Dinner Heads List Saturday, November 4—Gnome Club Home Coming H
EXTRA!! EXTRA!! Patronize Our Advertisers Attend Home Coming Dinner Look for The Roadrunner Start the Alumni Celebration Stickers in the Windows Off Right by Taking Part Down Town When in the Turkey Dinner Shopping Held in Ebbets Hall VOL. XIII Santa Barbara, California, Monday, October 30, 1933 No. 6 Program for Home Coming Publicity Camp aigu Thursday, November 2—Football rally, Fox theatre, Many Campus Organizations 7:00 p.m. Parade and bonfire. for S. B. State College Friday, November 3—Assembly at eleven o’clock col to Take Part in Home Coming lege auditorium, Sciots band and chanters. Home coming dinner Ebbets hall, State college, 6:00 p.m. sharp. Occi dental vs. Santa Barbara, Pershing park, 8:00 p.m. Dance Is Directed by Lions State college music hall, after game. Celebration; Dinner Heads List Saturday, November 4—Gnome club Home Coming H. Clapp, President of the Club, Judges breakfast, Mannings, 11:00 a.m. Tau Omega, Home Com S. B. Merchants Take FormerToastmaster editor of the Road- Students Hold Pep Local Campus As Cultural ing dance (sport) fraternity house comer Santa Barbara runner, Dixon MacQuiddy, . and Islay streets. Delta Sigma Epsilon,, breakfast, Planta Part in C.ollege who is to preside as master Rally on Phelps Center of City Activities of ceremonies next Friday tion, 9:30 a.m. Delta Zeta Delta supper dance, Vista Mar night at th e Home Coming Field Thursday Extensive plans for familiarizing residents of Santa Bar Monte, 9:00 p.m. banquet. bara with the academic and extra-curricular activities of the Sunday, November 5—Tau Gamma alumni breakfast.
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