FONT GUIDE Workbook to Help You Find the Right One for Your Brand
FONT GUIDE Workbook to help you find the right one for your brand. Choosing the right font for your brand YOUR BRAND VALUES: How different font styles can be used to make up your brand: Logo Typeface: Is usually a bit more special and packed with your brands personality. This font should be used sparingly and kept for special occasions. Headings font: Logo Font This font will reflect the same brand values as your logo font - eg in this example both fonts are feminine and elegant. Headings Unlike your logo typeface, this font should be easier to read and look good a number of different sizes and thicknesses. Body copy Body font: The main rule here is that this font MUST be easy to read, both digitally and for print. If there is already alot going on in your logo and heading font, keep this style simple. Typefaces, common associations & popular font styles San Serif: Clean, Modern, Neutral Try these: Roboto, Open Sans, Lato, Montserrat, Raleway Serif: Classic, Traditional, reliable Try these: Playfair Display, Lora, Source Serif Pro, Prata, Gentium Basic Slab Serif: Youthful, modern, approachable Try these: Roboto Slab, Merriweather, Slabo 27px, Bitter, Arvo Script: Feminine, Romantic, Elegant Try these: Dancing Script, Pacifico, Satisfy, Courgette, Great Vibes Monotype:Simple, Technical, Futuristic Try these: Source Code Pro, Nanum Gothic Coding, Fira Mono, Cutive Mono Handwritten: Authentic, casual, creative Try these: Indie Flower, Shadows into light, Amatic SC, Caveat, Kalam Display: Playful, fun, personality galore Try these: Lobster, Abril Fatface, Luckiest Guy, Bangers, Monoton NOTE: Be careful when using handwritten and display fonts, as they can be hard to read.
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