Nikki is a Punk Rocker by Kat Candler

Candler Productions 512.771.5863 [email protected] INT. LAME RECEPTION HALL - NIGHT January 2011. Tallahassee, Fl. All girl punk band, RIFF RANDALL (late teens, prep school uniforms and ponytails) play awkwardly on stage in a birthday decorated reception hall. (The band’s not great. But they try to sound like The Donnas or a female version of the .) GRANDPARENTS hold their ears. PARENTS eat cake and LITTLE KIDS hide under tables. In a blue striped ponytail, and cat eye glasses AGNES PARKS (18) plays bass-- a young Annie Potts from Pretty in Pink-- wild outfits and crazy hair. SUNNY ARMSTRONG (17), a ditzy skater girl, with long blond hair and extra long bangs plays drums. Badass LEGS MCMURPHY (18) tall, super model beauty struts around on guitar. Lead singer, NIKKI PATTERSON (17), with long brown hair and heavy eyeliner nervously SINGS and plays guitar. A spray painted “Riff Randall” banner sags behind them. SKATER TEENS conspicuously drink wine coolers in the corner. SAM SILVERSTEIN (16), shaved head skater, short for his age (and probably picked on for it) stands at the edge of the stage bobbing his head. He’s their biggest fan. The song ends to a scattered APPLAUSE. NIKKI Thanks. This one’s for you, Sam. Happy Birthday! SUNNY (clicking drum sticks) One two three four! The girls PLAY. They fumble through a verse when-- --CHUNKS OF BIRTHDAY CAKE SMACK them in the faces-- --then crumble down their prep school shirts. 2.

The band STOP. The whole room stares. Little kids, skaters, grandparents-- Shocked, Nikki wipes icing from her face. Three CHURCH-DRESSED BOYS (12) giggle down front holding chunks of cake in their bare hands-- guilty. Beat. Legs throws her guitar down and JUMPS off stage. NIKKI LEGS! She grabs a BOY IN A BOWTIE and DECKS him. LEGS You little motherfu--

INT. JUNE’S OLD VOLVO - NIGHT PUNK plays from the car stereo as Nikki (birthday cake still in her hair) stares out the window at the passing lights. In the driver’s seat, Nikki’s once cool, now over protective mom, JUNE PATTERSON (37), wears a hand knit scarf and Converses-- she looks like a Gap ad. JUNE Yeah and after all the partying and stupid stuff we did-- and trust me, we did some mind blowingly stupid things-- Nikki goes back to her doodle of a PUNK PREGNANT JUNE WITH A CIGARETTE AND BEER in a worn composition book. The comic comes to life as June puffs from the cigarette. JUNE (CONT’D) --mind you, we didn’t beat the crap out of young boys-- nevermind, I take that back-- but y’know where my band left me? NIKKI JUNE (under her breath) Broke and pregnant. Broke and pregnant. JUNE (CONT’D) I just don’t want you wasting your last semester and that stunning GPA on some-- 3.

Nikki shuts the composition book. NIKKI As long as it didn't interfere with Scholar Bowl. Your words. JUNE You getting early admission into Cornell-- that’s a huge deal. Playing in a punk band-- not so much. Nikki rolls her eyes and goes back to the window. JUNE (CONT’D) Don’t- don’t do the whole teen angsty eye rolling thing. Nic- Nikki. Nikki turns. JUNE (CONT’D) Y’know just-- put the band on the back burner. We’ve got the campus tour coming up and mid terms and-- (sighs) Back burner. That’s all I’m asking.

INT. NIKKI’S BEDROOM - NIGHT Nikki puts her guitar picks on her night stand and her amp on her bedroom floor. It’s a lower middle class home. Her bedroom is a mix of band posters-- the Ramones, The Distillers, The Runaways, MC5, The Donnas-- anime posters, cartoon strips and a stack of Cornell financial aid forms. She picks up a small MANILA PACKAGE from her unmade bed and smiles. She rips it open and pulls out a CD. Scrawled in sharpie on front, “History of Punk Rock Mix #12. Love Dad.” Nikki presses “Open” on her CD player and sticks the CD in. She pushes it closed and presses “Play”. She flops on her bed and puts on huge, clunky headphones eyeing the play list on the CD cover. PUNK MUSIC BLARES through the headphones. A Ramones poster stares down at her from the ceiling. 4.

She stares at it for a second-- then lifts her middle fingers to the sky opens her mouth and lets out a silent scream. She kicks her legs in the air and throws a silent fit.


INT. NIKKI’S BEDROOM - MORNING In a ratty band shirt, jeans and black converses with neon pink laces (her daily uniform), Nikki practices guitar. She imitates Johnny Ramone’s guitar stance from a photo with a heart around it on the wall. She hops around her room. The DOOR KNOB JIGGLES. Nikki tosses her guitar to the bed. June opens the door. Nikki whips around-- NIKKI What?!? Can’t you knock, please? JUNE Agnes is here. Did you steal my graphing calculator? Nikki puts on a jacket and grabs her composition book. She slings a satchel around her chest, tosses a calculator to June and zips past her. JUNE (CONT’D) (calling out) Hey! That’s it? Maybe a hug? C’mon. June goes to shut the door-- when she eyes a FRAMED PHOTO on the dresser: a SID VICIOUS LOOKING GUY (early 20s) holding a BABY. She pulls the door closed.

INT. AGNES' HATCHBACK - MORNING Nikki slides into Agnes’ old beat up hatchback, held together by duct tape and band stickers. In a “Doris Day gone punk” look, Agnes pushes her cat eye glasses up and sips from a cup of coffee. MUSIC blares. AGNES Yours truly-- got in to UT. Put it here, Jesus! Agnes hi-fives a Jesus bobble head on the dash. 5.

NIKKI What? No. No Jesus hi-five. What happened to the New York plan? AGNES UT offered me a full paid scholarship-- towards my budding fashion empire. NIKKI Yeah, but-- we can’t be in a band when we live fifty thousand miles away from each other. AGNES (patting her on the back) Hate to burst the rock dream bubble, Nic, but-- we- are not that good. I'm sorry- just being realistic. NIKKI My dad says being realistic is for assholes who settle. Riff Randall doesn’t settle. Nikki Patterson doesn’t settle. AGNES Until her mom tells her to. NIKKI That’s not-- don’t say that. Agnes turns the music back up and starts the car. Nikki turns it down. NIKKI (CONT’D) What if we do make it? High School Band Night’s coming up-- I mean, what if somehow we get-- (punching Agnes’ shoulder) --and we’re not that bad. AGNES If we quote unquote - make it - like the Donnas “Lookout Records deal kinda make it” before, say, July-- I will put my life on hold to pursue a career in rock n roll-- cause I love you. Nikki grins from ear to ear and throws her fists in the air. 6.

I/E. AGNES' HATCHBACK, LEGS' TRAILER PARK - MORNING Agnes pulls into a trailer park and HONKS at the DOUBLE WIDE. AGNES Legs! A pick up truck SCREECHES to a halt behind Agnes' hatchback. Nikki and Agnes turn around. In the truck, behind them, Legs makes out with an older guy, DANNY (25) in a mechanic’s shirt. Nikki and Agnes cringe. Agnes HONKS. AGNES (CONT’D) We’re gonna be late! Legs hops from the truck in a tank top and panties under a long cardigan. She runs to Agnes’ car holding a duffel bag and a worn copy of “Wuthering Heights”. She shoves Nikki’s seat forward and slides in the back. LEGS Danny Hickman’s dick is huge. No effing lie. Crank the heat. NIKKI AGNES Legs! Seriously. I just ate breakfast. Legs blows a huge bubble with her gum as she pulls out jeans from the bag and proceeds to change in the car. LEGS (CONT’D) He’s all like, ‘I want to be with you forever, baby. We should get married.’ I’m like, “I’m 18. I’m not shacking up with a mechanic, asshole. I’m gonna be a rock star.”

I/E. AGNES' HATCHBACK, SUNNY’S HOUSE - MORNING Sunny’s checkered Vans hop up and down on the back bumper of Agnes’ car. A fedora on her head and skateboard under her arm, RAP BLARES through Sunny’s earbuds as she eats a pop tart, RAPPING OUT LOUD. From the car windows-- AGNES NIKKI Sunny, stop! Get in the car! Sunny, you’re making me sick! 7.

SAM Hey, Sunny! Sunny hops down as little Sam skates up, cigarette behind his ear. He pops his skateboard up. SAM (CONT’D) Look! For The Engine Room. I’m making one for you too. He unzips his mailman’s jacket to reveal a hand made “RIFF RANDALL ‘OREVER” T-shirt. Sunny pulls her earbuds out. SUNNY That’s so radical. AGNES C’mon you guys! SAM Oh shit, man-- the “F” fell off. He nervously rubs his hand over his shaved head. He’s so smitten with Sunny and she’s so clueless. SAM (CONT’D) AGNES (to Sunny) (from the car window) So Friday everyone’s going to People, I don’t wanna be Kona. You should come-- cause late. And no smoking in my like-- car! Sunny grabs the cigarette from Sam’s ear and tosses it. SUNNY Smoking kills. Legs sits in the car window mimicking Agnes-- LEGS People! No being late! No smoking in Agnes’ car! The “F” fell off.

INT. HAMPTON HIGH SCHOOL, HALLWAY - DAY The girls strut the school hallway with punk cool. They’re relatively invisible in the overcrowded public school prison. They walk under a limply hanging banner-- “Seniors Rule!!!” and past a flyer “High School Band Night - Win a Rock Tour!” A HAND rips it off. 8.

INT. CALCULUS CLASSROOM - DAY On the “High School Band Night” flier, Nikki sketches a COMIC OF RIFF RANDALL POSING ON THE COVER OF SPIN MAGAZINE. Nikki and Agnes sit at a long table with five other NERDY SCHOLAR BOWLERS. Nikki and Agnes clearly don’t belong. MS. LANDRY (40) a woman with a mullet and a SCHOLAR BOWL shirt paces the room holding a stopwatch. Students work on a calc problem. It’s already solved on Nikki’s scratch paper.

INT. THE ENGINE ROOM ALL AGES CLUB - NIGHT A sign hangs on the back wall, “HIGH SCHOOL BAND NIGHT!” The girls play on stage in a darkened all ages rock club, THE ENGINE ROOM: rock posters, TATTOOED BARTENDERS. A hundred or so HIGH SCHOOL KIDS including Sam and his friends bob their heads and conspicuously sip from a flask. Legs struts with her guitar. Nikki sings. They look good, but they don’t sound too good. SITTING AT THE BAR, DOROTHY (22), Betty Page black bangs sits by LEO THOMPSON a skinny, rat faced forty year old in a Minor Threat T-shirt. Dorothy glares at Leo, pissed. DOROTHY Brilliant idea, Leo. You’re a marketing genius. She gets up in a huff-- DOROTHY (CONT’D) What a complete disaster. --and leaves.

INT. THE ENGINE ROOM ALL AGES CLUB Leo holds the microphone on stage. Behind him THREE DORKY HIGH SCHOOL BANDS and Riff Randall fidget nervously. LEO And the winner of The Engine Room and Infinity Record’s High School Band Night is-- Riff Randall. SAM Yeah! 9.

The crowd CHEERS. The girls SCREAM, hug and then wait for-- LEO And as your prize, Infinity Records would like to extend an invite to join The Squid Monster on a Spring Break tour to perform in Atlanta, Pensacola, New Orleans, Houston and- (beat) --the SXSW Music Festival. The girls stare at him. LEO (CONT’D) --But if you guys can’t make it, we’ll totally understand. And then-- TOTAL TEEN GIRL FREAK OUT. More jumping, hugging-- RIFF RANDALL We’re going on tour! We got a tour!

EXT. MINIATURE GOLF COURSE, PARKING LOT - NIGHT Agnes' car is parked in an empty lot outside a closed miniature golf course, “Wacky Golf”.

EXT. MINIATURE GOLF COURSE - NIGHT Under the stars, Nikki and Agnes, still in their band uniforms, sit on a 4 foot replica of the NYC skyline. NIKKI Oh god, what if we’re not ready? Legs positions a golf club next to an empty beer can on the ground. Sunny stands beside her holding a 6-pack- now 5-pack. Sunny digs into a Cheesy Nips box under her arm. SUNNY This is like that moment, y’know? Like when Skip Engblom saw the Z- Boys skate for the first time and was like- those skaters are badass. Agnes eyes a nervous looking Nikki. AGNES How you gonna break the news to June? Can’t go on tour and visit Cornell at the same time. 10.

NIKKI Shit. Legs WHACKS the beer can and sends it flying. Sunny pops the tab of the next one and hands it to Legs. Legs chugs. SUNNY We’re gonna be like-- famous. Nikki hops down and lands on the Astroturf. Legs BURPS. NIKKI If we don’t come back with a record deal- next year- we split up. Legs places her empty beer can down. LEGS And I’m stuck here running the Wacky shithole Golf with my mom. Legs WHACKS the beer can. The girls sit silent. NIKKI Maybe it’s a sign. LEGS A sign we have a shit ton to do in a month. Record, T-shirts, practice- AGNES Not to be the voice of practicality here, but financially speaking- I mean gas, hotel, food-- recording? You’re mom’d kick your ass if you even touched the sacred college fund. And none of us are made of money. I mean, after I start the House of Agnes and my clothing line’s epic- different story, but-- They all stare at her. AGNES (CONT’D) We need money.

INT. JUNE’S BEDROOM - DAY Nikki kneels at the foot of a cheap Martha Stewart looking bed and pulls out a band sticker decorated box. She opens the latch and stares at a stack of old LPs: The Buzzcocks, The Pretenders, Ramones, Velvet Underground-- the mother load. 11.

