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11-1900 The lC assic, November 1900 Northwestern Classical Academy

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This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Northwestern Classical Academy at NWCommons. It has been accepted for inclusion in The lC assic by an authorized administrator of NWCommons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. NOVEMBER, 1900.

PUBLIBHED AT ORANGE CITY, TOW&. , , ;ry . L v ' - .. . . , ::. ..;) ;g,$" ~ '. , ,.;-:4,:: <,2 i:: -?, ' : .', , 1,'- !. , " , ... - , .- .~~ ~- -- . . .- . .-, ,. 7:. .-:. $ ,; .,:;.r

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Hn111rn~IX, Nnn~rnh~r,.. Hnrnh~r2,

the "Rig Veda,7' and other oriental works: THE CLASSIC. and he is the author of a "History of - Ancient Sanskrit Literature" and a Published Monthly During the School YBar by ~~~~db~~kfor the study of sanskrit.n vl ARGARET HUIZENGA. . the Students of the N. W. C. A. His philological works, which are ex- haustive and philosophical, are character- J, J. Heeren, '01, - inChief. istic of a learned German. Prof Mueller ASSOCIATE EDITORS. did not devote his time exclusively to the A. H. Manus, '01. - - - - AssiistantEditpr stlldy of philology. but he also wrote of G. Pennings, '01, Literary Ella Hyink, '01, - - - ,,, Asiatic peoples, of their ~ustoms, lan- '02, R. d'Zeeuw, ASS? Local guages, and religions. His scholary work Isaac Hospers, '06, - - . - - Alumni HattieVan Rooyen, '01, - - - - Exchange "Origin and Growth of Religion as Illus- trated by the Religions of ," and hi8 f.B",~~i::~l- - - . - Business Managem. lectures on the science of religion have been favorably commented upon by the Snbscri~tion60 cents per year in advance; 75 ceng if not , learned men of ~urope. His most POpU- paid by January 1,1001. - Single copies 10 cents. lar book is "Chips from a German Work- EXPEMSES, Advertising rates furnished on application. : shop;" but the moat remarkable proof of Address all communicationst0 the Business Man- , llis ability is that he &died thirty-five

Entered at the post office at Orange City, Iowa, as secdid- langnage~. He lived a most useful life, class mail matter. and died October 28. When we read the story of his life, when we recall that he Editorial. was instructor of modern languages at .+ 7 the age of twentyfive in the world-re- - ~CEOUR last issue prof.~~~d~~i~k nowiled Oxford University, when we re- R. Maximiliam Mueller, one of the member that for sixty-two years he was world's greatest educators and one of the instrumental in moulding English most famous students of this centnry, hap thought and European philosophy, the LOCATTON. passed away. Prof. Mneller mas born at that he was a genius beoomes Dessau, in 1825, irresistible. and we bow in humble paver- excellant educatiorl ill the noted sclaools ence before such a master mind. of Berlin, and . In 1848 he ' * * * became a member of the fac~iltyof Ox- ford University where he taught modern HE UNIVERSITY of New York has languages, and in 1868 h~ was appointed T recently attracted considerable at- fessor of modern philology at thi~in- tention on account of its Templa of Tame. tion. While serving as teacher, he Thia temple is a room-in the institution also a most enthusiastic student of which is to be decorated with marble and other oriental Jangnages. slabs, inscribed with the names of areat -prof.Nuder translated the "Hilopadsea," Americans. One hundred judges have (2 k3EWW%?a, I -6 been ape@inted,ihohave dreadg seleoted i~t'alodiorons .- about thi&p iames, aod who art, to seleot, produced by gw in the futnre, ten names every flire years. enthusiaw blr . Wa~hingtb,"theht invpr, theflrat in qilentspeecb; paw, the first in the harts of hiB wm- than to ddn tr~men,"b aleo %ret in thie Temple of thought of Fame, while Abraham Lbdnand Danfd * "i' **, , .b " . t W@b~brfoll~w in the o~ernamed. It f e a remarkable fast, however, that the r-~~~esof pamck Benrg. Jam@ Madison, , and James Monroe hw0 not .yet been ad- ~~t~.were wrtainly great men, but if they are not admitted, it is mnsolinsp to know that btm mataarsa is . not m~@lll-edby the f4m34alrlf of.~nbllcits obarauter and gaanine w~th. * * Q @RAN(fP: CfTP may well inel proud jll#tlg 80, that Prof. E). B, Bon1~19qf the N, w. C:A. and Attorney J Qr mej&. art, ttndeavori'ng to aup@g la_a $et~It&t~al want, which hm long k.31 felt fn Q~Pball. comhunitg,'$y off~d~a 1mtaN course. We are pLa& ta l&n they ed, sin - have eagagied the mdrae~& e.aQB a aahd &adeloquent, amitox &l.''&i n af Ken- ttxolrjr, who wi11 apareak at $bomra bn-ec~ on Th~lrrJdrey evening* WE).+. 15, md thitf; another lwture will b 8~lim~at me %he futare tiha by Dr, hop.&^. of (3h jaag, rive the most poer~iblt, TWOcsn.mrta will be $7~by' &e &pion htindulge in it r Ladies1Qusrtetetfes aad Skndard Can- eat Uo., while Mr. &$hmekmd will, eve one evening, amusle the wple with hje %h cartoons. AIthongh the mnrse& a thorig one, the prioe, @l.Wfor" a m~mtioket, in within the moh of all, In the la~gm oitiw anch a lecture ~tlmordinariip cost5 @J.kW. Wa vmld meall to avail themlve# of thie exmptia~alopgartuni. tg, 'both for the knm1edgcj and enjayment that each one will gain for bimmlf, and for the slid #nd .noauragement that hie .attendance will gin to the gmernus pro- moters. This is eey~oiallyimpwtaat to rr&tudmts,for theie ~lsna btte~reomtion than a hnartg Iaugh, ~aawdby a mr*toon- -4 TmE enR@ePe,- 1,

