PUTNEY PARK Plan of Management Adopted 11 October 2011 DOCUMENT CONTROL ISSUE NAME ISSUE DATE PURPOSE Internal Review January 2011 Internal Review and NSW Land and Property Management Authority Review Public Exhibition May 2011 For public exhibition For Adoption September 2011 Presented to Council for adoption with all changes highlighted ADOPTED 11 October 2011 Adopted at the Council Meeting, 11 October 2011 PUTNEY PARK Plan of Management Putney Park will provide passive recreation opportunities within a natural landscape setting. Through the provision of playgrounds, walking trails and parklands facilities, Putney Park will be a place where the Ryde Community and visitors to Ryde can enjoy cultural and recreation activities in a safe and accessible environment. The Park will cater for diverse recreation and leisure needs of the community while preserving the interrelationship between the Parramatta River foreshore and the parklands. Prepared By Prepared By: City of Ryde Open Space, Community Life 1 Devlin Street RYDE NSW 2112 tel: (02) 9952 8222 fax: (02) 9952 8070 Email:
[email protected] www.ryde.nsw.gov.au This page has been intentionally left blank PUTNEY PARK PLAN OF MANAGEMENT City of Ryde Executive Summary Background Putney Park is a regional park and a highly valued area of foreshore open space located in Putney. The Park is a combination of Crown Land, managed under the Crown Lands Act 1989 and Community Land, managed under the Local Government Act 1993. It is zoned specifically for open space / recreation in the Ryde Planning Scheme Ordinance. Adjoing the boundary of Putney Park is the Mortlake Punt Ferry that is a vehicular ferry connecting Putney and Mortlake across the Parramatta River.