INT. EIGHT TRACKS RECORD STORE - DAY Nikki and Legs stand at the local record store counter with manager, RON (50) a white haired ex-rocker. He sifts through a tall stack of CDs. RON One fifty for all these. Legs works her best puppy dog eyes. LEGS C’mon Ron. Ron. Ron, please. RON Best I can do, girls. Legs elbows Nikki. Nikki hesitates-- and then reaches in her satchel. She pulls out a stack of plastic wrapped LPs. Ron’s eyes light up. He sifts through the records. RON (CONT’D) Look at you, Nikki-- holding out on me. NIKKI They’re all in mint condition. She stares at the Ramones records and then grabs them. NIKKI (CONT’D) Actually, everything but these.

I/E. SUNNY’S GARAGE - DAY LOUD BAD PUNK MUSIC vibrates from Sunny’s open garage in an otherwise quiet, family neighborhood. Nikki, Legs and Sunny play, “Back It Off”. It’s rocky-- but better than anything else they’ve played. NIKKI (singing a refrain) Back it off! Back it off! A cassette RECORDS their practice on a boom box next to a lawn mower and little kid bikes. Sam sits on his skateboard in the driveway, air drumming. Nikki motions everyone to stop. 12.

NIKKI (CONT’D) I still think we need a crash after the d- d- d- d- part. In plaid golf pants and blond/brown chunky hair, Agnes lumbers up the drive with her bass and amp. AGNES Sorry, I’m late, guys. Hey, Sam. NIKKI (to Agnes) Being in a band-- means showing up on time. Agnes puts her bass down and pushes her glasses up. AGNES I figured someone should study for Langston’s Physics test. NIKKI June's picking me up soon. Legs sits on her amp. LEGS And I gotta go to work. NIKKI (to Agnes) This tour’s a really big deal. AGNES My scholarship’s a really big deal. Nikki rolls her eyes. Silence as Agnes plugs in her amp, pissed. Total tension. Sunny SLAMS on her drums. SUNNY Nikki's got a new song. SAM It’s cool. AGNES Must be epic. 13.

NIKKI (to Sunny and Legs) Did it feel kind of slow to you? Probably my fault. Nikki starts the GUITAR RIFF. Legs and Sunny join in. Sam plays his air drums. Agnes picks out a bass line. They’re finding the song. It’s catchy, until-- JACOB (7) in an astronaut suit tears out of the house. He runs up to the microphone, shoving Nikki out of the way. JACOB Rock rock rock rock rock rock! LEGS Yeah! Go Jacob! Sunny gets up and runs for her brother. SUNNY JACOB! You can’t-- Mom! Sunny’s mom, APRIL ARMSTRONG, (42), a sweet, pretty house wife, BABY on her hip, grabs Jacob. MRS. ARMSTRONG Sorry sweetie. Jacob, get inside. (to the girls) You guys need any snacks? Hi, Sam! AGNES LEGS No thank you, Mrs. Armstrong. We’re good, thanks. MRS. ARMSTRONG (CONT’D) So proud of you girls. (to Jacob) C’mon you. Nikki watches Mrs. Armstrong shuffle Jacob inside, jealous. NIKKI Ok, let’s go again. SUNNY One two three four-- They get a few verses in before-- June’s beat up Volvo pulls in the driveway and HONKS. LEGS Hail Hitler. 14.

Nikki slaps Legs as June steps out of the car. JUNE Nikki, study time. Hello, girls. Legs waves and gives a fake smile back at June. LEGS Hello Ms. Patterson! So lovely to see you. NIKKI (to her mom) Coming! (to Agnes) Everything’s riding on this tour. AGNES Why are you looking at me? Nikki unplugs her guitar and packs it up. The tape player continues to RECORD. PUNK MUSIC PLAYS from--

INT. NIKKI’S BEDROOM - NIGHT --Nikki’s bedroom stereo. June sits on Nikki’s bed- Nikki’s head in her lap. In a Cornell shirt, June pushes Nikki’s cuticles down. JUNE (eyeing her shirt) The shirt’s so cheesy it’s cool, right? NIKKI Do you think our band’s good? JUNE I think you guys have potential. NIKKI Cause, remember that high school band thing we won? Part of the prize was that-- ow, that hurts! JUNE You want me to paint your nails? 15.

NIKKI Mom-- I’m trying to tell you something. June gets up and exits the room. JUNE (O.S.) Keep talking. Cherry, blue or black? NIKKI Black! No Blue! JUNE (O.S.) Hey, did you get that Calc test back yet? You feel ready for the Physics test? Oh, I got the room booked for New York. Nikki throws a pillow over her face and SCREAMS into it. DRUMSTICKS CLICK INTO--

PREPPING FOR THE TOUR MONTAGE: 1) The girls practice in Sunny'S GARAGE. 2) In front of a GRAFFITI WALL, Sam takes BAND PHOTOS of the girls in their prep uniforms. He ZOOMS in on Sunny’s smile. 3) The band RECORDS with a TATTOOED BALD GUY in a decrepit house: make shift sound booths and a mixing room. 4) A physics test with an “F” slaps down on Nikki’s desk. MRS. LANGSTON (50) shakes her head, disappointed. A test with an “A” slaps down on Agnes’ desk. Agnes eyes Nikki, concerned. Nikki goes back to DOODLING RIFF RANDALL HANGING OUT A VAN WITH AT THE WHEEL-- everyone waves. 5) A box of plastic wrapped CDs rips opens. The girls stare, excited. Nikki smiles.

EXT. NIKKI’S BACK PORCH - NIGHT As Nikki talks on the phone outside, she threads blue laces through her converses. She sits on a lawn chair eyeing-- June grading papers in the kitchen. NIKKI (on the phone) Were you scared though? (MORE) 16. NIKKI (CONT'D) I mean, like, did you think you were ready? (laughs) Dad, c’mon. Be serious. Oh my god. But you know what I mean, right? -- Did you get our record? We sent it to Mendel Records too. We invited them to our SXSW show. (beat) Do you think we’re good enough? (beat, smiles) No, I haven’t asked her yet. She’s got this whole college thing planned and-- I don’t know, ugh-- (throws her head back) I know what she’s gonna say.

INT. NIKKI’S LIVING ROOM - NIGHT June gets up from the living room couch. JUNE No. Absolutely not. And when were you planning to show me this-- June holds up the Physics test. Nikki’s face falls. NIKKI Shit. JUNE An “F”, Nikki? Really? You see this- (pointing to her face) --this is what extreme disappointment looks like. Nikki gets up and grabs the test from June. NIKKI It was an off day. JUNE My college bound daughter doesn’t have an “off day”. NIKKI We have money. We’re paying for everything, hotels, gas, food-- JUNE The answer is no, Nicole. 17.

NIKKI You went on tour! JUNE When I was in college. NIKKI Yeah, I’ll be eighteen in November. JUNE And when you're 18-- at Cornell, you can do whatever you want. But while you're living in this house, under my embarrassingly low paycheck, you'll do as I say. And I say we’re going to New York. NIKKI Oh my god! This is like an epic opportunity. JUNE I said no! Nikki storms out of the room. NIKKI (O.S.) You think our band sucks! JUNE I never said that! NIKKI Dad said we should go. Because he’s cool. Unlike some people-- I won’t name names- who live in this house-- A door SLAMS from the hallway. JUNE (shouting) You did not just play the “cool” card! Cause I’m way cool thank you! June tears after her into the--

HALLWAY June stands jiggling the locked door knob. JUNE Open the door, Nicole. 18.

Silence. June BANGS on the door. JUNE (CONT’D) Open this door, right now. MUSIC BLARES THROUGH THE WALL.

IN NIKKI’S BEDROOM-- The door shakes. Nikki sits on the floor against it. NIKKI What do you think I’m gonna do? JUNE (O.S.) This is your future, Nikki. I’m not letting you blow everything we’ve worked for-- Can you turn that down! NIKKI Some of us don’t wanna grow up to be lowly math teachers! Dad had the guts to stick with his dream. JUNE Oh no. For your info, young lady, your dad-- the mythical “rock god”--

IN THE HALLWAY NIKKI (O.S.) --and I bet you made an “F” at some point in your life! June closes her eyes, leans her head against the wall. Beat. From under Nikki’s door an old photo slides out. It’s a YOUNG PUNK JUNE on stage playing bass. June picks it up. She flips it over. In pencil, “Mom in The Punkdrops 1993”.

INT. NIKKI’S KITCHEN - MORNING Nikki (earbuds in her ears) and June sit at the kitchen table. It’s an awkward, quiet breakfast. 19.

Finally, June pulls the earbuds from Nikki’s ears. NIKKI What? JUNE Okay. As in, okay you can go. Nikki lights up. NIKKI Are you serious? JUNE On two conditions. Nikki’s face falls. NIKKI Too good to be true. JUNE If you don’t land this “record deal”-- you go to Cornell-- no kicking, no screaming. NIKKI What’s the other awesome condition?

I/E. SUNNY’S GARAGE - DAY Legs paces Sunny’s garage back and forth, PISSED. LEGS No freakin’ way. No way. Uh uh. Sunny slumps behind her drums. Agnes sits on her amp, shaking her head. Nikki stands. LEGS (CONT’D) She’s not coming with us. She has a study chart for Christ’s sake! NIKKI It’s the only way-- And we stopped using the study chart in 8th grade.

EXT. NIKKI’S HOUSE - MORNING The girls line up against a MINI-VAN with a trailer hitched to the back. 20.

June paces in front of them. JUNE No boys. No cigarettes. And, yes, cloves count. No parties. No foul language. No alcohol. Specifically Boones. And lastly-- No pot. It’s a gateway drug. Trust me. LEGS Punk rock is about breaking rules, Ms. Patterson. It’s about DIY. June leans over Legs. JUNE Breaking my rules, Legs, darling, means cancelling the tour and coming home. You guys want to end this right here, right now? THE GIRLS No. No ma’am. Legs flashes a BAG OF WEED at Nikki and grins. Nikki’s eyes widen. Legs whips it behind her back as June passes. JUNE Well then, ladies! Load ‘em up.

I/E. MINI-VAN, I-75 - DAY In the driver’s seat, June heads up the I-75 highway. JUNE I brought some of Nikki’s movies. June fumbles her hand along the ceiling. JUNE (CONT’D) There’s a DVD player up there somewhere. Sunny flips through a Miyazaki DVD collection. SUNNY I love Miyazaki! LEGS Ponyo? Seriously? 21.

SUNNY Oh it’s so good. Basically, it’s about this little fish girl who-- Legs yanks the DVD from Sunny and tosses it on the floor. SUNNY (CONT’D) Hey! Legs puts earphones in and opens “Pride and Prejudice”.

IN THE FRONT SEAT Nikki sits shotgun doodling in her composition book a comic of HERSELF- GUN TO HER HEAD-- It shoots and she falls over. JUNE I can’t remember if I grabbed the first aid kit. Look for me. Nikki opens the glove compartment: First aid kit. Check. JUNE (CONT’D) I brought an extra toothbrush just in case someone forgot. Did you remember your retainer? Nikki rolls her eyes, unbuckles her seat belt and crawls into the backseat. JUNE (CONT’D) Nic, where you going?

EXT. CONVENIENCE STORE - DAY The mini-van's parked at a convenience store in the middle of nowhere. Trucks rush by. Families fill their gas tanks.

INSIDE THE MINI-VAN LEGS Seriously, her 3rd bathroom break? Sunny makes funny faces at a BOY IN AN SUV. SUNNY Do you pee a lot when you get old? NIKKI (to Legs) Get rid of the pot. 22.

Agnes glue-sticks magazine cut outs into a SKETCH BOOK filled with fabric swatches and fashion sketches. AGNES Up with hope, down with dope. Legs grabs Agnes’ cheeks and squeezes. LEGS Agnes-- just- live. Legs grins. Agnes pushes Legs away. Legs crawls into the driver's seat and grabs the wheel. LEGS (CONT’D) Hold on, people, I know how to hot wire a car. AGNES We’re not leaving Ms. Patterson at a Hoggly Woggly in- where are we? NIKKI Seriously, Legs if my mom finds pot we are so going home. June walks up juggling a grocery bag. JUNE Who wants power bars? I’ve got carrot sticks, pretzels, water-- Legs, get out of the driver’s seat. Sunny’s eyes light up. SUNNY Did you get my Cheesy Nips?

I/E. MINI-VAN, I-75 - NIGHT Sunny wipes orange crumbs from her mouth watching Japanese Anime on the DVD player. The other girls sleep or listen to their iPods. The sun sets. June exits the ramp marked “Atlanta”.

EXT. CLUB EARL, LOADING DOCK - NIGHT The mini-van pulls into an alley at the back of CLUB EARL. 23.

JUNE That’s the other band? A street lamp lights THE SQUID MONSTERS loading in equipment. They pull amps from a van with a giant hand painted squid. Dorothy (Betty Page bangs from the Engine Room) looks over. DOROTHY Great. The Girl Scouts have arrived. The other band members include: BIG RAY (22), guitarist, a big, bald guy of few words, ERIC (21), the super hot jackass drummer and dreamy bassist, TOM (20) in black rimmed glasses, a white V-neck and his signature red converse high tops. The girls and June hop out and stretch their legs. JUNE Mmm. Piss and PBR. Takes me back. In her Fedora, Sunny waves at The Squid Monster, excited. SUNNY Hi! We’re Riff Randall! Eric waves back, mocking her enthusiasm. ERIC Hi! We could give a shit. TOM (slapping Eric) Don’t be an ass. ERIC (to Tom) What? Eric looks over at June zipping up her hoodie sweatshirt. ERIC (CONT’D) And this must be mommy. June glares at Eric. JUNE I’m their manager. (re: Eric’s Sex Pistols shirt) Love the shirt. Did you get that at Target? 24.