hled with, wMle hi8 wn Lib wrsi8 a sfrap* encounterd the $ $ha bbms in hi@ -d . Inptbrn W& a v~rg&ail and deliiate ~sig~rfol e pmse ~tory.At Matime . ding fell5a witb whom fish our path I might not be rb1e.h teIl yoa how' - -'. .: -WIB~~=,wh.0'sp9dt bar lif@bn the at-. b~3-b hie mmt goaredd tde@,--m- wowapple thienee did n~tcare to far herran. IS . v ,I- '' :@&@ W8.I an ibtit~a~tivqfanran with gm~t.-Btll; A,rthtlr biordou Pp,%&#eke Marie came aquaintecl. !Maawhile wka% %om6 DioW , - - hbd - ~d -mblvmiah&. ahaxm~t~r:&t and Tht~ Carefully @limb& the wire fence, Be .had pe&mm& $k pa* of tb~P* . Th~~-~kbi:ta&a1$k~was InwmaZ, the . dmm. Bg mar , addom&~iefr buoketa, and started upon Rma:: had fau~d&@ apgkl~sand W88 al- +WwL' &@bani3 and ohildrea w. nearpapera admwnpls~ in Iliohmond. a tour af hrspecrtion. "'Sap, DiokP whi~- r~sadp-bugily ad e$$a.poa a one when waa able t;a bear* Mew 'Pdand PhSlgddphia, bti%izi ail- pered Sfm, 4311 go and watch the raad ha heard the liW Pi,we-~irFd ohat. ma? eea bad ma&& 4L third mmt ever$ awe be rrwn grew diarmnbnt- khIlt3-you what yon can fisld." $311. dft&nm fr~Ma.- @,bm* ql~iet, la~~h* . m.rrid to her 3~6mtiw .&i,wtth hila mfk, adgave ~sf&enmof' , right," Wtw the mpIy in Eke too*. ing in hh IWWBat&' his bhwh'8 111 1i1ek.y poalkdtfes csf &am-abr as af cadact Jim lb%ed baak, &&ed bi~ to Of w~~.tbeel8 $$en-doold only uham tImth nf Bb mldh~r.Edgar WILE tk8t jniWr erjtran~ldtSla aEtlan%ad fime tbedarkna@s,but mw ~pthjw*,H,B oae 8f t%m,h* reemd. Be, t?~erefuw, . bp w~altbylmplz d Bbdmtagtif, ~txlwU.02 hie friend&. At hta- . wag an the paint of g03n1$ bh the would q.aveth% wbicrls amhard ta bigl Qwn bw~+qbtap ad~dtlwM irm ody epoa11 fad& that ha4 to belmrn mhaml, whear eudelanb, fmq a@a 8;wmt &If. Ba$j~.e3t tbmbe heard tbaf kwa [email protected] 45 with: lrntm~wr,w B an ere- FB w qf melobe, lwmd ap tbs &rm - 04 a ory af'*&~~-LIB %?.pa3 gg& jm." That wt . '$*3~b@~ Pmm h@&k@&ad %a .(b4~118.a$ qa@gbFFad *ihh BIE~ fb- man, aad a ~r~lffVE)~O~ d~mandd, her^ him i;'M &%i&$;MB plnyp iato -lp, *ire 8 ,phdh EngL~d,asid bke~an' 'Eza 'WELJI gmqc-p, C~BS.