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FAQ’s about LOONS THE COMMON LOON Ontario’s official bird 1- Why does that loon have his head underwater? The loon is probably peering under the water, looking for fish, or maybe it's an adult looking for underwater preda- tors that could harm the chicks. Loons are a visual preda- PO Box 204 tor, and therefore must have clear water to find their food Delta ON K0E 1G0 or to avoid underwater danger. 2- Do loons mate for life? Some loons may mate for life. It has been shown, though, that loons do take a new mate ‘Gavia immer’—the Common Loon in the event of a mate's death or displacement by another loon. About 20% may have a new mate each year. Loons Please respect loons and recognize their signs. Known for its haunting calls & striking black & white are actually more faithful to a nesting site than to a mate. breeding plumage, the Common Loon uses many When in danger, loons give a warning or distress call that Ontario lakes for its summer nesting grounds. 3- Does the male's yodel stay the same over time? sounds like a laugh. Listen for and heed this call which It was thought that the males’ territorial means: "Please move away". If you see a loon "dancing" Description song, the yodel, remained static and could In summer, both male and female Common Loons straight up out of the water, and slapping with its wings, it is be used to "voice tag" them, making it eas- have black heads that appear almost iridescent, red ier to study loons and their nesting and terri- Urgent that you move away. You are in their territory! eyes, a long dark pointed bill, a white necklace torial habits. Research has proven this wrong around the black neck, and white spots on a dark black back and sides. The Common Loon has a as a male that lost his territory to another white breast and belly, with dark webbed feet. In was found to change his yodel as heard in winter, adult Common Loons appear similar to his voice tag. young birds, with dark gray heads and back con- trasting with a white belly. 4- How long do loons live? Loons are a long lived bird, Enjoy loons from a distance. Listen One of the oldest species of birds, loons are very much like any other low rate reproducing bird such as to their lovely, haunting calls. eagles. They are probably not sexually mature until about heavy because of their solid bones unusual in the Enjoy the solitude of the lake. 7 years of age, and may live for as long as 30 years. bird world. Common Loons are large, goose sized, black and white diving birds that spend their sum- Loons need this solitude to breed and raise their young. mer on open fresh water lakes and winter on the 5- When do loons migrate north? Spring migration seacoast. Feeding mostly on fish, loons measure .6 begins with loons heading north from their winter homes If loons are gone, to 1 metre long (2-3 feet), weigh 4-5 kilograms (8- on the Atlantic coast and the Gulf of Mexico as northern ice your solitude might be 12 pounds) and have a wingspan of 1.2 to 1.5 me- recedes. Northernmost males arrive on their home lakes slipping away, too…. tres (4-5 feet). as soon as the ice is out- often within just hours. This implies that they stage on the Great Lakes and other open Where to find loons water areas and scout as the ice goes out. On the more Common Loons live throughout Canada, in all prov- southern lakes (Michigan represents the southern bound- inces and territories and in the north-eastern United This document has been compiled with help from the follow- States during the summer. It is estimated that On- ary of the Common Loon) most male loons are on territory ing sources: tario has about 65,000 pairs of Common Loons liv- by around the first of April, assuming ice has already gone Algonquin Park Online Learning Centre ing in the province during the summer months. out. In both cases, the females follow later. Young birds Near the end of summer, loons will gather on many return for the first time at two to three years of age. Michigan Loon Preservation Association larger lakes prior to migration. Adults will usually migrate before young birds, which Royal Alberta Museum 6- A Loon is a duck, isn't it? Or is it a goose? Actually, may need additional time to mature loons are neither. Though a water bird, a loon is an en- before migration. By the middle of tirely different kind of duck, er, not a duck. It's a genus November, most loons migrate south PO Box 204 or to the Atlantic Ocean, but a few called Gavia, and the species name of our Common Loon is Delta ON K0E 1G0 may winter on the Great Lakes. immer. In the old world, loons are called divers. Everyone calls them one of the most beautiful birds ever seen! Critical time: May/June nesting season Speed Boats can send waves crashing into the shore- Major Predators: Most loons nest from mid to the end of May. line. Adult Common Loons have few predators. Os- Their nests are usually on small islands or preys have been observed harassing adult and the back end of bays and inlets. Loons lay Personal Watercraft can speed in young birds and Bald Eagles have attacked only two eggs, which both parents take turns shallow water and may run over loons while on the water. incubating for 28-29 days. chicks. Watercraft operators are naturally drawn to our beautiful Food Sources: Loon chicks lakes and often come into close Common Loons feed on fish such as Yellow contact with loons. Responsible Loon chicks rest, feed and grow Perch, Smallmouth Bass, and assorted smaller watercraft use will help ensure that fishes usually referred to as "minnows". In ad- in and around their territory both humans and loons continue to share our lakes. during the months of June, July dition, some loons feed on naturally fishless lakes, which contain crayfish, frogs, leeches and August. Look for them in backwaters and along the and aquatic insects. Loon Sounds: shoreline. Chicks use the summer to gain Common Loons are best known for their yodel, hoot, strength to fly south in late October- Loons hunt by swimming after their prey using wail and tremolo calls. However, the first sound that their webbed feet. They have been known to November. loons make is a 'peep-peep-peep' that is given by dive to depths of 70 metres and stay sub- chicks when they are still inside the egg. Loons use merged for more than three minutes, but the Boat Traffic Can Cause Loss of Eggs: their more commonly heard vocalizations for a variety Loon parents leave if watercraft come within average dive is less than five metres deep and of purposes. For example, the hoot call is used as a 40 to 45 seconds in duration. While still small, 150 yards of the nest (the length of 1 ½ contact call as birds approach one another. The tremolo football fields), leaving the eggs without young loons travel on the backs of their par- signals distress and may urge loons to move to safety. ents in July and August, as they do not have warmth or protection. The nest then The yodel is used in territorial disputes, essentially stat- becomes vulnerable to predators. If the stamina to keep up with them. By eight ing to any loons close by: "This is our territory!" Finally, weeks of age young loons are fully feathered disturbed often, loons abandon the the wail indicates a willingness to interact and is used nest. A pair may re-nest if it isn’t too and can search for food independently of their to re-establish contact between individuals when they parents. late in the season, but they only have 2 have been separated. chances. If you see 2 adult loons together in May or June, their nest site may have been Loon Mortality: disturbed. Known causes of loon mortality are trauma, drowning in commercial fishing nets, aspergillosis and botulism, Boat traffic can cause loss of chicks: mercury and lead poi- Young chicks are not waterproof! They need soning, and others. Lead to be able to climb up on their parents' represents a major haz- backs to stay warm and dry. When water ard for waterfowl. Birds craft approach too closely, parents leave commonly eat small their chicks to defend their territory. Young pebbles to grind food for chicks are buoyant, can’t dive quickly to get digestion. Small lead out of the way, and can be run over. Chicks sinkers and jigs may be tire easily. The presence of watercraft mistaken for these peb- causes them to keep swimming instead of bles, or lures with fish feeding and resting. This can weaken them, and lead attached may affecting their ability to survive. be consumed by the bird directly. A bird that eats lead will become ill and die within two or three weeks. Just Ways water craft affect loons: one lead sinker or jig can poison a water bird. Increasingly disturbed by watercraft, espe- cially personal watercraft, loons are driven Once dispersed into lakes, lead may persist for up to from nests, injured, and killed either inten- 300 years, though speed of degradation depends on tionally or unintentionally.