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V. G. L. van SOMEREN. M.B.O.V. Etc. AND R. A. L, van SOMEREN. M.B.O.V. Efc. PREFACE . ••••••

On many occa~ion..; we have been asked, "How lUany birds are there in this country," (II' "how lIlallY of a certain ". 'fhe answers have not always been easy. On going into the mattl-Jr it occured to Us that a Oheck List of the Bh'ds of Uganda and East .Hrica would be a great help to those making a study of. or collecting birds in this country. With the literature at our disposal it was soon obvious that a list compiled in this country must of necessity be incomplete and contain a certain number of doubtful species, the verification of which would mean endless I'esearch, It must be understood theI'efor that the list gi ven is purely Pl'ovisional and is submitted in the hope that it may be found of some use to those interested in the Ornithology of the two Protectorates. There are no books dealing entirely with the birds of the two countries and we have had to rely, 'in 'the main, on information gathered from Reichenow's Vogel Afrikas, and Shelley's "Birds of Africa,'.' the latter far from complete, Other' papers and publications have been consulted such as "The Ibis," Smithsonian Miscellaneous Oollections, Proceedings of the United States N atu ral History Museum, etc. etc. 'rile arrangement followed is that of Shelley in his "Birds of Aft'ica," Vol. I. while in many cases the nomenclature is that of Reichenow, 'fhe list deals with those species found in the area between 4% north Jat. and the pr'esent East Africa--German East Africa horder, bounded ro"f8 accllrately, and as the. WOl'k has been in the hands of thf~ Printer8 for almost a year. lUany of the more recently (lescl'ibe(l species have beel! omitted. Oorrections and additions will b~ found in the Appendix. The .\.uthol'''; trust that this attempt to bring togHther in one volrune all thl' namHii .•f the hithel'to recogniRetl specie ...;01' ii1lb,,;puciesof ,,; to be fOllnd in LItH two P/'otectorates, will induce iiome one, lUor'e able, to pnhli8h a more cornpletl' work, giving not only the names but al80 de8criptio,IS and habits of eVel'Y species, Onr thanks are due to Sir Frederick Jackson, fo/' kind encouragement while the work was in process of compilation and with him, also to Majol' Meinertzhagen and A, B. Pel'ci val Esq .• fol' financial aid towards the cost of production, V. G. L. VAN SOMEREN. R. A, L. VAN SOMEREN. Nairubi, Nov~mb~r 1917. 80 &110115117123130100111107131125110HawksIbis813332944349106284636181509 Harriers Finches 13, 16,17,18,19,20,21 & 22 Ooots ·.. ... Grebe!:!Frigate.FlamingoesHoopoesGullsKitesFal'cons67,JacanasKingfishersFrancolinsbird44,45,46,lflycatchersHoneyHornbillsHerons68,Hornbill,69,-guidl~s100,120,106,'"...-·....•....u90,9170,H...47,48Fruit82,83--..102121115118104108.107122ground1019579628671,&&pigeon!:!&&&&10311710812210913011912510511312911411012310272,96...804992814288668284 IPAGE.73 & 74 CuckoosOurlewCrakes Crows .•. ... Doves Grouse,GroundGannetsGuineafo\\slindThrushes-hornGeeseIbills JINDEX.KGF OUl'le~v,OoliesOormorantsOhats,Chats,Ohats,ChatsBitternsOossyphasmountainforestscrubstoneCuckoo-shriCranesBarbetsDartersBnlbuls kesBee-Eaters ... 10589 BuntingsBabblingEgretsthrushesOrab-ploverDrongos FinfootsOoursersDuck Finch-lark AvocetEA CanaryEaglesBC finches0 110 PAGE. PAGE. s PAGE Sandpipers ... 192 ... 8,9& 10 Sand-grouse 123 & 124 '125 Scrub-chats ... 61 98 Sea-Gulls '" 11:\ Serins .. 10 & 11 Shearwaters 113 & 114 Shrikes 33, 34,35,36, i',7, 38, 39,40 & 1] 74 ~ 7[) Shl'ikes, cuckoo 42 62 SkUllS 11:3 84 Spar'rows 12 Spoonbill!:! '" 107 Spurfowl 122 Snipe 129 64 Starlings 29, 30, 31 & :12 77 Stilts 130 Stone-curlew l.~O Storks 109 Sunbirds 1, 2, 3 & 4 2S 74 & 75 132 Swamp.hens ,118 130 Swifts 75 & 76 98,99'& 100 T 29 Tarsigers G4 TernB III & 11:2 Thrushes , tiD, ..• 97 & 98 Th'rushes, ground 42 & 50 111 Thrushes, rock 64• 113 & 114 Thrushes, babblillg ... 4.1 95 Tits 5&6 94• Tit-warb]ers 6& .')0 7&8 Tree-creepers fi 1 'l'rogolls 78 85 eIi,8ti v 126, 127 & 128 V lilt IIres 105 & 106 131 & 132 'W Wagtails 6 & 7 Wax iJi lIs 1.1,16,17,18. ]9 & 20 119,120 & 121 Warblel"~ 50, 51, 52, 5:3, 54,5.5, 56,57, 58. ;)~}&60 Water-hellS 118 Weaverbirds 23, 24, 25, 26, 27 & 28 118 & llB Whe:ltears 66 32 Whvdahs U, 14 & ]5 63 Wo~d];eckers 92. 93 & 94 6'1 z 78 Zosterops 4&5 CHECK LIST

OF Birds of East Africa and Uganda.



1. Pitta angolensis longeipennis Reichenow Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vog-elAfrikas, Vol. II.

NECT ARINIIDAE Nectarim;a. Ill. LonlJ-tailed Snn1n:rds 1. Nectarinia kilirnensis Shelley. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Shelley, Birds of Africa, Vol. I. 2. Nectarinia erythrocerea Heugl. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Shelley, Birds of Africa, Vol. I. 3. Nectarinia rnelanogaster Fisch. & Heichw. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Shelley, Birds of Africa, Vol. I. 4. Nectarini~ pulchella Linn. Uganda Ref. Shelley, Birds of Africa, Vol. I. 5. Nectarinia reichenowi Fischer. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Shelley, Birds of Africa, Vol. I. 6. Nectarinia famosa Linn. East Africa (coast) Ref. Shelley, Birds of Africa, Vol. I.

Ref. Shelley, BIrds o~ Afnca, Vol. I. 8.7. NNectariniaectarinia centraliscupreonitenS} NShl"lley;.euman. EastUgandaAfl'ica (inland)Ug. 9. Nectarinia tacazze Stanley. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Shelley, Birds of Africa, Vol. I. 10. Nectarinia johnstoni Shelley. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Shelley, Birds of Africa, Vol. I. 2


11. Nectal'inia idius Mearns. East Africa Ref. Mearns, Smith, Mis. Col. 12. Nectarillia dartmouthi Og. Grant. Uganda Ref .Og. Grant, T. Z. S., 1910. 13. Nectarinia purpureiventris Reichenow. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vog-el. Afrikas, Vol III. 14. Npctal'inia nectarinoides Richmond. East Africa

Hedy(#pna. Oal.

15. Hedydipna pJatura VieW. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Shelley, Birds of Africa, Vol. I. ] 6. Hedydipna metallica Licht. Uganda Ref. Shelley. Birds of Africa, Vol. 1.

Chalcmn£tro, Rchb.

,,",'hort-ta£lf'd SU/nbil'd.~.

I. ('halcornitra gllttnralis Linn. East Africa Ref. Shelley, Birds of Afrie". VoL I. 2. Uhalcomitra acil{ aequaloralis Rpichenow. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow. Vo'.!el. Afrikas, Vol. III. 3. Chalcomitra hnnteri Shplley. Rast Africa Ref Shelley. Hirds of Africa, Vol. J. 4. Chalcomitra kirki Shelley. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Shelley, Birds of Africa, Vol. 1. ]5. Chalcomitra kirki doggetti Sharpe. East Africa Ref. Sharpe, Ibis. (i. ChalcO/nitra angolensis Lf'ss. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Shelley, BIrds of Africa, Vol. I. 7. Chalcomit";1 kl"lIlVi Grant. East Africa Ref. Og. Grant, T. Z. S, 1910. K ChalcolJ]itl'a velTeanxi fischeri Heicht'now. East Africa Ref. Ril'henow, Vogel. Afrikas, Vol. III. H. Chalcomitra stnhlmani Reichenow. East Afrioa Ref. Richenow, Vogel. Afrikas, Vol. III. 10. Chalcomitra l}l'adshawi Sharpe. }i~aBtAfrica Ref. Shelley, Birds of Africa, Vol. I. 3

11. Ohalcomitra cyanolrema Jardin. Uganda and Eagt Africa Ref, Shelley, Birds of Africa, Vol, I, 12. Ohalcomitra verticalis viridisplendens Reichenow. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reicllenow, Vogel Afrikas, Vol. III. 13. Ohalcomitra obscura ragazzi Salvad. Uganda. Ref, Shelley, Birds of Africa, Vol. I. 14. Ohalcomitra obscura neglecta Neuman. East Africa Ref. Reiehenow, Vogel Afrika, Vol. III, 15. Ohalcomitra aliena Jackson. Uganda and East Africa 16. Ohalcomitra obscura changamwe Mearns. East Africa Ref. Mearns, Smith, Misl Col, 17. Ohalcomitra lamperti Reichenow. East Africa

Ref. lteichenow, Vogel Afrikas, vol. III.

Oinuyr'is, Ouv. 1. Oinnyris regius Reichenow. Uganda and East Africa

~~- '.,. Ref. Shelley, Birds of Africa, Vol. I. 2. Oinnyris superbus Shaw. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Shelley, Birds of Africa, Vol. I. 3. Oinnyris cupreus Shaw . Uganda and East Africa Ref. Shelley, Birds of Africa, Vol. l. 4. Oinnyris albiventris Strichl. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Shelley. Birds of Africa. Vol. I, .5. Oinnyris osiris Fiusch. East Africa Ref. Shelley, Birds of Africa, Vol. II. I 6. Oinnyris microrhynchus Shelley. East Africa Ref. Shelley, Birds of Africa, Vol, I I. 7. Oinnyris chalcomelas Reichenow. East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vozel, .Hrikas, Vol, III. 8. Oinnyris mediocris Shelley. East Africa .Ref. Shelley, Birds ot Africa, Vol. II. 9. Cinnyris mediocris kenieusis Mearns. East Africa Ref. Mearns, Smith Mis!. 001. 10. Oinnyris orphogaster Reichenow. U!wnda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow. Vogel Afrikas, Vol. III. 11. Oinnyris reichenowi Sharpe. Uganda and East Africa 4

Oinnyris Ouv-Oontd.

12. Cinnyris falkensteine Reichenow. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Shelley, Birds of Africa, Vol. II. 13. Cinnyris venustus igneiventris \ Reichenow. Uganda Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Africas, Vol. III. Sharps, Ibis. 1891, 14. Cinnyris chloropygius Jardin. Uganda and East .Africa. Ref. Shelley, Birds of Africa, Vol. I. 1.5. Cinnyris mariqueneis suahelicus Reichenow. Uganda and East Africa Ref, Reichenow, Vog-el Afrikas, Vol. III.

Anthreptes. SW. Short-Mlled Sunbirds. 1. .Anthreptes collaris hypodilla Jardin. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Shelley. Birds of Afriea, Vol. II. 2. Anthreptes collaris elachior Mearns. East Africa Mearns. Smith Misl 001. 3. Anthreptes tephrolrema Jardine. Uganda Ref. Shelley, Birds of Africa, Vol. II, 4. Anthreptes zambesiana Grant. East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. III. 5. Anthreptes axillaris :Reichenow. Uganda Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. III. (i. Anthreptes orientalis Hartl. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow Vogel. Afrikas, Vol. III. 7. Anthreptp-s longuemari Less. Uganda and East Africa Ref, Reichenow, Vog-el,Afrikas, Vol. III. 8. Anthreptes haussarum Neuman. Uganda Ref, Reichenow, Vog-el. Afrikas, Vol. III.

zos'nmo PIDAE. Z,osterOJIs. V'ig. Rin.q Eyes. 1. Zosterops kikuyuensis Sharpe. East Africa Ref. Shelley, Birds of Africa, Vol. II. 2. Zosterops jacksoni Sharpe. Uganda and East Africa. Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. III. it Zosterops scotti Neuman. ]ijast Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. III. 5


4. Zosterops stuhlmani Reichenow. Uganda Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. III. 5. Zosterops flavilateralis Reichenow. East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, AfrH:as, Vol. III. 6. Zosterops senegalensis Bonap. Uganda and East Africa. Ref. Shelley, Birds of Africa, Vol. IV. 7. Zosterops eurycricota Fisch & Reichw. East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, VoU II. 8. Zosterops toroensis Reichenow. Uganda Ref. Reichenow, Vogel. Afrikas, Vol. III.

PARID.iE. Parus. L·inn. Tits. 1. Parus leucomelas Rupp. Uganda , Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. III. 10., ParusParasParusParusalbiventrisnigerfringillnasthruppiinsignisnigricinereuspallidiventrisfunereasfasceibarakmleucopterusgriseiventrisventer Cabin. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Shelley, Birds of Africa, Vol. I. Vieill. Uganda Ref. Shelley, Birds of Afriea, Vol. I. Shelley. East Africa ;Ref. Shelley, Birds of Africa, Vol. I. Verr. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Shelley, Birds of Afrielt, Vol. I. Jackson .. Uganda. Ref. Bull, B. O. C. Reichenow. Ea:,:tAfrica Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. III. Shelley. Uganda and East ;-\frica Ref. Shelley, Birds of Africa, Vol. I. Reichenow. Ugallda and ]£ast AfricJ. Ref. Reichenow, Vog-el, Afrikas, Vol. III. Fisch & Reichw. Uganda and East. Africa Ref. Shelley, Birds of Africa, Vol. I. Reichenow. East Africa Ref. Shelley, Birds of Africa, Vol. I. ]{upp. Uganda Ref. Shelley, Bird s of Africa, Vol. I. Jackson. Uganda Ref .•Jackson. B. O. n. 6

A nthoscopus: Gab. Penduline Tits~ 1. Anthoscopus rocatti Salvad. Uganda Ref. Og. Grant, T. Z. S., 1910. 2. Anthoscopus punctifrons Sundev. East Africa Ref. Shelley, Birds of Africa, Vol. I. 3. AnthmlCopus caroli Sharpe. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Shelley, Birds of Africa, Vol. 1. 4. Anthoscopus musculus Hartl. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Shelley, Birds of Africa, Vol. II.

Parisoma Sw. Tits- Warblers. 1. Parisoma bOhmi 'Reichenow Uganda and East Afri<.

CERTHIlD..:E. Salpornis. Gray. Tree- Creepers. 1. Salpornis salvadorii Bocage. Uganda and East Africa, Ref.l'?helley, Birds of Africa, Vol. I.

MOTA,CILLlD..:E. ,Motac£lla. Linn. Vagtails. 1. Motacilla vidua Sundev. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Shelley, Birds of Africa, Vol. II. 2. Montacilla alba· Linn. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Shelley, Birds of Africa, Vol. II. 7


3. Motacilla longicauda Rupp. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Shelley, Birds of Africa, Vol. II. 4. Motacilla capensis" Linn. East Africa Ref. Shelley, Birds of Africa, VQl. II. 5. Motacilla melanope· Pall. Uganda and East Afriea Ref. Shelley, Birds ot Africa, Vol. II. 6. Motacilla campestris· Pall. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Shelley, Birds of Africa, Vol. II. 7. Motacilla ftava· Linn. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Shelley, Birds of Africa, Vol. II. ~. Motacilla melanocephala· Licht. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Shelley, Birds of Africa, Vol. II. 9. Motacilla borealis· Sundev. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Shelley, Birds of Africa, Vol. II. 10. Motacilla cinereicapilla· Savin. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Shelley, Birds of Africa, Vol. II.

Anthus. (Bchst.) Pip£ts.

1. knthus trivialis· Linn. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Shelley, Birds of Africa, Vol. II. 2. Anthns sordidus Rupp. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Shelley, Birds of Afrioa, Vol.r. 3. Antlins carnpestris~ Vieill. East Africa and Uganda Ref. Shelley, Birds of Africa, Vol. I. 4. Anthns cinnamomeus Rnpp. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Shelley, Birds of Africa, Vol. II. 5. Anthns nicholsoniUgandaEastUgandaAfricaandand EastEast AfricaOabanPall.Sharpe.Og-Grant. 7. Anthns tenellus Ref.Ref. Ref.Shelley,Shelley.8.6.Ogo·Grant.AnthnsAnthusBirdsBirds ofofleggiT.cervinus·Africa,Africa,Z. S•• 1910.Vol.Vol. I.I. 8

Anthus (Bchst).-Oontd. 9. Anthus latistriatus Jackson. Uganda and East Africa. Ref. Jackson, Ibis. 1899. 10. Anthus melindre Shelley. East Africa Ref. Shelley, Birds of Africa, Vol. II. 11. Anthus pratensis Swain. Uganda and East Africa Ref. She1l0Y, Birds of Africa, Vol. I. 12. Anthus leucophrys Vieill. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Shelley, Birds of Africa, Vol. II.

Macronyx. Sw. Long-clawed Larks. 1. Macronyx croceus Vieill. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. III. 2. Macronyx wintoni Sharpe. East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. III. iJ. Macronyx sharpei Jackson. East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. III. 4. Macronyx arneliae Traggon. East Africa. Ref. Reichenow, VOKel,Afrikas. Vol. III . .5. Macronyx aumntiigula Reichenow. East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vogel Afrikas, Vol. III . • ALAUDIDJE. Tephrocorys. Horned ,Larks. 1. 'rephrocorys l'uficeps Rupp. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Shelley, Birds of Africa, Vol. I. 2. Tephrocorys cinerea Gm!. East Afriea Ref. Shelley, Birds of Africa, Vol. I. Jt Tephl'ocorys saturatior Heichenow. Uganda and East Africa. Ref. 1:teichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. III. Oalandrella 4. Calandrella acutirostris Hume. East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. III. .5. Calandrella athensis Sharpe. East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. III. 6. Calandl'ella delamerei Sharpe. East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vog-el, Afrikas, Vol. III. 9

Mirafra, Borsf. Orested Larks. 1. Mirafra fischeri Reichenow. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow. Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. III. 2. Mirafra rufocinnamomea Salvad. Vganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. III. 3. Mirafra africana Sim. East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. III. - 4. Mirafra africana tropicalis Hartert. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. III. 5. Mirafra athi Hartert. East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. Ill. 6. Mirafra harterti NeUIU. East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. III. 7. Mirafra prncilosterna Reichenow. East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. III. 8. Mirafra prncilosterna jacksoni Sharpe. Ug mda mid J

SpUoCOl'ydoH. 1. Spilocorydon hypel'metrus Reichenow. '. East Africa Ref. Reichenow Vogel. Afnkas. Vol. III. Pyrrhulauda, 8m. Finch Larks. 1. Pyrrhulauda leucoparea Fisch. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. III. 2. Pyrrhulauda smithi Bpt. East Africa? Ref. Shelley, Birds of Africa, Vol. II. 3. PFrhulallda leucotis Stanley. East Africa Ref. Shelley. Bird~ of Africa, Vol. II. 4. Pyrrhulauda signata? Oust. East Africa? Ref. Shelley, Birds of Africa, Vol. II. 10

F RINGILLIDA"l. Emberiza, Brisa. Buntl:ngs. 1. Emberiza flaviventris Steph. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reiehenow. Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. III. 2. Embetiza orientalis Shelley. East Africa Ref. Shelley, Birds of Africa, Vol. II .. 3. Embel'iza poliopleura Salvad. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. III. 4. Emberiza a.ffinis Wurt. East Africa? Ref. Shelley, Birds of Africa, Vol. III.

Fringillaria, Sw. 1. Fringillaria tahapisi Sm. UgaI~da and Ealrt Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vog'el, Afrikas, Vol. III. 2. Fringillaria septemstriata Rupp. East Africa? Ref. Reichenow. Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. III. 3. Fringillaria saturatior Sharpe. Uganda and East Africa Ref. l:teichenow, Vog-cl,Afrikas, Vol. III.

Petrunia, Kaup. Scrub Sparruws . . 1. Petronia pyr'gita Hengl. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. III. 2. Petronia petronella? Bp. East Africa Ref. Shelley, Birds of Africa, Vol. III. it Petronia flavigllla? Sundev. Uganda and East Africa aef. Sh~lley, Birds of Africa, Vol. II. 4. Petronia dentata Snndev. East Africa? Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. III.

ChrYl!omitris, Boie. Canary Finches. 1. Chrysomitris nigriceps RlipP. Uganda? Ref. Shelley, BirdR of Africa, Vol. I, 2. Ohrysomitris kiknynensis Jackson? Uganda and East Africa Ref. ? it Chrysomitris citrln(·'lloides hypostictus Rchw. East Africa Ref. Shelley, Birds of Africa, Vol. I. 4. Chrysornitl'is citrinelloides frontalis Rllichenow Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. III. 11

Poliospiza, chit! . .5. Poliospiza tristriatus Rupp. , Uganda and East Africa? Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. III. 6. Poliospiza striatipectus Sharpe. East Africa Ref. Shelley, Birds of Africa, VoL I. 7. Poliospiza Elgonensis Jackson. East Africa .Jacbon. Bull, B. O. C. ? 8. Poliospiza reichardi Reichenow.' Uganda find East Africa Bef. Rejdh~now, Vogel, Afrikas, VoL Ill. 9. Poliospiza leucoptera Sharpe. East Africa? Ref. Riechenow, Vogal, Afrikas, VoL III.

Serinus, Koch. 10. Serinus albifrons Sharpe. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow. Vogel, Afrikas, VoL III. 11. Serinus sharpei Nenm. East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, VoL III. 12. Serinus shelleyi Neum. Uganda Ref. Neum, O. M. B. 1908. lit Serinns icterns Vieill. East Africa Ref. Reichenow. Vogel, Afrikas, VoL III. 14. SfwinURictArus barbatus Heugl. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vog'el Afrikas, Vol. III. 15. Serinus icterns hastlaubi Gurn. East Africa Coast? Ref. Report, Lamu CoL Journal E. A. and U. Nat. Rist. Soc. 1917. 16. Serinus e,triolatlls Rupp. East Africa? Ref. Reichenow, Vogel. Afrikas, Vol III. 17. Sel'inns striolatus. affinis Richmond. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Jackson, Ibis, 1899. 18. Serinus striolatus graueri Hartert. Uganda? Ref. Hartert, Nov. Zoolog. 19. Serinus leucopygius Sundev. Uganda Ref. Reichenow, Vog'eL Afrikas, Vol. III. ,20. Serinus dorsostriatus Reichenow. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. III. 12

21. Serinus reichenowi Salvad. Uganda and East Africa , , Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. III. 22. Serinus angolensis Gem. Uganda and East Africa? Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. III. 23. Serinus angolensis somereni Hartert. Uganda Ref. Hartert, Bull B. O. C. 1911. 24, Serinus flavivertex Blanf. Uganda and East Afdea Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. III. 25. Serinus capsistriatus Finsch. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. 111. 26. Serinus maculicollis Sharpe. Uganda and East Africa? Ref. Reichenow Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. III. 27. Serinus xanthopygius ~npp. East Africa? Ref. Reichenow, VOg'el, Afrikas, Vol. ITI.

Lingurus. Uchb. 1, Linurgus olivaceus, Sp, nov - Uganda and East Africa Ref. van Someren, Elgnn ColI. 1916.

