AND F. McDermo/ J. P. *H EVENING HOODS. HOW TO READING APPROVAL OF MIN- ly completed the prescribed course of No. 26, Palisade School. jlW: Hall. incp.. DRESS AND FASHION. GLUE, HOUSE FURNISHING. UTES. study in the Training School, and would, No. 27, Abbett School. as correct. I On motion ot Mr. Ward, the reading of therefore, recommend that the diploma of No. 26, Ijioaineoti School. The report* mere accepted. Aa They Are Worn Thia Winter T» Homo Efforts Made Effective—Least the minutes of the last regular meeting tne school be awarded to each ot them:— No. 29, Hardenberffh School. was were The Committee on Laws nn<l Ordinance* Town and Best dispensed with, and they ap- Jane Anderson, Jennie Biddle, Jessie The resolution was ordered to lie over DARING CAPRICES AND AIRY FANCIES Country. lilac, Joints, SUGGESTIVE SKETCHES AND HINTS a* proved as printed. Collins, Clara Davis, Minnie Deutschber- until the next regmar meeting. reported on claim ot E. Groeschel, $72. THAT ENLIVEN THE MODES. Tilth the disappearance of the even- Within the province of theiionsehold FOR THE RESOURCEFUL WOMAN. PRESENTATION OF COMMUNICA- ger, C'iara Eckerline, Mary Eagan, Ada On motion of Mr. Kennedy, the meeting correct. TIONS. Fitch, Susan Glassey, Loretto Hopkins, adjourned. The report was accepted. bonnet many of the fashionable glue will be found a valuable auxiliary. ing From Miss Doris Koch, thanking the Anna Kanegsberg, Margaret Keane, JAMES J. WISEMAN, women to dances and the The best regulated family must some- members of the Board for her appoint- Eleanor Kiernan, Lulu McGown, Anna Clerk. MOTIONS AND RESOLUTIONS. — go dinners, of Originality In Hats The A Nook In a Handsome Parlor, With as The pits the a ment instructor of German in the McMullln, Louise Mullins, Josephine Committee on. Streets and Sewer* heads. It is cer- times confess to possession of Reign of the Rose on Coiffure and opera with uncovered Intimations on the Making of a High School. Oberhauser, Estelle Pettit, Agnes Reidy, presented the following:— piece of furniture requiring its useful Received and filed. ieresa Helen Helen Val- BOARD OF STREET AND WATER Whereas, This Board met on the 5th — Riley, Rodihan, Evening: Gown—Pretty Jabots nnd tainly the simplest way, though one “Chaise Longne” An Attraattve offices. The armless chair, the legless From Hon. Board of Finance:—* leau, Carrie Winter. COMMISSION KBS, day of February, 1301, to hear, consider Fluffy Tulle Knots. does risk a cold now and then in the Novelty In a Roman Chair. Oilice of the Board of Finance, Respectfully submitted, and adjudicate upon objections which the humiliated remnants CO"icial Proceedings.! table, broken, Jersey Jan. 21, 1901. HENRY SNYDER. should be presented against the final as- hurried flight from house to carriage. City, Fashions have settled into a certain of once useful and pretentious house- The purport of a house furnishing ar- Hon. Board of Education:— By Mr. Egbert and adopted:— (•panunuoo) sessment map and report for the con- the flimsiest scarf will disar- Dear Sir—The following resolution was Resolved, That tore report of the Super- struction of a main branch sewer In Lem- Even hold are familiar ticle in The from Regular meeting of the Board of Street Well regulated state adverse to any furnishings, objects Designer, which some adopted by the Board ot Finance of Jer- intendent be accepted and that all the pu- beck avenue (formerly Noble from and Water Commissioners, held on Tues- street) range the coiffure just a trifle, and, in a these come sey at its held 18, pils named therein as 440 feet west of Old Road to Hud- radical as is to be at many home, yet may extracts are here made, Is to City, meeting January having completed 5, at two o’clock Bergen changes, expected supply and was the prescribed course of in the 1901, (2) son thence with the growing popularity of so lav- within the of possible redemption 1901, approved by the Mayor, study day^February Boulevard; under the easterly this season. Nevertheless the tradi- pale readers with information of what is January 21, 1901. Training School be awarded diplomas of sidewalk of Hudson Boulevard to Barth- the up coils of and renew the promise of continued Yours respectfully, the Training and that their names oldi avenue, formerly Girard avenue and dress manifests itself in ishly ornamenting piled taste in such not in School, Present at Roll Call—Commissioners tional spice of good lines, only M. F. KALAHER, be placed on the list of substitutes. in Bartholdi avenue to connect with the hair, a head covering becomes a bit usefulness. d* Hauck, Nolan, Sullivan and President and whose charming costly articles, but others that are Clerk. REPORTS OF STANDING COMMIT- Smith. main sewer, Greenville Section, West caprices conceits, the few years there have That this Board the TEES. difficult to