THE JOURNAL OF THE EAST AFRICA AND UGANDA NATURAL HISTORY SOCIETY. SPECIAL SUPPLEMENT No.7. J • r PROVISIONAL CHECK LIST OF BIRDS OF EAST AFRICA AND UGANDA BY V. G. L. van SOMEREN. M.B.O.V. Etc. AND R. A. L, van SOMEREN. M.B.O.V. Efc. PREFACE . •••••• On many occa~ion..; we have been asked, "How lUany birds are there in this country," (II' "how lIlallY species of a certain genus". 'fhe answers have not always been easy. On going into the mattl-Jr it occured to Us that a Oheck List of the Bh'ds of Uganda and East .Hrica would be a great help to those making a study of. or collecting birds in this country. With the literature at our disposal it was soon obvious that a list compiled in this country must of necessity be incomplete and contain a certain number of doubtful species, the verification of which would mean endless I'esearch, It must be understood theI'efor that the list gi ven is purely Pl'ovisional and is submitted in the hope that it may be found of some use to those interested in the Ornithology of the two Protectorates. There are no books dealing entirely with the birds of the two countries and we have had to rely, 'in 'the main, on information gathered from Reichenow's Vogel Afrikas, and Shelley's "Birds of Africa,'.' the latter far from complete, Other' papers and publications have been consulted such as "The Ibis," Smithsonian Miscellaneous Oollections, Proceedings of the United States N atu ral History Museum, etc. etc. 'rile arrangement followed is that of Shelley in his "Birds of Aft'ica," Vol. I. while in many cases the nomenclature is that of Reichenow, 'fhe list deals with those species found in the area between 4% north Jat. and the pr'esent East Africa--German East Africa horder, bounded <In the wesl by the Uganda-Congo bortleI' and the Western shore of Victol'ia Nyanr,a. and on the east by the Indian Ocean. [Somaliland excepted.] Owing to official duties it was fOllnd very difficult to 'correct 1>ro"f8 accllrately, and as the. WOl'k has been in the hands of thf~ Printer8 for almost a year. lUany of the more recently (lescl'ibe(l species have beel! omitted. Oorrections and additions will b~ found in the Appendix. The .\.uthol'''; trust that this attempt to bring togHther in one volrune all thl' namHii .•f the hithel'to recogniRetl specie ...;01' ii1lb,,;puciesof bird,,; to be fOllnd in LItH two P/'otectorates, will induce iiome one, lUor'e able, to pnhli8h a more cornpletl' work, giving not only the names but al80 de8criptio,IS and habits of eVel'Y species, Onr thanks are due to Sir Frederick Jackson, fo/' kind encouragement while the work was in process of compilation and with him, also to Majol' Meinertzhagen and A, B. Pel'ci val Esq .• fol' financial aid towards the cost of production, V. G. L. VAN SOMEREN. R. A, L. VAN SOMEREN. Nairubi, Nov~mb~r 1917. 80 &110115117123130100111107131125110HawksIbis813332944349106284636181509 Harriers Finches 13, 16,17,18,19,20,21 & 22 Ooots ·.. ... Grebe!:!Frigate.FlamingoesHoopoesGullsKitesFal'cons67,JacanasKingfishersFrancolinsbird44,45,46,lflycatchersHornbillsHeronsHoney68,Hornbill,69,-guidl~s100,120,106,'"...-·....•....u90,9170,H...47,48Fruit82,83--..121115102118104108.107122ground1019579628671,&&pigeon!:!&&&&10310811712210913011912511011410511312912310272,96...809249814266828884 IPAGE.73 & 74 CuckoosOurlewCrakes Crows .•. ... Doves Grouse,GannetsGroundGuineafo\\slindThrushes-hornGeeseIbills JINDEX.KGF OoliesOUl'le~v,OormorantsOhats,Chats,Ohats,ChatsBitternsOossyphasmountainforestscrubstoneCuckoo-shriCranesBarbetsDartersBnlbuls kesBee-Eaters ... 