ECOSYSTEM RESTORATION | Case studies towards implementation

Context The presented case studies are representative for Case 3 Good agricultural practices on slopes Case 6 Water reservoirs for integrated development Case 5 Recovering wetlands’ ecosystem services Case 1 Conservation practices on weak soils larger areas in the Upper Fafan Catchment. Each case Dengego, Foothills of the Amora Mountains, Zones A2, A3 and A4 Elbeyih Dam, Open water, Zone W3 Sheik-Ali-Gure Area, Floodplains , Zones W1b and W2b Gumburkha-Khale, Plateau Plains Jijiga, Zone A5 The Strengthening Community Resilience in Somali box indicates the main challenges, examples of Region, (SCRSE)- programme aims at recommended interventions, some of the expected Main challenges Recommended types of interventions Main challenges Recommended types of interventions Main challenges Recommended types of interventions Main challenges Recommended types of interventions implementing strategic interventions targeting food results, and the most important activities towards Loss of fertile lands and infrastructure SWC-measures for slopes, permanent Pollution, siltation, high evaporation Life fencing, infiltration galleries, Severe gully erosion, solid waste, Riverbank protection, area closures, Loss of fertile soil and low soil moisture Basic SWC-measures, SWC-measures for due to rill and gully erosion agriculture rates troughs for livestock, deepening content due to poor vegetation cover weak soils and to control wind erosion security, water security and disaster risk reduction to implementation. For more details please refer to the overgrazing, encroaching agriculture flood adapted agriculture Atlas and Guidelines. improve long term community stability and resilience Expected results Activities towards implementation Expected results Activities towards implementation Expected results Activities towards implementation Expected results Activities towards implementation in . The programme is anchored to the Higher yields, production of high(er) Establish farmer field schools, set-up Improved water quality and availability Invest in improved design and Gully restoration, increased grass and Policy development, facilitate Higher and more reliable yields, and Establish farmer field schools and Ecosystem based Adaptation (EbA) Approach. Hence, The cases mention direct results of interventions, but value crops tree nurseries, organize exchange visits management, sensitization campaign crop production, flood mitigation establishments protected areas increased availability of wood organize exchange visits the proposed interventions focus on recovering the impact will go beyond the mentioned effects when ecosystem services (see Figure 1). implementation happens in an integrated manner at landscape scale. When ecosystems are restored, A water resources and ecosystems’ assessment was services and functions such as water resources done (see the Atlas of the Upper Fafan Catchment). regulation, soil fertility, biodiversity, and climate are One of the outputs of this assessment was an recovered. This strengthens the overall resilience of ecosystem restoration suitability map (Figure 2), which the landscape and its inhabitants to hazards, and provides the most effective ecosystem restoration type benefits society and economy (see Figure 1). of interventions per suitability zone. To facilitate the Figure 1. Building resilience through ecosystem restoration (Source: IUCN CEM, RSM) implementation of interventions, case studies were detailed in the Guidelines for implementation of Figure 3-1. Severe gully erosion on weak soils Figure 6-1. Elbeyih Dam East of Jijiga Figure 5-1. Pollution and degration of wetland areas south of Jijiga Town Figure 1-1. Agricultural fields close to Gumburkha-Khale ecosystem restoration interventions in the Upper Fafan Catchment. This poster summarizes the main elements of these case studies towards providing a spatial overview and promoting EbA systems’ thinking over point wise development activities.

Figure 3-2. Example of intervention: Figure 3-3. Example of intervention: Figure 6-2. Example of intervention: Figure 6-3. Example of intervention: Figure 5-2. Example of intervention: Figure 5-3. Example of intervention: Figure 1-2. Example of intervention: Figure 1-3. Example of intervention: Stone bunds Terraces with permanent agriculture Life fencing with euphorbia Infiltration gallery Establishment of closure areas Riverbank (and wetland) protection Grass strips Straw mulch

