Itr. ANCIENT DIPLOMACY: MEGASTHENES Alexander's eastern campaigns had defuritely brought India within the sphere of interest of the Hellenistic monarchs who succeeded him. Our sources a¡e few, and we do not know many details, but it seems that in the late fourth and third centuries B.C. there was a great deal of exchange on the diplomatic level. After the teaty between Seleucus and Candragupta was sealed we know of two Seleucid and one Ptolemaic mission to India, of exchange of letters and gifts between Indian and Seleucid monarchs, and of Indian (more or, perhaps, less) religious missions sent to all important Hellenistic rulers. Certainly there was more activity than this on both sides, but there is no record of it in our scanty sources. Thus Megasthenes was not the only Hellenistic ambassador to India, but by compari- son with him the others (Daimachus and Dionysius) Íue very shadowy figures. There were probably others, too, whose missions are not recorded in our meagre evidence. In this chapter we shall concentrate on Megasthenes, and the others will be briefly dealt with in the context ofhistorical contacts, in chapter VI.l At the beginning of modem resea¡ch on Megasthenes it was co¡nmon to ascribe everything containing intimate knowledge of lndia beyond the Indus valley to Megasthe- nes. Thus Lassen (1852 and 1874) often repeated the assertion that Megasthenes was the only Greek author who ever had the oppornrnity to observe Indians in the heart of their country. Although we cannot without further evidence ascribe to Daimachus much influence in later literature, his mere exislence is enough to show that Megasthenes was not the only Greek author to visit India, and probably there were still other sources of information.2 Nevertheless, Megasthenes is without doubt the most valuable classical source on India.
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