*BP@ halt@uf' mdu~td~. you, what are you doing hweI1"0 UnBxa fww, are kt3 !h.eqla iab a mud @nt tea the Un3vmSt;gt a$ Vir&nE&. a* Rita pf stupId&3r wp Elf delirium o.aa61lerdl by ' pertttrd tbi~qwtinrs; that Jim did not hole mA k4P %ma ert'fisr It%%lefmp~r58n- *ho@ghpw ha8 ~'~q&Blngin~31a~ .~&d . qptm aaHng, ~l.6mdomlInbdma~91 were . fad at dl rwdg ta aaigwgjr ft. ~~~idmamir,- #~$~,t&mp3 8 few rmtuha aad a . b&& W8E wfr manifm.t~tianeiaf Irpis wuhmwry eve- mas hays felt ~rriaturn1 dl~Z~olEagt?iaa$0 pair df ha$$be pwv out of . -mtlmgt&Bi 6m6 oPer~~m;-Brit anfo&aaaWy fdT 0thpeople &hut hie bwa prtmh ~@k@? I -' mat kave whet $bm~wep tibe outaeartJ &~sof - affaIr8; at any-fate ba E tmd @tilland mi4 :' ~&b@r"%~IV@- HI@f~tar mat&@ wr;t tre~hd~~m8 mftt WI"BQ~W~?WW nothing, bat his h@a&bier&$ %milt It had a , fibd- $a hh, htatill 1~ $bB ddtePioirrtt-isa of hi&k&ti~t&&w tbsff; r@ult- ~4reWU 00 &X%fM' the ,-w~@&$T . - -; . haqrnpikb~ m& b(3ft&k1%fnh~t gd? p - eid in petty nn&n&fala~%jmlomy, par- _. or nat i%W& f8rner Wiakg, .Jim cmld mt - mth@~*toas d&at~db3qL &$ tfof+gv :-~YLUQmd bi&a Wgrnsnt in hi8 Ebmry @%bC%idgb he t3togd @rat fa his 'WQZ.~~ mel-+me tomrd him dibhba&s wad y .-. . far aotlon, "Heke jrou ram4 mu wit out - ;. 'rh~$s into ~vilwcl:pa, wmi~ Thm waa one chmd~rbtioof PO@'% af tbi~or fql hawk yanx rn flat ao pwi - g&*Mhgk aea Xys&la* hrJa i$%tmf@%b*-,, ,that. tMoghatxt his wbde Xtfe d -.*. ml him.- am not t%,e aliabb~3tidim5an- matham paam Hem Wb, I'm gat lfea fw iha - c- _ tim .in&mFlg&h rrnB m14tg' Tbik -B hie 'em," sod b@m~de 1~ @Mb ~QY!$$my& 001ldtr their plan . ; - ~r his htber d&miW him. tue naht - 10- far hjA wife, Me aidwift), &om b8 and at the slues tfrns a Illl hmn came an nlb. TBQmrpbe_@w t&& cLadng tbn , .;-" %;ht,and there paBBbd his fh8t .~heflf&adaqtd IOP~RU~ado-, %I&!&e arm thm8g-b tb~tra mmafnder d f21 +bhmboy8 'never - a ...w@&.-1m~edf8ltdpba @nlf%tMfn tt SdB- -4 - - au table &om bfm hQh. Bad &a '"- :.@@y a.X a@fll-; anid Itat l;wb gwam fi v~d

