• Holiday Monday Holiday Monday . t BY T HE STUDENTS, FO!THE UNIVERSITY


1 Holiday to Be. Many Former Fraternities Matmen.Will Washington's Birthday IsiGeneral; Win Prod~ced Wtth Missing From Campus Grappl~Duke Observed B All America From Virginia Hollms Actors · In Ldt Meet Y I In Close Game Washington and Lee often bas same type was Alpha, 1 Washington and Lee University nnd unpat·nlloled hone:;ly. Will Appear at Hollins March ~ been accl!Sed of having too. many founded a t the University of Vlr- Wresden Under .Acting Cap- together wi th aU America on Slm- All of the myths, the chopping Martin Sinks Goal tn Last 8 14; at Lyric Theatre fraternltres and honor societies. f~~de~ a~ ~~~",!~Pte~011!_S: tain Tilton W~fiabt Laat day will I:Je a!ftcted in some de- o1 the cherry tree, the sacrifice or Minute to Break --L but few people ever stop to think w~lch was tbe nam·;~ tbe sch';,i Dual "ee by the knowledge that that lhe colt, the feat or throwing aI M ltuJ 19 that In the .past many groups, day l.a t.he blrthday of a man s1lver dollar across the Potomac. Tie -- ' now out or existance. were rep- prior to the coming of General who proved to be of inestimable any many oLhers, are still en- JOINT CASTS HAVE resented here. Dating back to ~~ ~~~e~~s i ~l.so 18::s- ~::! I NEXT MEET 1t> BB value to the growth of a great ~~~~~s~~~~~e~c!~,t~~e~o t~~d~~~~~ IW AHOOS D E F E ATED .Ln:'ARSALS colonial tdays as the college dfoes. Slgmn Kappa a g-e post-war FOR CHAr.fPIONSHIP untveratty, and who guided a Stat.es. und even WISet· adltlts at FOR SEC OND TIME BEGUN RE.nr. it Is no at all strange to lnd · small state out of maelstrom to Interwoven with the early days of fraternity, was founded at V. world-wide recognition. It is the approa<:h or l<'cllrua.ry 22 let the school quaint snatches of M! . 1h· in 1887· Quite a._~umbbert Soud1em Coaf~ce Meet dl.ubtful whether any other Am- their memories swim back to the Mia Susie Blair of Holliru . o c arters were rranw:u u • '• days when for one whole evening Williams, C ox, and Martin socf ledtledes. some of which were nearly of th em are m'acttve Will be Held 6-7 erican patriot or benefactor is re- they were permitted to draw tstand ' . u1 and A,rdtur Ulrich Moore ~t-11 ~narch 0 S OWl nea rlY a hundred yea rs by 1888_ The chapter at Waah- •• membered wi th equal complete- . I u mg 10 p ectac ar ago. The Civil War period and lngton and Lee was admitted later at V. _rq. I. ness and honored with the same crayon Pictures or cherry trees Direct Reconstruction brought turmoil t Phi Delt Thet Sl"'"'a .am.ha l measure of reverence that has and bachels lusltad oi laboring Battle to the Oreeks, and some of the woas stU! anaot her a.of .tb~'* zu.:_ I Led by acting c: Tex TU- become so evident in the occur- at examples ln long division. The Hollins Dramatic club, sto th t xist .., •IT ...-· f BuL ln the J.as_t two or three Today washingto-n and Lee ...... _ S i re1 s a e now seem '"'-"· too W"" founded at Roanoke son. the F!ghtlol ral mat- renee o Washington's birthday. under the dlree t lon o t -- ua e st n e uu.. • .... years, several wrtters and blo- nlen should be l.oudly slnr.ing th.e _.._,_ ra g · in 1859, but su ..ere d very great- E tod I dl · h t 1 .. Blair, and ~group o f W a ...~.g- u ven ay, n a suppose Y grap ~rs o vnrled repu~e. either lpraise of one Gene Martin, scrap- ton and Lee itudenta. taken main- one of the fraternities th at ly frl'm the war. It was re- enlightened age that often ex- avaricious !or the publicity cer- PY General guard who stood ly from the cast of "Journey's arose from this period, and that established again in 1888, and the presses a parallelism of ext reme taln to fol.low, ot· actuated by a forty feet from Virginia's goat. End", and under tbe direction of was reputed to have had a chap- chapter on this campus came I scepticism and disbelief in au. t ra- contorted . mtcrpretatt~n of an- and with all the poise o! a Oreek Arthur Ulrich Moore. will present ter here at washington and Lee, in to being ln 1873. It was abort dltiona and reverend preconcep- other rebtrth of cla.sstctsm , have ,od of old sank the goal wblch ''Holiday" a t Hollins college, was Epsilon. foWlded at lived. hCJwever. and became total- tion.s. the vast maJority of Am- seen fit to paint Washll1gton wttb meant to the Generals beatln March 14. Arran1ementa tor this Roanoke College in 1882. rt was ly Inactive In 1882. ericans st111 experience a certain a predominating muu-llke color VirgiJlia: a successful 'aoutber: Joint production have been under- confined solely to Vlrginla col- 'l'brr(l was still another group degree ot wondermen t not Wl- ~ a nd with the Ugh~ streaming '"'onferencc d t 1 to way for some time. and both caats leges, and went out of exlstance In or fraternities that came into be- j mixed with , pride at the tales or ft;om a crack und~r the door In- ~tlan la wlt~e~o~~~n ch:n:/fo r started rehearsals Monday, They 1888. Another national ot t he teontlnucd on Fourtn Paae) WaabJ.nston s youthful prowess 1 ccontlnuec! on .lo ou:th Pa11c1 l 1onors 1n the s c T t will work daily Wlder tbe local ~ben Gene made ·hlso~~~~~S:~ui 18 18 =to;s~e:~~~~~ull a~:s Field House is . Chuck 'Bowes Phi Delts Lead G · S k .ling the score stood - • and "HoHday" is a society comedy ames pea S I there were thirty seconds to pia~. rarce 1n three acts by Pbillp Bar- fhe final score Wednesday nigllt p E l D Ch • Gr k A 20 18 ry. Following closely upon tbe I rey to ar y owns apm ee verages T 0 the Alumni \\IQS " · bringing to a close movie version with Ann Harding .me or the most exciting games and Mary AStor. tbe local pro- Morru·ng Blaze To wm· Crown After Bt·g Gam· I N. c. . ~ver played In the Charlotte.sviUe hi h be ""'v n 1n gymnasium. d uc u o n. w c wm •• e n me tttes I The game was a typical Wash- the redecorated LYric Theatre on J March 19, should meet with ngton a nd Lee-Virginia struggle, marked success. The play is quite Spectacular Fire Discovered Thraling Match Decides Jump From Eleventh to First Purpou o f Trip to Interest .JOth teums ever-aggresisve and different from the movie version Early Yesterday Moming Handball Champion in Place in Phenomenal Present C onditions o f I ~~ita~~~u!~~~~~~;a;!~! ~!;:~ amna~lcis c~'l:id:e:e ':! t :r~ t dra- 1 ·-Building Quickly Burna Intramural Games Rise U · · n ltlentlcally the same manner aa . m vers tty . he one last year. The Generals PhlUminp Bar!'!;_":~ thash gained Pire early .yesterday morntna C. A. Bowers defeated R. S. Tl:)l TI~N The fratem.lty avera.aes t hat D F p G-i- ,umpcd into an early lead, to hold pro ence WD.,..... e younger I ctfo.. ed the WA_ .. ,_,..,.n and" Cha pin yesterday in the finals of _ 1-' 5 '-•, S'S • were re•--..o yesterday- are still r. . . a.nes is now In ,... 13 -5 advanta.."' e a•• halt-time. de 11 school ot pl&)'wrttes throulh ''You · " " _ ...... - Washington to speuk to the nlum- Vlrglnla. however. came back and l": "Parl.a Bound"; "The Lee field ho":"e here. The flames the 1931 handball tournament. 21 men tomorrow ~~~&~re in their at. the gentleman's av~ . al- ni th ere. after havmg made an with a rush to Lie the score in Youncest"; and "Holiday", wrote were discoveted by students In to 16, 21 t.o 15, 12 to 21, 21 to 14. , laat dual meet -n they en- thouah theY" have dropped about extended tour t hrougll the South the closing minutes, only to have "Holiday" for Kiss Hope WWtams Graham dormitory about 1:15 The match was one of the fastest counter tbe nu. 8lue DevUa at one percent all along tbe line. meeting the various groups of .he Generals win out. Last year a popular BroadwaJ and o'clock. The building being frame and most exciting ever staa'ed on I Durham. 