Torg: the Cyberpapacy
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The Near Now … Later today, early tomorrow, sometime next week, the world began to end. The Possibility Raiders had come to steal Earth’s energy, its Possibili- ties. At the start of the invasion, France experienced the Collapse, a period during which techonology ceased to function. Then the Raider’s plan went wrong and technology returned, with a vengeance. The Cyberpa- pacy was born. A false Pope, Jean Malraux I, has brought the gift of cyberware to a waiting nation. He promisesSample glories unimaginable, file security in an uncer- tain world, spiritual power in a darkening age. All you must do is serve God. Serving God is easy, for Jean Malraux is His Vicar. Jean Malraux shall tell you what to do. Always. The Cyberpapacy has everything under control. Except the streets. Those are yours. This is the realm of … Torg: The Cyberpapacy TM Roleplaying the Possibility Wars TM The Cyberpapacy The Sourcebook of Virtual Reality T A B L E O F C O N T E N T S Introduction 4 THE REALM AND COSM Sample file Chapter One: Magna Verita 7 Chapter Two: Jean Malraux I 11 Chapter Three: Organizations in the Cyberpapacy 18 Chapter Four: CyberFrance 26 Chapter Five: Paris 47 THE RULES Chapter Six: World Laws and Reality Storms 54 Chapter Seven: Skills 59 Chapter Eight: Miracles 61 Chapter Nine: Characters and Creatures 71 Chapter Ten: Cyberware and Equipment 76 TEMPLATES 101 2 TORG - The Cyberpapacy US39508PDF Jim Bambra Design Greg Gorden, Robert A. Maxwell Contributing Design Greg Gorden Development and Editing Stephen Crane, Richard Hawran, Cathleen Hunter Graphics Daniel Horne Cover Illustration Timothy Bradstreet, Rob Caswell, Grant Goleash, Rick Harris, Allen Nunis SampleInterior Illustrations file Nikola Vrtis PDF Version Creator Special thanks to Jeux Descartes for all their help. Eric Aldrich (James S. Bracher, Jeff Brown, Garry Corbin, Letha Owens), Jeremy Duffer (Bill Askins, Robert Blanton, Jeff McManus, Bryan Prince, Eric Prince), Dr. Michael A. Fortner (Kevin M. Carrol), Robert A. Maxwell (Kevin Barkan, Rob Brese, Paul Keck, Leigh McNicholas, Heather Pritchett, Marc Silverboard), Louis J. Prosperi, Lawrence J. Trainer Playtesting and Advice Copyright © 2014 by Ulisses Spiele GmbH, Waldems. TORG ist ein Warenzeichen von Ulisses Spiele GmbH, alle Rechte vorbehalten. Titel und Inhalte dieses Werkes sind urheberrechtlich geschützt. Der Nachdruck, auch auszugsweise, die Bearbeitung, Verarbeitung, Verbreitung und Vervielfältigung des Werkes in jedweder Form, insbesondere die Vervielfältigung auf photomechanischem, elektronischem oder ähnlichem Weg, sind nur mit schriftlicher Genehmigung der Ulisses Spiele GmbH, Waldems, gestattet. Torg: The Cyberpapacy Introduction elevision screens and cel- microchip circuitry blink and flash on themselves to the will of God, and We, lular phone lines across the right side of his face. A huge cross his humble servant upon earth. France flicker into life. A towers behind him with coiling wires “To this end, We have prepared a gleaming golden crucifix running up its sides. Lights blink up Papal Bull to root out and destroy appears on millions of its length and across it arms. heresy, and godless behavior wher- screens as a deep voice fills the air- The Cyberpope raises a smaller cir- ever it may lurk. waves. cuitry encrusted cross to his lips and “By the power invested in Us as the “France at Six O’clock, brought to kisses it. He radiates an aura of au- rightful successor to Saint Peter, We you by the News Service of the Cyber- thority and calm as his hands fall se- condemn and declare all who deviate papacy.” renely into his lap. from the path of righteousness as her- The crucifix fades and is replaced “Catholic people of France, we face etics who seek to destroy the sanctity by live action scenes of the day’s news. today our greatest crisis since the Ger- of the Church and its teachings. Her- “As the Antichrist continues his man invasion of 1940.” His voice is etics who refuse to follow the teach- assault on the French nation, severe deep and resonating. “Never before in ings of the holy Church are to be rooted Apocalypse storms continue to isolate the history of the Church has the power out by the most holy of institutions, France from the rest of Europe of the Antichrist been so strong. His the Inquisition. “Labor unrest continues in the Paris grip tightens around us, and the agents “True Catholics have nothing to fear district. of darkness foment industrial unrest from the Inquisition. Its use and meth- “The Nuclear disaster at Creys- in our urban areas. Vital services are ods have been sanctioned by God. All Malville continues to claim more lives denied to the old and the sick by hea- who hold the true faith in their hearts as fallout blows over Isere, Savoie, then