Barkley Sounder a Co:Rs-Lll .Lourn:Rl Originating in Llanrfield
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Barkley Sounder A Co:rs-lll .lourn:rl Originating in llanrfield @L,n oa Havr.oct< la88 $ 1.25 DECEMBER.1988 VOLUME VI NUIJIBER 12 ! 'The BAP,{.Lil' SCr1.-ri{Dtrtt' is p;':nted monthly i;r Bamfield, British Columbia, Canada. Second clas: mail registratibn ntrnnber.. 6014. Post Office of mailing - Bamfield, B'C. Subscrlptions may be ordered or renewed by phonlng our Bamfield number: 728-3267 or bY writing to ult: THE BARKLEY SOWDER BOX 9I BAMFIELD B.C. YOR IBO ' SubscriPtion P.rceJ for 1988 Rest of Canada - $13.50 for 12 issues' U.S;'A. - $18.50 Cdn. for 12 lssues' Overdbas - $16.50 fot 12 issues. Overseas Firsttelass - $33.00 Cdn. for 12 issues' ,1. ADlrEnr&srtf6 RATES rOR 1988 1/8 Page $8. Oo 1/4 Page $15.OO L/2 Page $2o.00 FulI Page... .$4O.OO Classlfied ads are FREE! December 16th at 7 pm in the Fire Hall and the New Year's Eve Dinner and Dance on December 31st in the Com- nunity Hall. Our cover artist this month has provlded our Christmas cover for guite a few seaeons now. Thank you, Linda Haylock. December is an exciting nonth for Linda, as her watercolours be ,e -c- will - on display at the Rollin Art .-:::::i:.::::::' Centre ln Port Alberni all TFTE MASrrrEa,Ei" this nonth and into January. by 9{e attended Opening Night on Jeanne Ferris, Co-edjtor December 6th, and were very impressed with the large The year 1988 is coming to number of beautiful pictures a close, Christmas will soon filling the gallery, all by be here, and Banfielder's are our very own 'famous friendt, enjoying the annual gala tinda Haylock. season of parties and festiv- During 1988 Linda has ex- ities. hibited in the Crystal Garden The Craft Fair sras hetd ln Victoria, been in a show Decenber 3rd in the Marine with the Group of Eight at Station cafeterla, a flne the Van Deusen Gardens in turnout of visitors but not Vancouver and exhibited at as many artlsts as werve had the largest juried fair ln in previous yeara. The t{o- the Pacific l{orthwest, the nenrs Christian Potluck Din- PIiIW Craft Fair in Seattle. In ner and Bake Sale was on September she was the artiet December ?th, well attended on the Feature Wal-l at the and nuch appreclated, as Clock Tower Gallery in Port always. Albernl and then it was back Stitl. to cone are the to the Crystal Garden for following: the School Christ- Vistorl,ars Christuas Craft nas Concert, with trYo plays Falr. The exhlbit in the Rol- and lots of carols, on Thure- Iin Art Gentre is tinda'E day, Decenber 15th at ? pn at firEt Solo Show, wlth over 3O the Conmunity HaIl; the FIre paintlngs. f knsw Lt wonrt be HaIl Open House on Friday, her laet. Make it a polnt to visit the RolLln Gallery next COMPTJTER. tine yourre in Port Alberni, c or^trRs t both to eee Lindats work and OE-FER.TD to visit a very imPressive and well-run gallerY as welL' Dr. John l{cfnerneY, You nlght even consider buy- director the Banfield ltlarine ing one of Lindars Paintings, Station, has offered the use before she becones any nore of the conputers at the sta- famous and while You can tion for a conPuter course. still afford it! :r Anyone intere-qted in A vety MerrY Christnas learning beginning computer and all the best in the com- use shpuld contact Jirtf ing year to all of You who Ferris at 728-9267 or call subscribe to, write for, draw the station at ?28-3301. for, advertise in and iust The course will cover use simply enJoy readlng the of the disk operating sYs- Barklcy Sounder. glerve had ten, (MS-DOS) and entrY level slx intereeting years; with computer oPeration. any luc_! 1989,..our .seventh If there is suffjciPnt year in print, will exceed all interest the coursb will be expectations. offered in the new Jear. six December 1988 Irlunber Twe]ve Spvolume _ tEmgh-. Chamber of Commerce Meeting re Northern Resldentts Tax Deduction Al Benton 4 I'ly Role as a lrliseionary'a 9life ' Greta Rodgers 10 Snakes and Rescues Grahan Elliston 14 Reglonal Distrlct RePort Al Benton t6 "$weet gllnds of Change" Anonlmous t8 Church News Rev. HenrY Boston 22 Red Cross Donatlons Ebba Jenninge 23 Group Morallty Leith Boulter 21 The Land of Ban PART 2 Fred }lelland 26 Hunor In Polltlc.lans Irlike Harcourt 30 Cape Beale Trall ' The Snalls 33 Cape Beale lleather Norbie Brand 31 Husserre Love 'Eva Brand 34 Christnas Blrd Count Alan Burger 35 trDeceDberrt ': 'Pat Grace 36 Church School Llnda llyree 37 In lfy Opinlon Janes Ferrls 38 Bamfleld t{eather Peter Janitle 39 "Politlcsrr '2 Pat Grace {o CHAMETER., OrF- sPtc r Ar. COMMET"CE TI{AI\TK :rC) T' The Chanber of Commerce To the contractor and his !t"fd -a