Nikki grabs her mom, pulling her aside. NIKKI Mom, can you just not-- like talk-- to anybody. JUNE (sarcastic) I’m sorry am I embarrassing you? NIKKI Just-- we can unload our stuff, but- can you stay in the car? Or go back to the hotel. It’ll just make everyone nervous if you hang around. JUNE Nervous or embarrassed? (beat) No, fine. That’s fine. I’ll just be in the van, drinking my ensure and playing shuffle board. June walks back to the van, hurt. Tom walks over to Nikki. TOM Hey, sorry about Eric. He’s a dick. I'm Tom. Bass. She doesn’t take his extended hand-- or say anything. She hesitates, nervous. And then turns and walks to the van. Confused, Tom just stares at her. TOM (CONT’D) I’m just gonna-- stand here looking like an idiot.

BY THE SQUID MONSTER VAN LEGS Some fine craftsmanship. Legs admires the hand painted squid. Eric moves her away from the van. ERIC Don't touch the van, squirt. (smirks) What are you guys, like, twelve? 25.

She blows a bubble in his face. LEGS Eighteen. And legal.

INT. CLUB EARL - NIGHT Dorothy WAILS on the microphone. The Squid Monster sound check a SONG on stage. (The Squid Monster sounds like a female fronted Minor Threat, fast, loud and angry) Eric YELLS over the music at the SOUND GUY in the back. ERIC Can I get more snare? You’re making it sound like piss, man.

AT THE BAR The Riff Randall girls sip cokes. Sunny smiles. SUNNY (re: Dorothy) Heard she kicked a guy in the head at the free week show. So cool. Agnes elbows Sunny, eyeing a nervous Nikki. AGNES But you’re way cooler, Nikki. SUNNY Oh yeah, epically. Nikki stares at Dorothy, in awe. Legs swigs from a flask. LEGS She’s a fake ass bitch.

INT. CLUB EARL, GIRL’S BATHROOM Nikki lines her eye lid with heavy black eyeliner. Sunny combs her bangs. Legs loosens her prep school tie. Agnes adjusts her cat eye glasses. 26.

The toilet FLUSHES. June steps out. She washes her hands. JUNE (re: Nikki embarrassed) What? Sorry I had to tinkle. I’ll be in the van. Alone. Watching Cocoon. SUNNY About the old people? June pats Sunny on the cheek and gets halfway out the door before-- JUNE Remember- thank the sound guy. Just my two cents. She exits.

INT. CLUB EARL - NIGHT From the side of the stage, the girls in their prep school uniforms and black eyeliner stand nervous looking out at-- A large Atlanta ROCK CROWD sipping beers, chatting, waiting. NIKKI We can do this. AGNES Yeah. SUNNY Totally. The girls nod, uneasy. LEGS Eff it. Legs steps on stage. The crowd turns their attention. Nikki shyly moves to her guitar. The girls put their guitar straps around their necks. Sunny sits at her drums. Legs smacks her gum. HOOTS and WHISTLES as Nikki moves to the mic, nervous. NIKKI We’re Riff Randall. 27.

ATLANTA PATRON #1 You’re jail bait! LEGS That’s right! They take a second, tuning guitars, psyching themselves up. Sunny eyes the girls-- then-- SUNNY One, two, three, four! They get off to a rocky start. As Nikki moves to the microphone, feedback SQUEALS. Everything’s bad. Nikki gestures the band to stop. NIKKI Stop! Stop, you guys! (into the microphone) We’re gonna start over if that’s okay? The crowd LAUGHS and SNICKERS, restless.

JUST INSIDE THE LOADING DOCK DOOR June stands along the wall listening, cringing.

BACK ON STAGE A nervous Nikki nods to Sunny. SUNNY One, two, three, four! It’s still not good as they stumble through the song. ATLANTA PATRON #2 Go back to high school! The girls play through it, but the crowd talks over them. ATLANTA PATRON #3 You suck! Dorothy shakes her head, annoyed. Eric laughs. The girls ignore it. A FEW GUYS throw middle fingers at them. Finally, Nikki steps up to the microphone-- 28.

NIKKI KISS OUR ASS YOU SHITHEADS!!! The other girls whip around. Tom’s mouth drops. Nikki goes back and WAILS on her guitar. Not good, but LOUD.

FROM JUST INSIDE THE LOADING DOCK DOOR June crouches in the hall, in shock. Then the shock-- turns into a grin.

BACK ON STAGE In her own little world Nikki shreds the guitar until-- ATLANTA PATRON Go back to grade school, bitches!!! Out of nowhere, a WOODEN CHAIR flies through the air and KNOCKS Nikki into the drums. She falls to the floor. BAM. Nikki lies on the ground staring at the ceiling, disoriented. She listens to the whispers and the BOUNCER tossing the CHAIR THROWER out. ATLANTA CROWD (ad lib) That’ll hurt. They’re like in junior high. Is she crying?. A few tears fall down Nikki’s cheek. AGNES You okay? Nikki barely nods. Agnes reaches down and helps her up. AGNES (CONT’D) Don’t listen to those assholes. Avoiding the audience, Nikki takes a second. But she can’t fight the tears-- She takes her guitar off, sets it down and walks off stage. The crowd CHEERS.

INT. MINI-VAN, CLUB EARL, LOADING DOCK - NIGHT. In the backseat of the mini-van, knees to her chest, Nikki hangs on the phone. 29.

MALE VOICE (O.S.) Cause when the bottles come out, Nic, you just start duckin’, y’know? You gotta keep going. Nikki stares dazed and sad. NIKKI (on the phone) Yeah. I know. Something catches her eye through the van window. NIKKI (CONT’D) (on the phone) Shit, I gotta go. I’ll call later. She hangs the phone up as the van door slides open. June stands there super upset. JUNE This whole thing was a bad idea. I wanna take you girls home. Tom walks up to the van. TOM (to Nikki) Hey Nikki, you okay? Nikki pushes her way out the van past her mom and Tom. NIKKI I’m fine. (to June) We’re not going home. TOM Everyone’s packing up. You want me to get your stuff? I’ll grab it if-- NIKKI I got it. As Tom follows Nikki. JUNE (to Tom) Hey, you-- you with the bad Star Trek tattoo. What’s your name? TOM Tom. 30.

JUNE You and Johnny Rotten in there-- stay away from my girls.

INT. MID-SIZE ATLANTA HOTEL ROOM - NIGHT June opens the door to a hotel room: two double beds, faded 70s wall paper, AC wall unit. Agnes dive bombs the bed. Sunny turns on the TV-- SUNNY Cable! (to June) My mom doesn’t let us have cable! Cause my little brother and porn channels. Ooh, Cartoon Network! JUNE I wanna see brushed teeth and clean faces in bed in the next half hour. Legs shoots a finger gun in her mouth.

INT. MID-SIZE ATLANTA HOTEL ROOM - LATER The room is pitch dark. The AC unit HUMS. The alarm clock reads, “2:34am”. FOUR FEET tip toe over a sleeping June on the floor. A HAND turns the door knob carefully. The door cracks open slowly. It CREAKS. JUNE (O.S.) Uh uh. No ma’am. Go back and put your PJs on. Both of you. Legs and Sunny stop dead in their tracks all dolled up. LEGS You can’t keep us locked in here. You’re not our mother! June stands up and goes to the door. 31.

JUNE I am on this trip, ladies. And I won’t have you girls sneaking out at three in the morning doing god knows what looking like-- that. Not you, Sunny, you look presentable, but Legs I hope your mother taught you better. LEGS My mom lets me do whatever I want. June turns the dead bolt, and hangs the chain. JUNE Well your mom’s not here is she? LEGS God!!! No wonder Nikki thinks you’re a bitch. Legs storms to the bathroom. SUNNY She doesn’t think you’re a-- I mean- LEGS (O.S.) Yes, she does! The bathroom door SLAMS. LEGS (O.S.) (CONT’D) THIS SUCKS!!! SUNNY It was her idea. JUNE I’m sure it was. SUNNY (to Legs) Hey Legs, let me in, I have to pee! The bathroom door opens, Sunny goes in and the door shuts. From under the covers, Nikki squints at her mom-- June crouches against the door, head in her hands trying to shake it off. Beat. June lifts her head and eyes Nikki-- who pretends to sleep. 32.

EXT. MID-SIZE ATLANTA HOTEL - MORNING In the morning sun, Legs, Sunny and Agnes load their suitcases in the mini-van. Sunny’s on the phone. SUNNY (on the phone) --No, Sam, it was cu-razy. Nikki like screamed-- “Kiss our ass you-- Through a glass window, June turns in the hotel key.

AROUND THE CORNER Nikki's on the phone in an old Ramones T-shirt and jeans. NIKKI (on the phone) We’re hoping Mendel Records could come to our SXSW showcase-- Is she available? -- Yes, ma’am. Can you tell her I called-? AGNES Who you talking to? Nikki slaps her hand over Agnes' mouth. Agnes’ got her Edie Sedgwick look going on-- NIKKI (on the phone) Nikki Patterson-- Thank you. Nikki takes her hand from Agnes’ mouth and flips her phone shut. Agnes looks hopeful- waiting. Nikki shakes her head. NIKKI (CONT’D) Just the assistant. Agnes’ face falls. AGNES Well, obviously, they haven’t heard our wicked awesome metal jam in E. Agnes and Nikki bust out their air guitars and screeching guitar sounds. They look completely ridiculous.

EXT. HIGHWAY TO PENSACOLA The MINI-VAN cruises down the highway. 33.

From the back window Sunny tapes a hand written sign, “Help Us. Kidnapped by Rock N Roll!”

I/E. MINI-VAN, HIGHWAY TO PENSACOLA - LATER From the back seat Legs finishes “Pride and Prejudice”. Nikki sketches a DREAMY LOOKING TOM WITH HIS RED HIGH TOPS. JUNE Nikki and I, we used to play on road trips, remember that? Agnes places Post-It markers in her Italian Vogue. SUNNY I wanna play. LEGS We’re not eight. JUNE Yes, Legs, I know. I just thought it’d be fun to-- LEGS It’s not. Okay? JUNE (under her breath) Suit yourself. Sunny moves to the front seat chomping on pretzels. SUNNY I wanna play Ms. Patterson. JUNE Well alright, just park your-- SUNNY (points) “A” for Arbys. JUNE Wait, we didn’t-- SUNNY “B” is for Bennigans. AGNES You gotta wait for her to say, “go”. 34.

Sunny looks over at June, anxious, like a puppy. JUNE Okay-- go.

EXT. TRAILER PARK, PENSACOLA - DAY The mini-van pulls into a run down TRAILER PARK in Pensacola. Dogs run loose and little kids ride BMX bikes. LEGS (pointing out the window) That’s it. There she is. June pulls the mini-van to the side of the road. Legs' AUNT JOLYN (40s), Hells Angels shirt, beer, and badly bleached hair, sits in a lawn chair and puts a book down. JOLYN Where’s my little Ewok? Get your butt out here. There she is! Legs opens the side door. Jolyn wraps her arms around Legs, tears in her eyes. JOLYN (CONT’D) Ooh I missed you so much! LEGS I missed you too. Mom says hello. Are you crying? JOLYN No. The girls step out of the van. Jolyn wipes her tears. JOLYN (CONT’D) Look at you smokin’ hot ladies! June turns the corner putting keys in her pocket. JOLYN (CONT’D) You must be June. Bless your heart, I bet you could use a stiff drink. JUNE I’m good. But thank you. JOLYN Let’s get you ladies settled in. 35.

EXT. BEACH - DAY Bundled in sweaters and jackets, Sunny, Agnes, Legs and Nikki trudge down the dunes to the beach. Jeans rolled up, holding their shoes, they carry a radio and blanket. Sunny wears her camera and red heart shaped sunglasses.

A GOOD TIMES BEACH MONTAGE: 1) Sunny takes photos of the girls kicking water up. FLASH. 2) The girls play “keep away” with Sunny’s fedora. FLASH. 3) They dance, do cartwheels, chase seagulls. FLASH. 4) Nikki wears Agnes’ cat eye glasses hugging Agnes. FLASH. 5) Snow angels in the sand. FLASH 6) Nikki throws her hand in front of the camera trying to check her phone for messages. FLASH. 7) Legs and Agnes snag Nikki’s phone. FLASH 8) All four girls pose for the camera on a rock. FLASH

LATER ON Sunny makes the Riff Randall logo with seashells. SUNNY Sand tastes gross. Nikki and Agnes sit on a blanket listening to the CD PLAYER. Legs rolls joints from her bag of weed. NIKKI It’s a dumb question. SUNNY Legs is asking like actual tongue, balls, BJ. AGNES She’s never given one. NIKKI I don’t tell you everything. AGNES You do so tell me everything. 36.

LEGS Hey Sunny, is Sam hot in bed? SUNNY Gross! He’s little. You didn’t have sex with him, did you? LEGS I don’t screw high school boys. NIKKI Can we talk about something else? LEGS Okay, virgin. NIKKI I’m-- saving myself. AGNES Johnny Ramone’s dead. NIKKI Well, so is Jesus- but people still marry him. SUNNY That’s kind of weird. Sunny takes a photo of her seashell logo. Legs grabs a B-12 vitamin bottle from her bag. LEGS (to Nikki) But you haven’t even sucked a dick. Nikki covers her ears and gets up. NIKKI La la la la la la la-- Nikki walks away, flipping her phone open. LEGS (yelling at her) And you can’t screw a dead guy! Legs dumps the vitamins onto the sand. She stuffs her joints into the vitamin bottle. 37.

