News in General. Reported
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THE ATLAS Established June 5 th , 1885. Absorbed the Avalanche, Jan. 1st, 1890. DELTA, OHIO, FRIDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 14, 1890. VOL. 6. NO. 23. Minister to England, (Lincoln says he INDIVALITIES. | ' Hurled Into Eternity. T h e ' D e l t a A t l a s . has no intention of resigning, as lias been A BIGPAPER. News In General. reported. Minister Lincoln neve/ resigns. Parley Holt of B oiling Green spent On Wednesday morning word was re Sunday with friends in town, The Atlas the Biggest and Best Paper Entered at the Postofflee Delta, Ohio, as On Wednesday morning Lincoln Taylor ceived by his friends here that Wm. I second clasB matter. Jas. Eruce sold 64 head of nice hogs ! Harris, a »brakeman on the L. S. & M. S. for $1.00 in the County.- A BUSY WEEK IN A VERY BUSY while grading on the railroad drove too Monday to L. H. Taylor for $420 3(1. j lmd juat , ^ t bis„eathi near gtryker The close to a moving train. One ol his horses Issued ii vary Friday Morning,' COMMUNITY Circulation this Week, 2,000. was hit just in front of the left eye. Dr. Mrs. Chas Johnson of Swancreek fell remains arrived here on the' 9:18 morning $1.00 a year, In Advance. and broke an arm one day this week. *„ • , . , „ Carter of Toledo and Jno Holt took out J ; tram ana were taken to the home of his We mail this week, in round numbers HERE AND ELSEWHERE, Mrs. Wm. Geyser of Swanton was in . father-in law, Wm. Lewis, about 2x3 inches of bone and sewed tbe town yesterday, calling on old friends. The tmm 0Q which be wa8 brnking was 2,000 copies of the A t l a s , five hundred of THE PEOPLE’S COLUMN. Christmas is coming. wound up. The horse will get well. Which are samples and will be received by . Cornelius Trowbridge ol Morrison 111. j comiug east, and at about 4 o’clock in the our many friends in the surrounding Thanksgiving on the 27tli. Rev. Steiner lectnred on Sunday after arrived here on a visit, yesterday evening. | morning whc!l on]y a {cw mik,3 {l0m Special Bargains. country who have not yet had an oppor Only six more weeks of 1890. noon at the Presbyterian church to an au A. W. Taylor of Defiance was in town Stryker the engineer said he thought the dience of men only. His lecture was tunity to enroll their names as one of the Letter froji Bro. Jonathan Knause next Tuesday. His wife went to Defiance A t l a s . T his is i*ot "you certainly can save money by trad very interesting, consisting mostly of his train had broken in two, and Hacjjsxvas ar readers of the Wednesday. asked to go back and see. The trainjiad ing with us, Sargent Bros. & Sr.xton. week. life and experiences. He held no services a "boom edition,” but it is a eerjpinty an Col, J. II. Brigham left for Georgia parted and the rear section was following For wall paper call at Pratt Bros. It is well enough to prepare for a cokl in the evening and the members attended unadulterated reality. The circulation Monday, to attend the meeting of the at about 20 cars’ length behind. Oh ac winter. services at the M, E. and other churches. will be a permanent one, it has come, is THE CUPON is the atest Lay Down Natioual Grange. count ol the darkness'and a dense smoke here and to stay. The Atlas is the big You have a right to shoot quail until In this number of the A tla s will be Collar, at Longnecker’s. Prof. Barnes gave a reception to the from the engine Harris walked off the last gest, best, busiest and brightest local Dec. 15. foung a notice of land excursion rates on class of '91, Thursday evening, a very car. When the train arrived at Stryker newspaper in Fulton county, w ith a c ir 1 n g \ j n o we have the Combination If you don’t hear wedding bells pretty the B. & 0. railroad to points in Virginia. L u l l I C S Suits in Underwear. Ask pleasant time enjoyed by all. lie was missing and the train men went culation larger than any other and at only soon there is no truth in signs. The scenery along this road in the east is to see them. back to find him. The rear section of the $1. for one year. Sargent Bros. & Saxton. not excelled by that on any other road in