Passer. Briss. True Sparrows. 1. Passer diffusus Shelley. East Africa Ref. Shelley, Birds of Africa, Vol. III. ~. Passer griseus ugandre Reichenow. Uganda Ref. Reichenow, O. M. 1899. 3. Passer griseus suahelicus Neum. East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. [II, 4. Passer rufocinctns Fisch. Ugandl/.and East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Voitel, Afrikas, Vol. Ill. .5. Passer shelleyi Sharpe. Uganda and Eai:ltAfrica Ref. Shelley B. of A. Vol. III,

Auripassel', Bp. 1. Auripasser emini Hartl. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. III. 13



Hypo':hera, Bp. Black Finches.

1. Hypochera ultramarina Gm. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vogel Afrikas. Vol. III • .2. Hypochera amauropteryx Sharpe. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas Vol. III. 3. Hypocehra nigerrima Sharpe. East Africa Ref. Reichenow Vogel, Afrikas. Vol. III. 4. Hypochera orientalis Reichenw. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow, D. O. Afrikas, 1894• .5. Hypochera haussarum Hartert. Uganda? . Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. III. -6. Hypochera funerea Tarrag. Uganda Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. IV.


Pimtailed Whydahs.

1. Vidua hypocherina VerI'. Uganda and East Africa Ref, Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. III. 2. Vidua serena Linn. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. III.

Linura, Reich.

1. Linura fischeri Reichenw. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vogoel,Afrikas, Vol, III, Steganura.

1. Steganura paradisea Linn. East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. III. 14

Ooliuspasser, Rupp. Whydahs. 1. Coliuspasser progne Bodd. East Africa ? 2. Coliuspasser delamerei Shelley. East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vog-el, Afrikas. Vol. HI. 3. Coliuspl;lsserardens Bodd. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vog-el.Afrikas, Vol. III. 4. Coliuspasser concolor Cassin. Uganda Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. III. 5. Colinspasser laticauda Licht. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. III. 6. Coliuspasser hartlaubi Bocage' Uganda and East Africa Ref. Shelley, Birds of Afrikas, Vol. 1. 7. Coliuspasser hnmeralis Sharpe. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vogel. Afrikas, Vol. Ill. 8. Coliuspasser eques Hartl. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas- Vol. III. 9. Coliuspasser Borer Reichenw. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow. Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. III. 10. Coliuspasser macronrus Gm. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Iteichenow, Vogel. Afrikas, Vol. III. 11. Ooliuspasser jacksoni Sharpe. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. III.

Urobrachya, Bp. Red shouldered Whydahs. 1. Urobrachya phoenicia Heugl. Uganda and East Africa Ref, Shelley Birds of Afrikas, Vol. I. 2. Urobrachya zanzibarica Shelley. East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Africas, Vol, III. 3. Urobrachya hildebrandti Sharpe. East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. III. 4. Urobrachya nigronotatta? Sharpe. East Afric'l Ref. Sharpe, Ibis. 1898. 5. Urobrachya media Sharpe. Uganda. Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. III. 15

PLOCEID.LE. Pyromelana, Bp. Bishop Birds. 1. Pyromelana xanthomelana Rupp. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. III. 2. Pyromelana crassirostris Og. Grant. Uganda Ref. Grant P. Z S. 1910.. 3. Pyromelana nigroventris Casso East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol.·III. 4. Pyromelana franciscana Insert. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vog-el, Afrikas, Vol. III. 5. PYl'omelana nigrifrons Bohm. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vog-el, Afrikas, Vol. III. 6. Pyromelana flammiceps Sw. Uganda and East Africa Ref. lteichenow, Vogel, Aftikas, Vol. III. 7. Pyromelana ansorgei Hartert. Uganda Ref. Shelley, Birds of Africa, Vol. I. 8. Pyromelana friedrichseni Fisch. Reichw. East Africa and Uganda? Ref. Herbert U. A. Sun. 9. Pyromelana diademata ~'isch Reichw. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. III. 10. Pyromelana intercedens Erl. East Africa and Uganda Ref. Reichenow, Vogel. Afrikas, Vol. III. Anomalo,~p'iza Shell. 1. Anomalospiza imberbis Cab. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Shelley, Birds of Africa, Vol. II. 2. Anomalospiza Sp. incog Uganda Ref. van. Someren Elg-on, 001. 1916.

Quelea, Rehb. Large Wax-Bms. 1. Quelea quelea Linn. Uganda Ref. Shelley, Birds of Africa, Vol. IV. 2. Quelea erythrops Hartl. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow. Vog-et Afrikas, Vol. III. 3. Quelea aethiopica Sund. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. III. 4. Quelea intermedia Reichenw. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vog-el, Afrikas, Vol. III. 5. ·Quelea cardinalis Hartl. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. III. 16


PY'nenestes Sw.

Gross-billed Finches.

1. Pyrenestes ostrinus Vieill Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. HI. 2. Pyreneetes centralis Neum. Uganda Ref. Neuman, J. F; O. ? 3. Pyrenestes coccineus (Jass. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Shelley, Biros of Africa, Vol. II.

Amadina, Sw.

Oud. Throat Finches.

1. Amadina fasciata Gm.· Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. III. 2. Amadina alexanderi Neum Uganda and East Africa


Java Sparrow. 1. Munia orzivora East Africa (probably imported) Nairobi Museum. Catalogue.


1. Uroloncha caniceps Shell. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. III. 17

Nigrita, Strickl.

Black Forest F£nches.

1. Nigrita fllsconota Fras. Uganda. Ref. Reichenow, Vogel. Afrikas, Vol. III. 2. Nigrita lllteifl'olls, VerI'. Uganda? Ref. Og'. Grant. T. Z. S. 1910. it Nigrita schistacea, Sharpe. Uganda and East Africa. Ref. Reichenow, VOlfel, Afrikas. Vol. III. 4. Nigrita canacapilla Strickl. Uganda Ref. Og. Grant. T. Z. S. 1910. 5\ Nigl'ita spal'simgllttata Reichenow. Uganda and East Africa. Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas. Vol. III. G. Ni!lrita diaholica. I{eichenow. Uganda and East Africa :tel. Reichenow, Vog-el, Afrik'ls, Vol. ITI. 7. Nigl'ita tiohertyi ? Hartert. East Africa. Ref. Hartert, Bull B. O. C. l!lOI.

l'Sf'udlJ1/igrita, Reichel/nw.

8. Pselldmligrita cabanisi, Fisch Reichen. East ·Africa. Ref. Reichenow. Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. III. 9. Psendonigrita arnaudi Bp. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. III . • 10. Psendonigrita emini. Reichenow. East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. III. 11. Pseudonigrita dorsaliil. Reichenow. East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vogel. Afrikas, Vol. III. 12. Pseudonigl"ita kapitenis Mearns, East Africa Ref. Mearns, Smith, Misc. CoIl. 18

Crytospiza. 8alvad.

1. Cryptospiza salvadorii Heichenow. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. III. 2. Cr~lptospiza borealis Grant? East Africa

Ref. Grant, Bull, B. O. C. 1901 ? a. Cryptospiza jacksoni. Sharpe. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. III. 4. Cryptospiza shelley Sharpe. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. III. .5. Oryptospiza ansorgei. Hartert. Uganda Ref. Reichenow, Vogel. Afrikas, Vol. III. £. Orytospiza Reichenow Hartle. Uganda Ref. Reichenow. Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. III.

8permestes, 8w.


1. Sperm estes cucullata Sw. Uganda and East Afrioo. Ref. Reichenow, Vogel Afrikas, Tol. III. 2. Spermestes scutata Heugl. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. III. .~. Spermestes stigmatophora, Reichenow. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. III. 4. Spermestes nigriceps Casso Ugand& and East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. III. 5. Spel'mestes caniceps Reichenow. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Riechenow, Vogal, Afrikas, Vol. III.

Aidemosyne, Rchh.

1. Aidem6syne cantans orientalis Hellm. East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. Ill. 19

Ortygo8p'iza Sut1d.

Partridge Finches.'

1. Ortyg08piza polyzona. Temm. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. III. 2. Ortygospiza atricollis Vieill. Uganda Ref. van Someren, Ibill. 1916. ..3. Ortygospiza ausorgei Og. Grant Uganda Ref. Hartert. Nov. Zoolog XXII, 1916. 4. Ortygospiza gabonensis Lynes. Uganda Ref. van Someren. Ibis. 1916.

Ooccopygia, Rchh.

1. Coccopygia nyanzre Neum. Ugan!1a and East Africa Ref. Grant, T. Z. S, 1910. '2. Ooccopygia kilimensis Sharpe. East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vog-el, Afrikas, Vol. III. 3. Coccopygia quartinia Bp. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vog-eLAfrikas, VoL III.

Granat1:na, Sharpe.

1. Granatina ianthogastra Reichenow. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas. Vol. HI. 2. Granatina ,. roosvelti Mearns. I East Africa Ref. Mearns, Smith, Misc. Call. 3. Granatina hawkeri, Phill. East Africa Ref. Sharpe, P. Z. S. 1901.

4. Granatina augolensis, Linn. East Africa ? Ref, Shelle.y Birds of Afrikas, Vol. I. 20

Uraeg£nthus, Cab.

1. Urreginthus bengalus ugandre Zedlitz. Uganda and East Afric& Ref. van Someren, Ibis. 1916. 2. Urreginthus bengaills brunneigularis Mearns. East Africa Ref. van Someren, Ibis. 1916. 3. Urreginthus bengalus shamsis, Uganda 4. Urreginthus bengalns cyanocephalus, Reichmond. East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. III.

Estrilda, 8w. Wax-Bills.

1. Estrilda astrild massaica, Neum. Uganda and-East Africa Ref. Neum J. f. O. 1907. 2. Estrilda astrild minor, Cab. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vogel. Afri1:as, Vol. Ill. 3. Estrilda cinerea Vieill. Uganda? Ref. Reichenow, Vogel. Afrikas, Vol, III. 4. Estrilda rhodopyga SUlHlev. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. III. 5. Estrilda subflava, Vieill. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow. VogaL Afrikas, Vol. Ill. 6. Estrilda roseicrissa Reichenow. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow. Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. III. 7. Estrilda paludicolor Heugl. Uganda and East Africa. Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas. Vol. III. 8. Estl'ilda nonnulla Hartl. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. Ill. 9. Estrilda nigrimentum, SalvatI. Uganda and East Africa? Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. III. 10. Estrihla charmosyna, Heichenow. East Africa? Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. III. 11. Estrilda delamerei Cab. East Africa Ref. Shelley, Birds of Afrikas, Vol. IV. 12. Estrilda erythronota Vieill. Uganda • 21

Lagonosticta Cab.

Fire Finches.

1. Lagonosticta congica. Sharpe. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Shelley, Birds of A.frica, Vol. III. 2. Lagonosticta rhodopareia Heugl. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. III. 3. Lagonosticta somaliensis Salvad. East Africa? Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas Yol. III. 4. Lagonosticta brunneiceps .Sharpe. Uganda and .East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vogel Afrikas. Yol. III. 5. Lagonosticta ruberrima. Reichenow, Uganda and East Africa Ref. Shelley, Birds of Africa, Vol. III.

G. Lagonosticta nitidula. Hartl. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vog-el, Afrikas, Vol. III. 7. Lagonosticta jal~esoni Shelley .• East Africa Ref, Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. III. l;. Lagonosticta niveoguttata Peters. East Africa Ref. Shelley, Birds of Africa, Vol. III. 9. Lagonosticta monteil'i HaltI, Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reicbenow. Vogel. Afrikas. Vol. rIT.

PytiUa, SU!.

Fire-throat Finches.

1. PytHia melba Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vog-el,Afrikas, Vol. III. 2. PytHia kirki, Rhelley. East 4frica Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. III. 3. Pytilia belli Og. Grant. Ugantla Ref. Grant T. Z. S. 1910. 22

4. Pytilia soudanensis Sharpe. Uganda? I Ref. Shelley, Birds of Africa, Vol. III. 5. PytHia emini Hartert. Uganda Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. III. 6. PytHia afm., Gm. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Keiche~ow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. III. 7. PytHia schlegeli Sharpe. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. III. 8. PytHia nitidula Hartl. Uganda and East Africa ' Ref. Bannaman Ibis. 1912.

Spermospiza, Gray.

Crimson Forest Finches.

1. Spermospiza ruficapilla Shelley. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Shelley, .Birds of Africa, Vol. I. 2. Spermospiza poliogenys Og-Grant. Uganda Ref. Og-.Grant. T. Z. S; 1910.

Spol'opipes, Cab.

'''''piny-Crowued Finches,

1. Sporopipes frontalis Dand. Uganda and East Africa. Ref. Shelley, Birds of Afrikas, Vol. III. 2. Sporopipes abyssinicus Mearns. East Africa? Ref. Mearns Smith, Misc. ColI. .3. Sporopipes syuamifrons Smith. East Africa? Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. III. 23

Amblyospiza, Sund.

Large Gross-beak Weavers.

1. Amblyospiza unicolor Fisch. Reich. East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. III. 2. Amblyospiza melanotu~ Heugl. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow Vogel, Afrikas. Vol. III.

Dinemellia, Rchb.

Giant fVeavers

1. Dinernellia dinemelli Rupp. Uganda and East Africa Ref. iteichenow, Vog-el, Afrikas, Vol. 111. 2. Dinemellia bohrni Reichenw. East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vog-el, Afrikas, Vol. III.

1'extor. 1'em.

Giant Weavers.

1. Textor albirostris Vieill. Uganda and East Africa Ref."Shelley, Birds of Africa, Vol. I. 2. Textor scioanus Salvad. East Africa Ref, Shelley Birds of Afrikas, Vol. I. 3. Textor iutermedius Caban. East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vog-el, Afrika~. Vol. III. 24

Histurgops, Rechw.

1. Histurgops ruficauda Reichenw. East Africa Ref. Reicheno)'I', Vog-el,Afrikas, ·Vol. III.

Plocepasser, Sm.

~"parrOl() Weavprs.

1. Plocepasser melanol'hyncbus Rnpp. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. Ill. 2. Plocepa,>serpropinqnatns Onstal. JiJastAfrica ? Ref. Relchenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. III. 3. Plocepasser donaldsoni Sharpe. East Africa? Ref Shelley, Birds of Africa, Vol. I. 4. Plocepasser superciliosus Cretzm. Uganda and East Africa

Ref. Shelley, Birdsof Africa, Vol. I.

Anaplectes, Rehb.

1. Alll\plectes melanotis Lafr. Uganda.and East Africa Ref. Reichenow. Vogal, Afrikas, Vol. III. 2. Anaplectes ervthrogen~'s Fisch, Reich. East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. III. a. Anaplectes• rnhriceps, Sllnd. East Afri& ? Ref. Reichenow Vog-el, Afrikas, Vol, III. 2,5

Pa(;hyphante~, Shelley.

Large-Billed Weavers.

1. Pachyphantes superciliosus Shelley .. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Shelley, Birds of Africa, Vol. I. 2. Pachyphantes pachyrbynchus? Reichenw. East Africa Ref. Shelley, Birds of Afrikas, Vol. I .

.Ll:fa lim bus, Vieill.

Large Forest Weavers.

1. Malimbus centralis Reichenw. Uganda, and East Africa Ret. Reichcnow, Vog-el, Afrikas, Vol. III.

2. Malimbl1s, fagani Og-Grant. Uganda Ref. Grant. T. Z. S. 1910. 3. Malimlms rubiginosus Rupp. East Africa Ref. Shelley, Birds of Africa, Vol. I.

Ploceus, CU/!.

VVef/.ver Birds.

1. Plocel1s kersteni Finsch. Ea

SYIl. Ref. Reichenow. Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. Ill. 2. Ploceus mentalisnalldenSiS} .J~,cl

4. Ploceus reichenowi 11\ •••• /I. Fisch. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. III. 5. Ploceus emini Hartl. Uganda Ref. Shelley, Birds of Africa, Vol. I. 6. Ploceus stuhlmani Reichnew. Uganda Ref. Reichenow. Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. III. 7. Ploceus bag1afecht Vieill. East Arica. Ref. Shelley, Birds of Africa. Vol. IV. 8. PlocellS stephanophorlls Sharpe. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. III, 9. PlocellS melanogaster Shelley. East Africa Ref. Shelley, Birds of Africa, VoL I. 10. Ploceus melauoxanthus Caban .. Uganda? and East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vogel. Afrikas. Vol. III, 11. Plocells nigl'icollis VieW. Uganda and East Africa Ref. lteichenow, Vogel, Afrikas. Vol. III. 12. Ploceus snahelicus Neum. East Africa Ref. Neum J. O. 1907. 13. Plocens CI'ocatlls Hartl. Uganda Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. III. 14. Ploceus anralltius Vieill Uganda and East Africa? Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. III. 15. Ploceus rex Neurn. Uganda Ref. Nuem. Bull, B. O. C.1908. II). Ploceus nigerrima Vieill. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas Vol. Ill. 17. Plocens interscapularis Syn. Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. Ill. 17. Plocells mpangre } Reichenw.Og-Grant. UgandaUganda Ref, Og-Gran" '1', Z. S. 1910. IH. Ploceus rufoniger Reichenlw. Uganda? Ref. Shelley, Birds of Afrikas, Vol. I. ,19. Ploceus tricolor Hartl. . Uganda and East Africa? Ref. Shelley, Birds of africa, Vol. 1. 20. Ploc8us weyn~} Dubois. Uganda Ref. van Someren, Ibis. 1916. 27

21. Ploceus abyssinicus Gem. East Africa, Ref, Shelley, Birds of Africa, Vol. I. 22. Ploceus bohndorili Dubois East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. III. 23. Ploceus feroinina Og-Grant Ugauda Ref. Og. Grant, T, Z. S. 1910.

24. Ploceus nigriceps Layard Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. III. 25. Ploceus spekei Heugl. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. III. 26. Ploceus jacksoni Shelley Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vogel. Afrikas, Vol. III. 27. Ploceus alienus Sharpe. Uganda Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. III. 28. Ploceus dimidiatus Salvad. Ug,mda and East Africa Ref. Riechenow, Vogal, Afrikas, Vol. III. 29. Ploceus fischeri Reichenw. East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. III. 30. Ploceus intermedius Rupp. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vogel Afrikas, Vol. III. 31. Ploceus cabanisi EastUgandaUgahdHAfricaandandLicht.Hartl.Peters.East Africa Ref. Reichenow,Reichenow.32.33. PloceusVogel, Afrikas,pelzelniluteolaVol. III.III.

Ref. Shelley, Birds of Africa, Vol, I. :14. Ploceus luteola Sub. sp. Uganda Ref. van Someren E]zon Col. 1916. 3.'>.Ploceus vitillinns nlueneis Neum. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vogel Afrikas. Vol. III. 36. Ploceus reichaardi Reichenw. Uganda? Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikaa, Vol. III. 37. Ploceus xanthops Syn ? Ref. Reichennw, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. III. i~7. Ploceus aurantiigula } Hartl.Caban. EastEastAfricaAfric 28

,38. Ploceus camburni Peters. Uganda and East Africa Ref, Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. III, 39. Ploceus aurioflavus Smith. East Africa Ref. Shelley, Birds of Africa, Vol. I. 40. Ploceus bojeri Fisch. East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas Vol. III. 41. Ploceus alIeni Mearns. East Africa Ref. Mearns, Smith, Misc. ColI. 42. Ploceus castanops Shelley. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Shelley, Birds of Africa. Vol. I. 4:3; Ploceus castaneiceps Sharpe .. East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. III. 44. PIoct'us schillingsi Heichenw. Uganda Hna East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. III.


·Oriolus. Linn.

1. Oriolns galbula •• Linn. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas. Vol. II. '~. Oriolns auratus Vieill. Uganda Ref. Shelley, of Africa, Vol. I. it Oriolns notatlls Pt'tel's. East Africa Ref. Reichenow, VOg'el,Afrikas, Vol. II. 4. Oriolns monachlls Geml. Uganda? Ref. Shelley, Birds of Africa, Vol. I. 5. OriQlus lavatus laetior Sharpe. Ugauda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. II. 6. Oriolns rolleti Salvad. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Shelley, Birds of Africa, Vol. I. 7. Oriolui:!percivali Og-Grant. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Shelley, Bird" of Africa, Vol. IV. H. Oriolns chlorocephalns bhelley. East Africa R~f. Reichenow, V ogel, Afrika~, Vol. III. 29


Bu,phaga, Linn. Ox-Peekers.

1. Buphaga erythrorhyncha Stanley Uganda and East Africa. Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Yol. II. \ 2. Buphaga africana. Linn. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Yo1. II.

Pholidauges, Gab.

Lesser Glossy Stat'ling,.

1. Pholidauges leucogastra GmI. Uganda and East Africa Ref.lReichenow, Vogel Afrikas, Vol. II, 2, Pholidauges verreauxi Finsch & Hartl. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vog-el, Afrikas, Yol. II. 3. Pholidaugcs bicolor Reichenw. East Africa Ref. Riechenow, Vogal, Afrikas, Vol.III. 4. Pholidauges fischeri, Reichenw. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. JI. ~. Pholidauges femoralis, Richmond Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. II. ti. Pholidauges sharpei .Jackson. Ugaqda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. II.

Cosmopsarus, Reichenu'.

Lesser Lon.q-tm:led Gl08,~yStarlings.

1. Cosmopsarns regius. lleichenw. East Africa Ref. Shelley, Birds of Africa, Vol. I. 2. Cosmopsarus nnicolor Shelley. East Africa Itef. Shelley, Birds of Africa, Vol, I. 30

Amydrus, Gab.

Red-winged Starlings.

~. Amydrus morio ruppelli Verr. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow, VOR'el,Afrikas, Vol. II. 3. Amydrus walleri Sneller· Uganda and East Afric& Ref. Shelley, Birds of Africa, Vol. I. 4. Amydrus walleri elgonensis Sharpe, Uganda Ref. Reichenow, VOR'el,Afri~as. Vol. II. 5. Amydrul! tenuirostris. Rupp. Ug-dudaand East Africa.. Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. II.

Galeopsar, Sharpe.

Helmeted Red-winged Starling,

1. Galeopsar salvadorii Sharpe. East Africa Ref. Shelle,r, Birds of Africa, Vol. I.


Greater Long-tailed Glo.'~syStarlings.

1. Lamproctornispurpuropterus Rupp. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vogel Afrikas. Vol. II. 2, Lamproctornis aenocephallls, Hell/?1. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow. Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. II. 3. Lamproctomis amethystinuil Huegl. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vogel. Africa&, Vol. II. 31

Lamprocolius, Sundev.

Short ta£led Glossy Starlings. "

L Lamprocolius splendius Uganda and East Africa S~'n{ Ref. Shelley, Birds of Africa, Vol. V. L Lamprocolius glaucovirens }Yi8ill.Elliott. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas. Vol. II. 2. Lamprocolius chalybeus, Ehr. Uganda and East Afriea Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. II. 3. Lamprocolius sycobius Hartl. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas Vol. II. 4. Lamprocolius chloropterus, Swains. Uganda and East Africa Ref, Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. II. 5. Lamprocolius massaicus, Neum. Uganda and East Africa? Ref. Neum J. f. O. 1900. 6. Lamprocolius pUl'pureiceps VerI'. Ug"dndaand East Africa Ref. Shelley, Birds of Afrikas, Vol. V. 7. Lampl'ocolius melanogaster Swain:>. Uganda and .East Africl'li Ref. Reichenow, VOl(el, Afrikas. Vol. II.

8pl'eo. Less.

L,e~ser 8h(J1·t-t(lilpd Glussy 8tarlings.

