Lemhannas); (2) as Assistant for Intelligence to Armed Forces' Chief of General Staff and Head of BIA, Syamsir Siregar, Class 6, who Feisal Tanjung had appointed Commander of Kodam 2 (South Sumatra), replacing Arie Sudewo, Wismoyo's classmate; (3) as Assistant for Operations to Armed Forces' Commander, Rear Admiral Soeratmin; (4) as Commander of Kodam 1 (North Sumatra), Sedarjanto, Class 7, appointed assistant for territorial affairs to the Army Chief of Staff by Hartono and now promoted to Kodam Commander by Feisal Tanjung two years before his mandatory retirement; (5) as Commander of Kodam 2 (South Sumatra), R. Karyono, Class 6, who would have retired in March 1996 without becoming Kodam commander if not appointed by Feisal Tanjung; (6) as Commander of Kodam 4 (Central Java), Yusuf Kartanegara, Class 7, replacing Soeyono; (7) as Commander of Kodam 5 (East Java), Imam Utomo who served as Hartono's Chief of Staff when he was Commander of Kodam 5 and as his Assistant for Personnel when he became Army Chief of Staff; (8) as Commander of Kodam 6 (Kalimantan), Namoeri Anoem, Class 6, who would have retired in two years without becoming Kodam commander if Feisal Tanjung had not appointed him such, replacing Yacob Dasto; (9) as Commander of Kodam 7 (Sulawesi), Sulatin, ditto with Namoeri Anoem; (10) as Commander of Kodam 8 (Irian Jaya and

4 It is not entirely clear why such a politically important position as Armed Forces' Chief of Social and Political Staff was given to a man with close ties to Benny Moerdani, though it is rumored that Ma'ruf too is close to Soeharto's daughter. ^ Hendro Priyono lost his position prematurely, most likely because of the APEC disaster. Wismoyo created a new senior enough position, Commander of Army Educational and Training Command, for him. 106 The Editors

Maluku), Dunidja D., Class 8, whom Edy Sudradjat appointed as the first Korem commander of East Timor after the Dili massacre in 1991, replacing I Ketut Wirdhana, Class 7, whom Feisal rescued from oblivion at Armed Forces' Inspectorate-General and is now Hartono's assistant for territorial affairs; (11) as Commander of Kodam 9 (Nusatenggara), Abdul Rivai, Class 7 whom Edi Sudradjat promoted to Commander of the Kostrad Second Infantry Division, replacing Adang Rochiatna Purwadirdja, another man of Edy Sudradjat's. Needless to say, those officers whom Feisal rescued from no-pangdam retirement should be grateful to him and know they will be gone as soon as Feisal is gone. They will not go any higher in the military and should be ready to retire at any moment by the time of the 1997 elections. Yet all the same, their return from oblivion has held back Classes 8-10 officers from rising to positions of importance, even though they should have waited for quite some time for their turn to come. This leads us to the second and more interesting question, one concerning the classes which are pushed forward. As we mentioned earlier, Feisal Tanjung justified the reshuffle in the name of "regeneration" in August 1994. We suggested three different but related interpretations of the reshufflings in Indonesia 58 (October 1994). The action could be intended to hasten the departure of the Benny Murdani-"contaminated" officers; it could be meant to promote officers who will be on active duty in 1998 and ready for staff and command positions at the Armed Forces Fleadquarters and the Army central and regional commands for 1998 to 2003; and it might be motivated by a determination to get hard-liners on the East Timorese issue out of the way. The development since Wismoyo's departure can be usefully understood in terms of regenerasi in the first and second senses. We noted a year ago that Wiranto (Class 9, Com­ mander of Kodam Jaya), Subagyo Hari Siswoyo (Class 11 and Kopassus Commander), and Johny Lumintang (Class 11, now attending the Lemhannas) represented the new generation of officers not "contaminated" by Murdani. More of them have emerged since February 1995, positioning themselves to inherit the military leadership from Class 6 and 7 officers by the time of the MPR session and the Presidential election in March 1998 under a new Armed Forces' Commander-in-Chief. They include, among others, Brig. Gen. Sumardi (Class 11, Chief of Staff, Kodam 3 Siliwangi); Brig. Gen. Djoko Subroto (Class 11, Chief of Staff, Kodam 4 ); Brig. Gen. Sutiyoso (Class 11, Chief of Staff, Kodam Jaya); Brig. Gen. Ismed Yuzairi (Class 12, Commander of the Kostrad First Infantry Division); Brig. Gen. Djamari Chaniago (Class 12, Commander of the Kostrad Second Infantry Division); Brig. Gen. Sugi- yono (Class 12, former Presidential adjutant and now Commander of the Presidential Security Squard); and Brig. Gen. Zacky Anwar Makarim (Class 12, Director "A" [internal affairs], BIA).6 Incidentally, there are very few with long-time East Timor backgrounds among the above officers: two important exceptions are Johny Lumintang, who served as Korem Commander of Dili from July 93 to August 1994, and Djoko Subroto, who was Kodim Commander of Monatuto in 1987-1988. There is a good chance for the Classes 11 and 12 officers to inherit the dominant position at the Armed Forces Headquarters and the Army central and regional commands from Classes 6 and 7 in 1997-98, when Classes 6 and 7 officers reach the mandatory retirement age of fifty-five.

6 We may also add to this list: Brig. Gen. Fachrul Razie (Deputy Assistant for Operations to Armed Forces' Chief of General Staff), Brig. Gen. Agus Wijaya (Deputy Assistant for General Planning to Armed Forces' Commander), Mardiyanto (Deputy Governor, General and Army Division, Armed Forces Academy), and Brig. Gen. Luhut Binsar Panjaitan (Deputy Commander, Army Infantry Weapons Center) from Class 11; Brig. Gen. Suaidi Marasabessy (Deputy Assistant for Operations to Army Chief of Staff) and Slamet Kirbiantoro (Commander, Intelligence Task Force, BIA) from Class 12. Military Data 107

It is not entirely clear, however, whether promoting Classes 11 and 12 officers was what Feisal Tanjung meant by regenerasi, for Classes 14 and 15 officers are also fast appearing on the horizon. The man to watch among Class 14 officers, it is said, is Col. Susilo Bambang Yudoyono, Sarwo Edhie's son-in-law and the personal secretary of Edy Sudradjat when he was Armed Forces' Commander; he is now Korem Commander in after having served as Commander of the elite Kostrad 17th Airborne Infantry Brigade.7 Two Class 15 officers are also fast rising: Presidential son-in-law Col. , now Deputy Commander of Kopassus, and Col. Ryamizard, Vice President Try Sutrisno's son-in-law, who was recently appointed Korem Commander in Serong, South Sumatra after his stint as Commander of the Kostrad 17th Airborne Infantry Brigade from August 1994 to August 1995 and Assistant for Operations to Chief of Staff, Kodam 7 Wirabuana.8 It will take some time for Classes 14 and 15 to come to key positions in the military lead­ ership. But it is widely rumored that Col. Prabowo will soon become Kopassus Commander and that his suggestions and recommendations already carry disproportionate weight with Armed Forces' Commander Gen. Feisal Tanjung and Army Chief of Staff Gen. Hartono in matters of promotions and transfers.9 It is too early to say anything definite about whether he will become Indonesia's Col. Narong Kittikachorn, but it will not be surprising to discov­ er that there are officers who resent being passed over by the fast rising officers of Classes 14 and 15. ****

Our listing covers the period September 1, 1993 to September 30, 1995. It follows our usual format, i.e. Office Officeholder Date and Place of Birth, Ethnic Origin Class and date of graduation Divisional or Service Background Date of Installation Officeholder's previous post Name of Predecessor Abbreviations AMN = National Military Academy J = Javanese RPKAD = Army Paracommando Regiment S = Sundanese

7 Other Class 14 officers include among others: Col. Syamsul Maarif, Korem Commander in Surabaya; Col. Romulo Robert Simbolon, Director of Guidance, Education, and Training at the Army Infantry Weapons Center after having served as Commander of the First Infantry Brigade (Jakarta Metropolitan Guard) from October 1994 to July 1995; Col. Glenny Kairupan, former Deputy Commander of Korem 164 East Timor and now Korem Commander in Salatiga; and Col. Anton Hery Biyantoro, Assistant for Intelligence to Chief of Staff, Kodam Jaya. 8 Other Class 15 officers who are also rising fast on their coattails are Col. Mochamad Irianto, Commander of the Kostrad 17th Airborne Infantry Brigade; Col. Mahidin Simbolon, long-time intelligence officer and now Commander of Korem 164 East Timor; Col. Eddy Budianto, Commander of the First Infantry Brigade in Jakarta; and Col. Sjahrie Sjamsoedin, former Presidential Security Guard and now Korem Commander in Bogor. The last two officers appear to be Prabowo's allies, for he attended their installation ceremonies and they indeed occupy positions of importance for the palace security. 9 Prabowo was promoted to Kopassus Commander in early December 1995 when this piece was about to go to the press. 108 The Editors

Armed Forces Headquarters

Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces Gen. Feisal Tanjung b. June 17,1939, in Tarutung, S. Tapanuli, Mandailing Batak AMN 2,1961 RPKAD 21 v 93- (28 months) Chief of General Staff to the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces Gen. Edi Sudradjat

