Congressional Record United States Th of America PROCEEDINGS and DEBATES of the 114 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION
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E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 114 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION Vol. 162 WASHINGTON, TUESDAY, MARCH 22, 2016 No. 45 Senate The Senate was not in session today. Its next meeting will be held on Thursday, March 24, 2016, at 11 a.m. House of Representatives TUESDAY, MARCH 22, 2016 The House met at 10 a.m. and was taking place in our politics and the Adams urged: ‘‘There must be de- called to order by the Speaker pro tem- cynicism that is the end result of cency and respect, and veneration in- pore (Mr. BOST). power for power’s sake. We are losing troduced for persons of authority of f sight of civility in government and pol- every rank, or we are undone. In a pop- itics. Debate and dialogue is taking a ular government, this is our only DESIGNATION OF SPEAKER PRO back seat to the politics of destruction way . .’’ TEMPORE and anger and control. Dogma has re- I couldn’t agree more. Our constitu- The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- placed thoughtful discussion between ents, our allies, and this world deserves fore the House the following commu- people of differing views.’’ much more from us. But all hope is not nication from the Speaker: Mr. Speaker, these words were spo- lost. WASHINGTON, DC, ken by then-Governor Jim McGreevey Governor McGreevey finished his March 22, 2016. in his farewell address to the State of farewell address with these wise words: I hereby appoint the Honorable MIKE BOST New Jersey in 2004, and I fear that they ‘‘I urge you, my fellow citizens, to seek to act as Speaker pro tempore on this day. are truer today than ever before. those who will build bridges between PAUL D. RYAN, With Congress back in town for just us, those who do not need to shout in Speaker of the House of Representatives. order to be heard. We must have lead- 3 days before a 21⁄2-week break, all any- f one wants to know is if, not even when, ers who value their words as much as MORNING-HOUR DEBATE we might actually get some real work they do their actions and who, above all, believe in their heart what they The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- accomplished for the American people. We are 3 months into the Second Ses- say and do . Demand good and effec- ant to the order of the House of Janu- tive government from wise leaders who ary 5, 2016, the Chair will now recog- sion of the 114th Congress, and what do we have to show for it? speak softly, with great ideas, who in- nize Members from lists submitted by spire people to work together for a Sadly, our record of accomplishment the majority and minority leaders for common purpose. We, as a Nation, have is short. morning-hour debate. done this in the past, and I know we The Chair will alternate recognition To top it off, all our constituents are can do it again.’’ between the parties, with each party hearing in the media is the hateful As the leaders of this great country, limited to 1 hour and each Member rhetoric and vengefulness spewing from I urge my fellow colleagues in the other than the majority and minority the mouths of the candidates in the House, Governors, and candidates alike leaders and the minority whip limited Presidential debates. And now, unfor- to hold ourselves to a higher standard, to 5 minutes, but in no event shall de- tunately, our third branch of govern- because, as Herbert Hoover once said: bate continue beyond 11:50 a.m. ment can’t escape the partisanship ‘‘When there is a lack of honor in gov- f that is choking our Federal Govern- ernment, the morals of the whole peo- ment. ple are poisoned.’’ CIVILITY IN GOVERNMENT This is not a new struggle for our f The SPEAKER pro tempore. The great democracy. In fact, John Adams Chair recognizes the gentleman from wrote to his wife about the same issue 100TH ROTARY ANNIVERSARY Illinois (Mr. QUIGLEY) for 5 minutes. over 200 years ago. He wrote: ‘‘I fear The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Mr. QUIGLEY. Mr. Speaker, ‘‘I look that in every assembly, Members will Chair recognizes the gentleman from with increasing horror, along with a obtain an influence by noise, not sense; Florida (Mr. CURBELO) for 5 minutes. growing number of other Americans, at by meanness, not greatness; by con- Mr. CURBELO of Florida. Mr. Speak- the great and bitter division that is tracted hearts, not large souls.’’ er, I rise today to honor the Rotary b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H1497 . VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:56 Mar 23, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 4636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A22MR7.000 H22MRPT1 emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with HOUSE H1498 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE March 22, 2016 Club of Key West, which celebrates its Florida Regional Climate Compact and In addition to ensuring that landfills 100th anniversary this April. receive recommendations from the accepting coal ash are lined properly to The Rotary Club was chartered in our Miami-Dade Sea Level Rise Task Force protect groundwater, the Coal Ash Florida Keys community in 1916 under on the best ways to incorporate new Landfill Safety Act would also protect the principle of ‘‘service above self,’’ an methods to deal with climate change in communities by working to minimize excellent reminder to all of the impor- our daily lives. coal ash dust in the air, which is also tance we have of helping our fellow The individuals who attend this con- toxic. It will require groundwater mon- Floridians. ference have a passionate desire to itoring, mandate proper cleanup re- The Rotary Club of Key West is com- keep our south Florida communities quirements, and require weekly, promised of active members of our safe and viable for generations to monthly, and annual inspections, south Florida community who find it come. Sea level rising is an important thereby keeping the public informed by not only important, but also absolutely issue not only in south Florida, but a posting the monitoring data, corrective necessary to give back to their local topic that should be discussed in a bi- action plans, and inspection reports on neighborhoods. They provide scholar- partisan manner at the national level a publicly accessible Web site. ships to local school children, includ- as well. As we saw in Flint, Michigan, we ing $25,000 to one graduating senior, I commend the attendees of the Sea need to act at the Federal level before and have even established a Rotary Level Rise Solutions Conference for our failure to do so results in irrevers- Dental Program to help children who their leadership and for taking ible damage to the health and environ- proactive steps to address rising sea otherwise would not be able to receive ment of the communities we represent. levels. dental care. I don’t want American families, regard- I would also like to recognize Rotary f less of income level, to be unfairly and legends Jefferson B. Browne, Robert COAL ASH LANDFILL SAFETY ACT unreasonably exposed to toxic chemi- Carraway, Edward B. Knight, Gerald cals because dangerous materials, such ‘‘Moe’’ Mosher, Greg O’Berry, John G. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Chair recognizes the gentleman from as coal ash, are being deposited into in- Parks, Jr., Paul J. Sher, Edward adequately protected facilities in their Toppino, Robert Walker, and Alton Georgia (Mr. JOHNSON) for 5 minutes. Mr. JOHNSON of Georgia. Mr. Speak- neighborhoods. Weekley. er, power companies are closing down Together, we can find sensible solu- Their dedication to remaining loyal old, air-polluting, coal-fired power tions to all of these problems that we to the Rotary Club’s vision has helped plants as we move toward cleaner, face, but we must deal with the regula- to shape it into the wonderful organi- more sustainable ways to generate tions, the shortcomings. We must pro- zation it is today. We are fortunate to electricity. tect the American people. have experienced their leadership. As these small producing plants Once again, congratulations to the close, they leave behind a toxic sub- Rotary Club of Key West on an advan- f stance known as coal ash. The coal ash tageous 100 years. May the next 100 be is a public health hazard if it is not dis- A TRIBUTE TO DOLPH SCHAYES even more prosperous. posed of properly. Coal ash is toxic and VASUNDARA GOVINDARAJAN, SPELLING BEE can cause sickness and death. It is a The SPEAKER pro tempore. The WINNER dangerous substance that must be kept Chair recognizes the gentleman from Mr. CURBELO of Florida. Mr. Speak- out of our drinking water. Coal ash New York (Mr. KATKO) for 5 minutes. er, I rise today to recognize and con- contains known carcinogens such as ar- Mr. KATKO. Mr. Speaker, I rise gratulate Vasundara Govindarajan of senic, mercury, and lead. That is why today to pay tribute to the great life of Archimedean Academy, who will be coal ash is being regulated by the EPA. Dolph Schayes. representing Miami-Dade County in As power companies shut down or up- Dolph was born in New York, New the Scripps National Spelling Bee held grade their facilities while closing ex- York, in 1928, and lived most of his life in Washington, D.C., this May.