'I'M ~ wW be held Kappa Alpha, Phi Epsilon Pi. alumni In the dlfrerent cities. t was Leigh WUllams who aanlt social retrl$terite. The action and and located far from any fire- t.be handball courts bere, and the I tomorrow afttna. at 4 o'clock Delta Upsilon, and Delta Tau Dr. Oalnes, on his t.ri p, vislted l field goal from the mid-~loor to succeaa of the play depends in pll}gs soon was a mass of large number of spectators were lin Lhe new U fum. Delta. which last semester stood Charlotte. N. C .. Rome. Oa., At.- I ~aJ u the verdict tor the "Big the main • tbe portrayal of tbe ftamea. well entertained. Bowes drew a Tex enWn .. aeet tomorrow tint, second. fourth and fifth re- lnnlo., Ga.. BJ.rmingh a.tn. Ala.. Blue.'' In the last few seconds. role ot Linda. Tbe fire was one of the most :~ ~:~u:'ih!:~oiu:b with a II'IM ~ beh1Dd him. =e~o=~e drop~ ,tota!e Memphis. T enn.. Louisville, Ky.. I The game started with a bang " IIQUdar" waa lir.lt produced spectacular seen here 1n several trouble. Cbapln, boftver. eJl• Ill three,.. !ftDlllle ~- Pbl Delta Tbeta ae;~ped P fro~ Charleston, W. va.. and Roanoke . ..vhen Martin dropped in a long on Broadway In 1121 UDder tbe yean. 'Piamee often reached tbe pertenced 8bme troutlle before -. ._ _. ·• I 41 Ia •·- ....._. ~ to fillt and He also spoke at tl prep schools I me on the openlng tipoff. Cox direction of Arthur HoPkin~ . he1ght of more than a hundred reaching the ftnala. beln& forced matchel, wi!IDJDI tbem aD, fttteeD followed by Alpha cttl Rho !~ a nd High Sc)lools. 1nd Williams then ran the count starring MUla Williams tbe play feet and sparkl! fell several to play an extra game In three of by falla and three bJ dedllona. Spa Chi. The last named main- '"The soutlleru trip was very .vilh o. rl!Sh to tie the score in ran on Broadway tor 229 perfor- blocks away. No other fires. his five matchel He l.a allo Soutbem Conference ta1ned ita third Jace Ka successful." Dr. Gaines stated be- ..he first sixteen minutes or play. mances given to packed audlen- however, resulted. The Class In the ftrst. a~e the acore see- champion In the 176 pound elaaa. Sl t Pf th · lla pptoa fore leaving tor Washington. I Mayo finally broke the i.ce for memorial bridge was lined with The match tomorrow wh1c:h w1ll gma came ou 0 e ce r In tln th lrlt f ces. hWldreds of students mostly in sawed back and tortb with Chapin be with Adll:tm varatiJ center on take tbe seventeenth place. pt commen g on e sp o ,hem. ~;arnering a free-throw and Artbur Ulrich Moore. c:Urector bathrobes and paJ~. watch- keeptng the lead moet of the time. the Blue DeYU •footb&ll team. l.a Kappa Alpha now bolda the bot- the alumni. Dr. Gaines said , "The Ia field goal. Thomas followed ot dramatice on thia campus, in lng the flames which lighted WU- However, Bowes, tra1llna four- In the nature of a IIIUdle ft&ht tom PQiitton. but with an a verage spirit of the alumni groups in the .vlth another double-decker . commen ting on tbe selection of teen to sixteen , took aeven straight . that 1S only 5.982 points below the different cities Is fine. The loy- M:eanwhlle, Cox and WWlams had "Holiday·•. said, .. Miss Blair and son field and vicin ity as bright points and won it. In the second. due to aome rather ~b tactica top. The averages are as follows: alty or the alumni to the school .cored again to bring the total I had numerous plays under con- as noon day. Bowes got an early aeac1 and soon enpged In by the Durbamlte 1can not be put In too strong to 13 . sideratlon before we selected The fteld house st.ood a t the bad the score twenty to eight. during tbe p.me lut 'l'banll:lllv· 1. Phl Delta Theta ···· 41 77-055 terms. 1 have never seen any- In the second period neither 'Holiday'. n is an excellent play end of the Class .Memorial Chapin thtn made a comeback l ing Day. 2. Alpha Chi Rho ······ 28 77.01 4 th ing like t he affection the men team scored tor n short while. for producUon witb a caat of 1Br lclge on the edge ot Wilson bringing the score to eilhteen to Another 1rudle flabt on the 3. Sigma Chi ·············· 30 78.788 have tor the sch ool. Every ban- '\1:ayo tossed in a one-handed sh.ot both boys and girls. Realizing. 1 Pield across a ravine from the twenty; howevt r. Bowes took a PI'OIJ'UD w1ll be tbe ooe between 4. Kappa Alpha ...... 35 78.817 quer which the alumni gave was ;tal'Llng a Wahoo scoring sptee however, that tile s ucce~~ of the main campus. It was used for point, a nd lead in aamea by the Wayne Math1S and captain COle 6. Phi Bpallon PI ········ 21 78.599 filled to the polnL of overflow- .vhlch ended with the score 16- play depended on the portrayal ' the training of many Washington scm·e of two to notblng. Chapin of Dull:e 1n the 166 PGUDd dlvta- 8. Delta Upsilon ...... 32 78.018 lng.'' 16, and four minutes remaining. of Linda, we made no announce- an~ Lee athletic teams and much took the third 1ame twenty-one lon. Cole sent word to the 7. Delta Tau Del~ ···· 23 75.952 "The purpose of lhc Lrlp," Dr. :=ox then sent. the .. Big Blue" ment until we wel'e certain thaL equipmen t. was stored in lt. The to twelve, having the lead durinl Wasbinlton and Lee .~reetler 8. Zeta Beta Tau ...... 20 75.882 Gaines stated. "was for me to Jack Into the lead but Hudson we bad someone who eoQld do Athletic Association bus. which the enUre game. He took a seven three months ago that be was 9. Alpha Tau Omega 34 75.687 meet the alumni and give Lhcm •rased this with ~ long shot this dJftlcult role. We found the was tmJally kept there. was !or- to nothing lead In the fourth, but going to fix him up," and both 10. Chi Alpha 32 75.853 o. chance Lo meet me. and lo ln- rna.klng the count 18-18. Marti~ members ot the Hollln.s dramatic tunately in Charlottesville where Bowes soon tied it at ten all. The 1Tex and MathiS are lo1na' down 11 . Beta Theta PI ...... 33 75.251 terprel ror .Lhem t.he conditions then concluding the exciting fray club very talented actresses, who the General basketball teams were sco1·e was once more tied at thlr- with blood In their eyea. 12. Pi Kappa Phi ········ 37 75.204 at Washington and LCI! as they with his succesful heave basket- ha ve had unuaual experience. Ju.at meeting the University of Vir- teen all. but at this point Bowea l So tar tbia year, the tl1g Blue 13. Slama Phi Epsilon ·· 25 75.134 a re todny." ward. suited for the part.'' ginla. Other equipment was re- progressed to sixteen. then nine- bas won every mee&. auec.ively 14· Phi Oamma Delta 32 74.855 Dr. Gaines suld Llla.L IL was Mnrlln's final goal was the eli- Two sets wW be constructed tor moved by st udents, teen. and ftnaUy won t wenty-one I defeatina Richmond Y. M. C. A .. 16· Phi Kappa Sigma 41 74·460 necessa.ry that lhr a.lurnnl should max to one of the prettiest exhl- tbe production. One to be Uled to fourteen. All the games were Army, N. C. State, Davtdlop, and 18· Btgma Alpha Ep. 38 74·431 understa.nd the school and be be- bL11ons or guard-play that bas here and one at HolUna. Work A new hard wood ftoor had just pla yed very fast. and many spec- IV. P. I . The Pllht.lna Oenerala 17. Kappa Sigma ...... 32 73.793 hind lt. ..Aluutnl are ngents for been t urned in this season. on these will start. at once. An- ben put In one section or the tacular shota . were made. · have scored 152 points to their 18· Phi Kappa Psi ···· 29 73·746 getting the right kind ot stu - ~ 3ene sank three field-goals at nouncement of the deflnlte- cast. building for t he boxers. and sev- The seml-ftnals were played on 1' oppanenta 14. 19. Sigma Nu ...... 29 73 .157 dc.nts. In tht> futur<' we will lPPOtiune moments. stuck dog- will probably be the first of next eralannlo et hd.er Improvements had been Wednesday and the quarter-ftnala I Coach Mathis • 1n remarkinl 20. Pi Kappa Alpha .... 