Issue No. 163 Friday, June 13 - Thursday, June 26, 2014 ORDER DELIVERY TO Forgotten Macedonia’s Ancient YOUR DOOR +381 11 4030 303 mall new Bač starts to [email protected] - ISSN 1820-8339 1 dreams government restore lost INSIGHT IS PUBLISHED BY 0 1 of rebirth keeps to splendour old course Page 4 Page 8 Page 9 9 7 7 1 8 2 0 8 3 3 0 0 0 Even when the Democrats longas continue to likely is This also are negotiations Drawn-out Surely the situation is urgent Many of us who have experi - We feel in-the-know because bia has shown us that (a.) no single no (a.) that us shown has bia party or coalition will ever gain the governa - form to required majority negotiations political (b.) and ment, will never be quickly concluded. achieved their surprising result at last month’s general election, quickly it became clear that the - re sult was actually more-or-less the result election other every as same in , i.e. inconclusive. as Serbia’s politicians form new political parties every time disagree with they their current party - reg 342 currently are (there leader political parties in Serbia). istered the norm. One Ambassador Belgrade-based recently told me he was also alarmed by the distinct lack of urgency among politicians. Serbian “The country is standstill at and a I don’t understand their logic. If they are so eager to progress towards the EU and en - theycome how investors, courage go home at 5pm sharp and don’t work weekends?” overtime. little a warrant to enough Unions EDITOR’S WORD Predictability Political By Mark R. Pullen elections Serbian numerous enced rate ourselves as pundits when it comes to predicting election - re sults and post-election moves. our experience of elections in Ser Serbian PM’s blast ends fight - - - honeymoon with EU losingNEWS battleNEWS The Prime

over “The situation in the party seems “Dacic will eventually side with Nikolic agreed: “The question is Fearing they might not cross the Pensioners leader, Jovan Krkoba - The reported price is the post of In addition, the Socialists are bar Tadic has denied talk of horse- At the same time, Dacic seems re - reach an agreement “If we don’t Source: Balkan Insight ( Balkan Insight ( Source: Minister’s explosive party over which way to turn. extremely complicated, as we try to convince the few remaining lag - gards that we need to move out of one Socialist shadow,” Milosevic’s Party official complained. in a bid to guide his party into Tadic the European mainstream, but much of the membership and many offi - cials may oppose that move.” will the party split or ‘old- back down,” he noted. timers’ threshold to enter parlia - 5-per-cent ment, the Socialists teamed up with Association of Pensioners and the the led by business - United Serbia Party, man Dragan Markovic “Palma”. bic, Palma and Dacic are all pushing for a deal with the Democrats. of deputy PM, with a brief in charge security for the Socialist leader. gaining for other ministries, includ - ing capital investments, and education, Belgrade media reported. trading with the Socialists, maintain - ing that ministries would go only to those committed to working for the “strategic goal”. government’s negotiations with luctant to call off the nationalists. with the DSS and Radicals, par ty leadership will decide on future steps”, Dacic announced, following par new country’s of session first the liament on Wednesday. claim that Labour

ambassadors are Law page 10 in league against Serbia’s new Labour him has stunned Law will not meet diplomats and left all the demands hile the football world watch - es events unfold at the - However, a strong current also However, Mihajlo Markovic, a founder of Markovic, a prominent supporter Some younger Socialist officials Neighbourhood Matters faces extinction unless it changes. flows in the opposite direction, led by party veterans enraged the Tadic. prospect of a deal with recently warned of a crisis the party, if Dacic opts for the pro-European “nat - bloc, abandoning the Socialists’ ural” ideological partners. of Milosevic during the 1990s, is seen as representative of the “old- timers” in the party who want to stay policies, true to the former regime’s even though these almost ruined the Socialists for good. have voiced frustration over the con - tinuing impasse within their own Football Rebellion Football pean Championships in and pean Championships in , Bosnia is experiencing led by fans, play - a soccer rebellion, enraged ers and former stars who are by what they see as corrupt leaders football association of the country’s leaders. experts worried of employers, but W Issue No. 1 / Friday, June 13, 2008 Issue No. 1 / Friday, about where this unions stand to will lead. lose most from the proposed changes. page 5 Gordana ANDRIĆ

rime Minister Aleksandar Stevan VELJOVIĆ Vučić’s recent claim that unnamed foreign ambas- fter months of tough ne- conomists are warning that pro - over Serbia’s uncertainty longed “This year has been lost, from the sadors are plotting against gotiation, work on Serbia’s After eight years of stagnation, the pro-European and nation - With Nikolic believes the Socialists, led “The group of younger Socialists Business Insight Costs Mounting future could scare off investors, lead investors, lead future could scare off to higher inflation and jeopardise prosperity for years to come. says standpoint of economic policy,” Econom - the of Stamenkovic Stojan ics Institute in Belgrade. to Serbia’s late president, Slobodan to Serbia’s Milosevic, and reformists who want the party to become a modern Euro - pean social democrat organisation. the Socialists returned to centre stage after winning 20 of the 250 seats in elections. parliament in the May 11 alist blocs almost evenly matched, the Socialists now have the final say on the fate of country. by Ivica Dacic, will come over to if only out of a pragmatic de - Tadic, sire to ensure their political survival. gathered around Dacic seems to be adding said, Nikolic majority”, the in that these reformists believe the party him has caused confusion new Labour Law is com- E Pamong diplomats based in the capital. ing to an end, and the end “We have no idea what was behind of the month is set as the this statement, or if anything was [be- deadlineA for its adoption by parliament. hind it],” the representative of one inter- However, as employers and unions Friday • June 13 2008 national organisation in Belgrade, who failed to reach agreement in the working declined to be named, told BIRN. group preparing the law, the government “We were stunned to hear the state- will have the final word on the most hotly ments. However, if there are some un- disputed provisions. THIS ISSUE OF resolved issues regarding our ambas- Unions have rejected all changes to the Belgrade Insight IS SUPPORTED BY: IS SUPPORTED sadors we are ready to sit and resolve law concerning the cuts on different pay- on a new gov - ense negotiations ernment have divided the ranks “It looks as if the Socialists will Simultaneous negotiations held This divides “old-timers” loyal Socialist leader Ivica Dacic remains the Serbian kingmaker Socialist leader Ivica Dacic remains Lure of Tadic Alliance Splits Socialists Tadic Lure of government, old pro-EU While younger Socialists support joining a new, over the prospect. revolt Milosevic loyalists threaten in Belgrade By Rade Maroevic them with Serbian government and ments, such as redundancy, and called which holds of the Socialist Party, of the balance power between the blocs and has yet to announce main which side they will support. move towards a government led by the Democrats,” political analyst Mi - lan Nikolic, of the independent Cen - tre of Policy Studies, said. “But such a move might provoke deeper divi - sions and even split the party.” with the pro-European and national - ist blocs have drawn attention to a deep rift inside the Socialists. T with Vučić,” says another source from for the law to ensure that obligations to . apply collective agreements remain com- pulsory for most employers. Continued on page 2 Experts fear Prime Minister is losing all sense of proportion. Photo by Beta As employers want the exact opposite, the government will have to make a rul- ing on about ten provisions. Aleksandar Vulin, Minister of Labour, Macedonia’s new government keeps to old course Employment and Social Issues, has said parliament will give the last word after If Nikola Gruevski’s new cabinet looks “The creation of new jobs, attracting “We will not see any change in the listening to unions, employers and the foreign investors and encouraging do- technology of governance and in the Social and Economic Council. remarkably like the last one, it is because he mestic investors, agriculture, education general orientation of the government,” This is the body consisting of repre- clearly feels satisfied with the way the country is and health - all this will be the focus of the political analyst Suad Misini said. While sentatives of the government, businesses new cabinet,” Gruevski told the media. government priorities “are absolutely and unions. being run. These priorities will sound like déjà the same, their realization in the pe- “As we have completely opposing vu to many Macedonians as they have riod to come remains questionable”, he views here, the government will have to Siniša JAKOV MARUŠIĆ isters, and by the priorities noted in the been listed as key issues ever since added. make a judgment and say what it consid- government platform that he submit- Gruevski took power in 2006. ers a higher interest,” Vulin said on June fter winning early gen- ted to parliament - in which the econ- Meanwhile Macedonia remains one THE TEAM THAT WINS… 9th. eral elections in April by omy and Euro-Atlantic integration re- of the poorest countries in and Employers have less reason to feel dis- a landslide, Macedonian main dominant - the new government its Euro-Atlantic integration bid remains The list of candidate-ministers com- appointed with the new law than unions, Prime Minister Nikola will contain no significant novelties. stalled as a result of the unresolved dis- ing from the ranks of Gruevski’s main as the new law will meet at least some of Gruevski said his new “Our priorities are linked with the pute with Greece over its name. ruling VMRP DPMNE party remains their requests. cabinetA would have no trouble gaining economy and with Euro-Atlantic inte- Observers say the new cabinet of 25 largely unchanged. endorsement from parliament at a ses- gration, of course with a strong dedica- ministers, plus the Prime Minister, the sion set for June 19th. tion to other sectors as well,” Gruevski biggest such team in the , ap- Continued on page 8 Continued on page 7 Judging by the list of candidate-min- said. pears short of fresh ideas.

