Pragmatics of Expressing Apology in English and Tatar Languages

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Pragmatics of Expressing Apology in English and Tatar Languages Pragmatics of Expressing Apology in English and Tatar Languages Gulyusa Kurbangalievna Ismagilova1a, Dilyara Shamilevna Shakirova2a, Olesya Viktorovna Zabavnova3b Abstract ARTICLE HISTORY: The article reveals that the speech act of apology is carried Received October 2020 out with the help of typical models of remorse transmission, Received in Revised form January 2021 indicating the emotional tone of guilt recognition. The Accepted January 2021 object of the current study is the motivational aspect of Available online February 2021 sincere apology and the variability of its verbalization in the English and Tatar communicative culture. The analysis of the use of the speech act of apology reveals the fact that the functioning of apologies in different linguistic and cultural communities is influenced by cultural characteristics, as well as the rules and norms of communicative interaction. KEYWORDS: The scientific novelty of the work lies in the fact that the Pragmalinguistics study of a specific type of speech act is done for the first Sociolinguistics time with the simultaneous involvement of several extra- Pragmatics linguistic parameters. The materials of the article can be Speech act useful for teachers in the University practice of teaching Discourse English, Tatar, and linguists learning speech genres. © 2021 IJSCL. All rights reserved. 1 Associate Professor, Email: [email protected] (Corresponding Author) Tel: +8-927-4723362 2 Associate Professor, Email: [email protected] 3 PhD Candidate, Email: [email protected] a Kazan Federal University, Russia b University of Applied Sciences Fulda, Germany 46 Pragmatics of Expressing Apology in English and Tatar Languages 1. Introduction Based on the above, it should be emphasized that the pragmatic significance of the act of hile classical speech action theory apology is fully manifested in the process of has realized (or seems to have) verbal communication. Apology, as a word W apologized for prototypes, which is and one of the speech acts and as the name of a practical act of apologizing and expressing one of the speech etiquette strategies, has long remorse, a major contribution of recent research been in the field of view of scientists, being to apologetic pragmatism has not been based studied in comparative terms (Tufanova, 2018). on introspection. Rather, based on extracted or Apologies in the English linguistic culture is natural data, an apology is a culturally spoken mechanically because undesirable sensitive set of speech practice (Olshtain & actions are also committed involuntarily. They Cohen, 1983) of semantic formulas or even apologize for the reservation in the strategies that occur regularly in apology. The speech while using the apology as an answers relate to the successful performance introductory word. Thus, it is clear that the of this speech. The object of this article is the British apologize often and very expressively, ways of expression, types, and contexts of the figuratively. The British apologize even when functioning of apologies in English and Tatar there is no apparent reason to apologize languages. The apology is included in the (Gabidullina, Akhatova, Karimova, Glukhova, active fund of speech activity. It is an essential & Zakirov, 2018; Ganiev, 2000). component of speech etiquette in various forms of its manifestation, an indicator of the The communicative conditions necessary for communicative politeness of a person and the the successful implementation of the speech behavioral culture of a people, along with a act of apology in discourse are considered. The way of expressing acquaintance, farewell, speech act of apology occupies a stable position greeting, and address (Bender & Lascarides, in linguistic pragmatics, and its existence is 2019; Brown & Levinson, 1978; Goffman, not in doubt. Situations of apology, except for 1971). An apology functions as a speech the extraordinary, are not evident, but they formula, a pragmatic cliche that can be learned occupy an important place in the English and to use inappropriate contexts. Fixing the Tatar cultures (Kabanov, Khairutdinova, & comparison of means of expression of apologies of all types in the corresponding Bulanova, 2020; Shardakova, 2005). Their social contexts shows that English is analysis provides the key to understanding the characterized by a large variety of label means fundamental values and specifics of the and Tatar-less (Owen, 2019). However, the spirituality of native speakers. In everyday life, global conclusion is that the English language we often have to apologize for any wrong has a significantly developed fatalistic (ritual- actions or behavior. In English, we can label) apology, which is