Holiday to Be. Many Former Fraternities Matmen.Will Washington's
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• Holiday Monday Holiday Monday . t BY T HE STUDENTS, FO!THE UNIVERSITY VOLUME XXXIV WASHINGTON A_ND LEE UNIVERSITY,LfRIDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 193 1 _ _ NUMBER 34 1 Holiday to Be. Many Former Fraternities Matmen.Will Washington's Birthday IsiGeneral; Win Prod~ced Wtth Missing From Campus Grappl~Duke Observed B All America From Virginia Hollms Actors · In Ldt Meet Y I In Close Game Washington and Lee often bas same type was Epsilon Alpha, 1 Washington and Lee University nnd unpat·nlloled hone:;ly. Will Appear at Hollins March ~ been accl!Sed of having too. many founded a t the University of Vlr- Wresden Under .Acting Cap- together wi th aU America on Slm- All of the myths, the chopping Martin Sinks Goal tn Last 8 14; at Lyric Theatre fraternltres and honor societies. f~~de~ a~ ~~~",!~Pte~011!_S: tain Tilton W~fiabt Laat day will I:Je a!ftcted in some de- o1 the cherry tree, the sacrifice or Minute to Break --L but few people ever stop to think w~lch was tbe nam·;~ tbe sch';,i Dual "ee by the knowledge that that lhe colt, the feat or throwing aI M ltuJ 19 that In the .past many groups, day l.a t.he blrthday of a man s1lver dollar across the Potomac. Tie -- ' now out or existance. were rep- prior to the coming of General who proved to be of inestimable any many oLhers, are still en- JOINT CASTS HAVE resented here. Dating back to ~~ ~~~e~~s i 18::s- ~::! I NEXT MEET 1t> BB value to the growth of a great ~~~~~s~~~~~e~c!~,t~~e~o t~~d~~~~~ IW AHOOS D E F E ATED .Ln:'ARSALS colonial tdays as the college dfoes. Slgmn Kappa a g-e post-war FOR CHAr.fPIONSHIP untveratty, and who guided a und even WISet· adltlts at FOR SEC OND TIME BEGUN it Is no at all strange to lnd · small state out of maelstrom to Interwoven with the early days of fraternity, was founded at V. world-wide recognition. It is the approa<:h or l<'cllrua.ry 22 let the school quaint snatches of M! . 1h· in 1887· Quite a._~umbbert Soud1em Coaf~ce Meet dl.ubtful whether any other Am- their memories swim back to the Mia Susie Blair of Holliru . o c arters were rranw:u u • '• days when for one whole evening Williams, C ox, and Martin socf ledtledes. some of which were nearly of th em are m'acttve Will be Held 6-7 erican patriot or benefactor is re- they were permitted to draw tstand ' . u1 and A,rdtur Ulrich Moore ~t-11 ~narch 0 S OWl nea rlY a hundred yea rs by 1888_ The chapter at Waah- •• membered wi th equal complete- . I u mg 10 p ectac ar ago. The Civil War period and lngton and Lee was admitted later at V. _rq. I. ness and honored with the same crayon Pictures or cherry trees Direct Reconstruction brought turmoil t Phi Delt Thet Sl"'"'a .am.ha l measure of reverence that has and bachels lusltad oi laboring Battle to the Oreeks, and some of the woas stU! anaot her a.of .tb~'* zu.:_ I Led by acting c: Tex TU- become so evident in the occur- at examples ln long division. The Hollins Dramatic club, sto th t xist .., •IT ...-· f BuL ln the J.as_t two or three Today washingto-n and Lee ...... _ S i re1 s a e now seem '"'-"· too W"" founded at Roanoke son. the F!ghtlol ral mat- renee o Washington's birthday. under the dlree t lon o t -- ua e st n e uu.. • .... years, several wrtters and blo- nlen should be l.oudly th.e _.._,_ ra g · in 1859, but su ..ere d very great- E tod I dl · h t 1 .. Blair, and ~group o f W a ...~.g- u ven ay, n a suppose Y grap ~rs o vnrled repu~e. either lpraise of one Gene Martin, scrap- ton and Lee itudenta. taken main- one of the fraternities th at ly frl'm the war. It was re- enlightened age that often ex- avaricious !or the publicity cer- PY General guard who stood ly from the cast of "Journey's arose from this period, and that established again in 1888, and the presses a parallelism of ext reme taln to fol.low, ot· actuated by a forty feet from Virginia's goat. End", and under tbe direction of was reputed to have had a chap- chapter on this campus came I scepticism and disbelief in au. t ra- contorted . mtcrpretatt~n of an- and with all the poise o! a Oreek Arthur Ulrich Moore. will