38 71.093 have to tely on Lhem more and week. P · on Tuesday. The tournament about the meet. expnued bl.a be- ----o-- mo1e. The alunml represent the --o--- -o--- The field house was built In was very suecestui this year hav- l uef tbat the team would euily B tk b.ll T consutuency or the school, be- N w·u 1913 at the cost of f6,500. It was lng more ent ries than ever before. defeat the Durhamitea. "Their a et oumey I caur.e It l'l not a ~otat<' ~chool and atatOrS 1 \ 8oXers De£ eat partly covered by Insurance. The The doubles belan on Wedneeday, strongest men are Bamble, 115 Promita to be One j has no Appeal to stall.' pride. and origin of the blaze 1s unknown. and will be played throughout thla ... c0 1 u a M.. "'- · 186 no city a ttmnuon~ . So thP Gt"ve Carnt·val poun.... , e. "• UU&UII' • of Best Ev•r G 'ven fJ'iends must. be the alumni." By 2 o'clock the eo nfl n~Tn.tlon wee. k. and Adkins. 175." Mulliri8 will "'" 1 I M ary land ' 4 • 3 had virtually died down. though Result ltf" tbe ftna1S played on be remembered by tho.e who at- Dr. Caines o.lso snld thn.t every wiSps or smoke were stlll rising Thursday: tended t he Washlqton and Lee· alumnus lw spoke to expressed from the pile of ashes and tw.lst- C. A. Bowes, Alpha Tau Omera. Duke game last NOYember u the The formal entries Into tht' hlmsel! as deeply e-mtlfted over Gen e ral M ermen to Perform Genera&. Wjn Apia From ed Iron roofing. which was a ll th at defeated R. s . Chapin. Pi KAppa quarterback who never carried SOuth Atlantic Scholastic Basket- the return of OeHnn nntl Ttloon I March 4 to Pay Way { Old Linen in Retum was lett ot th e building at nooo Phi, 21 to 18. 21 to 15. 12 to 21, 21 the ball or called tllnala. ball Tournament of high schools 116 football coaches. today. No plans ror rebuilding to 14. . In talking about Tex TUaon and prep schools are beginnin g to The dny that. Dr. Gnlnes Sl)(' nt l to Atlanta Match have been made by authorities Results In the seml-ftnals played Coach Mathis also stated "thai flow into Captain Dick Smlt.h's· In Memphl!ll WM de('ltlrE'd Wa.sh- here. on Wednesday : when Tex reported In his freah- office with such volume t.hat the lngton and lJ'e t.lay · The Mem- A wntcr carnival will be staged The Waahlncton and Lee box­ ----o-- R. S. Chapin, PI Kappa Phi. de- ma n year, he had never wreatled tournament bids fair to be t he WonLIJ1UCtl on Fourlh Pa!le) In Doremus pool on Wednesdo.y. Ing team aaaln demonat ra ted its feated J . B. Broome, Sigma Alpha before. and he didn't look as if he most successful ever beld herP. o-- Mnrch 4 by lhe members or the supel'lorlty over the team from Dance• To Be Held Epsllon. ever would develope into a ftnt Teams of the highest calibre only Presiden t Delivers Wabhln!lton nnd Lee swimming the Unlveraity or Kar'Yland by At V. M. I. This Week c. A. Bowes, Alpha Tau Omega. Iclass wrestler.'' This l.a Tillon'a Bre accepted thereby assuring the N ew South Address ' team. The proceedes from the winning a return meet Tueaday defeated F. T. Bready, Alpha Chi Junior year. games to be exceptionally fast. 1tl'ntr wlll be used to help de­ by a acore of rour to three. The Rho Those teams who have been out- To Washingtonian s fray the exl)<'nses o! the Gener­ first bout wu forff'lted to Robert- The v . M. I. cndets will prob­ R~ults In the quarter-ftnab The WaahlngU>n and Lee line- standlna during the cun·ent sea- ,,1 nntntur1. on lheh· trip to the ')ollthrrn Conference swlltlmlng son, Oenerals 11 ~ pounder. Slosh- ably stut polishing the buttons played on Tuesday: up will be the same u uaual with son. and who will make a tremen- Doctor Onltws cll llVNNI nn lld­ i.>el"lf won hls last home ftgh t by on their dress uniforms In prep­ C. A. Bowes. Alpha Tau Omega, Dynamite Evans at 115· Abram- dous bid for the championship mrcl o.l Allnnta on March 27 12 13 dt'CSb be/ore.> the ouuthcm Sot'loty a technical knockout after 1.21 aratlon for thch· Annual Mid­ defeated T. T. Mitchell Tourist son. ~ : Osterman . ~; Thomas. are: F'tshbrune Mlllt.ary School. lu lhe Bull-room ol the Nt>w nnd 211. minutes of f lg h tl n ~r . Both Srulo- winters to be hl'ld Fl'ldny nnd Inn 21 to 12 21 to 13 ' 146: Mathis, 155 : Wright. 185: Wayn~sboro . Vlralnlo., Linsley, Tht- carnival which ill being nr­ 17 Willa rd llotl'l In Wn!ihlngton. D. wltz a nd Pound won by a decls- Saturday, Februna·y 20 nnd 21. F': T . Dt·eady, Alph.i Ch i Rho. Tilson, 5: and Pat Mitchell. Wheellnr . w. va .. Buchanan htah C .• lust Tm ..;dltY llli nddrcfo.S, rnnved by Coacb T\\ ombly and Mnna11.rr Walt.on lnclud<'s besides lon at the end of three rounds. Th fl , t Ia Jl dcfcat<'d w . While, Phl Oamma heavyweight. school. Buchanan. Vn.: Staunton '"The Nf'W South llt•vle\\'b lht• 1 e rs. o 1h mOSt popt UJ' rP.ct•!t nud nov!'lty evenls n wnl<'r Captain Sloshbera started otr set or dunces will beain Friday Delta. by a forfeit. Duke w111llneup as follows: 115, M!Utary Academy, Staunton. Vu.: Old ' Wflll JIIVI'll IJt'fon• nn lill­ with a fterce attack and so over- at 9:30. On Saturday aftemoon R. s. Chapin. Pi Kappa Phl. de- Gamble; 12~ . Wllllama; 135, Lexl.naton High School, Fork Un- dienct> or fh•e hulldl'(.' d twrsons polo RO.mt'. Water polo hns b - H . romP a popular sport a.mona the whelmed the M~tryland fighter aL 3:30 there will be a donsn.nL reated Gooc.h. Phi Kappa Psi, Wall ; 1ol5. Thomas: 155. Captain ion and Oreenbrlar School or nne! wnl; broudcllRl n\"1'1 WJSV 21, collc·ac.>s or the North but Is com­ wlt.h his hard punches that he which lasts until 6:30. The 16 to 21 to 19, 21 to 19. Cole: 185. MulllDJJ : 17~ , Adkins. Lewisburg, w . Va. There are Immcdtntc.>IY pr~ct•dhiK th<' mcel­ clos­ paratively liLUc known tn this scored several knockdowns and lnr dance or the lOSt Mid-winters J . B. Broome, Sigma Alpha Ep- 1\nd heavyweight, Hulhes. many other nne teams who wUl Jn~J l\ 1crcptlon was held In hono1 ~ cellon ot the rounLJ'Y Another tlna.Jly a technical knockout be- Is scheduled for saturday evenlnll sllon. defeated J . M. SChuchart, The next meet. tor the Generals be here to take part In the tour­ of Pt·csidl'nt Qlltl Ml Onlnt>S. ro1·e the nrat round was hall over. at g· o Phi Kappa Psi, 21 to 1~ . 21 to 9. wUI be the Southtm Conference nament besides thoSE~ ll!.tPd abovt' WPdnc'idny noon Doc'lor Galnc. !Ntlut r or the cvt>nlng wlll be 3 Munagrr Wnlton '~; repctltton of The captain Is lhe only man who · · ResuJts In lhe third round champlonshiP3 which will be held Billy Gooch or Wlllla m nnd Mary !ipoke bt•fott· thc Htn.u·~ Club or will be lost to the team next year Music tor Ulf'&e aances will be hi!! "leap tor lilt•", whtl'l\ was one round played on Monday. at v. M. I. March 8 and 7. will be t.he head official, the others Wn"hlnaton on " 0 ·ot ~(' Wash­ by graduaLlon. Sloshbera has f\lrnlsbcd hy Jimmy Oreen and Mitchell. Tourist Inn. defeated --o--- not having been chosen as yet. uwt(Jn : Educntor ." of the 11ensallon" ot io'lt yeaJ·'s been very successful In hla box- his orchestra This orchestra hn11 catnlvnl E. J . Wilson. Kappa Alpha 21 to lfoepltal Notleea There will be a luncheon on Prcsillcnl Oltll\1'!1 Wll:t fliCSl or Ina career at w ashington and proven very POPUlar through Ill 2. 21 to 3. The number of students con- Friday, March 6 for the coarhes honor nt n bnnquet (llien by thl' Tlw WMhln~eton and Lee swim­ min wnm nnnf'xrd lht> stale Lee. loslna only one ttabt durlnll broadcasts from SChnectady, C. A. Bowes. Alpha Tau Omega. rtned to the hospital Ia unusually nnd the tournament. committee. WMhlnQton Alumni or tht' unt­ the prnsent season. New York. and Is now on a. tour utlr• I hlR yt>nl, nnd wem throurh defeated L. Powell. Phi Kappa large at the present time because Co.ptaJn Dick SmJth Is In chal'iC \'l't6HY hrld on Wf'chwsdny even­ In the 135 lb. class, srutowltz of the SouU1em states. SIRma, 21 lo 7, 21 to 11. of the recent prevalence or arlppe. or the nrran(J'ements. Ina nl lhl' Wnrdmun Park hotl'l nn uudrfE>at!'t.l srnson The Oet\· put on a eluaglna exhibition wlth --o F. '1\ Drendy, Altl hl\ Chi Rho. The !ollowlna students are con- --o- Mr. Wndo H. l"':llls. fonnt•J asl!ls l'l'lll:, Rl>rwor 011 one of lhr strong­ c.~t rcml( ndoM for lhc Southem l semon or Maryland to win tho Under an Inventory Just mndo. dcrcnU>d M Leibowitz. Tourt11t f\ned : Rlrhard AR if', Edward Hill. NOTICE It\ Ill Altollll Y·Gt'lld'Q I. \)1'\'Ji ldecl C1on'lhlp. decision at the end of thre.- Harvard University will rrrelve Inn. 21 to 10. 17 lO 21. 21 to 14 BIUC!t a tovnll w. 0 . LtfTt'll, w. ns lon~tma~lt•r. Spet•('hes \\'etl.' rounds. The Generals 14~ paund- f2.000.000 more thn.n had betn W. White:. Phi Gumma Delta. ID . Gunter. Rk hurd Ullll, w c Candidates for mnnaaer or root­ dl'IIHrNl lw!OI'I' the ouc hundr\'<1 -- -o-- er. McKlnnty, put on the battl(l expected by tlle wtU or the lntc dereat.ed R A. n crmft. Alpha Tau I Thomas. Charlr, Duncan, A c. '>all ure a11ked to report to the alumnl und wuest · bY Conlilll'li.li· I'. f'llt'h nrtl ~tz; under the nae of toyal or the evenlna with Keen- Stuarl Wyeth, clwmktll mnnu• Omewa. 21 t.o 12. 12 lO 21. 21 to 13. Schultz J . J Wetirnan. AIIJNt IT ..c . urc room or t) J gym. ' .&.'l.Pll- nmn Han y 'l't~ckt•t· nnd Doctor 15 1u t to hold nn annun I solon. tConttnued on Pourth P&cel l facLurcr. teontlnued on Fourth PB¥e> I Rudnick. nnd J 9 . MlllfN" dni arternoon ~~~ 4 o'rloclt. Ou.tn<''> lnct•ot din" lo plo111s und11r wny , I •

