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Fall 2007

Profile: Annual Honor Roll of Donors

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In this issue... Chancellor's message ...... ! Associate vice chancellor for external relations' greeting ...... 2 Donor stories Serendipity moments for Reeves ...... 3 Keskinen scholarship ...... ••...... •..... 4 Clayton and Eleanor Gay scholarship .... 6 Robert Riley scholarship ...... 8 Campus news ...... 9 Alumni association news ...... 12 Class Notes ...... 16 Cougar athletic news ...... 22 Honor roll of donors ...... 24 Donor stories Martins continue 47-year legacy ...... 25 Rosemeier's gifts extend reach ...... 27 Minge Award supports Kehrwald ...... 33 Dr. Jooinn Lee Lecture Series ...... 38 Litchjield's UMM adventure ...... 48 • y UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA MORRIS

/ Partnerships inspired by ingenuity, imagination, and commitment -a message from Chancellor Jacqueline Johnson

This issue of Profile features a variety of partnerships that have been crafted by imaginative and dedicated individuals to ensure that the University of Minnesota, Morris is able to accomplish its mission and is well positioned for the future. The partnerships you will read about here are truly inspiring and speak to the strong belief that many UMM friends, faculty, and staff members have in the future of this institution.

Several of the stories showcase family members who have banded together in honor of loved ones to make significant financial contributions to UMM's scholarship funds. Their donations ensure that generations of talented future students will be able to attend this educational institution, and their stories are heart-warming.

Other partnerships-like the one created between faculty in UMM's Division of Education and their colleagues from Chicago State University-spring forth from the imaginations of academics and scholars who believe in their students. These individuals have worked to create opportunities for future teachers to learn from each other and to learn and interact in teaching environments other than the ones they are most familiar with.

Still other partnerships-like the Green Prairie Alliance- have been formed to give name and recognition to the rich brain trust that exists in this community. This collaboration highlights the synergy that is gained when scholars from one organization or academic unit move outside of their organizational constraints to connect with others. These creative relationships assist in gaining resources and public attention for the various energy and environmental initiatives that are unfolding as our community becomes a research and demonstration destination.

The importance of the concept of partnership for the University of Minnesota, Morris reaches back to the 1950s, when several Morris community members used their friendship, their influence, and their commitment to this region as a springboard for encouraging legislators to establish a liberal arts college on the edge of the prairie. This historic collaboration was a key ingredient in the establishment ofUMM.

The people and the stories featured here remind us of the importance of connection, collaboration, relationship, and alliance. Coupled with individual ingenuity, imagination, and commitment, people acting in partnership with one another allow UMM to fulfill its mission as a nationally recognized undergraduate living and learning community.

Fall 2007 Profile page I UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA MORRIS A message °from Maddy Maxeiner associate vice chancellor for external relations UMM Fiscal Year 2007 Donors Welcome to our 2007 Honor Roll of Donors issue of Profile. This annual edition is devoted to recognizing the philanthropic contributions made to UMM during the previous fiscal year. Overall giving increased by nine percent last year for a total of $ 1,201 ,081. Nearly $900,000 was committed to scholarships and student support. Annual giving increased by an impressive 30 percent. Thanks to you, it was a very good year. Your partnership in strengthening UMM's resource base is a critical component of our ability to offer a distinctive yet affordable liberal arts UMM Fiscal Year 2007 Gift Purpose education to students from all backgrounds. Over 90 percent of UMM students . Faculty Capital Support 10% receive financial aid; some 40 percent ofUMM grads are first generation Investments 1/o college graduates. Your generosity in contributing to scholarships translates o Academic challenges into opportunities. Scholarship donors are true partners in our Research & Outreac 11/o Programs 14% liberal arts mission. Student' Support 1 % The IRS is a charitable giving partner, too. Strong tax incentives designed to encourage charitable giving are a part of America's unique philanthropic tradition. Here's a timely example: Thanks to the Pension Protection Act of 2006, if you are age 70½, you may contribute up to $100,000 from your IRA without incurring income tax as long as the funds are directly transferred to a qualified charity. However, this opportunity expires on December 31 , 2007. If you are interested, please give me a call for more information. And, as always, UMM Fiscal Year 2007 giving please consult your own professional tax adviser about the best way to take During fiscal year 2007, the University advantage of this wonderful opportunity. of Minnesota, Morris received $1 ,201 ,081 The future is bright for the University of Minnesota, Morris. Your interest in gifts and new pledges as reported by the and support are highly valued. Thank you for counting yourself among University of Minnesota Foundation. More UMM's loyal partners. than 2,300 donors expressed their loyalty and support for UMM and its mission by making a gift to support UMM students, faculty, staff, and programs.

UMMGift $11,000,000 2500000 Commitments $10,000,000 $2,on,348 by Fiscal Year $9,000,000 2000000 $8,000,000

$7,000,000 $1,211,440 1500000 1 6,000,000

$5,000,000 1000000 $4,000,000 $703,124

$3 ,000,000 • 500000 UMM Growth in $2,000,000 $1,913,040 Endowment $1,000,000 · 1992-2006 o'

1997 1999 2001 2003 2005 2007 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 1006 2007

Fall 2007 Pro.file page 2 UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA MORRIS Serendipity moments guide education, career, and giving decisions for Sharon Stewart Reeves '68 Sharon Stewart Reeves '68 attributes her life story to Diego. Paul accepted a civi li an position with the U.S. Navy. serendipity. Accidental discoveries, she says, informed education Stewart Reeves accepted a position with the San Diego Union and career decisions. But thoughtful examination reveals a and San Diego Tribune where she began as head librarian and common thread woven through chance happenings-history. Her concluded her career as director of library services. 31-year career as a librarian for a prominent daily newspaper It isn't surprising that many career highlights identified by demonstrates a passion for researching, collecting, organizing, Stewart Reeves involve technology. When she began, the work and preserving history as expressed in daily recordings on the was very labor intensive- cutting, folding, filing. Computers pages of The San Diego Union-Tribune. Stewart Reeves' gifts to facilitated new, accurate, efficient, and rapid ways to research, UMM honor the place where personal and professional interests collect, organize, preserve, and retrieve information. Stewart developed and merged. Reeves helped select the first software system for The San Diego Union-Tribune's online archive, one of the Discovering UMM first in the nation. Compiling and storing As a high school student, a chance information in databases had far-reaching encounter with a UMM recruiter, Charlie effects. She shares: "Historically, microfilm Hanna, prompted Stewart Reeves to consider was considered legal record of published the Morris campus. "UMM was a great material, but our reputation for clean data compromise," she states, "a University influenced even the court system to accept of Minnesota education in a smaller information from newspaper databases as environment, a private school education at a legal record." public school price. It was an interesting time Last year, The San Diego Union­ to be at UMM. Traditions were still being Tribune was honored with a Pulitzer Prize shaped at the four-year-old institution." for reporting on U.S. Representative While she began her UMM career as a Randy "Duke" Cunningham's acceptance pre-pharmacy major, Stewart Reeves quickly of bribes from defense contractors. A discerned that math and science were not longtime advocate for crediting newspaper favorites. She investigated alternatives by librarians for their contributions, Stewart allowing personal interests to guide course Reeves was delighted that librarians who choices. Although she teased her mom about Sharon Stewart Reeves worked on Cunningham stories received pursuing a mythology major and a swimming 1967 Venture yearbook recognition along with writers, editors, and minor, a love of history emerged. A work- publishers. She identifies increasing numbers study position in the library also influenced of "librarian taglines" as one of her most career decisions. "At that time, the library was in Edson Hall," important contributions to the industry. she recalls. "I worked in the 'stacks,' in the Reading Room, and Stewart Reeves worked on numerous high profile stories as the ' gatekeeper' checking materials in and out. I thoroughly throughout her career, including the Pacific Southwest Airlines enjoyed my time at UMM, and I appreciate it even more as time crash in 1978, the Los Angeles Olympics in 1984, the 9/11 goes by." tragedy, the David Westerfield murder trial in 2002, and the San When her sister enrolled in a graduate program at the Diego wild fires in 2003 . . University of Washington (UW) in Seattle, Stewart Reeves was Stewart Reeves supports the Rodney A. Briggs Library surprised to learn that she, a Minnesota student, could attend UW with gifts matched by the Helen and James Copley Foundation, summer classes at in-state tuition rates. She took advanta,ge of the late publishers of The San Diego Union-Tribune. ''I'm very the opportunity. The unexpected modification to her educational happy to give because of my general love of libraries and my plans inspired her decision to enroll in the UW master of library personal history with the UMM library," states Stewart Reeves. science program after UMM graduation. Leaving prairie winters "I also have an intimate understanding that a library never bas behind, she moved to the West Coast, where she has lived ever enough money, and UMM librarians have been very appreciative since. over the years." A Presidents Club member since 1998 and a member of the Discovering newspaper libraries Founders Society since 2006, Stewart Reeves retired last year. While in Washington, Stewart Reeves "stumbled upon," For now, her retirement years are relatively unplanned. But based as she recalls, employment at Th e Seattle Times library. The on history, Stewart Reeves anticipates a serendipity moment soon position provided an introduction to newspaper librarians' that wi ll direct the next chapter of her life story. responsibilities: newsroom research, article and photo archives, microfilmed newspapers. In 1975, after husband Paul completed bis doctorate in aeronautical engineering, the two moved to San

Fall 2007 Profile page 3 UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA MORRIS Keskinen siblings partner to create UMM scholarship in memory of parents When the Keskinen siblings she thought, "This is fun- I gather, Kay, Susan, John, and Katje could do this for a living." And tell stories of their childhood. she did, retiring after 31 years in "Remember when ... " prompts administrative computing systems recollections of parents and the at the University ofldaho, Moscow values-curiosity, creativity, and in June 2003 . hard-working Finnish drive- instilled Today, Kay volunteers in during growing up years in New Moscow with the Senior Center and York Mills. The Keskinen Family serves as a certified profess ional Scholarship, given in partnership by mediator at Idaho's first nonprofit the siblings in memory of parents community mediation center. Ervin and Lila, tells a story, too, of "Keskinen means 'middle person' gratitude and strong family ties. in Finnish," she shares. "I took that Lila and Ervin Keskinen, definition to heart." children of Finnish immigrants, lived in or near New York Mills their Reflections from John Keskinen '79 entire lives. At 19, .Lila bought and "My parents always seemed managed Lila's Cafe. She married to me to desire self-sufficiency," Ervin in 1948. states John. "However, they were The restaurant provided their not hermits and loved social fun livelihood until they purchased and friends. Dad taught me to hunt, the Gambles hardware store a Ervin and Lila Keskinen on their wedding day fish , and appreciate nature. My couple year.s later. In the 1950s, mother taught me to skin and tan they established Oak Point Resort on Rush Lake, which Lila animal hides. Mother was raised on a farm, and she knew how managed for 40 years. In 1960, when Ervin became a U.S. to make use of every part of a creature." Postal Service rural letter carrier, the hardware store inventory "Our parents did not seem to push dreams upon us but was sold and the building tom down. Later, Lila and Ervin showed us possibilities instead," John reflects. "My father donated the lot to New York Mills to be the site for a library, a allowed me to feel like I could do anything and that instillation very public gift that parallels a very personal gift received by the carried into my adulthood. I still believe it, although I can Keskinen children-a love of reading and learning. quantify it now and could not back then. I have always enjoyed a variety of interests, likely due to that upbringing." Stories from Kay Keskinen '70 As a UMM student, John joined the Phi Mu Delta fraternity "We lived above the Gambles store in the 1950s," and worked on the student newspaper as a photographer, remembers Kay. "The first floor had space in the back for storing cartoonist, and paste-up. Influenced by John Ingle and the late appliances. There our father built us a small, enclosed classroom Lois Hodgell, both professor emeriti of studio art, the studio art equipped with desks, blackboard, books, maps, and supplies, so major embraced photography, an avocation John continues to we could 'play school.' Education was fun ." enjoy. "My siblings and I knew, just KNEW, that we were going to A citizen of Springfield, Oregon, John works in the college, no ifs, ands, or buts about it," continues Kay. "The only compliance department of Siuslaw Bank and is a member of the question was where. Soon after I was born, our parents took Springfield Arts Commission. He and son Janne (14) share a out a $2,000 annuity for me to use to go to college. How many love of outdoor activities, art, and music. "I enjoy the making of parents in 1948 were planning for their infants to go to college, music with other musicians, especially improvisational music, in much less a daughter?" · a genre of blues or jazz or R&B," says John. "I write songs and "We four got into all sorts of adventures, got ourselves have performed them, and have played guitar extemporaneously out of them, and our parents encouraged our creativity. How at solo gigs. I record in a home studio, as most musicians can did that affect us? We knew no limits," she reflects. "Anything these days. The experience is fun and rewarding." was possible. I remember my mother telling me about the engineering profession, perhaps I would be interested in Memories from Susan Keskinen studying that. There weren 't many female engineers in the 50s "Although we were far from wealthy, my parents always and 60s, but Mom didn't care." were willing to spend money on books, music lessons, and Kay did not become an engineer, but her UMM math major anything educational," remembers Susan. "Our dad was a did lead her to a profession newly emerging in the 1970s. voracious reader who would read a book like Vanity Fair in a While taking UMM's one and on ly computer science course, day. Both of our parents were very creative. Between the two

Fall 2007 Profile page 4 UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA MORRIS of them they could fix or make just about anything. It was part remember the thrill of Dad building us each our own bookshelf of our parents' lifestyle." for our bedrooms." "I grew up knowing that I would go to college," says Susan. "From the time I was four, we lived in the country, near "They wanted us to achieve more than they had and a college Rush Lake," continues Katje. "Our house started as a two-room degree was the means to that end. I remember Dad telling me, cabin, where we spent time in the summers. My dad added on 'You can be anything you want to be, as long as you set your one room at a time, so we did have a crazy house! I loved living mind to it. ' Having parents who believed in me has given me at the lake. The four of us had so much fun swimming, fishing, self confidence and resilience." and canoeing. We were given much freedom and trust." Following in her older sister's footsteps, Susan enrolled at Like her siblings, Katje as a high school senior only applied UMM. "For four years I spent my high school MEA vacations to one college-UMM. In 1978, she completed a degree in hanging around campus with Kay. I had many positive campus Finnish at the Twin Cities campus where she met husband experiences before I ever was a UMM student! I have fond Dan Gustafson. They have lived in the Twin Cities; Seattle, memories of my UMM days-Sunday evening movies, sledding Washington; Richmond, Virginia; and, currently, Houston, on cafeteria trays, coffee houses, dances in the gym, and mud Texas. Daughter, Sally, (22) began a graduate program in sliding on the mall in the rain." statistics this fall at her parents' alma mater. Susan completed a sociology major at the Twin Cities A preschool teacher, Katje says, "One of the best gifts that campus in 1974. She is a researcher at ASPEN Associates, an I give my preschool kiddos is a love of reading and books. It is organization specializing in educational research. She makes her hard to love learning if you don 't enjoy reading." home in St. Paul with husband Dennis Cornbill and sons Alex (17) and Nick (15). She also volunteers with her sons' school Keskinen Family Scholarship and serves as Volunteer Coordinator for Kids Voting Saint Paul. A shared sense of gratitude for the encouraging and loving environment created by their parents inspired Kay, Susan, John, Recollections from Katje Keskinen and Katje to establish The Keskinen Family Scholarship in "Though we didn't have much money when we were kids, memory of Lila and Ervin. The scholarship will be awarded to we were allowed to pick as many Scholastic books as we wanted high school students from the New York Mills area who show when our teachers sent home the book club order forms," recalls academic promise. Reflects Kay, "The UMM experience is Katje. "My teacher would pass the books out at the end of the one to be appreciated and cherished. If the scholarship means day, and I could barely contain myself as my pile grew. I could someone ·can go to UMM who might not otherwise be able to do hardly wait to get on the bus so that I could start reading. I so, then that's one of our parents' legacies that continues."

The Keskinen siblings from left: Katje, Susan, John, and Kay

Fall 2007 Profile page 5 UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA MORRIS Scholarship honors UMM historical figures Clayton and Eleanor Gay -loyal University alumni and engaged community citizens After UMM's establishment in "My dad was involved in many 1960, the University of Minnesota things in the community, and my mother appropriately chose to name the first was very visible in her support," reflects new building constructed on the Morris Jim. "He was honest and committed to campus to recognize a loyal alumnus getting things done. We grew up in a and a bold community leader-Clayton good environment." A. Gay. His spirited, visible enthusiasm After joining Clayton in Morris after and that of wife Eleanor's inspired their marriage, Eleanor, too, became others to join in the grassroots effort that involved in the community. She served secured a four-year college in Morris. As as organist at First Lutheran Church, members of the West Central Educational accompanied the Morris Men's Chorus, Development Association (WCEDA), and played piano for several civic their dedication and forward thinking organizations. Eleanor taught hundreds helped launch the birth of the new of piano and organ students throughout liberal arts college. The Clayton A. and her lifetime, retiring in 1993 at the age Eleanor P. Gay Scholarship, supported of 88. by sons Jim and Bob, honors their parents' memories and recognizes their Regional economics and opportunity contributions to UMM, to the University In the mid 1950s, University of Minnesota, and to west central discussions regarding the future of its Minnesota. Clarton and Eleanor Gay high school agriculture programs fueled uncertainty about the fate of the West The University· of Minnesota connection Central School of Agriculture, which had made its home on the Eleanor and Clayton's connections to the University of Morris campus since 1910. Area citizens, including Clayton and Minnesota were strong and deep. In 1935, when the engagement Eleanor, began to imagine empty classrooms, vacant buildings, announcement for Miss Eleanor Poucher of and Mr. and loss of employment. Casual conversations in area cafes · Clayton A. Gay of Morris appeared in a Twin Cities newspaper, between community leaders evolved into a strategic action group: the headline read: "Popular 'U' Couple to Be Wed in May." WCEDA. With Clayton serving as president, WCEDA's goal was Eleanor enrolled at the University's Twin Cities campus to build a solid case for establishing an undergraduate campus of to study music after graduating from high school early, during the University in Morris. the middle of the academic year. She was already familiar with WCEDA's campaign focused on regional economics and campus. Her uncle, Jay Poucher, served as director of service opportunity. A four-year institution in Morris would ensure that enterprises during that time. The Poucher Building is named the state's investment in campus buildings would be utilized, in his honor. Eleanor completed a bachelor of arts in 1926, and and employment opportunities on campus would grow with then the accomplished pianist completed post-graduate studies in increased enrollment. WCEDA's research determined that only music in Leipzig, Germany. 20 percent of regional high school graduates attended college. A native of Moose Lake, Clayton followed his older brother, The two nearest four-year colleges were more than 100 miles Chester '24, to the University. Both brothers excelled in Gopher from Morris. With a University campus in Morris, a high quality football, as did their younger brother, Kenneth '33. Clayton education would be affordable and accessible to the region's also played Gopher basketball and baseball. After graduating future community leaders. in 1930 with a bachelor of law, he was an active member of the WCEDA members shared their proposal with citizens University M Club and the U ofM Alumni Association. In 1958, of Morris and the region, public officials, the University of as part of the State of Minnesota's centennial celebration, Clayton Minnesota Board of Regents, and legislators. Clayton effectively was honored with membership in the Minnesota Honor Roll employed his University and state capitol connections to share of Champions, recognizing athletic accomplishments and civic the WCEDA story. leadership. "I worked with Dad during the summer of 1958," Jirn Clayton established his law practice in Morris in 1930 and remembers. "We took numerous trips to the Twin Cities to meet energetically engaged in community life. He served as Stevens with legislators to get the UMM project rolling. WCEDA had the County attorney from 1935 until 1946 and municipal judge from support of all the regional legislators." 1948 until 1958. He was involved in the Lions Club on all levels In October 1958, before the UMM dream was realized, from local to international, the Morris Chamber of Commerce, Clayton died unexpectedly. Family and community mourned the the Boy Scouts of America at the local and regional levels, the loss, and fellow WCEDA members dedicated themselves to the Shriners, the Masons, and First Lutheran Church. campaign. "A lot of people carried on his mission," reflects Jim.


WCEDA membership grew, and lobbying efforts intensified. Fred Behmler, state senator, and Delbert Anderson, state RE.ELECT representative, both WCEDA supporters and leaders of the Legislative Commission on Agricultural Schools, submitted CLAYTON A. GAY a report to the governor and legislature calling for the regents County Attorney to begin preparing buildings and plans for a four-year college of in Morris. In October 1959, a presentation by WCEDA to the STEVENS Board of Regents resulted in approv·a1 for a liberal arts college in COUNTy Morris. UMM welcomed its first class in the fall of 1960. - A second generation of University graduates Jim and Bob followed their parents' footsteps to the University of Minnesota. For Jim, the Institute of Technology where he could investigate an interest in metallallurgical engineering was a logical choice, and his parents approved. He graduated in 1960 and completed a doctorate in mineral mother. "The annual contribution to the scholarship in memory resources engineering in 1966. ofmy father was very important to Mom," states Jim. " It just For Bob, whose undergraduate years came after Clayton's seemed fitting to rename it in her honor, too, and continue the death, the college decision was poignant. "It was clearly a given tradition." that I would attend UMM," remembers Bob. "It would have Adds Bob: "Mother was an avid supporter ofUMM. been almost unpatriotic to not attend the University of Minnesota Renaming the scholarship recognizes her generosity and and disloyal not to go to UMM. UMM itself is a monument to support." my father. It was his life's dream, and it came to fruition." Bob The Clayton A. and Eleanor P. Gay Scholarship provides graduated from UMM in 1968 with a degree in music. After financial support to UMM students from Stevens County and teaching for a year and serving two and one-half years in the U.S. adjacent counties. "Supporting students from the area in which Army, he enrolled in the University of Minnesota School of Law, my parents lived and worked continues to represent what my graduating in 1975. father desired in higher education in west central Minnesota," says Jim. Memorial scholarship Jim, now retired, and wife Joyce make their home in In 1976, the late Pearl Gay, Clayton's sister, established Woodbury. Bob and wife Mikki live in Blythewood, South the Clayton A. Gay Memorial Scholarship through an estate Carolina. Mikki is a pastor in the Evangelical Lutheran Church of gift. Eleanor contributed each year. After Eleanor passed away America, and Bob is a civilian U.S. Army lawyer serving as the in 2003, Jim and Bob renamed the scholarship to include their environmental law specialist and procurement fraud advisor in the Administrative Law Division at Fort Jackson.

Resources: A Biographical Sketch of Clayton A. Gay as Relevant to UMM Development, Herb Croom, September 20, 1965. The Morris Tribune, "Residence hall will be dedicated Sunday," February 18, 1966. Re-collections, "WCEDA: grassroots advocates" and "Early Controversy," September 2000. Senior Perspective, "Morris residents invested .their own money in their dream project," Rebecca Webb, February 2000.

Photo at left: Eleanor Gay at Clayton A. Gay Hall dedication Above: Clayton Gay campaign card, circa 1950

Fall 2007 Profile page 7 UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA MORRIS Riley Bros Companies scholarship gift honors brother Robert James Riley In addition to a lifetime of fam ily history, brothers did, whether a Robert, Joseph, and John Riley share a love for the world construction project of construction. Developing building sites and constructing or the various jobs long-lasting structures are both vocation and avocation. When he held as a young older brother Bob passed away, contributing to a scholarship man. He had two established in his memory by Bob's wife, Judy, served as a dedications in bis fitting honor. A gift from Riley Bros Companies of Morris, life: bis family and owned by Joe and John, to the Robert James Riley Memorial hi s job." Scholarship wi ll provide a financial foundation for students today and in the future as they begin to build their lives and Robert James careers at the University of Minnesota, Morris. Riley Memorial Scholarship Bob's campus connections "Bob's wife, Bob bad many close t ies· and fond memories of the UMM Judy, had the idea campus and community. In I 955, be graduated from the of a scholarship for Bob Riley from the 1955 Moccasin West Central School of Agriculture (WCSA), the University Bob," remembers of Minnesota high school that made its home on the Morris Joe. "John and I knew from the first time she brought it up campus from 1910 until 1963 . As an employee of Jim Riley and that we wanted to be a part of providing the funding. We Sons, Inc., another Riley brother with a career in construction, wanted to do it out ofrespect for our brother and his li fe long Bob worked on many campus site preparation projects including accomplishments." the soccer field and Lafave House landscaping. Bob was an The Robert James Riley Memorial Scholarship wi ll be avid gardener, and one of the most poignant of his UMM awarded to first-year UMM students who graduate from a high projects was landscaping the WCSA Alumni Memorial Garden. school within the five counties surrounding Morris- Stevens, The beautiful living tribute to campus history is located in front Pope, Traverse, Grant, and Swift- the west central Minnesota of the Education building where his wife, Judy Riley, serves as · region where Bob lived and primarily worked. The scholarship campus. communications coordinator. may be renewed if recipients maintain good academic standing. "I started in construction 41 years ago, and there has never Priority will be given to students with financial need, who plan been a day that I've considered doing anything else," reflects to pursue a major in science or social science, and who are Joe. "I think that bolds true for Bob and the rest of our family in hardworking, unassuming, and affable, characteristics embodi ed this business, too. I think it's the challenge of starting a project by Bob Riley. and seeing it through to the end that is rewarding. And yes," he John and Joe Riley are longtime UMM advocates and adds with a smile, "lots of construction projects were discussed Presidents Club members since 1989. In addition to their and ' hashed out' at family gatherings!" scholarship gift, Riley Bros Companies has generously funded "Bob was a very easy going type of person," Joe continues.' the scoreboard at UMM's new Big Cat Stadium and the Riley "His purpose in life was doing a good job at whatever he Bros Walking and Running Track at the Regional Fitness Center. A major contributor to the Morris community as well as the regional economy, Riley Bros Companies employs about 160 people fulfilling construction contracts in Minnesota, North Dakota, and South Dakota annually totaling nearly $35,000,000.