EXT. JOLYN’S TRAILER, BACK YARD In sunglasses, Jolyn and June lie in lawn chairs. Jolyn sips a beer as a DOG sniffs the Styrofoam beer cooler next to her. JOLYN Go on, git! Randy, call your dog! Across the way, RANDY (30) whistles and the dog takes off. Jolyn digs out a JOINT and lights it. She holds it for June. JOLYN (CONT’D) Four teen girls in a van for a whole week-- June hesitates- JUNE Do not tell the girls. JOLYN My lips are sealed. June takes a drag.

EXT. BEACH - LATER On the blanket, Legs inhales from a joint. Sunny makes designs in the sand with the vitamins. AGNES --no, June was nineteen when she got pregnant. She was twenty when she actually had Nikki. Nikki’s further down the beach talking on the phone. SUNNY I’ll be nineteen in October. Legs passes the joint to Sunny. AGNES June got preggers when her band toured with Nikki’s dad’s. SUNNY Ms. Patterson was in a band? AGNES Seriously? Dude, she played bass. 38.

Sunny takes a drag. SUNNY I knew she was rad. AGNES And Nikki’s dad’s a rock god. Sunny passes the joint to Agnes. Agnes shakes her head. LEGS June’s an uptight devil bitch. And just cause she drunkenly failed to use protection 17 years ago doesn’t mean she can take it out on us. Jesus, Agnes, just smoke it. Do something, just freakin’ live. Agnes glares at Legs. AGNES You swear to shut up about it? Legs crosses her heart. Agnes grabs Legs’ flask. Eyeing Legs, Agnes chugs it down. Legs throws her hands in the air. LEGS Yeah!

INT. PENSACOLA ROCK CLUB, GIRL’S BATHROOM - NIGHT Agnes pukes in a nasty bathroom. Nikki holds her hair back. NIKKI You’re gonna be okay, Agnes. We can cancel if-- She hurls some more. AGNES No, I got it. I’ll be fine. I just-- She hurls again. Nikki looks over at Legs, worried. Legs fixes her “Fabulous Stains” inspired punk look in the mirror. LEGS (grinning) Jesus Agnes, alcohol free is the way to be. 39.

AGNES Screw you, shit-tard. (to Nikki) I love you, Nikki. NIKKI I love you too, Agnes. AGNES You’re my best friend. If I die-- NIKKI You’re not dying, Agnes. SUNNY We can ask Tom if he can fill in--? AGNES No! Did Vivienne Westwood give up? SUNNY I don’t know who that is. Agnes wipes her mouth, puts her glasses on and sits back. AGNES I got this. LEGS You’ve got throw up in your hair.

INT. PENSACOLA ROCK CLUB - NIGHT The band PLAYS, keeping a worried eye on Agnes who sits on her amp, pale and sickly. Her glasses slip down her nose. The half packed crowd listens respectfully. Probably cause of the ten or so HELLS ANGELS standing with Jolyn. JOLYN Work it, girls! Woo!!! A few feet tap to the beat. They’re getting a little better. Legs plays guitar, super sexy. She makes flirty eyes with Eric who stands at the bar with Big Ray sipping a beer. Eric raises his glass to Legs. ERIC (to Legs) YEAH! (to Big Ray) They suck so bad. 40.

June mans the merchandise table, sneaking sips of beer. An OLD DRUNK DUDE, beer in hand, climbs on stage, stumbling. OLD DRUNK DUDE Down with teenyboppers! He air guitars along with the girls. A burly Hells Angel, JIM (40) YANKS the drunk guy from stage and FLINGS him against a wall. The girls slow down. Everyone turns as Jim PUNCHES him. JIM Be-- respectful-- dickhead. The girls stop playing. Jim drags the bloody guy to the door and tosses him out. Jim turns to Riff Randall-- JIM (CONT’D) Sorry ‘bout that. Continue. Legs blows a huge bubble that POPS.

LATER From the crowd, Nikki watches-- The Squid Monster play an awesome set. Dorothy struts around in a 60s prom dress and combat boots WAILING on vocals. Teens dive bomb from the stage, crowd surf. Fists pump in the air. Big Ray's in his own world on guitar. Eric slams the drums. Tom looks at Nikki and smiles. He’s really cute up there. She stares at him. So dreamy.

INT. JOLYN’S TRAILER, JOLYN’S BEDROOM - NIGHT THROUGH THE POV OF A CRACKED DOOR: June SNORES under a puppy dog quilt in Jolyn’s water bed. A freshly showered Nikki carefully pulls the door shut.

JOLYN’S TRAILER, LIVING ROOM Nikki turns and glares at Legs. LEGS What? A little slip of Lunesta never hurt anyone. 41.

Jolyn and Jim watch a COP SHOW on TV. Jim wears a “too small for his belly” Riff Randall shirt sipping a beer. Agnes sleeps on the floor. Sunny stands by the door, anxious. SUNNY C’mon you guys. JOLYN Eyes on me girls-- look at me. No one comes home bloody, broken, or pregnant-- y’hear me? Legs salutes Jolyn.

INT. THE SQUID MONSTER VAN - NIGHT Sunny, Legs and Nikki pile into The Squid Monster van. Nikki squeezes next to Tom. TOM Hey. She opens her mouth to respond, but nothing comes out. She turns and stares out the window. DOROTHY Are the Power Puff Girls having fun on tour? Dorothy eyes Eric. They start laughing. SUNNY Yeah. It’s super fun! They laugh even harder. ERIC Super duper fun! TOM Shut up, you guys.

INT. RUN DOWN PENSACOLA HOUSE, LIVING ROOM - NIGHT A SHIRTLESS METAL BAND ROCK OUT in the living room of an old run down house. Kids drink, smoke and get wasted. Sunny’s in the mosh pit holding her own. 42.

EXT. RUN DOWN PENSACOLA HOUSE, BACK YARD - NIGHT A bonfire rages in the big backyard-- a keg in one corner, skaters skate an empty pool and RED NECK PUNKS are everywhere. TWO GUYS WITH BEARDS set off cheap firecrackers. DRUNK GRUNGE KID Man, you just thrashed tonight. You thrash, man. Like wa, wa, wa-- Nikki sits in a folding chair with a DRUNK GRUNGE KID (16). DRUNK GRUNGE KID (CONT’D) Like Sum 41 or some shit. You guys should get on the Warped Tour. You heard that band Tar Trap? NIKKI My dad says everything after Jawbreaker’s Unfun sucks. DRUNK GRUNGE KID Nah man, they’re like- He annoyingly air guitars in her face. She rolls her eyes.

UNDER A TREE Eric holds out two BLUE PILLS to Legs. She grins and takes them. She washes them down with a bottle of Vodka. He roughly pushes her against the tree. She smiles, then kisses him, hard.

BACK BY THE BONFIRE-- The drunk kid continues to air guitar in Nikki’s face. TOM (O.S.) Hey, Kurt Cobain. Nikki looks up to see Tom standing over them. TOM (CONT’D) Scram. DRUNK GRUNGE KID Ah man, Squid Monster! Tom sits down. The kid disappears. 43.

TOM Hey. NIKKI Hey. TOM So where'd you learn to shred your guitar? He mimics the drunk kid. Nikki glares at him, confused. NIKKI Are you making fun of me? TOM I was making fun of Sum 41. NIKKI Girls can play guitar, y’know? TOM I did not say they couldn’t. I was seriously just wondering if you took lessons or learned on your own- She shrugs and stares at the ground. TOM (CONT’D) I’m sorry if-- do I smell--? He smells himself. She rolls her eyes and catches Sum 41 kid raising his beer at her. TOM (CONT’D) O-kay. Look, I can leave if you’re-- He gets up. She grabs a chunk of Tom’s shirt. He turns, eyeing her grip. He tries to step forward but she won’t let go and her chair leans forward a little. He smiles. NIKKI Please don’t go. TOM Nice weirdo.

NEAR THE EDGE OF THE BACK YARD - LATER The drunk kid stumbles through the yard up to the house party- until he trips and FACE PLANTS in the grass. 44.

Nearby, mostly clothed, and somewhat hidden by the trees Legs and Eric have sex in the grass.

EXT. RUN DOWN PENSACOLA HOUSE, TREE HOUSE - NIGHT Tom and Nikki sit across from each other in a kid decorated tree house. A crack of moonlight spills through the trees. TOM High school clubs? NIKKI You’re gonna laugh. TOM Never. Tom crosses his heart and gives a Boy Scout hand sign. NIKKI Secretary of the Anime club until last year and for the last 3 years-- (cringing) --Scholar Bowl. TOM No way! You’re in Scholar Bowl? She nods and he cracks up. TOM (CONT’D) That’s awesome, man! She pushes his shoulder. NIKKI See! You said- TOM (pointing to himself) Junior High Brain Brawl team. NIKKI You’re just saying that. Tom pushes his sleeve up to reveal a Star Trek tattoo. TOM Star Trek Fan Club since 6th grade. Nerd to the core. 45.

NIKKI You didn’t get that when you were in 6th grade? TOM Eighteenth birthday. I’m still in the fan club. I’m nerd central. She smiles to herself. NIKKI What’re you studying at school? TOM History. Minor in education. Back up to my thriving music career, I wanna brave the public school system-- all Stand and Deliver. NIKKI You’d make a really great teacher. TOM Thanks. What’s your back up plan? NIKKI Music’s the only thing I wanna do. Tom smiles. Awkward silence. He stares at her, sweetly enamored. Tom goes in for a kiss. Nikki leans in. They kiss, but it’s clumsy and weird, bumping heads. His glasses fall off. NIKKI (CONT’D) TOM Ow. Sorry. Ouch. She cringes, head in her hands, embarrassed. NIKKI (CONT’D) Shit. Putting his glasses back on-- NIKKI (CONT’D) You probably have tons of girlfriends. TOM Are you calling me a cheap whore? NIKKI No- I just. I don’t know. 46.

LEGS (O.S.) NIKKI!!!! Nikki looks down to see a half dressed, drunk Legs and Sunny waving emphatically. Legs holds a CARDBOARD BOX. LEGS (CONT’D) We's gots to go! Sunny decked some asshole-- SUNNY Some mean dude said Karen O sucked, so I said, suck my fist-- BAM. LEGS (lifting up the box) And we stole some party favors, so we gotta- hey, is Tom up there? MALE VOICE (O.S.) WHERE ARE THOSE BITCHES!? LEGS Seriously, guys, we gotta go.

I/E. MINI-VAN, I-10 WEST - DAY The van passes under a sign that reads “To New Orleans”. All the girls are fast asleep in the back except Agnes who cuts up magazines and glue-sticks them to her fashion book. The STOLEN CARDBOARD BOX jostles around in back. On the side of the box a label reads, “Dragon Fireworks Manufacturing”. Legs wakes up and squints at the front seat. June SINGS along and dances in her seat. Legs gets up, brushing her hair down. She moves to the front. LEGS How much further? JUNE Two hours maybe? LEGS (re: music) Who’s this? Nikki wakes up in back, yawning, stretching. 47.

JUNE This old LA band, X. Nikki moves to the front. NIKKI (yawning) My mom’s band The Punkdrops played with ‘em. LEGS Is that so? JUNE It is so. I was even pregnant with this one at the time. LEGS You guys must’ve been pretty good. JUNE (shrugging) Eh. We were the opening opening act. We were okay. NIKKI They were really good. LEGS Why’d you quit the band? JUNE The 401k sucked. LEGS Do you miss it? Beat. JUNE Yeah. I do. A lot sometimes. Nikki looks at her mom. Legs moves to the back. LEGS Too bad you’re old now. JUNE Yeah, too bad. But in the words of Patti Smith, “I like getting old”-- thank you. 48.

LEGS (yelling back) Who the hell’s Patti Smith? JUNE Study your history books, darlin’. Nikki moves to the front seat. JUNE (CONT’D) (to Nikki) How’s Agnes feeling, sweetheart? NIKKI Better. JUNE You’re not feeling sick are you? C’mere, lemme feel your forehead. NIKKI Mom! Stop. Jokingly, June grabs Nikki’s head and kisses it. JUNE Am I embarrassing you? Huh? Huh? Cause I just love you so much my little monchichi! Are you my little monchichi? Legs stares at them- jealous.

EXT. BOURBON STREET - DAY The girls wander Bourbon street sightseeing. Nikki lags several feet behind on her cell phone-- NIKKI (on the phone) This is Nikki Patterson again. If you could give me a call back. I think you have the number. Thanks. Agnes turns around from the group. AGNES (calling out) Nikki, get off the phone! June walks with Sunny, drumsticks in her back pocket. 49.

JUNE (to Sunny) You gotta play at the same intensity in sound check you’re gonna play on stage or else it’s all for not, y’know? SUNNY Yeah. That’s true. Nikki flips her phone shut and catches up with the girls. JUNE And if you guys really speed it up, you’ll get so much tighter. Drums are like the glue. June notices Nikki and puts her arm around her. JUNE (CONT’D) Just my two cents. NIKKI (O.S.) This one goes out to the great city of New Orleans!