in g...... ~..... t+" ...... l IDqr 11\ing-tum Jqi The actual lllechanics are nol the only thing "hich make a comb~ned t·a~l more t:ntertainiug. In our cas~ we wi II probaul y increase om pres­ WASHINGTON AND LEE UNIVERSITY tig e· in the eyes ol a neighbor college. }'ur some J!!!~~~~~.~~~!! l ~:.~~!::!.~~=:. SEMI-WEEKLY Just bn. a.gln.e 1 P~ul Robeson, who has recently titllC we have had joint glee d ub recitals and il is f attained great prominence on the M e~nl]u Int.erfollt'lli&.Le p,.,... Aasoclation, St"~ or Vlr(llnla only lltllttntl that we should ha¥e joint dramatic · 1 concert stage as the "greatest Subscrlllllon $8.10 p.,r yur, In advauee living negro baritone" was once OfTICt:: AT UEI'ARTM ENT OF JOURNALISM productions where lhc COi nbined talents of boys termed by Walter Camp as the Enwed ot ~he Lexln¥lon. Vn.. Poat.,rtke u •eeond cJ ..• l·uHI girls show lll) to much bellcr advantage. lt mall m<er. l'ubtl~ h<'li ever y Tul'lldlly ond t' r ld ~t )' or lh~ < • ' ••greatest defensive end th at ever eolll!lllate year. Ed' I Chi r , D ,.. au r ,. . is alSO advantageOUS tO maintain a clOSC relation- trod t he gridiron ." He was also T elephont'tl: 1t<1r· n· e , • 12 ; ua 1ness man ,.e , 6v8 'I Editor ial RooD111,'204S •nd i! t4 S. sh ip with a girh;' college. The ad vertising helps voted the ideal college man by his John w. Barger, 31A .s_ EDITOR-IN-CHIEF a great deal. classmates. Harry Bum, 31 A BUSINESS MANAGER I Of course some readers will say, "If we arc lo Not long ago New York Univer- ha,·c joint dramatics, why Mt have joint musical slty was sued by a man who claimed that the University chim- EDITORIAL STAFF comeuies too?'' 1'he answer to these is that in 1 INVITES YOU TO INSPEC T TH!i N E WEST DEI'IILOP. neys turned his white poodle dog NliNTS / IV CLOTHES, 1/A TS. HABERDASHER)', S Hr:IS FOR ADVISORY nOARU a musical comedy half the enjoyment of the pro- 1 black in five minutes. The edi­ c. F. Ashworth. '31 MA ; U. J . Wllk in~ou. '81L: J . B. Crane. COLLEGE WEAR. NO OBLIG ATIO/II ON YOU/I PART. ·nA: w. 0 . 'l'homaa, '3JC: A. J . U!ibowlt1. '&lA. duction comes from the Rulusiog antics of boys J tor or the New Yorker went him one better by saying that he has MANAGING F.DlTOR Itr yi1.1g to be chorus girls. While in a drama s uch AT C. E. Alh>n, Jr.. '82A had puffed wheat turn to grape ASSISTANT P.Ul'I'O tt I a thmg detracts from the pmpose o f the play and nut-s in four minutes in the same Jibac!bley Showroom u. G. Prh·•·· a2A I the anthM wlto wrote it. The value oi producin g- district. Tueeday and Wedneaday AS!:iiSTANT MANA<.:tNu l·:orrons ...... 1 · ·I 1 . . H A Lamar 33A W, W. Hnwkln11, Jr., SS A Jl 1U) S \\ 1IOSC ca:,ts ( 0 llOt ltlC lt( C W001t:n was •'ebruary Zttb and Z5'b J • S • Snyder' 33A Sport.s Editor 1 J · f II ' \'1 · · t · LJ I According to one of the deans Harry Klll&er, Bep. 1: W. CloptC::n E~~hanae Editor S 10\Vtl t liS a . v 1en It IS 110 poStS C to laVC at the 'University of Nebraska, J . A. CoJJ!'y . · Un,vcrsity Editor girls in the show il is 11111Ch better to •rive [)Ja vs love, dumbness, and faculty intel­ Blll'l'ORIAL ASSOCIAT!o:S ~> < J ••• H. Cunningham, 32A; J. IJ. Copeuhuver. 831\: R 'T. Ed· without them. ligence are the three reasons for wardl 8:1A; L. .M . 1.-ee, 38A ; J . A. Colli10n, :S I A ; freshmen flunking out of college. ' o. o. ·rhomp,.un. &sA. The average director in prep school or collef!C DESK STAF ~' c. c. Collier, w u. F'r~1 ne 1». L. B n•. ,~. Jr.. c. u. Nunre, throughnttt the country is today payin~ more and L BRENDEL 1 "Just Imagine'' A distinct blow was dealt the M. ~·. J>elf cc11tcred and aribtO· having failed; St. Louis, after a month o( Heel hour shorter . J There are several been shown In Lexington before Tolley's Toggery rood songs in the show among this winter. It Is a show which cratic life (If the typical fraterttity m:Ul. Each Cros:.· c;:utlpaign, still has not reached its $220.­ is loaded with wise cracks and 1s ~hem "Never SwaL a Fly" and "I THE COLLEGE MANS SHOP year freshmen clo this and each succeeding 000 quota, and Clay COLmty, Mo., doubles it ~ good if you like that kind of a .1m only the Words, You are the 111 W. Nelson Street Phone 164 sophomore dass is becoming more sci f centered I quota of $400 in two weeks; handless Chicago Melody." The story dialogue and show. The cast includes Eddie Quilan, James Gleason and Rob­ and more a.rbtocratic. I t.n~n who writes with pen uetween teeth goes. to 30ngs are by DeSylva, Brown . and +t+t++t++t+t..... +++++~ .. ~~~HH~~+f lienderson . "J ust Imagine" plays ert Armstrong. Wh~n frcslullc:u get their pin .... they take i£ (or 1 Jail for forgery. and Lunenburg (S. S.) artist. at the New T heatre Satur.day. granted that wlle~<: li i c i rn111 tHIW on will be one paralyzed. who pRints with urush between teeth, Vlenneae Nlrbta "Viennese Nights" is anotbe.r ••••••••• o f and c.·a~(·. They nul\ ha\'C a place to makes li,•iny from his pictures; rancher at !Jot­ The Last of the Duanes bliss one of these musical shows. It all take girls during danl·c :.et:.. '11tey ha\'e a cir- ley. Ore., Still ali\'e, pays preacher to deliver fun­ George O'Brien returns to the starts out when Vivienne serat. Lyric Saturday in the ·'Last of the the daughter of a Viennese co~­ de of close friends wllll will help them in their cral eulogy. and family at burial of Paris citizen Duanea." The picture was shown political aspirations. They lw.,·c been accepted listens to his voice on phonograph giving own blPr, is tricked into marriage with ne:re earlier In the season. It is Walter Pidgeon, a rich and titled as good men on the crunpus. sermon; John L. Duvall, ex-Mayor of Indianap- a. good old westem meller and ofllcer, while her heart Ia with McCRUM'S wodh seein&. if you l~e ~ and Ail the real u~c and value uf a fraternity has olis, hegins 30-day jail sentence six years after Alexander Gray whoae ambition this crl tlc doell, is to write great music. Tbua the been lost in the freshman's wild desire to join corrupt practices case entered courts, afld Crock­ picture starts out and wanders one and his cJi.,torted iclca:s fonued by picture cr ( ~fo.) yonth is sentenced to 40-year term J I The Baebelor Father through eight reels wlth lots of !