L Spreo shelleyi Sharpe, East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vogel. Afrikas, Vol. II. 2. 8preo hildebrandti, Caban. East Africa Ref: Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. II. 3. 8preo fluperhus Rupp. Ugauda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vogoel,Afrikas, Vol. II. 32

Pf.l3opterus, Bp. Le;sser Red-winged Starlings. 1. Pooopterus stuhlmani, Reichenw. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow , Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. II. 2. Preopterus kenricki, Shelley, Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. II.

Dilophm, Vieill. Wattled Starlings. 1. Dilophus carunculatus, Gm!. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. II •

. CORVID..E. Oorvultur, Less. l'kick-billed Ravens. 1. Corvultur alhicollis, Lath. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Shelley, Birds 'of Africa, Vol. I. 2. Corvultur crassirostris. H,upp. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Shelley, Birds of Africa, Vol. 1.

00rVU8, Linn. Crows. 1. Corvus affinis Rupp. Uganda and East Africa Ref Shelley, Birds of Africa, Vol. 1. 2. Corvus scapulatus Daud. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Shelley. Birds of Africa, Vol. I. 3. Corvus edithae Philips. Uganda and East Afri{lR Ref. Shelley. Birds of Africlt, VoL I. 4. Corvus capensis minor Heugl. East Africa Ref. Shelley, Birds of Afrikas, Vol. 1. 2. Corvus umbl'inus Sund. East Africa Ref Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. II. 33


Dic'rurus, Vieill.

Drongo Shrikes.

1. DicrnrllS afer Leht. Uganda and East Africa Ref, Shelley, Birds of Africa., Vol. I. 2. Dicrurlls ludwigi Smith. Uganda and East Africa Rf>f.Shelley, Birds of Afriea, Vol. I. .3. Dicrurus coracinns, Vert'. Uganda Ref. van Someren, Ibis. ]9]6. 4. Dicrurus munzneri Reichenow. East Afric9 Reichenow, J. f O. 19]6.


Pr';onops, Vieill.

Heltneted Shrikes.

\ Syn? Ref, Shelley, Birds of Africa, Vol. L 2.1. Prionops pOliocePhalUS}talaeoma Stanley.Smith ' EastUgandaAfrica?and East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vogal, Afrikas, Vol. II, 3. Prionops omoensis, NeuUl. U~anda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. II. 4. Prionops eristatus, Rupp. East Africa Ref. Shelley, Biros of Africa, Vol. I . .5. Prionops pl)li'olophus Fiseh-Rehw. East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. II. 6. Prionops intermedius Sharpe, Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. II. 7. Prionops vinaceigularis Riehm. East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas. Vol, II. 34

Sigrrwdusf Bp. Helmeted Shrikes.

1. Sigmodns scopifrons, Peters, Uganda and East Africa. Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrika.s, Vol. II. 2. Sigmodns retzii tricolor Gray Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vogel,, Vol. II. 3. Sigmodusretzii gracuHnus Caban. Uganda and Bast Africa "Ref. Reichenow. Vogel, Afrika.s, Vol. II. 4. Sigmodus retzii intermedius Nuem. East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. II.

Urolestes, Cab.

1. Urolestes aequatoralis Reich. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Shelley, Birds of Africa, Vol. I.

CrJt>vinella. Less.

Giant Yellm()-billed Shrikes.

1. Corvinella corvina affinis. Heugl. Uganda and East Africa, Ref. Shelley. Birds of Africa, Vol. 1.

F'':smt8, Bp.

Pied I~01lg-tailedShrikes.

1. Fiscus collaris humeralis Stanley. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, AfrIkas, Vol. II. 2. Fiscus collaris uropygialis, Reichenow. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. n. 35

3. Fiscus collaris smithi :Fraser. East Africa? Ref. Shelley, Bird8 of A.frica.,Vol. I. 4. Fiscus dorsalis, Caban. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. II. 5. Fiscus caudatus, Caban. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Roiehenow. VogeL Afrikas. Vol. II. 6. :Fiscus cabanisi, Hartert Bast Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, VoL VII. 7. Fiscus excUl'bitorius, Prevo Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrika8, Vol. II. 8. Fiscus excurbitorius princeps. Caban. East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vogel. Afrikas, Vol. II. 9. Fiscus excurbitorius bohmi Reichenow. East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. II. 10. Fiscus excurbitorius intercedens. Og-Granti? Uganda and East Africa Ref. Og-Grant, T. Z. S. 1910,


1. Lanius minor" Gml. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow, VogeL Afrika8, Vol. It 2. Lanius mackinnoni, Sharpe, Ug

Laniariu,,~, V£e£U.

Slwrt-tailed Shrikes.

1. Laniarius luhderi Reichenow .• Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichen8w, Vogel, Afrika.s, Vol. II. 1. Laniarius castaneiceps }sYn? Sharpe, Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. II. 2. Laniarius rufinuchalis Sh,npe, Uganda and East Africa Ref. Shelley, Birds of Africa, Vol. I. 3. Laniarius kismayensis Erlang East Africa Ref. Shelley, Birds of Africa, Vol. I. 4. Laniarius ferrugineus ? Gme!. Uganda and FJastAfrica? Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. II. 5. Laniarius rethiopicus maj0r Hartl. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow. Vogel. Afrikas, VoL II.

Ei. LaniariuS rethiopicns rethiopicus Gillel. East Africa Ref. Reichenow, VogeL Afrikas, Vol. II. .7. Laniarius rethiopicus ambigna l\fad, East Africa Ref Shelley. Birds of HrieR, VoL V. 8. Laniarius rethiopicus somalicus, Reichenw. East Africa Rpf Shelley, Birds of Africa, Vol. V. 9. Laniariussublacteus. Cass Uganda? and ];jast Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vogel. Afrikas, Vol II. 10. Laniarius mnfumbiri Og-Grant, Uganda Ref. Og-.-Grant, Ibis 1912. 11. Lanial'ius el'ythrogastel', Cretz. Uganda Ref.'Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. II, 12. Laniarius chrysostictl1s, Heichenow. Uganda and ];jast Africa Ref. Shelley, Bird" of Africa, VoL V. 13. Lanial'il1s fllnebris, Hartl. Uganda and F~astAfrica Ref. Reichenow, Vog-eL Afrikas, Vol. n. 14. Laniarius alboplagatns ? Jackson. East Afl'ica Ref. Shelley, Birds of Africa, Vol. V. 15. Laniarius erlangeri. Reichenow . .EastAfrica Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. 11. 37

16. Laniarius nigerrimus Reichenw. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. II. 17. Laniarius leucorhynchus, Hartl. Uganda Ref. Reichenow, Vo~el, Afrikas, Vol, II. 18. Laniarius holomelas, Jackson. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Shelley, Birds of Africa, Vol. V.

Dryoscopus, Boie. I

PutJ:backed Shrikes.

1. Dryoscopus affinis, Grey East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. II. 2. Dryoscopus salimre, Fisch. East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vog-el, Afrikas Vol. II. 3. Dryoscopus malzacii Heugl. Uganda (North) Ref, Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. II. 4. Dryoscopns malzacii nyansre Nenm. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow, VOR'el,Afrikas. Vol. II. 5. Dryoscopus cnbla hamatns Hartl East Africa Ref. Reichenow, VogE'l. Afrikas, Vol. II. 6. Dryoscopus pringlii. Jackson, East Africa Ref. Shelley, Birds of Afrikas, Vol, V. 7. Dryoscopns thamnophilns Caban. East Africa Ref. Shelley, Birds of Africa, Vol. V. ~. Dryoscopns nandensis Sharpe,· Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. II. 9. Dryoscopns jacksoni Sharpe, Uganda and East 'Africa Ret. Reichenow. Vogel, Afrikas, V01. II. 38

1'schagra, Less.


Red-winged Bush Shrikes.

1. Tschagra eenegala Linn. Uganda and East Africa.. Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. II.

2. Tsohagra orientalis Cab. East Africa Ref. Shelley, Birds of Africa, Vol. V.

3. Tschagra amena Oberholser East Africa Ref. Oberhotsar. P. U. S. Nat. Mus. Vol. XXX.

4. Tschagra ~rythropterus Shaw. Uganda Ref. Og.•Gl'ant, T. Z. S. 1910. 5. Tschagra eatholeuculS Neum. JiJastAfrica? Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. II. 6. 'l'schagrA australis minor, Reicheuw. E>tstAfrica Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. II.

7. Tschagra australis eplini, Syn ? Ref. ReichenolV. Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. II. 7. Tschagra australis dohertyi ?} NReichenw.eum. UgandaEast Africaand East Africa Ref. Neum J. f. O. 1907.

8. Tschagra australis congener ? Reichenw. East Africa ? Ref. ReichenolV, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. II. 9. Tschagra jamesi Shelley Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vogel Afrikas. Vol. II. 10. Tschagra jamesi kismayensis, Neum. East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. II. 11. Tschagra jamesi mandan us, Neum. East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vogel. Africas, Vol. II. 39

Antichromus, Richmond.

1. Antichromus minutus. Hartl. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. II. 2. Antichromus ancheitre. Bocage. East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. II.

Rhodophoneu~, Heugl.

Scrub Sltr£kes.

1. Rhodophoneus hilgerti Neum. East Africa ? Ref. Reichenow, Vogel Afrikas, Vol. II. 2. Rhodophoneus cathemagensis Reichenw. East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. II,

Telophorus, Gab.

Forest Shrikes.

1. Telophorus quodricolor Casso Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vogal, Afrikas, Vol. II. 2. Telophorus dohertyi Rothsch. Uganda? and East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vo;:rel, Afrikas, Vol. JI.

JVeolestes, Gab. l Neolestes torquatus Cab.. Uganda? Ref. Shelley, Birds of Africa, Vol. V. 40

Malaconotus, Swains.

Thick-billed Shrikes.

1. Malaconotus hypopyrrhus Hartl. East Africa (Lamu) Ref. vanSomeren,J. E. A. and U. Nat. Rist. Society, No. 11,1917. 2. Malaconotus approximans Cab. East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. II. 3. Malaconotus lagdeni Sharpe, Uganda Ref. Reichenow, Vogel. Afrikas, Vol. II. 4. Malaconotus blanchoti. • Stephen. East Africa ? Ref. Reichenow, Vogel. Afrikas, Vol. II. 5. Malaconotus gladiator Reichw. East Africa Ref. Report Turner's Kakamega Col. 1917.

Chlorophorwnts, Cab.

Variegated Shrikes.

1. Chlorophoneus graueri ? Hartert, Uganda? Ref. Rartert Nov. Zooloj:! 1909. 2. Chlorophoneus melanprosopus Reichenow. Uganda and East Africa. Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. n.

13. Chlorophoneus nigrifrons Reichenow. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. II. 4. Chlorophoneus snlphureopectus suahelicus Neum. East Africa' Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. II. 5. Chlorophoneus slllphureopectus similis, Smith 'Uganda and East Africa. Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas. Vol. II. fi. Chlorophonens rudolfi Hartert East Africa Ref. Rartert, B. O. C. XXIII 1908. 41

Nicator, Finseh and Hartl.

Giant Forest Shrikes.

1. Nicator chloris, Valenc. Uganda Ref. Reiche11f>w, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. II. 2. Nicator,gularis Finsch East Africa Ref. Re{chenow, Vogel. Afrikas, Vol. II.

Eu,rocep~alus, Smith.

1. Eurocephalus ruppelli Reichenow Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. II.

Nilaus, Swains.

Lesser Bush-Shrikes .

1. Nilaus afer Lath. Uganda? (North) Ref. Reichenow. Vogel. Afrikas, Vol. II. 2. Nilaus afer minor Sharpe, Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas. Vol. II. 3. Nilaus afer massaicus Neum. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Nuem.. J. f. O. 1907. 4. Nilaus afer erythr6a Neum. Uganda? Ref. Nuen!.. J. f. O. 1907.

Syn? Ref. Nuem. J. f. O. 1907. 5.6. Nilaus afer camerunensisnigrotemporalis } JacksonNeum. Uganda Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. II.

* It is possible that some of these Sub-~pecie8 are Synonyms. 42


Oampephaga, Vieill.


1. Campephaga quiscalina martini, Jackson. Uganda and East Africa Ref. van Someren, Ibis.l916. 2. Carnpephaga qniscalina munzneri Reichenw. East Africa? (South) Ref. Reichenow, J. Q. 1916. 3. Campephaga petiti Oust. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Turner's, Kamameg-a 001. 1917. 4. Campephaga nigra, Vieill. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas. Vol. II. 5. Campephaga hartlaubi, Salvadori Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow, VOg'cl,Afrikas. Vol. II. 6. Campephaga phoenicea, Latham. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vog-el, Afrikas, Vol. II. 7, Campephaga xanthornoides Less. Uganda? Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. II. 8. Campepha~ ignea Reichenw. Uganda and East Africa? Ref. Reichenow, Vo!!el, Afrikas, Vol. II.

G1'aucalus, Ouv.

Greater Ouckoo-Shrikes

1. Grancalus pectoralis, Jardin. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. II. 2. Graucalus graueri, Neum. Uganda? Ref. Shelley, Birds of Africa, Vol. V. 3. Graucalus casins pura, Sharpe, Uganda and East Africa. Ref. RQichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. II. 43


Aruva, Le3s.

L3sser Babbling Thrush8s.

1. Argya mentalis Heichl'now. East Africa Ref. Reichellow, Vogel, Afrika", Vol. III. 2. Argyll,satnl'ata, 8yn ? Ret. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. Ill. il, Argya rnbiginosa heuglini } Sharpe.Sharpe EastUgandaAfricaand East Africa Ref. Reichenow. Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. III. 4. Argya rufulus? Heugl. East Africa Ref. Shelley, Birds of Africl1" Vol. I.

Crateru]J'us,Swains. Greater Babbling Thrushes.

1. Crateropus taganyikre? Reichenow East Africa? Ref. Reichenow. Vol'el, Afrikas, Vol. III. 2. CrlJ,teropus kirki? ~hal'pe, East Africa Ref. Shelley, Biros of Africa. Vol. v. il. Crateropus

Syn ? Ref .•Tacksoli. Ibis, 1901. 4. CrateropusOrateropus cinereus'boxtoni ? } Heugl.Shal'pe, UgandaEast Africa Ref. Reichenow. Vo!!el. Afrikas, Vol, .III. 5. Orateropus hypostictus Caban. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Shelley, Birds of Africa, Vol. I. 6. Crateropus hypoleucns Caban. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Shelley, Birds of Africa. V0l. I. 7. Crateropns sharpei Reichenow Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow,.J. f. O. 1892. 8. Ordteroput' squamulatus Shelley East Africa Ref Shelley. Birds of Africa, Vol. I. 9. Crateropns hindei Sharpe East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vog-el, Afrikas, Vol. III. 44


Pycnrmotus, 13oil.

Yellow vented • •

1. babatus minor Heugl. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Voge], Afrikas, Vol. III, 2. Pycnonotus babatus micrus Oberhol. East Africa Ref. Oberho]ser. P. U. S. M. ]905. 3. Pycnonotus babatus fayii Mearns East Africa Ref. Mearns. Smith. Misc. Coli. 1911. 4. Pycnonotus babatus peasei, Mearns East Africa Ref. Mearns, Smith, Misc. 0011. 1911. •5. Pycnonotus babatus phrecocephalusu Mearns Uganda Ref. Mearns, Smith. Misc. Coil. 1911. 6. Pycnonotus babatus layardi? Gurney, East Africa Coast? Ref. Shelley, Birds of Africa, Vol. I. 7. Pycnonotus dodsoni Sharpe. East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vogel. Afrikas, Vol. III.

** Same as P. b. minor?

TrichoportlS, Tern.

White Throated Forest !5.

1. 'Trichopol'us verreau x indussumensis Reichenow Uganda Ref. van Someren, Ibis. 1911 •• 2. Trichoporus calurus . 'Cass. Uganda Ref. Ogo-Grant, T. Z. S. UJ10. :i5

Bieda, Bonap.

Yellow-l'hroated Bulbuli.

1. BIeda eximia ugandre van Someren Uganda and East Africa Hef. van Someren, B. O. C. 1915. 2. BIeda syndactyla woosnami Og._Grant Uganda Ref. Og..Grant. T. Z. S. 1910.

Atimastillas, Oberh.

Greater White-Throated Bulbuls.

1. Atimastill~s f!avicollis shplleyi Neum. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. II. 2. Atimastillas flavicollis pallidigula Sharpe, Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vog-el,Af~ika8, Vol. II. 3. Atimastillas flavicollis flavigula? Caban. Uganda? Ref. Shelley, Birds of Africa, Vol. I.

Pro,'phorocichla, Oberh.

1. Prosphol'ocichla orientalis? Hartl. 'Uganda ? Ref. Shelley. Biros of Africa, Vol. I

Breopogon, Heine. White-ttf,iled Forest Bulbul.

1. Breopogon indicator chlorosaturata van Someren UgandR and East Africa Ref. van Someren, Bull, B. O. O. 191il, Ibis. 1916. 46

Ixonotus, Verr.

SpeeklNi Bulbul.

1. Ixonotus guttatus Nel1ID. Uganda? Ref. Og.-Grant. T. Z. S. 1910.

Phyllastrephtts, .swains.

Slender-Billed Forest Bulbuls.

2. Phyllastrephus terrestris suehe1icns Reichenow. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. III.

Ref. Rhelley, Birds of Africa, Vol. I. 3. Phyllastrephus terrestris fiscki Syn? Mearns. East Africa Ref. Mearns, Smith, Misc. Coll. 3.a. PhyllastrephusPhyllastrephns terrestristeLTestris sharpeistrepitans 1 ShelleyReichenow. UgandaEast Africaand East Africa . ·Ref. Shelley, Birds of Africa, Vol. I.

Ref. Shelley, Birds of Africa, Vol. I.

Ref. Shelley, Birds of Africa, VoLI. 4. PhyllastrephnsPhyllastrephus terrestris\'usrufescensper 1Syn?SharpeFischHartLReich.J

7. Phyllastrephus cahanisi SUCCOSl1S Reichenow. East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vog-el.Afrikas, Vol. III. 8. Phyllastrephus cabanisi hypoch1orus Jackson Uganlh Ref. van Someren, Ihis. 1916. 9. Phyllastrephns flavostriatns Sharpe Uganda? and East Africa Ref. Oherholser,.P. U. 'S. Nat. Mus. 47

. 10. PbyUalltrepbrscberi Reicbenow. East Africa , ' Ref. Shelley, Birds of Africa, ,Yolo I. 11. Phyllastrepbus kretcbmeri Reicbenow. East Africa ? Ref. Shelley, Birds of Africa, Yol. 1.

Arizelocichla, Oberh. Lesser 'Wh1:te-throatedBulbuls.

1. Arizelocichla nigriceps Shelley East Africa Ref. Shelley, Biros of Africa, Vol. I. 2. Arizelocichla abigularis Sharpe, Uganda and East Africa Ref. van Someren, Ihis. ]9]6. 3. Arizelocichla abigula;is leucolaema Sharpe, Uganda and East Africa Ref. van Someren, Ibis. ]9]6. 4. Arizelocichla striifacies Heichenow. Uganda and liJast Africa ReL Reichenow. Vogel. Afrikas, Vol. III. 5. Arizelocichla kikuyuensis Sharpe, East Africa Ref. Reichenow. Vog'e], Afrikas. Vol. III. 6. Arizelocichla kakamegffi Sharpe, East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vog-el. Afrikas, Vol. III. 7. Arizelocichla hypoxantha Sharpe, Uganda? and East Africa Ref. Hartert, No". Zoolog, ]898.

Chlorocichla, Sharpe.


1. Chlorocichla flaviventris Ulo;noasa Shelley Uganda? and Jt~astAfrica UHf. Reichenow, Vog-oJ.Afrikas, Vol III. •

Svn? R.ef, Shelley. Birds of Africa, Vol I. 2. Chlorocichla flavifiaviventrisVlmtl'ismel'uensiscE'ntralis }Light.Mearns JtJastE'ast AAfrica[nca Ref. MOlal'll",Smith, Misc. ColI. I!Jl4. 48

Stelgidillas, Cberh.

Grey-bellifd, Bulbuls.

1. Stelgidillas. graeilirostris chagwensis van Someren Uganda Ref. van Someren, Ibis. 1916. 2. Stelgidillas gracilirostris percivali Neuman East Africa Ref. Shpllf'Y, Birils of Alrioa. Vol. I. I •

Andropadus, Swains.

(J-reater Green ]lorest Bulbuls.

1. Andropadull curvirostris Cassin. Uganda Ref Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. III. • 2. Andl'opadus cUl'virostris alexanderi Ousta. Uganda and East Africa? Ref. van Someren, Ibis. 1!J16. East Africa Syn 3. Andropadus fiavescensinsularis } Ref.Hartl.Shelley, Birds of Africa, Vol. I. 4. Andropadus lretissimlls Sharpe Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow. VO\rel. Afrikas, Vol. ITI. .5. Andropadus fiscki Mearns East Africa Ref. Mearns. Smith. Misc. ColI. 1914. 6. Andropadlls oleaginus Peters East Africa Ref. Shelley, Birds of Africa, Vol. 1.

Oh(~ritillas Oberh.

Lesser Green Foreit-Bulbuls.

1. Charitillas gracilis Caban. Uganda Ref. Reichenow, Vogal, Afrikas, Vol. III. 2. Charitillas gracilis ugandre, van Someren. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Van Someren, Ibis. 1916. 3. Charitillas gracilis minor, Rocage. Uganda Ref. van Someren, Ibis. 1916. 49

Stelgidocichla, Oberh.

Yellow-moustached Bulbuls.

1. Stelgidocichla latirostris Strichl. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow, VOjl'el,A:frikas, Vol. III, 2. Stelgidocichla latirostris eugineaReichenow. Uganda Ref. Reichenow, V,ogel Afrikas, Vol. III. 3. Stelgidocichla latirostris saturata Mearns . Uganda Ref. Mearns,. Smi&h,4isc. ColI. 1914.


Gr~n FJ)1'fflt 13ulbul.

1. Eurillas virens Dl\l!Sin Uganda and East Africa 'Ref. Reichenow, V~el, Afrikas, Vol. II.


1. Turdinus barakre Svn? Ref. Jackf!on. Bull.B.O.C. 1906. 2. TnrdinllS albipectus } • Heichen{)w.Jackson Uganda and East Africa .Ref, Reichenow, Vag·el. Afrikas, Vol. III. 3. Turdinus ugandre va~ SoIll€]'en Uganda Ref. van Sameren, Bull. B. O. C. 19IT•. 5. 'l'urdinus minutu8 van Someren Uganda Ref. van Someren. Hull. B. O. C. 19li). 6. 'l'urdillus atriceps Sharpe', Uganda Ref. Reichenow. Vag'el. A'frikas, Vol. III.

7. Turdinus p:Yl'rhopterllsIlSyn Ref.Iteichenow.Reichenow. Vog-el,UgandaAfrikas, Vol.and III.}<.JastAfrica 4. 'l'nrdillus jacksoni, . J Sharpe East Africa Ref. Sh:trpe, Bnll. B. O. C. 1!lOO. Bathmedonia, Reichenow. Forest Ghat.

1. Bathmedonia ja<;ksoni Sharpe Uganda. and East Africa. Ref. Reio\enow, Vogel, Afl.'ikall, Vol. In.

Alcippe, Blyth, Lesser Ground Thrushes.

1. Alcippe abyssiniclJ: Rupp. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reiohenow , Vogel. Afrikas, Vol. III. 2. Alcippe kilimensis Shelley Uganda and East Africa Ref. Shelley, Birds of Africa, Vol. I.


. Stiphrnrni8, Hartl.