INT. NEW ORLEANS DIVE BAR - NIGHT Riff Randall plays on stage in a crowded dive bar. It's a cramped space packed with NEW ORLEANS HIPSTERS. The girls go nuts on stage. Sunny slams the drums, tighter, faster. And it makes the band just a little bit better. From the crowd, Tom throws his fist in the air. TOM Scholar Bowl forever!!! Nikki jumps around stage really getting into it. They smile at each other having a blast. They’re cute and charming.

AT THE MERCHANDISE TABLE - LATER A HIGH SCHOOL KAREN O LOOK A LIKE (16) sits on a stool smoking with June while the bands switch out on stage. HIGH SCHOOL KAREN O LOOK A LIKE Me and my friend, Abby just started playing a few weeks ago. 50.

JUNE One little nugget of advice Lindsay. Rock n roll is all about fire. It’s mad, it’s unrelenting and it should hurt. HIGH SCHOOL KAREN O LOOK A LIKE Well, my dad’s a dick. He hates the whole thing. But whatever, I gotta be my own person, right? She blows smoke in June’s face. JUNE Well- he might have good reason for his reservations because sometimes, y’know being in a band can lead to-- HIGH SCHOOL KAREN O LOOK A LIKE --can you steal me a Riff Randall shirt? I don’t get my allowance for another week.

EXT. NEW ORLEANS DIVE BAR, PARKING LOT - NIGHT The girls and June wait by the mini-van in the empty parking lot. Nikki comes out the front door, bummed. AGNES Is it our “early retirement fund”? Nikki holds out the cash. NIKKI He only gave me fifty bucks. AGNES No. That’s not right. We’re supposed to get 1/3 of the door. June stews. She grabs the money and storms toward the door. JUNE (calling out) Wait here, girls.

INT. NEW ORLEANS DIVE BAR June’s in the CLUB OWNER’S FACE. The GIRLS PEEK in the door. 51.

JUNE And simple math- cause I’m a math teacher- tells me they earned more than $50. So if you hand over another $100, I'll refrain from calling the local PD and telling ‘em I saw you give beers to kids who were clearly not twenty one. He stares at her, cold. She grins. JUNE (CONT’D) Don’t mess with a mother, asshole.

INT. NEW ORLEANS MOTEL - NIGHT In their PJs, brushing teeth, the girls jump on the beds in a seedy motel room, excited. Nikki puts in her retainer. LEGS Don’t mess with a mother, asshole! SUNNY Yeah, asshole! June exits the bathroom in a green mask and old band shirt. JUNE Girls-- language. Agnes towel dries her freshly dyed purple hair. AGNES Oh my god, that was so bad to the ass Ms. Patterson. June puts a hug around Nikki’s shoulder and kisses her cheek. JUNE Runs in the family. Cornell recognizes Nikki’s bad-assness. At the mention of Cornell, Nikki wipes away the green goop from her cheek and her smile turns. JUNE (CONT’D) No one takes advantage of my girls! NIKKI We don’t need you to fight our fights. Nikki walks to the bathroom and SHUTS the door. 52.

June looks to Agnes. Agnes shrugs. AGNES Time of the month? Nikki’s phone RINGS. NIKKI (O.S.) I’m not on my period, Agnes! SUNNY Nikki you’re phone! Unidentified caller. Nikki swings the bathroom door open, grabs the phone. She goes back in the bathroom and shuts the door.

INT. NEW ORLEANS MOTEL - LATER The lights are out in the motel room. Everyone's fast asleep. Through the curtain a fluorescent light BUZZES onto Nikki’s face. She slowly wakes up, squinting. She looks around at all the sleeping bodies. Until she sees-- Legs' empty bed. She scans the room. NIKKI (loudly whispering) Legs? Legs!

EXT. NEW ORLEANS MOTEL ROOM Outside, on the second floor, under the BUZZING fluorescent light, Nikki stands in her pajamas wrapped in a cardigan. She sees Legs slide Eric's van door shut. Nikki shakes her head and turns to go back inside when she sees-- Tom sitting by the pool listening to his iPod. Nikki leans over the railing watching him. She takes her retainer out and slips it in her cardigan pocket.

EXT. NEW ORLEANS MOTEL, POOL Tom and Nikki dip their legs in the water. NIKKI Our room smells really nasty. Does yours? 53.

Nikki's pajamas are pulled up to her knees. TOM Kind of. Tom digs through his backpack and pulls out two CDs. TOM (CONT’D) Ok, so don't think I'm one of those amorous kinda guys. Cause I’m not. It's a long trip to New Orleans and the whole time I was thinking, “I wonder if Nikki’s heard MC5. Or I wonder if they like The Distillers?” NIKKI Brody Dahl’s a goddess. TOM Yeah. So I just whipped together- He hands her two CDs. They read “Nikki is a Punk Rocker Mix.” TOM (CONT’D) There’s some kick ass girl guitar players I thought you’d like. One CD’s the playlist for iTunes and the other just plays regular. Nikki scans the list of songs. NIKKI This is really awesome. Thank you. TOM Just the kinda guy I am. Beat. Nikki eyes the water. NIKKI This record label bailed on me. TOM Huh? NIKKI Mendel Records. They’re not coming to our show at South By. Basically she said we’re not good enough. TOM Who gives a shit about their crappy little label? They’re assholes. 54.

Nikki smiles to herself, charmed. NIKKI Do you like me or something? TOM Yeah. Course. I think you’re cool. NIKKI No, I mean more than just being in a band. More than like, “hey, we’re fellow musicians- awesome, cool”. TOM Yes. I like you. NIKKI Because I don’t want to be a groupie or a one night stand kinda thing. I don’t-- I don’t do that. Y’know what I mean? TOM You don’t want to hop in the van after Eric and Legs are done? Nikki stares at him, cold. TOM (CONT’D) What? I’m kidding! I’m totally kidding. I’m not like that. She softens. She stares into the pool. TOM (CONT’D) I’ve had three girlfriends in my 20 years. Becky Pudgins in sixth grade. Quite the hottie, contrary to her name. Sarah Reynolds who broke my heart after two years in high school. And, yes, I cried for a week straight. Don’t judge. And Squid Monster Dorothy last year. Ridonculous mistake. NIKKI Why? TOM Why was it a ridonculous mistake? NIKKI No, like-- why me? 55.

TOM Uh-- nice put me on the spot. Um-- I don’t know, y’know-- you’re a total weirdo. And I’m a big fan of weirdos. You seem like you have a good heart. And I bet you get that from your mom. Maybe your dad-? NIKKI My mom. I get my edge from my dad. TOM Yeah, cause when you get on stage-- you're badass. And it's super sexy. Beat. Nikki leans over-- takes off his glasses-- and kisses him. They make out for what seems like an eternity-- And then her HAND slowly moves down to his zipped up PANTS. She rubs his crotch, kissing his mouth. She unbuttons his jeans. He looks down and back up. He tries to stop her hand-- TOM (CONT’D) It’s okay. You don’t have to-- --But she keeps going-- pulling his ZIPPER down. Her hand slides into his pants-- rubbing-- rubbing. Tom MOANS more and more as Nikki kisses his neck, his lips. She leans over, her head moves down to his lap when-- SOMETHING PUSHES them in the pool. Legs and Eric stand there laughing, drunk, holding beers. TOM (CONT’D) You jackass! (to Nikki) You okay? LEGS Tom and Nikki sittin’ in a tree. B- L-O-W-J-O-B-- Eric throws Legs in. And then jumps in after her. NIKKI Are you guys crazy? Legs grabs onto Nikki. 56.

LEGS June will be so P.O.ed to find out her daughter’s a total slut! NIKKI Shut up! Get off me! Oh my god! Legs takes Nikki’s face into her hands and grins. Nikki rolls her eyes and smiles back. NIKKI (CONT’D) You’re a bitch. LEGS (grinning) I know. Nikki’s retainer floats in the water a few feet away.

I/E. MINI-VAN, I-10 WEST TOWARD HOUSTON - DAY June’s on the phone in a hushed tone, driving. JUNE (on the phone) I’m sorry. I’d just-- rather you respect my decision. The girls huddle IN THE BACK OF THE VAN. AGNES I want every dirty, dirty detail. SUNNY I want a boy to make out with- with lips that taste like strawberries. NIKKI My mom’s right- there. Legs slings her arm around Nikki. LEGS I can tell you one thing-- it was like make out city. (moaning and groaning) “Oh Nikki Nikki, right there. Grab my dick, ooh, yeah. Yeah!” The girls laugh. Nikki pushes Legs. FROM THE FRONT OF THE VAN-- 57.

JUNE (on the phone) Yeah, okay. I will. Bye. June flips her phone shut and looks back. JUNE (CONT’D) What are you girls giggling about? Nikki throws her hand over Legs' mouth. NIKKI Nothing! What’d he say? JUNE He’s playing a show in Dallas. He tried, Nic, but he just-- AGNES Who? NIKKI My dad. SUNNY The rock star?

I/E. MINI-VAN, I-10 WEST TOWARD HOUSTON - LATER A YOUTUBE CLIP PLAYS ON AN IPHONE: FRANK (38), Nikki’s hot rocker dad slams his drums in a punk rock band, PIT OF HELL. From the back of the van, Legs and Agnes play random clips. AGNES Click on “Memphis 2009”. LEGS Her dad’s like a total badass. From the front of the van-- Nikki rides shotgun listening to the tail end of the “Back It Off” practice tape. NIKKI I think we’ve gotten better, don’t you? JUNE (smiling) I do. Nikki smiles. 58.

Sunny reads her cell phone. SUNNY Hey! Aunt Jolyn friended us. Ninety- six friends on Facebook now! Bunch of Hells Angels. Aw, Sam says hi. Says he misses us. LEGS He misses you, Sunny. A horn HONKS from the cassette. NIKKI (to June) That’s you honking. Remember? FROM THE STEREO Sunny, Agnes and Legs keep talking. LEGS (ON TAPE) Hail Hitler. June raises an eyebrow to Nikki. NIKKI We were just being stupid, mom. Nikki FAST FORWARDS then PLAYS the tape again-- AGNES (ON TAPE) Nikki thinks we’re all gonna get famous and sign a record deal. Nikki stares at the stereo. Agnes perks up from the back. AGNES (ON TAPE) (CONT’D) It's like epically delusional. News flash to Nikki-- we suck. Agnes quickly moves to the front. AGNES (CONT’D) Turn it off. Nikki takes her hand away. NIKKI No, I wanna hear this. AGNES (ON TAPE) We can’t all get into Cornell then throw it all away. (MORE) 59. AGNES (ON TAPE) (CONT'D) The last thing I wanna do is waste my last semester and my scholarship chasing her stupid, delusional rock dream. June stops the tape. Nikki stews. NIKKI Stop the car. Just stop the car. JUNE Honey, just-- Nikki opens her car door and barely leans out-- NIKKI STOP THE CAR! JUNE NIKKI! June pulls over to the--

SIDE OF THE ROAD Nikki gets out of the passenger door and walks into a--

FIELD Cars pass by on the highway. June jumps out. JUNE C’mon, Nikki. Come back here. Nikki shouts without turning around. NIKKI I hate her! June runs after her daughter. JUNE Nikki, come back. Agnes pulls open the van's sliding door. AGNES Nikki! Nikki, just wait! Agnes catches up to Nikki and June. 60.

AGNES (CONT’D) I’m sorry. I was stressed over Langston’s test. It was stupid. NIKKI You wouldn’t have said it if you didn’t mean it. JUNE We all say stupid things, Nikki. C’mon, girls let’s just go back. Agnes and Nikki stare at each other. Beat. NIKKI (to Agnes) I have Mendel Records coming to see us at South By-- They love our EP. AGNES What? Since when? Sunny and Legs look at each other from the van. NIKKI Since they called last night. They think we have something special. I didn't want to tell you cause I wanted it to be a surprise. I didn’t want you guys all nervous and weird about it. I believe in this band. Everyone believes in this band. Except you. AGNES Okay, so yeah, I'd rather be working on my own stuff. But I do it cause it’s your dream. And you’re my best friend and-- NIKKI Because we actually have a shot, Agnes. Because we’re good. AGNES No-- we’re not. NIKKI Mendel Records says we’re good. 61.

AGNES Okay fine, but my dream’s always been my clothing line, business school-- This isn’t some huge revelation. We don’t all have kick ass moms who save for college. This scholarship’s all I’ve got. NIKKI --So you just like lied to me for the last two years. This has all been one huge, gigantic lie. Agnes stares at Nikki, shaking her head. NIKKI (CONT’D) So just tell me right here, right now. To my face. Do you want to be in the band? Agnes can’t look her in the eye, silent. Beat. NIKKI (CONT’D) You suck so bad. Nikki walks back to the van, brushing past Sunny and Legs-- Agnes stands in the field with June.

INT. HOUSTON ROCK CLUB - NIGHT Nikki rages on guitar in a large Houston rock club. Her eyeliner’s thicker and she’s in her own little angry world. Nikki leans into the microphone and sings her heart out. Legs and Sunny eye a pissed off Nikki, curious-- in awe. From the sound booth, June stands with the heavy metal looking HOUSTON SOUND GUY (40), nodding her head, proud. HOUSTON SOUND GUY (over the music) They’re decent. JUNE They’re new at it, okay? From the crowd-- TOM Yeah! 62.