Table 1. Legend to the ecosystem restoration suitability map listing the recommended types of ecosystem restoration interventions Case 2 Restoring severely eroded lands Valley of Tobi Jere Stream, Tributaries to Jerer River, Zone A6 CHARACTERIZATION RECOMMENDED TYPES OF INTERVENTIONS Zone Current Slope and stream Soil and water conservation Protection and restoration Off-stream water storage In-stream water storage Main challenges Recommended types of interventions land use specifications (SWC) Loss of soil and infrastructure due to Area closures, biological and physical Flat to gentle sloping Basic SWC, flood-adapted A1 - Hafirs, ponds areas (<5%) agriculture severe gully erosion erosion control interventions Hafirs, ponds, hillside A2 Gentle slopes (5-10%) - SWC measures for slopes dams Expected results Activities towards implementation SWC for slopes or permanent Hillside dams, rock A3 Steep slopes (10-25%), - Lower incidence of floods, increased Delineate and close degraded areas, Arable land agriculture catchments Very steep slopes Discourage agriculture, forest availability of fodder and wood Promote SWC-measures A4 Permanent agriculture Rock catchments (>25%) management Flat to gentle sloping Basic SWC, SWC for weak soils, Hafirs, ponds, micro dams, A5 - areas (<3%), Weak Soils SWC to control wind erosion birkads Discourage agriculture, forest SWC for weak soils and slopes, A6 Slope > 3%, Weak Soils Micro-dams, birkads management permanent agriculture

R1 Slopes < 10% Rangeland management Biological interventions Hafirs, ponds, birkads

R2 Rangelands Steep slopes (10-25%) Rangeland management Biological interventions Hill-side dams, birkads

Very steep slopes R3 Area closures Biological interventions Rock catchments (>25%)

F1 Slopes < 10% Forest management - Hafirs, ponds

Forests/ Forest management, area Hill-side dams, rock F2 Steep slopes (10-25%) - 3 bushlands closures catchments Figure 2-1. Severe gully erosion on weak soils Very steep slopes Forest management, area Valley dams, rock F3 - (>25%) closures catchments Basic SWC, flood-adapted Managed aquifer W1a River valleys, Basement Riverbank protection agriculture recharge, hafirs Regularly flooding, Managed aquifer W2a Wetlands/ Riverbank protection Flood-adapted agriculture Basement recharge, hafirs River valleys River valleys, Riverbank protection, W1b (agriculture, Flood-adapted agriculture Hafirs Limestones, Weak soils conservation areas 7 rangelands, 6 Regularly flooding, Riverbank protection, area W2b forest) - - Limestones, Weak soils closures, W3 Artificial reservoirs Riverbank protection Life fencing -

Urban water and waste B1 Towns Biological interventions Roof rainwater harvesting Built-up management Figure 2-2. Example of intervention: Figure 2-3. Example of intervention: In-streamareas storage suitability Forest management, SWC to Roof rainwater harvesting, B2 Settlements Life fencing Protection of trees Check dams in a gully In-stream storage suitability control wind erosion birkads StreamEroded order, silty to clayey riverbed Biological interventions, erosion E1 Severe gully erosion Area closures - Stream1 order,areas silty to clayey riverbed control structures Small sandy gullies, Biological interventions, erosion Check-dams, (small) valley Riverbank protection 12Sandy stream order 1 control structures dams Sandy gullies and Check-dams, (leaky) sand sediment, Riverbank protection - 23on streams, stream order 2 dams, valley dams 1 Sandy seasonal Subsurface dams, sand basement Riverbank protection - 5 34rock streams, stream order 3 dams, valley dams (Fafan) Sandy seasonal rivers, 8a Riverbank protection - Subsurface dams Stream4 order, sandystream riverbed order 4 Small clayey gullies, Biological interventions, erosion Riverbank protection Check dams Stream1 order, sandystream riverbed order 1 control structures Silty to Clayey gullies, stream clayey Riverbank protection - Valley dams 12 order 2 sediment, Clayey seasonal on limestone Riverbank protection - Valley dams 23 streams, stream order 3 (Jerer) Clayey seasonal rivers, Riverbank protection - Valley dams 34 stream order 4