That mtt1d aftaim, Thiw w~mget,- Rewd %heWe 04 tSv& md bgsb 231 ocrith l@Mn* stat3 .' :';I%,, Effg of 3 mmmon .srt$lIe~ymm~blA tlng w *arm tbm Qven f~fJim. QfI 'hmtth, Pmla fife mighti haw &a&, foe warm be wm mS. &mid ~f ww man, hati ' ;ji3>B:ao with ham, Thmgh. %belater- P- ' b lC#~dh~ waf~11~t~l~.Bu& ~1~3 '@b@

ilr* * $mion 6f ME.Alh he resgtarrt~d P dia- wh~pt~noth~r arri;v~d ugon the$ &'- aaer eve at wd @we :@hr~5e,@nd at %haage 0f 91 he entmd almmt death$ dwr, both eeemea t~ b*o only me int~altlon, '. t .. A' - bim mhata~ztaty. Whem at la& rff;& ta take a, pime ioxrst hjde; Ifm d&dd Edgm~lmPrw, -f=+-'-&@militaryamd-2 at Wmk Point. Rirt :.-+."@$ did die, it, was anXy thrartgh the &mi@ 'I "bi. ~xpooisaaeara eohppy, for &R W~R that dimtim Is aa&ttwqpa~t, of TL~W D6k.U &ll& Bcm bra in &tan L /:p af . QW amdl aw1"iea~edto 811 LliM plah~. W~adIy8-nm th~tMe 'dE&mm and tgak to hfs heeh He did aok ta- E on 'JaooaRg, Hi* parends tmsd dieivf attan from abjwt -wmh&ed* see w&at had h~mmsof hI6 corngarrim, were n@bm,d fbaj tima of his birth :;!-,@$#g .&eoame d imunteated ahd ljroke the ~-b-%d@.~$$t-hthe delikie~ateparpow of ga1.n- IBtYB, '%fbr her d&zX;h'Elm &l;tflll!bad taro? nor did h~ 5bp to masider that ;rzqctfr ra-a were, Gembem id. a thmt-1. wmpang , !.hT - paae of a fl*&zigdp verfed life, cd wiM ;*+ %$iyq;kb freedan; FiadlgP he enaowdsr?,- abrupt dap;mtme was very irngdib and stationed tb~r$ father, David he, . h~&~dhftg&n%a&~~,"tt.~~~mid daring mBp yeauld hardllg ptaw in floed dl miety; he wae handwme, adafkmctiveh HB flmt By court martial arid dl19mf&yd. he bls wem at fta, 6imag and ,dn@agtbiw tlm~ wrote &imply k~ptrZght on tu fasf his lang sf+tldiedlaw, but a'badmed it, labr on, sm&Qtioss thfsr time tbm ;$!pW.t& ~D~~B~.~F-"R&VB&'''*&118'?1 a Two PI%T ltrga oonld cmi-YMU, and it mast be suM far the ~t- Re made no awooees in this jeam bi8 4i1~.3~&3md ~4ntlaM1be.* Hs gmdclG@i $3w asc to the madit of thme rn~'mbmthat t bey prafeesiuu and wxm dejmndest upon ' eared the enbepful-ompeti- with the lm~teffort &nd wits3 grmk p6- wied him @ret%~fa&: afid lPdd he not hid wife fm his vwy aTi&eao~. Pfia's *ti0~?" - ,' . my er the caum tent; hti devised ne&~bj~&.~$ibeI$cwn- enough far me tq take semL BE (JAN imagine eomething easier everal froitltlemlattempts, durirrg. t]xa& learning to ride a bjoycla The . is X h at ide era ti on, and ~&$$j1r3.ew-&iiit.m~ t~ the: @ 1 more than onoe' lmt my temper, pmt hag that I had a bicycle I wtia antnr- he died frm ths r~~ult~lof a BrunIran acope afptaet40 atsh'~'a&$~. ~h.2ohar- T Bn PPree. Fnt all na Bnow is, that ire vaa aoter, tbough &~k"mg,+& unimportant. agps helings and, my bat, I succeed- alll~g-vem fond of t. t ala~-for me, it onnting. I had, however, not rid- was_ raining, and I could do no%hiogelm hadmmnsciaus in th; stre& mt that Ita field %ass .na$~~and ihs thou~hts - @iW.thinly dad, and exposed to the' cold were exogaliq& mq,ried. His writhe den more than three and'a half feet when . than now and then go to the pla'ee where . the wheel tipped, and not being nimble f .hdit &anding and stroke it gently with <. Qctober'air. He was oarriad to a hoepita1 ari interastiog ,the poiot. Be was . & enough with my foot, I wa8 humiliated in the palm of my hand. A few daye after *em he Was .plased in the handk of a ~Inapnrl%ai65kg,.lrfilfagknd r@-writing the dust. Pmsev6rance Conquers. Thia tbe roads were good and I ggt the wheel ~h~eioiao.Be died*soon after this* and' and altering&$@+~hs, bnt he never oh- bfs last words %ere,"Lord help my poor. taloed wnhab $r ,&i&t for.