Robert Riley '55, with his children (left to right) Shawn, Julie, Carrie, Tim, and Robert

Fall 2007 Pro.file page 8 UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA MORRIS Education Discipline partners with students and educators in.Willmar and Chicago The University of Minnesota, Morris prides itself on "We wanted to teach these children not just to read, but to learn its mission of research, education, and outreach, sharing its how to learn," says Solvie. knowledge to benefit the people of Minnesota, the United States, and the world. Through two unique programs, UMM's Division of Elementary education majors travel to Chicago Education is touching the lives of elementary children and college Since 1994, senior elementary education majors have students in .Willmar and in Chicago. traveled to Chicago to experience teaching in an inner city, low socioeconomic school where supplies are limited and motivation TREC travels to Willmar to participate is low. Solvie says: "When UMM students graduate, Last summer, Pam Solvie, assistant professor of education they need to be prepared to teach anywhere not just rural areas. and UMM Tutoring, Reading, and Enabling Children (TREC) Effective practices and experiences working in diverse settings coordinator, and four future elementary teachers traveled to will make the difference." and from Willmar for 10 days to teach reading and math to 23 UMM's elementary education program partners with the elementary students, grades four through six. The project was Chicago Public School system in Chicago, Illinois, to arrange the a new addition to TREC, one of the many service-learning classroom experiences. UMM students teach in the classroom experiences and multiple field opportunities offered in education for one week. A new partnership has formed with teaching atUMM. colleagues at Chicago State University (CSU), who are sending TREC was established in 1997 with a grant from Campus their education students to Morris to experience teaching in a rural Compact, a national nonprofit organization dedicated to promoting setting, an experience not available in inner city Chicago. UMM community service, civic engagement, and service learning in and CSU students will now have the opportunity to interact with higher education. Until last spring, TREC was implemented solely each other, sharing cultural experiences that will help each group in the Morris community. understand what it will be like to teach in an environment different In 2007, through a grant from the President's Initiative on than their own. Children, Youth and Families at the University of Minnesota, TREC expanded to Willmar, giving UMM students and professors by Melissa Weber, University Relations the opportunity to broaden their outreach. "We want to reach out and share our knowledge and ability with the underserved," says Solvie. To prepare for the project, Solvie met with the summer TREC UMMers for a fi ve-hour training session prior to starting the program: Kristen Strissel '07, Morris; Jessica Peterson '08, Isle; Abby Fair '08, Anoka; and Amelia Blashack '08, Bertha. ' The students studied literacy instruction including the work of Irene Gaskin, Success with Struggling Readers, and used curriculum in the Briggs Library collection to prepare for math and reading activities. During their time in Willmar, educational needs determined activities. "We worked with the students in small groups focusing on skills that they struggled with," says Fair.

TREC participants visit UMM On the 10th day of the program, 16 I of the TREC participants from Willmar, along with family and friends, came to Morris for a campus visit. Solvie hopes that the college campus experience and UMM's summer TREC program was coordinated by Pam Solvie, assistant professor participating in literacy activities over the of education, and students Kristen Strissel '07, Morris; Jessica Peterson '08, Isle; summer will inspire them and make them Abby Fair '08, Anoka; and Amelia Blashack '08, Bertha. comfortable here at UMM in the future. Photo credit: Judy Riley, University Relations


Through the Renewable Energy Biomass gasification: UMM's next Center, located at the West Central Research and Outreach step toward energy self-sufficiency Center in Morris, the University of Mlnnesota, Morris partners In July 2007, UMM began construction on a biomass gasification reactor and with numerous key stakeholders: facility on campus. Scheduled for completion in Spring 2008, the gasifier will convert biomass, which includes agricultural residues like com stover and wheat straw, into University and research organizations a syngas, a clean "green" energy that bums like natural gas. It is projected that the West Central Research and Outreach new biomass facility will decrease UMM's fossil fuel usage for campus heating by 80 Center Initiative for Renewable percent. Cooling capabilities will be added in the future. Energy and the Environment West Central Regional Sustainable Research partners Development Partnerships The idea for the biomass facility was a joint effort between UMM and the U of Agriculture Utilization Research Institute M West Central Research and Outreach Center (WCROC) in Morris. "The biomass South Dakota State University plant conceptual goals were to rethink how we use energy and explore the possibilities University of North Dakota Energy and of using renewable agricultural based feed stocks in a sustainable manner," states Environmental Research Center Lowell Rasmussen, associate vice chancellor for physical plant and master planning." National Renewable Energy Lab The WCROC will research gasifying a variety of agriculture residues and develop best practices for collection and storage. Their results will be shared as a "toolbox of Government agencies and programs information" with institutions or municipalities that wish to construct a biomass facility. State and federal legislators In addition to $6 million received from the Minnesota State Legislature, the biomass City of Morris project received a United States Department of Agriculture and Energy _grant for $1.89 Minnesota Department of Commerce million to conduct additional research. The grant allowed the USDA Agricultural Research Energy Office Service- North Central Soil Conservation Research Lab, also located in Morris, to join the Legislative Commission on Minnesota UMM and WCROC partnership creating the "Green Prairie Alliance." The Soils Lab will Resources conduct research on carbon sequestration, processes that remove carbon dioxide from the Minnesota Office of Environmental atmosphere. Assistance Stevens County Economic Improvement Wind energy Commission UMM's march toward energy self-sufficiency began in 2005 when a 1.65 megawatt wind turbine, the campus' first joint energy project with WCROC, started generating Energy and environmental companies power for the ~ampus. More than half ofUMM's buildings are powered by wind energy, Otter Tail Power Company · and planning for additional turbines is underway. Great River Energy UMM is a member of the Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Xcel Energy Higher Education and the Upper Midwest Association for Campus Sustainability. Diversified Energy LLC Chippewa Valley Ethanol Company Runestooe Electric Association Norsk Hydro

Nongovernment organizations Clean Energy Resource Teams Minnesota Soybean Growers Minnesota Soybean Research and Promotion Council Minnesota Corn Growers Minnesota Com Research and Promotion Council Southwest Foundation Upper Midwest Hydrogen Initiative

Regional agriculture producers, citizens, and University of Minnesota faculty have been key partners in the Renewable Energy Research and Demonstration Center at Morris. Groundbreaking for the biomass gasification facility

Fall 2007 Profile page I 0 UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA MORRIS New major gifts officer Susan Schmidgall looks forward to developing strong partnerships with UMM stakeholders A new face joined UMM's external gift so li citation, and the startup and relations efforts this fall, although she expansion of a planned giving program. is not new to the Morris community. "Serving as UMM's major gifts officer is Madeline Maxeiner, associate vice the ideal blend of my professional experience chancellor for external relations and and interests, and my personal commitment director of fund development, announces to education, UMM, and my hometown of the appointment of Morris native Susan Morris," shares Schmidgall. "Serving an Schmidgall as UMM's major gifts officer. organization that [ feel passionately about­ The new position, states Maxeiner, through development ofrelationships, shared augments ongoing efforts in fund values and vision, and a secure future--is development and the 'perfect job.' It is an will assist UMM in honor to be entrusted reachi ng its strategic with a donor's wishes goals. "Susan's and dreams, and experience in major gift rewarding to serve as fundraising will be a the steward of those U ofM president and significant asset to our goals. I am amazed at the work in philanthropy," power and generosity of board of regents visit Maxeiner continues. people, and the impact "Susan has the an individual can have Morris campus knowledge; ski ll s, and on an organization 's The University of Minnesota Board of talents to expand our mission and future. To Regents held their October 2007 monthly development program help donors understand meeting on the Morris campus. Highlights while fostering our their impact and the of the two-day meeting include granting donor-centered legacy they can create, fi nal approval to the Minnesota/Wisconsin commitment to the and then help make that tuition reciprocity agreement and core values of integrity, Schmidgall happen is the best part of approving the 2008 state bonding request. trust, and stewardship." development work." The Universitywide $238.9 million Schmidgall has long been attracted Schmidgall, who holds a bachelor of request includes the renovation ofUMM's to the development field. Most recently, science in sociology from the University Community Services building to serve as a she served as director of development and of Minnesota, Duluth, began her UMM gateway center. Jacqueline Johnson, UMM marketing for. Kaposia, inc., a Twin Cities appointment in August and looks forward chancellor, presented a report to the Board based nonprofit. At Kaposia, she created to visiting with members of the UMM of Regents and President Robert Bruininks and executed comprehensive development community, both on and off campus. th at emphasized the UMM student and fundraising initiatives such as donor "I look forward to developi!'lg many experi ence and UMM's future goals. relations, cultivation, stewardship, major strong partnerships at UMM," states Schmidgall. "From my first campus visit, I have been impressed by the number UMM tuition and fees reduced for of people invested in UMM's mission. Bringing together faculty and charitable new and continuing students giving prospects, new donors and longtime The 2007 Fall Semester marks two key changes to UMM tuition rates that reflect donors, alumni, students and parents, and the University of Minnesota's commitment to "support the educational goals ofUMM faci li tating similar partnerships wi ll be a students by making their education even more affordable," states James Morales, large part of my development efforts. I am associate vice chancellor for enrollment. eager to learn from and work with UMM First, in addition to continuing its current practice of charging full time students a stakeholders, partnering with donors, "fl at" tuition rate, UMM has adjusted the lower limit of this "band" from 15 to 13 credits, students, facu lty, staff, alumni, the greater extending the financial advantage and enhancing students' ability to graduate in four years. University of Minnesota network, and the Second, UMM realigned its tuition rate to approximately the same level as Twin Morris community in advancing the vision Cities and Duluth tuition rates. In effect, says Morales, annual tuition and fees were and future of UMM." reduced by approximately $1 ,000 for the 2007-08 academic year for both new and conti nuing UMM students.


A greeting from Carla Riley, director of alumni relations and annual giving The theme of this particular Honor Roll of Donors issue of Profile is "partnership," and I am pleased to have the opportunity to express my appreciation to alumni and friends who partner with UMM financially and otherwise to help ensure that UMM students continue to enjoy an optimal educational experience. Thank you for this splendid support! Many collaborative efforts and various partnering configurations comprise the success of what is UMM. Dedicated faculty, of course, are integral to a student's educational experience. Administrators and staff labor behind the scenes but are equally important to students' overall Lorie Gildea '83 receives experience. Engaged alumni, friends, and donors contribute to the well being of the students and the campus, so must certainly UMMAA award during be counted as partners in UMM's mission. And of course, without the students, everything else would be moot! Homecoming 2007 festivities We are pleased to welcome UMM alumna Erin Schellin '05 to The University of Minnesota, Morris Alumni Association the partnership we call the Office of Alumni Relations and Annual (UMMAA) honored ' 83 as the 2007 Giving staffi As the new program associate she will assist me with UMMAA Distinguished Alumni Award recipient during alumni projects, oversee and advance the senior gift program and their annual banquet held on September 28, 2007, during banquet, as well as the young alumni program at UMM. Homecoming weekend. The award recognizes alumni who have Thanks go out to all alumni and friends who made it back made noteworthy contributions in their professional lives, in to campus for Homecoming 2007- A Red Carpet Affair. Those public service, or in service to the University of Minnesota. The who attended the UMM Alumni Association Distinguished political science major graduated in 1986 from Georgetown Alumni Award banquet realized that we were in the company University Law Center and serves as an associate justice with the of someone very special. Associate Minnesota Supreme Court. Justice Lorie Skjerven Gildea '83, a true celebrity in my Joo inn Lee, professor emeritus of political science, opinion, accepted with grace and modesty this year's award affirms in his nomination letter that Gildea was an from co-presenters Jooinn Lee, professor emeritus of political exceptional student: "Every once in a while, a student comes science, and Sam Schuman, former chancellor. It was a to us who is an apprentice scholar in the best sense of the memorable occasion. term, with whom instructors can engage in a meaningful People often comment that mine must be a dream job­ and often running dialogue," Lee states. "Lorie is one of visiting alumni and planning fun events. Of course, they are such students." He recalls that as Morris Campus Student absolutely correct in that I do enjoy visiting with alumni and Association president she "showed initiative and leadership UMM friends, and I certainly do plan lots of fun activities. What ability in an exemplary fashion." I also tell them, however, is that real job satisfaction for me Sam Schuman, retired UMM chancellor and author, profiled comes every spring with the realization that, in some small way, Gildea in Old Main: Small Colleges in Twenty-First Century my efforts have helped ensure that another class of wonderful America. Schuman reflects: "When UMM created this alumni young graduates will go forth better prepared to take their place achievement award, our purpose was twofold. Most obviously, it in the world than they would have been had they not spent their was to recognize UMM graduates who have achieved impressive undergrad days at UMM. That I will very likely get to see these success in their chosen vocations, and Lorie Gildea certainly wonderful people again at some future alumni gathering makes exemplifies that kind of achievement. But it was also to give us their leaving more palatable for me to be sure. For that and other a venue for saying what sorts of achievements made us most reasons, I agree that I am indeed fortunate to serve as the director proud; what sorts of things did we hope our graduates would of the alumni relations and annual giving programs at this do and become. And, in her wisdom, strength, thoroughness, wonderful and unique partnership that is UMM. fairness, consistency, and honesty, Lorie is an exemplar of the Feel free to contact me personally anytime with virtues this college hopes to grow in all its graduates." questions, concerns, or just to say hello! I always enjoy hearing from alumni and can be reached at 320-589-6394 or Photo above: Sam Schuman, retired UMM chancellor; Lorie [email protected]. Gildea '83, and Jooinn Lee, professor emeritus of political science and retired chair of the Division of the Social Sciences


2007 UMMAA Distinguished Alumni Award Acceptance Remarks by Minnesota Associate Justice Lorie Skjerven Gildea '83

We all have so much for which we should be grateful. A wise person once expressed her gratitude by noting that she had been blessed because she was able to sit in the shade of trees planted long ago. We UMM alumni have similarly been blessed. We all sat in the shade oftrees planted long ago. Joo inn Lee and Sam Schuman are some ofthe trees ofthis place, and we have all benefited so much, and future generations ofstudents at UMM will benefit so much, from the mark each has made on UMM Thank you Joo inn and thank you Sam for tonight, but more importantly, thank you for all you have done for UMM Thank you to the alumni association, the president and the board, and to Carla Riley and the stafffor all ofyour hard work in organizing this great event. I am so honored to be receiving this award, and I am humbled that all ofyou took time to celebrate with my family and me tonight. So, we come again to Morris, we come again to UMM, the fountain of our futures, and the warm harbor ofour hearts. We come again to UMM, which is not just a wide spot on a prairie highway, but a wide, calm stretch in our river of life. We come to UMM today to celebrate our homecoming. Melville says this about homecoming: "The pleasure ofleaving home, care-free, with no concern but to enjoy, has also as a pendant the pleasure ofcoming back to the old hearthstone, the home to which, however traveled, the heart still fondly turns, ignoring the burdens of its anxieties and care. " UMM is our home, it is our hearthstone, it is where our heart fondly turns no matter how far we have traveled or how heavy our burdens. How fortunate we all are to have such a treasured place as our UMM If, as I believe and as Garrison Keillor said, that the University of Minnesota is one ofthe glories ofour state, then the University ofMinnesota, Morris is the surely the crowning jewel in that glory. But this weekend is not just about coming home, it is also about reconnecting and recommitting. Our alumni association provides us with the perfect vehicle for this connection and this commitment. So let us connect with our fellow alums. The dictionary tells us that alumnae and alumni are the women and men who have been reared or nourished by their alma mater. Alumnus, alumna, alma are all derived from the Latin verb "to nourish." How appropriate. Didn 't all of us have our minds nourished hereat UMM? Emerson said, "I know nothing which life has to offer so satisfying as the profound good understanding, which can subsist, after much exchange of good [ideas], between virtuous people, each of whom are sure of themselves, and sure of their friends." We were all nourished with that exchange of good ideas and received that profound good understanding which comes from an unsurpassed liberal arts education. Ifwe reflect for a moment, we see that many of the good things we have done ... and many of the wonderful things we have seen in our lives ... were possible in large part because of the knowledge we gained, the skills we sharpened, and the minds that we nourished here at the University of Minnesota, Morris. For that, we are truly grateful. Because we have been blessed with this nourishment, we must commit to ensure that others will have the opportunity that we had, and the alumni association gives us many ways to make this commitment. Because our experience at UMM has benefited us in so many ways, you and I together must ensure that others have memories of UMM as well. We must recommit ourselves to be positive poster people, a new wave of talent scouts, a new wave ofambassadors who are proud to talk about an amazing memorable school called UMM Please join me in recommitting to that valuable calling. Thank you UMM Alumni Association for all you have done for our UMM As we all recommit ourselves to helping the association, thanks to all ofyou for all During Homecoming 2007, Gildea met with UMM's Political Science Club. Back you will do for this small place, this place row from left: Eagan Heath '08, Idaho Falls, Idaho; Christine Osthus '08, Plymouth; that is a little bit west ofHarvard , a little Alex Murphy '09, Plymouth; Nathan Swanson '08, Walnut Grove. Front row: LeAnn bit east of Stanford, and a little bit closer Hedquist '08, Wabasha; Gildea; Katie Barron '11, St. Paul; Bekah Deutl '08, Anoka; to Heaven. Our home, the University of and Jennifer Wermerskirchen '08, Shakopee Minnesota, Morris. Photo credit: Judy Riley, University Relations


Thank you to the alumni, parents, faculty, and staff Young Alumni Program who volunteered at the UMM booth during the Douglas County Fair, the Red River Valley Fair, the continues to grow Stevens County Fair, and the Minnesota State Fair! UMM's Young Alumni Program, inaugurated in 2006, Jon Anderson, professor of math continues to grow. Social gatherings in the Twin Cities were well David Aronson, project coordinator attended in July and October. And Erin Schellin '05 , new program Jessica Beyer '02, community program assistant associate, plans to incorporate into the schedule future volunteering Pat Bruun '03 and service projects, and informational programs like the financial Steve Burks, associate professor of economics seminar held fall 2006. Nancy Carpenter, associate professor of chemistry Emily Carroll '08 Karen Cusey, program associate Game Works Sherry Decamp '95 Alumni who attended the July David Fluegel '97, community program specialist Garneworks evening in Minneapolis Derek Ganzhorn '08 enjoyed great food, interesting "catching­ Elizabeth Hampton '08 up" conversations, and free bowling! Harry Hanson '79 "The Game Works gathering is a good Jerome Hasbargen '00 Jessie Hass '07, admissions counselor example of an event that produces loads Nancy Helsper '76, executive assistant of fun and an opportunity to network," Bryan Herrmann 'O 1, senior associate director of enrollment says Schellin. Jen Zych Herrmann '00, associate director of admissions "The Young Alumni Program at Jillian Hiscock, admissions counselor Schellin UMM provides an opportunity for grads Wendy Hyatt '04, community program assistant from the last decade to get involved Ashley Johnson '08 Dean Kalmoe '75 with fellow alumni and create a sense of Burke Kiger '73 community," she continues. "We hope to strengthen relationships Julie Kill '86, lab services coordinator among young alurµni and the relationship between each alumnus Eric Klinger, professor emeritus of psychology and his/her alma mater." Erik Lindholm '08 Mike Loken '64 Brave New Workshop Andy Lopez, professor of computer science Dian Lopez, professor of computer science In October, Brave New Workshop Comedy Theatre event Christine Mahoney, director of communications attendees exercised their funny bones! Following a reception, Torn Mahoney '70, director of grants development alumni attended U Cube: This Company Loves Misery. Argie Manolis, instructor of English States Schellin: "The Young Alumni Program hopes to connect Mary Martin '75 with more and more alumni, so their relationship with UMM Madeline Maxeiner '76, associate vice chancellor remains as strong as when they were on campus. Their participation for external relations Tom McRoberts '68, director of continuing education, and input is just as important now as it was when they served as regional programs and summer sessions student leaders." Mike Miller, assistant director Watch for £-Express, UMM's monthly electronic newsletter, Shirley Miller, library assistant and postcards inviting young alumni to future events. James Moore '78 James Morales, associate vice chancellor for enrollment Krista Murphy, program assistant Rose Murphy, associate adm inistrator Katee Nuest, admissions counselor Darla Peterson '80, executive secretary Adele Raymond, executive office and administrative specialist Carla Riley '85, director of alumni relations and annual giving Judy Riley, communications coordinator Tara Schmidt '05, admissions counselor Julia Schmitt '08 Martin Seggelke, assistant professor of music Andy Sharpe '00, financial aid officer Joel Tallaksen, biomass gasification project coordinator Ben Toll, admissions counselor Penny and Tim Turgeon, parents ofUMM alumni Mike Vandenberg '03, admissions counselor Sarah Vig '09 Laura Walton '08 Participants at the Brave New Workshop gathering included, Melissa Weber, community program assistant from left, Pamela Frasch '01, Laura Waldoch '02, Amanda Eklund '05, Tim Lieser '02, and in back, Jeremy Dressen '02.


A message from Deb Carlson '72, alumni association president I was honored to assume the duties of president of the University of Minnesota, Morris Alumni Association (UMMAA) at the September 21, 2007, annual meeting and distinguished alumni banquet that was part of Homecoming festivities. I welcome the opportunity to lead the ongoing and important efforts of this organization by fostering and preserving the common connection we all share- that of being alumni of a very special small public liberal arts college. · It is my firm belief that we should remain connected to our alma mater and to support it to the best of our ability. In appreciation for the opportunities that were afforded us as students at UMM, we need to extend our support to those who follow in our footsteps. Individually we can do little to secure the future Baseball, hot dogs, Rusty Kath '03, and.UMM ofUMM, but as a group, we are a mighty force. Every gift that More than 600 UMM alumni, current students, prospective is given to UMM is meaningful and effectively helps ensure that students, faculty, staff, and their families, including Brigid Tuck current and future sh1dents will enjoy an exceptional educational '97 (above) and her family, enjoyed the 2007 UMM at the St. experience. If you are giving of your time and talent to UMM, I Paul Saints gathering held August 7, 2007, at Midway Stadium. would like to thank you for your support. If not, I encourage you Tailgating preceded the game, and many lucky participants to consider ways that you can give back to UMM. went home with Rusty Kath Bobblejaw dolls. The "I Heart Rusty" Again this year, the UMM Alumni Association Board has evening celebrate.d 2003 graduate and former St. Paul Saints approved funding for varied outreach efforts by the Office of announcer Rusty Kath's "calling up" to the majors. Now the in­ Alumni Relations and Annual Giving. Younger alumni focused stadium emcee for the Tampa Bay Devil Rays, Kath was back in gatherings as well as local and regional alumni gatherings for all Minnesota to cheer on the Saints and support his alma mater. ages are being planned. A Washington, D.C., visit will coincide with a March 10, 2008, performance of the UMM Concert Choir as they travel on their '.f 008 spring concert tour. Other alumni activities will include a return trip in December 2007 to the Guthrie Theatre in Minneapolis and a Febrnary 2008 Midwinter Event in the Minneapolis/St. Paul area. Other tentative events are in the works for Boston, Massachusetts; Sioux Falls, South Dakota; and Duluth, Minnesota. Watch your monthly £-Express electronic newsletter or visit the UMM alumni Web site for further details as plans are solidified. Post card invitations will also be mailed nearer the date of the activity. Several UMMAA board members, faculty and staff will attend these gatherings to visit with alumni and update those who are unable to make it back to campus to see for themselves some of the remarkable activities that are happening at UMM. I would personally like to extend an invitation to each of you to select and attend one of these alumni functions. If you are interested in helping us host a fuhlfe Homecoming 2007 event in your town or city, feel free to contact Carla Riley, UMMAA past president Juli Wagner ' 92 (center) led the director of alumni relations and annual giving. She will work Alumni Kazoo Band in a spirited rendition of the rouser during with you on setting up an event in your area. the 2007 Homecoming parade. Other highlights included the I look forward to serving this year as president of Legacy Walk dedication, KUMM and UMM Lutheran Campus the UMMAA and invite all alumni to join me in actively Ministry reunions, traditional tailgating, and a choir and wind participating in UMMAA events and in supporting our alma ensemble concert featuring alumni. mater!


Class NO tes~~------~compiled by Ashley Johnson '08 , New Richmond, Wisconsin

Class of '64 Leonard Munstermann, Hamden, Connecticut, discovered two new species ofphlebotomine sand flies, Lutzomyia atroclavata and Lutzomyia cayennensis, in St. Kitts in the Caribbean. He is a research scientist in the Division of Epidemiology of Microbial Diseases at the Yale School of Public Health.

Class of '67 Diane Block and Dan Knutson '69, Sauk Centre, retired from teaching. Diane taught at Melrose Public Schools. Dan taught at Sauk Centre Public Schools. They look forward to spending their newfound time with children and grandchildren, traveling, and other fun activities. In December, they celebrate their 40th wedding anniversary.

Class of '70 Virginia A. Lundby Delaney, Osceola, Wisconsin, retired from the Osceola school district after 36 years of teaching. She taught Steve Armbrust, Portland, Oregon, writes: "One of the benefits Exploratory French to eighth graders and high school French, of attending UMM is the enduring friendships that result. In sociology, psychology, and U.S. history. She advised French June 2007, several UMM alumni from the early 1970s met at the Club, classes, and AFS. She hopes to spend more time with home oflrling and Elizabeth ltzen, Excelsior, to reminisce and family and friends, traveling, gardening, reading, volunteering, reacquaint. Some ofus had not seen each other in more than 30 and learning new hobbies. years, but that didn 't stop us from reliving the good old days, sharing stories of our lives since college, and even singing a Frederick Moerke, Coon Rapids, passed away in August 2007. rousing rendition of the UMM Hymn (those words that we could remember anyway). Most of the groups still live in various parts Class of '71 of Minnesota, but Steve Armbrust made the trip from Oregon, and Carol Engebretson, Starbuck, and husband Courtney have Dave Cross drove from Indiana." farmed for 50 years. As Pope County's Farm Family of the Year, they were honored during the University of Minnesota's 2007 Included in the picture are, back row: Irling Itzen '71, Gerry Farm Family of the Year at Farmfest. Meyer '74 , Cindy Larson Katzner '74, Leo Katzner '73, Dave Cross '76, Mary Lofgren Erickson '73, Lon Erickson '73. In the Marty Schuelke Fluegel retired after 31 years of teaching at the front row are Bill King '73, Bob Kerestes '73, Steve Armbrust Morris Area Elementary School. '73, Greg Kiecker '73, Dennis Gimmestad '73.

Larry Edlund, Kalamazoo, Michigan, is still the only high school pitcher in history to hold a Minnesota high school baseball record Chuck Grussing's son, Mitchell '08 , received the USA by throwing four no-hitters in a row during the 1966 season. Scholarship funded through the Morris campus United Staff Association. Class of '72 Doug Patnode retired after 34 years of teaching in the Princeton Class of '76 school district. He enjoyed 80 seasons of coaching, 17 years of Dean Parisian, Alpharetta, Georgia, writes: "I have lived in teaching English, and 19 years of teaching physical education. suburban Atlanta and since 1995 have been chief executive of the investment management firm Chippewa Partners. If there are any Class of '73 TKEs interested in the organization of a TKE scholarship, please Judy Wartman Blair and husband Mike traveled to Nome, contact me via my Web site: Alaska, where Mike taught a Rural Alaska Landfill Operators class. Class of '77 Class of '74 Natalie Jane Hauschild, St. Cloud, passed away in April 2007. Scott Backer, Worthington, is Worthington High School principal, and wife Jennifer is Worthington Middle School assistant principal. Class of '78 Debra Eads Rohmiller, Sioux City, Iowa, is a TJ Maxx customer Class of '75 service coordinator. Lorie Torgerson Bremer, St. Paul, passed away in April 2007.


