AMERICAN SOCIETY for BONE and MINERAL RESEARCH (ASBMR) OFFICERS Michael J. Econs, M.D. President Bart L. Clarke, M.D., President

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AMERICAN SOCIETY for BONE and MINERAL RESEARCH (ASBMR) OFFICERS Michael J. Econs, M.D. President Bart L. Clarke, M.D., President AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR BONE AND MINERAL RESEARCH (ASBMR) OFFICERS Michael J. Econs, M.D. President Bart L. Clarke, M.D., President-Elect Jane A. Cauley, DrPh, Past-President Thomas L. Clemens, Ph.D., Secretary-Treasurer Juliet Compston, M.D., FRCP, Secretary-Treasurer Elect COUNCILORS Mary Bouxsein, Ph.D. Term expires 2018 Lorenz Hofbauer, M.D. Term expires 2019 Suzanne Jan De Beur, M.D. Term expires 2018 Stavroula Kousteni, Ph.D. Term expires 2019 Christopher Kovacs, M.D. Term expires 2020 Ernestina Schipani, M.D., Ph.D. Term expires 2019 Anna Spagnoli, M.D. Term expires 2020 Johannes Van Leeuwen, Ph.D. Term expires 2018 Kate Ward, Ph.D. Term expires 2020 Peter Ebeling, AO, M.D., FRACP, Ex-Officio,erm T expires 2021 Roberto Civitelli, M.D. Ex-Officio,erm T expires 2022 ASBMR STAFF Lauren Anderson, Senior Program Coordinator Angela Belusik, Senior Program Manager Michelle Brereton, Annual Meeting and Planning Logistics Coordinator Matt Burruss, Senior Conference Manager Amanda Darvill, Senior Marketing Director Katie Duffy, Director of Publications Ann L. Elderkin, P.A., Executive Director Douglas Fesler, Associate Executive Director Brigid Greaney, Registration and Annual Meeting Associate Jasmine Guerra, Senior Marketing Coordinator John Heiser, Exhibits Sales Coordinator Brittany Jackson, Senior Exhibits and Ancillary Meetings Coordinator Deborah Kroll, Director of Development Lindsay Kroboth, Marketing Coordinator David Merli, Senior Exhibit Sales Manager Sunny Patel, Accounting Manager Corie Stretton, Hotel and Housing Service Coordinator Lauren Strup, Operations Coordinator Brian Teague, Director of Finance Lauren Taggart, Operations Manager Jennifer Trotter, Operations Coordinator ASBMR 2018 Annual Meeting i ASBMR BUSINESS OFFICE 2025 M Street, NW Suite 800 Washington, DC 20036-3309 USA Tel: +1 (202) 367-1161 Fax: +1 (202) 367-2161 E-mail: [email protected] Internet: 2018 PROGRAM COMMITTEE President: Michael J. Econs, M.D., Program Co-Chair: Douglas Bauer, M.D. Program Co-Chair: Marja Hurley, M.D. Program Co-Chair: Merry Jo Oursler, Ph.D. 2018 ABSTRACT REVIEWERS Yousef Abu-Amer, Ph.D. Matthew Drake, Ph.D., M.D. Cheryl Ackert-Bicknell, Ph.D. Amel Dudakovic, Ph.D. Annette AdaM.S., M.D. Emma Duncan, FRACP, Ph.D., MBBS Robert Adler, M.D. Gustavo Duque, Ph.D., M.D. Catherine Anastasopoulou, Ph.D., M.D. Elizabeth Eekhoff, Ph.D., M.D. Thomas Levin Andersen, Ph.D. Grahame Elder, Ph.D., MBBS Paul Anderson, Ph.D. Alessandra Esposito , Ph.D. Laura Bachrach, M.D. Charles Farber, Ph.D. Zvi Bar-shavit, Ph.D. David Findlay, Ph.D. Sarah Berry, M.D., M.P.H. Melissa Fiscaletti, M.D., M.S. Daniel Bikle, Ph.D., M.D. Lorraine Fitzpatrick, M.D. Dennis Black, Ph.D. Jackie Fretz, Ph.D. Dana Bliuc, Ph.D., M.D., M.P.H. Robyn Fuchs, Ph.D. Alison Boyce, M.D. Seiji Fukumoto, Ph.D. María Lorena