77 vICTORIA STREET • POTTS POINT • SyDNEy NSw 2011 • AUSTRAlia • TElephONE (02) 9356 4411 • fAx (02) 9357 3635 HORDERN HOUSE RARE BOOKS PTY. LTD. A.B.N. 94 193 459 772 E-MAIL:
[email protected] INTERNET: www.hordern.com DIRECTORS: ANNE McCORMICK • DEREK McDONNELL HORDERN HOUSE RARE BOOKS • MANUSCRIPTS • PAINTINGS • PRINTS • RARE BOOKS • MANUSCRIPTS • PAINTINGS • PRINTS • RARE BOOKS • MANUSCRIPTS • PAINTINGS Acquisitions • October 2015 Important Works on Longitude 2. [BOARD OF LONGITUDE]. The 3. [BUREAU DES LONGITUDES]. Nautical Almanac and Astronomical Connaissance des tems, a l’usage des Ephemeris, for the Year 1818. Astronomes et des Navigateurs pour l’an X… Octavo, very good in original polished calf, faithfully rebacked. London, John Octavo, folding world map and two Murray 1815. folding tables; an attractive copy in contemporary marbled calf, gilt, red Rare copy of the Nautical Almanac for spine label. Paris, l’Imprimerie de la 1818, a fundamental inclusion in the République, Fructidor, An VII, that is shipboard library of any Admiralty- circa August 1799. sponsored voyage. The Almanac was used for reckoning the longitude at sea A handsome copy of this rare work by the lunar method, and was closely by the French Bureau des Longitudes, studied by officers of the Royal Navy. for use by naval officers for the year The continued publication of such 1802 and 1803. The volume includes a almanacs is further proof that the handsome map of the world showing invention of the chronometer, (whilst the track of a solar eclipse that revolutionary), did not completely occurred in August of that year. Much supersede the necessity for other fail- like the British equivalent, these tables 1.