Chief of the General Staff (Kasum) Lt. Gen. Herman Bernard Leopold Mantiri b. 1940, Bogor, Menadonese AMN 3,1962 Infantry 15 v 93-10 ii 95 (21 months) Assistant for Operations to Armed Forces' Chief of General Staff Lt. Gen. Feisal Tanjung Lt. Gen. Soeyono b. May 13,1943, in Malang, Javanese AMN 6,1965 Infantry 10 ii 95- (7.5 months) Commander, Kodam IV Diponegoro

Chief of the Social and Political Affairs (Kassospol) Lt. Gen. Hariyoto Pringgo Sudirjo b. Aug. 17,1939, in Jakarta, Javanese AMN 4,1963 Engineers 15 v 93-20 i 94 (8 months) Assistant for Social and Political Affairs to Armed Forces' Chief of Social and Political Staff Lt. Gen. Harsudiyono Hartas Lt. Gen. R. Hartono b. June 10,1941 in Pamekasan, Madurese AMN 3,1962 Cavalry 20 i 94-10 ii 95 (13 months) Governor, National Defense Institute (Lemhannas) Lt. Gen. Moch. Ma'ruf b. Sept. 20,1942, in Tegal, Javanese AMN 6,1965 Infantry 10 ii 95- (7.5 months) Assistant for Territorial Affairs to Armed Forces' Chief of General Staff

Inspector-General (Irjen ABRI) Rear Admiral Sumitro b. 1939 (?) in Banyuwangi, Javanese Naval Academy 1962 Navy 8 v 91-20 i 94 (32.5 months) Military Data 109

Commander of the Fleet, Eastern Zone Lt. Gen. I Gde Awet Sara Air Vice Marshal Isbandi Gondosuwignyo Javanese Air Force Academy 1963 Air Force 20 i 94- (20.5 months) Commander, Air Force Operational Command

Assistant for General Planning (Asrenum) to Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces Maj. Gen. I Made Sadha Balinese ? ? 12 ii 93-2 ii 94 (11.5 months) Deputy Assistant for General Planning to Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces Air Vice-Marshal Tedy Roesdi Hayuni Maj. Gen. Bantu Hardjijo b. July 16,1940, in Temenggung, Javanese AMN 3,1962 Intelligence 2 ii 94-21 vi 95 (17 months) Assistant for Intelligence to Armed Forces' Chief of General Staff Maj. Gen. Sofian Effendi b. 1943, in Aceh, Acehnese AMN 6,1965 RPKAD 21 vi 95-1 ix 95 (2 months) Assistant for Operations to Armed Forces' Chief of General Staff Maj. Gen. Tamlicha Ali b. in Aceh, Acehnese AMN 6,1965 Infantry 1 ix 95- (1 month) Assistant for Territorial Affairs to Armed Forces' Chief of General Staff

Assistant for Intelligence (Asintel) to Armed Forces' Chief of General Staff Maj. Gen. Bantu Hardjijo b. July 16,1940 in Temenggung, Javanese AMN 3,1962 Intelligence ? viii 92-25 i 94 (17.5 months) Director, Directorate "E," BAIS ABRI Maj. Gen. Asmono Arismunandar Maj. Gen. Arie Sudewo b. 1940, in Bangkalan, Madurese AMN 4,1963 RPKAD 25 i 94-c. 1 ix 94 (7 months) Deputy Head, BAIS ABRI Maj. Gen. Syamsir Siregar b. Oct. 13,1941, in Pematang Siantar, Sipirok Batak AMN 6,1965 Infantry 110 The Editors

c. 1 ix 94- (13 months) Commander, Kodam II Sriwijaya

Assistant for Operations (Asops) to Armed Forces' Chief of General Staff Maj. Gen. Sofian Effendi b. 1943 in Aceh, Acehnese AMN 6,1965 RPKAD ? vii 93-24 vii 95 (24 months) Commander, Kodam VII Wirabuana Maj. Gen. Herman Bernard Leopold Mantiri Rear Admiral Soeratmin Javanese Navy Academy 1966 Navy 24 vii 95- (2 month) Assistant for Planning and Budgeting to Navy Chief of Staff

Assistant for Territorial Affairs (Aster) to Armed Forces' Chief of General Staff Maj. Gen. R. Pramono b. Nov. 2,1939, in Yogyakarta, Javanese AMN 3,1962 Cavalry c. 7 iv 93-25 i 94 (10 months) Commander, Kodam I Bukit Barisan Maj. Gen. Soegito Maj. Gen. Moch. Ma'ruf b. Sept. 20,1942, in Tegal, Javanese AMN 6,1965 Infantry 25 i 94-28 ii 95 (13 months) Assistant for Social and Political Affairs to Armed Forces' Chief of Social and Political Staff Maj. Gen. Tamlicha Ali b. in Aceh, Acehnese AMN 6,1965 Infantry 28 ii 95-26 ix 95 (7 months) Commander, Kodam VII Wirabuana Maj. Gen. Arie Kumaat b. May 20,1944, in Menado, Menadonese Protestant AMN 7,1966 Infantry / Intelligence 26 ix 95- Commander, Kodam I Bukit Barisan

Assistant for Communications and Electronics (Askomlek) to Armed Forces' Chief of General Staff Maj. Gen. Santo Budiono Javanese ? ? 16 v 91-c. 4 ix 93 (27.5 months) Director, Army Communications Maj. Gen. Prasetyo Military Data 111

Air Vice Marshal Sasmito Dirjo Javanese ? Air Force c. 4 ix 93- (25 months) Director of Education, National Defense Institute (Lemhannas)

Assistant for Security and Social Order (Askamtibmas) to Armed Forces' Chief of General Staff Police Maj. Gen. Drs. Purwanto Lenggono Javanese ? Police c. 31 iii 93-94? Chief of Police, S. and C. Kalimantan Police Maj. Gen. Drs. Amrin Syarofi ?

Assistant for Personnel (Aspers) to Armed Forces' Chief of General Staff Maj. Gen. Mansyur Javanese ? Infantry 19 viii 93-15 ix 95 (24.5 months) Deputy Assistant for Personnel to Armed Forces' Chief of General Staff Rear Admiral Suakadirul Brig. Gen. Andi Djalal Bachtiar Buginese ? ? 15 ix 95- Head of General Affairs, Secretariat, Bakorstanas

Assistant for Logistics (Aslog) to Armed Forces Chief of General Staff Rear Admiral Sumartono Javanese ? Navy 2 iv 93-? i 94 (9.5 months) Deputy for Operations to Navy Chief of Staff Rear Admiral M. Suud Rear Admiral I Nyoman Suharta b. in Surabaya, Balinese Naval Academy 1962 Navy ? i 94-27 iv 95 (15.5 months) Deputy for Logistics to Navy Chief of Staff Maj. Gen. Bambang Soembodo Javanese AMN 6,1965 RPKAD 27 iv 95- (5 months) Deputy Assistant for Logistics to Armed Forces' Chief of General Staff 112 The Editors

Assistant for Social and Political Affairs (Assospol) to Armed Forces' Chief of Social and Political Staff Maj. Gen. Moch. Ma'ruf b. Sept. 20,1942, in Tegal, Javanese AMN 6,1965 Infantry ? vii 93-25 i 94 (6.5 months) Governor, Military Academy Maj. Gen. Hariyoto Pringgo Sudirjo Maj. Gen. Hari Sabamo Javanese AMN 6,1965 (?) Infantry 25 i 94-23 iii 95 (14 months) Deputy Assistant for Social and Political Affairs to Armed Forces' Chief of Social and Political Staff Maj. Gen. Syarwan Hamid b. Nov. 10,1943, in Siak, Malay AMN 7,1966 Infantry 23 iii 95- (6 months) Head, Armed Forces' Information Center

Assistant for Functional Group Affairs (Asyawan) to Armed Forces' Chief of Social and Political Staff Maj. Gen. Oetomo SP Javanese AMN 3,1962 (?) Artillery 5 viii 93-12 i 95 (17.5 months) Head, Armed Forces Mental Upbuilding Center Maj. Gen. Ignatius Hardoyo Maj. Gen. A. Pranowo Javanese AMN 4,1963 Infantry 12 i 95-c. 15 ix 95 (8 months) Commander, Kodam I Bukit Barisan Maj. Gen. Mansyur Javanese ? Infantry c. 15 ix 95- Assistant for Personnel to Armed Forces' Chief of General Staff

Deputy Head, BAIS ABRI (Armed Forces' Strategic Intelligence Body) Maj. Gen. Arie Sudewo b. 1940 in Bangkalan, Madurese AMN 4,1963 Engineers/RPKAD 19 i 91-25 i 94 (36 months) Commander, Kodam III Siliwangi Maj. Gen. Sutaryo BAIS ABRI was replaced with Badan Intelijen ABRI (BIA, Armed Forces' Intelligence Body) on 25 i 94. Military Data 113

Head, BIA (Armed Forces' Intelligence Body) Maj. Gen. Arie Sudewo b. 1940 in Bangkalan, Madurese AMN 4,1963 Engineers / RPKAD 25 i 94-? xi 94 (9.5 months) Deputy Head, BAIS ABRI Maj. Gen. Syamsir Siregar b. Oct. 13,1941, in Pematang Siantar, Sipirok Batak AMN 6,1965 Infantry ? xi 94- (10.5 months) Commander, Kodam II Sriwijaya

