Florida Historical Quarterly Volume 43 Number 2 Florida Historical Quarterly, Vol 43, Article 3 Number 2 1964 State-Supported Higher Education Among Negroes in the State of Florida Leedell W. Neyland
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[email protected]. Recommended Citation Neyland, Leedell W. (1964) "State-Supported Higher Education Among Negroes in the State of Florida," Florida Historical Quarterly: Vol. 43 : No. 2 , Article 3. Available at: https://stars.library.ucf.edu/fhq/vol43/iss2/3 Neyland: State-Supported Higher Education Among Negroes in the State of Fl STATE-SUPPORTED HIGHER EDUCATION AMONG NEGROES IN THE STATE OF FLORIDA by LEEDELL W. NEYLAND TATE-SUPPORTED HIGHER EDUCATION among Negroes in s Florida had its beginning during the decade of the 1880’s. The initial step in this new educational venture was taken by Governor William D. Bloxham who, during his first administra- tion, vigorously set forth a threefold economic and social program. In his inaugural address he declared that in order to promote the interest, welfare, and prosperity of the state, “we must in- vite a healthy immigration; develop our natural resources by se- curing proper transportation; and educate the rising generation.’’ 1 He promulgated this combination as “the three links in a grand chain of progress upon which we can confidently rely for our future growth and prosperity.’’ 2 During his four years in office, 1881-1885, Governor Blox- ham assidiously endeavored to implement his inaugural pledges.