+381 11 4030 306 [email protected] 2 BELGRADE INSIGHT, Friday, June 13 - Thursday, June 26, 2014 BELGRADE INSIGHT, Friday, June 13 - Thursday, June 26, 2014 3 SERBIA SERBIA

Continued from page 1 Finance SARL. This Geneva-based firm is in turn owned by Cypriot- based Balmeran Limited, which is linked to other Lazarević firms. A source from public company Serbian PM’s blast ends Serbian Electric Power Industry, EPS, owners of EDB, added that its assessment on May 20th was that Obrenovac, some 30km from the capital, needed just 22,000 electric meters, almost half the number ordered by the Belgrade, honeymoon with EU flood state-owned firm. “We assume that EDB is abusing the fact that Obrenovac is recover- ing from floods to secure a job for Meter&Control, EWG and SITEL, avoiding the Public Procurement repairs Law and at prices much higher than market prices,” the Enel’s consortium told Balkan Investigative Reporting Network, BIRN. The consortium claims it had ob- tained an internal EDB document spark showing that ELECOM has been se- lected as the supplier, but it has no proof the deal was signed. The document states EDB opened the tender on June 4th, requesting suppliers to submit their offers by fraud th June 5 . EDB’s alleged decision to favour bidders able to deliver all 39,400 me- ters immediately also angered ENEL’s consortium. It argues it is impossible claims to install all the equipment at once and that price should have been the priority. Belgrade’s state owned energy “This is a fraud in which an emer- gency is being used as the sole crite- company stands accused of rion for assessing the bids, regardless of price,” the consortium told BIRN. exploiting Serbia’s devastating floods But Jovan Vujasinović, director of Meter&Control, told BIRN he had not been informed about who won the as a cover for a costly and potentially tender. EDB also said the procedure had not been concluded. illegal contract with a company The last successful tender for electricity meters was in 2010 when related to energy mogul Vojin Meter&Control delivered 13,000 to EDB. Every tender since has been Lazarević. cancelled after losing companies suc- cessfully complained. Floods have wrecked Obrenovac’s electricity infrastructure. Photo by Beta The floods that hit Serbia in mid- Aleksandar ĐORĐEVIĆ EDB selected the company ELE- May affected 39 out of 120 municipal- EPS CALLED PRODUCERS TO COM to replace the damaged meters ities, forcing more than 30,000 peo- DELIVER METRES AT THE LOWEST PRICE Serbian consortium led despite it offering a price that was €1 ple from their homes and damaging by company Enel claims million higher than Enel’s, it is alleged. or destroying road, railways, bridges, that Belgrade Power Dis- In the tender, ELECOM, which is a homes, power plants and telecom- A source at EPS claims that senior director Željko Marković wrote to EDB on May 20th tribution, EDB, has made trading company, offered metres pro- munication infrastructure. Prime recommending the company buy electricity meters from all bidding suppliers. a “fraudulent” deal to duced by three firms: Meter&Control, Minister Aleksandar Vucic has said Marković held a meeting with all potential suppliers on May 20 asking them to buyA almost 40,000 electricity meters connected to Serbian energy mogul the bill will be around €1 billion. One deliver meters at €61, without competing against each other, as there was at inflated prices for the flood-ravaged Vojin Lazarević; EWG, owned by the of the worst hit towns was Obrenovac. enough work for everyone. town of Obrenovac. Serbian basketball player Dejan Bodi- Enel’s consortium claims the €3.5 roga; and SITEL, a Bosnian company. The price of €61 was selected as it was the lowest million contract had been discretely Meter&Control was founded in offer from a tender open in December 2013. handed out without a competitive 2008 by Rudnap, owned by Vojin The text is part of a larger project tender and at €1 million above the Lazarević, and currently is owned by “Strengthening of media freedom in However, ENEL and its consortium claim that EDB instead ordered electricity meters at €81 per unit. market rate. Swiss offshore company Pallanterie Serbia”, financed by the EU.

PM’s language recalls radical rhetoric of yesteryear. Photo by Beta

ocal experts believe Vučić’s “I am strong enough to resist anyone “They think I’ll pray to God that they Another political analyst, Đorđe Serbian Radical Party in 2008 and dramatic claim was either who attacks my family. We are small stop. You won’t silence me and I will Vukadinović, also expressed concern formed a pro-EU alternative, the Pro- an attempt to shift the pub- and they are big, but that does not mean never shut up, because I’m telling the over the Prime Minister’s language. gressive Party. lic focus from the issue of that I should not stand up to defend the truth, and they are lying,” Vučić said, “Maybe this was some sort of radi- “This explosive reaction to rather sensitive talks with Kosovo freedom-loving traditions of our people,” using unusually emotive and undiplo- cal, brutal media spinning, to main- moderate and routine criticisms resem- L- or simply a sign that Prime Minister is Vučić said on June 9th. matic language. tain his ‘patriotic rating’ with the bled the kind of words we heard from unable to handle criticism. Vučić delivered his verbal denunciation Boško Jakšić, a political analyst, be- domestic audience, while he adopts him and his party colleagues in a previ- Some believe it points towards a pe- after the OSCE expressed concern over “a lieves Vučić was aiming principally at unpopular standpoints regarding ous time,” Vukadinović added. riod of rockier relations between Bel- worrying trend of online censorship”. Michael Kirby, the US ambassador to Kosovo,” he said, referring to the EU- Jelena Milić, director of the Belgrade grade and the European Union. The OSCE remarks marked a new Serbia, and at Michael Davenport, the led “normalisation” process with the Centre for Euro-Atlantic Studies, CEAS, “The honeymoon between Aleksandar stage in an ongoing controversy about head of the EU Delegation to Serbia, former province. told BIRN that Vučić’s statements high- Vučić’s government and the EU is over,” alleged censorship in Serbia, which start- both of whom earlier expressed sup- “This should also be condemned lighted comparisons between Vučić’s Predrag Simić, a political science profes- ed when some websites that criticised port for freedom of the media in Serbia. but his loss of control and of any sense way of ruling and that of Vladimir Putin sor at Belgrade University, predicted. the government’s handling of the floods “I believe the statements were of reality and proportion is worrying,” in Russia. crisis succumbed to hacker attacks. also a sign of his own nervousness,” Vukadinović added. “This is just the escalation of some- UNEXPECTED OUTBURST Vučić, who has repeatedly denied Jakšić added. “While everyone who thing that started a year ago,” Milić said. that there is any censorship of the me- addressed him addressed him as the LANGUAGE OF “The thing is, he never was the man that At the live conference, Vučić dia in Serbia, demanded an apology Prime Minister, he reacted personally A PREVIOUS ERA the EU wanted to perceive in him,” she claimed he had obtained “proof that from OSCE. as Aleksandar Vučić, which was inap- added. many people from the international Vučić stated angrily that the OSCE was propriate. Vukadinović said the Prime Minis- “The reasons for criticism existed community, including some ambassa- lying and accused the organisation of “It’s just not done that way and he ter’s rhetoric recalled the language that long ago and now we are witnessing dors”, were leading a campaign against putting pressure on the media in Serbia to is in no position to behave like that,” he used for almost 20 years in politics, those same things that some people re- him and his family. run a campaign against his government.. Jakšić continued. before he quit the ultra-nationalistic fused to see,” Milić concluded. 4 BELGRADE INSIGHT, Friday, June 13 - Thursday, June 26, 2014 BELGRADE INSIGHT, Friday, June 13 - Thursday, June 26, 2014 5 BELGRADE BELGRADE

Continued from page 1 Teodora Drajzera street partially closed More people Owing to construction work on the heating system, one lane of Teodora Drajzera street in Forgotten mall municipality will be closed for traffic from June and powers th th rd 10 to 19 and from June 23

