The Premier 2Nd Quarter
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Editorial Board About the Cover CALVIN D. CORDOVA Editor-in-Chief dŚĞĞďƵdĞĐŚŶŽůŽŐŝĐĂůhŶŝǀĞƌƐŝƚLJŚĂƐƚĂŬĞŶƐƚĞƉƐƚŽ ŵĂŬĞƚŚĞƵŶŝǀĞƌƐŝƚLJĂĚƌƵŐͲĨƌĞĞŝŶƐƟƚƵƟŽŶ͘ DR. DORIS O. GASCON,DA WZK&͘:K,EEWh>K ENGR. ELENA APARENTE PROF. JOEBERT MONACILLO (CAS Main) (CoEd Main) (COE Main) (COT Main) MS. MARCELINA B. SARTE PROF. JOSEPHINE ANNE C. TALEON PROF. JIHAN S. COMEROS PROF. ROSALEA FENINA A.MARGALLO (CTU Argao) (CTU Barili) (CTU Carmen) (CTU Moalboal) PROF. ROWENA P. DATO-ON PROF. LAILA HOBRERO DR. ANGEN MAY F. CHARCOS PROF. LESLEY KAREN PENERA THE PREMIER (CTU Daanbantayan) (CTU Sanfrancisco) (CTU Tuburan) (CTU Danao) AI MAY S. NAILON/ JEREMIAH H. PEDRO Layout Artist DR. ROSELYN T. BUSTOS dŚĞWƌĞŵŝĞƌŝƐƚŚĞŽĸĐŝĂůŶĞǁƐůĞƩĞƌƉƵďůŝƐŚĞĚĞǀĞƌLJ University Publication Director ƚŚƌĞĞŵŽŶƚŚƐďLJĞďƵdĞĐŚŶŽůŽŐŝĐĂůhŶŝǀĞƌƐŝƚLJ;dhͿ͘ DR. LEDESMA R. LAYON DR. VICTOR D. VILLAGANAS DR. ADRIAN P. YBAÑEZ DR. EDGAR U. TIBAY /ƚ ŝƐ ƉƵďůŝƐŚĞĚ ďLJ ƚŚĞ hŶŝǀĞƌƐŝƚLJ WƵďůŝĐĂƟŽŶ KĸĐĞ VP-Administration and Finance VP-Academic Affairs VP- Research and Development VP-Production Extension & ;hWKͿ͕ ƐŝdžƚŚ ŇŽŽƌ͕ ŶŐŝŶĞĞƌŝŶŐ ďƵŝůĚŝŶŐ͕ ƌŝŐŚƚ ǁŝŶŐ͕ Business Affairs ŽƌŶĞƌ D͘:͘ ƵĞŶĐŽ ǀĞ͘ Θ Z͘ WĂůŵĂ ^ƚ͕͘ ĞďƵ ŝƚLJ͘ s/^Z^ COVER STORY CTU requires mandatory drug testing upon enrollment Dr. Rogelio John M. Villamor explains how the Cebu Technological University will do about a policy requiring students to undergo a drug-test upon enrollment. teps have been taken to make Before the orientation, Dr. program. Sthe Cebu Technological Univer- Villamor had already crafted a pol- As part of the policy, an enroll- sity (CTU) a drug-free institution. icy when CHED issued a memoran- ee must undergo drug testing and At the helm of the high- dum order in 2017. present the result upon enrollment. ly-imporant program is Dr. Rogelio In fact, CTU has already im- During the orientation, it John M. Villamor, who is leaving no SOHPHQWHGWKHSROLF\VLQFHWKH¿UVW was tackled that an enrollee may stone unturned to ensure that the semester of 2018. be denied admission if he is tested massive undertaking will be prop- While the policy was already positive for illegal drug use. erly implemented. implemented, Dr. Villamor said there “I have to raise those ques- Dr. Villamor, the university were some grey areas that had to tions to protect the rights of the physician, got more valuable ideas EHFODUL¿HG students. I don’t want their rights to on how the university will do about “The orientation was very be violated. There should be a bal- it with the policy. helpful. I made the policy based on ance between implementing strict Dr. Villamor was one of the my knowledge as an occupational policy and protecting the rights of participants in a public orientation medicine doctor. I was not oriented the students,” Dr. Villamor said. that tackled the implementing then by CHED and I was not sure Aside from the mandatory guidelines for the conduct of drug that everything I did was correct. So drug testing for student applicants, testing of students in all higher ed- during the orientation, there were another policy also calls for a ran- ucation institutions (HEIs). questions in my mind that were an- dom drug testing for enrolled stu- The orientation was con- swered and it helped a lot,” said Dr. dents. ducted last April 24 at the Commis- Villamor. Dr. Villamor has already pre- sion on Higher Education (CHED) More importantly, the orien- pared guidelines for the random Auditorium in University of the tation helped the HEIs in making drug testing but it has yet to be im- Philippines (UP)-Diliman, Quezon sure no rights of the students will be plemented since it needed funding. City. violated in the implementation of the “The mandatory drug testing 04 upon enrollment will be shouldered dent. boost the image of CTU but also by the student applicant while the Those who will be tested the well-being of the students. expenses for the random drug test- positive for illegal drug use in the “This is a big help in form- ing will be shouldered by the uni- random test will be retained only ing the students’ principle in life. versity. We are ready to implement after undergoing counselling and When a student sees that CTU it but we don’t have the budget for presenting a proof of a successful has this kind of policy, they will it yet,” Dr. Villamor explained. intervention program. realize that CTU is not an ordi- A committee, which will Students can decline to nary university. The students will be headed by Dr. Villamor, will be undergo random test if he can pro- also realize that the university re- formed to make sure that the pro- vide valid reasons. ally cares for their future since it cedure and guidelines of the ran- “Those who will decline discourages them from engaging dom drug testing will be without valid reasons will not be in illegal drug activities,” said Dr. followed. retained but these things will be Vilamor. Dr. Villamor stressed that discussed with the parents,” Dr. “More importantly, hav- the policy doesn’t intend to penal- Villamor said. ing a drug-free institution is also ize those tested positive for illegal Dr. Villamor pointed out that one way of helping build a better drug use. all the undertakings with regards to community,” Dr. Villamor empha- “We will not kick out those the conduct of the test will be treat- sized.