State Library of North Carolina
312 J. Lenoir to Rufus T. Lenoir, Jr., 4 December 1891, LFP, SHe . Mrs. Foard cla ims that al l three of Thomas I. Lenoir's daughters l ived in the upstairs new room , but the room was not built at that time . It is l ikely, however, • that Sara and Laura did live in that room for a time. 34See Lula Gwyn Foard to Margaret E. Harper, 27 January 1966, FDIR, SHC; Interview with Rob Gob le, 29 May 1979; Interview with Rob Goble, 25 June 1979; and Notes from an interview with Andrew L. and Faunie T. Lenoir, Fort Defiance. 16 November 1978, hereafter cited as Interview with Andrew l . and Faunie T. Lenoir, 16 November 1978. 35See photographs of interior and exterior aspects of the Fort in Appendix IV. According to Rob Goble, the house was painted white when he went to live there. Interview with Rob Goble, 29 May 1979. 36See Oertel, Hand in Hand, pp. 20-22! Sarah J. Lenoir to Walter W. Lenoir, 31 March 1873, LFP, SHC; Sarah Leonora Lenoir to Thomas B. Lenoir, 27 February 1876 , LFP, SHC; Millie Brown to Sarah Leonora Lenoir, 11 March 1878, LFP, SHC; Sarah Leonora Lenoir to Louise Norwood, 27 November [1878?], LFP, SHC; Nora Gwyn to Sarah J. Lenoir, 12 March 18BO, LFP, SHC; Louise Norwood to Sarah J. Lenoir, 11 Apri l 18BO, LFP, SHC; and Ju l ia A. Oertel to Sarah Leonora Lenoir, 29 February 1892, LFP, SHC. 37See Rufus T. Lenoir Account Book, 1870-1877, p. 148, entry for 1 October 1875, TLP, Duke; Julia A.
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