Class of '79 Class of '83 Marsha Nomeland Aalseth retired from the University of Joni Hullett Larson lives with husband Mark and children Jill Minnesota. She and her husband moved to Vancouver Island, (19), Sam (17),.and Claire (14) in Chanhassen. After earning an Canada, to enjoy nature and to take life a little slower. elementary teaching license, she earned a master of arts in gifted education from the University of St. Thomas and has been a Jon Dalager, Lexington, Kentucky, was promoted to full teacher of the gifted and talented in Minnetonka for 13 years. professor at Georgetown College where he has taught since 1996. He continues as the chair of the department of political science Class of '84 and serves as the pre-law adviser. Wife Teri Mehl '88 is an Jen Coyle Lund, Cyrus, received the Someplace Safe A ward. echo cardiologist with Cardiology Associates of Kentucky. Their children, Casey (11) and Natasha (8), keep them busy with soccer, Brad Pickle, St. Cloud, owns Pickle Events. He traveled to scouting, swimming, etc. Arizona to help with Pat's Run, which logged 13,000 runners in support of the Pat Tillman Foundation. Dan Hoefs, Rochester, coaches the Rochester Mayo baseball team and manages the Rochester Royals amateur baseball team. Tina Brown Shelton, lives in Palm Harbor, Florida, with three teenage sons and her husband of 21 years. Tina is a certified Vickie Bullis Johnson, Broken Bow, Nebraska, has been married massage therapist at the local YMCA. Her sons, a college to Steve Johnson for 23 years. They have three children: Dallas sophomore, high school senior, and junior, all play football. (22), Robin (21), and Camron (18). Vickie teaches middle school math at Broken Bow Middle School. Steve farms and is an Cheryl Light Shriner, Urbana, Illinois, writes: "Hi to all ofmy elementary teacher currently looking for a job. Dallas helps on UMM friends and colleagues during the years 1979-1984. I would the farm. Robin is a junior at the University of Nebraska, Omaha love to hear from you and get an update. I earned a master of studying history. Carmon graduated from high school and will science in recreation, park, and leisure studies with an emphasis in be home. Vickie writes: "Dallas and Camron are special needs therapeutic recreation and a doctorate in educational psychology with children and have taught me to live life one day at a time and to an emphasis in special education from the University of Minnesota, appreciate what we have." She would like to catch up with any Twin Cities. I am a clinical assistant professor in the Department of former classmates. E-mail s_Johnson l [email protected]. Special Education at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. I teach courses on special education and supervise student teachers. Rhoda Schrader Smith is dean of student affairs at Northern My·husband , Jim Shriner, is an associate professor of special State University in Aberdeen, South Dakota. education at the University of Illinois. Son Marshall (8) is in third grade and totally immersed in Little League baseball." Class of '81 Tim Anderson is an elementary and middle school counselor in Class of '85 the Maple River School District. He is the head boys basketball Karla Pronk Farrell writes: "After a yearlong hiatus, I have coach and was named coach of the year this past year. He is also rejoined the work world. I work 16 hours a week at the University the head coach of the girls tennis team. Wife Lois is a biology of Wisconsin, Eau Claire as an instructional specialist in the instructor at Minnesota State University in Mankato. Son Seth is a Master of Business Administration Program. I assist faculty hi gh school senior, and daughter Sara is a sophomore .. members with online classes. Husband Charles works next door as director of the Davies Student Center." JeffHouselog, Monticello, has taught in Monticello for 26 years and is the head softball coach and junior varsity girls basketball coach. Patrick Franey is senior pastor at Morris Community Church. Wife Class of '82 Angela '88 teaches science at the Scott Maslowsi resides in New Brighton with wife Cindy and Morris Public High School. Son John their three children. Scott is a registered representative with is heading to Spain, and daughter John Hancock Financial of Maple Grove. He would like to hear Eileen is a high school senior. from fellow alumni. Contact him at 763-971-9214 or e-mail [email protected]: Stan Jung, branch manager at U.S. Bank in Aberdeen, South Dakota, Annette Seppanen and Curt Nelson '83 write: "In fall 2006, received U.S. Bank's Annual Pinnacle after 20 years in urban San Diego, we moved 80 miles northeast Award, one ofU.S. Bank's highest to the small mountain town of Julian, California. Son Tirno retail employee achievement honors (6) completed kindergarten at a 1919 one-room schoolhouse. recognizing tremendous performance. Carrying on his mom 's theatrical training, he played the role of Munchkin/Flying Monkey in the school's annual Shakespeare Mark Lagergren received the 2007 Lagergren production, " 12th Night" Meets "Wizard of Oz." Annette carries Minnesota Council of the Social on her mother's tradition of beautiful gardening, while Curt tries Studies Teacher of the Year honor. Mark has taught social studies at to catch- and release- monster bass." Central High School in Norwood Young America for 22 years.


Class of '86 Class of '91 Julie Cady Kill writes "I just thought I would Tim Ray, Barrett, is a founding member try to touch base with former classmates, of the Prairie_Wind Players and works in friends, saddle club alumni, and roommates. I the UMM theatre department. He played married a local fe llow, Joe Kill, in 1998. We Reverend Jeremiah Brown in Inherit the have two beautiful daug~ters, Shannon (7) and Wind. Also in the play were current student Calli sta (4). I am the chemistry lab manager Ashley Satre and Van Gooch, professor of and science division safety committee chair biology. at UMM. We have a farm si te near Donnelly. For the saddle club members from the '80s, Class of '92 yes, I still have my horse, Mitch. He is doing Jennifer Marinan Carlson, Sauk Rapids, well for being 33 years young. Stop by the welcomed baby Ruby Kate in May 2006. science building or send me an e-mail if you Jennifer heads marketing and public relations like .. .I would like to hear from you!" Contact for Rinke-Noonan Law Firm. Julie at killj @morris. Sarah and Michael Larsen '97 Michele Nicholls Deschenes and husband Class of '87 enjoyed tailgating at the UMM at the Tony live in Burns Townships with children Laura Belt Elzinga teaches fifth grade. St. Paul Saints Alumni Gathering and Jacob (6), Joshua (4), Jonah (2), and John the baseball game, future UMMer She lives in Spanish Fork, Utah, with (6 mos.). She resigned from her position as Tommy's first-ever ball game. husband Dirk and children Michael ( 11) a mechanical engineer to spend more time and Robert (7). with them.

Shirley Guse married Jeffrey Helbach in September 2006 at Split Jodi Owen wrote: "I have been in Pierre, South Dakota, for Rock Lighthouse State Park near Duluth. The couple lives in Grand more than five years and am clinical director at Capital Area Junction, Colorado. UMMers in attendance were Lisa Reike Counseling Services, Inc. as well as practicing as a psychologist. Zollner '88, Michele Braul Neale '87, and Mary Mustar '87. I wasn't planning on staying this long, but an enjoyable career, good friends, and community, along with good quality of life Blaine Hill is the Morris city manager. on the river. .. those things have held me here. Drop me a note at [email protected]." Tim Owen writes: "A school record 21-5 boys basketball season at Southwest Star Concept High School Heron Lake-Okabena Chris Peterson, St. Paul, received a master of divinity from helped me earn 2007 Section 3A South Coach of the Year honors. Princeton Theological Seminary in May 2007. I was also named school di strict Teacher of the Year. I am head coach of the Southwestern United Wildcat baseball team. Mike and Molly Phillips Peterson, wrote: "This June, we Capped off 2006 by getting married in July to Cindy Scheevel of celebrated our 15th anniversary of graduating from UMM and Ellendale." two weeks later our 15th wedding anniversary! We live in Estherville, Iowa, where Mike is middle school principal, and Class of '88 Molly teaches kindergarten, first grade, and second grade music Michael Strysick is director of the Office of Communication at halftime. Daughter Maggie is seven and in the second grade. Son Phillips Academy. Matthew is four and in pre-school. It's hard to believe how fast those 15 years have gone!" Class of '89 Tim Gregory is director of scientific sessions for the Heart Mark Shores is assistant library director at the Hamilton campus Rhythm Society ( Tim and partner TJ of Miami University. Mark and wife April bought a house in McCabe live in Washington, D.C. Cincinnati, Ohio.

Janell Webb Kolden and husband Shane of Hancock welcomed Chris and Patti Wente were honored by Stevens County Human grandson Nathan Craig Kolden in June 2007. Services for Foster Care month.

William Krueger works for VisionShare Inc. Wife Dorninda Class of '93 Grandbois '93 and children Alex ( 13), Liam ( I 0), Laura (5), and William Burns, Canton, New York, is director of the North Avery (18 mos.) live in Farmington. Dakota State University Counseling Center. ·

Joanne Rachel Rhoades, Richfield, graduated from Mary A. Torchy Doschadis wrote: "I'm about to start my 13th year the University of St. Thomas with a master of business in residential real estate in the Fargo-Moorhead area. I don 't teach or administration. She is bookstore manager at the College of St. direct anymore but do sing occasionally in small groups. I would love Catherine and resides in Richfield with her children: Heather, to hear from any of the students that I accompanied from 1990 to James, Terra, and Tayturn. 1993 while at UMM." E-mail [email protected].


Kimberly Jones Fraser works as a learning and development adoring fan. Julie writes, "I love being a mom and feel very consultant at Wells Fargo. Husband David, daughter Anna Grace fortunate to be able to stay at home to raise the boys." (I) and son Ian, who started first grade, live in Waconia. Mary Stark Asche wed husband Paul in June 2007. Doug Frazey graduated magna cum laude from William Mit~hell College of Law in May 2007. His article on franchise law was Lisa Krosch Denzer and husband David established the Legacy selected for publication in the William Mitchell Law Review. Living house in Morris, designed to help older citizens of the Doug is a law clerk for the Minnesota Attorney General's Office. community get out and enjoy activities in a safe and friendly He lives with wife Hillary and daughters Katrina (7) and Carissa environment with activities such as exercise, gardening, and the ( 4) in St. Paul. occasional nap.

Rebecca Starr is a research assistant for Child Trends in Bruce Remme is activities director at the Marshall School Minneapolis. District.

Tonya and Spencer Tiernan were honored during Foster Care Class of '96 month by Stevens County Human Services. Sam Johnson teaches art at the College of St. Benedict and St. John's University. Class of '94 Erinjean Gannon-Litton wrote: "I am working in the operating Craig Moser and Mary Eck '95 have been married for IO years. room at St. Alexi us in Bismarck, North Dakota, and teach They have three sons, Camden, Thompson, and Colin. Mary is clinicals to junior level student nurses at the University of Mary. the at-risk coordinator for the high school in Manawa, Wisconsin. Only four more classes until I am done with a master of science in Craig is the constituent services director for Congressman Steve nursing education. Chad '92 and I really love North Dakota and Kagen. so do the kids. We love to get e-mails. Contact us at [email protected]" Lee Rood, Rush City, has been teaching in Rush City for 11 years, starting as a Title 1 teacher and helping distance learning students. Tom and wife Ann Christensen Reppe '96 welcomed son Bjorn He now teaches third grade, coaches junior high football , and Carl in May 2007. serves as assistant varsity coach in boys basketball. Lee and wife Anne have two children: Allyson ( 4) and Braeden (2). Darla Lindberg Schulte passed away in April 2007. Lisa Paulson Selk, Hayfield, welcomed baby McKenna Rae in Class of '95 April 2007. Julie Bona Anderson, Maple Grove, and husband Eric welcomed son William in June 2007. He joins big brother Ryan (2), an Class of '97 Julia Conroy, Hancock, is coordinator of Prairie Renaissance Cultural Alliance in Morris.

Keith Pille lives in south Minneapolis with his wife and the maximum number of pets allowed by city law. Keith writes: "I pay the bills by doing database work for the Minneapolis Institute of Arts and writing the occasional article for various Twin Cities publications. After having my brain completely hijacked by comics, I learned to draw and started making them. The results, along with some photography and essays, can be found at

Shelly Zagaros Schafer, Woodbury, writes, "In May, husband Matt and I welcomed daughter, In celebration of their 10-year anniversary, these 1997 graduates gathered Alia Marie. We are all adjusting great to our new last summer. Front row from left: Karl Manske, Minneapolis; Dawn Busch, addition, including Ronan (2), who is learning to Minneapolis; Dana Bender Brink, Maple Grove; Angela Treloar Youngdahl, Sioux be a great big brother! Feel free to contact us at Falls, South Dakota. Back row from left: Laura Westerbeck Ross, Zimmerman; any time: [email protected]." Amanda Peter Vickstrom, White Bear Lake; Shelly Zagaros Schafer, Woodbury; Chris Foss, Minneapolis; Bryan Vickstrom, White Bear Lake; and Rob Vanasek, New Prague


Jennifer and her husband live in Illinois. Contact Jennifer at [email protected].

Chris Lienemann, Minneapolis, welcomed baby Zoe Annika in May 2007. Chris works for a small software company in Roseville. Stacy is the direct marketing manager for the University of Minnesota Press. Proud grandparents are Lowell '69 and Diane Peterson Zellmann '68, and Steve and Barb Lienemann '00.

Christy Stalker Lukasewycz teaches second grade in the Osseo School District. She lives in Robbinsdale with husband Steve, a urology surgical resident for the University of Minnesota, and son Andrew (18 mos.). E-mail [email protected].

Matthew Morrow married Rubinah Atcha in 2005. He teaches social studies, chairs the department, and advises the student council at the Modem Knowledge School in Manama, Bahrain. Shane Hudak '04, LaDaryl Fenney '97, Paul Vanasek '01, and Chris Wenner writes: "Greetings from hot and sunny Luke Robinson '98 participated in the 2007 Cougar Football Diwaniyah, Iraq. In August, temperatures often exceeded 135 Golf Outing. degrees. This is my fourth time here. Each time is unique and has Class of '98 its own challenges and awesome moments. Days are long (12 Gina Beyer writes: "I am finishing my third year teaching at plus hours). As an operations officer for the U.S. Army Corps of the American School in Taichung, Taiwan. After attending the Engineers, I attend to nearly 150 contracts in two provinces. My International Recruitment Fair in Bangkok this past winter, I multi-national division has soldiers from 14 countries, plus Iraqi accepted a two-year contract to teach fourth grade at Saigon Army and dozens of brave and patriotic Iraqi local nationals who South International School in Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam I've risk their lives to work for the coalition, many as interpreters. E­ traveled throughout Viet Nam three separate times since 200 I mail [email protected]. I'd like to hear from you." and absolutely love this beautiful country that is full of such friendly people. People always ask me how the Vietnamese Class of '00 people feel about Americans, and I have to say that I have had Jackie Brager Hysko married Armando Hysko in San Diego nothing but positive experiences in Viet Nam. The Vietnamese in February 2007. They met in Denmark while on a work trip. people just want to live their lives peacefully. They call the Viet The wedding was attended by fellow alumni Shannon Flanders Nam War the American War. I am extremely excited to finally Sharpe '00, Andrew Sharpe '00, and Lisa Thackeray '00. E­ get the chance to live in Viet Nam. If you have any questions mail [email protected]. about teaching overseas, send me an e-mail, arorae2@yahoo. com. A big hello to all the EIEders from the class of 1998!" David and Rachel Neset Weber '01, Valdosta, Georgia, welcomed baby Jessica in May 2007. Jennifer Wright Dahlquist, Eagan, was appointed to the City ofEagan's Advisory Parks Commission by the Eagan City Class of '01 Council. Jennifer serves on the Independent School District l 96's Kris Hjelmeland, St. Paul, received a master in management Community Education Districtwide Advisory Council. from Ham line University in December. He married Sara Peters and is employed by Enterprise Architecture at Target. Mike and Jennifer Gulbertson Radtke live with children Paul (3) and Katelynn (1) in Burnsville. Mike completed a master Heidi Olson Manska married Jason Manska in January 2007 in of business administration from Argosy University in April Cocoa Beach, Florida. 2006 and is a marketing analyst for Delta Dental of Minnesota. Jennifer is director of admissions for Argosy University. Brad and Deidra Ehlenz Waldoch, Albertville, welcomed baby Andrew Eugene in April 2007. Andrew joins sister Maria (2). Class of '99 Deidra teaches piano. Brad is a payroll and benefits administrator Mollie Mohr Dusha and husband Ryan welcomed son Teague for RJF Agencies in Plymouth. Ryan in July 2007. Class of '02 Jennifer Hunter, Morrison, Illinois, received a master of Jessica Van Alstine Beyer and husband Craig's energy efficient education in global studies from the University of Illinois, laundromat is powered by firewood generated from Craig's tree Urbana-Champaign. She graduated magna cum laude. trimming business.


Sareen Dunleavy Keenan, Minneapolis, welcomed baby Bridgid Margaret in May 2007. ~~~~N~!

Tony Schuster writes: "I got married in May 2007 in Avalon, YOM ~~~~to~~ -1. Catalina Islands, California. Misty and I live in Mound with our 'C, ,,,,,.d: Office of Alumni Relations and Annual Giving three 'kids,' i.e. our dogs, Cracker, Puggy, and Preston." UMM 123 HFA • 600 East Fourth Street• Morris, MN 56267 'C, t-,,,,,.d: [email protected] Josh and Melissa Flack Wallestad writes: "We have settled into our 'happily ever after' in the Willmar area. We are both teaching 0~: in area schools and enjoy hanging out with son Evan. Feel free to get in touch at [email protected]." Next Class Notes deadline: December 30, 2007

Class of '03 Paul Brifo, Arlington, Texas, established The Paul Brifo Jeff Xiong, Woodbury, is a Camp Sunrise director_ Foundation to collect clothing to send to orphanages in rural Ghana. He is expanding the foundation to include schools for Class of '06 the blind and disabled, and intends to reach out to other nations Monica Wenzel taught English in a rural town in Ecuador as a and countries. volunteer teacher during the 2006-07 school year. She teaches Spanish at Centennial High School in Circle Pines. Ryan Jempa, Maple Grove, placed first in the Minnewaska Class of '07 Warm Up l0K run. Emily Christian.sen, Eden Prairie, is a software engineer at Infobionics. Dave Poppe owns and operates Morris Land Care Company. Amber Van Eps Holm, Morris, welcomed baby Sydney Paige Class of '04 Holm in July 2007. Joleen Hadrich, Lansing, Michigan, received a master of science in agricultural economics at Michigan State University Emily Loehr, Savage, received a fellowship named after (MSU) in 2007. She was accepted into the doctorate program at Indiana University's president emeritus John W. Ryan. The MSU for agricultural economics and plans to graduate in 2009. fellowship requires students to work closely with a state or local government agency or with a nonprofit organization Becky Johnson graduated from the University of Toledo in May while pursuing a degree. Emily will work with the with an occupational therapy doctorate and works at a skilled Bloomington Economic Development Commission to analyze nursing facility in Charlotte, North Carolina. key issues and recommend solutions and courses of action for the Bloomington community.

Allison Knutson Walsh, Vermillion, South Dakota, married Robert Mary Lambrecht, Minneapolis, teaches fourth grade at Walsh in March 2007 at the St. Thomas More Neuman Center. The Sojourner Truth Academy. couple honeymooned in Hawaii. Allison is a research associate at the Sanford School of Medicine at the University of South Dakota. Pat Lienemann served in Iraq.

Class of '05 Teresa McAlpin is an events intern with USA Volleyball. Troy Ackerman, Morris, owns Dancin' Tracks DJ Service. Crystal Oko is a morning producer at KTTC-TV in Jacob Grussing and Cara Rudney Rochester. Grussing '07 married in June 2007. Ryan Rysavy, Baxter, teaches fourth grade at Baxter Elementary Paul Jonas works as a public School. relations and marketing professional at Arketi in Atlanta, Anna Schliep, Milford, Georgia. Maine, worked at the USDA­ ARS North Central Soils Nicolette Knudson completed a Conservation Research Lab master of health administration at the as an intern in summer 2007 University of Washington, Seattle in an _d is a teaching assistant and June 2007. She is the clinic support Chad Laforge '04 and Josh Mattson '04 attended the 2007 graduate student at University services manager at a Seattle urban UMM at the St. Paul Saints Alumni Gathering proudly of Maine, Orono. community clinic. wearing gold and maroon.

Fall 2007 Profile page 21 UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA MORRIS Athletics update -Mark Fohl, director of intercollegiate athletics

We are happy to have several excellent new coaches join the Cougar staff this year:

• Amy Balk will serve as the assistant women's basketball coach and head men's and women's tennis coach. Amy graduated from the University of Saint Mary in Kansas and comes to UMM from Neosho County Community College, where she served as the assistant women's basketball coach. Cougar football fans enjoy summer golf outing • Grant Harding will manage the equipment room and The Friends of Cougar Football Golf Outing was held in serve as an assistant football coach. Grant previously July 2007 at the Geneva Golf Club in Alexandria. More than 120 worked as an assistant at UMM a few years ago and Cougar fans from near and far attended. came to UMM from Urbana University. "It was a great event, especially seeing all the alumni from different eras," says Todd Hickman, head football coach. "Next • Amber Holm will serve as an assistant cross country and year, we'll be starting a new tradition of inviting former coaches, track coach. Amber was a member of the cross-country starting from the 70s, to speak at the luncheon. The 2008 golf and track teams at UMM and graduated in the spring of outing will be in Morris at the Pomme de Terre Golf Course." 2007. Photo above: Cougar Football Golf Outing participants included · • Rory Larson will serve as an assistant men's basketball Doug Tigner '85, Maple Grove; Jay "Bulldog" Johnson '85, coach and equipment manager. Rory previously worked Sauk Rapids; and Steve Schroeder '85, Naperville, Illinois as an assistant coach at Southwest Minnesota State where he completed a master of science in education and sports leadership. L- - ~ - - :...- - - ~ - RILEY aRos. coMPANIEs, 1Nc. • Scott Turnbull will serve as the assistant coach for both 111 rm · men's and women's soccer. Scott was a kicker on the football team at UMM and graduated in 1999. He served as an assistant soccer coach during the first two years TIME DOWN TO GO BALL ON OTA TIME OUTS OUTS of the women's soccer program in 1998 and 1999. He LEFT • LEFT returns to UMM from Brandon, Manitoba, Canada, where he worked as a goalkeeper consultant .and soccer referee.

UMM is in the final year of the reclassification process from Division II to Division III. After this year, UMM teams and individual athletes will be eligible for Division III post-season play, although it will be a couple more years before our conference champions will have automatic berths into National Collegiate Athletic Riley Bros Companies donates scoreboard Association (NCAA) Regional Tournaments. Riley Bros Companies, lead'contractor for the construction of Big Cat Stadium, donated the scoreboard for the facility. The gift for The Cougar Sports Network provides free, live the joint-use football facility illustrates a commitment to UMM, the Webcast of all UMM Cougar men's and women's home Morris Area Public School District, and the community of Morris. basketball games during the 2007-08 season. For details, "Riley Bros Companies went above and beyond the call in check getting the stadium ready," states Mark Fohl, director of athletics. "We appreciate their commitment to the project, and the donation of the scoreboard for the facility." Photo above: Big Cat Stadium scoreboard

Fall 2007 Profile page 22 UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA MORRIS Fall 2007 marks inaugural year for men's cross-country This fall, UMM added men 's cross country to its line up of Upper Midwest Athletic Conference (UMAC) competition. Jeremy Karger-Gatzow, head cross country coach, is pleased with the addition and with his team. "The opportunity for young men to run cross country at UMM will bring hardworking students to campus," states Karger-Gatzow. Karger-Gatzow "We have had a lot of interest from high school students, as well as current students participating in track and field and members of the Cougar Running Club. Co-captains, Tony Krueger ' 08, Brooklyn Park, and Dan Dutcher ' 08, Vadnais Heights, have Front row from left: Dan Dutcher '08, Vadnais Heights; Scott Harder '09, done an amazing job of assimilating the Mountain Lake; Jim Davison '09, Burnsville; Dugan Fladners '11, Paynesville. Co ugar Running Club and the freshmen Back row: Luke Toso '11, Falcon Heights; John Jones '11, Bloomington; Tony into a competitive cross country team with Krueger '08, Brooklyn Park. Missing from photo: Doug Armstrong '10, Breezy dedication and a great work ethic." Point; Andrew Rehmann '11, Roseville; and Micael Voeller '11, Golden Valley. · Photo credit: Kim Melchert '10, Waconia Cross country- running in its purest form Kruger, a longtime runner, is excited about the opportunity Cross country will benefit track and field program to compete in cross country. "I have always had a special place The addition of a cross country team will also benefit UMM's in my heart for cross country running," he states. "People ask me track and field program. Without a cross-country team, it was how it can be that much different, running is running whether it's often difficult to recruit runners for the long distance track and around the track or across a field. The activity may be the same, field events. Says Dutcher: ''We hope that a lot of the goals we but the atmosphere is radically different. Cross country is a much meet in the cross-country season will lead into the track and field freer sport. It's running in its purest form, less about stopwatches season, creating a core distance team that will support an already and split times, and more about running for the love of it. Also talented track and field team." there is a special kind of camaraderie that forms between the Five freshmen and five upperclassmen make up UMM's new members of a cross country team, probably the result of going for cross-country team. Karger-Gatzow notes it is "a good mix of long runs together as a small group day after day." experience." Krueger agrees. "This first group of guys is the greatest foundation that a fledgling sports program could hope to have and on which to grow," he states. "I am confident that the future of Cougar men 's cross country is bright and healthy. A great legacy has begun." The Cougar men's cross country team finished their first season placing fourth in the conference championship, only five points behind the third place team. Luke Toso ' 11 , Falcon Heights, and Andrew Rehmann ' 11 , Rosevill e, placed in the top 10 earning All-Conference honors.

The cross-country team sponsored the annual Cougar Quad Run held on a crisp, cool Saturday morning during Homecoming 2007 festivities. Photo credit: Kim Melchert '10, Waconia

Fall 2007 Profile page 23 UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA MORRIS Presidents Club Members The Presidents Club recognizes the University of Minnesota's most generous donors. Below are UMM Presidents Club members who have made significant gifts to the University of Minnesota, Morris. Bold names indicate new members. Italicized names honor deceased members. An asterisk denotes sustaining members with gifts of $1,000 or more in the last fiscal_year to UMM.