- who will be tested positive for drug HGZLWKFRQ¿GHQWLDOLW\ “The government is se- use. Instead, we will help them “Results of the initial tests rious in eradicating illegal drug on how to address the problem QHHGFRQ¿UPDWRU\UHVXOWVWRDVFHU- problems and we must also through counselling,” said Dr. Villa- tain if the concerned student is re- do our part to provide solution. mor. ally a drug user, “said Dr. Villamor. When we help a student, it is just Dr. Villamor said they will The policy has been dis- like helping a family because if also talk to the parents of the con- FXVVHGZLWKDOORI¿FLDOVRIWKHFDP- there is one family member who cerned student to address the is- SXVHV DQG RI¿FHUV RI WKH 6WXGHQW is into illegal drugs, the whole sue. He added that there are three Supreme Government (SSG). family will be destroyed,” pointed kinds of users: the experimenter, Dr. Villamor said strict com- out Dr. Villamor./CTU MAIN-UPO the casual, and the drug depen- pliance of the policy will not just 2 CTU professors showcase research papers in Taiwan conference wo professors of the Cebu Technological Uni- On the other hand, Prof. Mary Ellen Camarillo Tversity (CTU) strutted their wares by presenting of CTU-Argao Campus tackled her research entitled their research papers in the 2019 International Con- "Municipal Household Waste Generation and Compo- ference on Environmental Quality Concern, Control sition in Three Municipal Classes in the Philippines: and Conservation last May 23 to 25, 2019 in Tainan Baseline Study for Future Solid Waste Management and Kaohsiung, Taiwan. Plan." Prof. Jeremy Mondejar of CTU-Barili Campus Prof. Camarillo went on to receive the Best presented his research entitled "Estimating Top- Presentation Award./2I¿FH RI ,QWHUQDWLRQDOL]DWLRQ soil Texture Fractions by DSM - A Response to the DQG$6($1,QWHJUDWLRQ 42-Year-Old Outdated Soil Map in the Philippines." The participants of the 2019 International Conference Quality Concern, Control and Conservation. 05 PRC’s Consulate General eyes partnership with CTU Hon. Jia Li (2nd from left), Consulate General of the People’s Republic of China, interacts with key ossible collaborations were officials of the Cebu Technological University during his visit last April 15. Praised when the Consulate Gen- eral of the People’s Republic of China (PRC) visited the Cebu Tech- We also hope that we can have stu- tor of the Cebu Technological Uni- nological University (CTU)-Main dent and teacher exchanges. This versity’s (CTU) Internationalization Campus last April 15. way, we can exchange knowledge and ASEAN Integration. Hon. Jia Li was warmly wel- that we all need to have,” Hon. Li FRPHGE\WRSRI¿FLDOVRI&78 added. Dr. Edwin Pilapil, Univer- In a meeting held at the newly $PRQJ WKRVH &78 RI¿FLDOV sity Administrator for Senior High, constructed Library Building, Hon. Li who welcomed Hon. Li were Dr. Dean of Instruction for the Main was all praises when he was briefed Severino Romano, the University Campus and the College of Arts about CTU’s history. Director for Instruction and Univer- and Sciences also graced the “We are very honored to be sity Director for Quality Assurance; meeting as well as campus direc- KHUH DQG PHHW &78 RI¿FLDOV 7KLV Dr. Ledesma Layon, Vice President tors Prof. Pat Robinson Salumag VFKRRO KDV D ¿UP IRXQGDWLRQ VLQFH for Administration and Finance; Dr. (CTU Bonbon); and Dr. Rose Mary 1901 and we are very sure that your Victor Villaganas, VicePresident for Almacen (CTU Danao), Dr. Nitz school has produced talents to help Academic Affairs; Dr. Edgar Tibay; Pinote (CTU Argao), Dr. Joseph C. the Philippines in many aspects,” Vice President for Production, Ex- Pepito (CTU Naga) among others./ said Hon. Li. tension and Business Affairs; and CTU MAIN-UPO Hon. Li said the PRC is open Dr. Ronald Galindo, the OIC Direc- to collaborate with CTU. “We want to take the oppor- tunity to plan for future collabora- tions, projects with CTU. As soon as possible, we are hoping to collabo- rate with CTU,” he said. Hon. Li revealed that this year, the PRC has invited 2,000 En- glish teachers to visit China. CTU teachers can also look forward to learn the best practices of some of the top Chinese institutions as Hon. Li explored the possibility of forging st dent and teacher ex- change programs. “We believe that your school has very good teachers and talents.