בס״ד In loving memory of MRS. SARAH

ISSUE 298 (CHARLOTTE) ROHR ַּפרְ ַ תׁש שְׁמֹות • י״ח טֵ בֵ ת ה’תשע״ח Parshas Shemos 18 Teves 5778

ַּפ רְ ַׁש ת שְ ׁמֹות


Do you ever wish that you were free to do whatever you wanted? That you didn’t have things getting in your way? That you had a vacation from all the stuff that drive you crazy?

How do you imagine this freedom? No school? No rules? No In n homework? No Tests? No babysitting? No chores? troductio Well, think about it. What is it that you really want to do? And what is really holding you back from what you want? Who gets in your way and bothers you the most?

Yes, you guessed it. What we soldiers really want is to serve Hashem but our enemy, the Yetzer Hora, gets in the way! He distracts us, confuses us, and traps us in his silly tricks. To be really free means to be free from him! But how can we do that? It seems that we’re stuck in his traps!

Well, Boruch Hashem we are not. Our parsha will help us chayolim find out how to free ourselves of our enemy. שמות פרק ג׳ פסוק י"ב ּבְהֹוצִֽיאֲָך אֶת־הָעָם מִּמִ צְ ַריִם ַּת ַֽעבְדּון אֶת־הָ֣אֱֹלהִ ים ַעל הָ הָ ר ַה ּזֶ ֽ ה When you take the people out of Mitzrayim, you will serve Hashem on this mountain. ww In this week’s parsha, Hashem tells Moshe Rabbeinu, “When you take the people out of Mitzrayim, you will serve Hashem Chumash on this mountain.” Chazal tell us that this means that the geula from Mitzrayim happened in the zechus that the Yidden would shortly after receive the Torah at Har Sinai. In this week’s parsha,

2 The tells us that this means that the geula from Mitzrayim was only truly complete after the Yidden received the Torah. Why is that? Because only at Matan Torah did the Yidden really Rebbe become free.

The words of the Aseres Hadibros are described, not as being written or painted on the luchos, but as engraved in them, as the posuk says, “Chorus al haluchos—the words were engraved on the luchos.” Chazal tell us not to read the word only as chorus (engraved), but we should also read it as cheirus (free). Through the luchos, the Torah, we truly became free. Therefore, the true geula from Mitzrayim was only after the YIdden received the Torah because only then could we experience total freedom.

Through the Torah we become free from the Yetzer Hora and all Lesson other constraints in our avodas Hashem.

So, next time you feel like you just want to be free to do whatever you want, B’chein remember what really makes you free. If you ever feel trapped by your Yetzer Hora, know that you have the solution; the Torah! v Because Hashem gave us the Torah, we are freed from any schemes the Yetzer Hora might try to pull on us. Are you ready to take a vacation from him? We just have to keep learning Torah and following it and Hashem guarantees our freedom. The Yetzer Hora and all other negative influences won’t have any power over us and we’ll be free to do what Hashem wants.

3 English Sicha


Hashem told Moshe Rabbeinu, “When you take the people out of Mitzrayim, you will serve Hashem on this mountain.” Hashem redeemed the Jewish people from Mitzrayim for a special purpose. He freed them from slavery so that they could receive the Torah on Har Sinai and serve Hashem.

The goal of the geula from Mitzrayim was to receive the Torah. The Yidden only received their true and complete freedom, “cheirus,” at Matan Torah.

The Torah describes the luchos Moshe Rabbeinu received from Hashem on Har Sinai. The words of the Aseres Hadibros were not written or painted on the luchos, rather they were engraved on them—“chorus al haluchos.” Chazal tell us that we can read the word choros (engraved) also as cheirus (free). The luchos, upon which were engraved the Aseres Hadibros, liberated the Yidden. Torah and mitzvos free the Jewish people from the Yetzer Hora and from all negative influences. Only with the Torah can a Yid have total freedom.