Mrs. McClure, Mrs. Judge Cately, Sirs. Mr. Myfcrs will have fresh milk on sale train had ruh over him. On the right side We will mail 500 extra copies to our the country, and for courtesy and accom Will Cately and Mrs. Henry Gelzer were at Fowler’s candy kitchen every day. of the forehead the skull was crushed, one- friends from now to Jan. 1st, free of a n t e d few bushels Hickory Huts, modation the officers and train men on the callers at our oflice Wednesday. at w a k in g s . Tbe Camp-flre at Town Hall next Thurs leg was broken, a part of the fingers of charge and who, we hope, will note the w old B. & 0. certainly stand at the very Thos. Mowland returned Tuesday from day evening will be an enjoyable event. one hand had been cut off and.bruises ap many points of merit and h and us in their P O U L TR Y . Highest Prices paid head. a few days visit with friends at Shreve peared on his chest. One foot also was w iu Cash, for Live and Dressed Poul A large flock of wild geese crossed over subscription for this the people's paper. and Paint Valley, Holmes county. mashed. try and Game. c. W. Hatton. this place Tuesday morning going sonth. When Jules Verne wrote liis book You can find no bettor present than tho J. W. Schamp of southwest York ran in •‘Around the world in eight/ days,” it His funeral took placc yesterday from A t l a s to send to a son, daughter, or We have a very large stock of Wool Already the Democrats are casting just long enough Tuesday to receive our was thought to be the vagary of a diseased thp Disciple church, Rev. Bartlett of friend at some far away home, visiting Blankets. Sargent Bros. & Saxton. about for a speaker for the next congress. autograph attached to a rcccipt for one mind. But it is povv claimed that the Edgerton officiating, His remains were them each week laden with choice new s PORTSM EN wo ^re headquar Swanton will send her bad fellows to trip can be made in 38 days. Starting at year’s subscription. then taken to Keene cemetery for burial. items from every viciniiy. ters for the Lest make of Guns end Amu- the Toledo stoneyard to work off their Quebec, lo Vancouver by rail 801 miles W. L. Ilaubiel and wife of Toledo, and He leaves a wife and two children to nition. BRIGGS & GELZER. meanness. per hour, 4 days; Vancouver by steamer Wm. B. Brigham and wife and Mrs. L, C. J mourn ids untimely death. His age was WAUSEON SOCIETY NOTES. Notice that Hocltzei offers his to Viatlivostock 10 days and 18 hours; about 27 years, and he was an industrious For the Latest Styles, g o to Lyman of 'Plain well, Mich., were guests of Rev. Donnan is assisting at a revival in LONGNECKER'S. farm for sale. It is one of the best in the thence to St. Petersburg by rail 11 days Mrs. W. R. Huntington Thursday. and estimable young man, son of Geo. P. Fayette. township. and 11 hours, thence to London 2 days, Harris of Swancreek and nephew of Wm. A new lot of jewelry lust received at George Wood of Toledo, one of the Mrs, Col. A. B. Smith is visiting friends Pratts. Out in Dakota u In n the victorious party and 20 bortrs, thence to Quebec in G days, founders of Delta, spent Saturday and P. Cowan of Pike. He had only been on at Niles, O. holds a jollification, they call it a memori making 115 d lys aud 6 hours. Sunday with old friends here, and look the road about three months, and was W. B. Hagar has returned from his sum- Todd’s Improved Chester White Ilogs al service over the dear defeated. We are always pleased to have our ing over and talking of Della now and as braking at the time for Thos. Moreland mt’1 s travel*. For Sale, — who was taking a lay-off for a week. Mrs..T. F. Ham visited iu Toledo tho The next meeting of the W. C. T. U. friends from the country drop iu at our it used to be. X |iave a few choice breeders, of both About two or three months ago Mr. More first of the week. will be held with Mrs, D. E. Corbin on oflice when in town. Not that we have E. Gingery of Southeast Swancreek sexes, of Todd's Improved Chester White land had a lay-off for a few days, and the Mrs. J. M. and Mrs. M. Mattison w ere, hogs for sale. Come early if you want to Friday Nov. 21st, at 3 o’clock sharp.