Eastern Progress Eastern Progress 1937-1938

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Eastern Progress Eastern Progress 1937-1938 Eastern Progress Eastern Progress 1937-1938 Eastern Kentucky University Year 1937 Eastern Progress - 12 Nov 1937 Eastern Kentucky University This paper is posted at Encompass. http://encompass.eku.edu/progress 1937-38/3 Si»*_, _JJ — '." "i. ■ - ' ■ ■> •}■• ' * < Welcome THE EASTERN PROGRESS Yea! -Maroons, Alumni! Beat Union!" Student Publication of Eastern Kentucky State Teachers College ^ _ VOLUME 16 RICHMOND, KENTUCKY, FRIDAY NOV. 12, 1937 NUMBER 4 * Maroons, Bulldogs Meet in Homecoming Tilt Homecoming World Affairs Club Eastern Band Sponsor Homecoming Hop Season's Largest Delegates At Toledo To Be Sponsored Crowd Expected Program Is Representative groups of the 47 By Committee International Relations Clubs in Here Tomorrow Announced the Ohio Valley Regional confer- This year, for the first time, the school social committee is ence, division of the International sponsoring the homecoming Alumni Urged To Relations Clubs of the World, dance and they plan to present Twelve Maroons to opened their two-day meet to- something unique for this Register At Alumni day at the University of Toledo, school. Jamie Thompson, popu- Take Part In Their lar Lexington band leader, and Final Home Encounter Office; Football Toledo, Ohio. his orchestra will furnish the Game To Feature The program for the World Af- music for this gala occasion. 9 Linemen and 3 Backs fairs group includes a number of Thompson's orchestra is noted addresses by internationally fa- for their unusual and swingy DANCE SCHEDULED mous lecturers and student round- arrangements of popular melo- UNION FAVORITE table discussions. dies. As a special attraction, Deleagtes of the Eastern World Thompson will feature Miss The Eastern Maroons will enter The Eastern Teacher* College Affairs group who are attending in Megerle, who was voted homecoming schedule for tomor- the conference are Ralph Maurer, Miss America, III. at a recent their seventh gridiron venture of row, as announced by Sam Beck- James Muncy, Don Hignite, Adriel Atlantic City beauty contest. the 1937 season tomorrow. They ley, secretary of the Eastern Williams, Ivel Black and Willis Dr. Noel B. Cuff was appoint- will pit their strength and strategy Throckmorton. ed by the committee, to act as against the grim and vicious Bull- Alumni Association will get under- chairman of the decoration way with the registration of committee and he plans to use dogs of Union College from Bar- alumni tomorrow morning in the R. O. T. C. Aids color schemes and designs to bourville, Ky. The largest crowd of alumni office, room 20 of Admin- carry out the autumn motif. the current year is expected to Mr. James Hart was appointed turn out for the annual Home- istration building. Registration In Armistice chairman of the orchestra com- hours will be from 8 till 11 o'clock mittee. Dancing will be from coming game, this is also the last "We are eager for the alumni to Celebration 9 to 12. Admission $1.00. home game of the 1937 football visit the office and see what we season. are doing," Mr. Beck ley stated. This game is the last at home Large Crowd Of Final Encounter for twelve stlwarts of the Maroon Following the registration of the and White. The seniors giving alumni group the highlight of the Students, Faculty their "all" for the last time on homecoming activities, a football Members, Richmond Of 1937 Season Stateland Field are Hatton, Jenk- game between the Eastern Ma- Citizens Attend ins, McConnell, Captain King, Ful- roons and the Union College Bull- With Cardinals kerson, Farris, Cummins, Byar, Armistice Day Lacey, Killen, Everllng and Cald- dogs, will be played on New State- well. You can bet your last dime land field. This game, featuring Program that these fellows will be pitching two of Kentucky's best coached Maroons to Close down the groove every second that football elevens, will begin at 2:00 FORD IN CHARGE Season at Belknap they are in action. p. m. The Maroons to date have Field Next Saturday; chalked up four wins and two Immediately following the East- Eastern's R. O. T. C. unit took Last Game for 12 losses while the Bulldogs have ern-Union game the former grads a leading port in the local cele- four victories and only one set- will be guests of President and back. By comparative scores, Mrs. Donovan at a tea and an bration of Armistice Day, held at MAROONS FAVORED Union appears to be a slight fav- hour of fellowship. Hanger stadium Thursday after- orite. Union defeated Transy 13-0 The final session of the pro- noon, November 11, from 1:15 to while Eastern toppled Transy 12- On Saturday afternoon, Novem- 6, this is, however, the only crit- gram will be the homecoming 1:50. Captain