> how ~ and novel". J lc has joined one IJecau!IC hours after he held up bank ; Riviera gives up "The Bache l~>r Father" Is taken music by Sigmund Romberr and The Student Hangout :rom t he play by Edward Childs Oscar Hammersteln, Jr. It tlnal­ I he would !Je a !.ociul outca.,t if he didn't. That roulette playing for poker, and Sidney Lc.uz re­ :a.rpen ter. The movie directors ly ends when Vivienne finds out and a few other selfish reasons arc the only c.x- porb bteamship card sharps have quit poker for have bu tcher~ up the orl.gl.nal that her grandaulhter falla 1n love cuses he can find for wearing a pin with Greek bridge: 18-year-old youth, known as "incorrigible play rather ba,dly but the original with the grandson of Alexander, letters on it. prisoner.'' sa,·es lives of 40 convicts in fire at was so good t hat the !Um version who in the picture reall.zea his Excellent Fountain Service still remains one of the better ambition of becoming a 8Teat We don't say that all of the new men are like Enid (Ok. ) jail, and Quincy ( lll.) youth, 18. pictures. An old English Lord writer of music. &IWG this, hut many uf them arc anti have been for known as hoy e\·angelist, gets 15 years for ston· decides thaL he needs company in --~-- bls old age and so gathers together Patronize advertlsera in the so loug a tiu1c til at f ratcrnit ic!. arc rapidly losing holdups. all of the children whom be had Ring-t um PhJ. !>ight (, ( thei r ideals as arc prultubly set forth in under the rose, as the English All Leading Magazines and Newspapen their ritua.ls. guaintly call it. He gets a rather odd colecUon-a boy from Ireland, A. A. IIAIUUI A change of attitude lly the fraternity, a ma­ a girl f rom Italy and another from SANDWIODI, CAIUCI, PIU jority of them at lca'tt, is needed. Dean San­ The Columaniac New York. Many amusing com­ aad OOLD DUNKS Prescription Service ders of Ohio \\'c!!lc:yan can say it much llcttcr plication'l follow. Much of the Free DeUYa? subtlety and humor of the orJ ~nal than we cnn. production have been supplanted 1Z9 S. lllala SL P1MM ItO Drugs and Sundries "There an• three thing.; the fraternity must do: A • tudent strolled into lhe post olTicc the other by Hollywood's Ideas of wha t a ------­ " I. It lllll'>t impro\ t: !>cholarship; that is why day and went up to the general delivery windo" Kood picture for the fans should n!'.k if was be. For lhose that saw the stare MYDI IIAitDWAU the f ralcrnity man is in collc:gc ; it is scholarship to there any mnil for him. The clerk production, the picture 18 ftat. ro. which lets us awreciate the good, beautiful, and asked his name. Marion Davies and Ralph florbea Gaaa the true. "~ever mind my name," said the collegian, give very creditable performances. Cu&leQ---...... "The Bachelor Father" plays at McCRUM'S "2. fl must chnmpiun thl· di-,tribution of social "it'll he on the envelope.'' 1U6 180'J the New Theatre for a mldnliht Eatablllhed Inconurat.ed justice. 'l'hc f ratemity relationship must broad­ • • • • show Sunday and Monday afte.r­ ~----~~--~~~~~ ..~~~~ .... ~~~++ ..... ++++•t~t~t~tHtHtH+•+t++~~~ en n tllan nud 111ake him 1110re !.)'lllpt'lf as grcatl·r than till' Ctllll'~l' it ccn'ics Lo he pnund hog which he had exhibited at local {airs the whole ls rather good ln the ('ducatiunal or a 1>.1rl uf the t:clncalional system. for three )'t'ars, charging ten cents a look. One It mcM IJC ll llhorclinatc· a part ol the t•ducntionnl day a salcsmau was driving by the Carmer's ltous<.• THEN BAKERY PALACE BARBER SOT TO furcc in itsl·lf, ln1t Jtr\cr lll'\C.'r the educational and !.lopped to sec the pr.izc hog he had heard For Breads and Cake• SHOP b) .,te1n it-.df !" lleau S:ttHlt•r-,, Ohio W ellll:yan. so lllllch nhuut. The f armcr led lhc way to tlw VOCE hug·huu:-c hut at the clt>Or lie !llopp<.•cl nucl said : '' lt has l,c·c.•u -.tticl tl~:ct tile ,\merican C<>lll'gc Phone 133 F irsl Class Service in a fratl!rntty i., thl' duM·o,t approximation to the Eng­ ''It'll cost you ten ccut, !'' lish cdtlcatiutial ')'l>tl'tll that ts knO\\-n."- Dcan 'J'hc salesman look a dime ou t of his pocket, Sanitary Way niggs. pa.,sC'tl it to the farmer without a word, nnd turn­ <.'cl hack towurtl his car. · CaldweU-Sites Co. Located in / COLLEGE DRAMATICS "\\'ail o tninutc,'' call(•clthc farmer, "ya' h'ain't BOAliOKE, VA. '-C.'1.'11 the pri te hog yet I" ROBERT B. LEE HOTEL Tlw :tluunutct•nu nt that a l'cullhlltt•d ta~ t u( "( >lt )t'" J have," rt'lorh•d the «alt•snmn ns he NOT e.xactly a ~~eeret J lulltns garh, and \\'a,flingtwt a111 l J.c.-e b(ly!. an· .... ltafu•cl inw lugh :uu.l tl mvc away. • •• but tht're'e ju1t tu pmdm·c Hat n \ "lluiHla\ ·• m•'l mtmth, which one thin dime left • •• appear... in th1., '''illt'. ~huuld t·n·nH• n ~rc:1t clircdors ~~ r~lt·s t lw phennn~enun called a. phptl'nl chang('. Low E•enlns Kloom? The Reaourct'• Sllldcnts and Ni&ht Rata :m .• 111 m mnkiu~ . 'l'l~t • agl of ,Jay~ wlwrc hoyll l llus phc:nomcnon l'i knCl:v.n, hy C\'Cr) one wlu) Ita" f'ul Soulnni'Wel'tl-td.-­ 1 ~ wok ~lrl\ parh allcl , in· n·r~.c hn-, pas-;t•tl, We Lo "tl:p . 111 11 •. n" wud. I he reaction. Lo .the test C'O LLEGE E•enlna Ratea phone home tonlsht. renwmhcr hack in IIUr prtp ~dwol dn} !'. when the of lllJ Xtn~ .nun wale;, and .yellow c.ltrt IS callc~~ ROCKBRIDGE Batw- T P. M. a.-4 You can re~t'rM lwroine was plav<'cl hy the he't Joking boy in I( p~cuclo - ch.l nucally) scrapmg off _the shoe. ANNUALS ...... cbnrgee, you u <:;, ...~ ..- .chool nnd tht· on~ who hurl the nicc.,l shapetllegs. ( I ut thaltn your test-tube anrl oak tt.) ~YN C H BU RG te.a.•, ••'- know. ENGRAV ING STEAM Everything went \\ell until tlw hwJinc made her • • • • Nlsht Rate-A C O MPANY Bat,_ I ,SO f'. M. sound - ('n tranc~ and th<'n in a dt'l'Jl \nice rtmnrked,"i\rc I \Vhat is Ihe tapping I hear r,..~· LAUNDRY •1044.ai A. M, THG CHiiSAPkAKii AND POTOMAC you ruy fa ther:" J ligh hn.lcd ~hucq 111:ult• walk That daily fnlls upon my ear ? ..... to- lower ULiiPHONiii COMPANY ~ ...... OF VIRGINIA tng dtfTicuH. aud ~k ill!. thllally cau .. cd a great ".\halt!" they say a'l they hurry al1mg I ~ 1 Inc. t.ll - ""-'~ ) d~al uf t•xc.·ih'tlll'lll and call., fro111 the h~Llcony Ju-.1 tl11• hoys in the Y rowu Jlla}ing Pin!{ ~~ ( ""'""""'~,. ''" /Nit./ ,....,.,.,... whc.·ll till' llc.tuillt' .,at down. \ Clllllllined l':C'o t will ( \w, r hate to say ll.) I ~ Phone 185 alsu l.w ublt· to produtc IIIOtt' t'caJt,ltl' lme mak I 1'11 1-: 1\JA NTAC. li · !H§ RING-TUM Pin PAGB THREB GENERAL GOSSIP I;Virgit_Ua Frosh ~ Georgia Keeps j •••··~·~~:;;·;~·;~~~"7,~+;~;··- :------~' l Agam Lose to First Position , MADE To MEAsuRE wash~:;: :::·X:~·~tators. Baby Generals in Conference I ~25.00 to $60.00 already state champlona, are aim- FRANK MORSE .....,• - :• tng for the Southern Conference Freahmen Team Functions ..,. championship meet which will be Loses Several Vanity Men l held at Atlanta March 27 and 28. Best of Season to Win b ut G 1ves' Kentucky First TAILOR +t :+ In order that there will be enouah by 34-10 Score + W H f Y A } • money to take all the members of I Defeat of Season I• AI i + e ave or our pprova + the team Cy Twombly Ia stagtna a teratiou and Repairs .;. t : benefit performance on March 4. Playing the best game of the :' 27 Wuhinaton St. · Phonea 572, 406 ; ~ ~ This ls similar to the one given Sl'f\SOO, the Washington and Lee The Southern Conference bas- ..,..,...... + last year freshmen basketball team easily kctball season ends next week_. I +...... Our New Sp' ring Line · downed the Virginia trosh at Some or the lower teams are mak 1 - lCharlottesville last Wednesday l ng a valiant effort to be one of If size means anything Wash- night, 32-10. the favored sixteen teams to par- I ~ ington and Lee will not mlss the The team work of the fresh· l llclpate In the tournament. The J J N b · f . J absence of Leigh Williams at cen- mc.>n functioned better than In lenders arc Intent on keeping their w s ;+ 1 erry 0 00 ter after February of next year any other game this senson and niPh percentages and enterin& the • ' • ew tore • en S .