Deputy Head, BIA Brig. Gen. Arie Kumaat b. May 20,1944, in Menado, Menadonese Protestant AMN 7,1966 Infantry c. 25 i 94-c. 30 viii 94 (7 months) Director "D" (Surveillance), BAIS ABRI Brig. Gen. Soepamo Koesyoso Javanese ? Intelligence c. 30 viii 94-c. 28 ii 95 (6 months) Director, Directorate "C" (Counter-Espionage?) BIA Maj. Gen. Achdari ? ? Intelligence c. 28 ii 95- (7 months) Director, Directorate "A" (Internal Affairs) BIA

Central Executive Organs10

Commander-General, Armed Forces' Academy (Akabri) Rear Admiral Wahyono SK, Ph.D. Javanese Naval Academy 1962 Navy 11 ii 93-22 iv 94 (14.5 months) Assistant for Planning and Budget to Navy Chief of Staff Maj. Gen. Soedarto Air Vice Marshal F. X. Soewamo Javanese Catholic ? Air Force 22 iv 94-2 v 95 (12 months) Assistant for Planning and Budget to Air Force Chief of Staff

10 Governor, National Defense Institute (Lemhannas), is no longer included in the list, because it was transferred to the jurisdiction of the Department of Defense and Security in February 1994. 114 The Editors

Rear Admiral I Nyoman Suharta b. in Surabaya, Balinese Navy Academy 1962 Navy 2 v 95- (5 months) Assistant for Logistics to Armed Forces' Chief of General Staff

Commander-General, Armed Forces' Staff and Command School (Sesko ABRI) Maj. Gen. Moetojib b. July 11,1940, in Solo, Javanese AMN 3,1962 Cavalry ? vii 93-24 iii 94 (8 months) Commander, Kodam VI Tanjungpura Maj. Gen. R. Hartono Maj. Gen. Theo Syafei b. 30 vi 1943 in Ujungpandang, Butonese Protestant AMN 6,1965 RPKAD 24 iii 94-29 vi 95 (15 months) Commander, Kodam IX Udayana Maj. Gen. Yunus Yosfiah b. 1944? in Rappang, S. Sulawesi, Buginese AMN 6,1965 RPKAD 29 vi 95- (3 months) Commander, Kodam II Sriwijaya

Head, Armed Forces Mental Upbuilding Center (Pusbintal) Brig. Gen. Oetomo SP Javanese AMN 3,1962 (?) Artillery 10 ix 90-c. 4 ix 93 (36 months) Head, Army Mental Upbuilding Service Brig. Gen. N. Noerdin Brig. Gen. Abdullah Hadi ? ? ? c. 4 ix 93- (23 months) Head, Army Mental Upbuilding Service

Head, Research and Development Center (Puslitbang) Brig. Gen. Ir. Gunadi Javanese ? Artillery 21 x 92- (35 months) Commander, Army Artillery Weapons Center Brig. Gen. Lukman R. Boer

Head, Armed Forces Center of History and Tradition (Pusjarah) Brig. Gen. Slamet Sugiardjo Military Data 115

Javanese ? Infantry 15 vii 93- (26.5 months) Brig. Gen. Idroes

Head, Armed Forces Medical Center (Puskes) Brig. Gen. Dr. H. Djaelani ? ? Medical Corps c. 7 iv 93- (30 months) Brig. Gen. Dr. M. Mushadi

Head, Armed Forces Military Police Center (Puspom) Brig. Gen. Moh. Memet Rachmat Sundanese ? Military Police 10 viii 92-6 vii 95 (35.5 months) Deputy Commander, Armed Forces' Military Police Center Brig. Gen. Hadi Baroto Brig. Gen. Syamsu D. ? AMN 6,1965 Military Police 6 vii 95- (3 months) Officer seconded to the Armed Forces' Headquarters

Head, Armed Forces Information Center (Puspen) Brig. Gen. Syarwan Hamid b. Nov. 10,1943, in Siak, Malay AMN 7,1966 Infantry 7 iv 93-31 iii 95 (24 months) Head, Army Information Service Brig. Gen. Nurhadi Purwosaputro M.Sc. Brig. Gen. Suwamo Adiwijoyo b. Apr. 21,1942, in Banyuwangi, Javanese AMN 7,1966 Infantry 31 iii 95- (6 months) Chief of Staff, Kodam III Siliwangi

Head, Armed Forces Legal Upbuilding Body (Babinkum) Maj. Gen. Iskandar Kamil SH Chinese ? ? 19 xii 88-27 iv 95 (76.5 months) ? Maj. Gen. M. Djaelani SH Maj. Gen. Suhadi SH b. July 3,1943, in Solo, Javanese 116 The Editors

A M N 5,1964 ? 27 iv 95- (5 months) Chief Judge, Supreme Military Tribunal

Head, Armed Forces Supply Body (Babek) Brig. Gen. Sarmono Wamopuspito b. Feb. 3,1940, in Solo, Javanese AMN 3,1962 Infantry 23 i 93-c. 4 ix 93 (7 months) Director of Army Supply and Transport Brig. Gen. M. Saroso Sukardiman Brig. Gen. Soehardjo Javanese ? Infantry c. 4 ix 93-30 viii 95 (24 months) Deputy Assistant for Logistics to Armed Forces' Chief of General Staff Brig. Gen. Izaak Take ? AMN 6,1965 Quartermaster Corps 30 viii 95- (1 month) Officer seconded to Armed Forces' Headquarters

Head, Armed Forces Functional Group Upbuilding Body (Babinkar) Maj. Gen. Ismail Javanese ? Infantry 5 viii 93-12 iv 95 (20.5 months) Deputy Assistant for Social and Political Affairs to Armed Forces Chief of Social and Political Staff Maj. Gen. Pribadi Poedjajadi Maj. Gen. Supamo Koesyoso Javanese Intelligence 12 iv 95-1 ix 95 (4.5 months) Deputy Head, BIA Maj. Gen. A. Pranowo Javanese AMN 4,1963 Infantry 1 ix 95- (1 month) Assistant for Functional Affairs to Armed Forces' Chief of Social and Political Staff

Commander, Fleet of the Western Zone Rear Admiral Arief Kushariadi b. in Malang, Javanese Navy Academy 1967 Navy 16 iv 94-22 iii 95 (11.5 months) Chief of Staff, Fleet of the Western Zone Military Data 117

Rear Admiral Soeratmin Rear Admiral Widodo Adisutjipto Javanese ? Navy 22 iii 95- (6 months) Chief of Staff, Fleet of the Western Zone

Commander, Fleet of the Eastern Zone Rear Admiral Gofar Soewamo b. July 6,1943, in Jember, Javanese Navy Academy 1966 Navy 16 iv 94-c. 16 vi 95 (12 months) Chief of Staff, Fleet of the Eastern Zone Rear Admiral Moh. Sochid Rear Admiral Bambang Suryanto Javanese ? Navy c. 16 vi 95- (3.5 months) Director for Operations and Training, Navy

Commander, National Air Defense Command (Kohanudnas) Air First Marshal F.X. Soejitno Javanese Catholic Air Force Academy 1965 Air Force 31 iii 93-20 iii 95 (24 months) Deputy Governor, Air Force Military Academy Air Vice Marshal Subagiyo Air First Marshal Irawan Saleh ? ? Air Force 20 iii 95- (6 months) Deputy Commander, National Air Defense Command

Service Heads and Army Hierarchy

Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces Gen. Feisal Tanjung b. June 17,1939, in Tarutung, S. Tapanuli, Mandating Batak AMN 2,1961 RPKAD 21 v 93- (28 months) Armed Forces' Chief of General Staff Gen. Edi Sudradjat

Army Chief of Staff Gen. Wismoyo Arismunandar b. Feb. 10,1940, in Bondowoso, Javanese AMN 4,1963 118 The Editors

RPKAD 6 iv 93-11 ii 95 (22.5 months) Deputy Army Chief of Staff Gen. Edi Sudradjat Gen. R. Hartono b. June 10,1941, in Pamekasan, Madurese AMN 3,1962 Cavalry 11 ii 95- (7.5 months) Armed Forces' Chief of Social and Political Staff

Navy Chief of Staff Admiral Tanto Koeswanto b. June 1,1941, Purwokerto, Javanese Naval Academy 1964 ? 6 iv 93- (30 months) Commander, Fleet of the Eastern Zone Admiral Muhammad Arifin

Air Force Chief of Staff Air Marshal Rilo Pambudi b. Dec. 24,1942, in Jombang, Javanese Air Force Academy 1965 Air Force 6 iv 93- (30 months) Deputy for Operations to Air Force Chief of Staff Air Marshal Siboen Dipoatmodjo

Chief of National Police Police Maj. Gen. Drs. Banurusman b. Sept. 28,1941, in Madura, Madurese Police Academy 1963, Police College 1970 Police 6 iv 93- (30 months) Chief of Police, Greater Jakarta Metropolitan Region Police Gen. Drs. Kunarto

Commander of Marine Corps Maj. Gen. Gafur Chaliq b. Nov. 9,1941, in Pontianak Naval Academy 1961 Marines I xii 92-11 iv 94 (16.5 months) Deputy Governor, Naval Academy Maj. Gen. Baroto Sardadi Maj. Gen. Djoko Pramono b. in Surabaya, Indo-European ? Marines II iv 94- (18 months) Deputy Governor, Naval Academy Military Data 119

Deputy Army Chief of Staff Lt. Gen. Soerjadi b. Feb. 2,1942, in Tuban, Javanese AMN 5,1964 RPKAD 24 v 93-27 ii 95 (21 months) Commander, Kodam IV Diponegoro Lt. Gen. Wismoyo Arismunandar Lt. Gen. F.X. Sudjasmin b. May 1,1942, in Salatiga, Catholic Javanese AMN 5,1964 Infantry 27 ii 95- (7 months) Army Inspector-General