agitators and heretics. Nuclear should gladly condemn those they and Hautes-Alpes. ‘accidents’ have been instigated by the suspect of heretical beliefs and behav- “The collapse of the European Eco- agents of the Antichrist. France now ior. The agents of the Antichrist are nomic Community and the ending of stands alone against the forces of dark- amongst us. They harbor godlessness petrochemical imports brings untold ness. The rest of Europe has already and disobedience to the Holy Church, hardship to millions. fallen to the Antichrist. and seek to spread impiety and sacri- “AIDS continues to spread amongst “Although isolated and cut off from legious beliefs. the poor and heretics.” many vital imports and from our part- “Trust in the power of the Church, A richly dressed Cardinal appears ners in the European Economic Com- and we shall stand firm against the on the screen and smiles benignly at munity, we have our faith to sustain tide of the Antichrist. Hold God within his audience of millions. us. But ourSample faith must be strong.file Only your hearts, be pure in your thoughts, “These are only some of the top the power of Christ can support us and report anyone you suspect of her- stories in the news today. Stay tuned and give us the strength to throw back esy or blasphemy to the Church Po- for detailed reports on each of these the powers of the dark one. There is no lice, either personally or via modem or stories and for an up-to-the-minute room for the godless servants of the phone. The GodNet is open and wait- account of the steps taken by the Cy- Antichrist or for deviants who still ing for your calls. berpope to counter the menace of the look to Rome for guidance. “Peace be with you, and may the Antichrist. But first, an important mes- “Rome has fallen. God, in His ulti- Lord watch over us all.” sage from his Holiness, Pope Jean mate wisdom, has entrusted to us the The Cyberpope blesses his congre- Malraux I.” secrets of cybernetics and the omnipo- gation as telephone numbers and com- A fanfare of trumpets and synthe- tent power of the GodNet computer. puter call numbers flow in a thin high- sized sounds erupts from the speak- With their great strength we will turn lighted band across the bottom of the ers. The glowing crucifix reappears back the powers of darkness and bring screen. The Pope waves and fades from and begins to revolve slowly. It fades salvation to all souls who readily ac- the screen. and is replaced by the smiling counte- cept the teachings of Jesus Christ into The Cardinal reappears, “Members nance of the Cyberpope. their hearts. But the path is not an easy of the Inquisition will soon be visiting A shining golden halo surrounds one. Pure and correct thinking, and your neighborhood. Assist them in Pope Jean Malraux’s miter and head. obedience to the Papacy at Avignon whatever way you can. Report all sus- Circuitry flashes along the edges of his are required. Only by complete sub- picious activity and any who question miter, illuminating his snow white servience to the power of the Papacy the Church. And now we go live to hair. His right eye is milky blue and can we defeat the Antichrist. For the Flanders for the latest information on his left flashes cryptic red LED dis- Antichrist is adroit at exploiting the the Apocalypse Storm sweeping the plays. Wires run up his throat and weak and the foolish who seek earthly English Channel....” disappear into his neck. Lights and salvation without fully subjugating 4 Introduction Radio Free France blasted around the borders, it was too communications and monitoring the late to stop them. Isolated from the movements of people and goods, came As images of violent storms sweep- rest of Europe, France found itself lack- to life. Advanced cybernetic systems ing over the English Channel ap- ing raw materials and petrochemicals. were everywhere. peared, Christophe Goldstein reached The fall came fast. The technologi- Once ensconced in the medieval over and switched off the vidscreen. cal base of France mysteriously col- seat of the French papacy at Avignon, Behind him Francois Dubango swore lapsed. Vital supplies disappeared Pope Jean Malraux I took firm control and shook his head, “Possibility Raid- overnight as armed hit squads de- of the Church and society. Supported ers got dis sewn up, mon. They sell the stroyed or captured stockpiles. by right-wing elements and by sec- people hope and religion while they Mass hysteria spread through the tions of the armed forces, he tightened destroy the world around us, mon. French population as word of the Re- his grip on France. We’s gotta do something,” he crushed ality Storms spread. France was cut Liberal members of the Church were out the smoking remains of a cigarette off, surrounded on all sides by titanic purged, many of them never to be into the ashtray.