The State and Pressures of the Marine Environment in Montenegro Impressum
The State and Pressures of the Marine Environment in Montenegro Impressum Project coordinators: Marina MarkoviÉ, MSc, PAP/RAC. Aleš Mlakar, PhD, PNAM, Ivana StojanoviÉ, Ministry of Ecology, Spatial Planning and Urbanism Habitats: Milena BatakoviÉ, Mihailo JoviÏeviÉ Fish – pelagic: Milica MandiÉ, PhD, Institute of Marine Biology, Ana PešiÉ, PhD, Institute of Marine Biology Fish – demersal: Mirko ÒuroviÉ, PhD, Institute of Marine Biology Eutrophication and Ana MišuroviÉ, MSc contamination: Marine litter: Milica MandiÉ, PhD, Institute of Marine Biology Landscapes: Aleš Mlakar, PhD, PNAM, Nika Cigoj Sitar, PNAM Data and images: Mihailo JoviÏeviÉ; Nika Cigoj Sitar, PNAM Translator: Assia BariÉ Cover design: Graphic design: Ljudomat Cover photo: Montenegrin coast © Slaven Vilus The designations employed and the presentation of the material in this publication do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the UNEP/MAP concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area or its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries. The report was prepared as part of the GEF Adriatic project, funded by the Global Environment Facility (GEF). For citation: UNEP/MAP-PAP/RAC i MEPU (2021). The State and Pressures of the Marine Environment in Montenegro. Authors (alphabetically): BatakoviÉ Milena, Cigoj Sitar Nika, ÒuroviÉ Mirko, JoviÏeviÉ Mihailo, MandiÉ Milica, MarkoviÉ Marina, MišuroviÉ Ana, Mlakar Aleš, PešiÉ Ana, StojanoviÉ Ivana. Ur: PAP/RAC – GEF Adriatic project. pp.
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