Fourth Sunday of Lent, Year A We come together to hear the story that God loves us with a love that surpasses all understanding; to break the bread of the Eucharist, so that we might be broken as Bread in service to others; that through our belief in Jesus, we may joyfully go forth knowing that our lives have purpose and that we will live forever. SIXTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME, Year B 14 February , 2021 Reflection St Brendan’s Catholic Church We know that we will all have to face some - 34 Collins Street, Annandale kind of suffering, and so we try to prepare St Michael’s Catholic Church ourselves for it. Yet when it comes, as - 69 Clarendon Road, Stanmore prepared as we try to be, it can overtake us Postal Address: with such fury that we fall back defenceless. 34 Collins Street, We look to others for support and Annandale 2038 assistance, and if we are fortunate, we find Parish Office Hours it. However, even in the most supportive of Tuesday, Thursday and Friday communities, suffering tends to alienate us 8:30am to 3.00pm from those who are healthy and secure. Suffering reminds us of our own finitude and the contingent nature of all of life. It threatens our sense of order. Email:
[email protected] Jesus is not deterred by human suffering. He welcomes all who approach him; Website: his healing touch reincorporates those who have been ostracised; his loving embrace reassociates those who have been alienated. In the reign of God, there are no outsiders.