1. Stiphrornis mabim . Jackson. Uganda. Re.JaoksoD, Bull, B. O. C. 191().

Hylia, C(}.~s. Green Tit Warbler' . •

1. Hylia prasina Casso Uganda and East. Africa Ref. Reiohenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. III. ~1 SYLVIlD.

1. Eremomela griseoflava? Heugl. East Africa? Ref. Shelley, Birds of Africa, Vol. I. 2. :Eremomela flaviventris abdominalis Reichnow. East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. III. 3. Eremomela occipitalis Fisch. & Reich. Uganda and East Africa. Ref. Shelley, Birds of Africa. Vol. I. 4. Eremomela' elegans Heugl. East Africa Ref. Shelley, Birds of Africa, Vol. I. 5. Eremomela hypoxantha Pelz. East A~rica ? Ref. Shelley, Birds of Africa, Vol. I. 6. Eremomela citriniceps Reichenow. Uganda and East Africa R~f. Shelley, Birds of Africa, Vol.!1.

Prinia, Hors/. Long-tailed Scrub Warblers. 1. mystacea Rupp. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vog-el, Afrikas, Vol. II.

There ,~repossibly other sub-species but this group requires further study.

Gamaroptera, Sundev. Scrub ~Varblers.

1. Camaroptera griseoviridis Mull. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. III. 2. Camaroptera brevicaudata? Cretz. East Africa? Ref. Jackson, Ibis, 1901. 3. Camaroptera brevicaudata Plllchra? Zedlitz Uganda? Ref. van Someren, Ibis. 1916. 52

4. Camaroptera tincta ? Casso Uganda Ref. Shelley, Birds of Africa, Vol. I. ~ .5. Camaroptera griseigula Sharpe East Africa Ref, Sharpe, Ibis, li92. ,6. Camaroptera piliata Reichenow East Africa (Coast) ? Ref. Reichenow, Vo~el. Afrikas, Vol. Ill. 7. Camarl)ptera superciliaris ugandre Clarke Uganda Ref. Clarke, Bull, B. O. C. 19U. 8. Oamaroptera toroensis Jackson Uganda Ref. van Someren, Ibis. 1916.

Sylvietta, Lafr. Short-tailed Warblm',.

1. Syl vietta micrura Rupp. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Shelley, Birds of Africa, Vol. I. 2. Sylvietta jacksoni Sharpe Uganda and East Afllica Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. Ill. 3. Sylvietta fischeri Shelley East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. III.

Syn ? Ref. Jackson, Ibis, 1901. 4. Sylvietta virensbaraka } SharpeReichenow UgandaUganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. II 5. Sylvietta leucophrys Sharpe Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vogel. Afrikas. Vol. III. 6. Sylvietta flaviventris ? Sharpe Uganda and East Africa? Ref. Reichenow. Vogel, Afrikas, Vol III. 7. Sylvietta toroensis Jackson Uganda Ref. Reichenow, V.og-el,Afrikas, Vol. III. 8. Sylvietta leucopsis Reichenow East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. IIII. 9. Sylvietta carnapi Reichenow Uganda Ref, Og.Grant. T. Z. S. 1910, 10. Sylvietta denti Og.-Grant Uganda Ref.Og .•Grant, T. Z. S. 1910. 11. Sylvietta minima Grant East Africa (Manda Is1.) Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. III. 12. SyIvietta loringi Mearns. East Africa Ref Mearns. Smith, Misc. ColI. 1911. 53

Eminia, Hartl. Slender billed Bush Warblers.

1. Eminia lepida Hartl. Uganda Ref. Reichenow, Vogel. Afrikas, Vol. III. 2. Eminia lepida hypochlorus Mearns. East Africa Ref. Mearns, Smith, Misc. ColI. 1911.

Macrosphenus, Casso Long-billed Bush Warblers.

1. Macrosphenus flavicans ugandre van Someren Uganda Ref. van Someren, Ibis. 1916. 2. Macrosphenus zenkeri Reichenow Uganda and East Africa.. Ref. van Someren, Ibis. 1916.

Euprinoides, Casso Long-tailed Forest Warblers.

1. Euprinoides nigrescens Jackson Uganda Ref. Jackson, Ibis, 1906. 2. Euprinoides melanocephala Reichenow East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vogel. Afrikas, Vol. III.

ApaUs, Swains. Long-tailrJd Forest Warblers.

1. Apalis pulchra, Sharpe Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reiohenow, Vogel Afrikas, Vol. III. 2. Apalis jacksoni, Sharpe Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow. Vog-el.Afrikas, Vol. III. 3. Apalis denti, Syn ? Ref. Og..Grant. T. Z. S. 1910.. 3. Apalia rufigularis } Og.-GrantFraser Uganda and East Africa • Ref. van Someren. Ibis. 1916. 54

4. Apalis nigriceps collaria, van Someren Uganda. Ref. van Someren, Bull, B. O. C. 1915. 5. Apalis griseiceps Reichenow Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow,Vog-el,Afrikas, Vol. III. 6. Apalis cinerea Sharpe East Africa Ref. Reichenow,Vog-el,Afrikas, Vol. III. 7. Apalis porphyrolrema Reichenow Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow,Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. III. 8. Apftlis pulchella Cretz. East Africa Ref. Reichenow,Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. II. 9. Apalis hildigardre Sharpe East Africa Ref. Reichenow,Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. III. 10. Apalia ruwenzorii Jackson Uganda Ref. Reichenow, Vogel. Afrikas, Vol. III. 11. Apalis personata, Sharpe, Uganda Ref. Sha.rpe,Bull. B. O. C. 1902. 12. Apalis affinia, Og.-Grant, Uganda Og-Grant, T. Z.S. 1910.

Syn? Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. III. 13. Apalis fiavocincta}golzi ReichenowSharpe EastUgandaAfricaand East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol III_ 14. Apalis thescela Oberhol. East Africa Ref. Oberholser.P. U. S. M. 1905. 15. Apalis rufidorsalis Sharpe, East Africa Ref. Reichenow,Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. III. 16. Apalis chariessa Reichenow East Africa Ref. Reichenow,Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. III.

Rectirostrum, Reichenow.

1. Rl:lctrirostrum hypochondrium Reiche'uow East Africa Ref. Reichenow,Vogel, Afrikas, Vol.III. 55

BUfflesia, Jard. Greater Long-tailed Scrub Warblers. 1. Burnesia bairdi. Casso Uganda? Ref. Shelley, Birds of Africa., Vol. I. 2. Burnesia melanops, Reichenow Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vog-el, Afrikas, Vol. III. 3. Burnesia leucopogon reichenowi Hartl. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichen~w, Vog-el.Afrikas, Vol. III.

Calamonastes, Sharpe. 1. Calamon'astes undosus Reichenow East Africa Ref. Reichenow. Vog-el.Afrikas, Vol. III. 2. Calamonastes simplex, Cab. East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vog-el,Afrikas. Vol. III.

I:J 'X 1i~ 1." ~' .••••••.

Oisticola, Ka'Up, G}'aSS Warblers. 1. Cisticola tel'restris Smith, Uganda Ref. Reichenow, Vogel. Afrikas, Vol. III. 2. Cisticola terrestris hindei Sharpe, East Africa Ref. Sharpe, Ibis, 1894. 3. Cisticola terrestris ngandre Reichenow Uganda and East Africa Reichenow, O. M. B. 1908. 4. Cisticola hypoxantha Hartl. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vog-el,Afrika~, Vol. Ill. .5. Cisticola hypoxantha reichenowi Mearns ]1jastAfrica (Coast) Ref. Mearns, Smith, Misc. ColI. 1911. o. Cisticola rnfa Fraser, Uganda and East Africa Ref. l{eichenow, Vogel, Afrikas. Vol. III. 7. Cisticola calamohel'pe Reichenow Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow. Vogel. Afrikas, VoL Ill. ,~. Cisticola Ul'opygialis Fras.:1l', Uganda Ref. Reichenow, Vog-el, Afrikas. Vol, III. 9. Oisticola prinioides Nenm. Uganda and East Africa Ref. ReichenolY, Vog-el. Afrikas, Vol. III. 56

10. Cisticola priniodes neumanni? Hartert, Uganda and East Africa R(lf. Bartert, Bull, B. O. O. 1901. 11. Oi.sticolapriniodes kilimensis Mearns, East Africa Ref. Mearns, Smith, Misc. ColI. 1911.' 12. Cisticola strangei, Fraser, Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. III. 1a. Cisticola strangei kapitensis Mearns. East Africa Ref. Mearns, Smith, Misc. ColI. 1911. 14. Cisticola chiniana Sm. East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vogel. Afrikas, Vol. III. 15. Cisticola schillingsi Re ichenow East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. III. 16. Cisticola katonre, Mad. East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. III. 17. Cisticola robusta, Rnpp. East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vogel. Afrikas, Vol. III. 18, Oi.sticolarobusta ambigua, Sharpe, East Africa ., Ref. Sharpe, Bull, B. O. O. 1901. 19. Cisticola robusta nuchalis Reichenow Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reicnenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. III. 20, Cisticola tenniens ? Lcht. East Africa? Ref. Jackson, Ibis, 1901. 21. Cisticola erythrops, Hartl. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. III. 22. Cisticola brunnescens, Hengl. East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. III. 23, Syn? Ref. Shelley, Birds of Africa, Vol. I. 23. Cisticola semitorques,cenerascens, } Hengl. Uganda and East Africa 24. Cisticola rufopileata, Reichenow Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vog-el, Afrikas, Vol. III. 25. Cisticola rufopileata emini, Reichenow Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol, III. 26. Cisticola hunteri, Sharpe Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol III. 27. Cisticola chnbbi Sharpe, East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. III. 28. Cisticola difficilis Mearns East Africa Ref. Mearns, Smith, Misc. Coll. 1911. .57

29. Cisticola lateralis, Fraser, Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. III. 30. Cisticola sylvia. Reichenow Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow~ Vogel. Afrikas, Vol. III. 31. Syn? Ref. Reichenow, Vogel. Afriklt", Vol. III. 31. Cisticola hrematocephala,lugubris } Rupp.Caban. UgandaEast Africaand East Africa Ref. Rhelley. T. Z. 1'\.IR8!. 32. Cisticola lugubris nyanzre Neum. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Neum. O. M. 1905. 33. Syn Ref. Nuem. O. M. 1905. 33. Cisticola isodactylalugubrissuaheliCa}? Neum.Fisch. East AfricaAhica Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas. Vol. III. 34. (Jil'ticola alleni Mearns. East Africa Ref. Mearns, Smith, Misc. Coli. 1911.

35. Cisticola snhruficapilla ? Sinith. East Africa? Ref. Shelley, Birds of Africa, Vol. I. 36. Cisticola Sll hruficapilla requatoralis, Mearns. East Africa Ref. Mearns, Smith. Misc. ColI. 1911. 37. Cisticola subruficapilla borea Mearns. East Africa Ref. Mp.arne,Smith, Misc. Coil. 191L 31:\. Uisticola suhruticapilla fischeri ? Reichenow. Uganda and East Africa. !:tef. Reichenow. J. for O. 1911. .~9. CisLicolal:lelllifasciata Heichp,now. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. Ill. 40. Cisticola belli Grant, Uganda. Ref. Og.-Grant. T. Z. S. 1910. 41. Cisticola cnrruthersi Og.-Grant .. Uganda Ref Og.-Grant. T. Z. S. 1910. 42. Oisticola ferruginae, Hengl. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas. Vol III. 43. Cisticola natalensis ? Shelley. Uganda and East Africa? Ref. Reichenow, Vogel. Afrikas, Vol III. 44. Cisticola nana, Fisch. East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas. Vol III. 45. Cisticola angusticauda, Recheinow, Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol III. 58

Melocichla, Hartl. Giant Warbler8.

1. Melocichla mentalis orientalis Sharpe. East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vog-el, Afrikas, Vol. III.

Syn ? Ref. ReichenO\v, Vog-el, Afrikas, Vol III 2. MelocichhlMelocichla mentalis atricaudaamauroura,} Pelz.Reichenow. East AfricaUganda. Ref. Reichenow. Vo"el, Afrilras, Vol.lI!.

8chcenicola, BlVth. Fan-ta1'led Warbler.

1. Schrenipola apicalis, Licht. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow. VOlfel. Afrikas. Vol. III.

Rradypteru8, ,..,'wain8. Slender-billed Heed Warblers.

1. Bradypte\'us cinnamomeus I{,upp. Uganda and East Africa Ref Reichenow, Vog-el.Afrikas, Vol. III. 2. Bradypterus salvadorii. Neum. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Neum. J. & O. 1900. 3. Bradypterus alfredi, Hartl. Uganda. Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. III. 4. Bradypterus \'llfoHavidus, Reichenow. East A.frica Ref. Reichellow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. III. 5. Bradypterus centralis, Neurn. rganda and Jl~astAfriCa Ref, Neuru. Bull, B. O. C. 1908. 6. Bradypterlls barakre, Sharpe. Uganda Ref. Sharpt' .. Ibis, 1906. 7. Bradypterus castalleus ? Reichenow. Uganda and East Africa ?' Ref. Reichenow, VOll'el,Afrikas, Vol. Ill. 8. Bradypterus rufescens, Shal'pe. Ugauda Ref. Sharpe, Bull. H. 0, C. 1902. 9. BmLlypterus sprov ? \'all Sorneren East Africa Ref. van Some. en, Report Molo. Co!. ,19

SYL VIID.iE.-- Gontd.

Oalamoc'ichla, 8harpe. Long-billed Reed Warblers. 1. Calamocichla leptorhyncha Fiseh. East Africa Ref. Reichenow. Vog-el. Afrikas, Vol. III. 2. Calamocichla parva Fi~ch. & Reich, Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vog-el. Afrikas. VoL III. 3. Calamocichla jacksoni Nenl1l. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Neum. O. M. 1901. 4. Calamocichla ansorgei Hart. Uganda Ref. Hartert, Nov. Zoolog-. 5. Calamocichla ansorgei niloticus Neuill. East Africa Ref. Neuman, Nov. Zoolog. 1908. 6. Calamocichla rufescens ? Sharpe? East Africa? Ref. Sharpe, Ibis, H!92 .. 7. Calamocichla schillingsi Reichenow East Africa Ref. Reichenow. Vog-el.Afrikas, Vol. III.

Luciniola, Gray.

L. Luciniola gracilirostris Hartl. East Africa. Ref. Reichenow, Vogel. Afrikas, Vol. III.

Acr()Cl!phalu.~, Neum. Reed Warblers.

1. Acrocephalus arundriaceus ,. Linn. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vog-el, Afrikas, VoL III. 2. Acrocephalns turdoides Mayer,. Uganda and East Africa Ref ..Jackson. Ibie, 1901. 3. Acrocephalus griseldis ,. Ha~tl. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Shelley. Birds of Africa. Vol. I,

4. Acrocepbalus palustl'is, 'II Bechst. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. III. 5. Acrocephalus streperus,· VieilI. Uganda and East Africa Rcf. Reichenow. Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. III. 6. Acrocephalus baeticatus· VieilI. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow, VogeL Afrikas, Vol. III. 7. Acrocephalus sche••nobamus ,. Linn. East Africa? Ref. TIeichenow, VOl!e1.Afrikas, Vol. III. 60

Hypolais, Brehm. Marsh Wm'blers,

1. Hypolais languida,'" Hemp, Uganda and East ~frica Ref. Reiohenow. Vog-el.Afrikas, Vol. III. 2. Hypolais pallida· Hapr. Uganda and East Africa R.ef. Reiohenow, Vog-el,Afl"ika,••, Vol. III.

3. Hypolais apaica ?'" Cab. East Africa? Ref. Heiohenow. Vo~el, Afrikas, Vol. Ill.

Phylloscopus, Boie. W£ltoU' Wrens.

1. Phylloscopus troohilus •• Linll. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow. VOj!d. Afrikas. Vol. III. 2. Phylloscopus rufus· Bechst. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow. Vog-el. Afrika8, Vol. III. a Phylloscopus eversmani '" ? Bonap. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas. Vol III.


hortensis 1. Sylvia simplex Syn" Bodd .• borin } Ref. Re~chenow,Licht.Vo~el. Afrikas Vol.UgandaIII. and East Africa 2. Sylvia atricapilla '" Linn. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vog-el. Afrikas. Vol. liT. 3. Sylvia nisoria '" Bechst. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow. Vogel, Afrikas, Vol III. 4. Sylvia communis •• Lath. Uganda and Ea~t Africa Ref. Reio~enow. Vog-el.Afrikas, Vol. III . •5. Sylvia cinerea" Linn. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reiohenow. Vog-el, Afrikas. Vol. III. 61

Agrobates, Swains. 1. Agrobates galactodes minor Cab. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. III. 2. Agrobates psammochrou8 Reichenow East Africa Ref. Reichenow. VOg'e].Afrikas, Vol. III.

TURDIDAE.· Erythropygia, Smith. Swamp and Scru,b Ghats.

L Erythropygia hartlanbi Reichenow Uganda and. East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vogel. Afrikas, Vol. 111. 2. Erythropygia rnficauda Sharpe Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. II I. 3. Erythropygia brl1nneiceps Reichenow J

Syn? Ref. Reichenow. Vogel. Afrikas. Vol. III. .••.4. Erythropygial<~rythrop~'gialencopteraVUIPina} HuppReichenow Ea4East Africa Rl'f. Reichenow Vogel. Africa, Vol. III. 5. Erythr'opygia quadrivirgata Reichenow East Africa Ref. Reichenow Vogel. Africa, Vol. Ill. 6. Erythropygia plebia Reich. East Africa Ref. Reichenow, VOg'el, AfrikAs, Vol. ITI.

A lethe, Cass. Fm'est Ghat!. 1. Alet~e kikllyuensi8 Jackson E"st Africa Ref. Jackson, Bull, B. O. c. 2. Alethe woosmani Og-Grllnt Uganda Ref.Oj!.-Grant. Bull, B. O. C. l!lOil. 3. Alethe cUl'rnthel'si Og-Grant Ug;illda anrl East .-\frica Ref. Og.Grant. Bull. R. O. C. ]906. 4. Alethe poliothorax? Heichenow East Africa? Ref. Reichenow, Vogel. Afrikas. Vol. III. ~. Aletht> poliophl'ytl Shal'pe, Ellst Africa Ref. Reichenow. Vogel. Afrikas, Vol. III. Ii. Alethe poliocephala ankleyi Derborn Rast Africa 62

Gichlad'usa, Peters.

1. Cichladusa arquata, Peters East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. III. '2. Cichladusa guttata, Syn? Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. III. 2. Cichladusa rufipennis } SharpeHigh. EastUgahd.Africa•• f.nd East Afri~a Ref. Sharpe, It O. 0 1901.

Pinu/,()chl'fI((, 8umdev. Mounta'in Chat&.

1. Pinarochroa hypospodia SheilA)', East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vogel. Afrikas, Vol. III. 2. Pinorochroa sordida ernesti Sharpe, Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas. Vol. III.

Pratincola, Koch. Ghats.

1. Pratincola, rubetra '" Linn. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow. VogeL Afrikas, VoL III. '2. Pratincola rllbicola •• Linn. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vo/!,el, Afrikas, Vol. III. 3. Pratinenla salax Vert'. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. III. 4. Pratincola axillaris, Shelley Uganda and East Africa , Ref. Reichenow, VogeL Afrikas, Vol. Ill.

Ruticilla, Linn. Red starts.

1. Ruticilla titys ,. Linn. Uganda and East Africa Rd, Shelley, Birds of Africa, Vol. I. 2. Ruticilla phamicurus Linn. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow. Vogel, Afrikas, Vol: III. 3. Ruticilla fal·kensteini Oab. East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. III. 63

Oossypha,. Vig.

Robin Chats.

1. COBByphahellglini, Hartl. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vog-el, Afrikas, Vol. II. 2. Cossypha heuglini intermedius Hartl. East Africa Ref. Neum. J. f. O. 1900.

,3. Cossypha heuglini intensa ? Mearns, East Africa ? Ref. Mearns, Smith, Misc. CoIl. 1911. 4. Cossypha natalensis Smith, Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vog-el,Afrikas, Vol. Ill. 5. Cossypha caffra ? Linn. East Africa? Ref. Shelley, Birds of Africa, Vol. 1. £. Cossypha caffra iolrerna, Reichenow Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow. Vog-el, Afrikas, Vol. Ill. 7. Cossypha polioptera Reichenow }

Tnrsige1', Hodg,.

Tarsigers. Fisch. Uganda and East Africa. Syn Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrika.s, Vol. [II. 1. Tarsiger guttiferorientalisU } Reichenow East Africa 2. Tarsiger intensus Sharpe, Uganda Ref. Reichenow. Vogel, Afrika.s, Vol III. 3. Tarsiger ru wenzorii Og-Grant Uganda Ref, ~,-Grant. T. Z. 8. 1910. 4. Tarsiger keniensis. Meams East Africa Ret. Lonnberg-. H. E. Report. 1911. 5. Tarsiger johnstoni ? Shelley East Africa? Ref. Reichenow. Vog-el.Afrikas. Vol Ill. 6. Tatsiger elgonensis Sharpe Uganda Ref. van Somel'en, Ibis. 1918. ** .•.young bird in first

Lucinia, Linn.

Nightingales. 1. Lucinia lucinill Linn. Uganda and East Africa. Ref. Beichenow, Vogel. Afrikas, Vol III. 2. Lucinia megarhyncha Buch. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol III. 3. Lucinia africana, ? Fisch. Uganda and East Africa ?; Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, .Hrikas, Vol. III. 4. Lucinia bre~mi, ? Reichenow East Africa? Ref. Reichenow, Vog-cl, Afrikas, Vol. III.

Mon tioola, Boil.

Rock thr1tshes.

1. Monticola saxitalis Linn. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow. Vog-cl.Afrikas, Vol III. 2. Monticola rufocinerea Rupp. ]"'astAfrica Ref. Reicbenow, Vog-el, Afrikas, Vol. III. 65

Geoc£chla, Kuhl.

1. Geocichla piaggiae Bouv. East Africa Ref. Shelley, Birds of Africa, Vol. I. 2. Geocichla kilimensis Neum. East Africa Ref. Reichenow. Vogel, Afrik&s, Vol. III. 3. Geocichla fischeri Hellm East J\frica Ref. Reichenow, Vogel. Afrikas, Vol. III.


Turdns, L£nn. Thrushes.

1. Turdus elgonensis, Shal'pe Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. III. 2. Turdus abyssinicus ? Gml. East Africa? 3. Turdus johnstoni ? Sharpe East Africa? 4. Turdus barakre. Shal'pe Uganda Ref. Reichenow, Vogel. Afrikas, Vol. III. 5. Turdus tephronotus Caban. East Africa Ref. Reichenow. Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. III. 6. Tunius deckeni. Oaban. East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. III. 7. Turdus libonianns cinerascens l\eichenow East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. III. S. Turdus bocagei ? Caban. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vogel. Afrikas, Vol.lIl1. 9. Turdus pelios ? Bonap. Uganda? Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. Ill. 10. Turdus pelios centralis. Reichenow Uganda . Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. III. 11. Tnrdus pelios satnratus. ? Cah. East Africa Ref Hartert, Nov. Zoolog, 1900. 12. Tnrdus liboniannR tropicalis Peters. East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vog~l, Afrikas, Vol. III. 66

Sax£cola. Bechst. Wheatear, Chats.

1. Saxicola isabellina " Cretz. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. III. 2. Saxicola amanthe" Linn. Ug-anda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow. Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. Ill. 3. Saxicola amanthe leucorhoa?" Gm. Uganda and East Africa? Ref. van Someren, Ibis. 1916. 4. Saxicola schalowi Fisch and Reich. Uganda and East Africa . Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. II. .5. Saxicola livingstoni Trist. Uganda and East Africa- Ref. Reichenow Vogel, Africa, Vol. III. 6. Saxicola pleschanka, Lepech. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow Vogel, Africa, Vol. Ill.