Army Inspector-General Maj. Gen. F.X. Sudjasmin b. May 1,1942, in Salatiga, Catholic Javanese ? Infantry 19 viii 93-8 iii 95 (18.5 months) Commander, Kodam II Sriwijaya Maj. Gen. Abinowo Maj. Gen. Muzani Syukur b. Nov. 5,1943, in Muara Baru, W. Sumatra, Minangkabau AMN 6,1965 RPKAD 8 iii 95- (7 months) Commander, Kodam III Siliwangi

First Assistant (Security) Maj. Gen. Hadi Baroto b. in East Java, Javanese AMN 5,1964 Military Police 21 viii 92-9 vii 94 (22 months) Commander, Armed Forces Military Police Center Maj. Gen. Soerjadi Maj. Gen. Kodin ? AMN 6,1965 Artillery / Intelligence 9 vii 94- (15 months) with BIA

Second Assistant (Operations) Maj. Gen. Drs. Pieter Sitompul Toba Batak Protestant ? Infantry 19 viii 93-8 iii 95 (18.5 months) Deputy Assistant for Planning and Budget to Army Chief of Staff Maj. Gen. Joko Lelono 120 The Editors

Maj. Gen. Makmun Rasyid ? A M N 6,1965 Infantry 8 iii 95- (7 months) Chief of Staff, Kodam II Sriwijaya

Third Assistant (Personnel) Maj. Gen. Imam Utomo b. in Jombang, Javanese AMN 6,1965 Infantry 19 viii 93-8 iii 95 (18 months) Chief of Staff, Kodam V Brawijaya Maj. Gen. Rusmadi Sidik Maj. Gen. Muchlis Anwar b. 1943, in Muara Baru, Solok, Minangkabau AMN 6,1965 RPKAD 8 iii 95- (7 months) Expert Officer for Culture and Sports to Army Chief of Staff

Fourth Assistant (Logistics) Maj. Gen. Paul Toding Torajanese Protestant AMN 3,1962 Infantry 19 viii 93-8 iii 95 (18 months) Deputy Assistant for Logistics to Army Chief of Staff Maj. Gen. M. Zaenal Maj. Gen. Abdul Muis Lubis Mandailing Batak AMN 6,1965 Cavalry 8 iii 95- (7 months) Chief of Staff, Kodam IV Diponegoro

Fifth Assistant (Planning and Budget) Maj. Gen. Togi Mangara Hutagaol b. Sept. 28,1940, in Pangkal Pinang, Toba Batak Protestant AMN 3,1962 Artillery 12 iii 92-8 iii 95 (36 months) Assistant for Territorial Affairs to Army Chief of Staff Maj. Gen. Herman Bernard Leopold Mantiri Maj. Gen. Achfas Mufti ? AMN 6,1965 Infantry 8 iii 95- (7 months) Director for Research, Development, Education and Training, Sesko ABRI Assistant for Territorial Affairs Maj. Gen. Wiyoto Javanese ? Artillery 12 iii 92-? iv 95 (37 months) Deputy Assistant for Personnel to Army Chief of Staff Maj. Gen. Togi Mangara Hutagaol Maj. Gen. Sedarjanto b. April 4,1944, in Surabaya, Javanese AMN 7,1966 Cavalry ? iv 95-c. 22 viii 95 (4.5 months) Deputy Assistant for Operations to Army Chief of Staff Maj. Gen. I Ketut Wirdhana b. June 10,1942, in Denpasar, Balinese AMN 7,1966 Infantry c. 22 viii 95- (1 month) Commander, Kodam VIII Trikora

Commander, Army Strategic Reserve (Kostrad) Maj. Gen. Kuntara b. Sept. 1,1939, in Cirebon, Muslim Chinese AMN 4,1963 RPKAD 29 vii 92-20 ix 94 (26 months) Commander, Kopassus Maj. Gen. Wismoyo Arismunandar Maj. Gen. Tarub b. June 10,1942, in Malang, Javanese AMN 6,1965 RPKAD 20 ix 94- (12 months) Commander, Kodam VIII Trikora

Chief of Staff, Kostrad Brig. Gen. Tuswandi b. Dec. 29,1944, Javanese AMN 7,1966 Infantry ? vii 93-8 i 94 (5.5 months) Deputy Commander, UNTAC (Cambodia) Brig. Gen. Yacob Dasto Brig. Gen. R. Karyono b. March 25,1942, in Lamongan, Javanese AMN 6,1965 Infantry 8 i 94-23 vi 95 (18 months) Chief of Staff, Kodam I Bukit Barisan Brig. Gen. Sridono b. Nov. 14,1944, in Solo, Javanese AMN 7,1966 Infantry / Intelligence 122 The Editors

23 vi 95- (3 months) Chief of Staff, Kodam VIII

Commander, Kostrad First Infantry Division Brig. Gen. R. Adang Ruchiatna Purwadirdja b. 24 xi 1943, Jakarta, Sundanese AMN 8,1967 Infantry / Intelligence 13 iv 93-31 viii 94 (16.5 months) Chief of Staff, Kostrad 1st Infantry Division Brig. Gen. Ilyas Yusuf Brig. Gen. Johny Lumintang b. June 28,1947 in Manado, Menadonese Protestant AMN 11,1970 Infantry 31 viii 94-28 vi 95 (10 months) Commander, Korem 164 East Timor Col. Ismed Yuzairi ? AMN 12,1971 Infantry 28 vi 95- (3 months) Commander, Korem 173 Biak

Commander, Kostrad Second Infantry Division Brig. Gen. H. R. Rivai b. 5 viii 43, in Soppeng, Buginese AMN 7,1966 Infantry ? iv 93-23 iii 95 (24 months) Commander, Korem 102 Palangka Raya Brig. Gen. I Ketut Wirdhana Brig. Gen. Soemardi ? AMN 11,1970 Infantry 23 iii 95-c. 22 viii 95 (5 months) Commander, Korem 084 Surabaya Col. Djamari Chaniago Minangkabau AMN 12,1971 Infantry c. 22 viii 95- (1 month) Chief of Staff, Kostrad 2nd Infantry Division

Governor, General and Army Division, Armed Forces Academy Maj. Gen. Yusman Yutam ? AMN 6,1965 Infantry 14 viii 93-5 iv 95 (19.5 months) Deputy Commander, Army Infantry Weapons Center Maj. Gen. Muh. Ma'ruf Military Data 123

Maj. Gen. Purwantoro b. 1942, in Malang, Javanese AMN 6,1965 Infantry 5 iv 95- (7 months) Deputy Governor, General and Army Division, Armed Forces Academy

Commander, Army Staff and Command School (Seskoad) Maj. Gen. E.E. Mangindaan Menadonese Protestant AMN 5,1963 Infantry 5 vii 93-17 iii 95 (20.5 months) Commander, Kodam VIII Trikora Maj. Gen. Herman Musakabe Maj. Gen. Arifin Tarigan b. in Tanah Karo, Karo Batak AMN 6,1965 Infantry 17 iii 95- (6.5 months) Commander, Army Infantry Weapons Center

Commander, Education and Training Command (Kodiklat)11 Maj. Gen. A.M. Hendro Priyono b. May 7,1945, Yogyakarta, Javanese AMN 8,1967 RPK AD / Intelligence 10 xii 94- (9.5 months) Commander, Kodam Jaya ?

Commander, Army Infantry Weapons Center (Pussenif AD) Maj. Gen. Yunus Yosfiah b. 1944? in Rappang, S. Sulawesi, Buginese AMN 6,1965 RPKAD 23 i 93-19 viii 94 (18.5 months) Chief of Staff, Kodam VII Tanjungpura Maj. Gen. Sofian Effendi Maj. Gen. Arifin Tarigan b. in Tanah Karo, Karo Batak AMN 6,1965 Infantry 19 viii 94-15 iii 95 (7 months) Deputy Assistant for Operations to Army Chief of Staff

11 Kodiklat TNI-AD was formally created out of the Pusbindik (Pusat Pembinaan Pendidikan) TNI-AD and the Pusbangsisops (Pusat Pengembangan Sistem Operasi) on Dec. 10, 1994 with Maj. Gen. Hendro Priyono as its first commander. The Kodiklat commander is assisted by deputy commander (Brig. Gen. Ilyas Yusuf) and three brigadier-general rank directors - director for doctrine (Col. Rudy Supriatna), director for Education (Brig. Gen. Slamet ST), and director for Training (Col. R.A. Butar-Butar). According to AB (Dec. 13,1994), the Army Infantry Weapons Center (Pussenif), the Army Artillery Weapons Center (Pussenart), and the Army Cavalry Weapons Center (Pussenkav) are also planned to come under the Kodiklat in due course. This, however, has not happened yet as of Oct. 1,1995. 124 The Editors

Maj. Gen. H. A. Rivai b. Aug. 5,1943, Soppeng, Buginese AMN 7,1966 Infantry 15 iii 95-30 viii 95 (5.5 months) Commander, Kostrad 2nd Infantry Division Brig. Gen. Rachmat H.S. Mokoginta b. Sept. 20,1942, in Sukabumi, Bolang-Mongondouw (N. Sulawesi) AMN 6,1965 ? 30 viii 95- (1 month) Chief of Staff, Kodam III Siliwangi