Builders Society Ernest and Cathryn Kemble '82* Lester '59 (WCSA) and Bette Bensch Frank W. Veden Charitable Trust* Leslie Lindor '37 (WCSA) Doris Benson Thomas B. McRoberts '68* Judy Wartman Schmidt Blair '73 and The Builders Society recognizes donors Michael W. and Barbara J. Menzhuber* Michael Blair* whose life time University giving totals Clara Rive/and '65 Elizabeth S. Blake* $1 ,000,000 or more. Edward H. Buntje, Jr. '70 and The Chancellors Society recognizes donors Rita H. Buntje '72 Regents Society whose life time University giving totals Edward Caillier '75 John '68 and Arlene Johnson Dayton '68* $50,000 or more. Richard Casey ' 78 Edward LaFave Terence D. Evavold Patricia Paul Lafave Founders Society Robert P. '65 and Nancy L. Gandrud Larry and Diane Zavadil Anonymous Eleanor Gay Bremer Bank of Morris* John '64 and Marilyn Erickson Gilbert '67 The Regents Society recognizes donors Stephanie R. Carr '94 and Van and Sue Gooch whose life time University giving totals David Valdovinos James and Ruth Gremmels $500,000 or more. Leona E. Classen Liselotte Gumpel Wilbur Gahm Walter Hokanson '30 (WCSA) Trustees Society Arlene Edwards Johnson John Q. and Lucy Gibbs Imholte ' 70* Dorothy Barber Carl Johnson David C. Johnson* Laird Barber* Dorothybelle Kaufman Jean Johnson Elizabeth S. Blake * Edward Kaufman S. Kay Keskinen '71 * George Erickson '53 (WCSA)* Kleespie Tank and Petroleum Company Eric and Karla Klinger John '64 and Marilyn Erickson Gilbert '67 James W. and Gail 0. Lafave Kenneth '65 and Kathleen Kollodge '67 Liselotte Gumpel Hilfred and Estelle Lee Estate Michael and Rhonda Lair H.M. and C.M. Iverson Charitable Trust* Andy and Dian Lopez* James J. Lewis '70 David C. Johnson* Paul and Gina Martin* Thomas Mahoney '70 and Jean Johnson Richard H. and Kathryn L. Moen Madeline Maxeiner '76* Marcella Moon Jost '72 Barbara C. McGinnis* Kent '78 and Nanette Malcomson '78 Ronald Jost '69 Gary McGrath ' 68 Nicholas Marcucci and Ann Schroder Minnesota Com Growers Association Carol Pederson Meyer '60 (WCSA) James and Kathleen Martin Edward and Helen Jane Morrison Gregg '70 and Judith Hult Nielson ' 72 Gary McGrath '68 Otter Tail Power Company of Morris* Paula O'Loughlin* Thomas B. McRoberts '68* Colleen Manney Rentz Dean Thomas Parisian '76 Richard and Kathy Moen Delmar "Bud" Rentz '93 Douglas '54 (WCSA) and Marion Payne Betty Bridgford Orvis and Riley Bros Companies, Inc.* Arland and Deborah Polzin Robert E. Orvis, Sr. · Neil E. '63 (WCSA) and Linda Schmidgall Dwight and Jeanne Purdy Dean Thomas Parisian '76 Bonnie Stahler '72 Sharon Stewart Reeves '68* Julie Bergh Penk '80 Thomas Stahler Sam and Nancy G. Schuman* Judith K. Riley Mark C. Sticha '75* Michael '71 and Jo Ellen Glewwe Tate '73 Glen and Oree Robinson* Superior Industries of Morris Richard L. '67 and Catherine R. Tate* Michael' 72 and Carrie Wickstrom '29 (WCSA) James B. Togeas Susan Spanier Scarborough '76 E. Dennis '69 and David E. Williams and David Schmit '51 (WCSA) Susan Guter Zahrbock '71 Sandra Bissell Williams* Sam and Nancy G. Schuman* Michael '71 and Jo Ellen Glewwe Tate '73 The Trustees Society recognizes donors The Founders Society recognizes donors Richard L. '67 and Catherine R. Tate whose life time University giving totals whose life time University giving totals James B. Togeas $100,000 or more. $25,000 or more. Carrie Wickstrom '29 (WCSA) Jim Winter '68 Chancellors Society Heritage Society E. Dennis '69 and Warrenn C. '73 and Jeri Anderson* Warrenn C. '73 and Jeri Anderson* Susan Guter Zahrbock '71 Edward H. Buntje, Jr. '70 Mercedes Ballou and Rita H. Buntje '72 William Ballou The Heritage Society recognizes donors Robert P. '65 and Nancy L. Gandrud Dorothy Barber who have designated future gifts to UMM Dorothy Hanlon Estate Laird Barber* such as bequests, life insurance policies, or John Q. and Lucy Gibbs Imholte '70* Lorlee Bartos '69 retirement plan assets.

Fall 2007 Profile page 24 UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA MORRIS Martins continue 47-year legacy of UMM support through Morris grocery store

As a teenager, Paul Martin stocked projects from the 25-pound bags of flour on the shelves Clyde Johnson of his father's grocery store. In the Music Scholarship backroom, he divided hundreds of and the Loren pounds of potatoes into brown paper Carr Memorial bags and ce ll ophane wrapped heads Scholarship to upon heads of lettuce. In grocer's the KUMM radio jargon, his father ran an "ingredients station and Cougar store," providing items needed for athletics. baking and cooking from "scratch." Today, Paul and wife Gina's Community grocery store has been transformed Partnerships by their customers' need for ready­ Paul identifies to-eat foods-prepackaged greens, two projects microwavable meals, and frozen supported by vegetables. But they hold fast to one Willie's Super constant learned from the past. The Yalu that be "ingredients" to success are service especially to customers, loyalty to employees, appreciates and support of the Morris community, and recognizes including the University of Minnesota, as emblematic Morris. of community partnerships: the A local landmark established Regional Fitness The history of the Martins' grocery Center (RFC) and store began in 1948 when Paul's Big Cat Stadium, parents, the Rachel and the late Wi lmer both shared Morris. Paul and Gina Martin at Willie's Super Yalu Martin, moved to Morris. Wi llie, as facilities located he was known, first managed and on campus. He "ready-to-eat" products than ever, then purchased the local Red Owl. states: "The RFC is wonderful for our but the atmosphere remains the same, Later, it became Willie's Super Yalu, town. So many neat activities happen illustrated by a spirit of service and a local landmark, which Paul and there for so many different members of Paul Martin's soft, humble voice Gina purchased in 1990. "Dad was our community. And watching football saying: "We are blessed to be able to always very active in the community," in Big Cat Stadium continues to be a help." remembers Paul. "He was proud to be thrill for me. There's a lot of excitement from Morris, and we are happy and out there." proud to be here, too." In 1999, Paul and Gina moved Willie's to its present Seventh Street A tradition of UMM support location, across the street from its Willie and Rachel began a tradition former site. The store boasts an of supporting UMM when the campus expanded bakery, delicatessen, an opened its doors in 1960, and Paul and in-store eatery, and perhaps more Gina continue their legacy. Throughout the years, UMM students have been employed as Willie's cashiers, stockers, and carryout personnel. Numerous student organizations and campus We are blessed to be able to help. entities benefit from donations of products and discounts. And -Paul Martin the Martins provide financial gifts that support a variety of


Charter Presidents Club Members Jason Haugland ' 87 and Leonard Munstermann '64 and Charter members joined the Presidents Catherine Good Haugland '96* Hwei-Gene Heidi Wang Club prior to July 1, 1998, with gift levels Cynthia Cleveland Hauri '82 Lowell and Patricia Nelson between $10,000 and $24,999 · Florence Hedberg Ralph E. Nelson '64 Vivian Helbling Heltemes '77 James and Nancy Olson Robinson and Rose Marie Abbott Arnold E. and Irene Henjum '74 Betty Bridgford Orvis and Wilbert and Janet Ahem Carla Heyl '84* Robert Orvis, Sr. IdaAlama James R. Hoppie '77* Otter Tail Power Co. of Morris* Richard Alama Claire Lafave Hutton Dean Thomas Parisian '76 Denise Anderson '83 John Q. and Lucy Gibbs Imholte '70* Harlo G. Peterson '65 Warrenn C. '73 and Jeri Anderson* Lucille Imholte Sharon Stewart Reeves '68* Benjamin Arthur '83 H.M. and C.M. Iverson Charitable Trust* Colleen Manney Rentz Richard Atkinson ' 82 and John Jackson '76 and Delmar "Bud" Rentz Nancy Kjar Atkinson ' 82 Patricia Rentz Jackson Daniel and Nancy Rentz Colleen Stahler Behm Arlene Edwards Johnson James and Laura Rentz '86 Beta Sigma Psi/Chi Phi Carl Johnson John A. '88 and Kathy Rentz '88 Alumni Association Kenneth and Ardyce Johnson . Paul and Joyce Rentz '75 Judy Wartman Schmidt Blair '73 and Rosalie E. Johnson '81 and Stephen Rentz '70 and Michael Blair* Andrew B. Jordahl '81 Wanda Kopel Rentz '72 Elizabeth S. Blake* Patricia Kahng Thomas and Carol Rentz Helen R. Briggs* SunKahng Julee Kay Richards '82 Rodney A. Briggs Dorothybelle Kaufman Bill and Phyllis Rickmeyer ' 82 Patricia Stahler Buckle '67 Edward Kaufman Glen and Oree Robinson* Edward H. Buntje, Jr. '70 and Ernest and Cathryn Kemble '82* Riley Bros Companies, Inc.* Rita H. Buntje '72 Darrell and Marilyn Kirwin Cecilia and Raymond Rossberg Patrick and Carol Burke* Craig and Natalia Kissock Mary M. Jones Rumsey '88 Nancy E. Carpenter* Eric and Karla Klinger Floyd Schmidgall Ann Carrott and Judith Kuechle and Marcus Olson* Vila Schmidgall James Odden '71 E. Joseph Lafave III Neil E. '63 (WCSA) and Linda Schmidgall Richard J. Casey '78 Edward LaFave* Richard and Corrine Schmidgall Vincent and Joyce Dalager* Patricia Paul Lafave* David J. Schmit '51 (WCSA) Keith and Evelyn Davison Helena Huesgen LaFave Sam and Nancy G. Schuman* John '68 and Arlene Johnson Dayton '68 * James W. Lafave Marlowe "Red" Severson and Orval Truman Driggs, Jr. Julie Lafave Orlou Severson Jeanne Baker Driscoll '69 Paul Lafave Richard and Carol Slieter '70 John P. Driscoll '71 Michael E. and Rhonda Lair Merrilee Stahler '74 Susan Stahler Dupay '75 LeRoy S. Larson Mark C. Sticha '75* Theodora Economou and Jooinn and Claire Lee Barbara Gunderson Stowe '72 and Charles Glasrud Connie Lewis '74 and Kenneth Peterson James Stowe* James and Anne Eidsvold* James J. Lewis '70 Frances and Owen Tate Descendants Lyman and Julie Eidsvold Leslie K. Lindor '37 (WCSA) Michael '71 and Jo Ellen Glewwe Tate '73 William Henry Ernst Virginia Wempn er Lindor Mabel and Robert Thedin C. Frederick Farrell, Jr. Andy and Dian Lopez* Clinton '67 and Gina Trousil '69 Michael Fluegel '69 and Thomas Mahoney '70 and Judith Roberts Underwood ' 71 and Martha Schuelke Fluegel '71 Madeline Maxeiner '76* Ted Underwood George and Patricia Fosgate James and Kathleen Martin '86 James and Sharon Van Alstine Conrad Freeman and Paul and Gina Martin* Douglas L. Wartner Linda Felton Dahl Freeman '86 Rachel V. Martin Harold N. Weickert Carol Lafave Gabler Wilmer M Martin Denise and William Wittman '76 Robert P. '65 and Nancy L. Gandrud Carol Mccannon '80 and William Wunsch Patrick J. '70 and Barbara Gannon* Roger McCannon E. Dennis '69 and Emilie Gieske Cathy Lafave McConnell Susan Outer Zahrbock '71 Patrice Christensen Gillie '84* Barbara C. McGinnis* Connie Zenk Arden H. Granger* Gary L. McGrath '68 John Zenk '75 Stephen G. Granger* Thomas B. McRoberts '68* Leona M. Groth Estate Bruce and Darlene Moen '68 *Sustaining members of the Presidents Roland Guyotte and Barbara Posadas* Richard H. and Kathy Moen Club are those who continued to Anthony R. Hansen '75 Edward and Helen Jane Morrison support the University of Minnesota Michele and Paul Hanson '80 Elizabeth Martin Morrison '74 and in fiscal 2007 with annual gifts totaling Richard A. Hargrave '71 James Morrison $1,000 or more. Jeffrey and Susan Hauger

Fall 2007 Profile page 26 UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA MORRIS Rosemeier's gifts extend the University of Minnesota's reach through Center for Small Towns partnerships A former home economist, Dorothy Rosemeier's University of Minnesota career began with outreach, providing a resource to the public. In her current professional role as executive director of the West Central Regional Sustainable Development Partnership (WCRSDP), she focuses on "inreach," creating co llaborations between the University and citizen groups. And, in a very personal way, Rosemeier's gifts to UMM's Center for Small Towns (CST) extend the University's reach through CST students, staff, and the partnerships they create.

Complementary missions The CS T's mission to assist small communities wi th locally identified issues through applied learning opportunities makes it an ideal WCRSDP collaborator. Its objectives and goals complement WCRSDP's mission, "to create citizen-driven University partnerships fostering sustainable development for regional resilience." Both entities seek to empower citizens to develop processes to address community issues and opportunities. "The CST has been a great WCRSDP partner," states Rosemeier. "CST projects 'make sense' to students, and they benefit from the experience. Students also get to meet 'real people' from the rural area." For example, as part of WCRSDP's Connecting Students and Communities program, UMM students inventoried the livelihoods of the residents of the rolling hills and wetlands located between the communities of Benson and Starbuck. Using old-fas hioned conversation and high-tech geographic information systems, their research revealed a bed and breakfast establi shment, an herb and honey farm, a catering business, gift dollars to CST support UMM students and their experiences and an intentional grazing farm, all within a few miles. "The here in a rural area. I've benefited greatly from my U ofM work, entrepreneurial spirit is alive on the prairie," states Rosemeier. and it feels good to give back to my passions and what I believe She also reports that both interviewers and interviewees enjoyed in." this project tremendously. Tom McRoberts '68, director of the Center for Small CST and WCRSDP partnerships also include UMM's Pride Towns, notes that Rosemeier, in her professional capacity of the Prairie initiative, which brings locally produced foods to and in her personal interests, is an ideal CST partner. He campus dining; "green" · says: "Dorothy is a initiatives, including remarkable supporter wind and biomass I've benefited greatly from my U ofM of the Center in so energy; and the West work, and it feels good to give back to many tangible ways. Central Healthcare Her gifts are just Purchasing Alliance my passions and what I believe in. another example of project in which Greg her generosity and her Thorson, professor of -Dorothy Rosemeier desire for students to economics, and students experience meaningful researched the problem projects. She is a of health insurance affordability in rural areas. All of these varied model of participation in the work of the Center." projects, whether related-to the environment, the economy, or the community, benefit west central Minnesota and its sustainability.

Supporting student exp~riences Photo above: Tom McRoberts '68, director of the Center for "I appreci ate the Center for Small Towns and the support of Small Towns, and Dorothy Rosemeier, executive director of the the Morris campus," states Rosemeier. "I think it is neat that my West Central Regional Sustainable Development Partnership


Maroon and Gold Donors The Maroon and Gold honor roll recognizes non-Presidents Club individual donors whose annual gifts to UMM total be­ tween $1,000 and $24,999. Thank you to donors who made this level of giving between July 1, 2006, and June 30, 2007.

Blane T. Dahl '87 William R. King '73 Jenny Nellis Carla J. Schmidt Riley '85 Randolph K. Davison Randall J. Kopitzke '72 Curtis A. Nelson '83 and Dorothy M. Hingeveld Rosemeier James C. Gay Margaret T. Larson '88 Annette L. Seppanen '82 Hertha S. Schiefer Roshal Robert F. Gay '68 Patrick R. '94 and Glenn L. Nelson and John Staren and Maria Giannuli Christine M. Beck Larson '92 Margaret E. Dewar Devon F. Leppink Staren '97 Bruce D. and Beverly J. Johnson Pareena G. and Todd A. Lawrence R. Viola Nelson Anne S. Stewart-Uehling '72 Clyde E. Johnson John 0. Litchfield Peh H. Ng and Jean McDermott Christopher S. Wenner '99 Seung-Ho Joo Clare M. McGinnis and Bruce and Paulette Odegaard Marty J. '85 and John E. Keskinen '79 Ned Dunphy Sandra K. Olson-Loy and Linda L. Wallisch Wolf'85 Susan M . Keskinen '74 Leslie R. Meek Douglas W. Loy Christine D. Worobec and Katje Keskinen '77 Paul C. Nakagaki '79 Carolina Pallares '98 David Kyrig

UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA Honor Roll ofDonors The University of Minnesota, Morris is pleased to recognize the many alumni who supported JMORRISI UMM's mission by making a contribution between July 1, 2006, and June 30, 2007. Alumni are listed by reunion year. We gratefully acknowledge and recognize the gifts of these alumni and the families, spouses, and partners they represent.

Class of 1964 Charles E. Flolo Cheryl K. Simpson Retrum Carol J. Witt Sayres Julene Pring Amborn Kathleen M. Gjerdingen Robert F. Retrum John A. Schmidt Edwin J. Beckman, Jr. Stanley A. Groff Karen A. Mahoney Strom Mary J. Van Hee Scrivner Gerald D. Bowden Rolland M . Hokanson Myron W. Toft Sharon L. Pederson Shun Leroy E. Bredeson Delores H. Johnshoy Huebner Gary L. Zavadil David E. Skjervold Bernadine V. Lundberg Patricia A. Larsen Alice T. Hennen Smith Christiansen Sara Ketcham Larsen Class of 1967 Glen P. Smith Marvin L. Dyrstad Richard S. Munson Daniel B. Bollman Diane M . Hoelscher Spychaila Burnell G. Eidem Lillian M . Franklin Ness Marcia L. Nelson Bollman Robert W. Stahman Jere L. Ettesvold Avis J. Van Otterloo Ogden Lee A. Boraas Richard L. Tate Roy J. Grohs Gary V. Olhoft Claire E. Campion Erickson Dale P. Weber Duane H. Hausmann Elaine E. Quackenbush Olson Ronald V. Cin James G. Weinman Edward A. Hennen Linda T. Baalson Olson Sharon K. Evenson Cin Christian R. Kamrud Susan G. Hendricks Racca Joyce I. Koosmann Ettesvold Class of 1968 De Anne C. Frederickson Barbara J. Westberg Starner Dennis D. Flesner Thomas A. Alsleben Kennedy Stuart J. Starner Maureen A. McAllister Flolo Diane M. Dierks Anderson Richard G. Kloos David M. Sylte Gregory L. Fults Harlan E. Anderson Michael E. Loken Marilyn I. Johnson Syverson Barbara J. Nelson Hanna Susan J. Evans Beedle Brenda L. Larson Long Emmaline C. Schlueter Therres Chris R. Henningson Raymond P. Bjornson Leonard E. Munstermann Steven L. Van Hee Cynthia A. Babb Janssen Thomas A. Bollman Dennis I. Nelson Sharon A. Summer Vipond Alan E. Johnsrud Carole L. Gilbert Boyum Francis C. Nelson Connie N. Austvold Wendt Dennis A. Kamstra Arlene J. Johnson Dayton Howard M . Nielsen Annice L. Goodroad Wichelmann Richard J. Kennedy John W. Dayton Rodney B. Rask Cordell Klug John E. Fricke Keith G. Redfield Class of 1966 Deloy L. Kramer Margaret E. Carlson Fricke Harvey F. Roberts Jerome A. Anderson Martha M . Kroening Delbert W. Gerdes David L. Schmidt Philip H. Berends Michael J. Larson Richard A. Graves Paul Stark Cecelia H. Femrite Bowers Robert D. Lawler Robert C. Henke Arlen L. Strehlo · Curtis E. Buer Sandra M . Schroeder Lawler Audrey L. Peterson Henningson Courtland B. Swenson Harry A. Hennen Larry L. Luttmers James P. Holmes Patricia K. Hopkins Veurn-Smith Alden C. Hofstedt Bonnie M. Hartfiel Lutz David L. Johnson Keith D. Wendt Donald G. Kaddatz Helen A. Mortenson Gordon H. Johnson Robert L. Wente Sharon L. Kolle Warren A. Nord Anna C. Norby Johnsrud Cortlan L. Krogstad Gary A. Olsen Lowell L. Jones Class of 1965 Catherine A. Vogel LaBarre James W. Pinkney Gloria J. Koehl Ann M. Johnson Barsness David M. Larson Elroy H. Podratz Janet M. Lindall Koepp A. Kay Joranger Carlson Marian D. Moerer Nelson Raymond A. Rossberg Kenneth G. Koepp James A. Carlson Richard C. Realdsen Ronald D. Russell Carol J. Kratzke


Curtis L. Larson Roger A. Ostenson Grant S. Quam Michael H. Flan John E. Leuthard Dennis D. Pederson James R. Robinson Angie Busch Flynn Gary G. Lickfett Karl D. Quade Hannah A. Tvedt Sanders Marcia M. Floding Ford Brian J. Lokkesmoe Kaye E. Rakow Gayle S. Fairchild Schuster Joseph D. Pridgen Suzanne M. Landgraf Magnuson Carole L. McGinnis Russell Thomas J. Schuster Polly M. Croatt Galbraith Gary L. McGrath Nancy C. Cirhan Sadusky Steven A. Sicheneder Roger D. Galbraith Thomas B. McRoberts Barry T. Schaub Richard G. Slieter, Jr. Ray W. Gildow Christine J. Sumstad Pofahl Eugene G. Schmidt Kathryn A. Wolbeck Smith Lucille G. Guenther Gloege Sharon Stewart Reeves Pamela R. Berg Schmitt Ardyce M. Milbeck Spray Ruth Troen Gremmels Judy K. Miller Riesenberg Gary W. Sethney Karen A. Kolodjski Steintl Ronald P. Hennen Herbert A. Roberts Douglas F. Smith Roger E. Strand Robert A. Hoppe Pamela J. Sachs Douglas E. Spray Gerald R. Swenson MichaelJ. Jacobs LorettaJ. Seppanen Robert N. Stamer Michael A. Thorsland Ned P. Jimmerson Joan A. Stavenger Sethney Roger G. Steintl Brenda L. U rke Pamela S. Egerstrom Johnson Albert L. Stucke Lee B. Temte John 0. Vaala Russell N. Johnson Dale J. Suckstorff Linda L. Wilgohs Thomas E. Caroline Hay Vopatek Winnefred L. Aanerud Johnson Harvey G. Swenson Robert E. Thompson Stephen E. Vopatek Karen A. Schaible Kraemer Bonnie L. Clarken Tipcke David L. Thomsen Terry A. Wangen Cynthia E. Colberg Kramer Stephen D. Trites Gary D. Turck Sherry A. Fischer Wentler Sharon M. Kremer Kathleen A. Boyle Vogel Steven J. Van Slooten Michael F. Werner Ronald V. Lachelt Carol M. Westberg Marta L. Viste Wall Barbara J. Boyle Whiteaker Sandra L. Guter Larson Keith L. Wiger Lowell L. Zellmann Daniel E. Wolesky Gregory A. Lemmons Allen C. Williams Charles R. Zimmerman Mary M. Vik Lemmons Jimmy D. Winter Class of 1970 Don E. Lifto Diane P. Peterson Zellmann Beverly A. Gunvalson Alsleben Class of 1971 Bruce L. Linscheid Carol J. Nelson Anderson Patricia A. Umhoefer Asche Roderick A. Long Class of 1969 Jane K. Batcheller Douglas W. Bakker Phillip D. Luttmers Sharon C. A very Kathryn S. Cihlar Botzek Erling W. Barsness Frances M. Torrey Marks Lorlee C. Bartos Roger L. Carlson Dan Benson Bruce L. Mebust Susan A. Wright Blume Paul A. Dezeeuw Susan Olson Capano Ronald N. Meyer David A. Bohne Lee V. Erickson Diane M . Hovdestad Christeson Judith Tesch Nesvold Gary A. Boraas Ronna L. Rambow Flesner Rose Till Christie Judith A. Long Oldemeyer Marsha L. Larson Boraas Robert E. Flynn Alan C. Colliander Darlene E. Elgin Olen Craig A. Christenson James E. Ford Constance Mattheisen Cronen Mark A. Peterson Carter A. Christie Patrick J. Gannon Kathleen L. Westergren Detloff Darlene M. Mc Grath Popelka Paul E. Coleman Richard L. Gerber Roseann M. Faber Paul R. Popelka Katherine M. Dahl Eugene R. Gjerdingen Gregory J. Fernholz Katherine M. Boutain Reardon Emily M. Tolbert Elliott Mona K. Syverson Gregersen Karolyn D. Kruse Fernholz Victoria A. Blanchard Reid Ruth M. Fagen Mary E. Hansen Allen H. Frisch Jan K . Haugland Carol J. Winge Fuller Richard W. Hawkinson Royce A. Fuller Judith C. Jansen Hill Mary E. Wiger Graves Gailann E. Beuning Holt John A. Hill Shirley E. Laackmann Hoyme James J. Hollenhorst Lucy G. Gibbs Imholte Curtis D. Holt Kenneth J. Jost · Marilyn J. Kanne Brent M. Kangas Mary A. Frederickson Kilgo Janice A. Mc Cann Karels Carolyn L. Strem Klug S. Kay Keskinen Roy J. Kraemer Mary A. Schoolmeesters Kosak Ceceli a J. Forester Kramer Mary L. Vogel Kowles John R. Krattenmaker Lucinda K. Smidt Krattenmaker Edith N. Norgren Lang Emma Lawatsch Kvatum Virginia A. Carlson Larsen Ardell Agre Lacombe John P. Lepinski Elizabeth A. Edman Laraby Linda Carlson Hoxtell Memorial Scholarship James S. Lombard, Jr. Gary G. Longstreet Pam Lindenberg '08, Alvardo, the 2007 recipient of the Curtis B. Loschy Virginia A. Lundby Delaney Mary S. Krageland Thomas W. Mahoney Linda Carlson Hoxtell Memorial Scholarship, and her parents Luhman-Johnson Katherine Behlen Mennicke met scholarship donor Lyle Hoxtell at the Scholarship Jubilee Janet Drill Luttmers Deborah K. Maetzold Mettenberg held in October 2007. Hoxtell established the scholarship in Frederick W. McNelly Ronald J. Nesvold memory of his wife, Linda Hoxtell '70. From left: Lyle Hoxtell, Jon B. Meier Gregg R. Nielson Pam Lindenberg '08, Cathy Lindenberg, and Steve Lindenberg. Marianne Foss Morgan Margie E. Mitchell Olsbo Photo credit: Alisande Allaben