10589 BuntingsBabblingEgretsthrushesOrab-ploverDrongos FinfootsOoursersDuck Finch-lark AvocetEA CanaryEaglesBC finches0 110 PAGE. PAGE. s PAGE Sandpipers ... 192 ... 8,9& 10 Sand-grouse 123 & 124 '125 Scrub-chats ... 61 98 Sea-Gulls '" 11:\ Serins .. 10 & 11 Shearwaters 113 & 114 Shrikes 33, 34,35,36, i',7, 38, 39,40 & 1] 74 ~ 7[) Shl'ikes, cuckoo 42 62 SkUllS 11:3 84 Spar'rows 12 Spoonbill!:! '" 107 Spurfowl 122 Snipe 129 64 Starlings 29, 30, 31 & :12 77 Stilts 130 Stone-curlew l.~O Storks 109 Sunbirds 1, 2, 3 & 4 2S Swallows 74 & 75 132 Swamp.hens ,118 130 Swifts 75 & 76 98,99'& 100 T 29 Tarsigers G4 TernB III & 11:2 Thrushes , tiD, ..• 97 & 98 Th'rushes, ground 42 & 50 111 Thrushes, rock 64• 113 & 114 Thrushes, babblillg ... 4.1 95 Tits 5&6 94• Tit-warb]ers 6& .')0 7&8 Tree-creepers fi 1 'l'rogolls 78 85 eIi,8ti v 126, 127 & 128 V lilt IIres 105 & 106 131 & 132 'W Wagtails 6 & 7 Wax iJi lIs 1.1,16,17,18. ]9 & 20 119,120 & 121 Warblel"~ 50, 51, 52, 5:3, 54,5.5, 56,57, 58. ;)~}&60 Water-hellS 118 Weaverbirds 23, 24, 25, 26, 27 & 28 118 & llB Whe:ltears 66 32 Whvdahs U, 14 & ]5 63 Wo~d];eckers 92. 93 & 94 6'1 z 78 Zosterops 4&5 CHECK LIST OF Birds of East Africa and Uganda. PITTIDAE. Pittn!'" 1. Pitta angolensis longeipennis Reichenow Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vog-elAfrikas, Vol. II. NECT ARINIIDAE Nectarim;a. Ill. LonlJ-tailed Snn1n:rds 1. Nectarinia kilirnensis Shelley. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Shelley, Birds of Africa, Vol. I. 2. Nectarinia erythrocerea Heugl. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Shelley, Birds of Africa, Vol. I. 3. Nectarinia rnelanogaster Fisch. & Heichw. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Shelley, Birds of Africa, Vol. I. 4. Nectarini~ pulchella Linn. Uganda Ref. Shelley, Birds of Africa, Vol. I. 5. Nectarinia reichenowi Fischer. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Shelley, Birds of Africa, Vol. I. 6. Nectarinia famosa Linn. East Africa (coast) Ref. Shelley, Birds of Africa, Vol. I. Ref. Shelley, BIrds o~ Afnca, Vol. I. 8.7. NNectariniaectarinia centraliscupreonitenS} NShl"lley;.euman. EastUgandaAfl'ica (inland)Ug. 9. Nectarinia tacazze Stanley. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Shelley, Birds of Africa, Vol. I. 10. Nectarinia johnstoni Shelley. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Shelley, Birds of Africa, Vol. I. 2 NEOTARINIIDAE.-Oontd. 11. Nectal'inia idius Mearns. East Africa Ref. Mearns, Smith, Mis. Col. 12. Nectarillia dartmouthi Og. Grant. Uganda Ref .Og. Grant, T. Z. S., 1910. 13. Nectarinia purpureiventris Reichenow. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vog-el. Afrikas, Vol III. 14. Npctal'inia nectarinoides Richmond. East Africa Hedy(#pna. Oal. 15. Hedydipna pJatura VieW. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Shelley, Birds of Africa, Vol. I. ] 6. Hedydipna metallica Licht. Uganda Ref. Shelley. Birds of Africa, Vol. 1. Chalcmn£tro, Rchb. ,,",'hort-ta£lf'd SU/nbil'd.~. I. ('halcornitra gllttnralis Linn. East Africa Ref. Shelley, Birds of Afrie". VoL I. 2. Uhalcomitra acil{ aequaloralis Rpichenow. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow. Vo'.!el. Afrikas, Vol. III. 3. Chalcomitra hnnteri Shplley. Rast Africa Ref Shelley. Hirds of Africa, Vol. J. 4. Chalcomitra kirki Shelley. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Shelley, Birds of Africa, Vol. 1. ]5. Chalcomitra kirki doggetti Sharpe. East Africa Ref. Sharpe, Ibis. (i. ChalcO/nitra angolensis Lf'ss. