11-24 JuLY 2016 ! s r a ye 2 0 C 016 g 1 NTENT - Celebratin www.contentasia.tv l www.contentasiasummit.com PCCW’s Viu pushes into MAIN COLOR PALETTE 10 GRADIENT BG GRADIENT R: 190 G: 214 B: 48 premiumR: 0 G: 0 B: 0 Take the green and the blue Take the green and the blue C: 30 M: 0 Y: 100 K: 0 C: 75 M: 68 Y: 67 K: 90 from the main palette. from the main palette. Opacity: 100% Opacity: 50% R: 0 G: 80 B: 255 R: 138 G: 140 B: 143 Blending Mode: Normal Blending Mode: Hue C: 84 M: 68 Y: 0 Singapore K: 0 C: 49 goesM: 39 Y: 38 live K: 3 with unlimited downloads & multiple pay points Uncontrollably Fond PCCW Media has added premium ver- sions of its Viu OTT platform to its offering in Singapore, supporting Singtel’s first bid to delink mobile video and set-top box TV subscriptions as well as offering a paid direct-to-consumer option. The full story is on page three HBO Asia kicks off Chinese martial arts FIRST AND EXCLUSIVE originals slate SAME DAY AS THE U.K. Brand New Season Mainland co-production Premieres Aug 28 Sundays & Mondays 10:30am (9:30am JKT/BKK) anthology confirmed Primetime Encore Sundays, Mondays & Thursdays 9pm (8pm JKT/BKK) HBO Asia has confirmed a slate of Chi- nese martial arts action TV features with prolific mainland Chinese producer, Chi- For carriage inquiries, please contact
[email protected] na Movie Channel (CMC). ©2016 FremantleMedia & Simco Ltd.