Commander, Pusat Teritorial AD Maj. Gen. Subardi Suar ? AMN 5,1964 Infantry 20 iv 93-13 vii 95 (26.5 months) Head, Army Center for Operations Systems Development Maj. Gen. Endang Wagiman Maj. Gen. Suhardo Javanese ? ? 13 vii 95-20 ix 95 (2 months) Deputy Head, Armed Forces Functional Group Upbuilding Body Maj. Gen. R. Adang Ruchiatna Purwadirdja b. Nov. 24,1943, Jakarta, Sundanese AMN 8,1967 Infantry/Intelligence 20 ix 95- Commander, Kodam IX Udayana

Commander, Kopassus (Special Forces Command) Brig. Gen. Agum Gumelar Sundanese AMN 9,1968 RPKAD/Intelligence 6 vii 93-17 ix 94 (14.5 months) Director, Directorate "A" (Internal Affairs), BAIS ABRI Brig. Gen. Tarub Brig. Gen. Subagyo Hari Siswoyo b. June 12,1946, in Bantul, Yogyakarta, Javanese AMN 11,1970 RPKAD 17 ix 94- (12.5 months) Head, Army Security and Paracommando Service (Dinas Pengamanan dan Sandi AD)

Head, State Intelligence Board (Bakin) Lt. Gen. (retired) Soedibyo b. April 22,1937, Ngawi, Javanese Atekad 5,1960 Intelligence / Engineers Military Data 125

3 vi 89- (76 months) Deputy Head, Bakin Gen. Yoga Sugama

Deputy Head, State Intelligence Board (Bakin) Maj. Gen. Soeharto Javanese AMN 2,1961 Artillery/Intelligence ? i 91- (56.5 months) First Assistant (Security) to Army Chief of Staff ?

Commander, Presidential Security Squad (Paswalpres) Brig. Gen. Pranowo Javanese AMN 4,1963 Military Police 30 i 85-13 xi 93 (100 months) Commander, Military Police, Kodam V Brawijaya Brig. Gen. R. Sardjono Brig. Gen. Jasril Jacub ? ? Military Police 13 xi 93-24 iii 95 (16.5 months) Deputy Commander, Presidential Security Squad Brig. Gen. Siradjuddin Paiyoi b. 1943 AMN 6,1965 Military Police 24 iii 95-c. 16 vi 95 (0.5 month) Deputy Commander, Presidential Security Squard Brig. Gen. Sugiyono Javanese AMN 12,1971 Infantry 14 vii 95- (2.5 months) Commander, Kostrad 1st Infantry Brigade (1992-93) and Presidential Adjutant (1993-95)

Regional Military Leaders

Kodam (Military Region Command) I Bukit Barisan (North Sumatra)

Commander, Kodam I/Bukit Barisan Maj. Gen. A. Pranowo Javanese AMN 4,1963 Infantry 1 iv 93-1 ix 94 (17 months) Chief of Staff, Kodam VIII Trikora Maj. Gen. R. Pramono 126 The Editors

Maj. Gen. Arie Kumaat b. May 20,1944, in Menado, Menadonese Protestant AMN 7,1966 Infantry 1 ix 94-c. 22 viii 95 (12 months) Deputy Head, Armed Forces' Intelligence Agency (BIA) Maj. Gen. Sedarjanto b. Aug. 20,1942, in Tulung Agung, Javanese AMN 7,1966 Infantry c. 22 viii 95- (1 month) Assistant for Territorial Affairs to Army Chief of Staff

Chief of Staff, Kodam I/Bukit Barisan Brig. Gen. R. Karyono b. March 25,1942, Lamongan, Javanese AMN 6,1965 Infantry 10 ix 92-c. 8 i 94 (16 months) Commander, Korem 031 Pekanbaru Brig. Gen. Sofian Effendi Brig. Gen. Makmun Rasyid ? AMN 6,1965 Infantry c. 8 i 94-23 ix 94 (9 months) Commander, Korem 101 Banjarmasin Brig. Gen. Agum Gumelar Sundanese AMN 9,1968 RPK AD / Intelligence 23 ix 94- (12 months) Commander, Kopassus

Korem (Military Resort Commands) under Kodam I/Bukit Barisan

Korem 011 Lilawangsa (Lhoseumawe) Col. Sridono b. Nov. 15,1944, in Solo, Javanese AMN 7,1966 Infantry / Intelligence ? xii 92-19 iv 94 (16 months) Staff Officer, Security Section, Army Headquarters Col. Syarwan Hamid Col. Djoko Subroto Javanese AMN 11,1970 Infantry 19 iv 94-c. 6 iii 95 (10.5 months) Commander, Core Infantry Regiment, Kodam I Bukit Barisan Military Data 127

Korem 012 (Banda Aceh) Col. H. Rudy Supriyatna Sundanese AMN 6,1965 Infantry/Intelligence 20 viii 92-11 ii 95 (29.5 months) Assistant for Intelligence to Chief of Staff, Kodam VI Tanjungpura Col. Muhammad Chan Col. Ahmad Yourda Adnan Sundanese? AMN 12,1971 Infantry 11 ii 95- (7.5 months) Commander, Military Academy Cadets' Regiment

Korem 022 Pantai Timur (Pematang Siantar) Col. R. Soemiarso Javanese Infantry ? iii 93-31 iii 94 (12.5 months) Assistant for Logistics to Chief of Staff, Kodam VII Wirabuana Col. Maymaran Nasi' Col. Sunarto Javanese ? Infantry / Intelligence 31 iii 94- (18 months) Commander, Educational Center for Intelligence, Army Infantry Weapons Center

Korem 023 Pantai Barat (Sibolga) Col. Murdiyono b. April 21,1941, in Tuban, Javanese AMN 7,1966 Infantry ? xi 92-22 x 94 (23.5 months) Commander, Core Infantry Regiment, Kodam III Siliwangi Col. Daniel Toding Col. Jorry Tuwaidan ? ? Infantry 22 x 94- (11 months) Chief Cordinator, Armed Forces' Staff and Command School

Korem 031 Wirabima (Pekanbaru) Col. I Komang Wijaya b. in 1942 in Karangasem, Balinese ? Infantry 29 iii 93-7 iv 94 (12 months) Assistant for Territorial Affairs to Chief of Staff, Kodam II Sriwijaya Col. Slamet S.T. 128 The Editors

Col. Sugiarso Javanese A M N 9,1968 Artillery/Intelligence 7 iv 94-5 vi 95 (14 months) Staff Officer, Security Section, Army Headquarters Col. M. Sjaiful Islam ? ? Infantry 5 vi 95- (4 months) Assistant for Personnel to Chief of Staff, Kodam IX Udayana

Korem 032 Wirabraja (Padang) Col. Soeparwantoro b. 31 viii 1945 in Surabaya, Javanese AMN 7,1966 Cavalry 30 iii 93-11 vii 94 (15 months) Assistant for Territorial Affairs to Chief of Staff, Kodam I Bukit Barisan Col. Suwarno Adiwidjojo Col. Edy Waluyo Javanese ? Infantry 11 vii 94-3 vi 95 (11 months) Staff Officer, Social and Political Affairs Section, Army Headquarters Col. Mat Iskak Bantenese? ? Artillery 3 vi 95- (4 months) Assistant for Social and Political Affairs to Chief of Staff, Kodam III Siliwangi

Kodam II/Sriwijaya (South Sumatra)

Commander Kodam II/Sriwijaya Maj. Gen. Syamsir Siregar b. 1941 in Pematang Siantar, Sipirok Batak AMN 6,1965 Infantry 3 viii 93-30 viii 94 (13 months) Chief of Staff, Kodam III Siliwangi Maj. Gen. F.X. Sudjasmin Maj. Gen. Yunus Yosfiah b. 1944? in Rappang, S. Sulawesi, Buginese AMN 6,1965 RPKAD 30 viii 94-26 vi 95 (10 months) Commander, Army Infantry Weapons Center Maj. Gen. R. Karyono b. March 25,1942, in Lamongan, Javanese AMN 6,1965 Infantry Military Data 129

26 vi 95- (3 months) Chief of Staff, Kostrad

Chief of Staff, Kodam II/Sriwijaya Brig. Gen. Siswanto Javanese ? Artillery 15 vii 93-29 ix 94 (14.5 months) Commander, Korem 044 Serong Brig. Gen. Soeyono Brig. Gen. Makmun Rasyid ? AMN 6,1965 Infantry 29 ix 94-10 iii 95 (5 months) Chief of Staff, Kodam I Bukit Barisan Brig. Gen. Adi Panusunan Siregar12 b. April 9,1943, in Aceh, Sipirok Batak AMN 7,1966 Infantry 10 iii 95- (7 months) Head, Department of Territorial Affairs, Army Staff and Command School

Korem 041 Garuda Mas (Palembang) Col. Soeparto S. b. Sept. 3,1944 in Kudus, Javanese AMN 7,1966 Infantry 21 x 92-26 xi 93 (13 months) Assistant for Operations to Chief of Staff, Kodam IX Udayana Col. Kaolan Isgiharto Col. E.D. Bimo Prakoso MPA. Javanese AMN 9,1968 Infantry 26 xi 93- (22 months) Commander, Military Academy Cadets' Regiment