Belgrade in brief in brief Belgrade to 30th. Traffic will be conducted in both directions through one for city police lane alternately. dreams of rebirth Free WiFi in Naxis The Serbian capital is to strengthen Taxi vehicles As of mid-June, about 100 the communal police by increasing taxis operating within Naxis A poor Taxi company are offering free both the number of officers and their WiFi to their costumers. The reputation and company is the first to offer authorities. this service in the capital. Naxis empty shops Taxi vehicles can be ordered iniša Mali, the mayor, on “A higher number of the officers via Twitter by sending a tweet have turned June 9th said the city would would help us cover whole Belgrade,” with the starting address to @ propose amendments to Mali told reporters. Naxistaxi. parliament on the Law on Serbia introduced communal police Čumić into a Communal Police that will in all bigger cities in November 2010, Cheaper parking at Sstrengthen their powers. and 317 officers are now patrolling the Botanička bašta ghost town – a Mali said the aim was to increase Serbian capital. Numbers of communal police are to go up. Photo by Beoinfo the number of police officers and to “The communal police are one of the The Belgrade Parking Service very far cry increase their jurisdictions on matters most important institutions in the city, lic, the protection of street furniture, struction, the use of flammable and ex- has introduced two new such as traffic offences, which will help not just because they are taking care of illegal parking, combating illegal street plosive devices, control of pets, ensur- cheaper tariffs for monthly the police work more efficiently. order, but because they are in everyday traders, prevention of damage to build- ing that communal rules in residential parking fees in the garage at from the 1990s, “We want to change the way the com- communication with citizens and tour- ings and monuments, preventing graf- buildings are respected, management Botanička bašta. The monthly munal police function. Our proposal ists,” Mali said. fiti, flyposting, management of snow of waterways, ensuring that bars and fee for all-day parking for those when it was is for one police officer for every 1,000 By law, the communal police are in and ice removal and the prevention of clubs keep to their legal closing times, living in the neighbourhood and citizens, instead of one per 5,000, as it is charge of assisting employees of public begging. control of public buses and prevention for companies from 7am to the place to be at the moment,” he said. utilities in their dealings with the pub- They also deal with unlicensed con- of illegal taxis. 9pm is now 2,200 dinars [€19], which is about 50 per cent seen. lower than before. Swimming at Ada Vučić pledges Ciganlija not advised Ivana NIKOLIĆ International The public company Ada have been here for 20 prompt reconstruction bicycle festival Ciganlija has urged Belgraders years. The Nineties, when not to swim in the man-made I first came, were Čumić’s of Obrenovac kicks off lake, as the temperature happiest times. This was of the water is still not high the only mall in Belgrade enough for swimming to be and“I the fanciest place in town”, says Cycle through the city safe. The swimming season Serbian Prime Milan Gavrilović, the owner of a café. in orange! Ogle the also has not officially opened Gavrilović says that nowadays re- Minister at the lake, so there are still no tailers can only survive at Čumić if Čumić shopping mall dreams of restoring glory days. latest must-have bikes! lifeguards. they keep hold of their old customers. Aleksandar It’s all kicking off at “Čumić lost its glory,” he laments. As one of the owners was alleged “Sometimes no one enters the shop While the artists struggle, one of BIRN has learned from BLDPA that Rakovica municipality Now all but forgotten, Čumić was at to be Željko Ražnatović “Arkan”, the for days,” says Tamara Marjanović, the shop owners who wanted to stay nine of the 23 sites are empty and only Vučić promised the Velograd Bicycle gets new boss the height of its popularity in the Nine- criminal commander of a paramili- showing the empty stores next to hers. anonymous insisted that Čumić was three are rented. The renting of the re- Festival in Belgrade ties, when it was the first shopping tary formation in the Yugoslav wars, “It could be due to the ongoing eco- experiencing a revival. maining 11 is stalled. Rakovica municipal that the th th mall to open in Belgrade. Čumić was especially popular among nomic crisis, but, on the other hand, “There are not many empty venues As for a rental price, BLDPA said from June 14 to 16 . assembly elected Vladan The decline started in the early people connected to the underworld. our most expensive garment is less here, people are constantly coming. the starting price was less than €10 reconstruction Kocić as president of the th 2000s, as other big shopping malls “I wasn’t really comfortable serving than €80,” she adds. I am very satisfied,” this retailer told per square meter, which matches the he Velograd Bicycle Festival municipality on June 10 . began to open. All of a sudden people criminals while they were clanking “Several designers left Čumić for BIRN. price offered by the private owners. of Obrenovac, will be held for the second time Kocić, a former director of the avoided Čumić, not only because of their guns,” Gavrilović says, remem- better but more expensive places, and While disputes over the empty out- in the neighbour- hydrometeorological service the newer shopping centres but be- bering those days. they are doing a lot better,” she noted. OUTLETS REMAIN EMPTY lets remain, some at Čumić still dream one of the towns hood in Belgrade. and a member of the Serbian TDuring the two-day festival, visitors Progressive Party, took the post cause Čumić reminded them of a pe- Dijana Mihajlović, another designer, of recovery. riod they now wanted to forget. TOO BRAVE says you can only succeed in Čumić if While more than 90 per cent of the Zoran Nikolić opened a café there worst hit by the will have the chance to see bicycle after Milosav Miličković, the fashion show, acrobats and a polo game Although the mall seemed on the OR TOO COWARDLY you have regular clients. “We’ve had venues at Čumić are privately owned, four months ago. Although he doesn’t former president, went on to on bikes, while the main event is the so- brink of a revival when designers periodical success, but I sometimes the owner of the remaining 23 is the like the sight of all the empty venues recent floods, become state secretary at the called Orange Bike Ride. Interior Ministry. started gathering at Čumić four years It seemed as if the glory days might wonder whether staying at Čumić Belgrade Land Development Public around him, he still thinks opening a would start This is a group bike tour through ago, the mall is still full of empty ven- be reborn when the Belgrade Design means we are too brave or too cow- Agency, BLDPA. café was not a bad idea. Belgrade that everyone is welcome to at- ues, visited only by random passers- District, a part of Čumić featuring ardly,” she muses. According to some employees at “Despite all the downsides at tend. All participants are encouraged to Olimp Sport Centre by. It is almost a ghost of a mall, in the young artistic and designer shops, The other reason for a low number Čumić, few of those outlets are cur- Čumić, it is in the city centre and the within days. dress in orange while the “most orange” ready for summer center of Belgrade, with small hope of opened four years ago. of visitors could be a lack of good ad- rently rented. price is reasonable,” he says. “We are participant will get a bicycle as a reward. The festival will also organise a confer- regaining its lost fame. But the designers say the level of in- vertising, artists say. The only adver- “Even if people are interested in still a little bit afraid, but we decided The swimming season at ence of cycling experts from the region Back in the old days, having a venue terest among shoppers was far greater tisements they have are on Facebook. renting an outlet the local authorities to take our chances. So far so good,” učić announced that the the pools of the Sport Centre and from bike-mad Holland, which will Olimp starts on June 14th. This at Čumić or dressing up at its expen- when the District was opened than it If they decided to stay, it is mostly be- have imposed such high rents that no he adds, looking at an empty, sunny construction of homes for discuss their experiences and agree on sive shops was a status symbol. is now. cause of the reasonable rents. one can afford it,” Gavrilović says. street. those who lost their apart- proposals for Belgrade to improve its summer, the sports centre ments and houses during cycling infrastructure. will organise different free V The experts will also present bicycling programmes for the pupils of the devastating floods in Obrenovac would start around June 20th. as a business model and the newest elementary schools and high achievements in cycling design. He promised that the state would schools, such as swimming or he first public film The Dutch ambassador to Belgrade, water polo lessons. Applications provide significant financial and other Laurent Stokvis, whose embassy is sup- screening in the for the programmes can be assistance to those whose homes were porting the festival, said The Netherlands Balkans was held on destroyed or damaged. wished to encourage and promote urban submitted every day from 8am June 7th, 1896, at this to 11pm at the reception. “Those whose houses were de- Vučić promises swift help for stricken Obrenovac. Photo by Beta cycling in Belgrade. spot on Street TRATTORIA stroyed will get a new home, while He noted that Holland has much expe- 4. André Carré, who those whose homes are habitable, but that the life being restored in Obreno- taxes for traders whose goods were de- rience in this area and that his country Sewer repair works workedT with French film pioneers the has more bicycles then residents, with 19 PIZZERIA had damages to furniture, home appli- vac,” he insisted. stroyed in the floods. close bus line 26L Lumière brothers, held a projection million bikes among 17 million people. ances and other things will get €2,000,” The Serbian prime minister said that The floods that hit Serbia in mid-May of their early cinematic works at a Several companies will present Vučić said on June 8th. one of the biggest issues in the flooded affected 39 out of 120 municipalities, The buses on the line 26L will café called Zlatni Krst (Golden Cross), products related to bicycling during the th He said that 92 homes in Obrenovac town is the fact that business activ- forcing more than 30,000 people from festival and showcase all the different not operate from June 10 which no longer exists. A plaque nd models of bicycles that exist in the Ser- to 22 , while repair works to marks the place where it was staged, were completely destroyed during ity has completely stopped, and he their homes and damaging or destroy- bian market. the sewer system in Braće just five months after the Lumières’ Nebojsina 8 the floods, while 161 houses and apart- announced that the government and ing roads, railways, bridges, homes, 011/3863-999 ments were damaged. the banks will discuss the idea of subsi- power plants and telecommunications During the festival, traffic in Jerkovića neighbourhood are first-ever public film screening at the Karađorđeva street will be altered, while carried out. The works will be Grand Café in Paris. “The government is taking every dised loans for Obrenovac businesses. infrastructure.

Hidden Belgrade [email protected] Braće Krsmanović, Travnička and Mo- measure in order to ensure that in the The government is also mulling the Vučić has said that the cost to the conducted in Vojvode Vlahovića starska streets will be completely closed street. coming days, people can actually say option of cancelling VAT and other country will be around €1 billion. to traffic. 6 BELGRADE INSIGHT, Friday, June 13 - Thursday, June 26, 2014 BELGRADE INSIGHT, Friday, June 13 - Thursday, June 26, 2014 7 ADVERT BUSINESS

Continued from page 1 Unions fight losing battle over Labour Law

Unions believe that it will weaken the employment levels once the recovery position of workers and have warned begins,” he added. of protests if it is passed against their But he also doesn’t expect significant wishes. increases in employment levels with- out cuts to taxes and contributions by POINTS OF CONTENTION a third.

