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THE PITTSBURG DISPATCH. W I PITTSBURG, SUNDAY, MAT 17, 1891 ,W - v j; 16! SECOND PART. PAGES 9 TO THE PITTSBURG DISPATCH. w i PITTSBURG, SUNDAY, MAT 17, 1891. come a regulSr Bpring visitor to this coun- loss to art cannot be deplored. By con- ested in It, perhaps some of them in the THE0S0PHISTS TO SPLIT. GUT-T- O but NOT EEDUCED REED try. The Prince of wales, by the way, has A PORTUGAL. stant companionship a perfection of ensem- A HAUL OF $30,000. cab. The man who pulled the bag out of FARES VERYHOPEFUL. not been svffering from influenza, as was ble had been attained by these four artists the wagon probably had a key to the lock ANNIE BESANTS AKRTVA1 IN LONDON popularly supposed, but from varicose rarely to be met with on the stage." on the door. If the bag had dropped out of "Willi PRECIPITATE IT. veins in the legs. Victoria Made It at the Behest of The steamship Iberia, of the Pacific Thieves Take a Registered Mail Bag the wagon accidentally the driver oi tne caD On the Pittsburg Traction line Un- "Without desiring to appear uncharitable Steam Navigation Company, sailed from would surely have called to the driver of the or flippant, one may be permitted to note Europe's Crowned Heads. Liverpool on "Wednesday with the Cleary From a Transfer Wagon wagon informing him of the loss. less a Book Be Purchased. Ex-Speak- er A Former Member of BlavaUky Lodge TIio Pauses long tfie here that it was not until the newspapers London Opera Company on the most ex- very likely the thieves intended to lift Predicts Several Branches Allies of the incorrectly announced the Prince of wales traordinary tour recorded, in stage annals. the bag into the cab and get off with it, but High Priestess Now Reposing at Head- Enough, in His Tour of as ill in bed with the prevalent malady that THEY FEAEED THE REPUBLICANS. Last year the same company visited the ON THE- - STREETS OP NEW YORK. they were not quick enough about it and THEN TO BE ABOUT THREE CENTS. quartersThe Leadership. some of the bishops of the Church of Eng- eastern coast of South America. This year were frightened off. Possibly they saw the Old BT CABLE TO TUB DISPATCH. land issued a form of public prayer for an the company is booked for a tour of 65,000 Policeman Brady coming, and the bag was Wrld London, May 16. The ashes of Madame abatement of the great sickness and mor- Central African Missionaries Angered by miles on the east and west coasts. The sea- Interrupted in Their Work After Having" too heavy to be handled easily or quickly. If Single Trips Will Doubtless Continue at the tality. son lasts six months and the company, it should occur to the Police Commissioners Blavatsky, who was cremated at "Woking land. 4 loss of the which numbers 60 people, sings only in the Treasure in Hand. that Policeman Brady's informant may Old Bate. Monday, were brought home Secre- by the AN INSULT TO English a repertoire comprising 15 operas, have been the man who pulled the bag out tary of the Theosophical Society, and are STANLEY. TO COMMEtfD THE TAEIFE. BECENT MEETING mostly Gilbert and Sullivan's. of the wagon, Brady may have a chance to now reposing at the headquarters of that in- INCIDENT OF THE A EOBBERr EASY TO ACCOMPLISH. explain why he didn't detain him. PRESIDENT ELEOS TALKS ABOUT IT OF stitution in Avenue Eoad. These head- SENSATIONAL SCENE DCBING ONE An Easy Thing to Bob Malls. HIS LECTDKES ON A PHYSICIAN'S BOUNTY. quarters are the private residence of Mrs. AFBIC A tBY CABLE TO THE DISPATCH SPECIAL TELEOBAM TO THE DISPATCH, Though the attempt was not successful, it The average Pittsburger will probably JTcKinley's law "Will Encourage Both Annie Besant, who gave it up to Madame London, May 16. The annual meeting shows how easily the mails could be robbed have to pay 5 cents, buy 55 worth of A Pamphlet to TWENTY DOIXARS FOB THB BIRTH OF New Yobk, May 16. A bag of registered either Blavatsky and her satellites upon entering Attacldnglm Distributed of the Central African Mission was held, under the present conditions. The wagon tickets or walk to East Liberty, as it doea Foreign Commerce and the Audience This Stirs Up People - EVERT POOR CH1XD. mail was lost or stolen from one of the big in which the mails are carried about the the society, in return for which courtesy the here yesterday, and proved more interesting- not now appear that the Pittsburg Traction Mrs. made Attempt to transfer wagons in Eifth avenue, near city are built according to specifications of Besant was President of the and a Riot Almost Ensues than there was reason to expect A printed will reduce single faro Domestic Industries, This "Worthy Thirty-fift- h street, last night. The contents the Postoffice Department at "Washington. Company its trip to Blavatsky Lodge. Assault Stanley. report, distributed among the audience, Offer "Will Tend to Make the Mrs. to- au- Strangely enough the specifications require 3 cents. Hundreds of.residents of the East Besant is expected in London DDNLAP'S anti-slave- ry Doctor Popular In His Native Town, of were valued at ?30,000. The postoffice tBY CABLE COMPANY.! denounced the Sultan of Zanzibar's one' morrow, and pending her arrival no an- Burgundy Hig Original on Popu- thorities are not fully satisfied that the bag only lock on the door, and that lock End have been looking forward to the good London, May 16. The particulars of the August, as. Ideas only a common one. Jin every nouncement as to the succession of the lead- edict, promulgated last was wagon. The superin- nearly time which has been coming so long, when -- insult offered to M. Stanley when he lation. stolen from the TOOK EFFECT AT A BAD TIME. ership of the society has been made. There Henry a gigantic imposture. The facts doubtless. wagon that leaves the postoffice 3 cents 31 tBY DUNLAP'S CABLE COMPACT.) tendent of the mails, who investigated the forthe paltry sum of they could ride is a general opinion, however, that the lectured last night in Albert Hall, Sheffield, justify the strength of this language, but containing outgoing domestic mail there May 16. great deal loss and finding of the bag, made the follow- is registered matter to their homes. It pity to disappoint Theosophical Society will split up into fac- indicate that for a few moments the scene the funny feature of yesterday's gathering London, A of inter a Dag of ia tions, and eventually go way most est has been created in the deliberations of ing report to the postmaster this afternoon: valued all the way from $1,000 to 8100,000, them, but they doubtless will be disap- the of must have bordered upon a riot. "When the was that among the great people on the book, Financial Disasters "Which Came "With imposters. Captain C. P. Eonndes, late of the French Academy of Medicine, which Policeman Brady, pf the Nineteenth pre- and sometimes more. The driver is up on pointed unless they invest 53 for a of It lecturer was about beginning, a tall platform was Colonel Charles Euan-smit- h, lio Tirnf.nti an .tp.w fTtm Vi AeM liat. lF the British Navy, and a former member of Sir cinct was on Elfth avenue fa. tickets. man, with a slouch walked has for months past been discussing the police, duty in J Make It Easy for Free Traders to the Blavatsky Lodge, who has lectured on hat, now British Minister to Morocco, a thief should run up and batter down the The Pittsburg Traction Company has been into the building, and walking question of population. Erance has about 8:30 o'clock last night. Near the occultism in America, studied the mysteries but formerly British Consul at Zanzibar and piuicis wuii wouiu ue aiiuust im- promising fares ever since Fool the People. for long as chief corner Thirty-fift- h street he saw a mail main tha of esoteric Buddhism in the East, and is up the aisle handed pamphlets from a large the real author of the much abused edict a time posed the of possible for the driver to hear him above country Europe in which the bag lying1 the street near the curb. noise wagon makes rattling over Duquesne Traction line was projected. Since familiar with the entire theosophic-propagand- bag that he carried to the people in the au- Presumably he had not seen the report, and in in It the the the various methods employed in limiting the was one of large bags used for registered paving stones. With a key to the lock one the latter line begins business thinks that Blavatsky's lieutenants dience. The pamphlet bore on its cover when paragraph denouncing his pet the cannot possibly hold together now that the the number of her children are in practice, so matter and weighed, with contents, 225 would not be hard to obtain a thief could it was expected that the former company C03IPLAINT OF AUSTEIAtf MERCHAKTS. this title, "Stanley's Exploits, or Civilizing measure was read his face was a most inter- that the action of Tanier, founder of the society is dead. Dr. the President pounds. kicked and then stooped work with absolute safety after dark on a would immediately pull down its fares. Africa." Naturally, the audience supposed esting study. of the Academy of Medicine, has created a He it rainy night, when few people were on the "I apprehend," he said to your correspon- down and lifted it on end, was exam- Yesterday a Dispatch reporter was ed dent, "that Theosphists will divide jnto that the book contained one of Stanley's He strove manfully to be calm until his food, deal of talk, and especially in the Ht street.
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