Myrmecocichla, Cab.! Black Chats.

1. Myrmecocichla cryptoleuca Sharpe East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. III. 2. Myrmecocichla cryptoleuca nigra. Vieili. Uganda and East Afl'ica Ref. Reichenow. Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. III. 3. Myrmecocichla shelleyii Syn ? Sharpe. East Africa

Thamnolea, Cab. Rock Chat.

1. 'l'hamnolea subrufipennis Reichenow Uganda and East Africa

Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol.:III.

Perdholea, Cab. 1. Pentholea clericalis Hartl. East Africa? Ref. Reichenow, Vogel. Afrikas, Vol. III. 1. Pentholea bancis Hartle. East Africa? 67


L-ioptilus, Cab.

Giant Fly Oatchers.

1. Lioptilus rufocinctns Rothschild. Bast Africa? Ref. Bothschild, Nov. Zoolog. 2. Lioptilus chocolatina ? Rupp. East Africa? ij.tlf. Shelley, Birds of Africa, VoL I.

• Melreornis. Gray.

Sooty P'l.1JCatchers. 1. Melreornis pammelaina Stanley. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas. Vol. II. 2. Melreornis ater Sundev Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow. VogeL Afrikas, Vol. II. 3. Melreornis ater tropicalis Caban. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vog-el, Afrikas. Vol. II.

Bradorni.~, Smith.

Scrub ./i'ly-Oatchers. Fiusch. Uganda and East Africa Syn? Ref. Shelley, Birds of Africa. Vol I. 1. Bradornis subalarismurinus } Shal·pe. East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. II. 2. Bradornis pallidus Miill. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Shelley, Birds of Africa, Vol I. .3. Bradornis grise1Js Reichenow East Africa Ref. Shelley, Birrls of Africa; Vol. I. 4. Bradornis griseus erlaugeri Reichenow East Africa 5. Bradornis semipartitus Rupp. East Africa • Ref. Shelley, Birds of Africa, Vol I. 68

MWlcicapa, Linn.

True Fly.Catcher&.

1. Muscicapa striata neumani Poch. East Africa 2. Muscicapa finschi Rocage East Africa ? Ref. Shelley, Birds of Africa, Vol. I. 3. Muscicapa infulata Hartl. , Uganda and East Africa Ref Shelley, Birds of Afric!l., Vol 1. .• 4. Mnscicapa griseola'" Linn. Uganda'and East Africa Ref Shelley, Birds of Africa, Vol 1. 5. Muscicapa griseola psendogriseola Lonnb. East Africa Ref. Lonnberg', S. E. Report 1911. 6. Muscicapa cffirnlescens Hartl. East Africa Ref Shelley, Birds of Africa, Vol 1. 7. Muscicapa fischeri Reichenow East Africa Ref. Reichenow. VOlrel.Afrikas, Vol. II. 8. Muscicapa collaris Bchst. East Africa ? Ref. Reichenow, Vo!!el, Afrikas, Vol. II.

Empidornis, Hm·tl.

Silver Fly-Catchers.

1. Empidornis kavirondensis Neum. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichennw, V og'eL Afrikas, Vol. II.

Stizorhina, SW.

Rufous Fly-Catchers.

1. 8tizorhina vnlpina Stl'ich. Uganda Ref. Reicheno,-,. Vog-el. Afrikas, Vol. II.

1. Antomyiae fuliginosa Verr. Uganda: Ref. Someren Ibis, 1916. 69

Alseonax, Oab.

Broad-billed Fly-Oatchers.

1. Alseonax epulatus Cassin. Uganda Ref. Reichenow. Vo~el, Afrikas, Vol. n. 2. A18e~)llaxlugens Hartl. Uganda Ref. van Someren. Ibis. 1916. 3. Alseonax ansorgei Hartert. Uganda Ref. van Someren, Ibis. 19]6. 4. Alseonax brevicaudata Og--Grant Uganda Ref. van Someren, Ibis. 1916. 5. Alseonax murinus Reichenow Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vog·el.Afrikas, Vol. II. 6. AJseonax minima? Heu/d. East Africa ? Ref. Shelley, Birds of Africa, Vol. I. 7. AlseOllax pumilus Reiehenow Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow. Vog-el.Af'I'ikas, Vol. II. 8. Ahoieonaxt0ruensis Hartl:'rt Uganda Ref. Hartert. Nov. Zoog-.]900.

Ohloropeta, 8m'ith.

Warbler-like Fly-Catchers.

1. Chlol'opeta gracilirostris Og-Grant. Uganda Ref. Og-.-Grant T. Z. S. 1905. 2. Chloropeta natalensis ? SllJith. Uganda and East Africa 3. Chloropeta massaica Finsch. East Africa Ref. Iteichenow. Vog-el, Afrikas, Vol. II. 4. nhloropeta nmbriniceps Nenm. East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vog-el, Afrikas, Vol. II. i,). Chloropeta storeyi Og-Grant. East Africa Ref. Grant B. O. O. 1906. 6. Chloropeta simili~ Reichmond. East Africa Ref. Grant T. Z. S. 1910. 7. Chloropeta kenyre Sharp. East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vog-el, Afrikas. Vol. n. 8. Chloropeta.Sp. ? East Africa Ref. van Romf>ren Molo. 0011. 70

Byliota, Swains.

Yellow-bell'ied Fly..()atchers.

1. Hyliota flavigastl"iL Ems. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vog-el, Afrikas, Vol. II.

Platystira, Jard"

Wathle-eyed Fly-Catchers.

1. Platystira jacksoni Sharpe. Uganda and:East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vog-el,Af:,ikas, Vol. U. 2. Platystira peltata Sund. East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. II.

Syn? Ref. H.eichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. II. ,,3.3. PlatystiraPlatystil"cl.albifronscyanea nyanzre } Sharpt'.Neum. EastUgandaAfricaand East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vogel. Afrikas, Vol. II. 4. Platystira cryptoleuca Oberhols. East Africa

Smithornis, Bap.

Frogmouth Fly-Catchers.

1. Smithornis capensilll? A. Sm. East Africa ? Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, AfrikaS, Vol. II. 2. Smithornis capensis rufolateralis Gray. Uganda Re,f. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. II. 3. Smithornis capensis camerunensis Sharpe. Uganda Ref. Og-Grant, T. Z. S. 1910.

4. Smithornis capensis medianns Hartert & van Someren East Africa Ref. Hertert. Bull, R. O. C. 1916. 5. Smithornis sharpei Alexander. Uganda Ref. Ogo.Grant. '1'.Z. S. 1910. 71

Bia,s, Less .

..•... . Greater Broad-billed Fly-Oatchers. I

1. Bias musicu8 . Vil:\ill. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow, VOJ;"el,Afrikas, Vol. II . .2. Bia8 flavicinereus ? Jackson? Uganda?

Megabius, Bp.

Lesser .8road-billed Fly-Oatchflrs.

Ref. Reich,lUoW, Vog-al,Afrikas, Vol. II. 2.1. MegabiasMeg.abias flammulatnsatrialatus. } Syn? VCasso1:\1'1'. UgandaUganda Ref. Reichenow, Vog-el, Afrikas, Vol. II . .3. Megabi\ls atrialatus al4uatoralis Jackson. Uganda and East Africa Ref. van Someren. Ibis. 1911>.

lJiaphorophyia. Bp.

Le~ser Wattle-I'yed Fly4Jatehers.

1. Diapborophyia graueri Hartert Uganda? Ref. Hartert. Nov. Zoog. 1900.

Syn? Ref. Reichenow, Vogel. Afrikas, Vol. II. 2.3. Diaphorophyia leucopygialiseastanea 1'Sharpe.Fras. Ug'(U1daEast Africa? Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. II. 4. Diaphorophyia jamesoni Sharpe. Uganda Ref; Reichenow. Vogel, Afrikas. Vol II. 72

Pachyprora, Sundev.

Pufl-backed Fly-Oatchers.

1. Pachyprora orientalis Salvad. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vog-el, Afrikas, Vol. II. 2. Pachyprora senegalensiSI? Linn. Uganda and East Africa? Ref. Shelley, Birds of Africa, Vol. I.

3. Pachyprora mixtaEastEastUgandaAfricaAfrica Jackson.Shelley.Reichenow " Ref. 5.Shelley,Reichenow,Ref.Pacbyprora4.Oz.BirdsPachyproraGrant.Vog-el,of Africa,pllellaT.Afrikas,Z. diopsS.Vol.1910.Vol.1. II.

6. Pachyprora soror Reichenow. East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vog-el, Afrikas, Vol. III. 7. Pachyprora bella Ell. East Africa Ref. Reicnenow, Vog-el,Afrikas. Vol. II .

Erythrovercus, Ha1'tl.

Rea-crowned Fly-Catchers.

1. EJ'ythrocel'ClHIcongicus Og.-Gr,mt. Uganda Ref. Og-Grant, T. Z. S. 1910. 2. Erythrocercutl macalIi Cassin. Uganda and East Africa? Ref. Reicllenow, Vog-el, Afrikas, Vol. II. il. ~Jrythrocercntl thomsoni Shelley. East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vogel. Afrika", Vol. II. 70

liJlminia, Bp.

Blue-c7'ested Fly- Oatehera. 1. Elminia longicauda Sw. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichen,ow. Voitel. Afrikas, Vol II.

,"'hurt-tailed Paradi8e Fly~Catcher3. 1. Trochocercus albonotatus Sharpe. Uganda and East, AfricR Ref. Reichenow, VOlrel, Afrikas, Vol. II 2. Trochocercus bedfordi Og.-Grant. Uganda Ref. O~.-Grant. T. Z. S. 1910. 3. Trochocercns nitens Cassin. Uganda Ref. van Someren, Ibis. 1916 4. Trochocercus kibaliensis Alexander. Uganda Ref. van Someren, Ibis. 19Hi. 5. Trochocercus bivittatus Reichenow. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vuge], Afrikas, Vol. II. 6 'rrochocercus reichenowi Neum. Uganda Ref. van Somel'en, Ibis. 19]6. 7. Trochocercus nigromitratus ? Reichenow. Uganda? Ref. Rei"henow, VogeL Afrika~, Vol. n.

Lung-tailed Paradise J;'ly-04tchers.

Ref. Reichenow. Vogel, Afrikal'. Vol. II 2. Terpsiphone cristatus suahelicus Reichenow. }4Jast Africa Syn? Ref. Reichenow. Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. II. 3.1. Terpsiphone duchaillui,cristatus viridis 1St.CassinMull. U,Ugandagl, a,nl,la,andand JiJa,'Eastst AfricaAfrica Ref. IIartl. J. for O. 1861. 4. Terpsiphone emini . Reichenow. Uganda Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. II. 5. Terpsiphone ferrieti Gnet'. )ijllilt Africa Ref. Reichenow, J. for O. 1811~ 74

Oryptolopha, Rupp.

1. Cryptolopha alpin a Og.-Grant. Uganda Ref. Grant T. Z. S. 1910. 2. Cryptolopha mackenziana Sharpe. Uganda and Rast Africa. Ref. Reichenow, Vog-el, Afrikas. Vol. II. 3. Cryptolopha Ireta Sharpe. Rast Africa? Ref. Sharpe. Bull, B. O. C. 1902. 4. Cryptolopba dorcadichroa Reichenow .. East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. II.


Gotile, Boie. Martins.

1. Cotil~ cincta Bodd. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Shelley, Birds of Africa, Vol I. 2. Ootile rufigula Fisch. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vog-el, Afrikas, Vol. II. a. Cotile riparia Linn. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Shelley, Birds of Africa, Vol. I. 4. Cotile minor Caban. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Shelle.f, Birds of Africa, Vol I.

Hirundo, Linn. Swallows.

1. Hirundo rustica Linn. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vog-el, Afrikas, Vol II. 2. Hirundo angolellsis Bocage. Uganda Ref. Reichenow, Vog-el. Afrikas, Vol. II. i{, Hirnndo arcticincta Sharpe. Uganda and EastAfrica Ref. Reichenow, Vog-el, Afrikas, Vol. II. 4. Hirnndo albigularis Strick!. East Africa? Ref. Shelley Birds of Africa, Vol. I. fl. Hirnndo rethiopicus Blanf. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. II.

Syn? Ref. Reichenow, Vog-el,Afrikas, Vol. fII. ti.Ii. HirnndoHinmdo atrocrerulf'

g. Hirundo griseopyga Suudev. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reich(lnow. -Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. II. 9. Hirundo pnella 'rem. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vogel. Afrikas, Vol. II. 10. Hirundo orientalis Jackson. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow. Vogel. Afrikas, Vol. II. 11. Hirnndo gordoni ? Jard. Uganda? Ref. Reichenow. Vogel. Afrikas, Vol. II. 12. Hirnndo emini l{eichenow. Uganda and East Africa, Ref. Reiehenow, Vogel. Afrikas, Vol. II .. 1a. Hirundo seneg"cllensis Linn. Uganda and East .\frica Ref. Reiehenow. Vogel. Afrikas, Vol. II. 14. Hirundo lIlonteiri Hartl, East Africa Ref. Reiehenow. Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. II. 15. Hirundo lIigrita ? GI'. East.Africa Ref. Reiehenow. Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. II. 16. Hirnndo neumani Reichenow Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reiehenow. V"g-el. Afrikas, Vol. II.

Chelidon, Boie. Housemartin. l. OhiIi dOli nnbica Linn. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. III.

Psalidopr.-e, Cab. Martins.

1. Psalidoprocne holomelama Sundev. East Africa ? Ref. Reiehenow. Vogel. Afrikas. Vol. II. 2. Psalidoprocne holomelama massaica ~ eum. Eatlt Africa Ref. ~eum. O. M. 1904. ;{. Psalidoprocne albiceps . Halv. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. 11.• 4. Psalidoprocne nitens . Cassin. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Og..Grant, T. Z. S. 1910. fl. Psalidoprocne orientalis Reichenow East Africa Ref. Reichenow. Vogel. Afrik~s, Vol. n.


ChaetuTa, Steph,

SW1jtS. 1. Chretura brehmi Schel. Eas~Africa Ref. Shelley, Birds of Africa, Vol. I. 2. Ohretul'a sticti lrelila Reichellow. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Shelley. Birds of Africa. Vol. I. 76

Cypsel'U,~, nUger. Swifts.

1. Cypselus apus. " Linn. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. II. 2. Cypselus murinus"? Verr. Uganda and East! Africa? Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. II. 3. Cypselus shelleyi Salvad. East Africa Ref. Reichenow. Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. II. 4. Cypselus niansre Reichenow. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Shelley, Birds of Africa, Vol I. 5. CypselUl:lrequatoralis Mull. Uganda and j

1. Tachornis pal'vus VerI'. Uganda and East Africa? Ref. Reichenow. VOKel.Afrikas, Vol. II . .2. Tachomis myochrous Heichenow. East Africa Ref. Reichellow. Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. II. 3. Tachornis g-racilis Rharpe.East Africa Ref. Reichellow. Vogel. Afrikas, Vol. 1I. 77


Uaprimulgus, Linn.


1. Caprimulgus euro~aeus "Linn. Uganda and East Afr'ica Ref. Reichenow, Yogel, Afrikas, Yol. II. 2. Capl'imulgus fraenatus Salvad. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Yol. II. 3. Caprillluigns nigl'iHcapularis Reichenow. East Africa? Ref. Shelley, Bin]" of Africa, Vol. I. 4. Caprimnlgus fervidnH Sharpe. East Africa? Hef. l:{eichenow, Yogel, Afrikas, Yol. 11. 5. Oaprimulgus inornatus 'Hpllgl. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Yogel, Afrikas. Vol. II. 6. Caprimulgus fossei Hartl. Ugallda and East Aff'ica Ref. Reicb.enow, Vogel, Afrikas, Yol. II. 7. Caprimulgus fossei clarus Reichenow. East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Yogel. Afrikas, Vol. II. 8. Caprimulgus natalensis Smith Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. II. 9. Caprimulgus natalensis chadensis Alexad. Uganda . Ref, Reichenow, Yogel, Afrikas, Vol, II. • " 10. Caprilllulgus poliocephalus Rupp. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Yol. II. 11. Caprimulgusffigypticus Linn. Uganda and East Africa? Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Yol. II. 12. Caprimulgus stellatus Hlund. East Africa? Ref. ReichenoV\', Vogel, Afrikas, Yol. II. 13. Caprimulgu::i donaldsoni Sharpe. East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. II. 14. 'Caprimnlgus ruwenzorii Og.-Grant. Uganda Ref. Og-Grant, T. Z. S. ]910.

Macrodipteryx, Swains.

,"'tandard Wing Night-jars.

1. Mllcrodipteryx longipf'nnis Shaw. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow. Vogel. Afrias,Vol. II. 2. Macrodipteryx vexillaris fulleborni Reichenow. Uganda and East Africa - Ref. Reichenow. Vogel, Afrikas, Vol II. 78


Apaloderma, Swains. l'rogonfJI.

" 1. Apaloderma narina Stephen. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. II. 2. Apaloderma constantia? Sharpe. East Africa? . Ref. Reichenllw. Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. II. 3. Apaloderma vittaturn Shelley. Uganda and ~ast Africa. Ref. Reichenow. Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. II. 4. Apaloderma minus Chaplin. Uganda? Ref. Chaplin. Note. Ibis 1917.


Coracias, Linn. Rollers.

1. Corachis garrulus# Linn. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vog-el,Afrikas, Vol. II. CoraciasCOl'aciascaudatullslulI'peiweigallineavinsspatulatuslorti Linn. Uganda and East Africa. Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. II. ? Trim. East Africa ? Ref. Reichenow, Vog-el. Afrikas, Vol II. Dressel". East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vog-el, Afrikas, Vol. II. Dand. Uganda Ref. Reichenow, Vog-el. Afrikas, Vol. II Reichenow. East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vog.,]. Afrikas, Vol. II. Sbellf'·Y. East Africa Ref. R eichenow, Vog-el, Af~ikas, Vol II

Hurystomus, Vie'ill. Broad-billed Hollers.

1. Eurystomus afer Lath. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vog-el, Afrikas, Vol. II. 2. Eurystomus afer suahelicl1s N"urn. East Africa 3. Enrystomns rl1fobncallis Rf'ichenow. Uganda Ref. Reicheuow. Vog-el, Afrikas, Vol. II. 4. Eurystomus gularis neglectns N'-mm. Uganda Ref. Neum, O. M. 1908. / 79


Bee-Eaters. Dicrocercus, Cab. -twiled Bee-Eaters

1. Dicrocercus hirundineus Licht. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Shelley, Birds of Africa, Vol I. 2. Dicrocercns hirundineus heugliJli Neum. East Africa

Melittophagus, Boie. Short-tailed Bee-Eaters. 1. Melittophagus pusillus cyanostictus Caban. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vog-el. Afrikas, Vol. II. 2. Melittophagus pusillus meridionalis Sharpe. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. II. 3. Melittophagus pusillus Hharpei? Hartert. East Africa Ref. Hartert, Bull, B. O. C. 1899. 4. Melittophagus oreobates Sharpe. Uganda and East Africa Ref Reichenow, Vog-el,Afrikas, V 0111. 5. Melittophagus va:o'iegatus Vieill. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas. Vol. II. 6. Melittophagns variegatus loringi Mearns. East Africa Ref. Mearns, Smith, Misc. 001. 1915. 7. Melittophagus frenatus? Hartl. East Africa ? Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. II. 8. Melittophagus gularis australis Reichenow. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. II. 9. Melittophagus bullockoides Smith. Uganda and l<~astAfrica Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vel. II. 10. Melittophagus revoili Oustal. East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vogel. Afrikas, Vol II. 11. MellittophaguR mulleri sub. sp. ? Casso Uganda and East Africa Ref. van Someren, E1gon 001. 80

Merops, Linn.


1. Merops apiaster'" Linn. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow. Vog-el,Afrikas, Vol. H. 2. Merops nubicus G.:nl. Uganda and E~st Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vog'el, Afrikas, Vol. II. 3. Merops persicus Pall. Uganda and East. Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vog-el,Afrikas, Vol. II. 4. Merops superciliosus Linn. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vog-el, Afrikas, Vol II. 5. Merops albicollis Vieill. Uganda and East Africa Ref. ReichenClw, Vog-el, Afrikas, Vol. II. ti. Merops boehmi Reichenow. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vog-el. Afrikas, Vol. II. 7. Merops viridissimus Sw.. Uganda? Ref. Reichenow, Vog-el, Afrikas, Vol. n.


Upupn, Linn.


1. Upupa epops" Linn. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow. Vag-el. Afrikas, Vol. II. 2. Upupa africana Bchst. Uganda and East ~frica Ref. Reichenow, Vog·el. Afrikas, Vol II. 3. Upupa senegalensis Sw. Uganda and East Afric~ Ref. Reichenow, Vog-el. Afrikas, Vol. II ..

Irrisor, Less.


1. Irrisor marwitzi Reichenow. Uganda and East Africa. Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. II. 2. Irrisor niloticus Neum. Uganda Ref. Neum. O. M. 1903. 3. Irrisorrnwenzorii ? C. Grant. Uganda? Ref. Grant, T. Z. S. 1910. 4. Irrisor damarensis granti Neum. East Africa Ref. Neum, O. M. 1913. 81 . Wood-hoopoes-Gontd . 5. lrrisor bollei jacksoni Sharpe. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vog-el,Afrikas, Vol. II. 6. lrrisor somaliensis Grant. East Africa? Ref. Reicheno~, Yog-el.Afrikas. Vol. II. 7. lrrisor sb. sp. nov? van Someren. Uganda Ref. van Someren, Elgon Col,

Scoptelus, Gab. Short-billed Wood-hoopoes.

1. Scoptelus Vallidiceps vall SUllleran. Uganda Ref. van Someren. Bull. B. O. C. 1916. 2. Scopteills c3.lltaneiceps? Sharpe .. Uganda? Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. II. 3. Scopteills atterimus Steph. Uganda and East Africa. Ref. Reichenow. Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. II.

RMnopomastus, Smith.

Slender-billed Wood-hoopoes.

1. Rhinopomastus schalowi Neum. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow. Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. II. 2. Rhinopomastus cabanisi Filippi Uganda and East Africa, Ref. Reichenow. Yogel, Afrikas, Vol II.



Bucorvus, S1o. Ground Hornbills.

1. Bucorvus cafer Bocage East Africa Ref. Reichenow. Vog-el. Afrikas, Vol. II. 2. Bucorvus abyssinicus Bodd. Uganda Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas. Vol. II. 82

Bycanistes, Cab. Giant Hornbills.

1. Bycanistes buccinator Temm. East Africa Ref. Reichenow. VOg'cl.Afrikas, Vol. n. 2. Bycanistes cristatus Rupp. East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. II.

, Syn? Ref. Reichenow, VOg'el, Afrikas,Vol. II. 4.3. Bycanistes sUbcYlindriCriS}.subquadratus Caban.Sclater. UgandaUg.anda and Eastf.ast Africa Ref. Reichenow, VOg'el, Afrikas, Vol. II.