Barbara E. Branchaud Roy Nicholas C. Ripperger Nancy R. Huseth Wisser Barbara J. Mulder Wertish Richard A. Roy Patricia A. Dahl Ronhovde Bruce A. Young Thomas S. Westman Roger L. Sandberg Richard L. Sandberg Norman W. Witt Helen A. Schneider Allan M. Schoening Class of 1974 John M. Woell Jill L. Jorgensen Sicheneder Bonnie G. Stahler Mary J. Kurtzman Adriaens Christine M. Myron Spaulding Anne S. Stewart-Uehling Brenda F. Bartell Alcorn Class of 1975 Judith K. Denelsbeck Stone Joseph B. Tax Shirley J. Anderson Cathy A. Palmer Allen Mary A. Olson Suckstorff Lawrence P. Thayer Warren G. Bakker Maren E. Michaelson Bakken Lynette R. Bede! Swenson Constance M. Thorsland Mark 0. Bartsch Bruce A. Becker David E. Thompson Wayne W. Tieman Michael W. Bertelsen Donna L. Benson James L. Wisser Joyce G. Gilbertson Traver Marilyn J. Taffe Beyer Jean M. Olen Bergen Thomas M. Wilson Aile~ A. Borchardt, Jr. Mark C. Bergherr Class of 1972 Dorothy A. Y ouso Zirnrnerman Stephen C. Brown Marsha J. Cuperus Beyer Patrick C. Alcorn Patricia M. Geers Chladek Daryl E. Brever Audrey Ross Amundson Class of 1973 Peter R. Croatt Edward M. Caillier Beverly J. Anderson Wayne H. Adriaens Larry G. Daily Linda K. Valle Caillier Steven G. Barta Terry M. Amundson Randolph K. Davison Wayne K. Drogemuller Harry J. Beaulieu Robert B. Anderson Judith V. Collins Flicker Wayne C. Enger Sharon R. Virnala Belt Warrenn C. Anderson Kevin R. Flicker Nile R. Fellows Sheldon M. Bey Kathryn J. Behm Nancy E. Gladson-Houtkooper Kathleen M. Franey Arlene E. Weberg Bomer Judy K. Wartman Schmidt Blair Mary L. Groen Ladonna K. Stelter Frankenstein Sidney J. Boushek, Jr. Diane E. Bowlby Steven L. Grosam Mark R. Franklin Katherine E. Dunker Boylan Karen L. Burr Oscar W. Hansen S.cott M. Grunst · Bonnie D. Goodwill Briscoe Dorothy A. Coy Christina M. Imes Hatfield Richard N. Gunderson Debra L. Carlson Lloyd E. Danzeisen Jeffrey E. Hatfield James M. Hamilton Della J. Lawson Conroy Michele A. Widder Engberg Thomas W. Haukebo Sandra K. Schultz Hasal Andrea J. Newell Cowell Robert J. Engberg Ross A. Hawley Charles W. Hennen Linda K. Dahlen Jon N. Erickson Irene L. Shelstad Henjum Paul F. Heyl Marjory A. Wittnebel Delphey Karen E. Eastby Gadda Elizabeth J. Wood Hinds Dean W. Kalmoe Linda D. Dingley Derosier Ralph L. Gerbig Wayne J. Karels Margaret A. Williams Keating Michael D. Derosier Gwynne J. Gaffaney Gildow Susan M. Keskinen Gerald S. Kern Julene D. Kill Dezeeuw Dennis A. Gimmestad Nancy T. Telschow Klemek Terry E. Klemek Michael D. Galegher Robert C. Hansen John C. Kreuser Joni K. Kennedy Kreuser Dwenda K. Van Veldhuizen John L. Hanson Barbara J. Connell Kuhn Donna M. Gronfeld Kuehl Gjerdingen Alan D. Hewitt William S. McNary David S. Kyllo Barbara Gunderson Stowe David M. Hoppe Gerald E. Meyer Shellie L. Williams Kyllo William D. Haugen Garry D. Hoyme Alice A. Kelly Nelson Curtis L. Lambrecht Diane E. Samuelson Hennen Thomas L. Jacobson Larry W. Olson Theresa A. Smith Larsen Linda L. Hedlund Hewitt John D. Johnson Elaine E. Berg Oman Kenneth W. Ledman James V. Hiedeman John E. Keskinen Steven P. Onken Patricia M. Mellas Lindquist Sharon A. Voigt Hintgen William R. King Allen J. Pasch Mary K. Martin Craig M. Howard Victor W. Koosmann Gail M. Paulson Fred E. Nelson Susan K. Willgohs Johnson Wayne D. Kopitzke Harvey L. Pederson Mary S. Dokkebakken Olson Richard J. Juul, Jr. Cheryl D. Thomes Lachelt Robbie E. Pederson Deborah J. Otto Joyce Omland Kamstra Robert D. Larsen David C. Peterson · Stephen C. Peterson Larry D. Kepner Lori J. Struthers Lifto Ronald E. Pierce Ann M. Rathke-Remele Robert L. Koelman Jerome A. Martinek Nancy M. Pohl Pikula Paul J. Rentz Annette E. Kolden Sharon K. Loeck Mitzner Margaret D. Quackenbush Allan J. Riel Randall J. Kopitzke Muriel A. Nelson Margaret A. Radio Susan J. Kristoffersen Rypka Rene S. Pridgen Krumwiede Laura J. Roeske Nielson David A. Reiland Deborah K. Sodt William A. McNab Linda Rae Yoder Olson Delores B. Lien Rheingans Dewayne W. Stallings Gary J. Moore Coleen C. Peterson Reuben Richardson Mark C. Sticha Joann Amundson Munsterman Donald A. Samuelson Martha L. Gromatka Riel Luanne M. Bremer Tax Brent R. Nielson David M. Sloneker Janice E. Thompson Rodriguez Anthony J. Tigges Judith L. Hult Nielson Pauline F. Strege James A. Ruckheim Debra J. Peterson Warner Wesley J. Nord Randall K. Taber James C. Schmidt Kristine M. Griebel Wavrin Louise M. Meyer Olson Mary Ann Flolo Thompson Debra A. Smith Leon B. Oman Christine Carey Trampe! Ronald K. Thorseth Class of 1976 Mohammad H. Orandi Peter S. Tritz David Van Wattingen William D. Beyer Virginia R. Wildberg Pansch Kathleen J. Schamber Wangen Keith E. VanOverbeke Anna M. Stolberg Bopp Vicki L. Ahrens Perri Barbara A. Macgregor Westman Gregory D. Wahlberg Keith J. Broady Rachel E. Froiland Quenemoen Mark K. Williamson William K. Warfield Charles I. Broten Gregory N. Reigstad Thomas F. Winn Kay F. Wernsing Daniel W. Carlin


David J. Chapman Zindie K. Ziemke Meyers Susan A. Von Mosch Susan L. Granger Valeria A. Christensen Richard T. Middleton Jerome D. Witt Deborah L. Tomasetti Holt Laurel A. Degemes Lee E. Monnens Thomas R. Zosel Cheryl A. Hoechst Houston Jane M. Delage Kenneth G. Paulsen Thomas J. Jacobs Ford G. Elliott Ill Andrew A. Pederson Class of 1979 Vickie L. Jauert Linda A. Stenswick Emo Gail A. Rixen Darla D. Dahmes Bauchle Sandra A. Golembeck Korth James Falk Cyndia S. Van Der Veer Schneck Timothy C. Beckstrand Bruce R. Kottom Jay E. Fier Kathleen A. Willi~ms Stallings Lon R. Berberich Rachel L. Underwager Larson Gayle M. Goff Brian M. Stark Marsha D. Berentson Thomas J. Larson Robert V. Goodman Sandra R. Triebenbach Stobb Teresa L. Bopp Robert H. Mitchell Julie K. Harlan-Chapman Steven J. Thompson Darla J. Bell Brink Jon A. Mukand Robert L. Hartman Timothy 0. Thompson Barbara A. Person Chesley Sandra K. Hecht Nelson Robert L. Hendrickson Kathryn M. Vickerman Joseph A. Chesley Diane C. Richards Olson James E. Henrich Rick E. Wanderi Denise J. Olson Connor MaryM. Orr Douglas D. Hystead Elizabeth A. Tarara Warfield Linda M. Walker Dewitt Gregory J. Peterson Tim L. lngeman Nancy R. Rickmeyer Weidt William E. Diercks Paul A. Peterson Mary J. Hess Keller Patrick S. Douglass Jackie J. Rico Randall K. Kelley Class of 1978 Donald D. Eicher Mark T. Rodeberg Vernon F. Koepp Ben A. Agar Patrice C. Zierke Eveslage Catherine A. Zidon Schmidt Roy W. Krasean Ronald C. Allen Gary W. Frogner Jennifer T: Tanner Seaton Spencer H. Kvam Julee S. Caspers Agar Lynn L. Peterson Gautsche Susanne M. Siltman Orvin J. Leis Sara L. Fossum De Coteau Constance M. Hegna Gunderson Mark W. Stover Marilyn K. Manley Beverly J. Donley Timothy J. Hoelscher Paul T. Swenson Madeline E. Maxeiner Constance J. Krieger Flohrs Harold B. Holt Kristi M. Tornquist Renee A. Meyers Steven 0. Flohrs Peter H. Holt Douglas W. Turgeon Emily L. Atkins Moore Donna R. Boeckermann Fowler Ruth J. Johnson Hystead Patricia K. Larson Turgeon Joseph M. Moore Arlan L. Grages Daniel J. Johnson Joan C. Pilot Sharon L. Reznechek Iverson Margaret I. Schone Keames Class of 1981 Steele V. Propp Rick A. Jauert Donna J. Schneck Kopitzke Rebecca A. Larson Anderson Clifford J. Rotz Dennis A. Johnson Diane M. Zeman Kremin Roger J. Arndt Robert P. Schneck Sandra R. Johnson Timothy J. Kroeger Marian H. Blattner Douglas V. Stock Deborah E. Ellanson Kaehler Richard J. Maatz Kristine G. Goblirsch Callahan Clare Dingley Strand Steven L. Kidd Glenn D. Melchert Charles A. Christianson Sandra L. Rexeisen Vatthauer Carol A. Koopman Paul C. Nakagaki Jane M. Enneking Coulson Steven E. Waage Michael S. Korth · Wesley J. Nelson Kathy Wimmer Engelmann Wayne D. Wadleigh Nancy W. Winn Krasean Lois K. Kruschke Norby Allen H. Geffe Paul R. Watzke Peggy K. Tate Kvam Steven W. Quiggle Lois R. Ulbricht Graff Emmarella D. Ohlen Westrom Kristin M. Larsen David J. Reikowski Roger S. Grev Richard K. Lee Kirk E. Rovang Grant E. Herfindahl Class of 1977 Richard A. Linden Timothy A. Schildt Wanda J. Tysdal Holt Thomas E. Ackerman Mark A. Lundgren Timothy B. Smith Steven P. Lundeen Linda J. Martinson Bates Stephanie M. McDonald Cynthia L. Stamness Dean R. McKenna Dawn M. Benson Vicki A. Davies Mclellan Harlen A. Ulrich Robert J. Metz Stephan R. Berger Susan M. Mueller Middleton Karin M. Bergherr Ward James K. Meyer Virginia K. Boever James G. Moore Paul F. Ward Joyce M. Kraemer Moldenhauer Joan M. Bulfer Susan J. Sturnrn Moore Dirk T. White Donald A. Munsterman Debra G. Gandrud Dahlseng Barbara J. Fjoseide Mork Patricia J. Trier Wilson Kimberly L. Frank Olson Rebecca L. Hegstad Davies Barbara J. Hippe Opitz Loren P. Zimmerman Debora L. Donner Pazdemik Joan E. Effertz Donovan Linda M. Powers Matthew 0. Pederson Allen N. Gieske Debra L. Eads Rohrniller Class of 1980 Carla M. Zenzen Peschel Julie M. Gasteyer Hanson Jeanette Swenman Schmitz Anonymous Steven H. Quaal Richard A. Hawton Terrence C. Schorn Sandra K. Aldrich Darlene M. Rian James R. Hoppie Paul M. Seaton Sara I. Imholte Beckstrand John R. Rice Dennis D. Hystead Mary M. Winter Seim Julie A. Bergh Penk Betty M. Orbeck Schmidt David B. Keller Thomas H. Sellnow Jill Blashack Strahan Theresa M. Schulte Mark S. Kelly David A. Shade Brenda A. DeKruifBoever Ruth D. Simpson Scott D. Kelly Steven C. Sodt Peter J. Boever James E. Smith Katje Keskinen Gregory B. Spofford Sharon L. Doherty Kelly D. Smith David W. Ketcham Vicki M. Lyseng Spofford Lee J. Erickson Gordon J. Straw Robert E. Kirchberg Randall L. Thielke Mary E. Halliday Farrell Donna L. Toft Kerry J. Knakmuhs Terry D. Thomas Laura C. Findorff-Norberg Ronald H. Tschida Peggy E. McCallum Nancy L. Christensen Tillman Andrea M. McRoberts Florine Daniel A. Vikstrom Kent M. Meyers Pamela R. Veeder Robert A. Florine


Class of 1982 Curtis A. Nelson Robert S. Peterson Jaclyn D. Anderson Walter Charles A. Brunnette Monica B. O'Hara Susan L. Peterson Kelly M. O'Brien Weger Todd R. Counters Keith D. Olson Bradley D. Pickle Willard W. Wevley Allan J. Doering Randall L. Olson Deann G. Dewandeler Redfield Cheryl M. Williams Lynn M. Ballard Exsted Todd A. Olson Joel P. Sauer Linda L. Wallisch Wolf Robert J. Fisher Julie B. Sandberg Tina M. Brown Shelton Marty J. Wolf Patti J. Hook Virnig Leanne P. Sandven Todd E. Smith Michael W. Woodcock Steven J. Ilkka Miriam M. Stephan Sanguins Susan L. Larson Sommerfeld Daniel S. Zamzow Joel D. James Stuart E. Shelstad Randall M. Sukow Mary L. Hauge Ziegler Susan M. Hartley Karwoski TedM. Smith Rodney A. Switzer Richard E. Ziegler Cathryn S. Kemble Teresa A. Tate Sullivan Jill A. Zitzloff Tetrick Heidi J. Bode Zimmerman Jean D. Krawetz Arden E. Virnig Kim E. Peterson Weber Brenda M. Swenson Landes Jean E. Williamson Wicks Judy M. Wilkening Class of 1986 Karla J. Larsen Holly S. Witt Peter J. Zeleny Suzanne M. Barley Ron A. Lewis Alan R. Zimmel Corey D. Carlson James D. Metz Class of 1984 Daniel B. Cowger David P. Mulcrone Julianne D. Nere Amundson Class of 1985 Karleen J. Draeger Cowger Jenine S. Swenson Nordquist Kelly A. Gossard Amundson Nancy J. Schaeffer Aagesen Camilla A. Dalhoff Joanne M. Holzheimer Noyes John A. Anderson Lowell D. Amundson Lynette F. Demuth Jay A. Paulson Kevin L. Baker Debra A. Anderson Susan M. Baker Dieter Valerie M. Reti-Smith Marie T. Benkofske Laurie C. Anderson Maureen J. Donlin Bruce J. Rowan Susan J. Benson Daniel S. Bormann Donna L. Drontle Sharon Orange Rowan Jon A. Blocher Kris J. Budke Jennifer M. Sutter Dubois Annette L. Seppanen Craig C. Bowden Shelley L. Beals Budke Shawn E. Dubois Thomas M. Stackpool Rebecca L. Schotzko Braegelmann Neil R. Burbank Kevin D. Fossum Mark S. Ullery Joel 0. Brinkmann Deirdre A. Swenson Burgess Barbara A. Larsen Friedeman Cynthia A. Walker Welinski Michelle A. Kallhoff Brown Bryan S. Delage Kimberly D. Schmidt Gernandt Gregory L. Windschill Sharyn M. Wallin Danielson Thomas J. DeRung Danette M. Lachmiller Griffith Steven E. Wolter Jon T. Davidann Margaret A. Kvasnicka Ditty Daniel C. Henjum Carol J. Walker Denny Charles F. Farrell Anita M . Faulds Hoffman Class of 1983 Jane E. Aisenbrey Diers Karla L. Pronk Farrell Brett N. Johnson MichaelJ. Aagesen James C. Dieter Julie A. Zwaschka Fossum Connie A. Jorgensen Denise A. Anderson Diane M. Duesterhoeft David A. Frank Stacey K. Larson Junghans Lisa A. Hahn Anderson Stephen J. Eklund Donald E. Goebel Cynthia L. Kuismi Benjamin I. Arthur Robin J. Gernandt Michael L. Gunderson Kevin D. McClamon Wayne A. Barstad Patrice C. Christensen Gillie Lori R. Hoekstra Erni Dale A. Mehr Jeffry C. Braegelmann Lisa R. Berndt Gillispie Rebecca L. Driggins Hogen Debra H. Lewis Mehr Dale D. Brown Holly E. Erickson Hanauer Teresa M. Stracek Hoglund Susan J. Miller Timothy J. Carlson David T. Harms Stanley J. Jung Johnny M. Nelson Jonna L. Crosby-Gerdes Hege B. Herfindahl Susan M. Jung Varpness Melinda S. Schanilec Orr Dean P. Ditty Carla J. Heyl Mark D. Karels David A. Pietz Carolyn A. Donlin Barry L. Hogen Elizabeth K. Ketz JeffD. Plaschko Constance R. Perseke Fragodt David M. Johnson Bonnie L. Mills Kruse James P. Rentz Randall L. Gerdes Jeffrey S. Johnson Mark L. Lagergren Brian D. Roggow Lorie A. Skjerven Gildea Susan K. Madson Johnston Shirley E. Ehlers Lawrence Richard R. Sampson Dale A. Hanson Jennifer M. Born Kelly James F. Mahoney John P. Sams Annette M. Blaisdell Ilkka Linda R. King-Krentz Karen L. Frank Makela Linda S. Freyman Sams Andrew D. Johnson Bruce W. Klopfleisch Steven J. Miller Anne M. Heinsohn Seppanen Jane C. Johnson Larry A. Knutson Colleen K. Butler Nelson Jeffrey W. Stobb Sandra G. Witter Josephs Vickie L. Renstrom Kuchta Monica M. Pavek-Stackpool Nancy A. Nordby Waletzko Naomi E. Karaus Scott J. Lappegaard Blake D. Redfield Todd W. Walter Thomas P. Koch Jeffrey R. Lessman Carla J. Schmidt Riley Aaron A. Koepp Cheryl L. Light Shriner John L. Seppanen Class of 1987 Randall J. Kramer Thomas G. Lydon Richard L. Sewall Wendy S. Wharton Appenzeller Mark K. Kroontje Thomas B. Lyseng Janine F. Staufacker Annette M. Vought Barnett Joan R. Hullett Larson Timothy P. McCloskey Kimberly D. Mc Laughlin Leann C. Vergeldt Blanchfield Gregg A. Laurence Deborah I. Stangler Metz Steinbronn Susan M. Stoick Chamberlain Thomas J. Lawson Michael T. Molden John V. Stowe Fran E. Cin Vernon M. Lysford Stephanie A. Mosher-Williams Tod M. Swanson Blane T. Dahl Deanne R. Guse Malterer Scott A. Nelson John E. Tavis Fred A. Dickson Gordon 0. Meyer Steven J. Nordquist Lisa C. Tollefson Pam M. Zitzloff Diem Charles B. Mitzel Randall J. Olson Lee A. Varpness Roger J. Ebnet Diane M. Nyhus Mitzel Linden J. Pederson David A. Waletzko Nancy A. Bullert Eklund


Mark L. Fisher Susan M. Frass Gwen M. Athrnan Garber Martin R. Garber Beth A. Gillespie Hallauer Karen L. Grosland Kimberly K. Gullickson Michael J. Gutierres Brad T. Hanauer Kevin J. Hansen Brad R. Hanson Jason P. Haugland Clyde C. Heppner Kaye E. Andersh Hesemann Todd K. Hesemann Cynthi a L. Christianson Hiedeman Blaine C. Hill David D. Hofland John M. Hovren Paul J. Huber Renae J. Engebretson Huber Shari L. Brunes Johnson James P. Kosse Mahjoub Labyad Leigh C. Marthe Gregory L. Martin Dyanne M. Opdahl Parsons Minge Award supports Kehrwald's Jacqueline R. Buche Plaschko Mary S. Eliason Poss Norma J. Reker Washington, D.C., internship Rodney L. Richter Traveling has become second nature to Kristi Kehrwald '08, New Prague. Last Debra K. Hanson Roggow summer the 2007 recipient of the David Minge Internship Award traveled to Washington, Linda Vang Rol es D.C., to intern with American Friends Service Committee, a Quaker nonprofit group. Sandra K. Samuelson Roverud Established by David Minge, former U.S. congressman from Minnesota, the award Darcy L. Wille Senst provides financial support to students interning in Washington, D.C., and studying public Daniel B. Smith Denise M. Erickson Sturman policy process at the federal level. Amy I. Eix Suhr Kehrwald did just that. She researched, attended hearings conducted by the House Gerralynn A. Thomas and Senate, and closely watched bills such as the State Children's Heath Insurance Bill Juleen M. Trisko-Schneider and the Health and Human Services Appropriations bills. She also worked with fellow Theodore P. VanErp UMMer Chris Pifer '03 while in Washington, D.C. Kim M. VanHoudt "I was excited to have the opportunity to meet so many dedicated and passionate people," shares Kehrwald. "The group I was with, as well as many groups and coalitions Class of 1988 which we worked closely with, impressed me with their commitment to bettering James W. Beauregard government and the lives of other people. It was nice to see that there are people trying to Barbara A. Rahlenbeck Berg Linda M. Ebnet Conway do really great things through the government." Daniel W. Croonquist Kehrwald says that without the financial support of the much-appreciated Minge Shelley L. Born Croonquist Award, an unpaid internship would have been extremely difficult. Jodi A. DeCamp Kehrwald's travels don't end in Washington, D.C. She arrived back in Minnesota Kristi M. Nichols Delage this fall to catch up with family and friends and then was on her way to the Czech Mary E. Diederich Republic with UMM's English Language Teaching Assistant Program (EL TAP). During Jerry A. Eide fall semester, she is living and learning in Kaplice, a small town in the southern part of Thomas M. Fox Bohemia, where she teaches English with four other teachers. Kristi A. lverson Fritz In January, Kehrwald will settle down in Morris for her last semester at UMM. Ruth M. Hamlow Kari J. Halverson Hanson "I've been lucky lately," she reflects. "Things have worked out amazingly well for me­ Bruce A. Harvey between Washington, D.C. , last summer and ELTAP now. People in Morris, Washington, Sara J. Watson Haugen D.C., and here in Kaplice have been a great help!" Kenneth G. Heitzman by Melissa Weber, University Relations Ann Hendershott Paula O'Loughlin, associate professor of political science, (right) presents the David Minge Jani ce A. Wenker Jones Kari A. Wersal Jung Internship A ward to Kristi Kehrwald '08, New Prague