Brance, Ph.D., M.D. Dana Gaddy, Ph.D. Sharon Brennan-Olsen, Ph.D. Erin Gaffney-Stomberg, Ph.D. Giacomina Brunetti, Ph.D. Deborah Galson, Ph.D. Angela Bruzzaniti, Ph.D. Xueqin Gao, Ph.D., M.D., M.S. Patricia Juarez Camacho , PhD Vishnu Garla, M.D. Diana Carlone, M.D. Luigi Gennari, Ph.D., M.D. Geert Carmeliet, Ph.D., M.D. Louis Gerstenfeld, Ph.D. Alesha Castillo, Ph.D. Ali Ghasem-Zadeh, Ph.D. Peggy Cawthon, Ph.D., M.P.H. Sabrina Gill, M.D., M.P.H. Roland Chapurlat, Ph.D., M.D. Anne Gingery, Ph.D. Thierry Chevalley , M.D. Natalie Glass, Ph.D. Cyrille Confavreux, Ph.D., M.D. Francis Glorieux, Ph.D., M.D. Carolyn Crandall, M.D., M.S. Francesca Gori, Ph.D. Janet Crane, M.D. Struan Grant, Ph.D. Sarah Dallas, Ph.D. Stan Gronthos, Ph.D. Maria Danila, M.D., M.P.H., M.S. Jesus Delgado-Calle, Ph.D. ii American Society for Bone and Mineral Research Michael Hadjiargyrou, Ph.D. Malachi McKenna, Ph.D. Dominique Heymann, Ph.D. Meenal Mehrotra, MBBS Pamela Hinton, Ph.D. Daniela Merlotti, Ph.D., M.D. Lorenz Hofbauer, M.D. Jane Mitchell, Ph.D. Nicholas Hoyle, Ph.D. Sharon Moe, M.D. Keith Hruska, M.D. Subburaman Mohan , Ph.D. Keith Hruska, M.D. David Monroe, Ph.D. Amira Hussein, Ph.D., M.S. Suzanne Morin, M.D., M.S. Daisuke Inoue, Ph.D. Ioanna Mosialou, Ph.D. Daisuke Inoue, Ph.D., M.D. Katherine Motyl, Ph.D. Karl Insogna, M.D. Mark Nanes, M.D. Srividhya Iyer, Ph.D. Dobrawa Napierala, Ph.D. Suzanne Jan de Beur, M.D. Tuan Nguyen, Ph.D. Jean Jiang, Ph.D. Andreas Niemeier, M.D. Robert Jilka, Ph.D. Toru OGASAWARA, Ph.D. Rachelle Johnson, Ph.D. Michael Ominsky, Ph.D. James Johnston, Ph.D., M.S. Orhan K Oz, Ph.D., M.D. Robert Josse, MBBS Julie Paik, M.D. Ivo Kalajzic, M.D., Ph.D. Eleftheros Paschalis, Ph.D. Fadia Kamal, Ph.D. Jessica Pepe, Ph.D., M.D. David Karasik, Ph.D. Allison Pettit, Ph.D. Mustapha Kassem, Ph.D., M.D. Lilian Plotkin, Ph.D. Hiroshi Kawaguchi, M.D. Richard Prince, M.D., MBBS Deepak Kumar Khajuria, Ph.D. Rhonda Prisby, Ph.D. Alyia Khan, M.D. Ling Qin, Ph.D. Amna Khan, M.D. Alexander Rodriguez, Ph.D. Joseph Kindler, Ph.D. James Ryaby, Ph.D. Richard Kremer, Ph.D., M.D. Kenneth Saag, M.D. Nancy Lane, M.D. Yves Sabbagh, Ph.D. Nancy Lane, M.D. Fayez Safadi, Ph.D. Craig Langman, M.D. Lisa Samelson, Ph.D. Beata Lanske, Ph.D. Cheryl Sanchez, M.D. Richard Lee, D.D.S., Ph.D. Erica Scheller, D.D.S., Ph.D. Richard Lee, Ph.D., M.D. Tobias Schmidt, Ph.D. Josh Lewis, Ph.D. Viral Shah, M.D. X. Sherry Liu, Ph.D. Sue Shapses, Ph.D. Jonathan Lowery , Ph.D. Masako Shimada, Ph.D., M.D. Christa Maes, Ph.D. Dolores Shoback, M.D. Russell Main, Ph.D. Eileen Shore, Ph.D. Sarah Manske, Ph.D. Joe Stains, Ph.D. Kim Mansky, Ph.D. Paula Stern, M.D. Gabriel Mbalaviele, Ph.D. Paula Stern, Ph.D. Sara McBride-Gagyi , Ph.D. Elsa Strotmeyer, Ph.D., M.P.H. Mike McClung, M.D. Larry Suva, Ph.D. Megan McGee-Lawrence, Ph.D. Hanna Taipaleenmaki, Ph.D. Malachi McKenna, M.P.H. Josephine Tauer, Ph.D., M.S. ASBMR 2018 Annual Meeting iii Willi Thompson, Ph.D. Megan Weivoda, Ph.D. Annegreet Veldhuis-Vlug, Ph.D., M.D. Deborah Wenkert, M.D. Annegreet Veldhuis-Vlug, Ph.D., M.D. Kenneth White, Ph.D. Marcella Walker, M.D. Bettina Willie, Ph.D. Joseph Wallace, Ph.D. Nicole