According to the Association of Em- TURNING AGAINST ployers, SAE, which represents the THEIR VOTERS business community in the dialogue with unions and the government, the Zoran Stojiljković, professor at the new law will be an improvement to the Faculty of Political Science, believes existing one. the government has tried to bridge the Important changes include sever- gap between workers and employers, ance pay being calculated only for the resolving some of the most problem- work with the worker’s final employer. atic issues. The minimum wage will also be set “The issues on which no deal has only once a year, which makes it easier been made show that employees will for companies to plan their operating pay the price through lower pay for dif- costs. ferent compensation, such as compen- Dragoljub Rajić, the association’s sation for past work,” he said. director, said fixed-time contracts will He expects the government to pre- be extended from one to two years, “al- sent the overall solution as something though we believe it should be a mini- that has to be done to remedy an over- mum three years, to see whether the all poor economic situation. investment in job creation is profitable “The government will meet the inter- or not”. ests of those who are the most The law also makes it easier for em- influential, which are the foreign ployers to fire staff who breach labour Stojiljković: New labour law will leave many issues ‘unresolved’. Photo by Media Centre players, such as the American Cham- discipline or do not meet required per- Belgrade ber of Commerce,” he said. formance targets. Although they recognise that certain colleagues from UGS Nezavisnost,” he Hellenic, says the law will bring about “The changes to the law will end “This will not reduce the employee’s provisions in the law have been altered concluded. significant improvements. up with the defeat of the workers,” rights to court protection if the employ- to suit the interest of workers, unions are UGS Nazavisnost is the other union These are primarily in terms of re- Stojiljković predicted. er violates the law and abuses workers’ not willing to negotiate changes in the represented in the Social and Econom- ducing red tape and establishing a fair “To improve the situation in the rights,” Rajić maintained. provisions over salaries and pay-offs. ic Council. and flexible system for hiring workers, country it is much more important to Employers are satisfied also with The allowance for shift work will be he said improve conditions for investors and the repeal of the extended effect of repealed, while past work will be calcu- TAX CUTS NEEDED Changes to the labour law were most reduce different charges,” he added. collective agreements. This means em- lated only in terms of service with the important for existing companies, he “Serbia has bigger issues than the La- ployers will not be obliged to honour last employer. The broad purpose of the reform, ac- added, while tax reliefs mattered more bour Law; that comes maybe in fifth or obligations they have not signed up to “This last change will affect around cording to the Prime Minister, is to im- for attracting new investment. sixth place of the legal regulations that directly. 40 per cent of employees in Serbia, prove Serbia’s business climate, create “What is missing is tax relief for exist- should be changed,” he continued. Unions, on the other hand, deem this whose salaries are going to be reduced opportunities for new jobs and encour- ing businesses, which would be real- Although he does not expect violent provision unacceptable, partly because by between 2,000 dinars [17€] to 10,000 age workers to shift from the informal ized primarily by introducing progres- reactions to adoption of the law, which the SAE represents only 6 or 7 per cent dinars [€87], primarily in the private to formal economy. sive taxation,” he said. is expected just by summer, he warns of Serbia’s total employers. sector, where the fluctuation is more Research conducted by the National “Serbia has one of the greatest tax that the climate could change in the au- “There is no point in signing collec- frequent,” Mihajlović said. Alliance for Local Economic Develop- burdens in Europe on the lowest salary tumn, when all other economic meas- tive agreements in construction or any Prime Minister Vučić and minister ment, NALED, and the USAID Business earners, which primarily affects labour- ures are revealed as missing. other sector when it does not apply to Vulin “promised that changes in the Enabling Project, among 250 entrepre- intensive industries, where competi- “The interesting thing with this law more than 90 per cent of the compa- law will not interfere with salaries - neurs, showed that 46 per cent of them tion for investments is strongest,” he is that the Progressives are actually are nies in the sector,” Zoran Mihajlović, now must see how we will respond”, he might hire new staff if the labour law explained. tackling the interests of their own vot- secretary of the Confederation of Au- added. was changed. Rajić agreed that changes to the law ers,” he noted. tonomous Trade Unions of Serbia, said. “We are now closer to staging pro- A fifth of the employers surveyed were a step towards improving the “According to research in which I “This would not be an issue if we tests, blocking streets and highways said they would definitely hire new overall business environment. recently participated, the majority of had a strong employers association, and collecting signatures for a referen- workers if this was the case. “The changed Labour Law will create Progressive voters are people who sup- of which 90 per cent of the companies dum,” he went on. Miloš Blagojević, president of opportunity for companies to survive port a command economy rather than were members, but that is not the case,” “However, this is up to the leader- NALED’s Council for legal reforms and in the harsh conditions of the market, the market economy,” Stojiljković ex- Mihajlović added. ship of our union together with our corporate affairs manager at Coca-Cola which is a precondition for increasing plained.

BRITISH INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL BIS Animation Club 15th June, 15:45 at the Museum of Yugoslav Film Archive, Uzun Mirkova 1 str.

We cordially invite you to the Benefit Première of the new films made by BIS Animation Club students. All proceeds from ticket sales (300 din each) as well as sales of BIS Animation DVDs (300din each) will go to the Red Cross Flood Relief charity.

Tel: +381 11 30-66-096 • Fax: +381 11 36-74-851 • E-mail: [email protected] • 8 BELGRADE INSIGHT, Friday, June 13 - Thursday, June 26, 2014 BELGRADE INSIGHT, Friday, June 13 - Thursday, June 26, 2014 9 REGION OUT AND ABOUT

Continued from page 1 Macedonia’s new Ancient government keeps to Bač starts to old course

