Makale gönderilme tarihi: 16.09.2019 Makale kabul tarihi: 30.05.2020 Dijital Oyunlarda Oynanış ve Anlatı İlişkisi: DayZ Oyunu ve Village Topluluğu Yavuz Demirbaş Araştırma Görevlisi Doktor Marmara Üniversitesi İletişim Fakültesi
[email protected] Orcid: 0000-0003-2424-7203 Abstract The Relation of Gameplay and Narrative in Video Games: DayZ Video Game and Village Community The relation between game narrative and game form is a sub- ject that has provoked protracted discussion in game studies. As an approach and a set of methods proposed by this approach, ludology makes a distinction between games and other media and focus- es on game form. Theoretical discussions in game studies need to be supported by the analyzes of the examples taken from the games themselves. This study examines how the narrative of DayZ is constructed by conducting a game-formal analysis. To this aim, the study focuses on the concept of gameplay, which is connected to the development process, gameworld, story, technical base, and game mechanics of the game. Another element that completes the gameplay is the set of player actions in the game. The ethnograph- ic methods of digital play have been used to discuss how players create their own stories. The Village community was taken as an example to work on the player's culture and productions. While contemporary research frequently chooses to handle the theme of violence in digital games, this paper underlines different dimensions of meanings emerging from gameplay by elaborating on the produc- tions of DayZ communities, which shows solidarity, co-operation, and friendship. keywords: Digital game, new media, cyber ethnography, ludology, narrative DOI:10.16878/gsuilet.620851 İleti-ş-im 32 • haziran/june/juin 2020 81 Résumé La relation entre le gameplay et la narration dans les jeux numériques: le jeu DayZ et la communauté Village Dans les études des jeux, la relation entre la forme du jeu et les narration du jeu est un sujet qui a provoqué des discussions prolongées.