Korem 042 Garuda Putih (Jambi) Col. Syamsiar W. ? ? Infantry/Intelligence 17 ix 92-31 i 95 (28.5 months) Assistant for Intelligence to Chief of Staff, Kodam III Siliwangi Col. Daulat Daniel Sinulingga Col. Muchdi Purwo Pranyoto Javanese ? Infantry

12 He served as Chief of Staff, Korem 164 Dili, when Yunus Yosfiah was its commander. 130 The Editors

31 i 95- (8 months) Assistant for Operations to Chief of Staff, Kodam IX Udayana

Korem 043 Garuda Hitam (Lampung) Col. Hariyono Danoe Javanese AMN 9,1968 Infantry 20 vii 93-14 x 94 (15 months) Assistant for Operations to Chief of Staff, Kodam V Brawijaya Col. Agum Gumelar Col. Sang Nyoman Suwisma Balinese RPKAD ? 14 x 94- (11.5 months) Deputy Commander, Kopassus

Korem 044 Garuda Dempo (Serong) Col. Saifudin ? ? Infantry/Intelligence 15 vii 93- (26.5 months) Assistant for Intelligence to Chief of Staff, Kodam VIII Trikora Col. Siswanto

Kodam III/Siliwangi ()

Commander, Kodam III/Siliwangi Maj. Gen. Muzani Syukur b. Nov. 5,1943 in Muara Baru, W. Sumatra, Minangkabau AMN 6,1965 RPKAD 29 iii 93-16 iii 95 (23.5 months) Deputy Assistant for Operations to Army Chief of Staff Maj. Gen. R. Nuriana Maj. Gen. Tayo Tarmadi b. March 7,1943, in Krawang, Sundanese AMN 7,1966 Infantry 16 iii 95- (6.5 months) Chief of Staff, Kodam VII Wirabuana

Chief of Staff Kodam III/Siliwangi Brig. Gen. Suwarno Adiwijoyo b. Apr. 21,1942, in Banyuwangi, Javanese AMN 7,1966 Infantry c. 2 viii 93-15 iii 95 (19.5 months) Commander, Korem 032 Padang Brig. Gen. Syamsir Siregar Military Data 131

Brig. Gen. Rahmat H.S. Mokoginta b. Sept. 20,1942, in Sukabumi, Bolang-Mongondouw (N. Sulawesi) AMN 6,1965 Infantry 15 iii 95-c. 22 viii 95 (5.5 months) Commander, Army Officer Candidate School (Secapa) Brig. Gen. Soemardi Javanese AMN 11,1970 Infantry c. 22 viii 95- (1 month) Commander, Kostrad 2nd Infantry Division

Korem 061 Suriakencana (Bogor) Col. Sulyana WH b. 30 xii 1943 in Sumedang, Sundanese AMN 7,1966 Infantry 7 iii 92-18 xii 93 (21.5 months) Staff Officer, Personnel Section, Army Headquarters Col. Suwignyo Col. Soetiyoso Javanese AMN 11,1970 RPKAD 18 xii 93-12 xii 94 (12 months) Deputy Commander, Kopassus Col. Sjahrir MS ? AMN 12,1971 RPKAD 12 xii 94-6 v 95 (4.5 months) Assistant for Territorial Affairs to Chief of Staff, Kodam Jaya Col. Sjafrie Sjamsoedin ? AMN 15,1974 (?) RPKAD 6 v 95- (5 months) With Presidential Security Squad

Korem 062 Tarumanegara (Garut) Col. Drs. Rusdji Asoza b. Dec. 23,1943 in Linggau AMN 7,1966 Infantry 10 x 92-2 ii 94 (15.5 months) Assistant for Personnel to Chief of Staff, Kodam III Siliwangi Col. Agus Syam Col. Sumarno b. Oct. 1,1944, in Solo, Javanese ? Infantry 2 ii 94-c. 15 viii 95 (18.5 months) Assistant for Planning and Budgeting to Chief of Staff, Kodam VII Wirabuana 132 The Editors

Col. Adam Rachmat Damiri 7 ? Infantry c. 15 viii 95- (1.5 months) Commander, Core Infantry Regiment, Kodam IX Udayana13

Korem 063 Sunan Gunung Jati (Cirebon) Col. Budi Harsono Javanese ? Infantry 16 vi 93“? (by 22 ii 95) previously Assistant for Territorial Affairs to Chief of Staff, Kodam III Siliwangi Col. Hari Sabarno Col. Djoko Mulyono Javanese ? Infantry ? (by 22 ii 95)-18 v 95 Assistant for Territorial Affairs to Chief of Staff, Kodam III Siliwangi Col. Azrai Kasim 7 7 Infantry 18 v 95“ (4.5 months) Commander, Core Infantry Regiment, Kodam III Siliwangi

Korem 064 Maulana Yusuf (Serang) Col. Dedem Ruhlia b. 24 x 1945 in Garut, Sundanese AMN 7,1966 Cavalry 25 xi 92-14 xii 93 (13.5 months) With Armed Forces Staff and Command School Col. H. Saifullah Abdul Rahman Col. Deddy Sudarmadji Javanese? 7 Infantry 14 xii 93-2 vi 95 (17.5 months) Assistant for Logistics to Chief of Staff, Kodam VI Tanjungpura Col. R.A.N. Tanudjiwa Javanese? 7 Infantry 2 vi 95- (4 months) Assistant for Territorial Affairs to Chief of Staff, Kodam I Bukit Barisan

13 He served as Commander, Kostrad 3rd Infantry Brigade, before being promoted to Commander, Core Infantry Regiment, Kodam IX Udayana. Military Data 133

Kodam IV/Diponegoro (Central Java)

Commander, Kodam IV/Diponegoro Maj. Gen. Soeyono Javanese AMN 6,1965 Infantry 3 v 93-10 iii 95 (22 months) Chief of Staff, Kodam II Sriwijaya Maj. Gen. Soerjadi Maj. Gen. Yusuf Kartanegara b. Nov. 11,1943, in Ciamis, Sundanese AMN 7,1966 ? 10 iii 95- (7 months) Chief of Staff, Capital Garrison14

Chief of Staff, Kodam IV/Diponegoro Brig. Gen. Abdul Muis Lubis Mandailing Batak AMN 6,1965 Cavalry 5 viii 93-6 iii 95 (19 months) Deputy Commander, Army Education Development Center Brig. Gen. Budi Sujana Brig. Gen. Djoko Subroto Javanese AMN 11,1970 Infantry 6 iii 95- (7 months) Commander, Korem Oil Lhoseumawe15

Korem 071 Wijayakusuma (Purwokerto) Col. Andi Subur Abdullah Buginese ? Infantry 28 viii 93-22 viii 95 (24 months) Assistant for Logistics to Chief of Staff, Kodam IV Diponegoro Col. Soenarto Col. Lintang Waloejo Javanese AMN 13,1972 Infantry

14 He served as Commander, Kostrad 8th Infantry Brigade; Assistant for Operations to Chief of Staff, Kostrad (1988-90); Commander, Korem 174 Ambon (1990-91); and Commander, Military Academy's Cadet Regiment (1991-92) before being promoted to Chief of Staff, Capital Garrison. 15 He served as Commander, Infantry Battalion 401 (1985-87); Commander, Kodim 1631 Manatuto, East Timor (1987-88); Commander, Kodim 0733 Semarang (1988-90); Chief of Staff, Korem 072 Yogyakarta (1990-91); Assistant for Territorial Affairs to Chief of Staff, Kodam IV Diponegoro (1991-93); and Commander, Core Infantry Regiment, Kodam I Bukit Barisan (1993-94) before being promoted to Commander, Korem 011 Lhokseumawe. 134 The Editors

22 viii 95- (1 month) Staff Officer, Directorate for the Development of Operations and Strategy, Sesko ABRI

Korem 072 Pamungkas (Yogyakarta) Col. Soeparman S. ? ? Infantry 29 x 92-? Officer seconded to Armed Forces Headquarters Col. Abdul Muis Lubis Col. Wahyu Hamidjaja Javanese ? ? ?-? (by 6 vi 94) Assistant for Social and Political Affairs to Chief of Staff, Kodam III Siliwangi Col. Y. Moeryono Javanese ? Infantry ? (by 6 vi 9 4 )-ll iv 95 ? Col. Susilo Bambang Yudoyono b. Sept. 9,1949, in Pacitan, E. Java, Javanese AMN 14,1973 Infantry 11 iv 95- (5.5 months) Assistant for Operations to Chief of Staff, Kodam Jaya16

Korem 073 Makutarama (Salatiga) Col. Djoko Sugiharto Javanese ? Infantry ? (by 13 x 94)-? Commander, Core Infantry Resiment, Kodam IV Diponegoro Col. Robert Sitorus Col. I.G.N. Mulyana b. in 1945, in Solo, Javanese Catholic AMN 11,1970 Artillery ?-8 viii 95 Head, Department of Struggle Philosophy, Sesko ABRI Col. Glenny Kairupan ? AMN 14,1973 Infantry 8 viii 95- (2 months) Deputy Commander, Korem 164 Dili

16 He served as Personal Staff Coordinator for Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces Gen. Edi (1992?-93) and Commander, Kostrad 17th Airborne Infantry Brigade (1993-94) before being promoted to Assistant for Operations to Chief of Staff, Kodam Jaya. Military Data 135

Korem 074 Warastratama (Solo) Col. Y.B. Wirawan Javanese 7 Infantry 6 xi 92-? (by xi 93) ? Col. Imam Soetopo Col. Djoko Javanese ? Infantry ? (by xi 93)-? 7 Col. Slamet Supriadi Javanese ? Infantry/Intelligence ? (by 18 v 95)- Assistant for Social and Political Affairs to Chief of Staff, Kodam IV Diponegoro