he bulk of personal changes MACEDONIA’S restore lost in the new government NEW CABINET comes from the ranks of the junior ruling party, the eth- Gordana Jankuloska remains Police Minister, Zoran Stavreski retains his seat nic Albanian Democratic as Vice Prime Minister and Finance Min- UnionT for Integration, DUI. ister. Nikola Poposki remains Foreign Misini said the list reflects Gruevski’s Minister and Mile Janakieski stays at splendour feeling of satisfaction with the current Transport. Elizabeta Kanceska-Milevska keeps course of government and, even more the Culture portfolio while Ivo Ivanovski importantly, his need to retain control remains Minister for Information Soci- over the most financially viable sectors of ety. Dime Spasov is again Minister for Labour and Social Policy, while Nikola the economy. Todorov remains at Health. “Take the Police or Finance Ministries, The outgoing Environment Minister, and you will see that the key aim of the from the DUI, Abdilaqim Ademi, will ruling party is to retain control of the now be in charge of Education, which was previously run by a VMRO DPMNE police, finance, culture and transport – figure. In return, the DUI is handing which together generate and consume Defence to VMRO DPMNE, which plans the bulk of the state budget,” Misini said. to appoint seasoned diplomat Zoran Political analyst Saso Klekovski, from Jolevski to the post. Jolevski, who was Macedonia’s repre- the Macedonian Centre for International sentative in the long-running UN-spon- Cooperation, MCMS, an NGO, said the sored “name” talks with Greece, is the new government reflects the stability of most notable VMRO DPMNE newcomer to the cabinet. the current hierarchy within the main The new Justice Minister is to be ruling party. Adnan Jashari from the DUI who will “There is practically no change of min- replace the outgoing minister, who was isters within VMRO DPMNE ranks… which also from the DUI, Blerim Bexheti. Bekim Neziri is the new Economy Minister, shows that VMRO DPMNE has stabilised No major changes to Macedonian cabinet after election. Photo by Boris Grdanoski/AP from the DUI, replacing the outgoing its leadership structure,” Klekovski said. Valon Saraqini. Klekovski said the changes in the new Agriculture remains in the hands of government “follow the two declared pri- 2005 and although European Com- increase from the same period last year. cement the existing course plotted by the small coalition-allied Socialist Party, where Mihail Cvetkov will replace the orities - the economy and Euro-Atlantic mission reports have recommended The Prime Minister has flagged up the Gruevski who has kept the country at outgoing Ljupco Dimovski. integration”. a start to membership talks each year entry of some big international names for arm’s length from EU and NATO with his Two new ministers without portfolio, Visar Fida and Goran Mickovski, have In particular, he sees the appointment since 2009. later this year. populist nationalistic policies. View of the old fortress in Bač. Photos by Marcin Szala been added to an already long list that Saint Paul’s Church in Bač. Photo by Nalut 86/Flickr of Jolevski as Defence Minister as a sign However, some observers suspect “I am eager to hear how the new gov- includes current ministers Vele Samak, that Macedonia intends to strengthen its ECONOMY IN FOCUS that the new ministers are being added ernment is different from the old one and Bil Pavleski, Nezdet Mustafa and Jerry 16th century, blocking the path for the walking through the centuries,” the “Bač is forgotten, as it lies on the pe- is, in fact, the only preserved build- position ahead of the forthcoming NATO only to polish up the public image of the what the difference is between the priori- Naumoff, all of whom retain their posts. Ottomans to reach Central Europe. mayor, Dragan Stašević, says. riphery of towns and everything…but ing of Islamic culture in the whole of summit in September in Cardiff, where Another novelty in the new cabinet government regarding the burning issue ties he promised eight years ago, which Goran Mickovski, a financial expert Only now is the After World War One, it became a Located in the centre of town, the once it was the centre of the province, . It was built after the Battle and a banker, comes from the dias- it is still unclear whether the issue of en- is the lengthening of the list of ministers of unemployment, which has remained remained unfulfilled, and the promises pora. He steps into his new office from part of the new Kingdom of , Franciscan Monastery comes into like is now,” one of the clergy of Mohač in 1526, when the Turks oc- largement will be discussed. without portfolio tasked with attracting at the level of around 30 per cent for he made this spring,” Rizaov wrote in London where he works as a consultant rich heritage and . It returned to view as soon as you enter Bač from the said. “But here in the monastery we cupied Hungary. Greece, a NATO member country foreign investments. years. Utrinski Vesnik. on investment banking and strategic Hungary between 1941-1944 during main road from Novi Sad, first because hope to restore the old splendour,” he One more location worth a visit if with a right of veto, blocked Macedonia’s Together with other ministers han- Former deputy Finance Minister Pre- “Eight years ago, the Greeks and the op- transactions for Credit Suisse AG. of one of the World War Two but then re-joined of its size, then because of its style, added. you are in Bač is the Bođani Orthodox Visar Fida comes from the post of di- NATO accession in 2008 after which dling the economy, this means that no drag Trpeski said the impressive quantity position were blamed for all the failures. rector of the National Agency for Foreign Yugoslavia. which mixes Venetian, Ottoman and Walking a few steps across the bridge Monastery, which is ten minutes’ drive NATO said it would only invite Macedo- less than 11 ministers will be working in of ministers does not guarantee better Today, the culprits are found in the oppo- Investments, which is also tasked with oldest towns Although a settlement has existed other influences. over the Mostonga river, the view has from the centre of the town. The mon- nia to join once it resolved its problem this sector. quality. sition, Greece, domestic traitors and ene- promoting Macedonian exports. here for millennia, what remains today The foundations to the monas- changed little for at least a century. Five astery, dedicated to the Virgin Mary, The three other Vice Prime Ministers with Greece. The government defends this move “Macedonia needs only three eco- mies, and in foreign mercenaries backed was built mainly from the 12th until the tery were laid in 1169 by a religious minutes’ walk from the centre of town was founded in 1478 and it still contains also remain the same. Vladimir Pesevski in the region Greece insists that Macedonia’s name on the grounds of its aim to “additionally nomic portfolios, a Finance Ministry, by the United States. will be in charge of economic affairs; 19th centuries. order that fought in the crusades. leads to Bač fortress, one of the oldest the frescoes of the 18th-century painter implies territorial claims to its own north- boost” foreign investment, which was one Economy Ministry and one Vice Prime “Eight years ago, we had more solu- Fatmir Besimi will lead European affairs starting to gain Despite its rich history, the town was Today, the only proof that Templars in Serbia. Hristofor Žefarović. ern province, also called Macedonia. of the main pledges Gruevski made dur- Minister in charge of Economic Issues,” tions for getting out of this hardship but and Musa Xhaferri will be in charge of long forgotten, especially during Com- stayed here are the bell-tower and Built in the 14th century, Bač fortress Beside its rich cultural heritage, implementing the Ohrid Framework Macedonia’s progress in the EU is ing the election campaign. Trpeski said. now we have better excuses why not Accord. the recognition munist era and for a decade after that. apse. When the order was abolished, was a so-called “water town”, as it was Bač hosts several fairs and festivals blocked for the same reasons, although In the first quarter this year Macedonia Journalist and political analyst Erol a single strategic goal has been accom- However, since 2000 the local authori- Hungarian Franciscans took over the completely surrounded by water and through the year, namely Bački kotlic, it obtained EU candidate status back in attracted over €80 million in FDI, a slight Rizaov said the new government will plished,” Rizaov concluded. it deserves. ties have taken matters into their own complex. the only way to access it was across where locals compete for the best dish, hands and start rehabilitation of the Later, following their conquest of the a drawbridge. Today, only one tower then Zlatni ključ, festival of traditional area, mainly through EU funds. region, the Turks partially destroyed and several walls remain, while music, and Days of the Danube, a fes- Marija RISTIĆ This is when the concept of a “dif- it, and turned the tower into a minaret, efforts are being made by Ministry tival that celebrates the river Danube fused museum” was launched. The while the town became the seat of an of Culture to restore parts of the old every July with a lot of food, music and t is a common myth that Serbia idea is to connect the town’s medieval Ottoman district that comprised of 70 fortress. exhibitions. is short of museums, but one fortress, the Franciscan monastery, villages. Not far from the entrance gate exception is the small town of the Serbian Orthodox monastery of During many wars that affected the are the remains of a Turkish bath, a Bač, home to the Serbia’s first Bođani, town squares and the old area through the centuries, the monas- hamam. The walls of several rooms Modern city hotel in a perfect location “diffused” museum. streets with galleries and cafés. tery was destroyed, burnt and restored, with pots from the time, as well as Those wishing to visit some of ILying just a few kilometres from the “When you come to the town centre, including the spacious chancel and the remains of ceramic pipes used for the these events should visit the website of Croatian border, but also not far from we want all our guests, whether or not remains of the Gothic frescoes dating distribution of hot and cold water, have the tourist organisation of Bač at Austria and Hungary, history and geog- they are tourists, to feel as if they are from the 15th century. been preserved. The hamam in Bač raphy have placed Bač on a crossroads. Locals recall that the while the rulers of this region have changed all too often over the centuries, one advantage is the 21000 Novi Sad, Serbia legacy of different cultural influences. For Sale Four Hotels in Nis It takes two hours by car to reach Ilije Ognjanovica 24 one of the oldest towns in Vojvodina Prices drastically reduced for quick sale from Belgrade. Bač was first mentioned Phone: +381(0)21/66-15-555 2 in 535 AD in a letter written by the Hotel Ambasador (pictured here) 8.200 m only 4.9 M € Fax : +381(0)21/422-652 Roman Emperor Justinian. Centuries Hotel Nais 12.430 m2 plus 23 ha land only 5.9 M€ later, the town was mentioned as an 2 [email protected] Hotel Ozren 4050 m only 1.9 M € Avar fortress, inhabited by both Avars 2 [email protected] and Slavs. Hotel Partizan 6593 m only 2.49 M€ [email protected] In the 10th century, the region be- Plus 10.3 ha of prime land 1.9 M€ came part of the Kingdom of Hungary and it played an important role during Great opportunity for smart investors the wars between the Ottoman Empire and the Kingdom of Hungary in the For details see 10 BELGRADE INSIGHT, Friday, June 13 - Thursday, June 26, 2014 BELGRADE INSIGHT, Friday, June 13 - Thursday, June 26, 2014 11 ARTS DINING OUT