Dean A. Kasparek Dawn M. Duhr Sparby Class of 1991 Carolyn R. Baird Joel D. Kennedy Ian .C. Stuart Jonathan E. Arneson Kevin R. Banken Jolene M. Kubista Kennedy Robert W. Sutterer Ramie L. Penke Bakken Nancy J. Helmer Berry Kathryn R. Kuntz Edward R. Trager Megan M. Bard-Pankow Christine M. Beyerl Douglas A. Kvidera Kenneth W. Traxler Donald E. Beissel Scott A. Burroughs Elizabeth A. Beckey Kwakenat Janelle A. Schwager! Tritz Jason R. Berger Clarence N. Carson III Margaret K. Labammer Dennis L. Van Dam Joan L. Boleman Carey L. Paquette Chasteen Catherine L. Diethelm Larson Cristin G. Van Driel Anne M. Polusny Broskoff Janeen A. Schletz Clauson Margaret T. Larson Thomas M. VanErp Mary E. Johnson Burroughs Andrew N. Cook Rollin L. Larson John F. VanKempen Christine A. Bunde Dahl Laura L. Brown Deleon Beth A. Mahoney Robert F. Vipond Jody A. Ebnet Kristin S. Olson Doeden · Debra K. McDonald Bradley A. Vogt Michael J. Follingstad Timothy G. Doeden Steven L. Myren Jacqueline R. Knaak Vogt Jesse P. George Andrea K. Nordaune Dreier Laura K. Anderson Newman Mark J. Wettlaufer Brett M. Gibson Douglas P. Duwenhoegger Carolyn A. Olson Jill C. Hanson Sheri M. Jacobs Fakhreddine Jerald H. Richardson Class of 1990 Karla R. Ause Jeselson David J. Flynn Lisa M. Roberts Kyle W. Berget Cheryl L. Johnson Jean M. Koetz Flynn Michael C. Rodriguez Charles W. Berry Marlene M. Leonhardt Kadlec Brian M. Foley Peter T. Roverud Trent L. Blinkman Peter J. Kampen Lori A. Foote Lisa M. Smith Dennis J. Brueni Matthew J. Kennedy Brent B. Frank Renae D. Steiner Kevin W. Bullis Shawn R. Kirkeide Colleen M. Geisel Moira A. Sweeting Timothy T. Buysse Brian J. Kleven Melanie L. Dahlin Gillespie Cara L. Nyvall Thrane John A. Chasteen Laurie J. Kurth Scott A. Gonnerman Lawrence E. Ward Cort S. Coburn Jodie A. Landwehr Melissa L. Gray Patricia K. Appel Dahlke Jose L. Marquez Perry L. Greenfield Class of 1989 Lisa J. Freitag DeCathelineau Jennifer A. Glaus McCann Lisa R. Gulbranson Pamela J. Barringer Andrews John J. DeRung Molly E. Hergott Miller Brian A. Harris Thomas J. Berg Wendy L. Youngerberg DeRung Dawn M. Franklin Mord Wendy S. Carlson Harris Paul F. Brown Theresa M. Weick Diekmann Rodney A. Mord Tracy M. Thraen Harstad Matthew J. Doppler Debra J. Eiler Ann Marie C. Mrnak Howard L. Hecht Jacqueline L. Wistrcill Dripps Nancy K. Walsh Eystad Anne M. Bruss Nelson Scott T. Hegstad Joel C. Flaten Lisa K. Lester Finken Lynn Hofland Nelson David E. Herbst Joanne M. Sopkowiak Foust Debra A. Hennen Frischman Paige J. Anderson Nordling Charlotte M. Skarphol Hoffmann Timothy P. Frischmon Jon A. Gubrud Theresa M. O'Halloran-Johnson Richard E. Hollermann Julie R. Toft Gervais Vance G. Gullickson Troy L. Olsen Jason E. Jaglo Mark A. Gisi · Craig S. Herman Lori L. Oschmann Devin R. Janssen Lisa J. Nordstrom Gjersvik Kurt R. Hoehnem III Terrence M. Osterman Theresa L. Johnson Pau!W. Gonnerman Carrie D. Jepma Joel S. Pagliarello Kimberly Jones Kathryn R. Hanson Gina N. Keenan-Klages Ronda K. Peterson Theresa L. Kakac Janet M. Lutter Henjum Constance M. Hartman Kieso Teresa R. Luckow Peterson Jane M. Flaschenriem Kampen Lori A. Livermore Hoehne Mary M. Atkinson Lieser Leonice L. Prokott Eva C. Dockter Kathmann Anita L. Horecka Valerie K. Palmer Marohn Sandra J. Rausch Kevin J. Kathmann Shirley I. Blommel Hulinsky Michael R. Martin Amanda C. Thompson Reed Tracy H. Kill Todd G. Hyde George M. McCarthy Terri M. Lofquist Reuter Jennifer L. Asfeld Kinzer Gary P. Ihnen Wanda E. Pope Moore Jeffrey D. Richert Steven A. Kinzer Brian L. Kadlec Dana L. Nelson Thomas A. Saue Kathryn R. Gonier Klopfleisch Renee A. Collett Kannegiesser Kathleen M. Oakes Jeffrey A. Schmidt Christine M. Beck Larson Margaret A. Kleven Kristi L. O'Connell Scott A. Schroeder Jessica E. Larson Stephen W. Lang Alice M. Pegel Stuart Carmen E. Stangeland Snaza John F. Lindgren Lorelei Livingston Dorothy A. Reiner Kelly E. Ames Spartz Kristen A. Sigrist Lynch Gary D. Malecek LeAnn K. Richardson Gregory G. Sperr Cheryl A. Stadick Maiolo John E. McCullough Amy K. Heinecke Schmidt Gerri L. Swiers Marcus R. Max Timothy M. McLaughlin Mark L. Shelstad John A. Voit Robert G. Mc Donald Leslie R. Thibodo Meek Richard J. Spartz Martin I. Voskuil Ann M. Michels William C. Mettler Kimberly S. Stark-Wroblewski Nancy A. Schiffler Wehseler Nathan A. Miller Dean A. Mithun Stacie A. Tietz Stellner Richard A. Wehseler Lisa A. Marthaler Monsrud Ellen M. Jarchow Moritz Karl J. Terhaar Suzette M. Westhoff E. Christina Muedeking Blair R. Nelson Bart A. Thielbar JD. White Gina M. Jarchow Newman Michael S. Peterson Paula R. Stoltenburg Thielbar Karole D. Kaden Zink Tamara M. Lemke Osterman Craig W. Ross Julianne B. Graupman Trebelhom Allen C. Pankow Kristi A. Block Schmidtbauer Scott R. Trebelhom Class of 1992 Cheryl P. Rosa Pankow Lisa M. Olson Sellie Mary B. Wolff Zosel Julie K. Mathiowetz Anderson Jessica J. Pavlak Connie S. Schuft Simonett Carolyn M. Fragodt Ashburn Christopher T. Peterson


Lisa J. Landwehr Phipps Trina J. Johnson Riegel Aleksey Przhelyaskovskiy Kristine L. Yakesh Niznik Carmin J. Pluntz Mark 0 . Robinson Kelly R. Quick Angela R. Nowak Lisa J. Reinke Christopher A. Michael S. Rentz Aaron R. Paleen John A. Rollie Roelfsema-Hummel David L. Santelman Shanyn M. Bain Pautzke Donald J. Schilling Leah K. Roelfsema-Hummel Steve A. Santjer Jae M. Rabas Kristina L. Schram Linda W. Ronalds Brandon J. Schaust Christopher A. Rausch) Jay B. Schrupp Lisa A. Schwickerath Sandvik Deborah A. Quinn Schilling Teresa C. Rico Reva G. Averill Sehr Tina L. Kalthoff Saue Glen D. Schilling Roxanne C. Rooney Christine M. Labarre Staebler Corinne K. Leuthner Schmieg John C. Schultz Diane R. Rosenwald David P. Stark-Wroblewski Julie M. Schroer Scott A. Schulz Daniel J. Rutherford Stacey M. Dickinson Swanson Joan D. Revier Seedorf Kari L. Wells Streit Jenny L. Anderson Schaust Jade W. Templin Randal D. Streit Denise J. Carlson Thiner Laura C. Schrier Stanton J. Vander Lugt Danny 0. Struxness Kyle A. Vick Jami L. Pagnac Schumacher Todd J. VanErp Melissa R. Kleven Struxness Ji;:ffery H. Voit Matthew L. Schumacher Christine M. Kapla VanKempen Jason M. Thiner Michelle M. Henry Voit Mary K. Stark Cory R. Wagner Stacey E. Frank Voit Jodi J. Kannas Weelborg Cy Thao Juli A. Yauch Wagner GaryD. Wahl LoriAnn M. Lentsch Wilson Laura L. Meyer Thielke Tracy A. Nelson Walker Shelly M. Weibye Timna J. Odegaard Wyckoff Jessica K. Trites Rolle Christopher D. Wente Kimberly J. Williamson Whalen Daniel F. Unzen Michael J. Yetzer Class of 1995 Greta M. Schoep Van Meeteren Class of 1993 Anonymous Nancy L. Zierden VanErp Anonymous Class of 1994 Melissa J. Ahmann Amy C. Middendorf Voigt Johnathon D. Amundson Patricia A. Alander Aanes Lai J. Alberts Jana L. Voss Tabatha J. Bargabos Amundson Paul J. Aanes Lisa A. Wielenberg Babineau Kristina K . Walker Sandi J. Arndt Christine K. Allen Dickinson Andrea Griggs Bar)dey Barbara E. Walswick William L. Bajari Robert A. Amos Jeffrey J. Bartusek Amanda L. Carlquist Wilwerding Jill A. Holst Beauregard Anne H. Barber Ann M. Blaisdell Katie M. Knuth Benson Traci L. Lamb Bernardy Rachel L. Brand Class of 1996 Amy J. Benzi Gina M. Brunko-Marquez Sarah J. Bromeland Katherine I. Archer Karen E. Hansen Berget Carrie A. Bulger Brandon J. Burbach Thomas J. Babineau Pamela J. Nathe Coppa Paul W. Cairns Judy M. Schreifels Carlson Jennifer A. Borgert Rodger P. Coppa Theresa L.Heyne Cairns Susan L. Christianson Megan A. McGinley Brooks Terry J. Crosby Jeanne M. Calabrese Candice S. Kollmann Currier Jamie E. Bruhn Chad K. Daby Scott D. Carlson Meri E. Blocher Danielson Patricia M. Burns Cindy L. Schwartz Diersen Leslie N. Clapper-Rentz Michael S. Dick Anne E. Folkerds Christianson Matthew A. Diersen Brian M. Donlan Jennifer A. Schaible Dummer Eric C. Crabtree Mary A. Torchy Doschadis Tamara L. Marwitz Furth Shelby L. Ehrenberg Kristi M. Fick Dick Tiffany R. Robb Eidem Tracy L. Lutz Hansen Kari J. Struxness Feldhaus Matthew A. Dickinson Jeffrey R. Estum Jeffrey M. Hausken Sam P. Ferraro Timothy L. Doppler Paulette M. Gibbs-Madson Jason K. Heikkila Marisue E. Gleason Renee L. Kaess Drewicke Kathryn R. Pfitzer Good Rebecca A. Batalden Heikkila Scott D. Golmen Sheila R. Flatau Delenora M. Grey Jason T. Hoffrogge Mary B. Haley Hames Andrew W. Gorrill Heidi L. Haley-Franklin Jennifer S. Deutchmari Houtman Julie M. Emerson Heyen Brian M. Hanson Aaron L. Hoium Jon C. Houtman Emmaline Z. Hilty Matthew L. Hanson Erik D. Homme Jennifer F. Iverson Johnson Jason R. Holt Catherine A. Good Haugland Aron P. Kasal Monte E. Johnson Jennifer A. Riebeling Holt Karen L. Hohenstein Edward A. Kelm Brad A. Kapsner Mary J. Stojan Jimmerson Kerri A. Jamison Kurt J. Korkowski Mary L. Kiser Jason L. Kirwin Angelica A. Pilot Jurgens Julie K. Kuecker Jodi J. Kosel Jessica I. Severson Kirwin Donald J. Jurgens Kevin J. Kutter Fred J. Kuismi Judy R. DeGrcite Korn Christine J. Keeley-Zachow Stacy L. Heck Lambert Patrick R. Larson Daniel M. Kuglin Kim M. Kopel Steven J. Lamotte Jennifer R. Lecy Lindgren Greg C. Liknes Kristen A. Leveille Thomas C. Lopez Joseph P. Luhman Marcia L. Lindsay Erin M. Osborn McLain Gregory T. J. Madson, Jr. Tasslyn L. Frame Magnusson Kristine C. Giese Maki Patrick L. Mooney William C. McDonald Michele B. Ling Max Mary E. Banks Mc Donald Robert E. Morton Michael A. McKowen Kelsey N. Holdorph McDonald Lanae J. McClellan Eric C. Newell Kendra L. Osterkamp Miller Angela K. Mahlberg McLaughlin Dawn M. McKenzie Carolyn B. Pickett Olson Karen J. Rittenhouse Mitchell Patrick H. McLaughlin Jennifer L. Rodgers Miller Jill M. Peterson Mindi K. Nelson Suzanne E. Storck Meyer Justin D. Miller Judy M. Platz Jennifer J. Ainsworth Opitz Yer Moua-Lor Dawn E. Lueth Mitchell Wade P. Reitmeier Jean M. Parupsky Charles D. Nikles II Jay D. Mitchell Jon E. Schimnowski Jayson E. Pautzke Loma L. Notsch Twila G. Smith Moncada Jennifer A. Gunderson Schmitz Dena M. Quiggle Cathie A. Kutter Paulsen Samantha-A. Reiling Nett Holly L. Norling Sebahar


Stephanie M. Muller Slagter Angela L. Seewald-Marquardt Angela M . Mulder Romero Christopher S. Wenner Rachel L. Smoka Joy E. Webskowski Springborg Anna C. Ronhovde Karen J. Graupman Wottreng Brent P. Stephens Sara E. Amundson Staton Cynthia L. Sanford Robert V. Wottreng Christopher M. Thompson Jill N. Pollard Stephens Andrea J. Schueler Valley Yang Xiong Joanna M. Turner Brigid A. Tuck Brent D. Seewald-Marquardt Marie B. Vansomeren Stephen M . Turner Matthew S. Sturm Class of 2000 Kimberly A. Veches Monica M. Ningen Tuttle Kari A. Fredricksen Ulrich Janelle 8 . Alvstad-Mattson Lesley L. White Shauna J. Voss Jennifer E. Vogt-Erickson Jeremy E. Barchenger Sheila M . Williams Ridge Allison L. Wangen Angela L. Zielsdorf Chad A. Becker Kimberly L. Williams Wirka Seth J. Webster Nicole L. Dischinger Bender Wendy M. Schneider Webster Class of 1999 Chad J. Braegelmann Class of 1997 Jason P. Wirka Garry J. Allen Natalie R. Zierden Braegelmann Erik M . Anderson Christine L. Woidyla Christa S. Nevalainen Anderson Shannon A. Pohlmeier Cayler Joel W . Anderson Noah J. Wolfe Erika L. Bailey-Johnson Erin S. Costanzo Andrew L. Bobst Karin L. Wolverton Michael C. Bernard Lori J. Decook Mary A. Holewa Bobst Lisa A. Brown Oryan S. Dubois Joshua A. Bodie Class of 1998 Ryan J. Brown Emily C. Durand Eric T. Brandt Anonymous Anne M. Bureau Ronni M. Etterrnan Carrie L. Brecht Tara J. Anderson Nicole J. Evers Cherne Megan M. Fogelson-Dahlby Thomas W. Brenny Dana C. Beckler Christopher L. Cole Rebecca M. Hachfeld Ford Emily A. Clark Burbach Abigail M. Chase Blouin Christy M . Daigle James D. Gunther Casey C. Charles Kari J. Brandt Monique Knierim Daley Jennifer A. Zych Herrmann Russell R. Cherne Lisa M . Braun Amanda M. Dodson Madeline M. Jenni Sheila A. Christen Stephanie D. Fjeldheim Bruckner Rachel A. Flynn Shannon F. Kishel-Roche Kelley M . Cole Jessica A. Champion Heather M. Fox Benjamin T. Knutzen Clayton M. Compton Bradley D. Dahl Germaine M . Glieden-Lindquist Molly S. Mundt Knutzen Bridget R. Kimmes Crabtree Jennifer M . Wright Dahlquist Jennifer E. Gould Jana K. Bunjer Koehler Scott B. Dargus Mark R. Daigle Chelsey R. Grandstrand David A. Logan Lisa H. Hollermann Dierkhising Adrian G. Daley Jessica M. Houdek Gunther Sarah R. Kjolhaug Logan Ross A. Dierkhising Vicki L. Pogatchnik Dibler Jennifer L. Hagstrom David J. Mair Brian L. Entinger Patricia L. Dorn Kjersti L. Hanneman Neil S. Mattson Emmeline J. Erikson Emily E. Welke Fifield Doug A. Hanson Anne M. Osterberg O 'Flynn Joanna M. Biss Ferraro Stephen J. Fricke Nicole L. Neu Hanson Kalli L. Ostlie Jennifer M. Paulson Fitch Mark N . Halvorson Brent A. Heeringa Julia K. Perschrnann Thomas M. Fitch Luke A. Heikkila Heather Thompson Henke Eric W . Peterson David M . Fluegel Rhonda K. Heuer Lindsay J. Hermans-Miller Nicole E. Statz Peterson Christopher G. Foss Sandra Hohnstadt Brad D. Hilger Sara L. Rausch Todd E. Hanson Hans C. Homing Jennifer L. Hopper Marisa L. Reyes Sarah A. Fischer Heikkila Shane P. Hudak Nicholas J. Hopper Charles Rice Jeffery P. Reiling Bridget T. Jacques-Fricke Anna K. Karsten Kelly L. Klosterman Rice Benjamin J. Holtz Emily E. Willett James Paula A. Mack Kersten Sara R. Englund Rossow Kimberly A. Zirnney Horning Patrick T. Jarvis Christine M. Lamotte Tammy J. Roth Elisa M. Johnson Jill M. Kane Joseph C. Lee Kris M . Santjer Matthew M. Johnson Michael J. Kappel Graham R. Lief Elizabeth A. Senst Brad A. Kelzer Laura A. Kelnhofer Neota E. Moe Michael J. Torres Stacy A. Kelzer Seth L. Kersten Salvador C. Monteagudo Angela A. Zanin Michelle L. Lebeau Mirza A. Khan Miranda J. Swanson Muscha Devon F. Leppink Staren Christina M . Larson Margie Nelson Class of 2001 David S. Mahoney Soua Lor Colleen P. O 'Brien Chris J. Anderson Karl J. Manske Sarah M. Maki Kirsten H. Olsen Melissa A. Bayerl Sarah E. Mayer Jyl S. Matson Michelle C. Peterson Andy J. Blattenbauer Luke L. McLain Jeremy W. Mattson Laurie L. Plahn Angela L. Bos Laura L. Melin Charles A. McBroom Jon R. Power Jill M . Doerfler Jodin C. Morey Susan C. Schleder Morton Benjamin C. Rossow Charles L. Ellwood, Jr. Darren A. Olson Tammy A. Nelson Debra A. Smith Rita A. Frahm Joel M. Pautzke Carolina Pallares Shannon M. Steinbring Jacobs Daniel J. Gohman Matthew D. Rabinovitch Theresa M. Pertz Jeremiah D. Stimpson Jeremy E. Goulet Kevin M. Rask Dale F. Plasek Sara M . Broadwell Stimpson Jared J. Groehler Kay M. Risacher Heidi M . Buck Plasek Jessica J. Stoering Ryan A. Haraldson Luke I. Robinson Sarah J. Nelson Rask Benjamin L. Stottrup Jennifer M. Jones Hauck Jill A. Renner Sargent Kimberly K. Rathmann Shannon M. Thompson Bryan J. Herrmann Lee A. Schimnowski Shannon M . Maurer Robinson Amy J. Warthesen Andrea S. Heuer Jessica J. Schomberg Jaron J. Roering Angela Watson Adam R. Hoffman


Jarod M. Holtz James N. Keitel Nicolette J. Knudson Megan Ludescher Ivan lge Theresa A. Lahr Eric W. Korman Adam Luebke Kari A. Keenan Joanie L. Lofgren AbbyM. Lyon Brianna N. Martin Veronica K. Kepner · Jonathan M. Marchand Erin A. Magedanz Luke J. Mattheisen Jennifer A. Kerkvliet Mack T. McLarty Ashley J. Mathews Grace C. Meyer Matthew J. Knakmuhs David M. Poppe Michael C. Maurer Scott Perry Eric W. Knoche Christopher M. Roeder Katherine A. Baumstark Melgaard Heather D. Petersen Travis J. Kraker Travis Ryder Joshua J. Peterson Kirsten M. Reed Joshua R. Kurpiers Amee F. Gallagher Vandenberg David W. Robbin Kathleen Rogers Matthew R. Larson Michael R. Vandenberg Deanna E. Ryan Susan Seim Jennifer M. Christensen Legatt Joel P. Vanderheyden Danielle D. Smith Katherine Shimshock Del A. Peterson Brielle M. Wacker Tony J. Streng Kimberly A. Simek Megan J. Peterson Kaleb W. Walter Maggie Stewart Lyndee R. Warren Salo Class of 2006 Joy Stokka Paul D. Sandvik Class of 2004 Angela T. Adam See Thao Stephanie J. Grimes Sandvik Eugen Barbu Nicolas H. Buer Jason S. Ward Penny J. Sinner Anne M. Borgendale Zarah R. Campion Adrian J. Waukau Jessica M. Slater Brendan Brandt Dianne J. Ackerman Desrosiers Crystal M. Yang Roxann Sorenson Shannon L. Bryan Christopher T. Harnrin Paula M. Stark Haraldson Christine M. Casey Katie J. Johnson Class of 2008 Daniel J. Thompson Tera M. Deutsch Amie L. Kegler Takayla M. Lightfield Bradley L. Waldoch Michael E. Doucette Emily A. Lyman Deidra J. Waldoch Kathleen Ellis Benjamin C. Mathews Kevin L. Ely Amanda M. Prodger Class of 2002 Daniel L. Ford Wendy A. Schiffler Nicolle L. Anderson Angie R. Forkrud Kathryn M. Schwaderer Jessica A. Van Alstine Beyer Janette E. Hunter-Gomer Emily G. Whebbe David B. Brinkman Wendy L. Hyatt Midhasso M. Dayassa Elizabeth J. Kahl Class of 2007 Sara E. Drenner Sarah J. Kenner Shelly Backes AmyF. Ebnet Nancy M. Kolstoe Leo Baker Jonathan C. Ebnet Alexandra N. Leis Anna K. Bakker Tanya L. Bosl Fischer Clare E. Leitzman Jessica H. Bassett Jacob G. Giesen Nicole M. Lovgren Alicia J. Bercier Thomas E. House Jennifer A. Mages Daniel P. Bier Patrick B. Johnston Marlys J. Marsh Ann Marie T. Bigley Nathan J. Knakmuhs Emily Bakker Mattson Sara T. Bremer Mark R. Kreie Joshua R. Mattson Jennifer N. Brown Stephanie M. Swick Kreie Bradley R. McBeath Matthew W. Bryan Timothy J. Lieser Christina M. Pacheco Rachel E. Carlson Nicole L. Stiklestad Marschall Leland C. Potter Katherine R. Clark Kirsten Myren Amanda C. Quammen Stephanie Y. Clark Leah E. Oestreich Robert J. Rolle Karen M. Coleman Laura L. Olson Catherine L. Ross Dana A. Damm Paul E. Olson Patrick Smith Sally R. Emery John K. Oman Serena L. Klassen Vergin Joshua D. Giefer Aaron A. Perrine Amanda G. Hulten Willis Timothy W. Gorecki Stephanie J. Perrine Erin K. Witzmann Jessie M. Hass Christopher L. Robards Rachel M. Hoeschen Jennifer M. Rogers Class of 2005 Karen M. Holdvogt Anthony L. Schuster Anonymous Kristen M. Holien Shannon N. Tri Erin A. Aili Katherine E. L. Hunt Sarah M. Smieja Vanderheyden Liana Aube Nathan A. Jamot Laura A. Waldoch Erin E. Burquest Lindsey A. Johansen Rachelle A. Welters William T. Cox Rosalynn M. Johnson Lindsey R. Grams Derry Becki J. Jordan Class of 2003 Matthew J. Derry Kristen L. Jorgenson Ryan M. Anderson Gabriel B. Desrosiers PulumKim Sara J. Anderson Jennifer A. Farrell Molly J. Kloek Michael E. Curtiss Cody J. Gramm Carsten P. W. Knoche Jennifer M. Falzerano Eric L. Hansen Andrew M. Korth Jeffrey J. Hauck Evan M. Hawkins Emily A. Loehr Daniel J. Hilley Andrew T. Hoheisel Angelica Lozano

Fall 2007 Profile page 37 U NIV ERSITY OF MINNESOTA MORRIS F acuity/Staff/Retirees We wish to thank faculty, staff, and retirees who have made financial contributions as well as generously contributing their time and talents to the mi ssion ofUMM. We gratefully acknowledge and recognize their gifts and the families, spouses, and partners who help to support the mission ofUMM.

Anonymous Nancy E. Carpenter James C. Gremmels and Robinson S. Abbott and Michael W. Cihak Ruth T. Troen Gremmels '7 1 Rose Marie S. Abbott Harold Classen Marilyn J. Gremmels and Peter Gremmels Wilbert H. Ahern and Janet T. Ahern Leona E. Classen Liselotte Gumpel Jon E. Anderson and Chlene Anderson James F. Cotter Roland L. Guyotte and Ferolyn A. Angell LeAnn F. Lindquist Dean Barbara M. Posadas Elizabeth M. Ascheman Wendy L. Youngerberg DeRung '90 and Joanne Hagstrom Laird H. Barber John J. DeRung '90 Nathaniel I. Hart Donna Bauck Russell E. DuBois Sara J. Watson Haugen '88 and Jill A. Holst Beauregard '93 and William D. Eil er and Debra J. Eiler '90 William D. Haugen '72 James W. Beauregard '88 Bart D. Finzel and Sally J. Finzel Arnold E. Henjum and Dori s L. Benson Kevin R. Flicker '74 and Irene L. Shelstad Henjum ' 74 Katherine A. Benson Judith V. Collins Fli cker ' 74 Jennifer A. Zych Herrmann '00 and Jessica A. Van Alstine Beyer ' 02 David M. Fluegel ' 97 Bryan J. Herrmann 'OI Elizabeth S. Blake MarkV. Fohl Harold E. Hinds and Brenda A. DeKruif Boever '80 and George C. Fosgate and Patricia J. Fosgate Elizabeth J. Wood Hinds '74 Peter J. Boever '80 Pieranna Garavaso and Lory Lemke Wendy L. Hyatt ' 04 Roger P. Boleman and Theodora D. Economou and John Q. Imholte and Joan L. Boleman ' 91 Charles C. Glasrud Lucy G. Gibbs Imholte '70 A vis R. Brandt Van D. Gooch John S. Ingle and Gigi Ingle Siobhan M. Bremer and Peter Bremer Jennifer Ropp Goodnough and Clyde E. Johnson Laura Burks and Stephen V. Burks Troy J. Goodnough David C. Johnson James A. Carlson ' 65 and Stephen G. and Arden H. Granger Pearl A. Johnson A. Kay Joranger Carlson ' 65 Seung-Ho Joo

Dr. J ooinn Lee Political Science Lecture Series deepens UMM tradition of political engagement One of the many giving highlights of the past year is the establishment of the Dr. Jooinn Lee Political Science Lecture Series. In partnership, alumni, faculty, staff, and fri ends made this new UMM opportunity possible by contributing gifts in recognition of Lee's retirement this past spring. An anonymous alumnus generously matched the gifts of fellow donors resulting in a robustly endowed fund. The lecture series will perpetually honor Lee's history and legacy at the University of Minnesota, Morris. The political science discipline will invite distinguished alumni and prominent practitioners in the field of politics to campus to lecture. Guests will alternate annually between scholars and notables from the world of politics. An effort will be made to rotate the areas of emphasis and to invite scholars and speakers who address more than one area of politics. "This lecture series will offer the UMM community a chance to hear policy-makers and cutting edge political science scholars on campus," states Paula O'Loughlin, associate professor of political science. "Bringing nationally renowned scholars and political practitioners to campus will deepen our campus tradition of thoughtful political engagement and further enhance the rich intellectual climate at UMM. This lecture series is a fitting tribute to a man who brought politics to life for so many generations of UMM students, inside and outside the classroom." Jooinn Lee, professor emeritus of political science, earned a doctorate at the University of Illinois and joined the University of Minnesota, Morris faculty in 1961. His specialization is in the areas of political theory and contemporary political ideologies. He served as the Division of the Social Sciences chair and is the author of books and journal articles. He is the recipient of the University of Minnesota's highest teaching honor, the Horace T. Morse-University of Minnesota Alumni Award for Outstanding Contributions to Undergraduate Education. Jooinn Lee, professor emeritus of political science, at bis retirement party when the lecture series was announced Photo credit: David Nieves '10, El Paso, Texas


Byungik Kahng and Jasook Kwon Sarah J. Mattson and Paul D. Mattson Gwen Rudney and Steve Rudney Ernest D. Kemble and · Madeline E. Maxeiner '76 and Kim J. Lewis Schultz and Cathryn S. Kemble '82 Thomas W. Mahoney '70 Michael J. Schultz Ame C. Kildegaard and Barbara Coy McGinnis Samuel Schuman and Nancy G. Schuman Athena 0. Kildegaard Thomas B. McRoberts '68 Ray K. Sibul and Lenora L. Sibul Eric Klinger and Karla M. Klinger Leslie R. Thibodo Meek '89 Pamela A. Solvie Kathryn R. Gooier Klopfleisch '92 and James D. Morales and Tari Morales Dennis Stewart and Cheryl Stewart Bruce W. Klopfleisch '84 Rose W. Murphy and Daniel L. Murphy Clare Dingley Strand '76 Brian D. Koehler and Jenny G. Nellis and Charles Fowler James Tanner and Patricia A. Tanner Jana K. Bunjer Koehler ' 00 Patricia A. Nelson and Lowell H. Nelson Dennis R. Templeman Lois J. Koehntop Peh H. Ng and Jean McDermott Laura L. Meyer Thielke '95 Sandy K. Kopel Lois K. Kruschke Norby '79 Gregory R. Thorson Bradley W. Korn and Paula L. O'Loughlin Bonnie L. Clarken Tipcke '68 Judy R. DeGrote Korn '95 James M . Olson and James B. Togeas Michael S. Korth ' 78 and Nancy K. Lightfoot Olson Thomas C. Turner and Francie Turner Sandra A. Golembeck Korth '80 Sandra K. Olson-Loy and James B. Van Alstine and Martha M. Kroening '67 Douglas W. Loy Sharon Van Alstine Judith A. Kuechle and Marcus Olson Ellen Ordway Michael R. Vandenberg '03 and Ardath M. Larson Ted M. Pappenfus and Amee F. Gallagher Vandenberg '03 Jessica E. Larson '92 Dana L. Pappenfaus Lee A. Varpness '85 and Margaret T. Larson '88 Stacey L. Parker Aronson and Susan M. Jung Varpness '85 Pareena G. Lawrence and David A. Aronson Ralph E. Williams and Todd A. Lawrence Lowell C. Rasmussen and Kris Rasmussen Martha H. Williams Jooinn and Claire Y. Lee Jeffrey A. Ratliff-Crain Peter Wyckoff and David Loewr and Lyn H. Loewi Joan E. Reicosky and Donald C. Reicosky Tirnna J. Odegaard Wyckoff '94 Angel A. Lopez and Dian R. Lopez Carla J. Schmidt Riley '85 Thomas W. Zosel and Christine Mahoney and Paul R. Mahoney Judith K. Tate Riley Mary B. Wolff Zosel '90 Parents and Friends Thank you to the generous parents of current and former students, and non-alumni friends who are committed to the UMM mission and who contributed between July 1, 2006, and June 30, 2007.