Kodam V/Brawijaya (East Java)

Commander, Kodam V/Brawijaya Maj. Gen. Haris Sudamo b. 17 vii 1941 in Pati, Javanese AMN 6,1965 Infantry 30 iii 93-11 iii 95 (23.5 months) Chief of Staff, Kodam Jaya Maj. Gen. R. Hartono Maj. Gen. Imam Utomo b. in Jombang, Javanese AMN 6,1965 7 11 iii 95- (6.5 months) Assistant for Personnel to Army Chief of Staff

Chief of Staff, Kodam V/Brawijaya Brig. Gen. Farid Zainudin Javanese? 7 Infantry/Intelligence c. 19 viii 93-7 iii 95 (18.5 months) Commander, Korem 162 Mataram (1990-1992) Brig. Gen. Imam Utomo Brig. Gen. Slamet S.T. b. March 5,1944, in Klaten, Javanese AMN 7,1966 Artillery 7 iii 95- (7 months) Director for Education, Army Education and Training Command (Kodiklat AD) 136 The Editors

Korem 081 Dhirot Saha Jaya (Madiun) Col. Sumama T. Javanese? ? Infantry 24 iv 91—? ix 93 (28.5 months) Officer seconded to Armed Forces Headquarters Col. Ahfas Mufti Col. Luhut Binsar Panjaitan Toba Batak Protestant AMN 11 (1970) Infantry ? ix 93-c. 26 v 95 (20.5 months) Director for Infantry Weapons Development, Army Infantry Weapons Center Col. Sutaji Javanese ? Infantry c. 26 v 95- (4 months) Assistant for Social and Political Affairs to Chief of Staff, Kodam V Brawijaya

Korem 082 Citra Panca Yudha Jaya (Mojokerto) Col. Suparyadi Javanese ? Infantry 28 ix 92-c. 22 xi 94 (26 months) 7 Col. Soeharto Col. Suwaluyo Javanese 7 Infantry/Intelligence c. 22 xi 94- (10 months) Assistant for Intelligence to Chief of Staff, Kodam II Sriwijaya

Korem 083 Baladhika Jaya (Malang) Col. Winamo Javanese 7 Infantry 23 i 93-4 viii 94 (18 months) Assistant for Personnel to Chief of Staff, Kodam V Brawijaya Col. Namoeri Anom Col. Marsigit Modjo b. in c. 1947, Madiun, Javanese 7 Infantry 4 viii 94-16 vi 95 (10.5 months) Commander, Infantry Educational Center Col. Affandi 7 7 Infantry Military Data 137

16 vi 95- (3.5 months) Assistant for Personnel to Chief of Staff, Kodam V Brawijaya

Korem 084 Bhaskara Jaya (Surabaya) Col. Sutarto S.K. Javanese ? Artillery 12 viii 92-2 ii 94 (17.5 months) Assistant for Intelligence to Chief of Staff, Kodam V Brawijaya Col. Imam Utomo Col. Soemardi Javanese AMN 11,1970 Infantry 2 ii 94-20 iii 95 (13.5 months) Commander, Core Infantry Regiment, Kodam Jaya Col. Syamsul Maarif ? AMN 14,1973 Infantry 20 iii 95- (6.5 months) Personal Secretary to Armed Forces' Commander-in-Chief

Kodam VI/Tanjungpura (Kalimantan)

Commander, Kodam VI/Tanjungpura Maj. Gen. M. Yacob Dasto b. Nov. 11,1941 in N. Aceh, Javanese AMN 6,1965 ? 28 vii 93-14 iii 95 (19.5 months) Chief of Staff, Kostrad Maj. Gen. Moetojib Maj. Gen. Namoeri Anoem S. b. Dec. 8,1942, in Tanjung Karang, Lampung, Sundanese? AMN 6,1965 Infantry 14 iii 95- (6.5 months) Chief of Staff, Kodam VI Tanjungpura

Chief of Staff, Kodam VI/Tanjungpura Brig. Gen. Namoeri Anom S. b. Dec. 8,1942, in Tanjung Karang, Lampung, Sundanese? AMN 6,1965 Infantry 5 ii 93-7 iii 95 (25 months) Commander, Korem 083 Malang Brig. Gen. M. Yunus Yosfiah Brig. Gen. Abu Husein ? ? ? 138 The Editors

7 iii 95- (7 months) Instructor, Seskoad

Korem 091 Aji Suryanatakusuma (Balikpapan) Col. E. Imam Maksudi Javanese ? Infantry 7 ix 92-11 ii 94 (17.5 months) Assistant for Territorial Affairs to Chief of Staff, Kodam II Sriwijaya Col. R. Adang Rochiatna Purwadirdja Col. Gunawan Koswara Javanese ? Infantry 11 ii 94-18 iii 95 (13 months) ? Col. Sutardjo b. Dec. 5,1942, Javanese AMN 7,1966 Infantry 18 iii 95- (6.5 months) Assistant for Operations to Chief of Staff, Kodam VI Tanjungpura

Korem 101 Antasari (Banjarmasin) Col. Supono Wagino b. March 9,1943, in Cimahi, Javanese AMN 7,1966 Infantry 8 v 93-28 ix 94 (17 months) Director, Army Territorial Center Col. Makmun Rasyid Col. Slamet Kirbiantoro Javanese AMN 12,1971 Infantry 28 ix 94-c. 16 vi 95 (8.5 months) Commander, Core Infantry Regiment, Kodam VI Tanjungpura

Korem 102 Panju Panjung (Palangka Raya) Col. H.A. Rivai b. Aug. 5,1943 in Soppeng, Buginese AMN 7,1966 Infantry ? ii 93-? iv 93 (2 months) Assistant for Operations to Chief of Staff, Kostrad Col. H.R. Gamadi Col. YayokoHS Javanese ? Infantry ? iv 93-22 iv 95 (24.5 months) Military Data 139

Col. Iryan Eddyson ? ? Cavalry 22 iv 95- (5 months) Assistant for Logistics to Chief of Staff, Kodam IV Diponegoro

Korem 121 Alambhana Wana Wai (Pontianak) Col. R.A. Butar-Butar ? AMN 8,1967 ? ? ix 92-? (by late 1993) ? Col. Budi Sujana Col. Mardiyanto b. Nov. 21,1948, in Surakarta, Javanese AMN 11,1970 Infantry ? (by late 1993)-15 iv 95 Head, Department for Tactics, Akmil Col. Suadi Atma b. 1948? Javanese AMN 11,1970 Infantry 15 iv 95- (5.5 months) Commander, Core Infantry Resiment, Kodam Jaya

Kodam VH/Wirabuana (Sulawesi)

Commander, Kodam VH/Wirabuana Maj. Gen. Tamlicha Ali b. in Aceh, Acehnese AMN 6,1965 Infantry 29 vi 93-13 iii 95 (20.5 months) Chief of Staff, Kodam VII Wirabuana Maj. Gen. Sofian Effendi Maj. Gen. Sulatin b. Aug. 8,1942, in Balikpapan AMN 6,1965 Cavalry 13 iii 95- (6.5 months) Chief of Staff, Kodam IX Udayana

Chief of Staff, Kodam VH/Wirabuana Brig. Gen. Tayo Tarmadi b. March 7,1943, in Krawang, Sundanese AMN 7,1966 Infantry ? vi 93-11 iii 95 (21 months) ? Brig. Gen. Tamlicha Ali 140 The Editors

Brig. Gen. Gunawan Koswara Javanese ? Infantry 11 iii 95- (6.5 months) Commander, Korem 091 Balikpapan

Korem 131 Santiago (Tomohon) Col. Sutrisno b. 17 viii 1943 in Kendari, Javanese AMN 7,1966 Infantry 23 ii 93-12 ix 95 (30.5 months) Assistant for Intelligence to Chief of Staff, Kodam I Bukit Barisan Col. Tedy Jusuf Col. Achmad Yahya ? ? Infantry 12 ix 95- Deputy Director for Guidance, Research and Development, Seskoad

Korem 132 Tadulako (Palu) Col. Haryono Javanese ? Infantry 23 iv 93-10 ii 95 (21 months) ? Col. Sukron Rosadi Col. Yosep Hutahuruk b. May 7,1947, in Banjarmasin, Toba Batak AMN 9,1968 ? 10 ii 95- (8 months) Commander, Core Infantry Regiment, Kodam VII Wirabuana

Korem 141 Toddopuli (Watambone) Col. Ruhyat Wiseso Javanese AMN 8,1967 Infantry 1 ix 92-23 vii 94 (23 months) previously Commander, Core Infantry Regiment, Kodam V Brawijaya Col. Ali Amran Sidik Col. Sartomo Javanese ? Infantry 23 vii 94-5 vi 95 (10 months) with Kodam V Diponegoro Col. E. Rangkuti Minangkabau? ? Infantry 5 vi 95- (4 months) Assistant for Personnel to Chief of Staff, Kostrad

Korem 142 Taroada Tarogaru (Pare Pare) Col. Sedarjanto b. April 4,1944, in Surabaya, Javanese AMN 7,1966 Infantry ? ix 92-c. 23 xii 93 (15.5 months) Director of Social and Political Affairs, Army Territorial Center Col. Sulatin Col. Prodjosoewojo Javanese AMN 8,1967 Infantry c. 23 xii 93-6 vi 95 (17 months) Director for Educational Guidance, Akmil Col. Harry Kosasih Sundanese AMN 12,1971 Infantry 6 vi 95- (4 months) Commander, Infantry Brigade 15 Kodam III Siliwangi