widely represented apologize for the well-known phrase I’m sorry. not only in the office but also in informal However, to expand your vocabulary, you situations (Qari, 2019). In contrast, for the need to know other options for this phrase. Tatar language, the area of fatalistic apology is Depending on the situation, you can use significantly less indicative, and in informal different phrases that have varying degrees of situations, it is relatively rare. Apology in the regret. Other expressions are suitable to ask for English language also is quite common, although less representative in comparison forgiveness in informal communication. In the with the Tatar language. Linguistic pragmatics expressions below, the degree of regret is also studies the conditions of using language by high: I deeply regret (very profound); I’m ever communicants in the acts of speech so sorry; I hope you can forgive me; I hope I communication. Specifically, these conditions can be forgiven. include the communicative goals of the interlocutors, the time and place of the speech 2. Theoretical Framework act, the level of knowledge of the participants, Various authors have researched various topics their social status, psychological and biological related to this article. Stein et al. (2012) state characteristics, rules, and conventions of that, in Tatar linguistics, the monographic speech behavior adopted in a particular society expressions of speech are not specifically (Ohtsubo et al., 2012). G. K. Ismagilova et al./ International Journal of Society, Culture & Language, 8(3), 2020 ISSN 2329-2210 47 studied, but in the well-known theoretical works, specifying the differences between the works on grammar and word-formation of term’s style, individual style, and regional Zakiev, Sukhorukov, Melnichenko, Sobenin, peculiarities of style. The work is carried out Ivanova, and Orekhov (2016), the linguistic on the basis of the classification adopted in the features of the speech expressions are noted. literature. The researcher reveals the features Aydarova and Aminova (2016) believe that he of the world picture, artistic representation of study's connection is determined by the fact the modern world in literary works, that an ethnoculturological study of the Tatar characteristics of the poets’ way of thinking, and Turkish peoples' communicative behavior and unique features of their aesthetic positions enables us to reassess the ethnos' communicative (Holmes, 1990). Holmes (1990) used students culture in the modern context and reveal to record apologies using an approach typical and distinctive features of the advocated by Hymes (1964; 1968). Students communicative culture of the Tatar and were asked to note down The next 20 Turkish peoples. The investigation of apologies they heard ‘as soon and as communicative behavior based on paroemias accurately as possible’ and ‘without selection explains the ordinary rules of communicative or censorship’ (Holmes, 1990). Contextual behavior of an ethnic society, which is more details were also recorded. prosperous, more distinct, and more precise than various modern primary theories of 3. Methodology effective communication. The study of Galiullina, The present study is an intricate use of Kadirova, Khadieva, Kuzmina, and Kajumova methods adopted in pragmatics, the semantics (2018) revealed that the Tatar language of comparative linguistics. The main method possesses around twenty ancient cosmonyms of research is the interlingual comparison. The of Turkic origin. With the development of paper also uses the methods of system-activity computer technologies, the necessity of approach to the analysis of language on the basis of the theory of speech acts, component, observing the celestial bodies with the purpose functional, semantic, and contextual analysis of determining the route and weather is no of language units, the method of synchronous longer of relevance; this made the names of description of structural and semantic features stars and constellations vanish from the Tatar of speech act. For the analysis of dictionary language. Teaching astronomy in schools par definitions, quotes from the literature of excellence in Russian from the mid-20th English and Tatar languages are used. There is century and the development of Russian-Tatar a method of one-stage and two-stage bilingualism with an overpoise to Russian was transformation as a particular method, which instrumental to the loss of originally Turkic allows you to restore the real structure of the appellations of stars. In Goody (1978), the speech act. development of modern Tatar poetry in The problem of polite speech behavior attracts Bashkortostan and takes into account critical the attention of many specialists, the subject of reviews. It also reveals the peculiarities of the which is the communicative
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