EXHIBITIONS AND EVENTS Alternativa SUNDAY JUNE 15th Exhibition: Overview 2, drawings by students It always begins of the Faculty of Applied Arts, Studentski Grad Top scores Cultural Centre, Bulevar Zorana Đinđića 179, with a simple 7pm Serbia’s English question: ‘Can you MONDAY JUNE 16th Corner Wine Exhibition: To Understand and To Love – bring me the wine Tolstoy and Thomas Mann, books, Studentski Grad Cultural Centre, Bulevar Zorana Đinđića list’? Everything at Alternativa 179, 12pm else that follows is th TUESDAY JUNE 17 friend turned foe a complex matter, Mandala for World Peace and Recovery, by Vladan Mijatović Živojinov and Geshe Lob- Dining at a sang, Stab Gallery, Crnogorska 10, 7pm and cannot be measured only by th football ground is WEDNESDAY JUNE 18 how much is left Exhibition: Serbia 2014 Culture Escape, Maga- Edith Durham cin, Kraljevića Marka 4, 8pm in the bottle after a straightforward FRIDAY JUNE 20th is remembered dinner. success if you’re Exhibition: Ecocult – Eco (R)evolution, Progres Gallery, Knez Mihailova 27, 8pm as Albania’s Pavle GOLICIN craving rich, SATURDAY JUNE 21st Exhibition: Fedor Rakić, Studentski Grad Cul- English t’s time to finally forget traditional, tural Centre, Bulevar Zorana Đinđića 179, 9pm about your usual everyday habits and find an ideal OPERA, BALLET champion; Serbian fare. AND CLASSICAL alternative... an alternative what is less to the overcrowded, frantic FRIDAY JUNE 13th Iplaces, so typical of the city Belgrade Philharmonic with MIhai Tang – centre in Belgrade. Duda&Vlada conductor, Aleksandar Latković – cello, Boris known is that Brezovac – viola, Ilija M. Kolarac Endowment, Nicely hidden in the court- 5, 8pm she started out yard close to the Partizan FC sta- hen writing a res- SATURDAY JUNE 14th dium, Alternativa offers impec- taurant column in English in Bel- Opera: Rigoletto, The National Theatre, Fran- in the Balkans cable service and well-polished grade, one natu- cuska 1, 7.30pm staff who always try to do their rally converges SUNDAY JUNE 15th as an enthusiast best to accommodate you. onW the mainstream. Most of our audi- The wine list is long enough Opera Choir in concert, The National Theatre, ence, we suspect, are middle-class Francuska 1, 12pm with approximately 50 labels. for, and writer foreigners, tourists and professionals, th However, the list is mostly com- MONDAY JUNE 16 so keeping things simple and within posed of big-scale producers, Milan Savić – saxophone, Ivana Karajkov – about, Serbia international expectations is what piano, Belgrade Cultural Centre, Trg Republike “giants” from the Communist era we normally do. Central venues and 5, 8pm when quality was not in focus. best-known restaurants are the name th TUESDAY JUNE 17 These are coupled with a few of the game. Ballet: Don Quixote, The National Theatre, Marcus TANNER “transitional” newcomers - the There are a couple of niche styles Francuska 1, 7.30pm usual suspects for Serbia, which of restaurant that get completely THURSDAY JUNE 19th s Serbs and Albanians emerged in the Nineties - such as overlooked by this strategy, how- Opera: Madamme Butterfly, The National tussle over the destiny of Radovanović or Aleksandrović. ever. One is the “football stadium Theatre, Francuska 1, 7pm the north of Kosovo, one Only two of the labels come from restaurant”, a distinct type of venue, SATURDAY JUNE 21st person who would be outside the ex-Yugoslav region, serving traditional menus. What sets keenly eyeing this tug- which limits the possibilities those restaurants apart from the Opera: Tosca (with Maria Papaioanu), The National Theatre, Francuska 1, 7.30pm of-warA - were she still alive - would be others is uncompromising tradition- to match the wine with the the English explorer, author, aid worker, alism in the kitchen, as well as deli- TUESDAY JUNE 24th perfectly prepared food. war reporter and campaigner, Edith Hence, Alternativa is a good cious domestic food that is simple Ivan Predojević (piano), Children’s Cultural Durham. but pricey, and foremost – the patrons Centre, Takovska 8, 8pm place for a “spritzer”, taking one An intrepid explorer of the lesser and atmosphere. of the four available wines by the WEDNESDAY JUNE 25th known corners of the Ottoman Empire The car park is studded with glass with sparkling water. You before the outbreak of World War One, expensive vehicles, but of a certain Opera: Carmen, The National Theatre, Fran- could even get it in a glass of the cuska 1, 7pm Durham - who died in 1944 - became a kind – white Mercs and black Beem- biggest Montenegrin producer, THURSDAY JUNE 26th doughty champion of Albanians, see- ers. New and expensive, yet without “Plantaže”, as a stamp proof of ing them as undeserving victims of flair. The guests, the majority of them, Ballet: Queen Margot, The National Theatre, the “old-school” attitude. Francuska 1, 7.30pm a merciless Balkan carve-up. Based Edith Durham started out in the Balkans as an admirer of Serbia’s energy and progress. are also of a certain kind – “the elite on-and-off in the Balkans from 1900 to If you are not up to agree- without school”, as the educated and THEATRE 1914, she forcefully put the case for the Durham broke with convention in The “Balkans for the Balkan peoples” had been - and never would - be Greek. ing football transfers with the the envious might put it. But football FRIDAY JUNE 13th Albanians to the end of her life. No won- other ways. Most English writers in- was a popular slogan among British Lib- Much to their surprise, to the horrors of surrounding football managers, is not the planet’s most popular sport commonly to be found sitting at St. George Kills the Dragon (Kovačević), der the Albanians have named schools dulged the fantasy - popular in industri- erals. Once the Ottomans were thrown the Greeks, the diplomats read the note on account of its academic appeal Atelje 212, Svetogorska 21, 8pm and streets after her. alized countries - that peasant societies out, the Balkans would be “free”, they and shifted the Albanian border. the nearby tables in Alternativa, anyway. SUNDAY JUNE 15th What is often forgotten about Dur- were poor but carefree, bound only by said. The more Durham saw of Albania, Durham had helped “save Korce”, at least grab the opportunity to As we stepped onto the elevated ham – not least because she tried to for- their mysterious traditions. But Dur- the less she thought this likely. If the Ot- she wrote laconically, later. But it was lit- see what the latest odds are for garden terrace, the famous Serbian Metamorphoses (Ovid), Yugoslav Drama Theatre, Kralja MIlana 50, 8pm get it herself – is that she started out in ham wrote that Serbia was neither tra- tomans were thrown out, she conclud- tle consolation. Dismayed by the pros- the forthcoming World Cup in manager was just leaving, encircled the Balkans as a great enthusiast about ditional nor carefree. It was an efficient, ed, Bulgaria, Serbia, and pects of the new Albanian state, which and who is going to play in by his entourage and by thankful MONDAY JUNE 16th Serbia. almost paranoid, police state, where Greece would simply grab everything. she considered too small to be viable, the final… Our prediction is Brazil waiters. A couple of companies were The Glass Menagerie (Williams), The Na- She learned the language fluently you “can’t even sell a cow without the The outbreak of the Balkan wars in she returned to England in 1914, where dining in the restaurant at the time, tional Theatre, Francuska 1, 8.30pm against Argentina! and wrote a fascinating account of the police knowing it”. 1912 confirmed a growing conviction she attacked the Balkan War and the and not a single female was amongst WEDNESDAY JUNE 18th Photo by Shoko Muraguchi/Flickr country, compiled on the eve of the As time went on, Durham broadened that were not Versailles settlements to the end. ~ ~ ~ them. Later on, the terrace ceased to Hamlet (Shakespeare) by Globe Theatre, assassination of King Alexander and her travels. After the revolt in Macedo- the liberator states she had initially Durham returned to Albania only be men’s club, as another company Mediterranean touch gives the extra is one of the top grilled meat dishes we got our proper share of attention London, The National Theatre, Francuska 1, 7.30pm Queen Draga. Published in London in nia against the Ottomans in 1903, she thought them to be; they were preda- once, in 1921. The Albanians welcomed Pavle Golicin holds an M.A. from (mixed in gender!) joined. As a trivial layer of acceptability to this dish of around. and service – a rare quality that we 1904, it was called Through the Lands took over a British-financed relief op- tors. Working for the Montenegrin Red her in force but their ovations did not addition to Alternativa’s dossier, it which every child feels profoundly We ordered half a portion of did not fail to notice. th the University of Gastronomic FRIDAY JUNE 20 of the Serbs. eration in Resen and Ohrid and began Cross, following a brief spell as a war compensate for a feeling that she had is worth mentioning that the taxi suspicious. I felt skeptical at first, but brizle and full portion of loin, and The all-meat meal, with the Sciences, Polenzo (Bra), Italy, Antigone (Sophocles), The National Theatre, Durham was not the first English- venturing deep into Ottoman Albania. reporter, she felt disgusted when the spent her life in vain. In Tirana, she cop- driver did not know that a restaurant went along the recommendation and that sufficed for two hungry men; delicious dishes competing for Francuska 1, 7.30pm established by the ‘Slow Food’ woman to head off to distant parts Few Britons, apart from the poet, By- army of King Nikola of Montenegro ied out a verse from the bleak poem by existed in that address. can now join with the other voices: the portions are not small, to say precedence, left us pleasantly numb movement. Pavle specialised SATURDAY JUNE 21st and write up her travels. But most of ron, and the painter, Edward Lear, had - who had given her a medal - began Christina Rossetti. “Lie still, lie still, my The restaurant is placed in lush those chitterlings are unique - do at least. Both were delicious and and unable to order sweets. There in oenology and runs his wine Harold and Maude (Higgins), Belgrade these accounts followed a set format, been there, and Durham was serenad- bombarding Shkodra. breaking heart,” she wrote, “My sick greenery. A children’s playground is not leave the house without them! If worth repeating, but we are yet to was no real point, as the situation school in Belgrade as part of Drama Theatre, Mileševska 64, 8pm focusing on the “picturesque” quality ed into villages as if she were a princess, The peace settlement after the Bal- heart, lie still and break.” just a fence away, the FK Partizan sta- ordered as a starter, one portion will follow through the rest of our sug- could hardly improve. So we left the ‘Blatobran’ creative studio. He has SUNDAY JUNE 22nd of “the savages”, on their curious jewels not the daughter of a London surgeon. kan Wars angered her even more. Hav- Durham may have felt heartbro- dium is a few corners away, and the easily tender for two. gestions list. Everyone agrees that pastry for another time, had a short and customs, what women wore, and “I am the first Englishwoman here in the ing criss-crossed Kosovo several times, ken - but her books on the Balkans a particular interest in the experi- highway is one corner away. In spite As a main dish, we ordered brizle pork shank on sauerkraut is a dish coffee and took a pleasent walk over Othello (Shakespeare), Yugoslav Drama ence economy. Theatre, Kralja Milana 50, 8pm scenes at markets. memory of man,” she wrote, exultantly. the idea of Serbia getting Mitrovica did are as fresh today as ever. Sadly, how- of that, the restaurant is secluded (glands from the veal neck and the to try here, in winter, of course. Karađorđev park – something that Durham ignored all that to paint Albania was an ethnologist’s dream not bother her, but the loss to the new ever, while High Albania remains well and peaceful. On a pleasant spring meat around them) and veal loin. Other good suggestions can be goes along well with the plentiful MONDAY JUNE 23rd a very different portrait of a rapidly - a flashback to the Europe that might Albania of western Kosovo and Debar known among Balkan experts, her en- day, one can hardly expect more. The former is a classic grill dish in found on the net. We liked the traditional meals. The Importance of Being Earnest (Wilde), modernizing country. Serbia was have existed thousands of years previ- she saw as deeply unjust. tertaining account of turn-of-the-cen- Alternativa is known for a number traditional restaurants, and so is the one on http://www.nemagreske. The National Theatre, Francuska 1, 8.30pm building railways, rapidly extend- ously, Durham wrote. But while its re- Her only success when it came to tury Serbia, Through the Lands of the of things: the ever-present master latter – but veal loin is much harder com/alternativa-- th BASIC INFO RATING WEDNESDAY JUNE 25 ing electric lighting and slapping moteness excited her, it also appalled. shaping Albania’s borders was in the Serbs, its all but forgotten. or ceremonies, the quince brandy to find in restaurant these days. Here beograd/ - obviously written by a Restaurant Alternativa Hasan Aga’s Wife (Simović), The National up army barracks everywhere, she Albania was “a roadless ruin”, she wrote south, where and her English journal- Overall Good (dunja) that pretends to the title of in Alternativa it is a total success – regular. Address: Zvečanska 1 Theatre, Francuska 1, 8.30pm noted. The sight of children in uni- home, and the contrast between the Al- ist friend, Henry Nevinson, cheekily “the one”, and a number of traditional everyone agrees on that. The service is easy-flowing but 011/2653-629, 011/3691-954 Wine selection Fair Phone: THURSDAY JUNE 26th form marching purposefully and in banian ruin and busy, purposeful Ser- telegrammed the great powers meeting Marcus Tanner’s book, ‘Albania’s dishes. It is the tenderest veal meat from professional. Our small company of Working hours: 12pm – 11pm Mondays Wine service Very good crocodile fashion to their newly built bia, with all its railways, barracks and in London on Albania and informed Mountain Queen, Edith Durham and the We started with one of their the loin, together with kidney slices two was served by the same waiter – Saturdays, 1pm – 6pm Sundays The Merchant of Venice (Shakespeare), Wine pricing €7 - €48 Yugoslav Drama Theatre, Kralja Milana 50, schools struck her. schools, filled her with unease. them that the town of Korce never Balkans’, is published by I B Tauris trademarks: tripe in its own sauce, and the connecting tissue. Gently that tendered to the large, loud and Price Guide: 3,000 – 4,000 dinars [€26 Wine and food pairing Good 8pm prepared with parsley and garlic. The roasted until all the fat has gone, this expensively attired male party. Yet, - €34], full course for two without wine 12 BELGRADE INSIGHT, Friday, June 13 - Thursday, June 26, 2014 BELGRADE INSIGHT, Friday, June 13 - Thursday, June 26, 2014 13 ADVERT ON THE SPOT