ueeting on Tuesday, crew at the Goast Guard for Decenber 6th. putting roofing on the ranp ft was decided to hold the and float at the Conmunity annual neeting of the chanber Hall. on January loth, 1989 at .the Trails Motel.' A noninating cornnlttee was Anolher appointed. the nembers of the connittee are Bill Mather sdisfied and Elaine Christian. cuslomer! It was voted that the Chamber donate $1OO to the Centennial Park. PACIFIC A \. PIt SUPPtl letter is to be sent to I{52T (N. the Departnent of Highway GERThUDE PORT' reguesting repairs to the 723 2322 Pachena Bridge. It is pres- ently rated at a maximum load of 20 tons and that is not adeguate for the truck traffic that uses the bridge on a resular *rt&, fg 0strom's lr4achine Shop Ltd. Fishermen's Supplies . Hardware lmperial Products . Marine Railway Iarine Fuel Sbtion Automobile Gas . lleutical Charts . Tide Tables AAUFIELD, B.C. VOR lBO ,TELEPHOIIE 72&gI21 3l SPEC:I AI, REP()R:T that our reguest- bad been deni'ed because of 'the exist- BRIEF TO THE TASK FORCE ON ence of an all weather road TAX BENEFIIS FOR NORTHERN frpm Port AIbeS4o to Bamfield. AND ISOLATED AREAS. There is a gravel.road aPPr- oximately 95 kifoneters long PRESENTED ON BEHALF OF: connectlng part' of Bamfield The CommunitY of Banfield' to Poit AlbeYni. APProxi- B.C. mately 85 kilomelers of this ' , *.,. road is private tndustrial PRESEHTED BY: Alan A. Berlton, road offred and maintained bY Rggional Director, Electoral llacMillan-Bloedel, and has Area 'Ar, Regional Distrlct of seldom been unusable in nY Albernl-ClaYoquot. thirteen-and-a-haff Years in Banfield. However, we are at Gentlemen, the nercy of the vagaries of fhank You for affording ne the requirements of MacMillan this opportunitY to address Bloedel, as $ras evidenced in the question of Bamfleld's 1986 when I attenPted to eligibllity for the ltorthern have the lggging conpany Resident's tax dedugtion. f repair a brldge which had propose .to d:lscuss.1 firstly, deteriorated to the Point the general phYsical charac- that some large trucks bring- terlstics of Banfield, includ- ing supplies to Banfield were ing accessibilitY, .secondlY unwilling to' Subse- the logistics of conmirnication quently, MacMillan-Bloedel and transportation within secured cutting rights ln the Bamfield, particularly as theY adJacent area and rePaired relate to. the utlllzation of the bridge, but the threat to services,' thirdly, the deslg- secure acceas to Banfleld is natlon of the area bY other inpticit in the sltuatlon. governrnent bodies, and four- More germane to Your thly, the designation of deliberations is the fact that adJacent areas. ': the road to Banfleld onlY fn May of 1986o the Re- .servlces, about one third of glonal Diatrict wlote to the resic'teirces and busi- Revenue Canada r8questlng nesaes ln Banfleld. As You that Bamfield be designated wrll note on the following aa a qualtfytng area for the DBp, the conmunibY of Ban- ilorthern Reeidentrs Tax fteld ts bleected bY two Deductlon. fn Decenber of inlets. Only the cenlral that year we were lnforned penJ.nsula is eerved bY the 4 rcad, the other residences on proceeding past Grade Eight Mills Peninsula and the North must be boarded out in the side of Grappler Inlet are city. The School District dependent on their -boats or provides a, subsidy of $25O the il.V. Iady Rose (with a per raonth to parentg of such scheduled eervice' ori Tuesday, children, but this.,is.searcely Thureday and Saturday from adeguate to cover the addi- Port Alberni) for aceess to tional costs. In a,qR.llber of their hones. As to the other cases, parents have"felt that physical characterlstlcs of it was necessary for,ole or Bamfield that may be appli- both of the parents to move cable to your evaluation of to the city with their child our community, we have an due to the childrs. 4elative average annual rainfall of youth (approximate-l.y 14 years 108 inches, a population at of age) and inexperience with approximately 235, and are a city envirortment. Banfield situated in open woodland is the only conmunity within terrain. SchooJ DisJrict 7O where this The separation of the situation applies. ccmmunity of Banfield by The isolation of Banfield water presents problems and has been recognlzed by at added expenses to the resi- least two governmental bod- dents of East Bamfield (the ies. School District ?O pays road accessible area) as wel.l school teachers in Bamfield as the water access only an isolation allowance of areas. The Post Office and $IOOO per year for the fjrst the Red Cross Outpcst Hospi- three years of their enploy- ta] are bottr located on Mil^ls ment in Bamfield and $15OO Peninsula.