present ter here at washington and Lee, in to being ln 1873. It was abort dltiona and reverend preconcep- other rebtrth of cla.sstctsm , have ,od of old sank the goal wblch ''Holiday" a t Hollins college, was Delta Epsilon. foWlded at lived. hCJwever. and became total- tion.s. the vast maJority of Am- seen fit to paint Washll1gton wttb meant to the Generals beatln March 14. Arran1ementa tor this Roanoke College in 1882. rt was ly Inactive In 1882. ericans st111 experience a certain a predominating muu-llke color VirgiJlia: a successful 'aoutber: Joint production have been under- confined solely to Vlrginla col- 'l'brr(l was still another group degree ot wondermen t not Wl- ~ a nd with the Ugh~ streaming '"'onferencc d t 1 to way for some time. and both caats leges, and went out of exlstance In or fraternities that came into be- j mixed with , pride at the tales or ft;om a crack und~r the door In- ~tlan la wlt~e~o~~~n ch:n:/fo r started rehearsals Monday, They 1888. Another national ot t he teontlnucd on Fourtn Paae) WaabJ.nston s youthful prowess 1 ccontlnuec! on .lo ou:th Pa11c1 l 1onors 1n the s c T t will work daily Wlder tbe local ~ben Gene made ·hlso~~~~~S:~ui 18 18 =to;s~e:~~~~~ull a~:s Field House is . Chuck 'Bowes Phi Delts Lead G · S k .ling the score stood - • and "HoHday" is a society comedy ames pea S I there were thirty seconds to pia~. rarce 1n three acts by Pbillp Bar- fhe final score Wednesday nigllt p E l D Ch • Gr k A 20 18 ry. Following closely upon tbe I rey to ar y owns apm ee verages T 0 the Alumni \\IQS " · bringing to a close movie version with Ann Harding .me or the most exciting games and Mary AStor. tbe local pro- Morru·ng Blaze To wm· Crown After Bt·g Gam· I N. c. ~ver played In the Charlotte.sviUe hi h be ""'v n 1n gymnasium. d uc uo n. w c wm •• e n me tttes I The game was a typical Wash- the redecorated LYric Theatre on J March 19, should meet with ngton a nd Lee-Virginia struggle, marked success. The play is quite Spectacular Fire Discovered Thraling Match Decides Jump From Eleventh to First Purpou o f Trip to Interest .JOth teums ever-aggresisve and different from the movie version Early Yesterday Moming Handball Champion in Place in Phenomenal Present C onditions o f I ~~ita~~~u!~~~~~~;a;!~! ~!;:~ amna~lcis c~'l:id:e:e ':! t :r~ t dra- 1 ·-Building Quickly Burna Intramural Games Rise U · · n ltlentlcally the same manner aa . m vers tty . he one last year. The Generals PhlUminp Bar!'!;_":~ thash gained Pire early .yesterday morntna C. A. Bowers defeated R. S. Tl:)l TI~N The fratem.lty avera.aes t hat D F p G-i- ,umpcd into an early lead, to hold pro ence WD.,..... e younger I ctfo.. ed the WA_ .. ,_,..,.n and" Cha pin yesterday in the finals of _ 1-' 5 '-•, S'S • were re•--..o yesterday- are still r. a.nes is now In ,... 13 -5 advanta.."' e a•• halt-time. de 11 school ot pl&)'wrttes throulh ''You · " " _ ..... .... - Washington to speuk to the nlum- Vlrglnla. however. came back and l": "Parl.a Bound"; "The Lee field ho":"e here. The flames the 1931 handball tournament. 21 men tomorrow ~~~&~re in their at. the gentleman's av~ . al- ni th ere. after havmg made an with a rush to Lie the score in Youncest"; and "Holiday", wrote were discoveted by students In to 16, 21 t.o 15, 12 to 21, 21 to 14. , laat dual meet -n they en- thouah theY" have dropped about extended tour t hrougll the South the closing minutes, only to have "Holiday" for Kiss Hope WWtams Graham dormitory about 1:15 The match was one of the fastest counter tbe nu. 8lue DevUa at one percent all along tbe line. meeting the various groups of .he Generals win out. Last year a popular BroadwaJ star and o'clock. The building being frame and most exciting ever staa'ed on I Durham. 'I'M ~ wW be held Kappa Alpha, Phi Epsilon Pi. alumni In the dlfrerent cities. t was Leigh WUllams who aanlt social retrl$terite. The action and and located far from any fire- handball courts bere, and the I tomorrow afttna. at 4 o'clock Delta Upsilon, and Delta Tau Dr. Oalnes, on his t.ri p, vislted l field goal from the mid-~loor to succeaa of the play depends in pll}gs soon was a mass of large number of spectators were lin Lhe new U fum.