Lophoceros, Hemp. Lesser Hurnbill,~. 1. Lopho~eros fasciatus Shaw. Uganda Ref. Reichenow. Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. II. 2. Lophoceros hemprichi Ehrl. • East Africa ? Ref. Reichenow, VOg'el,Afrikas, Vol, II. 3, Lophoceros nasutns.nasutus Linn. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. II. 4. Lophoceros epirhinus Sundev. East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. II. 5. Lophoceros erythrorhynchus Tem. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. II. 6. Lophoceros flavirostris Rupp. East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vog-el,Afrikas, Vol. II. 7. Lophoceros deckeni Caban. East Africa . Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. n. 8. Lophoceros jack~oni Og.-Grant. Uganda and East Africa Ref. 0 Grant, Ibis, 1891. 9. Lophoceros meJanoJeucus Liehl. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow. VOg'el,Afrikas, Vol. II. - 10. Lophocero;! neumani' Reichenow. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. II.

ALC}i~IDINIIDJE. KINGFISHERS. Ceryle, Boie. Greater Kingfishers. 1. Ceryle rudis Linn. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow. Vogel. Afrikas, Vol. II. 2. Ceryle maxima Pallas. Uganda? and East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vog-el, Afrikas, Vol. II. Alcedv, Linn.

Indian Kingfishers.

1. Alcedo semitorquatua Sw. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikllolt,Vol. n. ~ 2. Alcedo giintheri Sharpe. Uganda Ref. Jackson ColI.

Corythorn£s, Kaup. Crested-K ingfishers'

Ul{anda and East Africa': Syn? Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol, II. 2.1. CorythOl'nisCorythornis cristatuscyanostigma }RUPI-l.Vroeg-. Uganda and East Africa

Ispidina, Kaup.

Pigmy K£ngjishers.

1. Ispidina picta • Bodd. Uganda and East Africa. Ref. Reichenow, Vogel\ Afrikas, Vol. II. , 2. Ispidina natalensis A. Sm. East Africa? Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, 'Afrikas, Vol. II.

M.'l/io(;eyx, Sharpe. Broad-billed Kitlgfishers.

1. Myioceyx ruficeps Hartl. Uganda Ref. van Someren, Ibis 1915, X4

Halcyon, ''''wains.

1. Halcyon lencocephalus Yieill. U~anda and East Afl'ica Ref. O. Grant, Ibis, 19]5. 2. Halcyon leucocephalus ogilviei C. Grant. Uganda Ref. C. Grant. Ibis, 1915. 3. Halcyon swainsoni ? Smith, East Africa ? Ref. Reiohenow, Vo~el, Afrikall, Yolo II. ·4. Halcyon hyacinthinns Reichenow. East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Yol. II. 5. Halcyon senegalensis' . cyanoleucns Smith. l<~astAfrica Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. II. 6. Halcyon senegalensis cinereacapilla Mearns. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Mearn ,Smith, Misc. CoIl. 7. Halcyon chelicuti Stanley. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. II. 8. Halcyon orientalis Peters. East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vogel. Afrikas, Vol. n. 9. Halcyon senegaloides Smith. East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vo~el, Afrikas, Vol. n. 10. Halcyon malimbicus Shaw. Uganda and B~astAfrica Ref. Reiohenow, Vogel. Afrikas, Vol. IT. 11. Halcyon lllalimbicus prenticei Mearns. Uganda Ref. Mearns, Smith, Misc. Coll.


JiO'lJ,se Bit'd.~.

1. Colins striatus affinis Shelle)'. Uganda and East Africl'l Ref. Reichenow, Vo~el, Afrikas, Vol. IL 2. Colius jebelensis Mearns. Uganda Ref. Mearns. Smith, Misc. CoIl. 3. Colins lencocephalus Reichenow. East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vo~el, Afrikas, Vol. II. 4. Colins macronrns Lin. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. II. 5. Colins macroul'US pnlcher Neuman. East Africa Ref. Reichenow, VO~'e],Afrikas, Vol II. MUSOPHAGIDAE.

Plantain Eaters.

l'urar,us, Cuv.

1. Turaeus sehalowi marungensis Reichenow. East Africa? Ref. Reichenow, Vo~el, Afrikas, Vol. n. 2. Tnraeus schalowi loitanus Neuman. East Africa Ref. Reichenow. Vogel, Afrikas. Vol. II. 3. Turacus livingstoni ? Reichenow.· East Africa? , Ref. Reichen.w, Yogel, Afrikas, Vol. II 4. 'l'nraclls reichenowi Fischer. East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Yol. II. 5, Turacus leucolophus Hengl. Uganda and East Africa Ref. R6ichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. H, 6. 'furacus hartlaubi Fisch, Reichenow. ,Uganda and East Africa 7. Turacns hal,tlaubi medius Syn ? Mearns. East Africa } Ref. Mearns,Reichenow,Splith,Vogel,Misc.Afrikas,Ool!. Vol. II. 8. Tm'aem; emini Ueiehenow. Ug-andaaud East Africa Ref. Reichellow, Vo!('el, Afrikas, Vol. II. 9. TurRens donalrlsoni Sharpe. East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. n. 10. Tnraens fisehed Reiehenow. East Africa Ref. Reichenow. VOl("el.Afrikas, Vol. II.

Gallirex, Lesl$.

Plantain Eaters.

1. Gallirex johnstoni Sharpe. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrika.s. Vol H. , '> Gallirex chlorochalmy.s Shelh.y. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow. Vogel. Afrikas, Vol. ]T.


1. Musophaga rossae Gd. Uganda and East Africa, Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. II • Sch£zvrhis, Wagl.

Scrub Planta'in-Eaters.

1. Schizorhis africana zonura 'Rnpp. Uganda? and EaB( Africa. Ref. Reichenow, Vogel. Afrikas, Vol. II. 2. Schizorhis africana leucogastra Rupp. Uganda and.East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vo!<,el,Afrikas, Vol. II.

Gymnv8chizorhis, Schal. 8cru·b·Plantain-Eater!'..

1. Gymnoschizorhis leopoldi Shelley. East Africa Ref, Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol II. 2. Gymnoschizorhis centralis Neuman. Uganda and East Afdca Ref. Neuman, Bull, B. O. C., 1908,, Heine. Great Plantain-Baters.

L COI'ythaeolacristata Vieill.· Uganda Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. II. 2. Corythaeola cristata yalenl3is Mearns. East Africa Ref. Mearns, ~mith, Misc. ColI. 1915.


Cuckoos, Ceuthmochares, Cab.

Yellow-billed Olkkoos.

1.' Cellthmochares australis Sharpe. Uganda and East A rrica

2. Ceuthmochal't'st intermedinsRef. Shelley, BirdsSharpe.of Africa,' Vol. I. Uganda and EaltitAfrica Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. II. 01v~

Oentropus, Ill.

Lark-heeled Ouckoos.

1. CentropuElgrilli grilli Hartl. Uganda and East Africa Ref. C. Grant, Ibis, 1915. 2. Centropus fischeri Reichenow. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow. Vog-eLAfrikas, Vol. II. 3. Centropus senegalensis Linn. East Africa? Ref. Reichenow, VogeL Afrikas, Vol. II. 4. Celltropus monachus Rupp. Uganda and East Aftica , Ref. Reichenow, Vo!!el, Afrikas, Vel, II. 5. Centropus superciliosus Hempr. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow. VOl{eLAfrikae, Vol II.

Ooccystes, Olag. Orested Ouckoos.

1. Coccystes gland~I'ius'" Linn. Uganda and East Africa -Ref. Reichenow, Vog-el. Afrikas, Vol. II. 2. Coccystes jacobinus Bodd. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow. Vog-eLAfrikas, Vol. II. 3. Ooccystes cafer Lcht. Uganda and East Africa, Ref. Reichenow. VOg'el.Afrikas, VoL II. 4. Coccystes alhonotatus Shelley. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow. Vog-el, Afrikas, Vol. II.

Pachycoccyx', Oab.

6. Pachycoccyx validus Reichenow. East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. II.

Ouculu8, L£nn.

True Cuckoos.

1. Cuculus gularis Steph. East Africa Ref, Shelley, Birds of Africa, Vol I. 2. Cuculus canorus"" Linn. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vog-el,Afrikas, Vol. II. 3. Cuenius polioeephalus Lath. Uganda and East Afriea Ref. Shelley, Birds of Africa, Vol. 1. 4. Cueulus solitarins Steph. Uganda and East .\ friea Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. II. 5. Cuenins gabonensis Lafr. Uganda Ref. Reichenow. Vogel. Afrikas, Vol. II. ~. Cueuins jacksoni. Sharpe. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, VoL 11.. 7. Cueulus mabirae van Someren. Uganda Ref. van Someren, Bull. B. O. C. 1915. 8. Cuenius elamosus Lath. Uganda and East Africa. Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. II.

Cercococcyx, Cab.

Long-tailed Forest Ouckoo.

1. Cereocoecyx mechowi Caban. Uganda Ref. van Sorneran, Ibis, 1916.

Chrysococcyx. Boie.

MettaNc Cuckoos.

1. Chrysoeoeeyx eaprius Bodd. Uganda and East Africa Ref. C. Grant, Ibis. 191ii, 2. Chrysococcyx klassi Steph. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, VoL II. 3. Chrysocoecyx intermedius Hartl. Uganda and East .\frica Ref. C. Grant, Ibis, 1916, 4. Chrysococcyx cupreus . Shaw. Uganda and East Af,'ica 5. Chrysocoecyx smaragdineus }Syn.Swains. Ref. C. Grant,UgandaIbis, 191ii.and East Africa Ref. C. Grant, Ibis, 19]5. 89



Indicator, Vieill.

Thick-billed Honey-guides.

Steph. Uganda and East Africa Syn. Ref. Shelley, Birds of Africa, Vol. I. 1.2.. Indicator majorindicator } Gml. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Shelley, Birds of Africa, Vol. I. 3. Indicator bohmi Reichenow. Eatlt Africa Ref. Reinchenow, J. F. O. ]891. 4. Indicat0r banianus Hartl. East Africa ? Ref. Alexander, Ibis, 11100. 5. Indicator minor teitensis. Neum. East Africa Ref. :'oleum.J. F. O. 1900. 6. Indicator minor diadematus? Rupp. Uganda and East Africa? 7. Indicator exilis exilis Casso Uganda and East Africa Ref C. Grant, Ibis, ]916. 8. Indicator exilis pygmaeus Reichenow. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas. Vol. II. 9. Indicator varie~atus Less. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. II.

PruduNscus, 8undev.

Slender-billed Honey-guides.

1, Prodotiseus zambesiae ? Shelley. East Africa ? • Ref. Shelley, Birds of Africa, Vol. I. 2. Prodotiscus emini Shelley. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Shelley, P. Z. S., 1888. 3, Prodotiscus rugulus Sundev. East Africa Ref: Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Volt II: HO


LylJ'iu8, Herm. Ba1'bet.~.

1. 'Lybins aequatoralis Shelley, Uganda Ref. Shelley, Birds of Africa, Vol. I. 2. Lybius melanopterns Peters. East Africa Ref. Shelley, Birds of Africa, Vol. I.

SJ'n. Ref. Reichenow. Vog-cI,Afrikas, Vol. II. 4..~. LyhiusLybius senexlencocephalus }deReichenow.Filipp. Ug,andaUganda andand EastEast AfricaAfrica Ref. Eteichenow. Vogel. Afrikas, Vol. II. 5. Lybins albicauda Shelley. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vogel. Afrikas, Vol. II. 6. Lybius leucogaster Bocage. East Africa Ref. Shelley, Birds of Africa, Vol. r. 7. Lybins irroratus Caban. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Shelley. Birds of Africa, Vol. I. H. Lyhins abathi Reichenow, East Africa ~l. Lybins tridactylus Gmel. East Africa? Ref. Reichenow. Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. II, 10. Lyhins tridactylus ugandae Bergel' Uganda Ref. van Someren. Ihi~. ]9]6.

Gymnobncco, Bp.


1. Gymnobucco cinereiceps Sharpe. Uganda and East Africa Ref. ReichenolV. Vog-el, Afrika.s, Vol. II.

Tridwlaerna, Verr. ,

Lesser Barbets.

1. Tricholaema stigmatothorax nahan. East Africa. Ref. Shelley, Biros of Africa, Vol I.

Syn ? Ref. Reichenow, Vog-el.Afrikas, Vol. II. 3.2. Tricholaema lachrymosumradcliffi }caban.Og.-Grant.. UgandaU!rnndaandand EastEast AfricaAfrica Ref. ('. Grant. P. Z S. ]9]0. 4. Tricholaema £I.avibuccale Reichenow. East Africa? Ref. Reichenow. Vogel. Afrikas, Vol. II. 91

5. Tricholaema diadematum Hengl, Uganda and East Africa Ref. Shelley, Birds of Africa, Vol. I. 6. Tricholaema diadematum massaica Reichenow. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reiehenow, VOl!eJ,Afrikas, Vol. II. 7. Tricholaema ansorgei Shelley. Uganda and East .\frics Ref. Reiehenow, VOl!el, ,Urikas, Vol. II.

Smilorh1;S, Sttndev.

1. Smilorhis kilimensis Shelley. East Africa • Ref. Shelley, Birds of Africa. Vol, I .

Baf'7)((tula, Less.

P£gmy Barbets.

1. Barhatula pussilns affinis Reichpnow. East Africa • Ref. Reiehenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. II. 2. Barbatula pussilus uropygialis Heugl. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reiehenow, Vog-eLAfrikas. Vol II. 3, Barbatula chrysocomns centralis Heichell<)w. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reiehenow. Vog-el, Afrikas, Vol. II. 4. Barbatula duchaillui ugandae Reichenow. Uganda. Ref. Reiehenow. Vog-el.Afrikas. Vol, II. 5. Barbatula leucolaema Verr. Ugann.a and East Africa Ref. Reiehenow, Vog-el, Afrikas, Vol. II. 6. Barbatula subsulphurea Fraser. Uganda. Ref. Reiehenow. Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. II. 7. Barbatula jacksoni Sharpe. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reiehenow, Vog-eL Afrikas, Vol. II. 8, Barbatnla scolopacea 'remm. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reienenow, Vog-eL Afrikas, Vol. II. 9. Barbatula lencomystax Sharpe. East Africa. Ref. Shelley. Birds of Africa, Vol. I.

St·ictolapma, 11farshall. • 1. Stictolaema olivaceum Shelley. Uganda and East AfrIca Ref. Shelley. Birds of Afriea, Vol. I. 2. Stictolaema simplex Fisch Reichenow. East Africa. Ref. Shelley, Birds of Africa, VoL I. 92

Trachyphontl8, Ranzani.

Greater Ba't'bets.

1. Traehyphonus suahelieum Rei~henow. East Africa Ref. Shelley. Birds of Africa, Vol. 1. , 2. Trachyphonus erythroeephalus Oahan. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Shelley. Hirds of Africa, Vol. I. 3. Trachyphonus bohmi Fisch Reichenow. Uganda and East Africa Ref. C. Grant. Ibis, 1915 .• ' 4. Trachyphonus emini Reichenow. -Uganda and East Afric~ .Ref. Reichenow. Vo!!e!. Afrikas. Vol. n. 5. Trachyphonus d'arnaudi Desmurs. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow. VOl!'e!·.Afrikas. Vol n. 6. Trachyphonus usambiro Neum. East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vo!!'e!.Afrikas, VQJ. II. 7. 'l'rachyphonus elgonensis 8hal'pe. Uganda anll East Africa Ref. Reichenow. Vo!!,el,Afrikas. Vol II.


_.- ..- lyn.r, Li'un.


1. lynx pectoralis Vig. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Shelley. Birds of Africa, Vol. r. 2, lynx rufieollis Wagl. Uganda and East Africa Ref. C. Grant, Ibis, 1916. 3. lynx ruficollis eozensi C. Grant. East Africa Ref. C. Grant, Ibis, 1916. 4. lynx torquilla- Linn. Uganda and East Africa? Ref. Reichenow, Vo!!'eLAfrikas. Vol. II.


1. Campothera nubiea Gmel. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow. Vo)!el, Afrikas. Vol. n. 2. Campothera nubiea pallid!!' ~hal'pe. East Africa Ref. Reichenow. Vo)!el. Afrikas. Vol. n. 93

3. Campothera malherbei Cass. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vog-e!, Afrikas, Vol. II. 4:. Campothera mombassica Fisch Reichenow. East Africa Ref. Shelley. Birds of Africa, Yol. I. 5. Campothera eailliaudi Malh. East Africa? Ref. Reichenow. Yog-el. Afrikas. Vol. II 6. Campothera nyansae NtHlm. Uganda and East Africa . Ref. Neum. J. F. O. 1900. 7. rJampothel"dbennetti Smith East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Yol. II. X. Campothera caroli Malh. Uganda Ref. van Someren, [bis. 1916. 9. Campothera scriptieandi Heiehenow. East Africa 10. Campothera taeniolaemaRef. Reichenow,ReichenowYo,g-el,Afrikas.Nenm.Vol. UgandaII. and East Africa Ref. Reichenow. Vog-e!, Afrikas, Yol. II. 11. Campothera tal"niolaema hallshergi Sharpe. East Africa Ref. Reichenow. Vogel. Afrikas, Vol II.

Dend1'opictls, Mn,zh. Pigmy W(JodJledter.~.

1. Dendl'opiells maasaiclls Nf'111Il. East Africa Ref. Rewhenow, Voitel, Afrikas, Yol. II. 2. Dendropiclls hartlanbi Mah!. Ug",mda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. II. 3. Den(tl'opicIl8 lafresnayi Mahl. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vog-el, Afrikas, Vol. II. t. Dendropieus lafresnayi lepidus Caball. Uganda Ref. Reichenow, Yogel. Afrikas. Vol II. fl. Delldropicus poecilolaemus Reichenow. Uganda and East Africa Ref. van Someren, Ibis. 191&. Ii. Dendropieus herbel'ti Alexd. Uganda Ref. vau SomeTeu, Ibis, 1916. 7. Dendropicus sp? , Uganda

Thripias, Ca.b. Gren te?' W ondpeckers.

1. Thripias namaquus schoensis Rupp. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vog-el, Afrikas, Vol. H. 2. Thripias namaquus intermedius C. Grant. Uganda and East Africa . Ref. C. Grant, Ibis. 1916. it Thripias namaquus dicipiens Sharpe. East Africa? Ref. Sharpe. Linn, Soc. 1884. 94


Pigmy Woodpeckers.

1. Yungipicutl obsoletus Wagl, Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reiohenow. Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. II. 2. Yungipicus obsoletus ingens Hartert. East Africa Ref. Hartert, Nov. Zool, 1901.

Mesopicus, 1~lahl.

Slmder-billed Woodpeckers.

1. Mesopicos goetae centralis Reichenow. Uganda and East Africa 2. lVlesopicos, •. spodocephalusRef. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. II rhodeogaster Fisch Reichenow. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vogel. Afrikas, Vol. II. 3. Mesopicos xantholophus Hargitt. Uganda Ref. van 8omeren, Ibis, 1916.



Vinago, Ouv. P1:geons.

1. Vinago waallia Gmel.· Uganda Ref. Heichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. I. 2. Vinago calva salvadorii Dnhois. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Dubois, P. Z. 8. 1897. 3. Vinago calva delalandei Bonap. East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. I. 3. Vinago wakefieldi Sharpe. East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. I. 95

Columba, Linn. True Pigeons.

1. Columba unicincta Cl\8Sin. Uganda. Ref. van Someren, [bill, 1916. 2. Columba arquatrix Tl'rn.. Uganda and East Africa. Ref. Reichenow, Vo~el. Afrikas, Vol I. 3. Columba guinea? Linn. East Africa Ref. Reichenow. Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. I. 4. Columba guinea longipennis I{.,ichenow. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. I.

l'urtltroena. lJp. White-necked Pigeons.

1. Turturoena sharpei Salvati. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol I 2. Turtllt'oeRa delagorguei Hartl.. East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, V91. I.

Aplopelia, Bp. Bronze-nf'cked Doves. 1. Aplopelia larvata Tem. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas. Vol. I. 2. Aplopelia bronzina Rupp. Uganda aud East Africa? Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. 1. 3. Aplopelia simplex jacksoni Sharpe. Ugauda and East Africa Ref. Bannerman, Ibis, 1915.'

Ohalcopelia, Bp. Ground Doves.

1, Chalcopelia afra Linn. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas. Vol. I. 2. Chalcopelia afra kilimensis Meal'OS. East Afl'ica Ref. Mearns, U. S. Nat. Mus. I!1l5. :3. Chalcopelia chalco,spilos Wagl.· Ug;lUllaand East .-\.frica Ref. Shelly, P. Z, S. 1881. 4. Chalcopl'lia delicatula Sharpe. Uganda Ref. Sharpe. Ibis, 1902. 5. Ch·tlcopelia acanthina Oberthl. East Africa Rd. Oberthl. U. S. Nat. Mus. 1915. 96


Turtur, Selby.


1. Turtur lugens Rnpp. Uganda and East Africa. Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. J. 2, Turtur capicola tropicus Reichenow. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reiohenow, J. F. O. 3. Turtur capicola damarensis Fisch, Hartl. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Heiehenow, Vogel, Afrika~, Vol. 1. 4. Turtur ambiguus Bocage. East Africa. &f. Reiohenow, Vog-el,AfrikMl, Vol. I. 5. Turtur ambiguus perspicillatus Fisch. East Africa Ref. Reiohenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. I, 6. Turtur senegalensis Linn. Uganda and East "\fric~ Ref. Iteichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. I. 7. Turtur t1emitorquatus Rupp. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reicbellow, Vog-el, Afrikas, Tol. I. 8. Turtur intermedius? Erl. Uganda and East Africa

Tympanistria, Reichenbach. Wood Dove.

1. Tympanistria'tympanistria Temm. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow. Vogel, Afrika5. 'Vol I.

Oena, Selby.

Long-tailed Dove~

1. Oena capensis Linn. Uganda and East Africa Bef. Reichenow, VOlt"el,Afrikas, Vol. I. 97

l'SlT'l'AUID..E .


Poicepltatus, (jwains. Lessel' Parrots.

1. PoicephalulS fusicollis suahelicus Reichenow. East Africa Ref. lteichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. H. 2. Puicephaills lllassaicus Fisch and Reichen, Uganda and Bast A.frica Ref. Reichenow. Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. 11. 3. Pocephaills fuscicapillus Verr. }i~ast,Africa Ref. Reichenow. Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. II. 4. Poicephalus rufiventris RuPV. Uganda and Ecust.A.fl'ic~ !:tef. !:teichellOW,VOl!el,Afrikall. Vol. J l. ., 5. l'oicl-'phalus Illeyeri Uretzlichm. l' ganda. Ref. Reichell"w, VOl!el,Afrikas, Vol. 11 6. Poicephaills meyeri saturatus tlharl'e. Ugamla allli .h;a,ctAfrica Ref. Sharpe, Hul. B. O. C. 1901. 7. Poicepllalus meyeri matschiei NellIll. Ea:stAfrica Ref. H.eicheno\\'. Vogel, Afrikas, Vol 11. X. PoicevhalulS meyeri vire::;cens Rl-'ichenow. Uganda and J£ast Africa. l{.ef.R.eichellow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. J1. 9. Poicephalu8 meyeri nyansae Neum. Uganda and East Africa Itef. Neum. ~ov. Zoo!. 1908.


Grey Parrots.

1. Psittaeus erithacus Linn. Uganda and East Aft-iea Ref. RelChenow, Vogel, Afrikas. Vol. II.

Palaeornis, Vigors.

Long-ta£led Parrots.

1. Palaeornis docili::; Vieill. Uganda Ref. Reichenow, VOlle],Afriklt~ Vol. ILl 98

Agaporn£s, Selby.


1. Agapornis fischeri ReichellOw. Uganda and East Arrica Ref. Reichenow, VogeL Afrikas, Vol. II. 2. Agapornis pullarius Linn. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. II. 3. Agapornis personatus Reichenow. East Africa Ref. Reicilenow, Vog-el. Afrikas, Vol. U.