משיחת י'ח ניסן תנשׁא

4 Yiddish Sicha

,una ehbsgr mu rgsy rch sgr

,gcsui t, vtkeho gk vvr vzv )c( vzv vvr gk vtkeho t, ,gcsui vumhtl t, vgo nnmrho ,gcsui t, vtkeho gk vvr gk vtkeho t, ,gcsui nnmrho vgo t, vumhtl )uugi su uugxy Rruhxbgngi thsi pui nmrho uugy nmrho pui thsi Rruhxbgngi uugxy su )uugi 1 vzv c thr shbgi sgo tuhcgrayi tuh; sgo cRrd' dgnhhby cRrd dgnhhby cRrd' sgo tuh; tuhcgrayi sgo shbgi thr ' Rz sh dtukv pui nmrho thz nmrho pui dtukv sh Rz ' 2 zTdi jz"k uuh nhhby' sTx xhbh(/ dguugi thi zfu, pui sgo uuTx thsi uugki NECK uugki thsi uuTx sgo pui zfu, thi dguugi ZHHI sh ,urv chho cRrd xhbh/ cRrd chho ,urv sh ZHHI uugri ,urv' surl sgr ,fkh, pui sgr dtukv pui nmrho thz _ thz nmrho pui dtukv sgr pui ,fkh, sgr sgo pui prhh thsi eck, v,urv/ uuhhk uugi vTci thsi cReungi thsi vTci uugi uuhhk v,urv/ eck, Rkg pui tui vrg hmr ' prhhvhhy' gray chh n,i chh gray prhhvhhy' ' jhru, tn,wg zhhgr dguutubyagbg bhy ,urv/ zRfi sh grekgrubd thi sgo: thi grekgrubd sh tuh; sh grayg kuju, )uuTx thsi vTci cReungi chh n,i chh cReungi vTci thsi )uuTx kuju, grayg sh tuh; jru, gk jru, " dguugi zhhbgi vscru, gar, sh Rz 3 ayhhy ,urv( " )tuhxdgerhmy tuh; sh kuju,(/ zTdi tuh; sgo sh sgo tuh; zTdi kuju,(/ sh tuh; )tuhxdgerhmy " vkuju, " )khhgi bhy sgo uuTry _ uuTry sgo bhy )khhgi " jhru, tkt jru, ,erh tk " : 4 jz"k "jru," )nhy R en".' uuTx nhhby tuhxdgerhmy(' bTr tuhxdgerhmy(' nhhby uuTx en".' R )nhy "jru," "jhru,"' prhhvhhy(' uuhhk surl sh kuju,' ,urv' uugri thsi prhh thsi uugri ,urv' kuju,' sh surl uuhhk prhhvhhy(' "jhru,"' tui pui Rkg bhy dguutubyagbg zRfi/ dguutubyagbg bhy Rkg pui tui 5 vrg hmr sgo pui

)j"h bhxi ,ba"t( bhxi )j"h

1( anu, d' hc/ 2( anu, rcv p"d' s/ pra"h gv"p/ 3( ,at kc' yz/ 4( tcu, p"u' c/ 5( zuvr jsa mz' jsa zuvr 5( c/ p"u' tcu, 4( yz/ kc' ,at 3( gv"p/ pra"h s/ p"d' rcv anu, 2( hc/ d' anu, 1( c/ urtv anu, rcv pn"z' t/ ua"b/ t/ pn"z' rcv anu, urtv c/ 5 Parshafier the

קַהִתְ ׁשְ ר ּו ת I shared a sicha of the Rebbe Yitzy: Uh, there’s way too much going on in my life. I’m ready at my .for a long vacation תמְְ ת פ ְׁשרַּפ Shabbos table Chany: Me too! I've been working so hard on studying for the ORDERS FROM Chidon, learning ba'al peh, and making sure to fill out OUR GENERAL missions every night. Vol. 4, pg. 73 Yitzy: Being a soldier is not easy!

Sruly: What exactly would you do on vacation? STARRING Yitzy: Nothing! That's the point. I need time to do nothing. The Weiss Family Chany: Nothing except sleep until noon, eat ice cream, and spend the day on the couch.