ADVERTORIAL Belgrade Insight backs OPEN AIR SHOPPING CENTRE Malaysian Charity Bazaar Treat Dark he annual charity bazaar held by the Malaysian em- Eye Circles bassy in Belgrade T st on May 31 , which was sup- Čumićevo Sokače ported by Belgrade Insight, and Eye Bags aimed to help schools in Working hours: 12:00 - 20:00 underdeveloped areas of Serbia. Visitors to the event ENTRANCE had an opportunity to taste PASSAGE Without Asia-Pacific cuisine and Makedonska watch performances of tra- Brace Jugovica ditional Malaysian dance. Makedonska Surgery

ENTRANCE PASSAGE Serbian film stars Dark eye circles and eye bags can ENTRANCE leave you looking 10 years older - PASSAGE celebrate MCF but this problem can be easily and anniversary painlessly resolved.

Decanska erbian celebrities, mainly from the movie

Kolarceva world, attended film distribution company MCF MegaCom Film’s 10th birthday party Son June 4th. The guests included actor and volume in the lower lid and upper director Lazar Ristovski and famous director Srdan cheek areas. Golubović. With facial fillers it is possible to ENTRANCE restore natural volume and rectify

PASSAGE Terazije under-eye hollowness. Filler injec- tions can minimize the appear- Ground floor ance of persistent dark circles. The results can last up to a year or even longer. Under-eye filler 19 19 36 44 48 injection is also quick, virtually pain free, and involves little if any downtime. Surgery may sometimes be the best option for patients with large bags or puffiness under the eye. For these patients, lower eyelid lift The BEST COFFEE in town Fashion studio,Handmade surgery or cheek lift surgery may workshop,Unique garment and accessories be the solution to minimize under- Working hours eye hollowness and dark circles. 46 Body Piercing, Piercing jewelry mon.-fri.: 12h-19h Each patient must be evaluated Silver and stainless steel rings, Pjone: +381 60 0960240 sat.: 12h-16h Tel/Fax: +381 11 3248676 necklaces, bracelets email: [email protected] on an individual basis, as there are Mob: +381 64 0064103 Leather bracelets Dr Saša MIŠELJIĆ many reasons why a particular E-mail: [email protected] +381 11 3244 320, +381 64 198 39 66 person may have under-eye dark Phone: 011 334 3376 e-mail: [email protected] ne of the most com- circles. Phone: 063 7398605 FB: email: [email protected] mon complaints Unfortunately, genetics and ag- that patients have ing play a major role when devel- 45 43 49 25 15 about their eyes oping under-eye bags, so many is the appearance people will develop them despite ofO dark circles underneath them following good lifestyle choices. - frequently described as “tired The skin around the eyes is eyes”. also the thinnest, so it is the first to Thousands These circles may be the result show aging and fatigue. Dehydra- of facial aging. They affect both tion, stress, poor or high salt diet, attend men and women of all ages and and lack of sleep, smoking, and OIL WORKSHOP. ECO ART. GIFT SHOP. have a variety of causes. excessive sun exposure can all Edible oils, natural handmade cosmetics, gifts Hollowness under the eyes can contribute to making the problem Gallery exibits paintings of D.M.Tapi, well Made in Serbia Vlado known Serbian painter-hipperrealist, including HANDMADE HOMEWARE DESIGN FROM be caused by a weak cheekbone worse. selling giftshop. VINTAGE TO PROVCATIVE and deficient orbital rim, or by a UNISEX HAIR SALON Tel: +381 60 44 24 777; +381 64 26 38 210 Georgiev deficiency in the fat under the eye. Three years ago Allergan Facial Aesthetic Phone: +381 11 323 06 72; +381 63 864 88 52 E-mail: [email protected] Working hours: Phone: +381 11 3341 670, Frequently, under-eye dark circles chose Dr Saša Mišeljić as a National Facial e-mail: [email protected] FB: Mon-FriL 12:00-20:00, Sat: 12:00-16:00 +381 63 850 25 15 are the result of hollowness in the Aesthetic trainer. He is one of the first YE YE VINTAGE SHOP concert Phone: +381 11 33 44 905 lower lid. plastic surgeons to use Juvederm Voluma Phone: +381 65 888 51 42 This hollowness can occur to patients to restore facial contour and even among younger patients and give them a more youthful profile for up 20 bout 25,000 is often the result of decreased to two years. First floor people attend- ed a concert Aby famous pop 99 97 82 147 singer Vlado Georgiev on June 5th. Georgiev, who celebrated his 38th GANOO DISTRICT birthday the same day, STUDIO FOR CONTEMPORARY ART donated part of the profits to help people affected Handmade Italian silver jewelry by Adami&Martucci by heavy floods that hit and designed by Alberto Luzzi. Serbia in mid-May. Singers Saša Kovačević, Željko THINK OF YOURSELF AND INVEST IN YOUR HEALTH Vasić, Dado Glišić, Igor Principessa Ana d.o.o. Address: Požarevačka 39 Spa and wellness centers in Serbia. Lazić Nigor and Bojan Gallery of unique items ALL ABOUT CERAMICS AND PORCELAIN [email protected] Marović were just some Phone: +381 11 2456 259, Mobile: +381 63 7704 456 Jewelry, fashion accessories, original gifts. Phone: +381 11 324 19 47 Tel:+381 11 3239 344 [email protected] Working hours: mon-fri 12-20h, sat 12-17h Phone: +381 11 328-3542, [email protected] of many local stars who Email: 060/15-33-088, 060/461-24-43 +381 1126-27-049 attended the event. Website: 14 BELGRADE INSIGHT, Friday, June 13 - Thursday, June 26, 2014 BELGRADE INSIGHT, Friday, June 13 - Thursday, June 26, 2014 15 GOING OUT SPORT Cocktails to Football die for at Kultura clubs banned find in most Belgrade bars. If you are not For an easy-going, fun night out, you sure what to order, tell the bartender what kind of drink you are after and explain from hiring can’t do better than Kultura, where your tastes. They’ll find something that will satisfy your specific taste buds for sure. the ultra-friendly barmen will serve This leads on to the second highlight of Kultura. The staff are truly fantastic. players The bartenders and servers are all very you a Manhattan to remember. friendly and enthusiastic. They are also much more efficient in providing service than most of the servers in similar bars The Serbian Football Association David GALIĆ term. The main activities are focused around the city. There’s not much waiting around the large bar that takes up the en- around and you don’t have to go out of has slapped a ban on several n only a short period, Kultura Bar tire central area. When the weather is fine, your way to get a server’s attention – they has made its way up the ladder you can sit in the garden in front of the bar. focus on offering hospitality for everyone. Superliga clubs, preventing them to become one of Belgrade’s And, although it sits right on the side of a A DJ usually provides the music, most popular nightspots. It’s not road, there isn’t much traffic – especially at although sometimes the staff behind from recruiting new players until glamorous, nor is it located in night – so you won’t have to breathe in the the bar take turns playing their favourite the dead centre of the city. What fumes of buses and cars as you sit there. songs. Live bands play on occasion but it does have going for it is a fun, However, if you are sitting outside, you’ll live music is not one of Kultura’s staples. they pay their debts. Ieasy-going atmosphere that attracts a always have a nagging feeling that you The music is not the real focus on the large variety of people. are missing out on the fun. Being right at, night’s activities in Kultura – it’s more Although it isn’t in an ideal area, this part or around, the bar is where you need to about the atmosphere. rvena Zvezda and Vojvodi- “In order to obtain funding for the of town has its own charm, right above be in Kultura. Another interesting aspect of the na are two of seven clubs payment they must make, the clubs the beautifully renovated Tašmajdan The bar is well decorated, with a huge programme is that they often organize from Serbia’s top league are allowed to transfer players to other Park, which is easily accessible by public assortment of bottles arranged behind it. If theme nights, many of them costume who will be prevented clubs,” the FSS said in a statement. transport or on foot. there is one thing that the bar is known for, parties at which patrons are encouraged from hiring new players “Members of the disciplinary com- While some interesting bars and clubs it is undoubtedly the cocktails. Regular pa- to dress up. However, if you don’t feel Cfrom June 16 onwards because of out- mittee of the FSS urge the clubs to make operate in this area, it lacks the huge trons say the main barman being traveled like dressing up as a pirate, a sailor, or standing debts. the necessary payments and immedi- concentration of nightspots that the the world and so gained a good deal of ex- whatever the theme is that for night, you The Serbian Football Association, ately notify the members of the [FSS] centre offers, which is another thing that perience in mixing drinks in exotic places don’t have to. Crucially, you won’t feel left FSS, has also sanctioned , Novi commission so that these disciplinary Crvena Zvezda faces sanctions from both UEFA and FSS. Photo by Beta people like about the neighbourhood. and metropolises around the globe. out for not participating. Pazar, OFK Beograd, Rad, Radnički, measure can be terminated immedi- Besides, this part of town is greener and The staff are expertly trained in cocktail Donji Srem and Sloboda. ately,” the statement said. for failing to pay its debts. The FSS is also facing UEFA’s sanc- Crvena Zvezda have until June less congested than the centre. mixology, seemingly with an extensive Kultura Bar The FSS explained on June 11th that For Crvena Zvezda, this will be the The Serbian champions were “in tions for granting Crvena Zvezda a 16th to submit an appeal against the Kultura is a bar in the true sense of the knowledge that helps them create a much Address: Kralja Milutina 4 the decision was made because all second sanction over unpaid debts. breach of a number of provisions of the license. UEFA said clubs must show UEFA decision to the Court of Arbi- greater variety of cocktails than you would Phone: +381 11 3692 805 these clubs haven’t fulfilled their finan- On June 6th, European football gov- UEFA Club Licensing and Financial Fair they have paid player salaries, transfer tration for Sport. The club has yet cial obligations including debts to their erning body UEFA banned the club Play regulations”, UEFA explained in a fees and taxes before being granted a to decide whether it will file a com- Iron Maiden ready Days of players and coaches. from next season’s Champions League statement. license to enter UEFA competitions. plaint. to rock the fortress begin in Tour