A CROWD SURFER (21) jumps on stage and dances around. Nikki SHOVES him hard back into the crowd. The crowd CHEERS. Nikki SCREAMS the song into the mic. In a rage, she kicks over the mic stand. She kicks an amp into Sunny’s bass drum. Tom’s enthusiasm turns to concern. From the sound booth-- JUNE Oh no. The other girls keep an eye on Nikki, nervous. Sunny falters. LEGS (to Sunny) Just keep going. Finally, Nikki takes off her guitar and throws it at Agnes. It falls to the ground barely missing her. AGNES What the hell? Nikki storms over and gets in Agnes’ face. NIKKI Why bother, Agnes? It’s a stupid rock dream! SCREW YOU AND YOUR STUPID HOUSE OF AGNES! The crowd CHEERS. Nikki jumps to the floor and storms toward the door. June steps down from the sound booth. JUNE Nikki! Nikki, wait! NIKKI I don’t need my mom right now! The audience waits. Nikki disappears. The rest of the girls stand on stage, stunned. HOUSTON CROWD Riff Randall! Riff Randall! Dorothy and Eric watch the riled crowd, jealous. 63.

DOROTHY Someone tell the Strawberry Shortcake, breaking equipment doesn’t equal talent.

EXT. HOUSTON ROCK CLUB, ALLEY Nikki crouches in the alley by herself. Head in her hands. A HAND touches her shoulder. NIKKI Leave me alone. TOM I can’t. I stepped on a piece of gum and my foot’s stuck. Literally. He pulls up his shoe and gum stretches. She shakes her head, annoyed. TOM (CONT’D) Do you wanna talk about it? NIKKI No. He settles his butt on the ground and grabs a nearby stick. TOM Then I’ll just clean my shoe until I’m summoned to the stage. He scrapes the gum off. She eyes him and he grins at her. TOM (CONT’D) I don’t know who pissed you off-- or why, but they should do it more often. Cause you were killing it. NIKKI (to herself) We suck.

INT. HOUSTON ROCK CLUB Dorothy stomps around in her prom dress and combat boots SINGING to the half listening crowd. FANS talk to the Riff Randall girls at the merch table. 64.

From the stage, Dorothy glowers at them, seething. DOROTHY (screaming) This one’s for the assholes over there who can’t SHUT THE HELL UP! Eric tosses a beer bottle in the direction of the merch table. He shoots beer from his mouth then SLAMS on the drums. Tom’s annoyed. He eyes Big Ray and shakes his head. The audience turns on them. HOUSTON CROWD (ad lib) Go home! Screw you! You suck! The band plays until a DRUNK GUY throws a BEER on stage. Eric gets up from his drum kit and JUMPS in the crowd. He grabs the drunk guy by the shirt and throws a PUNCH. The crowd goes nuts. Everyone jumps into the fight. Legs throws her arms in the air and screams. LEGS Yeah!!! ROCK N ROLL!

INT. THE SQUID MONSTER VAN - NIGHT Legs tends to Eric’s bruised forehead in the dark van-- kissing it and holding him in her arms. LEGS Does it feel better now? He takes a swig from a bottle, drunk. ERIC Girls can’t play rock n roll. You Girl Scouts are proof of that. LEGS (laughing) You’re just upset about the show. You win some, you lose some. ERIC Dorothy tried to play guitar, but can't play an instrument to save her sorry life. 65.

Legs sits up a little. ERIC (CONT’D) It’s a good thing you’re hot and give good head cause you’re a terrible guitar player. He kisses her neck. LEGS Get off. (pushing him off) What’s that supposed to mean? He takes her face in his hands. ERIC Your- band- sucks. Only reason you’re on this tour is cause of some stupid competition that Leo drunkenly agreed to. I mean, are you serious? LEGS It’s cause we were the best. ERIC You were pathetic. I heard all the bands were crap. It’s just you guys were the hottest, so-- Ask Leo. Or better yet, ask Nikki’s teen dream, Tom. You guys are a joke. LEGS Screw you. He grabs her hands holding her against the wall of the van. ERIC Screw me? You already did every night this week, bitch. LEGS Get your hands off me! She fights him, kicking and struggling. She bites his arm. ERIC Jesus! She claws his cheek. ERIC (CONT’D) You cunt! 66.

Eric BACK HANDS her-- HARD. She struggles for the door handle and FALLS to the pavement, her nose bleeding. She gets to her feet, crying and holding her cheek. LEGS You son of a bitch! You bastard! ERIC Boo hoo. Go cry to mommy. Boo hoo.

INT. HOUSTON MOTEL ROOM - NIGHT The DOOR KNOB slowly turns. Legs sneaks into the motel room still SNIFFLING and CRYING. Everyone's asleep. Legs trips over a bag. LEGS Damnit! June turns over, waking up, groggy. JUNE Legs? Why aren’t you in bed? What’d I tell you about--? She squints at Legs' swollen eye and bloody nose. JUNE (CONT’D) Oh god. Sweetheart, what happened? June pulls the covers back and goes over. JUNE (CONT’D) What happened to your face? Who did this? Legs tries to hide her cheek and wipe the blood. LEGS No one. Nothing. Just leave it. JUNE Sweetheart, this isn’t nothing. You gotta tell me what happened. Who did this? Was it Eric? Tears roll down Legs' face. June takes her in her arms. 67.

JUNE (CONT’D) It's ok. It's ok, sweetheart. The other girls wake up. NIKKI Mom? What’s going on? Sunny sees Legs' face. SUNNY What happened--? He did this. He did this, didn’t he? AGNES Legs. Oh my god. Sunny tears out of the room. JUNE Sunny. Sunny get back here! Nikki, will you go get her? Nikki heads for the door. NIKKI Sunny!

EXT. HOUSTON MOTEL ROOM, PARKING LOT - NIGHT BAM! Sunny takes a metal pipe to Eric’s van- pounding the side. SUNNY (screaming) Pick on people you’re own size assface! And your stupid squid is epically stupid. Nikki and Agnes catch up just as Sunny nails Eric’s front side mirror. WHACK! AGNES Sunny stop! Legs and June catch up. JUNE Sunny! Put it down-- June grabs the pipe. 68.


FROM THE UPSTAIRS MOTEL ROOM Eric flies down the steps. ERIC What the hell are you doing? Tom and Big Ray follow him down putting on their shirts. A few MOTEL PATRONS step out and stare. MOTEL PATRON Keep it down out there! TOM Nikki, what’s going on? NIKKI You were laughing at us? TOM What? No! Eric gets one look at his van and tears after Legs. ERIC You crazy bitch! I’m gonna maul your face, you psycho! June SMASHES the van’s side window. GLASS SHATTERS. Everyone turns-- shocked. She holds the pipe out threateningly. JUNE Touch her again and I’ll kill you. Everyone turns, stunned. JUNE (CONT’D) Didn't your mother teach you anything! Eric moves over to her, fuming. 69.

ERIC Blow me. June gets in his face. She grips the pipe. JUNE Your poser dick isn’t big enough, shithead. I’m gonna find your mother. I’m gonna tell her her son beats on women. He raises his fist- fakes a punch. She flinches, drops the pipe. He smirks. ERIC You stupid- old- cunt. Eric turns and June FLIPS OUT. She tears after him and tackles him to the ground-- punching, fighting. NIKKI Mom! The girls all pile on Eric. Tom and Big Ray try breaking it up. It’s a mess of fists swinging, hair pulling. The MOTEL MANAGER runs into the parking lot. MOTEL MANAGER I called the cops. The cops are coming for all of you! Big Ray pulls off a screaming, kicking, fighting June. JUNE I’m gonna rip your balls off you shitless, piece of shit, asshole-- Don’t touch my girls again cause I’ll kill you! I’ll break every bone in your scrawny ass body! You, worthless piece of shit! Eric wipes blood from his nose. SIRENS WAIL from the streets.

INT. HOUSTON JAIL CELL - NIGHT The girls and June sit in an empty jail cell in their ripped pajamas and bruised faces. LEGS That was so badass! 70.

June holds her head in her hands. JUNE Your parents are gonna kill me. AGNES I just hope it doesn’t mess up my scholarship. Nikki looks over. Sunny stands by the bars. SUNNY Let us out!!! JUNE Sunny, sweetheart, stop. Please. SUNNY We have a big show. Let us out!!! ERIC (O.S.) SHUT UP, YOU BITCHES!!! Legs races to the bars. LEGS EAT SHIT, DICKTRON! ERIC (O.S.) BITCH! SUNNY Is this the first time you’ve been arrested Ms. Patterson? June stares at the floor. She squirms. JUNE Well, y’know, I mean-- Nikki looks up, surprised. LEGS Nice, jailbird! Legs holds up her hand for a hi-five and June lowers it. JUNE Let’s just say, I made some stupid decisions when I was your age. Nikki grins. Sunny plops down next to June. 71.

SUNNY You’re like the raddest mom ever.

INT. HOUSTON JAIL CELL - MORNING A COP (50) unlocks the jail cell. The girls wake up from cramped sleeping positions. HOUSTON COP C’mon ladies. Rise and shine. Someone posted bail.

EXT. HOUSTON POLICE STATION - MORNING June and the girls, a motley crew in pajamas, walk down the steps of the STATION to see FRANK, the hot, bearded rocker. FRANK Who let the punks out? JUNE NIKKI Frank. Dad. Nikki runs over and hugs her dad. Legs' mouth drops open. A slave to the rock n roll lifestyle, Frank definitely gets by on his good looks and charm. NIKKI I thought you were in Dallas? FRANK Hey kiddo. Missed you. LEGS Hello, stone cold fox.

EXT. I-HOP RESTAURANT, PARKING LOT - MORNING Frank and June argue outside an I-Hop restaurant. FRANK So you won’t let me come to her show but it’s okay for you to beat the crap out of a 21-year old? 72.

JUNE Twenty-two. And the only reason I agreed to this tour- so stupid- somehow you always get to be the “cool parent”. What was I thinking?

INT. I-HOP RESTAURANT - CONTINUOUS The girls eat at a round booth. Legs and Sunny watch Frank and June through the window. Through a mouthful of pancake-- SUNNY (mimicking June) Oh Frank, you’re such a dream boat. Why’d we ever break up? LEGS (mimicking Frank) Oh baby. When you don’t look like a math geek, you’re pretty hot too. Nikki’s phone RINGS-- “Tom”. She presses “Decline”. SUNNY He’s so dreamy!

OUTSIDE THE I-HOP Frank paces, smoking. JUNE Cause you’re a child. FRANK Sorry I couldn’t be the math whiz. JUNE When was the last time you came to visit? Let me think-- oh right, was it last summer? FRANK I’ve been on tour for six months, June! And I visited like 5 or 6 times last year. JUNE Five times last year? Really? Oh well someone, please, give the man a father of the year award! 73.

FRANK You made it crystal clear you wanted me out of your lives. I’m surprised she even gets my packages. JUNE Because you’re a bad influence! Beat. FRANK You were the one who called me. JUNE Yeah, well, maybe it was a mistake. He tosses his cigarette to the ground. FRANK June. I’m here now, okay? He rubs his eyes. FRANK (CONT’D) I just- want to help.

BACK INSIDE THE I-HOP SUNNY (to Nikki) Why’d they break up? NIKKI It was a one night stand. They were never in love. Legs covers up her bruise with make-up. LEGS They fight like they’re in love. SUNNY It’s so romantic. I wish I had a guy to fight with. Nikki eyes a text from Tom: “Call me. Need to talk to you.” Nikki flips her phone shut. Agnes looks up from a magazine. AGNES Nikki, can you pass that napkin? Nikki blatantly ignores her. 74.

AGNES (CONT’D) Nikki. Nikki. Seriously? Agnes gets up and reaches over the table. LEGS How long are you guys gonna keep this up? Legs eyes her bruise with her compact mirror. LEGS (CONT’D) Does it make me look tough? Sunny stares wistfully at Frank. SUNNY Tell me he’s coming to Austin.

I/E. MINI-VAN, I-10 WEST TOWARD AUSTIN - DAY Frank sits shotgun. June drives. It's a quiet, nervous ride to Austin. Huddled around an iPhone, Legs, Agnes and Sunny look at PHOTOS of June and Frank’s early rocker days. LEGS I like that one- all rocker chic. Love the thigh high boots, June. Frank turns around in his seat. FRANK Let’s just say, Nikki-- your mom was smokin’ hot. Still is. Frank winks at June. June shakes her head trying to keep from smiling. Nikki notices and grins. AGNES That’s June with Dave Grohl? Hello! SUNNY (to Nikki) That’s who you got “the cool” from. Nikki sketches FRANK ON DRUMS AND NIKKI ON GUITAR TOGETHER. She smiles. The two rock out. 75.

Frank pulls a flask from his pants pocket. He’s about to unscrew it when June gives him a “don’t even try it” glare. He screws the lid back on and puts it back in his pocket. FRANK (calling to Nikki) Hey Nic, how’d you like The Voidoids? They’re good right? NIKKI Yeah. I like that song. FRANK That’s rock n roll. Not like today’s sorry excuse for punk? He turns around and winks at her. NIKKI The CD’s up there if you wanna put it in. All the one’s you made are. He lights a cigarette and digs through the CDs. He puts one in the player. MUSIC PLAYS. June glares at Frank. JUNE (hushed tone to Frank) You really have to smoke in here? IN THE BACK, Legs’ B-12 vitamin bottle pokes out from her duffel bag pocket. With a BUMP it falls and rolls around.

I/E. MINI-VAN, DOWNTOWN AUSTIN - DAY Frank drives the van into downtown Austin. June lifts her head from a nap to squint out at: The SOUTH BY SOUTHWEST MUSIC FESTIVAL in full force. The girls press their faces to the windows to see: TOUR VANS and ROADIES parked along the streets, swarms of HIPSTERS.

INT. CONVENTION CENTER, REGISTRATION ROOM The girls stand at a booth marked “Bands”. SUNNY It’s like from Rock N Roll High School. R-I-F-F-R-A-N-D-A-L-L. 76.