adjust comfortably and eas- During past Resolved, adopts Absent—Commissioner Helntze. Side, commonly designated Girard avenu* of the within the reach of the very limited of sewer unexpectedness speaks sparkling been written many dissertations con- report its Committee of the Whole, Finance, by Mr. Lewis, Chairman:— main sewer; also under the west- ily. and authorizes the acquisition of the Resolved, That the following fif- erly sidewalk of Hudson from of the Parisian modistes. From of in the poeketbook. A woman of resource, by claims, On motion, William A. Tolson was Boulevard, fancy scarfs and hoods demnatory the use of glue sites as hereinafter to wit:- ty-five in be ordered to the a 50 feet south of Lembeck The dainty appeal described, number, paid elected Clerk pro tem. point avenue, comes the tale of new white construction of aid of pictures and 1. All those certain lots, pieces or par- parties hereinafter as per bills ac- to and connecting with the sewer in Paris more to out of town furniture, inspired descriptions, may named, especially people, cels of land, situate, lying and being in companying:— Bartholdi avenue, conformably to the those while well inten- evolve some home decora- un motion, the reading of minutes of pro- these are not by any means the mainly by who, frequently Jersey City, Hudson county, New Jersey, ..General Claims account:— visions of Chapter 217 of the Laws of though regular meeting held on Tuesday, January tioned, have been satisfied to gain their and which on a map entitled "Official as- Repairs, 1898-1899:— 1695: and only ones who wear them. Fancy lace 29. 1901, was dispensed with, and they sessment map of Jersey City, N. J.,’’ are A. J. Jardine, repairs, School No. 1, Whereas, No objections were present- scarfs are both knowledge on the subject secondhand, W'ere, on motion, approved as engrossed, i and embroidered pretty known as lots 16, 17, 18, 19, 20 and 21, in June, 1899, *5.99; School No. 1 Annex, July, ed, alleged or known against the sam*; or at best from theoretical rather than City Block 1,990, fronting on Grant ave- 1899, $11.78. therefore and becoming. These are lightly PRESENTATION OF PETITIONS AND I nue, and also lots 50, 51, 52, 53, 54 and 55, in Woodhouse & Co., lumber, School No. 1, Resolved, That said final assessment over the head in practical sources. COMMUNICATIONS. thrown any becoming same block and fronting on Claremont April, 1899, *6.33. and as Its From Patrick Rooney and others:— map report filed by Com- if the scarf is Glue in its place and with proper avenue; J. H. Mullins, School No. missioners of Assessment on the fashion, and, long enough, repairs, 1, Petitioning for the construction of a hasf its value. It is not the Resolved, That a warrant be ordered February, 1899, *3.18. twenty-second of January, 1901. one end be wound about the usage use, sewer in Merseles and Fourth streets. i day may drawn in favor of Michael I. Fagen, at- Wood & Menagh, School No. 1, and the said assesment therein shown be but the of it that is repairs, Two (2) petitions for signs, etc. throat and shoulders. rather abuse, torney, for 87,800, in full payment for the June, 1899, *5.81. and the same are and Received and referred to the Committee hereby confirmed,- is above mentioned site for school purposes. L. School No. that the Clerk be directed to file the same A narrow scarf of silk to be condemned. The joint that Wolpin, repairs, 1, Annex, on Streets and Sewers. puffed liberty The warrant aforesaid not to be delivered August, $25. with the Collector for collection. in itself without the 1899, City with lace has a double of strong enough glue by the Clerk until a proper deed, The Henry Johnson School This Board met on the 5th stripes edge City Co., repairs, OFFICIAL COMMUNICATIONS. Whereas, can lose in vesting the title of said property in the No. 20, *13.23. day of February, 1901, to hear, consider chenille making a pretty frame surely nothing stability by January, 1899, From His Honor the loops, tree of all incumbrance, and duly 1899-1900:— Mayor:— and adjudicate upon objections which its addition. city, Repairs, Feb. 1901. for the face., This scarf is neither wide approved by the Counsel, James School No. Jersey City, 6, should be presented against the final as- Corporation Dodds, repairs, 15, Honorable Board of Street and Water So to two of wood shall have been first hied. November, 1900, *83. sessment map and report for the improve- enough nor long enough to be worn in glue pieces togeth- Commissioners :— 2. All those certain lots, or par- Books and 1899-1900:— ment of Lembeck avenue, from Old Ber- er that adhere and become' as one pieces Stationery, Gentlemen—I most call more than one fashion—simply thrown they cels of land, situate, lying and being in Ginn & Co., School No.
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