Yitzy: Sounds perfect. Let's get a calendar and start planning.

Rivky: Hey, the Parshafier alert says it is time for a trip. You Chany Rivky ready? We have Nachshon, Achiya Hashiloni, Miriam, or Kalev. Sruly: Wasn’t Achiya Hashiloni the one who learned with the Baal Shem Tov? What’s he got to do with Parshas Shemos?

Chany: He was in Mitzrayim, at Matan Torah, and he even lived during the times of Dovid Hamelech!

Sruly Yitzy Sruly: Whoa, he was around for a long time... Let’s choose him—I bet it’ll be fascinating. GUEST STARRING Blipblipblipblipshhhhh….boink Chany: Look where we are. Sand, pyramids, Yidden working— we’re in Mitzrayim! Achiya Oy, the Yidden are working so hard. Where’s our guide Hashiloni Yitzy: though?

Achiya Hashiloni: Here I am! I had to wait to sneak off when NOW IT’S YOUR TURN the Mitzri wasn’t looking. Welcome, welcome. Read this at your Shabbos table, acting out Rivky: It’s so terrible to see you and the rest of the Yidden the different characters with your family. slaving away. Then, discuss the question of the week and apply the Parshafier’s lesson to your lives. Sruly: And we thought we were working too hard… Achiya Hashiloni: Ah, so you know? 6 2 Hachayol 298

298 Shemos.indd 2 11/27/2017 11:04:11 PM Chany: Know what? Yetzer Hora tells me that being a chayol isn't worth

Achiya Hashiloni: That Hashem has spoken to all the hard work. He tells me to snooze my alarm Moshe and told him that it’s time to bring us out of and push everything off until tomorrow. Mitzrayim! It’s time to make us free. Yitzy: Aha, so what we really need is a Yitzy: Free from Mitzrayim, free from slavery, free from Paro… You must be thrilled! vacation from the Yetzer Hora! He's

Sruly: You’ll finally be able to rest and relax! the one who makes us his slave.

Achiya Hashiloni: Not exactly...this freedom is Achiya Hashiloni: And the way we so much more than that! escape from the Yetzer Hora's rule is Rivky: What do you mean? by learning Torah. That leaves us free Achiya Hashiloni: Hashem told Moshe that to do what we really want. He’s taking us out of Mitzrayim in order to give us the Torah on Har Sinai. Sruly: And what we really want is to be Sruly: And...? connected to Hashem!

Achiya Hashiloni: That's what really Achiya Hashiloni: Exactly. By holding strong makes us free...from our Yetzer Hora. to Torah you can break away from your enemy... Rivky: Freedom from our Yetzer Hora? and be completely free to serve Hashem. What does that mean?

Sruly: Do you really want to sit on the couch all day? Chany: Hm, I think we can still use this calendar. No way! Your neshoma wants to serve Hashem. Instead of a vacation, let's schedule more learning Chany: Maybe.... But I get so lazy sometimes! My into our lives! Who wants to be my chavrusa?

What is true freedom?

7 3 תמְְ ת פׁשְ רַּפ

298 Shemos.indd 3 11/27/2017 11:04:13 PM Transcript Follow along the transcript as you listen to the Rebbe saying the Sicha in the recording.

-When you take the nation out of Mitzray" "ּבְהֹוצִיאֲָך אֶת הָעָם מִּמִ צְ ַריִם, im, ".you will serve Hashem on this mountain ַּת ַעבְדּון אֶת הָאֱֹלקִ ים ַעל הָהָ ר ַהּזֶ ה."