The VOLUNTEER GIRL (21) types again, shaking her head. SXSW VOLUNTEER GIRL Nope. Nothing. LEGS We’re playing tonight. The Infinity Records Showcase? AGNES How far is UT from here? SXSW VOLUNTEER GIRL I’m sorry. You’re not listed in that-- wait. It looks like you were, but someone took you off that list? Did you guys cancel? NIKKI No, ma’am. We didn’t.

INT. EMO’S ROCK CLUB - DAY The Squid Monster SOUND CHECKS in a dirty rock club. Dorothy WAILS on stage. Then stops as the band keeps going. DOROTHY Can you turn me up more? THE NIMRODS load in their gear to the side of the stage. Nikki and the girls push open the front door. She spies Leo. NIKKI You couldn’t tell us to our faces? Scared of a bunch of high school girls, Leo? Leo turns from the sound booth. He steps down. LEO (to Riff Randall) No. No way. And don't even think about playing in Tallahassee again. You guys are through. Tom puts his bass down. TOM Nikki! He jumps off stage followed by Dorothy. 77.

DOROTHY Serves you right! You little high school bitches. LEGS SUNNY Who’s calling who a bitch you But Mendel Records is coming two faced-- to see us- Eric storms over. ERIC We’ll give ‘em the message-- that you guys suck. And your psycho mom owes me five grand for my van. LEGS Don’t talk about June like that! TOM (to Nikki) Why didn’t you call me back? Leo motions to HUGE TATTOOED BOUNCERS behind the bar. LEO Can you get these girls outta here? NIKKI (to Tom) I don’t talk to backstabbers. LEGS (to Eric) Our band’s better than you’ll ever be, you dickless asshole. SUNNY Dickless asshole! ERIC You sluts! Eric tears after them, but TWO BOUNCERS grab and carry the girls out of the club. NIKKI Let go of us. TOM Jesus! Put them down! 78.

EXT. EMO’S ROCK CLUB - DAY The front door BURSTS open. The bouncers push the girls onto the sidewalk. Tom runs over to Nikki. TOM You okay? NIKKI No I’m not okay. We came all the way to freakin' Texas, sold my mom’s vinyl, spent a night in jail, lost my retainer, I’m going to Cornell in the fall for Theoretical Math and the one- the one opportunity we had to sign a record deal-- gone. TOM Why didn’t you answer the phone? NIKKI Why didn’t you tell me we were a joke? The only reason we won the tour was cause we’re hot? TOM You’re not a joke. And I-- I had nothing to do with that. (beat) Yeah, you guys need to get tighter. We all do. But somewhere along the way, you guys caught fire-- NIKKI I could give a shit what you think. You’re just like the rest of them. She walks away. Sunny pushes Tom. SUNNY Yeah! TOM Nikki! C’mon! She turns back to him, pissed. NIKKI SCREW YOU AND YOUR CRAPPY BAND! 79.

The girls chase after her. Tom SLAMS open the club door and disappears inside. JUNE (O.S.) What the hell is this?!?

INT. RADISSON HOTEL, JUNE’S ROOM - DAY Nikki stares at LEGS’ JOINTS and PILLS displayed on the hotel bed next to the big vitamin bottle they were hiding in. JUNE Who keeps joints in a vitamin bottle in the back of a mini-van? And I’m scared to even ask what these are. June paces the room, furious. Frank sits quietly in the corner, smoking. NIKKI They’re not mine. JUNE But you knew they were in the van, Nikki! The whole time I’m driving you girls cross country you had drugs? What did I say before we left? Why- why am I not surprised? (to Frank) This is like payback after all these years. You realize that. (to Nikki) Do you know what would’ve happened if we’d gotten pulled over? NIKKI Why does it even matter? JUNE I’m sorry, excuse me? What did you just say to me? FRANK Nikki, c’mon-- this is serious. Nikki glares at her dad. NIKKI Really? Cause basically I’ve never done drugs in my life! (MORE) 80. NIKKI (CONT'D) I don’t drink. I don’t smoke. I just gave my first hand job two nights ago. Frank nearly chokes on his cigarette. June turns. JUNE Wait, what? June stares at Nikki, shaking her head. She’s trying to keep it together-- She takes a deep breath. JUNE (CONT’D) You can tell Legs-- (yelling at the wall) --her pot’s going down the toilet! June scoops up the drugs and storms into the bathroom.

INT. RADISSON HOTEL, GIRLS’ ROOM - DAY Ear pressed to the adjacent room wall-- LEGS That’s seventy five bucks worth-- On the bed, Agnes puts crazy punk make-up on Sunny. She cradles a cell phone against her neck that plays MUZAK. SUNNY I want a boy with strawberry lips-- AGNES Look up. (Sunny eyes the ceiling) What about Sam? He’s so sweet. And so sweet on you. SUNNY What do you mean? The person on the other end of the phone comes on. AGNES (on the phone) Yes, I was wondering- are you guys giving campus tours today.

INT. RADISSON HOTEL, JUNE’S ROOM - DAY The toilet FLUSHES and June storms out. She grabs her suitcase and starts stuffing clothes in it. 81.

JUNE Go tell the girls we’re leaving. You’re not playing the show. This has gone too far. (yelling) Girls! We’re leaving! NIKKI You’re too late. Leo pulled us from the showcase. JUNE FRANK What?!? Are you serious? NIKKI (CONT’D) Cause of the van. JUNE No. Uh uh. That was Eric’s fault-- FRANK He can’t do that. NIKKI He already did. FRANK I’ve got friends, we’ll set something else up. JUNE No. We don’t need your help. June continues to pack the suitcase. JUNE (CONT’D) There’s a reason, this is all happening, Nikki. There’s a reason-- Frank gets up and tries to stop June. FRANK Jesus! Would it kill you to support your daughter for one second? Just- just stop. June stops-- stares at Frank, cold. FRANK (CONT’D) I’m just saying. 82.

JUNE Okay. Fine. Yes- I dissuade our daughter from the whole band- punk- rock n roll thing. But you wanna know why, Frank? FRANK Please. Enlighten me, June. JUNE Because I don’t want her to end up like you. Frank takes a deep breath and nods. He looks over at Nikki who stares at the floor. He puts his cigarette out. He quietly grabs his jacket, goes to the door and walks out. Beat. June sits down on the bed, head in her hands. After a few seconds-- JUNE (CONT’D) Do me favor- go tell the girls I’m gonna take you guys back tonight. NIKKI We’re not leaving. JUNE What? NIKKI You heard me. Not until we play our show. JUNE You don’t have a show, Nikki. It’s over. This is why- your dad is why-- June gets up and moves to Nikki. JUNE (CONT’D) I’m really sorry the way this all turned out, Nic, but this is just-- Nikki snaps. NIKKI --This is exactly what you wanted. You, Agnes, everyone. You just wanted the band to fail from the beginning. 83.

JUNE That’s not true, Nikki. NIKKI It is true. Because you already had everything- like my whole life planned out for me-- JUNE No. I didn’t want you to make your dad’s mistakes. My mistakes. NIKKI Well you don’t need to worry about that. Unlike some people, I’m not an idiot. I know what contraception is. June gets up. JUNE Change your tone right now! NIKKI We didn’t need you here. We didn’t want you here. You just came along to relive your glory days because you screwed up. You screwed up your dream just like you’re screwing up mine! JUNE I have done the best I can with you, Nikki. I have worked my ass off to provide you-- a good life. I am a good mother. NIKKI You’re the worst mother! JUNE You stop right there, young lady! NIKKI You suck! You totally suck! This is my dream. This is who I am. And I’m not- I’m not giving up like you. So you can just fuck off! June SLAPS Nikki. Beat. Nikki goes to the door and SLAMS it shut. 84.

Junes stands, frozen, beaten down.

EXT. 6TH STREET, AUSTIN The Riff Randall girls weed through the blocked off downtown street. Mobs of SXSW HIPSTERS everywhere. Bars line both sides of 6th street. Every kind of music spills from each bar: rock, metal, jazz, bluegrass. SUNNY Now what? AGNES How are we supposed to play a show without a place to play? Nikki stops and gets in Agnes’ face. NIKKI You don’t even wanna be in the band. Agnes moves closer. AGNES This isn’t my fault. Sunny gets in between them. SUNNY Stop! I don’t like all this weirdness. It’s freaking me out. People turn to stare, shuffling past. LEGS Mendel Records is coming to see us. Get your shit together. This is our moment. Like Sunny said. NIKKI No. It’s not about that anymore. (re: the girls looks) It’s not. This isn’t about the music. Or the fact that we’re all moving away. It’s about a choice. A choice that we can either sit here and take all this bullshit and have everyone tell us what we can and can’t do- Or we can roll up our sleeves and play some rock n roll. 85.

All the girls stare at Nikki, stunned-- and inspired. NIKKI (CONT’D) DIY, right? Legs throws her arm around Nikki. LEGS Hell- yeah.

EXT. RADISSON HOTEL, JUNE’S ROOM - BALCONY June smokes a cigarette on the balcony. She’s been crying. Frank steps outside. Awkward beat. FRANK I left my wallet. JUNE (re: cigarette) Say one word to her- I’ll kill you. He nods. FRANK You okay? She puts the cigarette out holding back tears. He walks over slowly-- and takes her hand. She gives in and puts her head on his shoulder. He takes her in his arms. JUNE That was horrible- what I said. I’m sorry. (beat) She’s right. I messed up. I’m a terrible mother. FRANK No. No way. He lifts her face and kisses her. Taken off guard she resists for a second-- then gives in. It gets heated. They move into the--

RADISSON HOTEL, JUNE’S ROOM --and fall to the bed. He pulls her shirt over her head, then pulls off his own. 86.

She lies there while he kisses her chest, her belly. She shakes her head. JUNE Stop. He keeps kissing her. She pushes his head away. FRANK You okay? JUNE It’s not gonna happen. She gets off the bed and puts her shirt back on. She grabs her hotel key and leaves. FRANK June!

SHOW PREPPING MONTAGE: 1) An ATM dispenses several hundred dollar bills into a HAND. 2) Sunny approaches a GROUP OF ROADIES by some tour vans. 3) Nikki eyes a text that reads “I don’t care what your mom says. I got your back-- Love, Dad” 4) Split screen: Legs talks to Jolyn on the phone. 5) Extension cords get plugged in and tossed across pavement. 6) Hands unload microphones and PA systems. 7) Legs directs a group of big, burly HELLS ANGELS. 8) The STOLEN FIREWORKS BOX gets ripped open. 9) Nikki directs Frank with some KEGS. She shakes hands with his rock-a-billy friend DAVE (40). 10) Messages get texted and received: “Where’s Riff Randall? 7th and San Jacinto. 8pm. Free Beer!” 11) Agnes eyes a Hell’s Angel’s jacket slung over an amp. 12) Eyeliner gets painted. Ponytails tightened. Knee high socks hoisted. Plaid skirts zipped. 13) The sun falls in the sky. 87.

14) Fingers mess around with a sound board. NIKKI (O.S.) Check, check.

EXT. LARGE PARKING LOT - NIGHT In the middle of a large parking lot, car headlights turn on from several directions spotlighting-- Riff Randall standing on top of a FEW TOUR VANS LINED UP NEXT TO EACH OTHER in the middle of the parking lot. The girls in prep uniforms and ponytails tap on their mics. NIKKI Can you hear us? At a sound board, the HOUSTON SOUND GUY holds a “thumbs up”. Nikki looks out onto the EMPTY PARKING LOT. The Hells Angels stand around the vans wearing clean Riff Randall shirts, arms crossed against their chests. Frank and Dave stand around two kegs, handing beers to a few HIPSTERS. Dave lifts a poster board up, “FREE BEER!” FRANK (shouting) Give ‘em beer and they will come! Nikki scans the crowd. No June. She takes a deep breath. NIKKI We’re Riff Randall-- AND WE’RE GIVING OUT FREE BEER!!! SUNNY One two three four! The band PLAYS from the top of the vans. Heads turn from the sidewalks. People walking down the street wander over to listen and get beer. The girls are decent, thrashing, wailing. On top of the vans, they’re quite the spectacle. 88.

AS TIME PASSES The crowd grows. The BEER LINE grows. Tom and Big Ray wander up and watch. Frank raises his flask up. FRANK RIFF RANDALL!!! YEAH! A mosh pit grows down front. The girls rock out. Everyone cheers the girls on until-- A BEER BOTTLE flies through the air and HITS NIKKI IN THE HEAD. She stumbles back, catching herself. She stops and puts her hand to her forehead-- blood on her fingers. In a daze, everything SLOWS, Nikki looks into the audience-- Frank punches some KID on the ground as Dave pries him off. Tom frantically pushes through the crowd trying to get to Nikki. A HELLS ANGEL pushes him back. Atop the buses, the girls stare at Nikki eyes wide, mouths agape-- a thin line of blood trickles down her cheek. Agnes mouths “Are you okay?” Nikki takes a second taking it all in-- Then grins. Nikki’s guitar pick hits the strings and she goes back to the song. She WAILS into the microphone. Frank looks over. Tom stops. And the band joins in. The crowd ROARS. Pure rock n roll mayhem. Everyone goes nuts.

IN BETWEEN SONGS-- AUSTIN CROWD RIFF RANDALL! BADASS! The crowd APPLAUD and raise their solo glasses and lighters. Nikki stares out. Smeared blood dries on her face. The girls rip off their prep school jackets, ties-- take their ponytails down. They reach down and grab the Hells Angels’ LEATHER JACKETS from the ground and put them on. The audience SCREAMS with excitement. 89.