Slrix, Linn. Barn Owls~

( 1. St~ix flammea ? . Linn. Uganda and East Africa .-"" Ref. Reichenow. Vo~·el. .\ trikas, Vol. 1. Strix flammea maculata Brehm. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow. Vogel, Afrikas. Vol. 1. Strix capseusis Sill. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow. Vogel. Afrikas, Vol. I.

A sio, Br£S8.

Gra88 Owls.

1. Asio nisuella Dand. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reiehenow. Vogel, Afrikas. Vol. 1. 2. Asia capensis Smith East Africa Ref. Rhelley, Birds of Africa, Vol. I.

Syrni·u,m. Sewage.

Forest Owls.

1. Syrnium woodfordi· Smith. Uganda 'tud Ea~t .\.irica Ref. Reiehennw. VOg't'J.Afrikas. Vol. I. 2 SyrniulIl woodfordi snahelieus H.eicbenow. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reiehenow. VO~'el,Afrikas. Vol 1. . Syn. Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. I. 4.3. SnniumSyrnium nigricantiussansibariCUm} Reichenow.Reichenow. UgandaEast Africaand East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. 1.

Glaucidium, Boie.

Lesser Owls.

Syn? Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrika.s, Vol. 1. 2.1. Glaucidium perlatumkilimense } Reichenow.Vieill. EastUgandaAfricaand East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. 1. 3. Glaucidium castaneum Reichenow. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow; Vogel, Afrikas, Vol 1. (. Glaucidium capense Sm. East Africa. Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, V9l. 1.

Bubo, lJumeral.

Eagle Owls.

1. Hubo scinerascens Ouer. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow. Vogel, Afrikas, Vol".1. 2. Bubo lacteus Tern. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrika.s, Vol. I. it Bubo maculosa Vieill. Uganda and East Africa . Ref. Reichenow, Vogel. Afrikas, Vol. I. .i. Bubo mackinderi 'Sharpe. l'JastAfrica Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. 1.

StOp.'!, Savage.

Pigmy Owls. 1. Scops scops'" Linn. Uganda Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas. Vol. 1. 2. Scops llg'andae Neum Uganda Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas. Vol. 1. 3. Scops eapemlis Smith. East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol, 1. 100

Scotopelia, Bp. 1. Hcotopelia peli Temn. Ugamla and East Africa. 'ef. Reichenow. Vog-el, Afrikas. Vol I.

AceI PITRIFORMES. Falcrjndiae. Pandion. Savage. , o.~prey. 1. Pandion haliaetus Linn. Vganda and East Africa __ •. c •••••• _. - Ref. Reichenow, Vog-el.Afrikas, Vol. I.

Falco, Linn, Hawks and Falcons.

1. Falco per~~~~!!-l!.s Tunst. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Shelley, Birds of Africa, Vol. I .. 2. Falco minor Bp. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Shelley, Birds of Africa, Vol. I. 3. Falco biarmicus Temn. 'Uganda and East Africa Ref. Shelley, Birds of Africa, Vol. I. . 4. Falco ruficollis Swains. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Shetley. Birds of Africa, Vol. I. 5. Falco subbnteo Linu, Uganda and East Africa Ref. Shelley, Birds of Africa, Vol I. 6. Falco faseiinucha Reichenow. Neum. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Shelley. Birds of Africa, Vol. I. 7. Falco cuvieri Smith. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Shelley, Birds of Africa, Vol. I.

Syn. Ref. Sh..,lley, Birds of Africa. Vol, I. Sog.. FalcoFalco eleanoraeconcolor } Hengl.Temn. EastEast Africa Ref. Shetley, Birds of Africa, Vol. I.

Erytltropus. Brehm. Night Falcons. 1. Erythropul:l dickensoni Selater. East Africa Ref. Shelley, Birds of Africa, Vol. I. 2. Erythropus ardosiacuB Vieill. ·East Africa Ref Shelley, Bil'ds of Africa, Vol. I. 3. Erythropus vespertina. IJinn .• Uganda and J1~astAfrica Ref. Shelley, Birds of Africa, Vol. I. 101

Oerchneis, Boie,


1. Cerchneis tinnunculuslll Linn. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Shelley, Birds of Africa, Vol. I. 2. Cflrchneis carlo Hartert, Neuman. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Hartert, N. Zool. 3. Cerchneis naumannilll Fleisch\ Uganda and East _Hrica Ref. Shelley, Birds of Africa, Vol. I. 4. Cerchneis arthuri Gury. East Africa Ref. SheUey, Birds of Africa, Vol. I. 5. Cerchneis cenchris Naum. East Africa Kef. Shelley. Birds of Africa, Vol. I.

• Poliohirax, Kaup . 1. Polichierax semitorquatus Smith Uganda and Ea~t Africa Ref. Shelley, Birds of Africa, Vol I.

Baza, Hodgs.

1. Baza emini- Reichenow •. Uganda and East Afri(',3 Ref. Reichenow. Vogel, Afrika.s, Vol I. 2. Baza verreau xi Lafr .. Uganda and East Africa. Rtlf. Shelley, Birds of Africa, Vol. I.

Machearhamphas, West.

Night Hawk.

1. Machaerhamphus anderssoni Gurney. Uganda amI East Africa Ref. Shelley, Birds of Africa, Vol. I.




Le3Se1", Kites.

1. Elanus caeruleus Dpsf. Uganda aDd East Africa Ref. Shelley. Birds of Africa, Vol. I. - • 102

Milvust Ouv.


1. Milvus aegyptius· Gm. Uganda. Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. I. 2, Milvus aegyptius parasilicus Daud. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow. Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. 1.

Ref. Shelley, Birds of Africa, Vol. I. 4./.Milvus3. Mflvus korschun.}migrans· Syn? Bodd.Gm. UgandaUganda andandEastEastAfricaAfrica

Gypohierax, Rupp,

1. Gypohierax angolenl'lis Gm. East Africa Ref. Shelley, Birds of Afrioa, Vol. 1.

Hctliaetus, Sav.


1. Haliaetus vocifer Daud. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow, VogelJ Afrikas, Vol. 1.

H~lotarsus, Smith.

Short-fa'iled Eagles.

Byn. Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. I. 2.1. Helotarsus ecaudatusleuconotus } (immature) Rupp.Daud. Ug'dndaUganda andana EastEast AfricaAfrica Ref. Reichenow, VOl!el,Afrikas. Vol 1.

Aquila, Briss.

1. Aquila wahlbergi Blllld. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichellow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. 1. 2. Aquila rapax Tern. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow, VogEll,Afrikas, Vol. 1. 103

Nisaetus, Hodgs,

1. Nisaetus spilogaster Bp. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reicheno.w,Voll'el, Afrikas, Vo.l. 1. 2. Nisaetus bellicosus D&ud. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Shelley, Birds o.f Africa, V0.1. 1.

LophoaetttS, Kaup.

Crested Eagles.

1. Lophoaetns occipitalis Dand. Uganda and East Africa. Ref. Shelley, Birds o.f africa, Yol. I.



1. Buteo agur Rupp. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichello.w, Yog-el, Afrikas, Vol. L 2, Buteo auguralis Salvadori Uganda and Eas~ Africa Ref. Reichello.w, Vo.g-el,Afrikas, Vo.l. I. :3. Buteo desertorum Daud. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reicheno.w, Vogel, Afrikas, Vo.l. I.

(}ircadus, Vieill. 1. Circaetns cinereus Vieill. Uganda and East Africa Ref. 8helley, Birds 0.1 Africa, Vo.l. I. 2. Circaetus cinerascens Mnll. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reiehenow. V.,g-el,Afrikas. Vo.l. I. ~3.Circaetus fasciolatus Gray. EaBt Africa Ref. Shelley. Birds o.f Africa, Vo.l. 1. 4. Circuetus pectoralis Smith. , East Africa Ref. Shelley, Hirds o.f Africa, Vo.l. I. 104

Astrinula, Finsch.

Lesser Whistlzng Hawk. 1. Astrinula Ulonogrammica 'rem. Uganda and East Africa Rd. Reichenow, VOlfel,Afrikas, Vol. I.

Melierax, Gray. Lesser Sparrow Hawks.

Syn? Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikns, Vol. 1. 2.1. Melierax nigergaber } Vieill.Daud. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vog-el, Afrikas, Vol. I. 3. Melierax. metabates Heugl. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Shelly, P. Z. S. 1881. 4. Melierax polyzonus Less. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vog-el,Afrikas, Vol. 1. 5. Melierax mechowi Caban. Ujanda and East Africa Ref. Shelley, Birds of Africa, vol. I. 6. Melierax poliopterns' Cahan. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Shelley, kinls of Africa, vol. 1.

A8tur, Lacep.

Greater Whistling Hawk. 1. Astur polyzonoides Sm. Uganda and East Afl'jl'a • Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. I. 2. Astur sphennl'us Rupp. Uganda Ref. Reichenow, Vog-eJ,Afrikas, Vol. I. 3. Astnr tachiro Dand. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Shelley. Birds of Africa, vol. I. 4. Astnr nyansae Nenm. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Neum, O. M. 1902.

Accipiter, Briss.

Greater Sparrow Hawks. 1. Accipiter minullus Daud. East Africa Ref. Heichenow. VOlfeI, Afrikas, Vol. 1. :d. Accipiter minullus tropicalis Reichenow. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow. Volfel. Afrikas, Vol. I. 105

3. Accipiter melanoleucus Smith. Uganda and E'ist Africa. , Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol I. 4. Accipiter rufiventris Smith. East Africa Uef. Shelley, Birds of Africa, Vol. L

Oirculi, Lacep.


1. Circus cyaneus· Linn. Uganda and East Africa -.. Ref. Reichenow, Vogel. Afrikas, Vol. I 2. Circus macrorus· Gml. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow, VOg'el, Afrikas, Vol. 1. . 3. Oircus pygargus· .Linn. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow, VOg'el,Afrikas, Vol. 1. 4. Circus ranivorous Daud. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vog-el,Afrikas, Vol. I. 5. Circlls aeruginosus" Linn.' Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol I.

Poly!Joroides, S'mith.

1. Polyboroides typicus Smith. East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. I.

Serpentarius, (JUV. Snake Eagle.

1. Serpentarius serpenturius Miller. Uganda and East Africa. Ref. Reichenow. Voge!. Afriba. Vol L ~

Lophogypli, Bp. Vultures.

1. Lophogyps occipitalis Burch. Uganda and l'iast Africa Ref. Shelle\, Bird~ of Africa. Vol.!. 106

Pseudogyps, Sharpe.

1. Pseudogyps africanus Salvad. Uganda and East Africa . Ref. Shelley, Birds of Africa, YoloI. 2. Pseudogyps schillingsi ? Erl. East Africa?

Neophron, Sav.

Syn ? Ref. Reichenow, Vog-el,Afrikas, Yol. I. 1.2. Neophron monaChUS}pilaetus Tem.Bnrchel. Uganda and East AfdcRAfrica Ref. ReichenQw, VJg'el, Afrikas, Vol. I. 3. Neophron percnopterus Linn. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vog-el, Afrikas, Yol. 1.

Gyps, Bp· 1. Gyps riippelli Bp. East Africa. Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. 1.



Ibis, Lacep.


1. Ibis aethiopica Lath. Uganda and East Africa. Ref. Reicilenow, VOg'el. Afrikas, Vol. 1. 2. Ibis East Africa.

Ha{Jadashia, Bp.

1. Hagadashia hagadash Lath. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow,.Yogel, Afrikas, Yol I. 107

Plegadis. Kctup .

.Common Glossy 1Ms. 1. Plegadis falcinellus· Linn. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. 1. Pltttaleinae.

Platalea. Linn.

Spoon-bills. 1. Platalea leucorodia· Linn. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reiohenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. I. 2. Platalea alba Scop. Uganda and EaRt Africa Bef. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. 1. ARDEIDAE.

Herod-ias, Boie. Herons and Egrets.

1. HerodiaR alba· (and Resident) Linn. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas. Vol. I. 2. Herodias brachyrhyncha Brehm .. Uganda and East Africa . Ref. Reichenow. Vog-el, Afrikas, Vol. I. 3. Herodias gazetta· (& Resident) Linn. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reiohenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. I. Ardeola, Boie. Squacco Heron. 1. Ardeola ralloidel'l Scop. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Shelley, Birds of Afrioa, Vol. 1. Bubulcus. Gr. Butt-backed Oattle Egret.

1. BubulcU!!Iibis Linn. Ugan

A rdea, Linn. Herons . . 1. Ardea ardesiaca , Wflgl. Uganda and East Afric:1. Ref. Shelley. Rirds 01 Africa, Vol. 1. 2. Ardea gularis HMC. Uganda and East Africa Ref. 8hell ••y. Birds of Africa, Vol. 1.

• 10~

3. Anlea melanoc~plmla Vig & Child. Uganda and East Africa ,_ ''''Hd. lteiehellow: Vogel, Afrika~, Vol. I. 4. Ardea cinerea* Linn. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vog-el, Afrikas, Vol. I. 5. Ardeu pnrpurea Linn. Uganda and East Africa Ref. lteichenow, Vog-el,Afrikas, Vol. I 6. Ardea goliath Cretz~ Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vog-el, Afrikas. Vol I.

Buloriaes, Blyth. 1. Butorides atrica,pilla Afzel. Uganda and East Africa. , Ref. Reiehenow, Vog-el, Afrikas, Vol. I.

Nydicorax, Steph. Night Herons.

1. Nycticorax nycticorax Linn. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Ueichenow. Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. I. 2. Nyctieorax leuconotus Wagl. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reiehenow, Vog-el,Afrikas, Vol. I.

BfJtuurus, Steph. lftterm. 1. Butunl'Us stellaris ? Linn. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reiehenow. Vogel, Afrikas. Vol. I. 2. Blltam'US capensis ~chl. East Africa? Ref. Reichenow, Vog-el, Afrikas, Vol. I.

A rdetta, Gray. Pigmy Bitterns. 1. Ardetta minuta· Linn. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Shelley, Birds of Africa, vol. I. :!. Ardetta podiceps Bp. East Africa (Zanzibar). Ref. Shelley, Birds of Africa, Vol I. 3. Ardetta sturmi Wagl. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Shelley. Birds of Africa, vol. I. 4. Ardetta payesi Hartl. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow, VOJrel,Af;rikas. Vol. I. 109

, Erythrocnus, Sharpe. 1. Erythrocnus rufi ventris Sund. Uganda and Eal!lt Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vel. I.

BALAENIOIPIDAE, Balaeniceps, Gould. Shoe-billed Sturk,

I, Balaeniceps rex Gould. Uganda Ref. Reichenow, Vog-el,Afrika3, Vol I.


Scopus, Briss. Hammer-headed Stork,

1. Scopus umbretta bannermani O. Grant. Uganda and East Africa Ref. C. Grant. Ibis. 1916.

OIOONIIDAE. Ciconia, Biss.

1. Oiconia ciconia "" Linn. Uganda anli East Africa. Ref. Shelley, Birds of Africa. Vol. I. 2. Oiconia nigra"" Linn. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Shelley, Birds of Africa, Vol. I. :3. Oiconia ab<:limii Licht. Uganda and East Africa Ref Shelley, Birds of Africa. vol. I. 4. Syn? Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas. Vol. I. .4:. OiconiaCiconia episcopusmicrocelis } Gray.Bodd. East Africa.

Mycteria, Linn.

1. Myctet'ia senegalensis Shaw. Uganda and East Africa. Ref. Shelley, Birds of Africa, Vol. I. Leptoptilos, Less. Mlua1)()'l{, Storks.

1. Leptoptilos argala .•. Syn? Ref. Shelley. Birds of Africa, Vol. I. } 'l'ernn. TTga~tila ~nd East AfriC',a. 1. Leptoptilos crumenifer Less U g-a Ilda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vog-el, Afrikas, Vol. 1. .. no

A nastomus, Bunn, Shell Ibis,

1. Anastl')mUl~lamelligerlls 1'emn. Uganda~and East Africa Ref. Shelley, Birds of Africa, vol. I.

Tantr(,bt8,Linn. Wood Ibis.

1. 'rantalusibis Linn. Uganda and l~ast Africa Ref. ReicRenow, Vog-el.Afrikas, Vol. 1.

PELICANIFORMES. Phalacrocorax. Cormorants.

1. Phalacrocorax lucidus Licht. Uganda and East Africa 'Ref. Shelley, Birds of Africa. VoL 1.

Syn? Ref. Reichenow, VOg'el.Afrikas, Vol. I. 3.2. Phalacrocorax gutturalislucidus lugubris 1R~PP'Reichenow.. Uganda a.andnd EastEast AfricaAfrica Ref. Shelley, Birda of Africa, Vol. I. 4. Phalacrocorax africanus Gm. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Shelley. Birds of Africa, Yolo I.

Anhinga, Briss.


~. A.nh~ngalev~illanti S n? Ref. Sh~ley, Birds of Africa. Vol, I. 1.3. A.nhingaA.nhmga Tufaafrwanus }LiCht.Y {Ref. Relchenow, Yogel, Afrikas,UgandaVol.andI. East Africa

Sulidae. SUi", B!,iss. Gannets.

1. Bula capensis Licht. East Africa Ref. ShellAY.Birds of Africa. Yol I. 111 , Pelecanidae.



1. Pelecallus .pnocrotalus Linn. , Uga:nda and. East Africa Ref. Reichenow, "Vogel,AfrikaB, Vol. I. 2. Palecanus minor? - .Dq.bois.. Uganda anp East Africa ? Ref. Shelley, Birds of Af:'ica, "VoL1: 3. Pelecanus rufescens Gm. Uganda and East Afriea Ref. Shelley, Birds of Africa, Vol. L .


Phaethon, Linn.

Frigate Bird.

1. Pbaethon indicus Hume. East Africa. (coast). Ref. Shelley, Bir,i8 of Afric", Vol, 1.



Sterninae. ~ Hydrocheldon,. Boie.

1. Hydrpchelidon leucoptera'" Meisner. , Uganda and East Africa. Ref. Shelley, Birds of Africa, vol. I, 2. Hydrochelidon hybrifla# Pall. Uganda and Ellst Africa Ref. Shelley, Birds of Africa. vol. I. 3. Hydrocheli(lon nigra" Linn. East, Africa Ref. Shelley, Birds of Afrio& vol. L 112

Stern((, Linn.

1. Sterna sallndersi"'? • Rume. East Africa? Ref. Shelley, Birds of Afrif>&,Vol. I. 2. Stema balaenarum~? Strich. East Africa Ref. Shelley. Birds of Africa., Vol. I. 3. Sterna fluviatilis# Naum. East Africa. 5.6. Sterna caspia*nilotica'" Ref. Shelley, Birds of Africa, Vol. I. 10.S.4.5.7.!l. Sterna bergi'"anglica"fnliginosa'"dougalli"media'"anaestheta'" Mont. Uganda and East Africa. Ref. Shelley, Birds of Africa, Vol. I.

}Syn. Mont.Ref. Reichenow, Vogel,UgandaAfrikas,.andVol. EastI. Africa Pall. Uganda and East Africa. Ref. Ueichenow, Vo~el, Afrikas, Vol. I. Horsf. East Afric;ct Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. I. Licht. East A fl'ica Ref. Reiohenow, VOf(el,Afrikas, Vol. I. Scop. East Afr'ica Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol 1. Gm. East, .,Hrica Ref. Reichenow, VOll:el,Afrikas, Vol. 1.

AnrnlS, Steph.

1. Anous stolidu~ Linn. East Africa Ref. Shelley, Birds of Africa, Vol. I.

Rhynchops, Linn.

1. Rhynchops flavirostris Vieill. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Shelley, Birds of Africa, vol. I. 113

LARIDAK Larus, Linn. Gulls. 1. Larus fuscus- Linn .. Uganda and East Africa Ref. ilhelley, Birde of Afrioa, vol. I. 2. Lal'ua hemprichi· Burch. East Africa (coast). Ref. Reiohenow. Vogel, Afrikas. Vol. I. 3, Larus cirrocephalu8 Vieill. Uganda ann East 'Africa Ref. Reiohenow, Vogel, Afrikas. Vol. I.


,Stercurarius, Briss. Skuas. 1. StercorariU8 crepidatus Banks. East Africa (coast). Ref. ghelley, Birds of Africa, Vol I



Procellaria, Linn. Petrels. 1. Procellaria pelagica Linn. East Africa (coast). Ref. Reiohenow, Vog-el,Afrikas. Vol. I 2. Procell aria cinerea Gm. East Africa (COllst). Ref. Reiohenow, Vng-el, Afrikae, Vol. T. ()ceanites, Keys. Petrels. 1. Oceanites melanogaster Gould. East Africa (coast). Ref. Shelley, Rir,,_ of Afrioa, vol. I. .2. Oceallites gallarius Vieill. East Africa? Ref. Shelley, Hi,,!_ of Afrioa. Vol I. Puffinus, Briss. Shearwrtlers. 1. Pn ffinml griseus? Gm. East .Udca (C09st) ? Ref. Reiohenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. I. 2. Pnffinus obscurus Gm. East Africa (coast). Ref. Shelley, Birdll of Afrioa, Vol. I. 1l~

lt1ajaqueus, .Reichenb.


1. Majaqueus aequinoctialis Linn. East Africa (coast) Ref. Shelley, Rirds of Africa. Vol. I.

Aestrelata, Bp,


1. Aestrelata aterrima ? Bp. East Africa (coast)? Ref. Shelley. Hirds of Africa, Yol, I.

Daption., Steph. Fvlmar.

1. Daption capensit! Lir.m. East (coast) ? Ref. Shelley, Birds of Africa, Vol. I.

hion, l(J.c~~. Fulmar~

1. Prion banksi Gould. East Africa (coast) ? Ref. Shelley, Bird2 of Africa, Vol. I.



. Phoenicopterus, Linn.


1. Phoenicopterus minor Geoffr. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Shelley, Birds of Africa, Vol. I. 2. Phoenicopterus roseus Pall. Uganda and East Africa. Bef. Shelley, Birds of Afril.\&,Vol. I. 115



• Plectropteru8, 8tqJk • Sp'urwinged Goo8e. 1. Pleetropterus gambensis Linn. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow. Vo!rel. Afrik IH. Vol. 1.


8arkidiornis, Eyton. Knob-billed Goose.

. Syn ? Itef. Reiehenow, VOg'el-,Afrikas, Vol I. 1. SarkidiarnisSarkidiornis afrieanamelanonQtllS} Penn.Ha,;tJ. Uganda and East Africa

Nettapns, Brandt. Pigmy Goose. 1. N ettapus anritus Bnd 1. Ug-anila and Aft'iea Ref, Reiehenow. VOg'el, Afrikas, Vol. 1. .

Dendrocygna, SWa1:nS. Wki~tling Tree Ducks. 1. Dendroeygna viduata Linn. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow, VOg'el,Afrikas, Vol T. 2. Dendroeygna fnlva Grn. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vo!!el. AfrikM, Vol. I. .

Ohenalopex, Stepk. Egyptian Goose. 1. OheJJalopl'x aegyptiaeus Linn. Uganda and J

A naB, £-inn. JJuck~. 1. Anas ulldulata Dubois. Uganda and East Africa !tef. Reichenow, Vog-el, Afrikas, Vol. I. 2. Amts sparsa Eyt Uganda and East Aidea Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. 1. 3. Anas qllRrquedula Linn. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow. Vog'el,.Afrikas, Vol. 1. 1. - " J....LO

"-~"J~Q/terquedula, Stepk. Teal.