Anonymous Timothy P. and Cheryl A. Bergien Della J. Lawson Conroy '72 Robinson S. and Rose Marie S. Abbott Alvin E. and Agnes B. Bethke Glenn M. and Shanda Copeland Wilbert H. and Janet Turbyne Ahem Patricia R. Betsch DeAnn Croatt Patrick C. '72 and Robert E. and Mary S. Bickart James and Mary L. Croatt Brenda F. Bartell Alcorn '74 Michael I. Blair Thomas and Lori Croatt Thora and Burton P. Allen, Jr. Jon A. Blocher '84 Constance M. Mattheisen Cronen '7 1 Jessica Allen Stephen K. and Susan M. Bodurtha Robert L. and Gretchen Crosby Brett and Wendy Almquist Dallas F. and Joan L. Bohnsack John D. and Michelle Currey Jane E. Altberg Diana J. Bomberg and Jane P: Rogstad Milo R. and Judith C. Curtiss Julene Pring Amborn '64 Barb Brenny David and Caryn Dahlberg Roger Andea Daryl E. Brever '75 Marian Dahlgren Geraldine M. Anderson Helen R. Briggs Mark 0. Dahlquist Clennan C. and Judy A. Anderson Sandra P. Brinkmann Vincent F. and Joyce C. Dalager Margaret A. Anderson Ford J. Brown Marilyn Danielson Otis Anderson Kirk M. and lone Viela Brown Erwin D. and Meredith N . Danielson Isabel Aschbrenner Nancy Brown Sharon Day Joyce L. Windahl Aune Irma and Curtis Buer ' 66 Anne E. De Vout Joseph B. and Kathleen M. Axtrnann Patrick and Carol Burke Jack and Doris A. Dekker Audy L. Baack Paul M. and Donna Bursik Scott and Mary Kay DeMaris Thomas H. and Jill Barland John C. and Catherine A. Calabrese Carol J. Walker Denny '84 . Bruce A. and Harriet Barrett Susan Olson Capano '71 Stephen J. and Michelle A. Desutter Michael R. and Cynthia M. Barta Alton B. and Wilma I. Carlson Kathleen L. Westergren Detloff ' 71 Paul and Nancy Battaglia James A. Carlson '65 and Stephen and Julie Deuth Jill A. Holst Beauregard '93 and A. Kay Joranger Carlson '65 Lois V. Devout James W. Beauregard '88 Ken and Pam Carr Pearl E. Diers G. A. and Gretchen A. Umes Beito Curtis N. and Judie L. Rhoades Cherry Joan E. Effertz Donovan '77 Mark and Robin Belting Barry Christenson Jennifer J. Dose Bette E. Bensch Denise Christiansen Janet R. Douglas Pat and Dan Benson '7 1 Marta I. Coburn Daniel L. Dripps Robert L. and Kim Coleman Leonard D. and Rose Marie Peterson Bergherr Bailey and William Conger Susan G. Scheiner Druskin


David L. and Barbara A. Duncan Timothy P. ' 89 and Michael and Laura Hanson Joyce Dunnum Debra A. Hennen Frischman '90 Ona Hanstad Quentin A. Dunnum William M. and Carol LaFave Gabler William D . ' 72 and Scott H. Durand Warren C. and Anna M. Gahlon Sara J. Watson Haugen ' 88 Evan A. and Olga D. Edwards Barbara J. and Patrick J. Gannon ' 70 Duane H. Hausmann ' 64 0. A. Eide William E. Gautsche lll Suzanne M . and Dennis L. Haven James L. and Anne Eidsvold James C. Gay Richard W. Hawkinson '70 William D. and Debra J. Ei ler ' 90 Cynthia L. Derudder Geskey Ross A. Hawley ' 74 Richard A. and Janice R. Ellingson Maria Giannuli George L. and Rosanne Haynes Timothy J. Elverrnan Susan J. Gilbert Laura J. Hecht Jennifer L. Estum Eugene R. '70 and Dwenda K. Bernard H. and Leslie C. Henderson Stephen J. and Mary Ann Evans Van Veldhuizen Gjerdingen '72 Brian A. and Pamela Henjum Daniel Eystad Daniel J. and Susan M. Goebel Rebecca and Charles W. Hennen ' 75 Karen and James Falk '76 Arthur F. and Margaret Goebel Ronald P. Hennen '71 Kay J. Jackson Fellows Sarah A. Crow Goebel Ailys L. Trebil Henningson Karen Fischer Stacy Gohman John and Li11da Herrera Teresa A. Fishel Lachrisha L. Gonnerman Ed and Beth Hick John N. and Therese Fitch T. A. and Virginia W. Woodruff Granfield K. M. Hilger Dennis D. ' 67 and Stephen G. and Arden Hill Granger Scott and Karen Hill Ronna L. Rambow Flesner '70 Carter B. Green John A. Hilsmann David M . Fluegel '97 Michael D. and Barbara J. Greenhagen Alan D. and Michelle M . Hines Angie Busch Flynn ' 7 1 Peter and Marilyn J. Gremmels Barbara H. Hines Robert E. Flynn '70 Stefanie Griffin Jay J. Hinkhouse MarkV. Fohl Margaret A. Grohs J. Shannon Hodges and Susan S. Cogan A lan T. and Kathryn L. Streufert Forsberg Jean W. Watts Grothem Neal and Jeanne Hofland M ichael J. and Mary Faith F. Fox Kimberly K. Gullickson ' 87 Norman and Melba Hoium Robert and Teresa Fragodt Nancy and Don Hagen Richard E. Hollerman□ '92 Douglas and Margaret Frazeur Ron and Peggy J. Hamm Mei-Ying Hoppie Penny J. Freeman Steven M . and Diane C. Hammond Mi lton and Adair Horgen John E. '68 and Kenneth W. Hanson Todd P. and Elizabeth M. Hottovy Margaret E. Carlson Fricke ' 68 Mary L. Walker Hanson Eugene 0 . Hoxtell

Harold P. and Leona E. Classen Florence Eystad Gahm Scholarship Family Scholarship Brigitte Budahn '08, Brainerd, received the 2007 Florence The Harold P. and Leona E. Classen Family Eystad Gahm Scholarship given by Wilbur Gahm in memory Scholarship is awarded to third- and fourth-year elementary of his wife Florence Eystad Gahm. Florence taught at UMM education majors. Scholarship donor Leona Classen, in the early 1960s. Gahm and Budahn visited at UMM's professor emeritus of education, and Heidi R. Knutson '09, Scholarship Jubilee held in October 2007. Garfield, enjoyed meeting each other at the Scholarship Photo credit: Stephanie Messer '09, Lino Lake Jubilee in Oyate Hall in October 2007. Photo credit: Stephanie Messer '09, Lino Lakes


Warren Huebner Jann Kronick-Gath and Chance Gath Edward J. and Helen Jane Morrison Jeff Hufford Jonathan W. and Rita A. Krueger Todd Mrnak John P. and Jacqueline G. Hunt Corrinne Kruize Scott D. Munda! John Q. and Lucy G. Gibbs Imholte '70 Emma Lawatsch Kvatum '70 Craig D. and Joanie Loher Murphy Eloise Irvine Kathryn Kwako-Kronick Genevieve T. Murphy Patricia James Catherine A. Vogel LaBarre '66 Henry and Marg Nadland Paul James Edward J. LaFave David W. Nelson Ruth A. Jans James W. and Gail Oliver Lafave Glenn L. Nelson and Margaret E. Dewar Peggy L. Jergenson Julie A. Lafave Janice M. Nelson George and Marcy Jernberg Patricia P. Paul Lafave Jayne E. Nelson Ralph W. and Debra Jewell Doug and Janice Lake Larry Nelson Kenneth E. and Ardyce J. Johnson Donna and Curtis L. Lambrecht '75 R. Viola Nelson Bruce D. and Beverly J. Johnson Thomas J. Larsen Susan and David Nelson Carole A. Johnson Dena C. Larson Margo Nicoll and Steve Pyan Richard L. and Christine P. Johnson G. Geraldine Latterell Michael J. and Elizabeth P. Norby Clifford G. and Betty J. Newman Johnson Florence E. Lawrence Mark S. and Lea L. Nowak John D. ' 73 and Gary and Lana Lee K. C. and Mary K. O'Brien Susan K. Willgohs Johnson '72 Kevin J. Legatt Bruce H. Odegaard Paul D. Johnson Jerry and Jane M. Lesmeister Donna B. Ohman Sherri M. Johnson Maurice and Kay Leuthner Judith A. Long Oldemeyer '71 Jerrine M. Johnston Patricia M. Mellas Lindquist ' 75 Mr. and Mrs. Robert I. Oliver Nora E. Truax Jost and Kenneth Jost '70 James R. Litchfield and Caryl R. Gaudette James M. and Nancy K. Lightfoot Olson Curt Juergenson . James R. Litchfield Kenneth R. and Carol S. Olson Rosie Juergenson John 0. Litchfield Noel W. and Kathleen L. Olson Patricia 0 . Kahng Thomas M. and Barbara W. Littlepage Leon B. '72 and Elaine E. Berg Oman '74 Dwight L. and Sandra E. Kalvig Rodney and Dianne D. Loberg Katherine K. Kemp Onken Linda J. Kane and Raymond J. Langer Marsha and Bruce Longrie Betty Bridgford Orvis and Linda D. Kaplan Angel A. and Dian R. Lopez Robert E. Orvis, Sr. Sophie Kaplan Brandon Lorenz Don and Brenda Oseland Keith F. Kapphahn Holly Lorenz Sally Otterson Becky Kapsner Jodi M. and Kenneth Lorenz, Jr. Virginia R. Wildberg Pansch '72 · Anne R. Kapuscinski Curtis B. '69 and Mary S. Loschy Anthony J. and Marsha L. Parker Wayne J. '74 and Robert Q. Lueben Michael J. and Jane Parker Janice A. McCann Karels '70 Randy and Peggy Lussenden Bruce and Margie E. Paulsen Gerald and Sharon Karger Brenda M. Voorhee Lyseng Dean K. Penk Margaret I. Schone Kearnes '79 Lois and Scott Mace Mary Ellen Perkins Rita Kelley James F. '85 and Beth A. Mahoney '88 Jeffrey and Stacy M. Peter Bruce Kelly Marlys Mahoney William G. and Mary Peters Richard J. '67 and Bruce E. and Dianne C. Mair Cliff Peterson De Anne C. Frederickson Kennedy '64 Paulette G. Malecek Donald and Penny Peterson Alex Kent John L. and Marcene M. Malusky Kimberly M. Peterson Larry D. Kepner '72 Joseph J. Markovich Robert R. and Lois J. Benson Pflueger Georgie J. Kershner Paul W. and Gina L. Martin Thomas S. and Carol A. Lueben Pierce Clarence F. Ketterling Paul Maravelas and Joni Scheftel Ruth A. Plante Darrell F. and Marilyn Kirwin Stanley R. and Michael J. and Elena A. Pope Eric and Karla Michelke Klinger Patricia M. McKean Maxeiner Kris and Bruce W. Quackenbush, Jr. Douglas and Susan Combs Kmetz Kathy L. Maynard Eugene F. Quinn Crystal Kolar Knakmuhs Gary and Mary McAlpin James 0. Ramstad Kerry J._Knakmuhs '77 June Mc Connell Lowell C. and Kris Rasmussen James F. and Joann Gould Knapp Barbara Coy McGinnis John D. Rau Carl H. and Charlotte M. Knoche Ned Dunphy and Clare M. McGinnis Mary Jo Redfield David H. and Henriette Knutson Colin and Claire Matthews McGinnis Daniel K. and Leanne K. Reich William H. and Carol Koeckeritz Kitty A. Arnold McGrath Annette Renelt Robert L. Koelman '72 Michael W. and Barbara J. Menzhuber Colleen Manney Rentz Bradley W. and Judy R. DeGrote Korn ' 95 Michelle Meyer Laura Rentz Michael S. '78 and Mary I. Meyers Joyce and Paul J. Rentz '75 Sandra A. Golembeck Korth '80 Richard H. and Kathryn L. Russeth Moen Robert F. '66 and Terry C. Kragero , Jr. Ryan D. Mogard Cheryl K. Simpson Retrum '66 Wendy J. Kramer Muriel A. Mollberg Cole Riley Kelly L. Krattiger Julie B. Monnens Kami Riley Donald J. and Carol L. Hommes Krois George W. and Jolene A. Robin Moore Karmen Riley Bobby Kronick Michael D. Moore Kirk Riley EvyKronick Barbara Morris Maureen Ritter-Gonnerman


James G. and Catherine Bedd Robin Robert M. and Harriet Stevenson Janet V. Wilson Glen M. and Oree M. Hoefeld Robinson LeeAnn Sticha Marcia M. Dalseth Woell Brad and Chauntel Rode Richard B. and Daniel E. Wolesky '70 Janice E. Thompson Rodriguez '74 Judith K. Denelsbeck Stone ' 71 Mariel L. Hanson Wolter Suzanne Harsh Rogstad David C. and Kathryn B. Belardi Storlie Richard G. Wood Dennis and Linda Roisum Robert N. Stortroen Tom and Cindy Wood Patricia A. Dahl Ronhovde '72 Laurence E. Stout and Kathryn Teegarden Christine D. Wrobec and David Kyrig Roxanne C. Rooney '95 James B. Stowe Steven S. and Catherine A. Wunder Todd R. and Jody Rose Lee and Rebecca E. Stradley Carol R. Zavadil · Dorothy M. Hingeveld Rosemeier Belinda Striegel Lowell L. '69 and Hertha Schief er Roshal Mary Jane Striegel Diane P. Peterson Zellmann '68 Bruce J. Rowan '82 Virginia Way Stufft Debbie J. Zimmerman Barbara E. Branchaud Roy '71 Robert J. and Diane T. Stupka Peter J. and Jennifer J. Zuppan Steve and Gwen Rudney Anne K. Swanson Mike and Gail Rysavy Chad M . and Sheila Swanson Organizations Mary K. Ryan-Miller and Thomas Miller La Verne Swanson Damien Society Steven P. and Kathy M. Saager Gerald R. '70 and Mille Lacs Band ofOjibwe Eugene F.and Colleen 0 . O'Brien Sathre Lynette R. Bede! Swenson ' 71 Minnesota Council on Foundations Bernard A. and Mary K. Sauer Charles D. and Margaret Swick Morris Area Chamber of Commerce Howard L. and Lou J. Schake Joyce M. Swift Morris Students Club Mary Ann S. Scharf Bob and Judith A. Szorc Shakopee Mdewakanton Albert J. and Beverley L. Schmidt Zachary E. Tagg Sioux Community Gerald W. and Sylvia A. Schmidt James and Patricia A. Tanner The Family of Dimitra Giannuli James C. '74 and Betty M. Tate UMM Dance Ensemble Betty M. Orbeck Schmidt ' 81 Lenis and Rhonda Terry United Way Rodney L. and Jolene S. Schmidt Kenneth A. and Audrey T. Tessmer Upper Sioux Community Ronald D. and Alice Schmidt William J. Tetrick WCSA Class of 1954 Stephen D. and Susan K. Schmidt Khu Thao . WCSA Class of 1956 Larry W. Schmitt Myron and Margaret Thielges WCSA Alumni Association Elaine Schoening Terry D. ' 78 and White Earth Reservation Tribal Council John and Jean M. Schultz Linda L. Wilgohs Thomas '69 John F. and Anne C. Schwaller Greg and Nicole Thompson Businesses and Corporations Robin and Susan Schwieger Ruth E. Thompson Al's Eagle Express Paul M. ' 78 and Bonnie L. Clarken Tipcke '68 Alexandria Orthopoedic Associates, PA Jennifer Tanner Seaton '80 Mark D. and Cindy Torgerson American Eagle Realty, Ltd. Roger and Janet Seim Samuel C. and Jan Tripp Anderson Farms David and Linda Shay Douglas W . '80 and Bank of the West David and Stacy L. Sheagley Patricia K. Larson Turgeon '80 Best & Flanagan LLP John and Cleone Sherman Timothy A. and Penny C. Turgeon Bremer Bank of Morris Lenora L. Sibul Marla Turner CMS Petroleum Equipment Company Thomas and Val Simek Thomas C. and Francie Turner Computer Professionals Unlimited, Inc. Steve Simonett Jan_elle R. VanErp Concrete of Morris, Inc. Wayne F. and Dorothy J. Simpson Rebecca M. VanErp Consultants in Residential RE Paul G. and Elizabeth C. B. Sittenfeld James and Jessica Van Alstine Conway Deuth & Schmiesing PLLP Carol J. Henrichs Slieter Daniel J. and Connie S. Vonderhaar Danter' s Photography David M. Sloneker '73 Pam and James Vukelic Don' s Taxidermy & Woodcarving Thomas E. Smith Marta L. Viste Wall '69 Fluegel, Helseth, McLaughlin, Anderson, Duane A. and Barbara J. Solvie Mary K. Wallace Brutlag, et al. John 0. and Karen S. Somers Bernard F. and Sarah S. Walsh Gay Farms Rebecca B. Soto Hwei-Gene Heidi Wang Hancock Dental Clinic, PA Deb Sparling and Jeff Jacobs Terry A. '70 and Hansen Accounting & Tax Service Gregory B. '78 and Kathleen J. Schamber Wangen '73 Harmsen Enterprises Vicki M. Lyseng Spofford ' 78 Paul R. '76 and Patricia Watzke '70 In Like Flynn, Inc. William F. and Judi K. Sprung Phil M. and Joan M. Weber Jerry Anderson Painting & Decorating Bradley J. and Marsha A. Stafne Maurice D. and Gretchen M. Weiler Jim Riley & Sons Construction, Inc. John Staren Raymond R. and Janice L. Weiss Kris Larsen, Ltd. Paul Stark '64 (WCSA '60) Lamoyne and Carol Wence! Kroontje Law Office Kevin and Teresa Staton Trish White Lakes State Financial Roger G. and Eleanor L. Steffen Sid and Carol Wilcox Lakeview Publishing Kenneth and Celia Steinbring Jeff and Jackie Wilcziek Lambrecht's, Inc. Roger G. '69 and Daniel M. and Mari Williams Leuthner Well, Inc. Karen A. Kolodjski Steintl '70 David E. and Sandra Bissell Williams M & M Tire & Auto Gene Stephens Thomas H. Williams Mark L Fisher Group


Mark' s C-Store Matching Gift Companies Pella Rolscreen Foundation Minnesota Lakes Realty 3M Foundation, Incorporated RBC Dain Rauscher Foundation of Alexandria, Inc. Accenture Foundation, Incorporated RightNow Technologies Moonfire Porcelain Aetna Foundation, Incorporated Science Applications international Moua-Lor Chiropractic & Acupuncture Alliant Energy Foundation, Incorporated Corporation Nodland Construction Company, Inc. American Express Foundation State Farm Company Foundation Ocean Optics, Inc. Ameriprise Financial Supervalu Foundation Otter Tail Power Company Beckman Coulter, Incorporated TCF Foundation Prai_rie Wind Casino Bristol-Myers Squibb Foundation, Temple-Inland Foundation Progressive Collision & Glass Center, Inc. Incorporated The Clorox Company Foundation RB Miller Enterprises, Inc. Burlington North_em Santa Fe Foundation The Dow Chemical Company Foundation RGT, Inc./Tbe Pizza Ranch Cargill, Incorporated The Pentair Foundation Rainbow Farms Congressional Quarterly, Incorporated The Pfizer Foundation Raymond James & Associates ExxonMobil Foundation The Samuel Robert Noble Foundation, Rentz Agency, Inc. Gannett Foundation, Incorporated Incorporated Riley Bros Companies Inc. GE Foundation Thomson Legal and Regulatory Ron Nesvold Construction, Inc. General Mills Foundation Thomson West Spirit Lake Casino & Resort General Motors Foundation Thrivent Financial for Lutherans Stevens County Historical Society GlaxoSmithKline Foundation Foundation Subway of Morris, Inc. Goodrich Foundation U.S. Bancorp Foundation Well s Fargo Bank, NA H.B. Fuller Company Foundation Union Pacific Corporation Wevley Funeral Home Helen K. and James S. Copley Foundation UPS Foundation, Incorporated Wil co Precision, Inc. Hormel Foods Corporation Wachovia Foundation Willie' s Super Yalu IBM International Foundation Wells Fargo Foundation XYR Oil & Gas, LLC ING Foundation Xcel Energy Foundation Johnson & Johnson Foundations Kellogg's Corporate Citizenship Fund Estates and Trusts Chadwick/Lober Foundation Kraft Foods Foundation Frank W. Veden Charitable Trust Kayjer Fund-Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund Land O 'Lakes Foundation H. M. and C. M. Iverson Charitable Trust Gladys Ness Brang Foundation-Minnesota Lexis-Nexis Group Community Foundation Lockheed Martin Corporation Meyer Family Fund-Central Minnesota May Department Stores Company Community Foundation Foundation Sticha Family Charitable Fund-Catholic Microsoft Corporation Community Foundation NCS Pearson

Mccree/Kaufman Sc}lolarships On October 6, 2007, donors and scholarship recipients gathered for the Scholarship Jubilee celebration in UMM's Oyate Hall. Edward Kaufman, who supports the McCree/Kaufman Scholarships given in memory of his parents and wife Dorothybelle's parents, met the 2007 recipients. From left: Amelia Blashack '08, Bertha; Robert Jansen '08, Sauk Centre; Dr, Edward Kaufman, Appleton; Julie Fox '08, Coon Rapids; and Alexander Carlson ' 08, Cottage Grove. Photo credit: Judy Riley

Fall 2007 Profile page 43 UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA MORRIS In memory gifts to the University ofMinnesota, Morris The following gifts have been given in memory of a loved one as a way to celebrate their life . Any gift given to the University of Minnesota, Morris can be designated in memory of a special person.

Hanley Aamot '46 (WCSA) Florence Hesse Ardis Ruplinger Pederson '48 (WCSA) Dorothy Barber Lois Hodge]] Betty Peterson Clemens "Johnny" Brauer Lily Hokanson Blanche Rasmussen Rodney A. Briggs Carl M. Iverson Janice E. Ratsch ' 70 Lois J. Johnson Brown '42 (WCSA) Helen M. Iverson George Rice Loren W. Carr Lyla Jarvis Robert J. Riley '55 (WCSA) Harold P. Classen Dorothybelle Kaufman Fred Rinas Herb Croom Ervin Keskinen Jay Y. Roshal Marion Dahm Lila Keskinen Mel Rude Brion Dalager '73 Genevieve Kwako Richard Ruplinger '46 (WCSA) Orval T. Driggs, Jr. Mary Jo Kwako '69 Betty Schultz Darrel B. Dyer '36 (WCSA) Edward J. Lafave Stanton Schuman Marvel G. Eggum ' 58 (WCSA) Curtis H. Larson ' 64 Becky A. Stevenson ' 96 Erma Erickson Joseph J. Latterell Gary Swenson ' 54 (WCSA) Donald "Tubby" Eystad Robert A. Lemke Frances A. Tate Edith R. Farrell Theodore S. Long Owen W. Tate Milford Feldman Tone H. Long Scott R. Turner '75 Clayton A. Gay Joel Luhman ' 68 Theodore E. Uehling, Jr. Eleanor P. Gay Patrick McGinnis Frank W. Veden Dimitra Giannuli Robert A. Menzhuber ' 76 John Minh Dung Vo '00 Nathan Goldberg LeRoy Meyer Norman C. Walz David R. Gorecki '75 Beverley Wartman Munson '67 Leroy Welfare ' 18 (WCSA) Annie M. Hagen '01 Elmer Nelson '28 (WCSA) Paulus H. Wente '43 (WCSA) Carleton M. Hanson ' 32 (WCSA) Karyn Nielson '96 Floyd L. Wille '41 (WCSA) Kristi J. Kopitski Hennes Verna Nilson Nathaniel E. Williams '05 Berton E. Henningson, Jr. ' 69 Donald Olson '46 (WCSA)

In honor gifts to the University ofMinnesota, Morris The fo llowing gifts have been given in honor of a loved one. Any gift given to the University of Minnesota, Morris can be designated in honor of a special person.

