Ganapati Atharvsheersh: Context of Leadership & Management! – Self Dialog Email : [email protected] | [email protected] | Page 1 of 2

Ganapati Atharvsheersh: In the context of Leadership & Management! By Dhananjay Gokhale Part 02 of 10

Once it so happened, that a servant was terribly frightened, he ran to Birbal and said “Sir, please help me. I have not done anything wrong. Badshah Akbar is on tour and he had asked me to take care of his beloved pet – a cat till he returns. The cat died today. I don’t know how. And now I will not be spared”. Well, let Birbal & the servant have some refreshers and tea/ coffee. Till then lets visit the last two lines of first verse! वमेव (Tvam ev – You definitely) सवम ्(Sarvam - All) खलु (khalu - Indeed) इदम ् ( Idam - This) मास (brahm-asi = brahm – is/are), II वम ्(Tvam - You) साात (sakshat - indeed) आमास (Aatma-asi = Aatma is/are) नयम ्(nityam – for ever) II १ II

How should that “ karta-dharta-harta ” be while functioning? Brahm-Asi (all pervasive, collaborative ) and Aatma-Asi (Emotionally Un-attached )! It’s a constant reminder to myself when chant the Athervsheersh. And this Emotionally Un-attached Collaborative behavior should be all-time, 24 x 7 ☺. Would it be possible for me? If not and whenever not, then I wil have to face theh consequence. And I cannot blame anybody else. So I need to get the things done (Karta ), protect & support the things and the work and the team ( dharta ), and close and take away ( harta ) at right time in Collaborative ( brahm ) mindset by being Emotionally Unattached (aatma ).

I had read somewhere that “the one that cannot be seen, heard, thought but with the help of which eyes can see, ears can hear, and intellect can think is ”. I have not understood the concept. However What I could map is like bramh manifests through the universe, the leader manifests through the team & the work!

Like I have ONLY heard about the concept of Brahm, same is the case with the concept of Aatma. I have heard about it. It is NOT the body, it is not the mind, intellect, not even the ego, it cannot be even destructed, cannot be burnt, nor can it be drenched! This is Un-attachment !

Like the leader needs to have competencies like Empathy , Collaborative Approach ; it is equally necessary to be Emotionally Unattached . If I am a project leader or a manager, then I cannot afford to get entangled and feel bad or get carried away by someone’s harsh words. It is inevitable for a leader and a manager to get criticized! Whatever I do, there shall be some portion of stakeholders who would be unhappy. Although the sole responsibility for that is mine, one cannot please everybody all times.

© Conceptualized, Designed & Developed by Dhananjay Gokhale Ganapati Atharvsheersh: Context of Leadership & Management! – Self Dialog Email : [email protected] | [email protected] | Page 2 of 2

The Atharvsheersh is a dialog by self with self! The second verse takes us to the next level of self check. Is my behavior is based on Universally Accepted Process and on the facts &truth? Is the behavior in accordance with the work and the project in hand? ऋतम ् विम सयम ् विम II २ II (Rutam Vachmi, Satyam Vachmi). Rutam = Universal process which is followed in the creation, maintenance, and destruction! Satyam = Truth Vachmi = I speak!

Let’s see what is happening in the story of Birbal. By now, the servant and Birbal must have had their refreshments. Birbal advices the servant, “Listen, now do as I say. Communicate with Badshah Akbar exactly in the following way. Today send a message – Jahapanah, my Lord it seems that your pet really loves you a lot. The pet is not having the diet well since it is feeling your absence here. Send one more message after two days – your pet cat has gone extremely weak. And then send urgent message – my Lord, your pet is counting its last breaths. I am really feeling sorry!”

Now tell me, is this dishonesty? Is this wrong? Even in , Guru Dronacharya was informed that “ is dead”! It was an idea of Lord . Ashwatthama was the name ’s son. There was an elephant named Ashwatthama on the war-ground. He was killed. Is this wrong? Is this a lie? To say -“Ashwatthama is dead”. This was necessary keeping in mind the war - which the work or the project in hand that time!

Look into Dronacharya’s case in this way. What if Dronacharya remained emotionally unattached to the happenings around, he would have remained unattached to the news (false news). It seems he was honest to the relation – a father & a son. It reduced his power to fight.

Ever since I have started getting the glimpses of these perspectives; one thing I learnt and I have started believing and even suggesting that The leader or The project manager must be honest fundamentally to the work or the project in hand! Each and every action therefore should be focused and validated in the light of work and project in hand.

The entire interpretation is what I have understood and the interpretation could be wrong. However it has always helped me and is helping me in many incidences. Do pass on this article to your friends, relatives, colleagues. Let’s make it a collaborative move and hence your perspectives are welcome! Let’s celebrate the festival of leadership!

Regards, DG ( )

© Conceptualized, Designed & Developed by Dhananjay Gokhale