1. Qilerque.lula capensis Grn. U!.l'andaand East Africa Ref. Reicilenow, Vog-el, Afrikas, Vol. I. 2. Ql1erqlleduta punctata Bnrcll .. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vog-el,Afrikas. Vol I.

Poec'ilonetta, Eyton. Cape Pinta~l Duck.

1. Poecilonetta erythrorhyncha Gm. Ugauda and East Africa Ref. Reichellow. Vogel. Afrikas, Vol. I Dafila, Leach. Pintail Duck.

J. Dafila acuta# Linn. Uganda and East Afl'iclt Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. I. .•..•'prttula, Boie.

Shone/leI' Dllek,

1. Spatula clypeata# Linn. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. I.

2. Spatula capenBis ? Eyton. East Africa? Hef. ReiehenlJw, Vogel, Afrikas, V'OI. r.

1. ~yt'Oca f, rJ'llgim'a ? ,Gill. Ug;tnda and East Afric:1. Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Yol. I. 2. Nyrllea bl'unnea Syn ? Ref. Reichenow, Yog-el, Afrikas, Yol.1. 2. Nyrocla capensi~ } Eyt.Less. Uganda and East Africa

Thalctssornis, Ny ton. White-rulllped Dllck.

1. Thalassornis leuconotllS Eyton. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichtno,v. Vogel, Afrikas. Vol I. 117 ,/ "-~-- Erismatura, Bp. Stiff-tailed DttCks. 1. Erismatura maccoa Smith. Uganda and East Africa 'Ref. Reichenow, Vog-el, Afrikas, Vol. I 2. Erismatura leucocephala ? Scop. Uganda and East Africa? Ref. Shellpr. Hir.js of Africa vol. I.


Oolymb1ts, Briss.

POdICPpS, Lath. }syn.


1. Colymbus cristatus·? Linn. Uganda and East Africa? Ref; Reichenow, Vog-el, Afrikas, Vol. 1. 2. Colymbus infuscatus Salvau,. Uganda and East Africa Ref. C. Grant. Ibis, 1915. 3. Colymbus capensis Licht. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow. VOg'el,Afrikas. Vol. I. 4. Colymbus nigricollis Brehm. Uga.nda and East. Africa Ref. Reichenow, VOlrel, Afrikas, Vol. I.



Podica, LeISS.


1. P()dica petersi

S~'n ? Rll.r.. Rpichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. 1. Vide Neu~, J.F.O 1. Podica senegalensis } . VIHartl.eIl I., Uganda anll East Africa.189a.

Fulicrt. Linn.


1. Fulica cristata Gm. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. I. liS

PtJ1'phyrio, Briss.

SWrlmp Hens.

1. Porphyrio porphyrio, . Linll. Uganda and East Africa Ref, Reichenow, \log-el. Afrikas" VoL I. 2. Porphyrio alieni Thomps. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow. Vogel, 'Afrikas, Vol. I.

Gatlinula, Briss.


1. Gallinnla Chlot'.PIlS-?.' Ref. Reichenow,Linn.Vog-el, Afrikas, Vol rUganda.. and East Africa? 2, Gallinula JIleridionalis Salvad. Uganda and Ea'S,tAfrica Ref. C. Grant, Tbi~, 1915. :3. Gallinnla angulata Snndev. Uganda and East Africa.. Ref. Reoichenow, Vog-el, Afrikas,. Vol. I.

Rallus, Linn.


1. RalIu!l caeruleseens Grn. Uganda and East Africll Ref. Reiehenow, Vog-el, Afrikas, Vol. I.

Or'ex, Bechst,


1. Crex crex· Linn. Uganda and East Afl'ica Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. I. 2. Crex egregia Peters. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vog-el, Afrikas, Vol. I. 119

Porzana, Veill.

1. Porzana porZana· Linn. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reiahenow, Vogel, Afrikas. Vol. I. 2. Porzana intermedia Syn? Ref. Shelley, Birds of Africa, Vol,. I. 2. Porzallll obscura } Herman.Neum . Uganda and East Africa 3. Porzana parva· . Scop. Uganda and East· Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. I. Limnocorax, Peters.


1. Limnocorax niger Gm. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reich~now, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. I. Sar#Jthrura, Heine.

Pigmy Rails.

1. Sarothrura pnlchra Gray. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow, VOg'el, Af·rikas, Vol. I. 2. Sarothrura pulchra centralis Neum. ,Uganda ·Ref. van Someren, Ibis, 1916. 3. Sarothrura elegans reichenowi Sharpe. Uganda .Ref, van Someren, Ibis, 1916. 4. Sarothrura rufa Vieill. East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol, I. 5. Sarothrura lngens Bohm. East Afriea Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. I. 6. Sarothrura bonapartei Hartl. Uganda and East Africa Ref. van Someren, Ibis, 1916. 7. Sarothrura buryii Og. Grant. East Africa Ref. O. Grant, Bull, B. O. C.


TUJ'nix, Bonn.

Button Qtwils. 1. Turnix nana Sundev. Uganda and East Africa Ref. van Someren, Ibil, 1916. 2. Turnix lepurana Smith. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. I. 3. Turnix hottentotta ? Temm. East Africa 120

Ortyxehl,8, Vieill.

1. Ort-yefus meiffreni Vieill. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Sharpe. Ibis. 1892.


Excalfactorict, Bp. 1. Ex:calfactoria adansoni Verr. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reiohenow, VOg'el,Afrikas, Vol L

FrancohnU8, Steph.


1. ~'rancolinu&Jlathami schubotzi l{eichenow. Uganda. Ref. van Someren. Ibis, 1916. 2. Francolinus nahani Dubois. Uganda. Ref. van Someren. Ibis, 1916. 3. Francolinus granti Hartl. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reiohenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. I. 4. Francolinus kirki Hartl. East Africa Ref. Reiohenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. I. 5. Francolinml coqui Smith. East Africa Ref. Reiohenow, VOg'el,Afrikas, Vol. L 6. Francolinus hubbardi Og. G'·ant. East Africa Ref. Reichenow. VOg'el, Afrikas, Vol. I. 7. Francolinus uluensis Og. Grant. East Africa Ref. Reichenow. Vog'el. Afrikas, Vol. I. 8. Francolinus elgonensis Og. Gr·ant. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow. VOg'e!,Afrikas, Vol. 1. 9. Francolinus mulaemae Og. Grant. Uganda. Ref. Og'. Grant. 1'. Z. S. 1910. 10. Francolinus kikuyuensis Og. Grant .. East Africa Ref. Reichenow. VOg'sl. Afrikas, Vol. I. 11. Fl'ancolinus shelleyi Og. Grant. East Africa (Zanzibar). Ref. Reichenow. VOg'e], Afrikas, Vol. I. 12. Francolinus streptophorlls Og. Grant. East Africa Ref. lteichenow. Vo~·e1.Afrikas, V9]. 1. 1.3. Francolinus fischeri Heichenow. East Africa Ref. Reichenow. Vog-e], Afrikas. Vol I. 14. Francolinus hildebrandti Cab. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow. Vog-el. Afrikas, Vol. I. 121

1.5. Francolinus hildebrandti helleri Mearns. '

16. Francolinus hildebr dt~f. Mearns, P. U. S M 1 East Africa. altumi an 1 Fisch Reichenow.• us. lI15.East Africa Ref. Reiehenow,Vog-el,Afrikas, Vol. 1. 17. Francolinus jacksoni Og. Grant. East Africa Ref. Reiehenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Yoll. 18. Francolin us. griscescenH Mearns. East Africa Ref. Mearns Smith, Misel. Col. 19. Francolinus icterorhynchus Heugl. Uganda Ref. Reiehenow, Yogel, Afrikas, Yol. I. 20. chus emini Neulll. Uganda 21. Francolinm; icterorhyn- Syn? Ref. van Someren,Ibis, 1916. Frallcolinuschus ugandaeicterorhyn-} Nenlll. Uganda 22. Francolillus gedgei Og. Grant. East Africa Ref. Reiehenow,Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. I. 23. Francolinus schiitti Cab. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reiehenow,Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. I. 24. 25. Francolinus schiitti marenensis East Africa. 26. Francolinus schiitti Mearns. kapitensis East Africa 27. Francolinus schiitti Francolinus.schiittikeniensis zappeyi }Mearns. East Africa Ref. Mearns, Smith Misel.Col.

Ptilopaclms, Swains. Rock Francolins.

1. Ptilopachlls fuscus Vieill. East Africa Ref. Reiehenow,Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. I 2. Ptilopachus keniensis Mearns. East Africa Ref Mearns Smith, Misc. Col. 3. Ptilopachlls flOl'entiae Og. Grant .. East Africa Ref. Reiehenow,Vog-ol,Afrikas, Vol. I.

Oof1,t1'ni.z, Bonn. Quails. 1. Cotllrnix coturnix" Linn. Uganda and East Africa )lef. Reiehenow. vogel. Afrikas" Vol. I. 2. Syn? Ref. Reichenow.Vogel,Afrikas, Yol. I. 2. CotnrnixCoturnix capensisafrican a } 'rem. . Uganda and East Africa 3. CoturJlix delegorguei Hartl. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reiohenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. I. 122

Pte1'nistelf. Bare-throated Franoolins. 1. Pternistes, humbolti Peters. East Africa R.ef. ReiehenoW', VogeL Afrikas, Vol. 1. 2. Pternistes cranchi Leach. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reiehenow. Vog-el,Afrikas, Vo!. I. 3. Pternistes bOhmi Reichenow. East Africa Ref. Reichellow. Vogel, Afrikas, Vol, 1. 4. Pternistes rufopictus Reichimow. East Africa. Ref. Reiehenow. Vog-el. Afrikas, Vol. I. 5. Ptel'llistes leucoscepus ? Gr. Uganda and East Africa. Ref. Reiehenow, Vog-el Aftikas, vol. I. 6. Pternistes leucoscepus infuscatus Cab. Uganda and East 1\frica. Ref. Reiehenow, Vogel. Afrikas, Vol. I. 7. Pternistes leucoscepns • keniensh'l Mearns. East Africa Ref. Mearns Smith. Mise!. 001. 1911. 8. Pternistes leucoscepus . kilemensis Mearns. East Africa Ref, Mearns Smith, Misel. Cot 1911. 9. Pternistes leucoscepus Mahomed bin Abdulla Erl. East Africa Ref. C. Grant, Ibis, 19io.

Numida, L1;nn.


1. Numida ptilorhyncha Less. Uganda and East Afri(',a ? Ref. Reiehenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. I. 2. Numida ptilorhyncha major Hartl. Uganda. Ref, Reiehenow, Vogel, Afrikas, voL I.

Syn ? Ref. C. Grant, Ibia. 1910. 4. Numida ptilorhyncha' . 3. Numidabaringoensisptilorhyncha rendelis }LOnnb.C. Grant. EastUgandaAfdcaahd East Africa. 5. Numid'a ptilorhyncha I macrocras I Gre v. East Africa

6. Numida ptilOl'hyncha I . Ug-anda omoensis l S ?? Nenn. nenmani Grt'y. 7. Numida ptilorhyncha I( yn .. East Africa 8. NumidatoroensisptilOl'hyncha J Nenm.. Ug-anda Ref. C. Grant.. Ihis. l!lIii. 123

9. NUlUida ptilorhyncha somaliensis Neum. East Africa Ref. Neum, O. M" 1899. 10. Numida reichenowi Og. Grant. Uganda and East Africa Ref. ReichenolV, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. I. 11. Numida mitrata Pall. East Africa (coast) Ref. Reichenow, VOg'el,Afrikas, Vol. I. 12. Numida intermedia ? NeulU. Uganda W. and East Africa Ref. ReichenolV, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. I.

Guttera, Wagl.

-fJrested Guinea/owls.

1. Guttera cristata ? Pall. East Africa? Ref. Reichenow, VOg'el,Afrikas. Vol. I. 2. Guttera cristata seth-smithi NeulU. Uganda and East Africa Ref, van Someren, Ibis, 1916. 3. Guttera puoherani Hal'tl. East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. I.

Acryllium, Gray. Vulturine Guinea/owl.

1. Aoryllium vulturinulU Hardw. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reicheuow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. 1.

PTEROCLIDAE. Pteroclurus, Bp, 8and Gt'ouse.

1. PteroolurllS exustU8 ? Tem. East Africa 1 Ref. ReichenolV, Vo!!,el,Afrikas, Vol. I.

. Syn? Ref. O. Grant. Ibis. 1915. 3.2. PteroclurusPteroclllrU9 exustuB~xnstus Bomalicaellioti } Bogil.Hartert. UgandaEast Africaand 1East Africa Ref. Reichenow. Vog·el. Afrikas. Vol. I 4. PterooluruB exustus . olivasoens? Hartert. East Africa Ref. Hartert, O. M. 1909, 124

Pterodes, Tem. Sand Grouse.

1. Pterocles decoratus Oab. Uganda and East Africa Ref Reichenow. Vogel, Afrikas. Vol Y. 2. Pterocles lichtensteini ? Tern.' East Africa 1 Ref. Reicn.~o1r, ,V,()g~,4.frik¥i,V~l.I, a. "Pterocles licht&iSfJfl8ini . "',' : !, sukensis Neum. Uganda and East Africa Ref. 0, Gl"A.nt, Thi~,1910. 4. Pterocles quadricinctus lowei C. Grant. East Africa Ref. C. Grant, Ibis. 1915. 5.Pterocles gutturalis ? Smith. East Africa Kef. Shelley, Birds of Africa, Vol. I. 6. Pterocles gutturalis saturatior Hartert. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vog-el, Afrikas, Vol. I,


Afrotis, Bp. 1. Afrotis gindiana Oust. Uganda and East Africa Ref, ~helley, Birds of Afllca, Vol. I.


1. Otis cafra Licht. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vogel. Afrikas, Vol. I 2. Otis melanogaster Rllpp. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow, VOg'el Afrik8.ll, vol. I. 3. Otis hartlaubi Hengl. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. I. 4. Otis maculipennis Oab. East Afr'ica Uef. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. I. 5. Otis canicollis Reichenow. East Africa Ref. Reichenow. Vogel, Afrikas. Vol. I:

Eupodotis. Less.

1. Eupodotis kori Burch. East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. I, 125


Balearic(/" Brislf. Orowned Oran68.

1.·Ba1earieagibberioeps Reichenb. _-q~~dEast Afrioa . _ Ref. Beichenow" V:0~el,Afrik8l, Vol. 1.. -.. - . 2. Balearica regulornm Benn;. East Africa Ref. ReioheJiow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol I.

Grus, Pall.

Orane. -

1. Grns caruncnlatns . Gm. Uganda and East Afrioa Ref. Reichenow, Vo~el, Afrikas, Vol. I.



Phyllopezus, Sharpe. Jacana.

1. Phyllopezns africanns Gm. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. I.

M-icropctrrct, Oab. Jaccma.

1. Microparra capensis Smith. East Africa Ref. Reiohenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. I. 126


Lobivanellus, Strickl. Wattled Plovers.

1. Lobivanellus lateralis Smith. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow, "Vogel,Afrikas, Vol. I. 2. Lobivanellus senegallus Linn. Uganda Ref. C. Grant, Ibis, 1915.

Sarciophorus, Strickl. Lesser Wattled Plovers.

1. Sarciophorus tectus Bodd. - Uganda and East Africa Ref. C. Grant, Ibis, 1915. 2. Sarciophorus teet us latifrons Reichenow .. Uganda and East Afriea Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, "Vol.I. 3. Sarciophorus superciliosus Reichenow. Uganda , Ref. van Someren, Ibis, 1916.

Hoplopterus, Bp. Spur-winged Plovers.

1. Hoplopterus spinosus Linn. Uganda and East Africa . Itef. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas" "Vol.I.

. Syn? Ref. C. Grant, Ibis, 1915. 2.3. Hoplopterus armatusspeciosus } LichtBurch... UgandaUganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow, "Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. I.

Stephrtnibyx, Reichenb. Lapwings.

1. Stephanibyx coronatus Bodd. Uganda and East Africa. Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. I. 2. Stephanibyx inornatus Swains. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. I. 3. Stephanibyx melanopterus Rupp. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow. Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. I. Vanelbts, Briss. Thick-biUed Plovers.

1. Vanelllls crassirostris Defillip. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vog-el, Afrikas, Vol. I. 2. Vanellus lencopterus Reichenow. East Africa ·Ref. Reichenow, Vog-el,Afrikas, Vel. 1.

Charadrinae, Leach. Squa.tarola, Lilln. Grey Plover'.

1. Sqllatarola helvetica" Linn. Uganua and East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vog-el, Afrik'as, Vol 1.

Oharadl'ius, Linn.


1. Chal'adrius asiaticns" Pall. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow, VOg'el,Afrikas. Vol. T. 2. Charadl'i\ls pyrrhothorax" Gould. Uganda alld East Africa Ref. Reichenow. Vog'el, Afrikas, Vol. T. :3. Chal'adrius geoffroyi" Wag!. East Africa • Ref. Reichenow. Vo/(el. Afrikas. Vol. 1. 4. Charadrius pecual'ius Telllm. U~anda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow. V.Jg'el, Afrikas, Yol. 1. fl. Charadrius pallidns" Striekl. East Africa? Ref. Reichello\\". Vo/(el. ,\ frikas, Vol. 1. ti. Charadrins vpnnstns" Fisch Reichenow. East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vog'el, Afl'ikas. Vol. 1. 7. Charadrius apricarius* Linn. East Africa Ref. Reichenow, VOg'el, Afrikas, Vol. 1. . Svn? H.H, CharadriusOhal'adrius mongolicusinconsPiCnUS"}Ref. Wag!.Reichenow. VOg'el, AfrIkas.JiJastVol.AfricaI. 9. Charadrius tenellus* Hart!. East Africa Ref. Reicheno\\". Vo/(el. Afrikas. Vol. T. 10. Charadrins lliaticula" Linn. Uganda and East Africa, Ref. Reichenow. VOg'el, Afrikas, VoL I. • 11. Charadrins dubills* Scop. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reicheno\\", VOg'el, Afrikas, Vol. I. 12. Charadrius tricollaris Vieil!. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas Vol. 1. 128

Arenar£a, Br£s8,

1. Arenari~' ~pterpres- Linn. East Africa Ref. Reichenow, VOll"el,Afrikas; Vol. I.

Long-billed Plovers.

1. Tring\l subarquata· .Guld Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. I. 2. Tringa alpina alpina- Linn. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. 1. 3. Tringa minuta,,- Leisl. Uganda and East Africa Ref. :Reichellow, Vog-el, Afrikas. Vol 1. .

, Cahdri8. (JUV .


1. Calidris arenllria· Linn. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichellow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. I.

Parvuftcellu, Leach.


1, Parvoneella pug!.>••:&:- Linn. Uganda and East Africa. u...r. Reichenow, VOl{el,Afrikas, Vol. I.

l'erek£a, Bp.

1: Terekia cinerea Guld .. East Africa R~f. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas. Vol. I. 129

7'otanns. Ouv. Sand-pipers. 1. Totanus calidris" Linn. Uganda and EaRt Africa Ref Reichenow. Vogel. Afrikas. Vol I. 2. Totanns fnscus* Linll. Uganda. Ref. Reichenow, Vog-el, Afrikas, Vol. 1. 3. Totanus stagnatalis" Bechst. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow. Vog-el, Afrikas, Vol. 1. 4. Totanus glareola* Linn. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow. Vogel. Afrikas, Vol.!. 5. Totanus ochropus· Linn. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vog·el. Afrikas, Vol. I. 6. 'rotanlls littorens· Linn. East Africa Ref. Reichenow. Vog-el Afrikas, vol. 1. 7. Totanus hypoleucos" resident Linn. Uganda and East Africa Ref. lteichenow, Vog-el.Afrikas, Vol. 1.

NUftWni't(,s, Briss. Oudews.

1. Nnmenius phaeopus" Linn. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vog-E'l,Afrikas,.Voi. I 2. Numenius arquatus" Linn. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vogel. Afrikas, Vol. I

SClllopacinae. U((Uinrtgo. Leach ..

1. Gallillago gallillago· Linu. Uganda and Bast Africa , Ref. Reichellow. VOg'el,Afrikas, Vol. 1. 2. Gallinagll 111grippnnis Bp. Uganda and Bast Afl'ica Ref. Reichenow. Vog-cl, Afrikas, Vol. 1. 3. Gallinago media" Frisch. Uganda and East Africa 4. Gallinago gallinula Linn .. Ugall

Rhynchaea, CUV. Pwinted Snipe.

1. Rh.\nclJaea capensis Liull. Ug'tnda and East :~fl'iea Ref. Reichenow, VOl!el,Afrikns, Vol. T. 130

Rec'Ur'Virostra, Linn.

1. Recurvirostra, avocetta# Lillll. Uganda and East Africa Ref. H.ekhenow, VOg'el,Afrika6~ Vol. I .

Hirnantopus, Briils. • Stilts.

1. Himantopus himantopus Linn. Uganda and East Africa. Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol.I.

Haematopus, Linn.


1. Haeumtopus ostralegus* Linn. East Africa. Ref. Reichenow, Vog-el,·Afrika~, Vol. I.


Drmnas, P(tyk.

1. Dl'flmas ardeola Payk. East Africa. (coast) Ref. Rei\lhenow.'yogel, Afrikas, Vol. I.


Oedicnemu8, 1'em.

Thick-Knees or Stone Curlews.

1. Oedicnemus .oedicnemus# Linn. Uganda and East Africa. Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. T. 2. Oedicnemus capensis Licht. Uganda and East Africa. [Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. I. 131

3. Oedicnemus senegalensis Swains. Uganda Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas. Vol. I. 4. OedicnemuH vermiculatul;. Oab. Uganda and East Africa 'Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikn~. Vol I. 5. Oedicnemus vermiculatus btittikoferi Reichenow. Uganda Ref. Reichenow. Vogel, Afrilms. Vol. I.

C,trs01'ius. Lath. Cours~r.

1. Oursorius temminekii Swains. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vogel. Afriklts, Vol. 1.

Rhinop#l1-t.~, Strickl.


1. Rhinoptilul:' bisignatus? Hartl. Uganda and Eatlt Africa? Ref. Reichenow. Vogel, AfrikM, Vol. I.

Syn? Ref. Heichenow. Vogel, Alrikus. Vol. 1. 2. Rhinoptilus seebohmicinctuS} ' , HeugL Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. I. 3. Rhinoptilus chHlcopterus 'Cern. Uganda and East Ail·ica Ref. Reichenow. vogel. Afrikas, Vol. l. 4. Rhinoptllui' africanus gracilis Fisch. Riechw. UgHnda and EalJt Africa Ref, a. Grant, Ibis, l!lli\.

Glareolidae, Briss.


1. Glareola pratincola-? Linn. Ugand ••and East Africa? Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. I. 132

2. Gla~ola ft1Ue1:)brni Ug-.mda and East Africa 3. Glare«>la emini Ref. Hartert).NJ)ii •• ~, XXIII, 1916. Syn? Ref.R8icheno:W;>Y;QgflkAfrijms, Vol. I. 4. 'Gla.reQla nnchalis } Gray.i:jheUe-y•...... Uganda and East AfricaAft;ica


Str'utltio, Dinn.


1. Struthio massaica Neum •• Uganda and East Afriea Ref. Reichenow, Vog-el, Afrikas; Vol. I ' 2. Strnthio molybdophanftS ReichellQw. East Africa Ref. Reicheno\V,Vogel,Afrikas, Vol. I.

* Birds marked with an estel'aisk are European mili\'rants, thourh some are relident aliO•




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