eavy metal fans should head on Belgrade th de Serbia June 17 for the lower level of he annual the Kalemegdan celebration of fortress, where Sarajevo culture kicks off one of the great- in Belgrade begins est heavy metal on June 13th, bandsH of all time will be playing their first lasting four days despite outdoor concert in Belgrade since 1981. and involving a The band is doing a throwback tour to variety of events their Maiden England days, which means Tall over the city. The opening will take they will only be playing classic mate- place in Knez Mihailova Street at 6pm floods rial, focusing on the “Seventh Son of the with an outdoor exhibition by Sarajevo Seventh Son” , which many fans artist Velija Hasanbegović. On June 14th, More then 20 teams will consider their creative peak. If you have another exhibition starts at 6pm at UK th not purchased a fan fit ticket, you are out Parobrod and is followed by a showing be competing for the 54 of luck, because they sold out months of The Perfect Circle, a famed wartime 11pm. For a detailed programme of the ago. However, general tickets and VIP drama from 1997. Saturday night ends entire four days of the festival, see the Photo by Dena Flows/Flickr International Tour de Serbia from tickets are still available for €30 to €70. with a party at KC Grad, starting at official website at June 19th to 21st. About 20 foreign teams will compete in the 54th Tour de Serbia. Photo by Viewminder/Flickr

redrag Peruničić, state sec- from , Denmark, , Britain, retary at the sports minis- Russia, Greece, Italy, the US, The Nether- try, said the International lands, Bulgaria, Japan, Hungary, Argen- cycle race will go ahead de- tina, the Czech Republic, Ukraine, Ger- FREE COPY spite the severe floods that many, Lithuania, Poland, Kazakhstan, Pstruck the country in mid-May. Turkey, Austria, Algeria, Bosnia, Molda- Publisher: BIRN d.o.o. “The Tour de Serbia is one of the via and Ecuador, plus three teams from Kolarčeva 7/5, 11 000 Belgrade most important sporting events in the Serbia. Phone/Fax: +381 11 4030 300 country. We have made every effort for The tour will be held on a 850-kilo- Editor in Chief: Gordana Igrić BIRN editorial team: it be held this year as well, despite the metre route, divided into six stages Ana Petruševa, Marcus Tanner, The chosen basket arrives at your door step, on Saturday, at the time natural disaster that we have faced,” from Požarevac, over Kruševac, , Gordana Andrić previously agreed with you. th Pet Shop Boys open EXIT Festival Hugh Laurie shows his metal French indie rockers in Peruničić said on June 10 . Pale and to Belgrade, where the [email protected] We provide you with the vastest range of products available in that th The annual EXIT music festival will Steven Seagal sings the blues If you haven’t had enough blues music Want to see a concert on June 17 , Last year’s title will be defended by finishing line will be in front of the Un- Sales & Marketing: Marija Petrović season, while saving your time. All products are packed and labelled th Phone: +381 11 4030 302 kick off on July 10 in Novi Sad with It might sound unusual, but action played by actors, then you are in luck but aren’t interested in Iron Maiden? Ivan Stević, who will ride for Romania’s known Hero monument on Mt Avala. according to the standards and regulations of organic food packaging. an audio-visual performance starring superstar Steven Seagal is actually a this summer in Belgrade! Dr House Instead of taking in that show, where Tushnad. The race will take place under the [email protected] veteran British pop stars the Pet Shop pretty good guitarist and singer. He is himself, Hugh Laurie, is playing at the tens of thousands of metalheads from Belgrade’s new music festival Tour de Serbia convoy will consist slogan “On the liberation path of our an- Subscription & Distribution: Goran Knezevic For more information about us, our farmers, ordering method and this Boys. Their show, named ‘Electric’, will playing at the Sava Centar on June 24th Sava Centar as well with his blues around the region will be sweating Music festival Musicology will be held of 125 cyclist from 25 countries. Each cestors”, acknowledging the centenary +381 11 4030 303 week offer, please visit our web site or contact us. be staged by award-winning set de- with his blues band, which promises band called The Copper Bottom Band. up a storm, head over to Kombinat in in Belgrade this summer for the first team will have five riders. This year of the start of the First World War. [email protected] signer Es Devlin, who also arranged the to be a fun night not only for fans of It should be every bit as entertaining Zemun to check out some futuristic time. Some of the headliners are Mario the organisers received more than 50 The route will pass numerous histori- Printing: POLITIKA štamparija d.o.o. closing ceremony at the 2012 Olympic his movies but for all people who love as the Seagal concert. The show will indie rock from French band La Secte Biondi, Keziah Jones and Dirty Loops. applications and decided to accept 25, cal monuments from the First World ISSN 1820-8339 = Belgrade Insight th; e-mail: [email protected] Games. The opening of the festival will American blues. Tickets cost €20 to be held on July 14 and tickets cost Du Futur in an intimate atmosphere. If you are a fan of quality music, visit with a reduction in numbers per team. War, crossing landscapes where some COBISS.SR-ID: 149132556 fb: organicbgdelivery; tel: 069 / 33 699 33 be dedicated to scientist Nikola Tesla. €30. between €20 and €70. Tickets cost €2. Kalemegdan from July 24th to 27th. The Tour de Serbia will host teams of the biggest battles took place. Circulation: 4,000 16 BELGRADE INSIGHT, Friday, June 13 - Thursday, June 26, 2014 ADVERT Map of City Centre


Learn more about the rich prehistory of this region. We offer you a 30-minute presentation in Tourist Info Center English, welcome! Gourmet heaven is called “ZAVIČAJ”! Knez Mihailova 5 Address: Gavrila Principa 77, 11 000 Belgrade Zetska 13 Shopping mall on the Republic Square tel. +381 11 2635-622, +381 11 2635-343 FB: reservation/information 011 33 42 420, Phone: +381(0)63-36-96-70 069 33 42 420 [email protected]


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FOOD, FRIENDS & FUN BALKAN INVESTIGATIVE REPORTING TRY A REAL ITALIAN EXPERIENCE Natural Ice Cream NETWORK WITH FOOD, WINE AND COFFEE Kralja Petra 20 Vuka Karadžića 9, 11000 Beograd tel: +381 11 3285656 YBC - Bulevar Mihaila Pupina 10/Ž, Novi Beograd WE HAVE MOVED CAFFE DIVINO D.O.O. Ušće Shopping Center, 2nd floor Kolarčeva 7 Gospodar Jevremova 50 free deliveries and information: 11000 Beograd Milutina MIlankovica 134 +381(0)61 6704029 +381 60 5544455 Serbia tel: +381 11 2026004