--perfection. wae so true in my case that after a,few ~nt.ofthe shed and opened the camp&ign. sorrl," hours' diligent praotioe 1 imagined that 1 The bioydz was one of these cushion tire But thou~gbBe ,wae i@4 mastm of thb, could ride quite well. Thefoll~wingda~,ones$ and ite broad handlebars made it E'oe'a was indeed a aad one. All he still be had a lofty styikin writiop, which ' prolld nf my new accompfiuhmen t and my mwmble very much a Persian scythe. had the true love and devdion of bi~plaoes him shong gp&e,st poets= Hb . . $0 after tb a. .af'%fil wife, end her mother. Friends and imagidathe pc~we~'was onqaesthsble, new wheel, I resolved toga to town under bearing chariot. mttiqg *~plpathimkc;lhe had none. Xf wonrd altEougb he .dwe$Qt~&.&nch on the itark - pretext of getting the rnaIl. When I had. plaog where I thought no one could t%% ridden zfbont a bile I came up with a. me, T placed the old thing beside a tele make me veep to rmd Of Bii~baCtlm *it, sidb 04 lifee: ---ma of ptcturini the me, his failing&+and tl~ehenmy other trFaIe world as brig#&, fla.nt and mnabinr, ornsty. old eeighbor, leisure1y wplking phone pole and, got astraddle of it. &rt along. 'I knew he wao mortal enemy of I'ttardla dared to start. My heart .tat and troublacr with whfeh he bardmttd, he ineaghed & b &I @Il& dith darkoea a was bioyolk. At onne I rmolved to ride paet fifty times to the ~econdand perspir@~h People who hjm wmqttract~d tR gloom aid met t~ma~. him at a apeed that wonld almost takehie stood an my brow. AH at once I'@w him $Y bh eammhess in hi@clutlek, 111. ??*had maug Bi&r soemiaa mo~tlyon breath away. When I was ibobt five f&t maned all my courage and puahad orryklf PlQWtW fn mnvmatian, md his gwati aoco~~nbgf %he,wvwi$y .-d hjs mltklsm. from him I my by ability. Bot alas! thoaa who bmmebet. Ria id&% in ptmtrtrfi rerp h~ghand loat control of wheel. aff. But 1 did not go far before I lost , True to its perverse nature it went balance and st~lckthe earth ratheq.-h,a@ t@r ~~qndrrtedwtth hfm, WE~:QJttgi131t3d pwuliar9.$nd be ~BPWfeared to la& an - straight at the man. In a second the fronf with my head-. T sat still for aboug five that.his ltfe-wag a ~h~z~fe, Iznpol~bar amdl m approndnt, Be PP~r$ ' wheel str~zokhis lower extremitie~with rnbnotes, dreaming of something which I F%wof thw who knew Poe wore bj' "pllkW-"Xi@&ug~ fai axen in Fraatm, Ekly, tremeadous-force. Bi~.fieIdwas nap Uttering a yell that :rh~ot recollect. I then tried ilts again and seaelbls ts the bracina@onaf hi@permnal England and Amdp. would have pot the wiIdereZ Iddian to bmX&meso intereitted iri my rtn6ertakiag. agpearaae? -8 aomemhat over . PQ~and hi8 w@aatYwas nqt a nobb &e - ' &tune, he went into tlae su~veyor'e:dysi- - -that 1 never once laoked up but kept my a1443e --a@& the umal h@fghl;hand Bad the anmf8.