4 4 3R suitability zones 2 3R suitabilityA1, Agriculture, zones 0-5% A1,A2, Agriculture, Agriculture, 0-5% >5-10-% A2,A3, Agriculture, Agriculture, >5-10-% >10-25% A3,A4, Agriculture, Agriculture, >10-25% >25% A4,A5, Agriculture, Agriculture, >25% Weak soils, 0-3% A5,A6, Agriculture, Agriculture, Weak Weak soils, soils, 0-3%>3% A6,R1, Agriculture, Rangelands, Weak 0-10% soils, >3% CaseR1,R3, 7 Rangelands, Rangelands,Control 0-10%and>10-25% management of invasive species Case 8a Forest conservation and nature corridors Case 8b Ecotourism and wildlife conservation Case 4 Sustainable rangeland and forest management Shebele River, Fafan Valley, Zones R1 and R2 MainlyR3,R4, in Rangelands, rangelandRangelands, areas >10-25%>25% in Fafan Sub-Catchment Tikdam, forested area, Karamar Ridge and other forested areas -Wabi Shebelle, controlled hunting and protected areas in general F1, Forest/bushland, 0-10% Main R4,challenges Rangelands, >25% Recommended types of interventions Main challenges Recommended types of interventions Main challenges Recommended types of interventions Main challenges Recommended types of interventions Loss ofF2, native Forest/bushland, species, soil >10-25%degradation, Use of invasive species as fuel, mulch, Deforestation, loss of biodiversity, loss Connect protected areas, extend anti- Decreasing wildlife populations, limited Development of ecotourism Overgrazing, deforestation, erosion and Rangeland management and biological F1, Forest/bushland, 0-10% 8b widespread presence of invasive species interventions animalF3, poisoning Forest/bushland, >25% fodder and for income diversification of natural resources poaching efforts, reforestation resources to enforce protection opportunities, protection wildlife F2, Forest/bushland, >10-25% ExpectedW1a, results Agriculture/rangeland, river valley,Activities basementtowards rock implementation Expected results Activities towards implementation Expected results Activities towards implementation Expected results Activities towards implementation F3, Forest/bushland, >25% More and better pastures, increased Establish agreements on grazing HigherW1b,income, Flooding improved areas, food basement security, Research, training, awareness raising, More wildlife, higher biodiversity, Advocate for coherent policies, Income diversification, protection Facilitate policy development, promote controlW1a, of invasive Agriculture/rangeland, species river valley,education, basement rockpolicy development healthier ecosystem awareness raising biodiversity and support ecotourism development fodder availability during emergencies practices, introduce area closures W2a, Agriculture/rangeland, river valley, limestone W1b, Flooding areas, basement W2b, Flooding areas, limestones W2a, Agriculture/rangeland, river valley, limestone W3, Reservoir W2b, Flooding areas, limestones B1, Town W3, Reservoir B2, Settlement B1, Town E1, severe gully erosion B2, Settlement E1, severe gully erosion Figure 4-1. Denuded soils in rangeland areas Figure 7-1. Two invasive species in the project area: Lantana camara (L) and Prosopis juliflora (R) Figure 8a-1. Forested areas in Fafan Valley Figure 8b-1. Babile Elephant Sanctuary

Figure 1. Ecosystem restoration suitability map

Figure 4-2. Example of intervention: Figure 4-3. Example of intervention: Figure 7-2. Sofa made of Lantana Figure 7-3. Fuelwood from Prosopis Figure 8a-2. Tortoise in forest area in Figure 8a-3. Warthogs crossing the Figure 8b-2. Lodges modelled on Figure 8b-3. A buffer zone around Babile Meeting on grazing practices Growing seedlings for reforestation camara wood juliflora biomass Fafan Sub-Catchment road in a forest area close to Tikdam traditional huts (Simien Hotel) Elephant Sanctuary could help to protect wildlife

Strengthening Community Resilience in Somali Region, Ethiopia (SCRSE), a Protracted Crisis, Horn of Africa Program

Poster and map developed by Acacia Water and Wetlands International. Significant contributions to the underlying assessment were made by, the Ethiopian Red Cross Society, The Netherlands Red Cross, the women and men of Jijiga, Gursum and Tuliguled, and Taye Alemayehu. Sources photographs: Acacia Water,, IPMS Ethiopia, ILRI, Yonas Beyene, Cordaid,, Alberta Seith, David Snyder/Counterpart International, Steven Hussey,, dreamysdelights, and