,Yidden, and especially the children ַ זֹויא ווִי אִידְ ן, אּון ּבִפְ ַ טר נָאְך קִ ינְדֶ ער, need to prepare ַדארְ פְן זִיְך גְרֵייטְ ן

—to receive Hashem's Torah אֹויף מְ ַקּבֵ ל ַזיְין דֶ עם אֹויּבֶערְׁשְטְ נְסּתֹורָ ה

,to learn the Torah with a calm mind אּון לֶערְ נֶען ּתֹורָה מִ יט ַ ארּואִיקֶער קָ אּפ

,and a healthy mind אּון מִ יט ַ אגֶעזּונְטֶער קָ אּפ

,and with a joyous mind אּון מִ יט ַ אפְרֵ יילִיכֶער קָ אּפ,

,in order to acquire the Torah ּכְדֵי דֶער ּתֹורָ הזָאל צּוגֶענּומֶ ען ווֶערְ ן,

,and for it to be retained אּון נִקְ לָט ווֶערְ ן,

,and deeply engraved אּון ַאיְינְגֶעקְרִ יצְ ט ווֶערְ ן,

.like the luchos of Matan Torah were ַ ל דֶרֶע ְךווִי דִ י לּוחֹות פּון ַמ ַ ן ּתּתֹורָ ה ַזיְינֶען דָ אְך גֶעווֶ ען

,They had, engraved in them ַאיְינְגֶעקְרִ יצְט אִיןדִ ילּוחֹות,

.the letters of the Aseres Hadibros דִי אֹותִּיֹות פּון דִי "עֲׂשֶרֶ ת ַ ּדִ הּבְ רֹות".

The same is the case with every Jewish ַ ל עדֶרֶ ְך זֶה אִ יז אֹויכֶ עט ַּביי יֶעדֶער אִידִיׁשֶער קִ ינְ ד, child, and he causes it to be like this with his אּון עֶרּפֹועֵ ל'ט ַ זֹויא אֹויְך ַּביי ַזיְינֶע עֶ לְטֶערְ ן, parents as well, ,that they should add in their commitment ַ ז אזֵיי זָאלְן נָאְךמֶערֶ ער צּוגֶעּבְ ן

,that every one of the Aseres Hadibros ַ ז א יֶעדֶערעִ נְיָןפּון "עֲׂשֶרֶ ת ַ ּדִ הּבְ רֹות",

,which incorporate the whole Torah ווָאס דָאס אִ יזּכֹולֵל ּכָ ל ַ ּתֹורָ הה ּכּוּלָ ּה,

8 should be deeply etched in the child's זָאל דָ אס ַזיְין ַאיְינְגֶעקְרִ יצְט אִין דֶעם קִ ינְ ד'ס ַהארְ ץ, heart.

,Then, through him אּון דּורְ ך אִ ים

it will be engraved even deeper ווֶערְט סעֶ נָאְך טִיפֶ ער ַאיְינְגֶעקְרִ יצְ ט

,in the hearts of his mother and father אִין דִ י ַה ץארְ פּון ַזיְין מּוטֶ ער, אּון ַזיְין פָאטֶ ער, and his teachers אּון ַזיְין מְ ַחנְכִ ים,

.and grandfathers and grandmothers אּון דִ י זֵיידֶעס אּון דִ יּבָאּבֶ עס,

And it will be engraved like that all year אּון דָ אס ווֶערְ ט ַאיְינְגֶעקְרִ יצְ ט ַאזֹוי אֹויף ּכָ ל ַ ּשָׁ ה נָהּכּוּלָ ּה. long.

9 בס״ד In loving memory of MRS. SARAH ISSUE 294 (CHARLOTTE) ROHR ַּפרְ ַ תׁש מִּקֵ ץ • כ״ז כסלו ה’תשע״ח Parshas Mikeitz 27 Kislev 5778


Levi wants to be free from his Yetzer Harah! Help him find the Torah (3 luchos) that will set him free. PARSHA WORKSHEET Teacher’s Resources Credits: Chanie Brod, Chaya Cadaner, Rivky Fieldsteel, Rivky Franklin, Mushka Greene, Chaya Kalmenson, Mussi Kaplan, Shterna Karp, Rochelle Katzman, Rechyl Korf, Rivka Namirovski, Mirel Reizes, Zelda Weinbaum, Esther Zucker, Chava Leiba Witkes, Mendel Groner, Rabbi Shmuel Rabin, Rabbi Mendel Weinbaum, Rabbi Shimmy Weinbaum