2006 UMAC Football Champs LeAnn Dean Nicholas G. Jacobs '07 John A. Alden ' 06 Sonja Dean Lindsey A. Johansen '07 Anna C. Bakker '07 Joel S. Deuth '07 Clyde E. Johnson Rachel H. Hennen Banta '07 Dotty Girls '07 David C. Johnson Christopher Battaglia '07 Amanda Duncan '07 Edward J. Kaufman Jeri Belting ' 07 Cassie Eidem '98 Eric Klinger Troy H. Benson ' 07 Thomas M. Eidem '89 Brenda L. Lake ' 07 Sara E. Black '06 El Ed Survivors Mary V. Lambrecht ' 07 Mike Blasberg '06 Sally R. Emery '07 Margaret T. Larson '88 Angela Bos ' 01 and family Eva L. Falk '07 Pareena Lawrence Helen R. Briggs Bart D. Finzel Garret G.W. Lee ' 07 Benjamin C. Buer ' 07 George Fosgate Jooinn Lee Nicolas H. Buer '06 Founding faculty, staff, students, Amy M. Leuthner ' 00 Rachel E. Carlson '07 and citizens of the region William M. Leuthner '07 James 0. Carr '07 Mariam D. Frenier Daniel B. Longrie ' 07 Sarah Carr '96 Timothy W. Gorecki ' 07 Andy Lopez Erin E. Christenson '07 Jon Hendrickson Dian Lopez Emily G. Christiansen '07 Sara Eidsvold Hendrickson Adam R. Luebke '07 Ashley N. Hill Christianson '07 Arnold E. Henjum Ryan J. Mace '07 Chad A. Christianson '07 Dana B. Herrera '07 Patrick Mahoney '07 Class of 2007 Bryan Herrmann ' 01 Gabriel S. Maravelas '07 Patrick E. Collins '07 Michael Hiegel Timothy J. Marcantetti Lindberg '06 Liam Conger '07 Amanda B. Hinzman '07 Teresa McAlpin '07 and her friend Steph Trevor J. Copeland '07 Kristen M. Holien ' 07 Stephanie McCumber Matthew T. Croaston '06 William H. Hunt Daniel Moore '07 Rebekah L. Dahlberg '07 John Q. Imholte R. Viola Nelson


Sarah Beth Nelson ' 06 Stephen H. K. Schmidt ' 06 Milo Sticha Crystal L. Oko '07 Samuel Schuman Emily L. Stout '07 Paula O' Loughlin Emily E. Schwieger ' 07 Calleigh A. Sullivan '07 Brianna H. Oseland ' 07 Susan E. Seim '07 Adam P. Turgeon '07 Heather D. Petersen '07 Matthew Senger '03 Katherine M. Taylor Turgeon ' 05 Nick Peterson Geoffrey D. Sheagley ' 06 Ryan T. Turgeon ' 05 Victoria L. Pyan ' 07 Andrew G. Spofford '07 Ross A. Turner '07 Michael P. Rhodes '07 Elise Spofford '03 UMM Faculty and Staff Courtney N. Rode ' 07 Emily Spofford Meredith L. Vukelic '07 Jordan E. Roman ' 07 Erika Spofford ' 09 Mitchell E. R. Wirka '03 Cara Rudney '07 Blayne J. Steffen '07 Christina M. Wood ' 07 Ryan J. Rysavy '07 William "Bill" Stewart Stephanie J. Schmidt '98 LaVerne Sticha Friends ofLaFave House Friends of Lafave House is a friendship group dedicated to the promotion and enjoyment of Lafave House. Donors contribute annually to support Lafave House enhancements, to build positive relationships and good will, and to raise awareness of Lafave House's purpose and attributes as a "gracious social center for special events and gatherings for the University of Minnesota, Morris and the community." Friends of Lafave House donors between July 1, 2006, and June 30, 2007, are listed below.

Anonymous Edward J. LaFave Ted M. and Dana L. Pappenfus Laird H. Barber Patricia Paul LaFave Carla J. Schmidt Riley '85 Dallas F. and Joan L. Bohnsack Paul J. and Tina M . LaFave Samuel and Nancy Game Schuman Nancy E. Carpenter E. Joseph and Twink LaFave Bonnie G. Stahler '72 LeAnn F. Lindquist Dean Margaret T. Larson '88 Robert M. and Harriet Stevenson James L. and Anne Eidsvold Madeline E. Maxeiner ' 76 James and Patricia A. Tanner William M. and Carol LaFave Gabler and Thomas W. Mahoney ' 70 Richard L. Tate '67 and Stephen G. and Arden Hill Granger Cathy LaFave McConnell Catherine R. Yost Tate Adair Horgen Barbara Coy McGinnis James B. Togeas John Q. and Lucy Gibbs Imholte ' 70 Richard H. and Kathryn L. Russeth Moen Sid and Carol Wilcox Judith A. Kuechle and Marc Olson Craig D. and Joanie Lober Murphy Julie A. LaFave Sandra K. Olson-Loy and Douglas W. Loy

Briggs Library Associates Rodney A. Briggs Library Associates organized in 2002 to bring together UMM friends who love books, enjoy cultural pursuits, and believe in supporting an important campus and regional intellectual resource. Library Associates donors between July 1, 2006, and June 30, 2007, are listed below.

Anonymous Harold E. and Pamela A. Solvie Elizabeth M. Ascheman Elizabeth J. Wood Hinds ' 74 Stevens County Historical Society Carolyn R. Baird '92 John Q. and Lucy Gibbs Imholte ' 70 La Verne Swanson Laird H. Barber Ame C. and Athena 0 . Kildegaard James and Patricia A. Tanner Avis R. Brandt Eric and Karla Michelke Klinger James B. Togeas Peter and Siobhan M. Bremer Judy R. DeGrote Korn '95 Helen R. Briggs Judith A. Kuechle Stephen V. and Laura Burks Ardath M. Larson James A. '65 and Margaret T. Larson '88 A. Kay Joranger Carlson '65 Lory Lemke and Pieranna Garvaso Nancy E. Carpenter David and Lyn H. Loewi LeAnn F. Lindquist Dean Madeline E. Maxeiner ' 76 and Thomas W. Pearl E. Diers Mahoney '70 Russell E. DuBois Barbara Coy McGinnis Jay E. Fier ' 76 Thomas B. McRoberts '68 Mark Y. Fohl Sandra K Olson-Loy and Douglas W. Loy Charles Fowler Ellen Ordway Joanne Hagstrom Ted M. Pappenfus Christopher T. Hamrin '06 Carla J. Schmidt Riley '85 Michael and Laura Hanson Mary A. Scharf Nathaniel I. Hart Samuel and Nancy Game Schuman Sara J. Watson Haugen '88 Ray K. and Lenora L. Sibul

Fall 2007 Profile page 45 UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA MORRIS University ofMinnesota West Central School ofAgriculture Established in 1910, the University of Minnesota West Central School of Agriculture (WCSA) made its home on the Morris campus until 1963 . The WCSA Alumni Association holds an all-school reunion on the UMM campus each year in July. The legacy of the WCSA continues to enrich UMM's present and its future. With thanks, we recognize WCSA alumni and friends for their support.

Joann L. Schliep Allen '54 Carl E. Hansen '45 Earl L. Paulsen '50 Otis and Susan K. Steussy Anderson '62 L. Stark Hanson '34 Douglas R. Payne '54 Joyce L. Windahl Aune and Kenneth W. Hanson Thomas A. '60 and Philip R. Aune '46 Ona and Leon D. Hanstad '5 1 Harriet Vaala Payne '60 Vernon Baldry '34 John J. Hennen '44 Keith G. Redfield '56 lJMM '64 Lester G. Bensch ' 59 Lu Wanna Foslien Hintermeister '60 Annette and David F. Renelt ' 62 Deloris A. Jackson Bertram '46 Dennis G. Johnson '58 Jerome 0 . Ronningen '60 LaVay J. Sch.mock Borresen '59 Tallack G. '55 and Gladys J. Wille Ruehle '44 Andrew F. '46 and Janice E. Oakstrom Johnson ' 55 Werner P. Sand '47 Carol L. Smith Brevig '46 Perry R. Juergenson '56 Ralph P. Schliep '45 Marilyn and Darwin L. Danielson '63 Sandy K. Kopel Bernice L. Gorum Semmen '48 Holl is 0. Dyer ' 51 Donald Kosen ' 57 Paul A. Smith '38 Russell I. Dyer '39 Ward A. Lamb '47 Paul Stark '60 UMM '64 Joan R. Thompson Eggum '59 Harold R. Larson '50 Robert N. and George Erickson ' 52 Brenda L. Larson Long '60 lJMM '64 Shirley M. Walz Stortroen ' 57 Russell E. ' 54 and Marlys and Paul D. Mahoney ' 56 Clifford R. Swift '46 Carol M. Dewey Erlandson ' 55 Rachel V. Blakesley Martin '46 Dean N. Travland '58 Goodwin T. Erlandson '46 Mardella Bonzelet Matteson '45 WCSA Alumni Association John N. and Therese Fitch Leonard L. Mitchell ' 54 WCSA Class of '54 Ray A. Freilinger '47 Genevieve T. and George M. Murphy '47 WCSA Class of ' 56 Harris P. Garberg '47 Laverne Neuhaus '47 Catherine E. Bruemmer Wendt '45 Vivian L. Stomberg Gustner '32 Donna B. and Gordon W . Ohman ' 56 Ruth Fischer Zimmerman '47 Cougar Honor Roll ofDonors With thanks we acknowledge the fo llowing businesses, foundations, and individuals who designated UMM gifts between July 1, 2006, and June 30, 2007, to programs and funds that wi ll benefit Cougar student ath letes:

Alexandria Orthopaedic Associates, PA Milo R. and Judith C. Curtiss Jessica and Garry J. All en '99 Danter's Photography Al's Eagle Express Lloyd E. Danzeisen '73 American Eagle Realty, Ltd. LeAnn F. Lindquist Dean Lowell D. '85 and Scott and Mary K. DeMaris Julianne D. Nere Amundson ' 84 Stephen J. and Michelle A. Desutter John A. '84 and Lois V. Devout Lisa A. Hahn Anderson '83 Michael S. '95 and Maren E. Michaelson Bakken '75 Kristi M. Fick Dick '96 Eugen Barbu '04 Allan J. Doering ' 82 Michael R. and Cynthia M. Barta Matthew J. Doppler '89 Kyle W. '90 and Timothy L. Doppler '96 Karen E. Hansen Berget '93 Daniel L. and Robert L. and Rose M. Peterson Bergherr Jacqueline L. Wistrcill Dripps ' 89 Alvin E. and Agnes B. Bethke Oryan S. ' 00 and Laurie L. Dubois '99 Patricia R. Betsch Jody A. Ebnet ' 91 Sandra P. and Joel 0. Brinkmann ' 84 Daniel Eystad Paul F. Brown '89 Kari J. Struxness Feldhaus '95 Kevin W. Bulli s '90 Mark L. Fisher '87 Alton B. and Wilma I. Carlson Mark V. Fohl Michael W. Cihak Thomas M. Fox ' 88 CMS Petroleum Equipment, Company Constance R. Perseke Fragodt '83 Computer Professionals Unlimited, Inc. Robert and Teresa Fragodt Concrete of Morris, Inc. Douglas and Margaret Frazeur Conway Deuth & Schmiesing, PLLP Timothy P. '89 and Glenn M. and Shanda Copeland Debra A. Hennen Frischmon '90 James and Mary L. Croatt Gary W . Frogner '79 Thomas and Lori Croatt Lachrisha L. and Paul W. Gonnerman ' 89 Michael E. Curtiss '03 Maureen and Scott A. Gonnerman '92


Michael D. and Barbara J. Greenhagen Marcus R. '92 and Stuart J. Starner '65 James C. and Ruth Troen Gremmels '71 Michele B. Ling Max '94 Kevin and Teresa Staton Peter and Marilyn J. Gremmels Madeline E. Maxeiner '76 Roger G. and Eleanor L. Steffen Jared J. Groehler '01 Kathy L. Maynard Kenneth and Celia Steinbring Vance G. '90 and Clarice A. and Brent P. '96 and Kimberly K. Gullickson '87 Gary L. Arnold McGrath '68 Jill N. Pollard Stephens '97 Todd E. Hanson '97 Mack T. McLarty '03 Jessica J. Stoering '99 and Travis J. Kraker '01 Suzanne M . and Dennis L. Haven Michelle and Gordon 0 . Meyer '83 David C. and Kathryn B. Belardi Storlie Kenneth G. Heitzman ' 88 Steven J. Miller '85 Lee and Rebecca E. Stradley Rhonda K. Heuer '98 Ryan D. Mogard Belinda Striegel K. M . and Brad D. Hilger '99 James David and Tari Morales Mary J. Striegel John A. Hilsmann Scott D. Munda! Subway of Morris, Inc. Alan D. and Michelle M . Hines David W. Nelson Chad M. and Sheila Swanson David D. Hofland ' 87 Nodland Construction Company, Inc. Bob and Judith A. Szorc Neal and Jeanne Hofland Sandra K. Olson-Loy and Lenis and Rhonda Terry Todd P. and Elizabeth M . Hottovy Douglas W. Loy Mark D. and Cindy Torgerson Thomas E. House '02 Terrence M. '91 and Kenneth W. Traxler '89 Paul J. '87 and Tamara M. Lemke Osterman '92 Samuel C. and Jan Tripp Renae J. Engebretson Huber '87 Bruce and Margie E. Paulsen Timothy A. and Penny C. Turgeon Shane P. Hudak '98 Thomas Stackpool ' 82 and Thomas C. Turner Jeff Hufford Monica Pavek-Stackpool '85 Rebecca M. and Patricia and Joel D. James '82 Jeffrey and Stacy M. Peter Theodore P. Van Erp '87 Ruth A. Jans Donald and Penny Peterson Steven L. Van Hee '65 Peggy L. Jergenson Kimberly M. and Janelle R. and Thomas M. VanErp '89 Jerry Anderson Painting & Decorating Michael S. Peterson '89 Jeffery H. '94 and Ralph W. and Debra Jewell Ronda K. Peterson '91 Michelle M. Henry Voit '94 Jim Riley & Sons Construction, Inc. Michael J. and Elena A. Pope Paul R. Watzke '76 · Sherri M. Johnson Progressive Collision & Raymond R. and Janice L. Weiss Dwight L. and Sandra E. Kalvig Glass Center, Inc. Lamoyne and Carol Wence! Linda D. Kaplan Bruce W. and Kris Quackenbush Mark K. Williamson '73 Sophie Kaplan R. B. Miller Enterprises, Inc. Willie's Super Yalu Gerald and Sharon Karger Marisa Reyes ' 00 Richard G. Wood Bruce W. '84 and R. G. T., Inc. Thomas W. and Mary B. Wolff Zosel '90 Kathryn R. Gonier Klopfleisch '92 Kevin M. Rask '97 Crystal K. and Nathan J. Knakrnuhs '02 Raymond James & Associates Thomas P. Koch '83 Daniel K. and Leanne K. Reich William H. and Carol Koeckeritz Donald C. and Joan E. Reicosky Brian D. and Jana K. Bunjer Koehler '00 Laura and James P. Rentz '86 Terry C. Kragero Joyce and Paul J. Rentz '75 Wendy J. and Randall J. Kramer ' 83 John R. Rice '8 1 Kris Larsen, Ltd. Carla J. Schmidt Riley '85 Donald J. and Carol L. Hammes Krois Cole Riley Jonathan W. and Rita A. Krueger Kami Riley Lakes State Financial Karmen Riley Todd A. and Pareena G. Lawrence Kirk Riley James R. and Caryl R. Litchfield Christopher L. Robards '02 James R. Litchfield Luke I. '97 and John 0. Litchfield Shannon M. Maurer Robinson '98 Rodney and Dianne D. Loberg Dennis and Linda Roisum Brandon Lorenz Todd R. and Jody Rose Holly Lorenz Howard L. and Lou J. Schake Kenneth and Jodi M. Lorenz Rodney L. and Jolene S. Schmidt Randy and Peggy Lussenden Scott A. Schroeder '91 M & M Tire & Auto John and Jean M. Schultz James F. '85 and Beth A. Mahoney '88 Anthony L. Schuster '02 David S. Mahoney '97 David and Linda Shay John L. and Marcene M. Malusky David and Stacy L. Sheagley Mark L. Fisher Group Ted M. Smith '83 Mark' s C-Store Todd E. Smith '84 Paul W. and Gina L. Martin Duane A. and Barbara J. Solvie Gregory L. Martin '87 William F. and Judi K. Sprung Paul D. and Sarah J. Mattson Mary K. Stark '95

Fall 2007 Profile page 47 UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA MORRIS Cougar Arline Litchfield's UMM adventure includes one familiar activity-track and field

No connections existed between I'm deciding between those Massachusettsian Arline Litchfield two for my area of licensure. ' 10 and Minnesota before she applied I love that UMM has a lot of to UMM- no relatives, no travels, options. I could 've gone to art no prairie experience. But the high school or an environmental quality, small , rural, liberal arts campus college if I wanted to, but located in a place where she had then I would be stuck in a never been before was exactly what specific discipline. The beauty she was seeking in a higher education of a liberal arts co ll ege is that adventure. Every aspect of coll ege li fe you aren't tied down by a would be new, ready to be explored, particular area of study." except for one familiar activity- track and fie ld. A gift from her father, John, Athletic opportunities to UMM honors the role track and fie ld In high school, Arline plays in Arline's life and the richness participated in indoor and Cougar athletics add to the UMM outdoor track and field and experience. also cross coun try. At UMM, she competes in the throwing Academic options events. "More than anything, Arline discovered UMM online I love having practice to go at She was to everyday," shares Arline. looking for "something different," she "It' s been a staple in my life remembers. "Coming from the East for the past five years and Coast, the Midwest had the allure of a has helped me adjust to life foreign country," says Arline. "I like at UMM. Track is one of the wandering into the unknown and not few things at school that is Arline Litchfield '10 knowing how things will end up." completely familiar to me. I Before making her college look forward to it everyday. decision, Arline and John visited UMM. I'm not particularly gifted, but I work charitable giving on athletic programs. "It was a long trip from the Boston hard at my events and that alone is "At Marietta College, we always were area," recalls John, "and I was a little enough satisfaction for me. I don 't need trying to supplement the budget that the doubtful. college. gave the crew­ But after the car washes, purchasing tour, I told I love that UMM has a lot of options. our own oars, and the Arline, ' This like. It wasn' t that our is a long - Arline Litchfield '10 crew wasn't successful. way from We often promised the home, but if football team that we you want to go here, I can't say no.' to break records or win medals to know would lose a race if they ever won a The campus was good looking. The what I love." game! Small schools just don 't have architectural styles were interesting. John notes Cougar influence the resources to fund all the sports as The people we met were pleasant. Most on Arline' s life, too. "Last spring, I well as they would like to. I received of all , from a parent's point of view, attended a track meet. There was a lot a personal thank you note from the the campus and town were a safe place of sociali zing going on, and Arline chancell or for my gift to Cougar for my daughter to go to school." is always talking about her friends in athletics. Things like that remind Now in her second year at UMM, track. Frequently a student would strike me that we made a good choice with discovery for Arline is still underway. up a conversation with me, too. Even UMM." "I've been tinkering a bit with my the coach found me and made me feel major choice," she says. "I plan to enter welcomed. It reminded me what nice the secondary education program. I people Midwesterners are." have academic strength and a passion A rower during his undergraduate for both art and natural sciences, so years, John understands the impact of

Fall 2007 Profile page 48 UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA MORRIS 2007 Senior Legacy Project Congratulations to the Senior Legacy Committee and thank you to all the donors who supported the Senior Legacy Project in its inaugural year! A Legacy Walk of engraved pavers, the Class of 2007 's permanent gift to the University of Minnesota, Morris, was dedicated during Homecoming 2007 festivities. With gratitude, we acknowledge gifts towards the project from parents, alumni, faculty, staff, retirees, friends of the campus, and, of course, UMM's newest graduates: the Class of 2007. Committee members who organized the Legacy Walk project, a lasting tribute and beautification project for the UMM campus, were: Katie Clark ' 07, Lakeville; Paul Carlson '07, Plymouth; Molly Kloek '07, Stillwater; Cassie McMahon '07, East Troy, Wisconsin; Dan Moore ' 07, Champlin; Lauren Paulson '07, Minnetonka; Susan Seim '07, Maple Grove; Emily Stout '07, Minneapolis.

Wendy and Brett Almquist Katherine E. L. Hunt ' 07 James F. ' 85 and James and Catherine Robin Shelly Backes ' 07 Jeff Jacobs and Deb Sparling Beth A. Mahoney '88 Brad and Chauntel Rode Anna K. Bakker '07 Nathan A. Jamot '07 Paul Maravelas and Kathleen M. Rogers ' 07 Jessica H. Bassett ' 07 · Lindsey A. Johansen '07 Joni Scheftel Steve and Gwen Rudney Paul and Nancy Battaglia Rosalynn M. Johnson '07 Brianna N. Martin '07 Mike and Gail Rysavy Donna Bauck Becki J. Jordan ' 07 Madeline Maxeiner '76 and Stephen D. and Mark and Robin Belting Kristen L. Jorgenson '07 Thomas Mahoney '70 Susan K. Schmidt Pat and Daniel Benson '71 Pulum Kim '07 Luke J. Mattheisen '07 Robin and Susan Schwieger Alicia J. Bercier '07 Molly J. Kloek '07 Joshua R. '04 and Susan Seim '07 Dani el P. Bier ' 07 Eric W. Knoche 'OI Emily Bakker Mattson ' 04 Roger and Janet Seim Ann Marie T. Bigley ' 07 Carsten P. W. Knoche '07 Gary and Mary McAlpin Kathleen M. Shimsbock '07 Sara J. Bremer ' 07 Carl and Charlotte Knoche Grace C. Meyer '07 Kimberly A. Simek ' 07 Jennife r N . Brown '07 Andrew M. Korth ' 07 Jolene and George Moore Gregory B. ' 78 and Matthew W. Bryan ' 07 Doug and Janice Lake Jennifred G. Nelli s and Vicki Lyseng Spofford '78 lnna and Curtis Buer '66 Donna and Curtis Lambrecht '75 Charles Fowler Maggie Stewart '07 Rachel E. Carlson '07 Magaret T. Larson '88 Susan and David Nelson Joy M. Stokka '07 Nancy Carpenter Todd and Pareena Lawrence PehNg Larry Stout and Ken and Pam Carr Gary and Lana Lee Paula L. O'Loughlin Kathy Teegarden Barry Christenson Maurice and Kay Leuthner Don and Brenda Oseland See Thao '07 Denise Chri stiansen Takayla M. Lightfield '08 Scott M. Perry ' 07 Laura L. Meyer Thielke ' 95 Katherine R. Clark '07 Emily A. Loehr ' 07 Heather D. Petersen '07 Bonnie L. Clarken Tipcke '68 Stephanie Y. Clark ' 07 Marsha and Bruce Longrie Margo Nicoll and Steve Pyan Tim and Penny Turgeon Karen M. Coleman '07 Angelica Lozano '07 Lowell Rasmussen Marla Turner Bail ey and William Conger Megan E. Ludescher '07 Kirsten M . Reed ' 07 Pam and Jim Vukelic Gl enn and Shanda Copeland Adam R. Luebke '07 Caroline and Jack Rhodes Juli Yauch Wagner ' 92 David and Caryn Dahlberg Lois and Scott Mace Carla J. Schmidt Riley '85 Jason S. Ward '07 Dana A. Damm ' 07 Adrian J. Waukau '07 Julie and Stephen Deuth Tom and Cindy Wood Dave and Barb Duncan Peter Wyckoff Sally R. Emery '07 Crystal M. Yang '07 Karen and James Falk ' 76 Joshua D. Giefer '07 Troy and Jennifer Goodnough Katie and Timothy W. Thank you to all the Gorecki '07 members of the Cl.ass of Jessie M. Hass '07 2007 who participated Rebecca and Charles in the Senior Legacy Hennen ' 75 Project including John and Linda Herrera these celebrating new Bryan ' 01 and Jennifer graduates, from left to Zych Herrmann '00 right: Sally R. Emery Scott and Karen Hill '07, Lindsey A. Rachel M. Hoeschen '07 Johansen '07, Susan Karen M. Holdvogt '07 Seim '07, Kristen M. Kri sten M. Holien '07 Holien '07, Rachel E. Carlson '07. Profile is a project of the Offices of External Relations and University Relations with funding support from the UMM Alumni Association .

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Alternative formats are available upon request. For more information on the topics addressed in this issue or ifwe can be of service in any way, please contact us at [email protected], 320-589-6066, or www.morris.umn .. edu.

Jacqueline Johnson chancellor

Maddy Maxeiner '76 associate vice chancellor for external relations and director of fund development

Janell Kolden '89 executive office and administrative specialist

Susan Schmidgall development officer

Laura Thielke '95 executive accounts specialist

Maggie Larson '88 special events coordinator and Lafave House manager Office of External Relations NonProfit Christine Mahoney University of Minnesota, Morris US Postage director of communications 312 Behmler Hall PAID 600 East Fourth Street Mpls, MN Judy Korn '95 Permit No. 30370 Profile editor Morris, Minnesota 56267-2132

Judy Riley Change Service Requested campus communications coordinator

Carla Riley '85 director of alumni relations and annual giving

Alisande Allaben database manager and assistant to the director

Sandy Kopel principal office and administrative specialist

Erin Schellin '05 program associate

The University of Minnesota is committed to the policy that all persons shalJ have equal access to its programs, faci lities, and employment without regard to race, color, creed, religion, national origin, sex, age, marital status, disability, publi c assistance status, veteran status, or sexual orientation.