Wright, Ph.D. Xiaofang Wang, D.D.S., Ph.D. Liping Xiao, M.D., Ph.D. Yongmei Wang, M.D., Ph.D. Elaine Yu, Ph.D. Stuart Warden, Ph.D. Ayse Zengin, Ph.D. ASBMR COMMITTEE MEMBERS AND REPRESENTATIVES ADVOCACY/SCIENCE POLICY COMMITTEE Deborah Veis, M.D., Ph.D., Chairperson Robert Blank, M.D., Ph.D. Cyrus Cooper, D.M., FRCP, M.D. Maureen Devlin, Ph.D. Patricia Ducy, Ph.D. Louis Gerstenfeld, Ph.D. Mark Hamrick, Ph.D. Roy Morello, Ph.D. Babatunde Oyajobi, MBBS, Ph.D. Shivani Sahni, Ph.D. Deborah Wenkert, M.D. Stavroula Kousteni, Ph.D., Council Liaison Ann L. Elderkin, P.A., Staff Liaison Douglas Fesler, Staff Liaison Lauren Strup, Staff Liaison DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Shonni Silverberg, M.D., Co-Chairperson Larry Suva, Ph.D., Co-Chairperson Teresita Bellido, Ph.D. Paola Divieti Pajevic, M.D., Ph.D. Charles Farber, Ph.D. Marian Hannan, Ph.D. Melissa Kacena, Ph.D. Gabriel Mbalaviele, Ph.D. Dolores Shoback, M.D. Emily Stein, M.D. Ernestina Schipani, M.D., Ph.D., Council Liaison Deborah Kroll, Staff Liaison Ann L. Elderkin, P.A., Staff Liaison iv American Society for Bone and Mineral Research ETHICS ADVISORY COMMITTEE Elizabeth Shane, M.D., Chairperson Cheryl Ackert-Bicknell, Ph.D. Richard Bockman, M.D., Ph.D. Janine Danks, BSc, MSc, Ph.D. Bess Dawson-Hughes, M.D. Núria Guañabens, M.D., Ph.D. Moustapha Kassem, M.D., Ph.D. Huifang (Linda) Lu, M.D., Ph.D. Laurie McCauley, D.D.S., Ph.D. Thomas Weber, M.D. Johannes van Leeuwen, Ph.D., Council Liaison Ann L. Elderkin, P.A., Staff Liaison Lauren Taggart, Staff Liaison FINANCE COMMITTEE Thomas Clemens, Ph.D., Chairperson Juliet Compston, M.D., FRCP Emma Duncan, M.D., Ph.D. Beatrice Edwards, M.D., FACP Deborah Galson, Ph.D. Robert Jilka, Ph.D. Rene St-Arnaud, Ph.D. Joseph Stains, Ph.D. Michael J. Econs, M.D., Ex Officio Anna Spagnoli, M.D., Council Liaison Ann L. Elderkin, P.A., Staff Liaison Brian Teague, Staff Liaison MEMBERSHIP ENGAGEMENT AND EDUCATION COMMITTEE Nicola Napoli, M.D., Chairperson Susan Bloomfield, Ph.D. Ching-Lung Cheung, Ph.D. Claire Edwards, Ph.D. Amna Khan, MBBS, M.D. Beata Lecka-Czernik, Ph.D. Joshua Lewis Christa Maes, Ph.D. Morten Frost Nielsen, M.D., Ph.D. Martina Rauner, Ph.D. Erica Scheller, D.D.S., Ph.D. Anne Gingery, Ph.D. Jonathan Lowery, Ph.D. Christopher J. Hernandez, Ph.D. Nicole Wright, Ph.D., MPH Mary Bouxsein, Ph.D., Council Liaison ASBMR 2018 Annual Meeting v Suzanne Jan De Beur, M.D., Council Liaison Douglas Fesler, Staff Liaison Lauren Taggart, Staff Liaison Lauren Strup, Staff Liaison Jennifer Trotter, Staff Liaison DIVERSITY IN BONE AND MINERAL RESEARCH SUBCOMMITTEE Christopher J. Hernandez, Ph.D., Co-Chairperson Nicole Wright, Ph.D., MPH, Co-Chairperson Sunday Akintoye, D.D.S. Joel Jules, Ph.D. Kristy Nicks, Ph.D. Robert Nissenson, Ph.D. Babatunde Oyajobi, MBBS, Ph.D. Lilian Plotkin, Ph.D. Larry Suva, Ph.D. Sylvia Christakos, Ph.D., Ex-Officio Nicola Napoli, M.D., MEEC Liaison Lauren Taggart, Staff Liaison Jennifer Trotter, Staff Liaison EARLY STAGE INVESTIGATOR SUBCOMMITTEE Jonathan Lowery, Ph.D., Co-Chairperson Anne Gingery, Ph.D., Co-Chairperson Beth Bragdon, Ph.D.
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