• very much. "VIc" Grlewank they bad Utue trouble In holding toumamenl. In the favored tll&hta ; + from LaPort.e, Indiana, baa Just VIrginia t.o five field goals during There ls not an undefeated team • enrolled In the unlveralty aa a the enUre game. At halt time the In the Conference. Georgia gaink- 1 5 10 d 2 5 C : La V • f p : freshman. Dlck Smith meuured score was 21-4 1n favor of Wash· ed the honors tor the past wee ' an ents : rger ariety 0 atterns Than the new pivot man from the state, lngton and Lee. Joey Sawyers In defeating the previously 1nvln- + [ where the legislature adjourns in MoSCO\tftcb and sauerbrun were clble Kentucky cagcrs, deposing : ver Shown Before order to see the hlrh school state i the outstanding players for the Kentucky nnd taklna the lead of + tournament, and found him to Blue and White and counted for the South. Georgia also scored Popular Priced Gifta and Noveltia now on sale. + stand 6 feet 7 Y.r Inches in height the most number or baskets. two other victories last week 1;~ i 1 and welahinr 220 pounds. Sawyers was hlgb point man. tot- 1 oerklns. lanky center of OeorJia, ' · Price 00 + allng 14 points. During the first along with several other varatty - ,, i• $2 5• + half the freshmen played. a fast. Bmen t thhave h been out or the game • +t+ttt+.. +•tttttt+tttttttttt+++~~~ •• ~~.... + , f "Chuck" Bowes and "Bob" Cha- game and only allowed VIrginia u C S arpshootlng Strickland ...... ,...... ,..... · " up pin played a hard fourht set of two field goals. This was due to hns kept Georgia In ftrst position COMPUMENTS OF ;+ : ~ handball before Bowea received the careful guarding of the Baby Alabama Is lodged In second ; the decision br wtnnlnr three out Qenerals. place. The Crimson Tide bas g or the 1lrlt tour ramee. Bowea' This marks the flltb stranlght lost the stellar center Hood, which Whitin. oJ·t Company ... •:• J M MEEKS greater stamlna was one of the victory for the freshmen. They ~reatly lessens her poaalbillty of ~ decldinr factors after Chapln bad have turned back Virginia twice, Irep eating her victory of last year • • gone through the tournament ell- Staunton Military Academy, Tho University of Maryland bas mtnatlng the tourney favorites. Fishburne MUltary school and Is uffered only one defeat. and Is ~ 1 07 N ) S W ''Chuck" kept Chapin running IGreenbriar Military Academy with holding on to third place 1n the tai-6L laia __ .J Jeff-- 5'--..&1 e son t., . Phone 295 from one side of the Court to the safe margins. Conference. Last week they de- ,~.. ... "'' -· u~ other durlnr the four rames. The next game scheduled 1s tented North Carolina and rained : Bowes had received the t1na1a by with v. P . I. this saturday nlgbt. revenge over the University of GREASING TIRE REPAIRING U.S. TIRES ~ + : (1vlng Prank BreadY a handball The freshmen will play a prelim· VIrginia. The Virginia score was CONOCO PROD •++++++++++-o-++·,..C·++++++•+++++++++++•+++++++••+++++ ' lesson while "Juke" Broome waa 1enary game t.o the varsity-V. P . 1 34-31: the same score that Vir- UCTS Chapin'sround. vlctlm to rain the ftnal aameThe. summary q-them.lnla had previously defeated •••••u•••••••• .. •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• t...... ,..+++++++++oo!•+++++++++++•++++++++++ W. and L. (32l o F Pls Washington and Lee won her Last year Gene Martin waa re- I Wilson. f ...... 1 o 2 rourullhl ~ t mlght victory, since the monstrated for makina lonr shots Wallis, r ...... o 1 1 lJCQr s t on or lhe lucky Jur. In Se.weyrs t e cat In~ VIrginia 20-18 This or, anHy shota at all for that mat- 9telnb,,:.. c...... 61 02 142 win put the Generals ahead of ter. e was told that he couldn't ~...... VI '" 1 make a bal!ket and not to wute Sauerbrun. g ...... 3 o o r • •n ~ In the Southern Confer- I a shot throwlna the ball at the Moscovltch, g ...... 2 3 7 ~~~e s nndJng for the ftrat tlme : loop. Wednesday nllht. after --- w:S~~~~~o~~~~d~u:u~ ~s And tO Yo f • d ~ S('l f . \l~FFER LI FETIME PENS havlna plnyed sensational baaket- Totals ...... 13 6 to P ce the ball for the past'few ramea Gene Virrtnta (10) 0 F P32ta 1 urnnmcnt. The Generala are ur nen 8 Swan Ettrnal Pllls and Colleg• Stat1'onery .. · ... ox f 0 now in a tie for elrht.h place 'With " pulledtioo nga theFrank wlnnlna Merrlwell goal '' wlthby , ....Brew' ers....· ...... f ...... 1 00 20 M1~t'3 isslppl. Both have ~00 nar.,.. W e a good assortment of W. ~ o r ri'l & Nu11nnlly Candies ah carry less than a minute to play aplnat Rosenblum, f ...... 1 0 2 cctTlhave1·aales. m I Beck c 1 0 2 e SCOt' ng honors for the ~ r ••n a. The ftniLI score was 20- ' ...... 0 1s & L• Dt·e • Stamped St t. M+++ *+"+ V18l . ~~ton. g ...... 2 0 4 t hec~~r~w~ a::te~~t ~~=~~t~~~~ d h F a 10nery . ••••<·-Go +++••_:::: •~++ <-._+_+_"_•_•__++_+_+_+_++_++++++___ e. g ...... 0 0 0 Iiams. Harr111 Cox, however. an t e oremost Popular Fountain +++++++++++++-Jo+-G-+·:·+-1 +<-++++~+++++++••·········· ••• Totals ...... 10 l'dge over Lelah ~~ :w:v~~;~~~a :~~.:e:~ 50 ~~\~~s~Uaht Pens, Sheaffer's, Parker's Water- Meet Your Friends al Prank Salley a fair wa.rnlna that ----o-- ' d C kJ • they wtn have to tmprove a rreat Golf Team Begins --o-- manS an On 10 deal 1n order to beat him 1n the Plaru of Practice Many Freshmen annual state meet. At th1l atqe Let Ua Serv Y of the aeaaon swart 111 putttna the For Comina Seaaon j Visit V· C. iAteJy e OU shot around 45 feet and laea'Yiq · • • Lexington Pool Co. the discus well over 130 feet. By I From the Interest shown since I John Moeby report.a that the v. Ric"e's Drug Store the time l.hat the rcrular outdoor the announcement of the organ!- C. ha.s been functlonin& more seQSOn berina BaUey and Stevens •.atlon of the golf team. ey briskly durlnr the put few weeka. will have somethinr to worry rwombley Is in hopes of putting IAI. the last meeting there were ~ about. , ut one of the strongest aggre- over fifteen freshmen present on OPPOSITE NEW THEATRE Equipment Unexcelled l&tiona ln the South. The first charges ranalnr from rrouneu to Incidentally thla ahoulc1 be the match Is with Duke at Durham. not speaking. However, there are best season that Salley baa ever on AprU 10, to be followed by a still many freshmen who are not ~~~~~~~~~~~=~=~~==.....==~ *~·~·~·~· ~~~·~~~~~~~~·~·~·~·~·~·~·~•:_•:_•:_+:_+:_•:_•:,:•:,:•:,:•:,:•:,:•~•::•::•::•::•~+~•~•~•:•:•:•:•~·~·~·~·~·~·~•;:; had with the discus. Laat year I1 match 'With North caroUna. WU· sent up who are very much 1n Frank changed his form In throw- uam and Mary is scheduled on need of a reminder that they are 101 the Greek platter and had to May 9 and Richmond Medical still freshmen. There are onlJ a think of each atep before letting College at a later date. The new few more meetings of the v. c. the discus 10. Thill year he wUI I Coral Gables University at Mlaml, before Easter and Mosby 1&11 that be to concentrate more on P'lorlda has wired Coach Twomb- he expects a rush at the lut obtatnlna rreater speed on the pl- ley for a match some time this meetings. He remlndll the upper­ vot. allowing the form to become 'IPrlnr. Whether the Generals will classmen to send uP any freatunan more or less. second nature. ' accept the offer is not yet decided. who violates any freshman rule At the meeting Thursday nlaht during the next few weeka. When "Dick" McMillan, preal- the plana for the season were [J dent of the Cotllllon club, and :umoune:ed. Coach Twombley has 1 "Red" Conway, president of the 1eeured permission for the team GLFT AND ART " 13" club, berln to arranae their to practice and hold matches al plana for the Easter dance. It the Stonewall Jackson course In SHOP wouldn't be a bad ldea to cbooee ~taunton three times a weelt. datea when a maJority of the stu- -..andidates for the U&m are to Robert E. Lee Hotel dent body wlll be around and not play seventy-two holes medal ? P. B. CLOTJIIU, after most of them have de~ play. the low six to be chosen I • for the hoUdays. .Alain a Satur- for the team...... Deoen&er day nlaht "formal" 1n Lexlnaton 1 --o-- l'llANOII ILUIILTON Which is the larger of these alloWI you Just enouah time to put An experiment in "continued on your "Tex" and ruah to the education" 111 to be trted out ... two white squares i Don't MJLDam N. MQin dance in time to hear t.be orchea· I amonP' the alumnae of Barnard om c...... trust to your eyesight alone. tra play the initial atralna