Inystery "\ Regl()Rill! I Review '"'- Unt~Oldk L.~ 11·(· F~I·"·I·..·.I·

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Inystery .. .. • p . $ 9. • eq w. .W w 9. .W: .M •. • -"p » .44 a .04 0 .S_ • ¥ P •• 5 2 .S o. z:s~ ,(,"-_J. c' .:.".- '" .....}~ .. ,~ .; J "'_ '''''-~~7'''''''''",",""="""",='J:'n'i,,....,..~'''''''''~'''''''''''"'"''~~,,''''''''''''' .. /' . " ;~.Ilsder .:~~~~, ',' ',';', . : ,<>·:~f:2<?·~·. i~~~·;,tl~~I~,·' ~;f:!t:~ "ct,' . "~ _r. ~"--'-,~-~,.:~~. '/ ....1" --' NCJ.8C1INOtJR 44TH YEAR rvlCDND:A¥,FEBRUARY $, 1990 Dudley " Ruidoso Rosvvt:] Inystery "\ regl()rILl! i review '"'- unt~oldk l.~ 11·(· f~I·"·I·..·.I·. .p..... '11{.:'.~._ :':.-).~,< i ....... If} :,' .. Lt, . !... .' '-..} I t,JyHICH AHJ) A H AflFi (Jjl J ,~ , ' , !iIJF1()',f) t.JI 'IAI' ')I,ft't VVt ,}I"r ~. •. '1 ·II'r~ ,j 11 f jt'! I', J , if .', r,,' ..,,,,j'! r!'! "-~ / " -, T~!".I Ill".!<l If I. :!IL"..K 'I""; ", ,:i '1 I' " ! J ';.' "Lj·l~j.t .. ~ ''l . I ~.I q",'1 ld I) ~ .t~ ~, I'~"\,l' 'Yi j- ,'j' r l .·1! I: '. -; I I I • 1 ~.I:t - , \-\. .:1 - '1 I J ': I l.: , . ~ J 'I', ,I i ! I.)' r I' h., . " jl ;.-. 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'. f'Il"-~",,'" ~ J_ , . ,," ',' ,., /... H ~~ ~.~ 2'1\ I The Ruidoso NliWS: I Monday. Fe.lIrullry 5, 1'990' - , Dudley~------"------------:..- where lha body was found had .8e!!idllS Kenne~h and Don'D\Id- "l1JlJ'aso was to l>e "the nexus of 11 Conflnued 1rompa:ge 1A made frequetlt complaints of low ley. wh.o were arrested Friday, Jan- major ma~ual1lldistril>utionorga~ '1'1", bodS wa' found by bclu",p- Jlircra!\;. However., after the u:a!'Y 26, in Spokane, -a third oizati:on whieh WjiS in ·the procells 'Lt'r pilot t' "l 'heat",." B.ella body wM found,. low flying aircraft brot1l;er. Svduev Kirkland .Dudl~ ofex:tending it!l operatillDsto west­ who ('),,d lht' Ii.",t $20;000!;y'l.!. ' Sr., c50, was arrested in Las Cruces, ern Canada;" said assistant U.S. reW>l rd [tl.r I."",..tiIlg Ule btidy, but Other fa.ct..~ Qf th" caS!l: inll'llldll and his son, S,ydney Kiduand Dud- Attorney Debra Kanof in an :A:P ,ar- waO! "illy ,,,.11hed $2,JJ!>O, m.i~Rjng items 'frOI,ll HIll truck Tony lilY Jr.,27, was EI.Pallo, tide. "'t-lLa lold 'The News i~ il pre- Dudley was drivin,g, Allch all a. s'pare I\JJ Qf·Ftid'!lY, :F10 ,bond ,detenni'na- Trans 'Star is a company opera- ;;ll,,.,,· ;nl"rv'll'W LIt,lt he..hitd .known tire'. ather items 'In the truck, such .tion 'Wl1'S n!adeon Sydney Dudley te'd l1y ·the tlll~eys, '«nd anegedly tltt' IIud les fanriJy 1",( ten ye< a.n'd iUJ luggHJ;(e, were- carefully remov,e,d Jr, 'wM als6 ·went by the niokname .used, as a front in the multicn!illion "G.lld How.!1 tJleltlb"rH to various loea- "n:d placed ull,der the· vehi,cle, as "Captain Kirk," <!r "The Ca]ltain," 'dollar mar:ijual1l; smu,ggling .opera- Llllm: heflin' " thQUil"h they were .remoyed in order because he allegedly ,ran the opera- lion. .. The fwlteHpLef' p.eloL wa,_ ae'- to re,tri·t!ve' sQJ\1:ethlng <$ls<$, :accord- tion in the abs.ence· ofhis father aOlI 'The company was .not listeil'in quitLl~l on {'h!l,rge$' or"idu\g an ~s' 'ing' U. poli'cll repQrt~, uncles, according to As,sQciated the El Paso phone ·directory, and in­ ('Hp,l' l.'nnn lh" Nt,,,, J'y1,exi'co HJ'll<: The inv""tigaLlon into To.ny :Pre~s reports. ' 'quiries, made by The News last 1'.t'rI.lWnU"ry nt'"r f>allta ~\,. iu J'u.(y Dudl"y'" deaLh was dosed .a!\;er the Me.dii,J. re'ports state that 'the 'slimmer ,efiscovel1ld. th.!lt. few other 19l'\R ,l\IlO,PRy ruled out fO'ul play, but the Dudiey~ ",Ueged.\y werE!' atltemptllng ,competitive Cha,rte.r .airlmes werf;l Hell;) 1Ilso ",.I,t! '1.:1«:1.1. Uoo Dodl",v Dlldley's eQl).tinued .to offer 'a l:o neg:otfate a'cuntJ;act Wifu :a even aware of the compa,ny'.s ~x:is,_· w~",under the in1prt"S,"ltr!t hi.
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