Korem 143 Haluoleo (Kendari) Col. D. Muchidin b. May 17,1945 in Cimahi, Sundanese ? Infantry 8 x 92-4 xi 93 (25 months) previously Commander, Core Infantry Regiment, Kodam VIII Trikora Col. Tayo Tarmadi Held temporarily by Pangdam VII Mayjen Tamlicha Ali. Col. T.A. Umboh Menadonese ? Infantry 14 i 94-2 ix 95 (19.5 months) Commander, Core Infantry Regiment, Kodam V Brawijaya Col. Syafei Nasution Mandating Batak ? Infantry 2 ix 95- (1 month) Commander, Core Infantry Regiment, Kodam VII Wirabuana

Kodam VIII/Trikora (Irian Barant and Maluku)

Commander, Kodam VIII/Trikora Maj. Gen. Tarub b. July 10,1942, in Malang, Javanese AMN 6,1965 RPKAD 142 The Editors

30 vi 93-15 ix 94 (14.5 months) Commander, Kopassus Maj. Gen. E.E. Mangindaan Maj. Gen. I Ketut Wirdhana b. June 10,1942, in Denpasar, Balinese AMN 7,1966 Infantry 15 ix 94-12 ix 95 (12 months) Inspector for Operations, Armed Forces' Inspectorate General Brig. Gen. Dunidja D. b. 1945 (?) in Cirebon, Cirebonese AMN 8,1967 Infantry 12 ix 95- Deputy Assistant for Territorial Affairs to Army Chief of Staff

Chief of Staff, Kodam VIII/Trikora Brig. Gen. Rustam Kastor Minangkabau ? Infantry ? iv 93-19 iv 94 (12 months) previously seconded to Armed Forces Headquarters Brig. Gen. A. Pranowo Brig. Gen. Sridono b. Nov. 14,1944, in Surakarta, Javanese AMN 7,1966 Infantry/Intelligence 19 iv 94-12 vii 95 (15 months) Commander, Korem Oil Aceh Brig. Gen. Amir Sjarifuddin ? ? Infantry 12 vii 95- (2.5 months) Commander, Korem 174 Ambon

Korem 171 Praja Vira Tana (Manokwari) Col. Sangiang Makmur Siregar Sipirok Batak ? Infantry I v 93-11 vii 94 (14.5 months) Assistant for Operations to Chief of Staff, Kodam Jaya Col. Suwama A.F. Col. Amir Sembiring Karo Batak ? Infantry II vii 94-c. 9 vi 95 (10.5 months) Assistant for Operations to Chief of Staff, Kodam VII Wirabuana Col. Frans De Wanna ? ? Military Data 143

Infantry c. 9 vi 95- (4 months) Commander, Core Infantry Regiment, Kodam V Brawijaya

Korem 172 Praja Vira Yakthi (Abepura) Col. Makmun Basri ? ? Infantry 29 v 93-2 x 95 (28 months) Assistant for Operations to Chief of Staff, Kodam IX Udayana Col. Koentoro Col. I.G. Pumama Javanese Catholic ? Infantry 2 x 95- Assistant for Operations to Chief of Staff, Kodam III Siliwangi

Korem 173 Praja Vira Braja (Biak) Col. R. Suhama Javanese 7 Infantry c. 1 iv 93-? (by 15 ix 94) Commander, Core Infantry Regiment, Kodam III Siliwangi Col. Amir Perangin-Angin Col. Endiartono Sutarto Javanese ? Infantry ? (by 15 ix 94)-23 iii 95 ? Col. Ismed Yuzairi 7 AMN 12,1971 Infantry 23 iii 95-c. 28 vi 95 (3 months) Assistant for Operations to Chief of Staff, Kodam V Brawijaya Held temporarily by Pangdam Maj. Gen. I Ketut Wirdhana Col. Marlyn R. Nainggolan Toba Batak Protestant 7 Infantry 3 viii 95- (2 month) Instructor, Sesko ABRI

Korem 174 (Ambon) Col. T. P. Sihombing Toba Batak Protestant ? Intelligence / Infantry 7 v 93-29 vi 94 (14 months) 144 The Editors

With BAIS, ABRI Col. Aron Tambunan Col. Amir Sjarifuddin ? ? Infantry 29 vi 94-c. 16 vi 95 (11.5 months) Commander, Core Infantry Regiment, Kodam VIII Trikora Held temporarily by Pangdam Maj. Gen. I Ketut Wirdhana Col. Sudibyo Javanese ? Artillery I ix 95- (1 month) Assistant for Territorial Affairs to Chief of Staff, Kodam IV Diponegoro

Kodam IX/Udayana (Nusatenggara)

Commander, Kodam IX/Udayana Maj. Gen. Theo Syafei b. June 30,1943 in Ujungpandang, Butonese Protestant AMN 6,1965 RPKAD 31 iii 93-8 ii 94 (10 months) Commander, East Timor Operations Command Maj. Gen. Soewardi Maj. Gen. Adang Rochiatna Purwadirdja b. Nov. 24,1943, in Jakarta, Sundanese AMN 8,1967 Infantry/Intelligence 8 ii 94-11 ix 95 (19 months) Commander, Kostrad 1st Infantry Division Maj. Gen. H. Abdul Rivai b. Aug. 5,1943, in Soppeng, Buginese AMN 7,1966 Infantry II ix 95- Commander, Army Infantry Weapons Center

Chief of Staff, Kodam IX/Udayana Brig. Gen. Sulatin b. Aug. 8,1942, in Balikpapan AMN 6,1965 Cavalry 5 ix 92-6 iii 95 (30 months) Commander, Korem 142 Pare Pare Brig. Gen. Dahlan Effendi Brig. Gen. Lubis Mandating Batak ? Infantry 6 iii 95- (7 months) Chief of Staff, Kostrad 2nd Infantry Division Military Data 145

Korem 161 Wirasakti (Kupang) Col. C.M. Poemomo b. Feb. 10,1944 in Kediri, Javanese AMN 7,1966 Infantry 18 v 91-? xii 93 (31 months) Assistant for Personnel to Chief of Staff, Kodam IX Udayana Col. S.H.M. Lerrick Col. Eliza Hehamahua Ambonese Protestant ? Infantry ? xii 93-26 v 95 (17.5 months) Assistant for Territorial Affairs to Chief of Staff, Kodam IV Diponegoro Col. Tonny A. Rompis Menadonese Protestant ? Infantry 26 v 95- (4 months) Assistant for Operations to Chief of Staff, Kostrad

Korem 162 Wirabhakti (Mataram) Col. Suwandi b. May 11,1943, in Purworejo, Javanese AMN 7,1966 Infantry 24 viii 92-28 vii 94 (23 months) Assistant for Territorial Affairs to Chief of Staff, Kodam VI Tanjungpura Col. Farid Zaenuddin Col. Yudomo Javanese ? Infantry 28 vii 94- (14 months) Assistant for Social and Political Affairs to Chief of Staff, Kodam Jaya

Korem 163 Wirasatya (Denpasar) Col. Soentoro Javanese ? Infantry/Intelligence ? vii 93-24 v 95 (22.5 months) Commander, Korem 164 Dili Col. Ahim Abdulrahim Col. Agus Wirahadikusumah b. Oct. 17,1951, Sundanese AMN 15,1974 (?) Infantry 24 v 95- (4 months) Assistant for Operations to Chief of Staff, Kodam VII Wirabuana 146 The Editors

Korem 164 Wiradharma (Dili) Col. Johny Lumintang b. July 28,1947, in Menado, Menadonese Protestant AMN 11,1970 Infantry 20 vii 93-c. 31 viii 94 (13.5 months) Commander, Core Infantry Regiment, Kodam Jaya Col. Soentoro Col. Kiki Syahnakri Y.K. b. 1948 (?) in Krawang, Sundanese AMN 12,1971 Infantry c. 31 viii 94-27 v 95 (9 months) Deputy Commander, Korem 164 Dili Col. Mahidin Simbolon b. 1951 in Samosir, Tapanuli Utara, Toba Batak Protestant AMN 15,1974 RPK AD / Intelligence 27 v 95- (4 months) Assistant for Intelligence to Commander, Kopassus

Kodam Jaya (Greater Jakarta)

Commander, Kodam Jaya Maj. Gen. A.M. Hendro Prijono b. May 7,1945, Yogyakarta, Javanese AMN 8,1967 RPK AD / Intelligence 2 iv 93-14 xii 94 (20.5 months) Director, Directorate "A" (Internal Affairs), BAIS ABRI Maj. Gen. Kentot Harseno Maj. Gen. Wiranto b. July 7,1947, Yogyakarta, Javanese AMN 9,1968 Infantry 14 xii 94- (9.5 months) Chief of Staff, Kodam Jaya

Chief of Staff, Kodam Jaya Brig. Gen. Wiranto b. 7 vii 1947, Yogyakarta, Javanese AMN 9,1968 Infantry 1 iv 93-12 xii 94 (20.5 months) previously Presidential adjutant Brig. Gen. Haris Sudamo Col. Soetiyoso Javanese AMN 11,1970 Infantry / RPK AD 12 xii 94- (9.5 months) Commander, Korem 061 Bogor