FRANK (drunkenly) That’s my girl! That’s really my girl. She’s my daughter. Who wants beer? Nikki leans into the microphone. NIKKI We’re Riff Randall-- BACK IT OFF!!! SUNNY One two three four! The crowd’s totally charmed. Sunny SLAMS her drums, bangs bobbing against her forehead. Agnes bounces in place. Legs struts back and forth blowing bubbles. She sidles up to Nikki to sing back up. The audience bounces around, throwing fists. A few girls down front yell “Back It Off!!!” along with Nikki. Nikki WAILS on vocals, owning it. She throws her fist in the air seeing-- --June, watching, proud. Nikki smiles. Atop the buses, as the song slows, Nikki turns her back to the audience. She eyes Agnes, Legs and Sunny. They exchange triumphant smiles. Nikki stands there and closes her eyes, taking it all in. It’s PURE QUIET for a beat-- Until the crowd ROARS with applause and some Hells Angels shoot FIREWORKS into the sky. Nikki turns to the audience and throws her fist in the air. It’s a total spectacle until-- --in the distance POLICE LIGHTS CIRCLE. Agnes pipes up. AGNES COPS! NIKKI (into the microphone) We’re Riff Randall and we gotta go! SUNNY WE LOVE YOU TEXAS!!!! FRANK (flask to the sky) Screw the police! 90.

The crowd look back at the cop cars making their way down the street. SIRENS WAIL. Everyone scatters in all directions. June gets pushed through the crowd, away from the girls. Tom and Big Ray dash to the front of the stage. TOM C’mon you guys! Hurry up. Hand it all down! The girls rip their instruments from their amps. Tom and Big Ray help hoist the equipment down and shuttle it into the back of Dave’s waiting van. SUNNY My drums! Get my drums! Police cars close in. The spotlight headlights SHUT OFF. The Hells Angels shuffle the girls to the van. Everyone else scatters. Mass chaos. Dave takes out his keys. DAVE Get in, get in! The girls, Frank, Tom and Big Ray jump in the van. The COPS reach the scene just as almost everyone’s gone. The HELLS ANGELS step up to confront the police. HELLS ANGEL #1 Evening officers, can we help you?

EXT. ST. DAVID’S HOSPITAL, EMERGENCY ROOM - NIGHT In the waiting area of the emergency room, the girls are on a total high. Legs practically jumps up and down. LEGS That was classic! Dave helps Frank, a drunken mess, down the hall followed by Tom and Big Ray. Frank calls to Nikki filling out paperwork. FRANK Screw your mom. You gotta, you gotta be your own person, Nic. Cause holy shit! Blood, leather. All those history lessons- Taking it like a man. 91.

NIKKI (uncomfortable) Thanks. He sits down, slings his arm around her and yells-- FRANK This is my punk rock daughter assholes! DAVE C’mon, man. This is a hospital. Frank can barely stand. Other patients and receptionists stare. It’s embarrassing. TOM Hey, Nikki-- Tom and Big Ray stand a few feet away, just waiting. TOM (CONT’D) We were gonna take off, but-- Frank stumbles over to Tom. FRANK So you- are you the hand job? Agnes looks over to Nikki who’s mouth drops. She stands up. NIKKI Dad. FRANK I know your kind kid. Hurt my little girl and I’ll rip your throat out and-- Frank pukes all over the floor. SUNNY Oh shit. Sunny eyes a disappointed Nikki. LEGS (to Frank) Y’know what? How ‘bout you and I catch the first cab back. SUNNY Here, I’ll help. 92.

Legs and Sunny grab Frank. FRANK You girls-- good kids. DAVE You got him? Got cash? LEGS Yep. And June’s on the way. DAVE (to Legs) I’ll pick him up in the morning and drop off your equipment. FRANK Back it off, man! Legs and Sunny help Frank outside. Tom moves to Nikki awkward, embarrassed. TOM You gonna be okay? NIKKI Flesh wound. She just stares at the ground. He takes a second. TOM I don't know. I just wasn’t sure what I did. I would never-- I mean-- He stops. Tom stands there, awkward, concerned. TOM (CONT’D) I just, you guys were great. Sure you’re okay? He reaches for her head, but she takes his hand away. Beat. TOM (CONT’D) Okay. I’ll see ya back in Florida. He turns and walks off. Big Ray steps over to Nikki. BIG RAY He quit the band. We didn’t play. Just thought you should know. Nikki watches them leave. June walks briskly down the hall. 93.

JUNE Nikki! You okay? You got your insurance card?

EXT. RADISSON HOTEL, POOL - NIGHT The girls sit in pool chairs under the night sky. Nikki wears a small bandage on her forehead. LEGS Maybe you should call the Mendel lady. It’s not even two yet. Agnes grabs Nikki’s phone. AGNES Here, I’ll call, what’s her number? Nikki grabs her phone back. NIKKI Don’t. AGNES Fine, I’ll call with my phone. NIKKI No! Stop! Nikki eyes the ground. Agnes realizes. AGNES You never talked to them. Nikki looks up at her, caught. SUNNY But you said-- they heard-- they loved us. NIKKI It was just a wrong number. LEGS That's screwed, Nikki. NIKKI Why? Cause I wanted you to realize we could do this. Agnes shakes her head, gets up and walks away. 94.

AGNES This wasn't about convincing us. And you lied to my face. NIKKI Yeah well, you lied behind my back. So now we're even! Sunny and Legs stare at her, disappointed. NIKKI (CONT’D) I had to. You guys wouldn’t have-- SUNNY That was really mean. To like get our hopes up and everything. I’m really mad, Nikki-- even though your head’s broken or whatever. Legs shakes her head. The two walk back to the hotel. NIKKI GUYS! Nikki stands there, alone.

EXT. RADISSON HOTEL - MORNING Agnes helps June lift the last suitcase into the back of the van parked in the hotel drop off. The other girls wait in the back seat. The side door hangs open. Nikki and a freshly showered, sober Frank stand on the sidewalk. He takes his daughter in his arms. And holds on. He eyes June getting in the van. He whispers in Nikki’s ear. FRANK Take good care of your mom, okay? She did real good. Nikki nods. FRANK (CONT’D) I’m really proud. Nikki smiles. Frank kisses her bandaged forehead and lets go. Nikki gets in the van. FRANK (CONT’D) I love you. 95.

NIKKI Love you. Frank waves at June. She starts the engine.

I/E. MINI-VAN, GUADALUPE STREET, AUSTIN - DAY It's a sad mini-van ride out of Austin. The “Kidnapped by Rock N Roll” sign lies crumpled on the floor. Behind the wheel, June stares at the road, quiet.

IN THE BACK Sunny watches Japanese Anime snacking on Cheesy Nips. Legs is on the phone. LEGS (on the phone) No, yeah, I can take his shift tomorrow night. Hey mom, the concert was really-- (disappointment) No, yeah, I can tell you about it when I get home-- Bye. Love you. She clicks the phone off. Agnes watches the UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS campus pass by. Legs leans over and looks out the window. LEGS (CONT’D) That’s your school? AGNES Yep. All the girls look out the window. Quiet.

I/E. MINI-VAN, I-10 EAST - NIGHT DRIVING HOME MONTAGE: 1) The sun fades into the I-10 stretch. 2) Agnes works on Physics homework. Legs reads a worn copy of “Jane Eyre”. Sunny watches a cartoon on her phone and Nikki doodles in her notebook. 3) Through the van window, city lights strobe by. 96.

4) All the girls sleep as June drives through the night.

I/E. MINI-VAN, I-10, TALLAHASSEE EXIT - MORNING The mini-van pulls off the “Tallahassee Exit”. The morning sun rises up the sky.

EXT. LEGS’S TRAILER Legs stands with June just outside her trailer. LEGS I just wanted to say-- thank you. JUNE (smiles) You-- are very welcome. June wraps a hug around Legs.

ALONE IN THE VAN-- Nikki stares at them. June heads back for the van. Nikki looks down at her composition book: A DRAWING OF JUNE LOOKING LIKE A RAMONE, FIST TO THE SKY.

EXT. NIKKI’S HOUSE The mini-van sits in Nikki’s driveway.

INT. JUNE’S BEDROOM June unpacks her suitcase, putting clothes, shoes away. Her bedroom door slowly opens. June looks over to see: Nikki in the doorway. Nikki takes a second before-- NIKKI I’m really sorry. June nods, still hurt. Nikki walks over and crawls on the bed next to the suitcase. She chokes back tears. NIKKI (CONT’D) I didn’t mean it. Any of it. 97.

June nods-- giving in. She moves the suitcase down and sits next to Nikki. Nikki lets go and just cries. June puts her arm around her. JUNE I know. It’s okay. Shhh. It’s okay. NIKKI I’m not gonna be like dad. JUNE I know. (beat) I love you so much. You know that? (choking up) More than anything. NIKKI Are you disappointed in me? JUNE No. No way. I’m proud. You’re everything rock n roll should be. Heart. June holds her daughter. Nikki takes a second. NIKKI But you gave up your band for me. JUNE And I’d do it again in a second. (beat) Look at me. Nikki looks at her mom. JUNE (CONT’D) You are the most precious thing that could’ve happened to me. You understand? You are my whole world. And I love you more than anything. Nikki nods. NIKKI I love you. She curls into the fold of her mother’s arm. June brushes the hair from her face. 98.

JUNE So I hear you wanna marry Johnny Ramone? NIKKI What? Who said that? JUNE Hey-- awesome guitarist- cool guy. NIKKI You met him? JUNE Signed one of my records. Hold on. June gets up and goes to the end of her bed. Nikki takes a second. June kneels, pulls out her record case. NIKKI Mom- mom, don’t-- June flips it open. Nikki cringes, covering her face. CUT TO BLACK: JUNE (O.S.) NICOLE ANNE PATTERSON!!!!!!!! NIKKI (O.S.) BUT I KEPT THE RAMONES!!!!!!

EXT. NIKKI’S HOUSE - AFTERNOON Tom steps out of his truck alongside Nikki’s yard. He SLAMS the door. Nikki walks out of her house in her pajamas, confused. Tom turns the corner of the back of the truck. NIKKI What are you doing here? TOM I would never laugh at you or make fun of you-- or anything like that. I wouldn’t do that. She takes a second. NIKKI I know. 99.

He leans over, grabs her face and kisses her- off guard. Beat. NEIGHBOR KIDS from across the street “ooh”, “aah” and make kissing noises. She pulls away, trying to hold back her smile. He grins, sweetly, sincerely. TOM So. You wanna start a side project? I’m lookin’ for a new band. She stands on her tip toes and kisses him again-- like make out city. June steps out the front door holding a bag of garbage. She stops at the sight of Tom and Nikki making out. Tom’s hand grips Nikki’s butt. She eyes his hand, hesitates, cringes- then turns and goes back inside.

INT. NIKKI’S BEDROOM - DAY Nikki lies on her bed staring up at the Ramones’ poster on the ceiling, grinning from ear to ear. She curls over on her side still lost in that kiss. She looks at-- --a photo of Riff Randall on her wall. The girls in the picture are all smiles. Her own smile fades.

EXT. MINIATURE GOLF COURSE, PARKING LOT - NIGHT SKATEBOARD WHEELS roll up the golf course parking lot. Sunny holds a six-pack in one hand and a box of Cheesy Nips in the other as she skates to the entrance. Agnes’ car rages with MUSIC as it pulls into the lot and turns off.

EXT. MINIATURE GOLF COURSE - NIGHT Nikki lies on the fake NYC skyline on the miniature golf course staring at the stars. Keys fall on her belly. Legs stands over her. 100.

LEGS Scoot over, bitch. Nikki sits up, making room for Legs and hands her keys back. SUNNY (O.S.) They were out of Shiner. Sunny skips up holding a six-pack and box of Cheesy Nips. SUNNY (CONT’D) So the guy got you PBR instead. Legs takes a beer and offers the rest. No takers. LEGS More for me. Zipping her jacket up, Agnes walks up putting her keys in her pocket and stands awkwardly. Nikki and Agnes exchange an uneasy glance. Nikki scoots over, making room. Agnes sits. The tension is thick. Sunny CHOMPS on her Cheesy Nips. SUNNY I don’t wanna go to school on Monday. We should skip. Legs sips her beer. LEGS Two more months of high school bullshit. Nikki stares into space and takes a deep breath. A quiet beat as the girls sit there. A few tears well in Nikki’s eyes. Agnes looks over. She takes Nikki’s hand and puts her head on Nikki’s shoulder. Nikki smiles and puts her head on Agnes’. NIKKI I’m not going to Cornell. All the girls look over. SUNNY What? Nikki shrugs. 101.

NIKKI It’s not me. Legs holds up a high-five and Nikki slaps it. Agnes hugs Nikki. SUNNY I asked Sam to go to the skate park on Saturday. Like a real date. LEGS About time. Sunny holds her hand up and Legs high-fives her. Beat. AGNES It’s gonna be so weird next year. LEGS Yeah. SUNNY But no matter what happens, y’know- we’ll always have this. Like right now- like this. They hang on the moment-- what it means. Beat. Nikki grins. Determined, she stands up. NIKKI Fuck it. She hops up onto the NYC skyline ledge. AGNES What are you doing? Nikki lifts her middle fingers to the sky-- --and SCREAMS. The other girls smile. One by one, they stand and hop up on the ledge-- --and SCREAM! In the quiet of the night, the four girls revel in the moment. In this time. 102.

Their voices carry through the neighborhood, lifting their beers, their Cheesy Nips and their middle fingers to the world.