of Collell'-· ---o-- ''Home, Sweet Home." The Minnesota House of wep------­ With Peel Rivera and Ted Curtia reeentatlvea has repealed the performlna up to standard Coach Minnesota newspaper suppression Fletcher wUl have a weak point 1n I law, enacted In 1925. I laat year's track tearn materially strenrthened. Sandifer wu the JdeaJ Ba b Sb main POln~ aetter in the hlah jump r er Op laat aeuon, but the 1traln, with the other eventa. wu almoat too Next Door to Music Shop YOUR EYES MAY FOOL YOU much. With Rivera, Curt111. and Haplh Herma all vtelna for nrst "SLIM and MARKS" plact, Southern Conference oppo- sition will have to Jump a Utlle BUT hlaher thla year. -o--- .1. W. ZDOIDIUN The aovernment of BoUvta hu u.,toa, Vlrtlala tnken money from the budaet of red Optometrtat lla war department thla 1ear and added It to the budaet for edu· ~ te Optician YOUR TASTE tells the Truth/ calion - 0 Studenta In l.he maJority of American clUes are not allowed PLEASING SERVICE FarH From Lulnrton to form hlah IC hool fraternltlea, Rl1111 O!ll to W. & L Statl~oll accordlna to the Office or Edu­ t ;\( IIMII IIIN ltATI TO t·atlon, In New York. "The LJtUe Drur• W Ali lt INC:T()N 0 on Corntr Nul to K. M. W. c. A tarae rocket. deslaned by an $4.00 American aclentlat to reach the - - MILDER ... AND Moon. exploded atop Mount Re- l'nlo! tht Wffk· F.nd In the dOJ ta, near Milan, lt.aly, lnJurlnll Nation'• fapltol-2 Trhll BETTER TASTE COMB TO Oallr. three people. - ~ • 5.41 llrlatnl, T•nn u s nomebalce rPaUy h&l&ood ~&nd· KnoHIIIt, T• nn DUTCH Aoltn lllt. N. C', ~ THE Itt I harlutt•. N 1'. .. wlcha and h'lm't rallied the price k•on•lll• •·ta JU t f'lthtr, ht deuvcr1, phone 43 . .Ac1v. J•• t U t =-...... -. INN \fla,.l. I ll JACKION'll 01.11 G. Jacklon, Prop FOR A GOOD MEAL 'J11e Barber Sbop With ll coruclence lloomJ for Parenti, \il ltlna Oppoelte New Theatre Olrb aDd Cbaperontt N*-I&Nit !t-- PAGB FO UR THE RJNG.TI:JM PHI ·

New Machine Added Gaines Speaks to Alumni vus iTY TRACK scHEDuLE FLU EPIDEMIC DECREASES STUDENTS Frosh Boxers ! Discovered Book' To Joumalism Shop In Nine Cities The mild epidemic of in­ Meet• Your Frlencla a& the lab· Are Defeated \Reveals Lee As so~~~~~~me~~~re;~~~~ I~d~~ tluenza wWch has enveloped ·--- A new addition to the labora­ Lexington during the last Continued from pag& one W&J KJkbeD. . I Cocktail Expert D;k~a~~~;!~it:.·ti~rch 28, at tory of tbe Journalism depart­ week or two Is gradun.lly abat­ phis Commercial Appeal carried FOR GOOD BATI B G b I ment 1n the form of a pt:bbUng Ing. according to a statement a long editorial on the SChool and y reen rtar DISCO\'Cl'."., of "n" old volu·m e at I !Jnlverslt.yDurham. of Mat·yland, April or roughing machine has Just Crom Dr. White Thursday joined the alumni In welcoming -- . Fort Ringold. Rio Gt·ande City, 6, here. been installed. This new apparn- morning. He says that. whtle hlm to the city. ------~ Dixon, 1 J 5 lbs. and Seraphme, Texas reveals the fact that Gen- William and Mary, April 15, nt tus gives half tone cuts a soft the number of cases are de­ In his address ln Memphis Dr. appearance. It also corrects 135 Jbs. Win for leral Robert E. L~e was an expert W1111 amsburg. creasing, the Individual types Gaines described the University minor defects in cuts and gives are more Intense In serious­ as being "prlnijU'Uy cultural but ' at cocktails. MaJor Paul R. Davi- Penn Relay, April 25. Phlladel- a finished job dignity. Locals son, the officer who found the phla. ness. For this reason, Dr. allowing professional develop­ ___ volwne some years ago has recent- 'Unlversit.y of North Carolina, The machlne was obtained White cautions all students . to ment; conserving the tradition of 1 The Washington o.nd Lee fresh- ly mnde its content. public. April 27, here. • from the J. H. Schroter Company take prompt measures to re­ southern life but welcoming boys LYNCHBURG man boxing team lost. the match The book 1s a collection of re- University of Richmond, May of Atlantic, Ga.. It was set up medy even the slightest cold. from over the nation; seeldna to "Show Place ot Vtratnla" with Greenbxiar Military Aca- 1ceipts for concocting mixed al- 2, Richmond. immediately on its arrival ln There is still danger of con­ promote ambitions of the scholar, demy Monday by a score of five coholic drinks. Champagnes, State Meet. May 9. here. order to get out the mootly edi­ tracting flu and students tbe gentleman, tbe citizen." --NOW-- to two. The match was closer \vines, and brandies are mentioned --- tion of the bulletin, whlch Is 1 should not come in contact ----()- sent out to all prospective stu- with those stricken, according than the score Indicates as is along with oLher fluids. General Freshman Schedule A movement was begun this cuR·A BOW 1 dents. shown by the fact that four of Lee was nn officer aL Fort Ring- Staunton Military Academy, to Dr. Whlte. week by all Virginia school chll­ --o-· the bouts wenl lo Lhe extra round old before the Civil War. April 3, here. ren to attempt to secure enouah --ID- !01' the decision. Although Green· While on his way to the border William and Mary, April 15. Cotillion Club, White ERSKINE GIVES ADVICE money to buy Ferry Farm. Ferry ~~No Limit" briar won all these four, the de- with a troop of calvary, Davison I there. Friars Plan Insignia TO WOULD-BE WRITERS Farm is the boyhood home of cislons were very close. stopped to explore lhe ruins of the Greenbriar. April 25, there. oeorgfL.Washinlton. The farm Is wttb Dixon Generals l 15 poi.Ulder. nistonc old fort. 1 Richmond. May 2, there. located on the banks o! the Rap­ NORMAN FOSTER outboxed his man to win by a It was while exploring the an- state Meet. Ma.y 9, here. Designs have been received tn "Few good novels are produc- pah~ock River in Strafford STUART ERWIN clear margin. This mal.ch look- clenl barracks and warehouses the res~ctive organizations for ed by writers under the age or county. HARRY GREEN k ect than a Cotillion Club keys and White 40," Prof. John Erskine, author ed more Ilke a t rae m It hat he round a supply room with Boxers D efeat IFriar pins. Dink McMillan, pre- Tradition has lt that the Cherry fight. both fighters pulling UP a an int.enor eight feet shorter than M la d sldent of the Cotillion Club, says and president of the Julllard - Tree affair happened in this place. 3 Day1-8&ar&ID&' MeDdaJ strong defense. In Lhc next we~ht the exterior. on making an In- ary n 4 to 3 Ithat a design for o. key has been sic Foundation In New York, said If present plans work out, the Unlvenal'l VUIPire Drama Tucker put up a great fight vestlgat1on he found a false wall. ---- t to ln an Interview here. "I don't farm will be preserved as a nat­ with Essex of Greenbriar an: Breaking through he round stacks Cont.inued from page ~ne :n retu:n:a~~ct~~~r . t~~ ~ want to discourage youna writers, Ional shrine and dedicated to the uDracula" seemed to have the upper han · :>f loot. appurcnUy deposited there er of Maryland. Both fighters the Club to decide whether such but too often they are sucked dry "Youth of America." However. o.n extra round was de- JY u :;cbetntng supply officer. were strong o.nd heady, and fore- an Insignia is advisable. by their first success. Then they -o-- The Story ol &be S&roqea& creed and at its conclusion the Books and orders signed by Rob· ed !.he Judges lo ask !or the extra . go Into retreat in a closet with Thomas Ustick Walter, 67, Pauloa &he World Baa Bftl' bout was given LO Esse~. erl E. Lee mixed with ancient round. McKinney did good exe- The Whlte Friars have. sent in books and we hear no more of grandson of the architect by the Known seraphlne: local l35 pound army uniforms and weapons were cution with his left off the ropes several designs for a pm, but them." same name who designed and 3 Da)'l-8&ar&lq TbandaJ man. put his opponent Corcornn I round. One or the books, designed a style of fighting at whlch h~ have not as yet received them Erskine advises that every au­ built the dome and rlaht and left NANCY CARROLL to rount with 1~'> own distinctive Ias Lee's own, cont.alned copper excels. but at the last lost the from the Jeweler. These will have a lot to do besides wings of the U. S. Capitol, died wt&b method or fightmg and suceeded plate receipts for mixing drinks. fight to Keener by a decision. probably be returned and taken writing. Other work would fur­ recently at Newport News. PHILLIPS HOLMES in knocking his man orr his !eet, Davison turned the loot over to Pound outboxed a more powerful up by the next meet~g .according nish the writer material to write --ID- galnlng n technical knockout. anny authorities and most of it hitter In Mach ot Maryland. In to Bill Ed~nt. about," be said. Mlncher or the Generals team put I has been placed in museums. He the first two rounds Mach cover- I G a1s w· F In some good strokes for him- ltepl lbe book. ed up constantly so that Pound ener an rom In writing a novel, Erskine 10 Years at Your Stolen Heaven self ln the next fight. and seemed --- Theln P::.i was another flourish- rounds. IHudson. o ...... 