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Shelley, BIrds of Africa, Vol. I. 7. Chalcomit";1 kl"lIlVi Grant. East Africa Ref. Og. Grant, T. Z. S, 1910. K ChalcolJ]itl'a velTeanxi fischeri Heicht'now. East Africa Ref. Ril'henow, Vogel. Afrikas, Vol. III. H. Chalcomitra stnhlmani Reichenow. East Afrioa Ref. Richenow, Vogel. Afrikas, Vol. III. 10. Chalcomitra l}l'adshawi Sharpe. }i~aBtAfrica Ref. Shelley, Birds of Africa, Vol. I. 3 11. Ohalcomitra cyanolrema Jardin. Uganda and Eagt Africa Ref, Shelley, Birds of Africa, Vol, I, 12. Ohalcomitra verticalis viridisplendens Reichenow. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reicllenow, Vogel Afrikas, Vol. III. 13. Ohalcomitra obscura ragazzi Salvad. Uganda. Ref, Shelley, Birds of Africa, Vol. I. 14. Ohalcomitra obscura neglecta Neuman. East Africa Ref. Reiehenow, Vogel Afrika, Vol. III, 15. Ohalcomitra aliena Jackson. Uganda and East Africa 16. Ohalcomitra obscura changamwe Mearns. East Africa Ref. Mearns, Smith, Misl Col, 17. Ohalcomitra lamperti Reichenow. East Africa Ref. lteichenow, Vogel Afrikas, vol. III. Oinuyr'is, Ouv. 1. Oinnyris regius Reichenow. Uganda and East Africa ~~- '.,. Ref. Shelley, Birds of Africa, Vol. I. 2. Oinnyris superbus Shaw. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Shelley, Birds of Africa, Vol. I. 3. Oinnyris cupreus Shaw . Uganda and East Africa Ref. Shelley, Birds of Africa, Vol. l. 4. Oinnyris albiventris Strichl. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Shelley. Birds of Africa. Vol. I, .5. Oinnyris osiris Fiusch. East Africa Ref. Shelley, Birds of Africa, Vol. II. I 6. Oinnyris microrhynchus Shelley. East Africa Ref. Shelley, Birds of Africa, Vol, I I. 7. Oinnyris chalcomelas Reichenow. East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vozel, .Hrikas, Vol, III. 8. Oinnyris mediocris Shelley. East Africa .Ref. Shelley, Birds ot Africa, Vol. II. 9. Cinnyris mediocris kenieusis Mearns. East Africa Ref. Mearns, Smith Mis!. 001. 10. Oinnyris orphogaster Reichenow. U!wnda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow. Vogel Afrikas, Vol. III. 11. Oinnyris reichenowi Sharpe. Uganda and East Africa 4 Oinnyris Ouv-Oontd. 12. Cinnyris falkensteine Reichenow. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Shelley, Birds of Africa, Vol. II. 13. Cinnyris venustus igneiventris \ Reichenow. Uganda Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Africas, Vol. III. Sharps, Ibis. 1891, 14. Cinnyris chloropygius Jardin. Uganda and East .Africa. Ref. Shelley, Birds of Africa, Vol. I. 1.5. Cinnyris mariqueneis suahelicus Reichenow. Uganda and East Africa Ref, Reichenow, Vog-el Afrikas, Vol. III. Anthreptes. SW. Short-Mlled Sunbirds. 1. .Anthreptes collaris hypodilla Jardin. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Shelley. Birds of Afriea, Vol. II. 2. Anthreptes collaris elachior Mearns. East Africa Mearns. Smith Misl 001. 3. Anthreptes tephrolrema Jardine. Uganda Ref. Shelley, Birds of Africa, Vol. II, 4. Anthreptes zambesiana Grant. East Africa Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. III. 5. Anthreptes axillaris :Reichenow. Uganda Ref. Reichenow, Vogel, Afrikas, Vol. III. (i. Anthreptes orientalis Hartl. Uganda and East Africa Ref. Reichenow Vogel. Afrikas, Vol. III. 7. Anthreptp-s longuemari Less. Uganda and East Africa Ref, Reichenow, Vog-el,Afrikas, Vol.
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