@&Iujdm-4 b~g . am&,for the time being. I fdjlowed hip'' esym .on the bicjcle. Suddenly there was Wla dma8 that bdags kAaQ? ,@to' t h-6 WDP~~.J&u.oh of ilp"& Fogfit bari,ng. -ample; only a little more energetiica'lig. .a s;zmh; and lul to my utter constern@i4ion, .' was f>!dbua3,bnt ~imple;his surly l&r of hi& maha1 wa w~per~%itimd,mem- , . The bkper of - my friend in humilation I had mn into an old-faahioned orthod6~ badly shattered that he oalled ~av. Hqllander. tried to keep his f00Bipg wa1,terrible $mpreca%ionsupon the wheel. -' fdi. a mement but soon toppled over. . gave *.ma After this he p~ooeededtd give it wver.ral Then he got np and a Iccfwe, - tnonious kicks, evegyone of w'hic;~~and c"a~edme some names, *'hioh I hardly aharm tw in hla ~klgray .eye@, in; %hioh imaginative litemttm of tbnoes . - . '@PUQ~ my heart. After collecting a-nd think he had extricated from the Bib&, .&own were inblljgmioe, a!nd feelirq. HIE! J. H-. I&,\7~1. . oirgl~oeingmy shattered nerwe, I mount- , as Ijs had done the names of pill hi^ $an#. was proud and damewhat mmrvsd, ;and .]P -, " -.*@&in and rode abont half amile when Aftas that Egnt along a little better. I yet hit made frie~~;ifqi$~.He m-irjgltd dz* d &dto enoonnter a new trial. The front mas riding on a high1y grabs road and readfly in the - plaa~n~~d Bis fellaw~, ~Arnb~ta a Blcvcle. - %Iteel sfrmk iatone and, without delay, before I hew it the wheel took the di- which ifterwarw tbs ?~~mdathngd ~~~NINQGSriaea bioylle jB oe&in. wn the Brading into the ditch. rection of the ditch. , I lost all pressnce his rain, L 1y a very di&finqit task. At leaat I c%comncemy pride was tho14111gh- of miud and closed my eyes. All sortti of Po@%ghkanim and ahma&& are inm found it BO.. m@ da$ afhr rem%vhg bled. and I returned home b wi~e~paBsages rnuhed through my head, aman@ matohed, in the; fiietaq of ;kmmimn w't-ibel f xmIv.;3d to learn the wt of a mdderman. ' thb was also, "And great shall be the' lit*rata~e- By many le~ifIeshe haw hn riding it. In pWq4ttlse of my plan I be- - fall' thereof." Suddenly I landed head prangiunwjit. the mmt bsi~nal'goet acd tmk vy self $0 *be tdp Bf a gently wIoping first in a rnnd puddle. which anmbnoed , - ~tory-tdlerthe watf nen t ever gmd med. 'hill. Arriving at .my pm~tei;oegronad, I the end of my joi~rnaydawn tbe grading- . But su~heetimatw are baraelm~and over- tried to rnoan$.bat found to mg peat A friend who was nearldped m~ &t?nd, done. He was adginal to a ce~rtinex* chagrin that tho wheel wa~lld_not artand- - - I 8

~k@drile W~L,I ~88doing dofn mainhlp; tfim rexfttfi~fi-af$b to mw. when ha mme tihe Up4'. my f H~I. reply that I Wa8 not thsFa of my ova at% gPh8a, i~ mvalntian? A sjhangiw a< card, ha told me tie had ne~$r.Uenfr~ ar~ata fa re6ih~aa,b)roume a biwc2c ''E"ar7"mid tba aid fmmmdw m, Wapft isr ptm& ROW it m mrS- k hi hi@yth& &aI&+t,9 neveFtafl&&$a bfa&Om po&b& a +ha DaM pro- ride meof those thi~m.'~AfMp tbrt I , vmsp: *qt todoesokhrt mod."

me riit.mnl~%,-

, gc A. rl' T(3rrFpsko; ww iadatex3 ta thie

ce;& Imsm, socia

bas Bean appointed MyBble J&%ufe