2 0 4 See Our Samples ~ f Engravings tnq young naftonal that was 145 lbs. Keener, Md.. beat :Me- Manley, g ...... 0 0 0 Five Fraternity tounded on this campus in 1885. Kinney, w. and L., decision, 4 Tbomas, g ...... _...... 1 0 2 O.L. CONJIIKVIY, ...... Afler a <~omew hat active lile ln rounds. 1Ste inburg, g ...... 1 0 2 Houses Raided Virginia 1t ~inally disbanded, and 160 lbs. Pound, w. and L. beat --- j New Theatre I l he chapter here was taken into Mach, Md.. decision, 3 rouiuis. Totals ...... 8 2 18 - Delta Tau Delta. 175 lbs. Halloway, Md., beat Referee: Eberts. Bur. of the many fraternities Mundy, W. and L., tech K . 0 ., 1st ---o-- Fri. Night 11 At Michigan p. m· to startcd tn this perioo. we find round. A murder trial at Princeton, We Invite You Vilit seve1111 that have grown very Unlimited. Keenan. Md., beat IW . Va., was hea.rd over the air Saturday Feb. 21 All of the Houses Padlocked rapidly. Kappa Alpha, south- Bacon, W. and L., decision, 3 recently when it was broadcast EL BRENDEL For the Rest of the ern. was founded here during rounds. by a Bluefield radio station. It A. G. CURTIS & CO. po&t-•va.r days, and Alpha Tau ~ 1 was believed to have been the Year Omega and Sigma Nu. both found- Washington's Birthday Is Ifirst trial thus broadcast. ~~J~t Imagine" __ ed at v . M. 1.. have expanded to -·-- Five fraternity houses at the a very large extent. other col- Observed by America Sunday Midnight 1 .. RADIOS Univel·slty of Michigan ln which 1 leces ll'U\Y claim to be the mother -- I a)) liquor was found by dry raiders 'If fraternities. but there are few Contlnued from page one St RADIO RBPAIJUNG onew Monday Feb. 22 last week. have been ordered scrt10ns of the country that can stead of through the skylight. One SHORT WAVB md AUTO RADIOS MARION DAVIBS "padlocked" by university authot'· llay m ~r\! claim to real_ tradition or two of the more zealous have Jackson Phone 205 167 South Maia Street !ties unlll next Septembe1• 1. llnd h•story In conectlon with torn every shred of reverence I The order was made by the 1> Uch org.mlzntlons t.llan this sec- from the memory ot a great pat - ~ CAFE ~~Bachelor faculty comnullee on r.tudent. nt- tlon of the south In the past riot and have substituted brand- .... falt·s. Under the ruling, the rrn- few dt!cades. new cloaks of derogation and --o-- even blame and censure. Father" ternltles may reopen under "so- However, the fact that these Meals at All Hours cial probation" ror the 1931-32 Bowes Downs Chapin publications endure a short lite college year. but may have no so- To Win Toumey and receive scant attention once Special Ratea and Attention to Mon. Feb. 23 clal functions during lhat. year. wave novelty has subsided, OUR ot Student Boardera MominJ .how 10 •· m. A wamlng nlso wns Issued to Conllnued from page one proves that the average Amerl- JOB E. BROWN natlonal oft1cers of the fraternl- can is inclined to continue his 'h • it 11 • H. Gooch. Phi Kappa Psi, de- t1 es ~ a.. any more quor .s aependence on historical veracity ~~Maybe found at the houSes In l he !ulurc fNlled R. R. Porter. Alpha Chi nnd not to be deluded by fanciful Its February Reduction th I h rt Ill ell d Rho. 21 Lo 7. 21 to 15. 1 e r11 c a ers w be cnnc e R. S. Chapin. PI Kappa Phi, de- chicanery. Well may he s'"'":._... The White House oca y. rented w. Bowes. Alpha Tau debunkers may come and debunk- Love" The 79 students Involved in lhe Ome&a. 14 to 21 . 21 to 12, 21 to ll. ers may go. but true greatness raids. members or Thetn Delta J . M . Schuchart, Phi Knppa lives on forev('r. Restaurant Retum Enpaement Chi, Phi Della Theta, DelLa Kap- 1 Psi. defeated c. B. Taylor, Kappa ------­ SALE pa Epsilon. Kappa Sigma, nod Alpha, 2l to 7. 21 to 10. W. & L. Headquarters Tua. Wew. Feb. 24-25 Sigma Alpha Epsilon, have been J . B. Broome. Sigma Alpba Ep­ Lynchburg, Va. i ordered to tlnd othe•· rooming sllon. defeated R. J . Thrlft, Alpha I Page Meat Market ~~viennese Is now going on, at a great! y re­ houses nt once. I Chi Rho. 2 1 to 1. 21 to 16. Nelson Strfft Dinners, Chinese Dishes, It appeared lnle last wcc>k that -o- I duced Price. You can save no legal ncLion would be taken I Homrbnkt> really has good sand­ Phone 126-426 Theatre Parties, Foun­ Nights" against the 79. Thelt· C'ourt. >- j wichcs and hnlin't raised the price tai n brinks (were rude for love) penr·onccs M:hedulcd for the laL- 1.'lthcr. he delivers phone 43. Adv. I 1 •. money by buying now. te1· po.rl or the week were post- - poned ror two weeks. M. s. Mc.COY OAK BILL DAJII.Y Fathers or Lhe students. mnny uROCERY & MI:AT )!ARK]!lT of them prominent lawyers, nud Fruits and Vegetables •• Qual- ILyric Theatre j other alumni, de:scendcd on the iW Fresh Meats THE Lyons Tailoring Co. campus and declared they would Old vtnriniu. cured HAMS Grade ''A'' Milk fiaht. to a finish any rhargcs they LEXINGTON VA Saturday Feb· 21 consldet·cd unwatrantrd. These ' · DEUVERED TWICE I)Jt11.Y GEO. O'BRIEN men wete particularly aroused Mayflower over suggestion or chn•·acs against -··············································~~ students ~ho wrrc found asleep uLast of the In lheir 1·ooms wht're no liquor INN wns round. Rapp Motor Co. Notice Duanes'' r-·· .._:··~·~::~eek ~t Slnte Represcnlnlh•e Frnnk P . 1 LEXINGTON, VIRGINIA Dnrin. chalrmnn ot lh(' Hou.'lf' II and ling \V reclcs a FOR ROOM AND MEALS university commiLtPe. demanded Alter J aa. 1. 1931, our te.rma &o Monday Feb. 23 ~ k_;~ or the lrgislnture an lnvestlanllon everybody IJ Thlr&J DaJI. EDDIE QUILLAN or the purpoN> behtnS· J'IIUN8 532 .Roekbrldre Motor Co. Inc. Saturday and Sun­ WALLACE BEBRY I . ..· ,.' ~; :;. :<' slble publicity," he snld. 1"~.. . John Gilbert ~r~ Seven Sprinf S!yles 0 - day Evenings from Leila Hyams S. C. T ind Appointed to 7 b h I ~ National H eahh Council to 9 y t e HW F A ···t.n· ·· DUKE UNIVE RSITY ay or I B. c . Lind, B A.. ·oo. and donor School of Medicine 1 of the Lind Prize In Chemistry. 1 Durham, N.C. Southern Collegians Sailor" CKHOX Henri or tM 0<'PnrtmcnL o! ' Chemistry, Univel'lllty or Mlnne- On October 1. 1031 , carefully Peoples . Knox Hats sotn. hRII been appointed a mcm- srlccted nrst and third year I COMING ber of lhr nt>w Nalionall Advlsot·y atudl.'nts wilt be admitted. Ap­ Robert E. Lee -JOAN C RAWFORD- lienlth Council. crenlcd by net or plicntlons may be sent aL any National Bank Conrrcss to advl'it' lh1· Smaron lhnr 1~nd will be considered in 1 A " Roll of lfunnr" 1\ank Dining Room OenPrnl or the U 8 Publlr Ueullh 1 lltt• orde1• of receipt. Cata­ ~~Dance Fools NOW REDUCED IN PRICE &rvlrP on matters pt•Huluing to I loQut'a nnd ttJ)pllcallon torm11 ALEX TIIBLEN, Prop. the ht•nlth of lht' collllll y nl 1m1Y b<• otilu.lned from the I Dance" 11\I'Q<'. ------~ ~------' j ...... ~ 1._u_c_a'-'-----.. ----...J '------...J