Ford was in charge ber 20, the Maroons will encounter Jance which will be held in the eria of their strength for the sea- of the program. All college stu- the Cardinals of the University of son. Last year the Ranklnmen Narge gym from 8:30 p. m. until dents, training school students and Louisville and will attempt to cul- 12:00 midnight. Arrangements came from behind to defeat the faculty were present' in addition Miss Pearl Stevenson, Junior member of the Home Economics minate their season by clipping Baconmen 12-6 to break a 10 year have been made for a general get- from Richmond, is the new spon- Club, a member of the Little The- the tailfeathers of the aforemen- together for those who do not to many citizens of Richmond. jinx. This year anything may hap- sor of the Eastern Kentucky State atre Club, and was secretary of tioned aggregation. The Cardi- pen as both schools are gunning care to dance, according to a state- The program started promptly Teachers College band. She was the sophomore class last year. nals have been flying rather high ment by the committee in charge for their fifth victory with little at 1:15 with the playing of mili- recently elected by the sixty-piece The new band sponsor is popular this season, experiencing one of consideration of defeat. of the hop. Refrsehments will be tary marches by the Eastern band musical organization and succeeds among Eastern students and her the most successful football sea- The Ranklnmen have taken it served at the dance. under the baton of James E. Van Miss Geraldine Allen, Prestons- presence with the Eastern band sons in their history. Laurie Apltz, Peursem. This was followed by burg Senior. will add much to that organiza- a former Southern California star, on the chin for the past two weeks the entrance of the motorized bat- Miss Stevenson is an active and are definitely striving to tion's reputation. has done much to bring the Louis- strike the comeback trail. They Yearbook Photos talion of Eastern's R. O. T. C. ville school out of the ruts and is They dismounted, formed for pa- are offering no alibis but are go- very optimistic for a win over the ing about their work with a grim rade and then marched past the Maroons. Should Be Taken stands in review. After marching AZK Members Kentucky Ags'n determination to make the season in review they formed a battalion However ,the Maroons are de- a success by winning their final line at the front and center of To Present Deans of Women termined that their last game contests. Tomorrow's game should Editor Advises the stadium. shall be a success and will be bat- find the Maroons reaching their Dr. Donovan read the Presi- Student Debate Hold Meet Here tling hard to end the season in peak both offensively and defen- Students To Make dent's proclamation and then pre- the win column. By winning this sively. With a wide-open attack Appointments With sented various patriotic groups. game the Maroons will have a and both barrels loaded for the This was followed by a two minute most successful season even game the Maroons will seek to Photographer Soon period of silence and then "Taps" To Be In Charge Julia Poynter Selected though they have lost to More- stifle the bellcose Bulldog. Special Rates Given was played. The program was head and Western ,two of the The Bulldog attack boast two of completed by the band playing Of Assembly Hour Vice-President; most powerful teams in the state. the finest backs in the K. I. A. C. the national anthem. Wednesday, Dec. 1; Katherine True Named In Sullivan and St a fur a, they have WORE PROGRESSING The game will mark the end of two triple-threat backs that are According to the Military Staff, Question Given Treasurer; Other the football career of 12 seniors potential dynamite in football uni- the second year men in the unit Officers Retained on the Maroon squad, namely, forms. Especially is Stafura likely In a short speech to the com- will receive ten hour* of automo- Chas. Farris, Joe Jenkins, Jack to reel off a touchdown tirade bined Junior and Senior classes tive vehicle driving, twenty hours PROGRAM OUTLINED Cummins, Ed McConnell, Roy when he unleashes his speed in an recently, Mr. James Hart, editor of automotive vehicle construction, King, Robert Hatton, Harold Ever- open field. The Maroons will have of the 1938 Milestone, urged all ten hours of instrument study, PROGRAM GIVEN llng, Jim Caldwell, John Killen, and eight hours of leadership dur- The members of' Alpha Zeta to stop these Pennsylvania lads to students, and especially seniors, to Kappa, a club devoted primarily to Heman Fulkerson, Bill Byar, and bring home the 'BaconV have their pictures taken for next ing the coming year. The instruc- New officers of the Kentucky R.
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